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Hello my name is Cindy johanna jamaica garzon may rol is mother in

manchester has very cul ,two wis sn e que uan wen tu visit the manchester
caterron ,in is logini in di center the city indi wiquen randen ser in the lengol
disconvery center park, where uan meny a trachion en in was a lon fan and
de gastronomi es exelen espechialy may fivere teches chacho gamón
My name is Cindy johannna jamaica garzon , may rol in the family is dará
mother,a ain twenty six yerarv old,a lay di expiriens in the city manchester
vicaus ir the ciry wans lon fan chibongs in the poiment ,may ruting in the
city manchester is chequiada par fai fire ei hay a an marpropierati may
children escoll, a mey brans for han maygasten ,a Will get may children
redy . an they in the scoll an go comuniti park wen exersay ritin por uan hour
ar que hom prepar lanchen and the in respect hauswer in the niun nay go
the picant may chiildren a paica may is crem wi can hom may siurder lahs wi
rest uan hour in the children du homework it sixten cloop may jas vendo
ran shi children an the seven wi sende ser vituin eii fore and nay the clao wi
de vi in the wachin tv , an wiquens we try tu bi in the city nueve de city
My name is Cindy johanna jamaica garzon , my role as a mother ,in creas very
biuriful and happy filens for my sensay i am experiencie niu culchurs in a city
dirent from may .
Hay fil a bit og intrige and curiosid tu con the turions sains of
manchester,gastronomy and is beliens,from ther I will take the good and
contribute the positive part.
Hello, my name is Cindy Johanna Jamiaca Garzon, my role as a mother in
Manchester has been very cool, two weeks ago I went to visit the
Manchester Cathedral, it is located in the center of the city and the weekend
I was at in the Legoland discovery center park. where I ride many attraction
and it was a lot of fun and the gastronomy is execellent especially my
favorite dish Cheshire Gammon Steak.
My name is Cindy Johanna Jamaica Garzón, my role in the family is that of a
mother, I am 26 years old, I liked the experience in the city of Manchester
because it is a city with a lot of tumult and employment. My routine in the
city of Manchester is to get up at 5:30 a.m. I prepare to take my children to
school, I make breakfast for them and my husband, I will get my children
ready, I take them to school and I go to a community park with an exercise
routine for 1 hour I get home, prepare lunch and do the respective
housework and at noon I go to pick up my children I buy them an ice cream
we come home I serve them lunch we rest for 1 hour and the children do
homework at 6:00 my husband arrives he shares with the children and at 7
we serve the seine, between 8:30 and 9:00 we will be in bed watching tv, on
weekends we try to be in the city near the city.
Hello, I am Cindy Johanna Jamaica Garzon, my role is as a mother, it creates
very beautiful and happy feelings for me since I am experiencing new
cultures in a city different from mine, I feel a bit of intrigue and curiosity to
know the tourist sites of Manchester. gastronomy and its beliefs, from there I
will take the good and contribute the positive part.

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