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Part 3 Special Conditions of Contract

control log showing the name & organization of the visitor, person visited
and the time in and out shall be maintained.


14.3.1. The Owner will not provide any telephone or other communications system
for use by the Contractor.

14.3.2. The Contractor shall only use communications systems, which have
received the prior approval of the Owner to avoid interference with users.


14.4.1. The Contractor shall furnish and maintain sanitary facilities including
0 chemical toilets for the use of all his personnel engaged in work under this

14.4.2. The Contractor shall comply with all regulations of agencies having
jurisdiction with respect to sanitation facilities.

14.4.3. The location and standard of any sanitation facilities provided by the
Contractor for his own use shall be subject to the approval of the Owner.

14.4.4. The Owner will not provide any medical or first aid facilities for the use of
the Contractor or his personnel.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the provision of all such facilities for
his Site staff. The facilities shall conform to the requirements of the
0 Government of the Republic of Indonesia regulations in force at the locality
of the Works.

14.4.5. The Contractor shall be responsible for the provision of his construction
water (for drinking and other construction purposes) and compressed air
services. The Contractor shall provide at his own cost the dematerialized
water for the testing and commissioning of all systems. The other details
shall be as per Part 4 - Technical Requirements.

14.4.6. The Contractor shall be responsible for the provision and maintenance of
any document reproduction facilities he may require at the Site.

14.4.7. The Contractor shall be responsible for the provision, maintenance and

Part3-40 Muara Karang CCPP (400-500 MW) t:; (/?,/

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Part 3 Special Conditions of Contract

operational safety of any construction elevators he may require at the Site.

14.4.8. The Owner will not provide any electricity for use during construction
(excluding during commissioning) and the Contractor will be responsible for
the provision, maintenance and operational safety of an electricity supply
system he may require at the Site.

14.4.9. Temporary construction power and lighting conductors shall be installed in

rigid conduit in areas where exposure of the conductors would present a
hazard to personnel working in the area. If the conductors are not installed
in rigid conduit, armored cable shall be used.

14.4.10. Temporary construction power and lighting circuits shall be field routed in
C) such a manner that they do not interfere with the construction activities of
others. Any circuit that does interfere with the construction activities of
others shall be removed and rerouted at the expense of the Contractor.

14.4.11. Except otherwise specified herein, temporary construction power and

lighting circuits furnished and installed by the Contractor shall be in
accordance with the requirements of "Peraturan Umum lnstalasi Listrik
Indonesia" and "Penerangan Buatan di Dalam Gedung Gedung" of latest
edition where applicable. Elsewhere installation shall comply with the
requirements of British Standard Code of Practice CP 1017.

14.4.12. All temporary construction power, construction water and supplementary

,o····. construction lighting facilities installed by the Contractor shall remain the
' property of the Contractor. When they are no longer required, the
Contractor shall at his own expense remove all such facilities belonging to
him and restore the area to its original condition.

15.1. The Contractor shall comply with all ordinances and regulations including,
but not limited to, national, provincial, municipal laws and Department of
Labour regulations that are in force in the locality of the Works and shall
comply with any instructions that may be from time to time issued by the
Owner or by the Owner's safety supervisor.

15.2. The Contractor shall supply protective headwear to all his employees

Part3-41 Muara Karang CCPP (400-500 MW)

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