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Choose the best answer to each question.

Questions 1 through 3 refer to the following talk.

(M) Next year, I will be taking biology. However, to be honest, I really don't want to
take biology. I used to enjoy biology, but next year I don't want to take because we
will have to dissect a worm, a frog, and mouse. Frankly, the thought of cutting open a
little frog or a mouse is pretty disgusting to me. I have neve even touched a mouse
before. I don't know if I can de it. I think that students should have the right to refus to
do animal experiments. I think we should be able to watch a video or look at pictures
in a book instead. It is not necessary to kill animals for our studies. Maybe I can
change my class from biology to geology. In geology, we study rocks. I don't mind
cutting open a rock.

Dissect (n) : mổ, giải phẫu , khảo sát, phân tích

Worm ( n ) : con giun

Mouse (n ) : con chuột ( nhỏ)

frog (n) : con ếch

a rat (n) : con chuột ( lớn trên 20 cm )

spider (n) : con nhện

1. What does the speaker NOT like about biology?

( Tác giả không thích gì ở môn sinh học? )

(A) Cutting open animals ( Mổ những động vật sống )

(B) Learning the names of animals ( Học tên động vật )

(C) Touching living things ( chạm vào vật sống )

(D) Working with worms and frogs ( làm việc với những con giun và ếch)

2. Why does the speaker think geology would be better?

(Tại sao người nói nghĩ môn địa lý sẽ tốt hơn?)

(A) Students work with rocks. ( Học sinh làm việc với đá )

(B) The book is easier. ( Sách này dễ hơn)

(C) The professor is nicer. ( Giáo sư tốt hơn )

(D) There are fewer experiments. ( Có ít thí nghiệm hơn )

3 What three animals will the student have to dissect?

( Sinh viên sẽ phải giải phẫu ba động vật nào ?)

(A) A worm , a spider, and a frog ( con giun , con nhện và con ếch)

(B) A worm, a frog, and a rat

(C) A mouse, a frog, and a worm ( Chuột (nhỏ), ếch và giun )

(D) A rat, a frog, and a worm

Questions 4 through 6 refer to the following talk.

(W) I have been teaching astronomy at a private university for almost 15 years. I have
always wanted to be an astronomer. Astronomers look at the stars and planets through
giant telescopes. Even when I was a child, I used to go outside at night to look at the
stars. I learned the names of the most important stars before I learned how to write.
The university where I work as an astronomy teacher has a giant telescope. It is inside
an observatory at the top of a small mountain near my university. Usually, I go there
on the weekends and watch the stars. Observatories with telescopes need to be in very
quiet dark places like mountains because the lights from the cities can make the stars
very hard to see. I get such a peaceful feeling when 1 look at the night sky.

Observe (v): quan sát

observatory : (n) đài quan sát

telescope (n) : kính thiên văn

hill (n) : đồi, dốc

4.What does the speaker do?

( Người nói làm gi?)

(A) She cleans the observatory

(B) She is a university student.

(C) She observes the telescopes ( Cô ấy quan sát những chiếc kính thiên văn)

(D) She teaches at a university.

5. Where is the university's telescope located?

( Kính thiên văn của trường đại học đặt ở đâu ?)

(A) Inside an observatory at the top of a small mountain

( Bên trong một đài quan sát ở trên đỉnh một ngọn núi nhỏ)

(B) Far from the university ( Cách xa trường học )

(C) Inside a mountain near the observatory

( Bên trong một ngọn núi gần đài quan sát )

(D) On a hill in the city

( Trên một ngọn đồi trong thành phố )

6. When does she visit the observatory?

( Khi nào cô ấy đến đài quan sát?)

(A) Almost every day ( Hầu như mỗi ngày )

(B) Twice a week ( Hai lần 1 tuần )

(C) On weekends ( Vào cuối tuần )

(D) Once a month

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