""''""Illy: Secono

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or otller sec;untfl bes ..0 Clle«s. llCluctng Without lm!ll'..on llWd pariy c:hcd.

s clta M"
Co<!'OnliOl>I lltWJJot ctleds oct>trMMt
in "'"" ol lhe
eel byllM> Cor1lcnton n
secono endcner llle'80! hCorparalllft llQ'tea u be bound 10 11ie Balli! in case ol o- cmllonot ooon
presetllmenl, 11n1 111e Ccrpotl'.ion u guar.,,iot or ctr ol 1t.o
llOl\S ol third penoM, alla or -.i.111.ann ol U>e Corl'or1tJ«1 tor sucn amoun11as IM _z..., o".li' «•t
menllOned lte!e111 llllY deem lo be IO Ille best interesl ol lllld In lunhlnl!CO clttio bWnt$S of Ille CotporallOn, u I
.. IO """Ill-·.,...., USlg'l "' 0111-..anoumllor In ,,,_ ol,... Bank •nv OI ..HM!ta "' prooetl1el
ol "' Corpofalon,...t.tU... real 04' pe,_,.I uong.blo 01 lnlangoblo lnclu-olbul nol llm"ed to lhe lo4lowtng

Dncrlpllon of Coti.tenol I S.currty

H secunty IOI hid loans or aod4 e«.ommoda!JORS and lac.U.•""""' may be 1rq111od by lite Bank •nd under &UCh
term1 oondo!lons as may be IO'ff(I upon 1"1111 lhe Bink, and IOI Uiil l>UIJIOMI, TOAUTHORIZE ·
(_)ANY lWO
ol IM o!:C' 4!n ol 11\e Cotpar.i.,.,


ID negcllate ..0 IQfff IO IUCll llttmS •nd cond>l>Ol>S ol Sid mn(1)01 aCI& r.oonc1)1• "'•t
be -U!l9d
by IM Bink. ano lo arfecl 1. b OI amendments !heteol or N•olO ""1•11w SUCh ,_...,
anw.nd'l\entt or aupplements ••• \t\ 11\e n•ture ot new or st.e lrarlPC!IOl"ll, ana to sJgn. eoc:t.nP 11nd
deltVOl for
•nd In behalf ol "41 IJon, •" documenia, Plli>e•• 1nd deed• _,, ""'1 be r.qu"..i by lho Bin• In connecttOI\
""th uo<J loans "'c:r.01 ecoommodaton11nd 1ecunt)' •"""II•""'"''
Ind 10 .,,,mlO any..1u.m...i wll\ "'" Ban" ..,
..ma!ten •'fadlnil lht INIUCJ' Cll\' '" 11.1th Iha aUll!onl>ls orlMed e<ell' ·

'1lESot.VEO FURTHER 11\at lhe Corpo< Uon '*80y •11"9U end 10 UNIONeAN>< fol 8'1) •""

°"' .
el a"'°""ll ol money lhal may ,..,,. been
wrd>asad by ""' Sri unc..Chis
ed lhe 8r>k lo 11'4 Co<por llJO!l.1aotCUnlS tn lhe e.er.I '!\II 8f'V ol
.... dtshOroltd by the dtlr ...bln•sl_eol.

·R ESOLYEO, FINALLY 11111 "'• Corporation aha, ""''""Illy
11\0 hold !l'O .,.... lndiOf .•• dfte1o<s , "
otncara or t1pro1ent.1uves free and h1rmJes1 from any and •• hab4W•. d&m1. 1u111. c.tw1ge1 or •Wf'ftn\CS of
.....,.,.,,., nature•M"'G out of. in CCll'INCbon Wllh OI by Wtut ol the mpiemonla!""' ol a!\CI Ille Blnka ral l'IC& on

The f0teg01ng a<1d have net been allorltd, 1 iCl 'f 11or IT!Oltd and 11111!NI same are v. 1.
lotca -e!locl and bondino on i"8 Corporal.On -ll>al lhe Bink may roly on Nw r-..S un!Hs •""
ur>tJ notice "' wming la by in. lhfOUOh !he OlfiCle ol ll>e l'rftiOonl •n4 1,_ Cert. cte
..,,,.,•.,.... rnodd ,.pe11ong, o< re•JOlung tn• same II duly re<elYltd Sant
s Iam e""cu1rng lhllC.rtillceto IOI ..mitevor l•got.mll• P••- m1y Ul\<fc

IN WITH E&S WHEREOF, ,,....hel....UO set my t1ano .. .on '""----·day ol

Corponle Sectwt•ry

&UB5CRIB D AND SWORN lo bef0<e - lhht -- day ot ·

"' · alfiant e><hlblting to me talllOI Conwnur\•ty Tai CeruttC.D· No
,. uedO'I •• ------------

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