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Green Purchasing
---Table of Contents ---

1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 2

2. CSR Vision................................................................................................................................... 3

3. The Mazda Global Environmental Charter .................................................................................. 5

4. Requests to Our suppliers ........................................................................................................... 6

1) Compliance with Environmental Laws and Regulations.............................................................. 7

2) Establishment of Environmental Management System (EMS) ................................................... 8

3) Actions to Reduce Environmental Burden in Business ............................................................... 9

(i) Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan Development.................................................................. 9

(ii) Proposals of Design/Product/Service for Environment........................................................ 9

(iii) Proposals of Greenhouse Gas Reduction in Logistic Process............................................ 9

(iv) Preparations for Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).................................................................... 9

4) Control of Environmentally Hazardous Substances .................................................................. 10

(i) Data Input into International Material Data System (IMDS)............................................... 10

(ii) Compliance with MES MA 010 "Restricted Substances Management Standard"............. 10

5) Assignment and Registration of Environment Staff ....................................................................11

Appendix: “Environmental Management System Self-Assessment Chart”

1 | Mazda Green Purchasing Guideline

1. Introduction

Global warming is an issue of critical importance for the human race. Mazda recognizes that
environmental issues are one of the highest-priority area of CSR, and actively adopts initiatives to
promote a low-carbon, recycling-oriented society in harmony with nature. These efforts are reflected in
all our corporate activities, with the aim of achieving a sustainable society.

Mazda established the Mazda Global Environmental Charter as the basic policy for environmental
matters in the Mazda Group. The Group's environmental principle, namely, "The Mazda Group aims to
promote environmental protection and contributes to a better society while maintaining harmony with
nature in its business activities worldwide," as well as five guidelines, act as the basis of Mazda's
approach to the environment. The Company carries out corporate activities related to products,
technology, manufacturing, logistics, office operations, social contributions, and other areas in
consideration of the environment.

Mazda has been maintaining mutual cooperation with suppliers for environmental protection, and will
make further enhancement of these initiatives to promote environmental protection and fulfill corporate
social responsibility. We really appreciate your further understanding, support and cooperation.

Mazda Motor Corporation

Purchasing Division

Mazda Green Purchasing Guideline | 2

2. CSR Vision

―――――――― Corporate Vision ――――――――

Vision: To create new value, excite and delight our customers through
Corporate objectives the best automotive products and services.

Mission: With passion, pride and speed, we actively communicate

Roles and responsibilities with our customers to deliver insightful automotive
products and services that exceed their expectations.

Value: We value integrity, customer focus, creativity, and efficient

The values Mazda seeks to produce and nimble action, and respect highly motivated people
and team spirit. We positively support environmental matters,
safety and society. Guided by these values,
we provide superior rewards to all people associated with Mazda.

-The Seven Principles of the Mazda Way*

Integrity: We keep acting with integrity toward our customers, society
and our own work.
Basics / flawless execution: We devote ourselves to the basics, and make steady efforts in
a step by step fashion.
Continuous Kaizen We continue to improve with wisdom and ingenuity.
Challenger Spirit: We set a high goal, and keep challenging to achieve it.
Self-Initiative: We think and act with "self initiative".
Tomoiku We learn and teach each other for our mutual growth and
(mutual growth and success): success.
One Mazda: We think and act with the view of "Global" and "One Mazda".

“Mazda Way.” : In 2008, Mazda summarized seven basic principles and values handed down within the company over time and
defined these as the principles of the Mazda Way. These principles shared throughout the entire Mazda Group worldwide.

3 | Mazda Green Purchasing Guideline

2. CSR Vision

1) Basic Approach
Mazda aims to achieve its Corporate Vision* through the actions of each individual, based on
the Mazda Way. While striving to meet the requests and expectations of all of Mazda's
stakeholders, each employee pursues CSR initiatives in the course of their daily business
activities. In this way, Mazda contributes to the development of a sustainable society.

2) Six Areas Three Important Themes

Referencing the Charter of Corporate Behavior issued by the Japan Business Federation
(Nippon Keidanren), Mazda evaluates its CSR activities in the six areas of Environmental
Protection, Customer Satisfaction, Respect for People, Social Contributions, Compliance, and
Information Disclosure. Through our interaction with various stakeholders, we have further
designated three of these areas as important themes for special action because they are
particularly sought by society and Mazda is able to make a contribution.

- Environmental Protection: Along with being a pressing issue for humanity, this is the
highest priority issue for automakers

- Respect for People: The foundation of society, including the human resource
development that is the foundation of our corporate activities

- Social Contributions: Contributing to local communities as a good corporate citizen

“Corporate Vision” : In 1999, Mazda evolved its existing management philosophy into its current Corporate Vision.
Comprising the three key elements of Vision (corporate objectives), Mission (corporate roles and responsibilities) and
Value (the values Mazda seeks to produce), this Corporate Vision defines the goals of the company and its employees,
their roles and responsibilities, and the sense of values we embrace in pursuit of our targets.

Mazda Green Purchasing Guideline | 4

3. The M{zd{ Global Environmental Charter

Mazda established the Mazda Global Environmental Charter as the basic policy for environmental
matters in the Mazda Group. Based on the environmental principle and five guidelines, the company
carried out corporate activities in consideration of environment.

Environmental Principles
The Mazda Group aims to promote environmental protection and contribute to a better society while maintaining
harmony with nature in its business activities worldwide.

・ We will contribute to society by creating environmentally friendly technologies and products.

・ We will use the Earth's resources and energy sparingly and never overlook environmental considerations
when conducting our business.
・ We will do our part to improve the environment by working with local communities and society.

Action Guidelines
1. Creation of Environmentally Sound Technologies and Products
We are committed to the task of creating clean technologies, including methods to achieve cleaner exhaust
emissions and reductions in CO2 emissions, and the development of clean-energy vehicles.
We will promote the creation of products that are environmentally friendly from planning and development
to manufacturing, use and recycling/disposal.

2. Corporate Activities in Consideration of Conserving Resources and Energy

We will actively promote resource-saving and recycling activities to conserve the Earth's limited resources.
We will strive to diversify energy sources and use them efficiently.
We will promote the appropriate disposal and recycling of end-of-life vehicles.

3. Corporate Activities in Pursuit of a Cleaner Environment

We will comply with environmental laws and regulations, and will also impose voluntary controls for higher
standards and implement self-regulated controls.
We will promote the development of new technologies and the introduction of new systems in our pursuit of
a cleaner environment.

4. Working with Business Partners to Create a Better Environment

We will actively provide our employees with education and information about environmental protection to
enhance their awareness of the global environment.
We will work in close cooperation with each other to achieve better environmental protection.

5. Creating a Better Environment in Cooperation with Local Communities and Society

We will work actively to understand and appreciate society's requirements for the environment and reflect
them in our business activities.
We will disclose and publicize environment-related technologies, systems and information.
We will not only conduct our own environmental activities, but will also actively participate in social activities
for the conservation of the environment.

(Established in 1992; revised in April 2005)

5 | Mazda Green Purchasing Guideline

4. Requests to Our suppliers

When the Mazda Group selects a supplier to work with, we will prioritize with certain criteria in line
with “Mazda Global Environment Charter”. In other words, we will source from those who
establish/implement environmental management systems. At the same time, we prioritize those who
address actions aggressively, such as countermeasures against global warming, recycling of natural
resources, natural environment protection, chemical substance management/reduction and promotion
of biodiversity.

In accordance with this philosophy, we will likely raise requests as you see below. In addition, Mazda
may confirm over time progress as to how each item has been carried out.

Subjected Parts installed in Product / Service be used in our

suppliers car company

Required Material/ Material/ Build/ Paper to be filed Due date

items Parts Indirect Indirect Die Mainte- Logistic
Materials Materials nance

Compliance with
1) Environmental Laws X X X X X X ― ―
and Regulations

Establishment of
Date input to "Certification
EMS (Report of Input at the time
2) X X X X X X Information" in MGN
ISO14001 of renewal
Supplier Data File

3) Actions to reduce environmental burden in business

Greenhouse Gas
Requested document by Responding a
(i) Reduction Plan X X X X X X
MC (Subjected suppliers) request from MC

Proposals of
Design/Product/ When it is
(ii) X X X X X X VE/VA proposal/quote Etc.
Service for developed

Proposals of
Greenhouse Gas When it is
(iii) X X X X X X Logistic related documents
Reduction in developed
Logistic Process

Preparations for Requested document by us Responding a

(iv) X X - - - -
LCA (Subjected suppliers) request from MC

4) Control of Environmentally Hazardous Substances

Data input to IMDS
Data input into Responding a
(i) X X - - - - (Subjected suppliers for
IMDS request from MC
Compliance with
MES MA 010
(ii) X X - - - - ― ―
Assignment and Date input to "Responsible
Input at the time
5) Registration of X X X X X X Person" in MGN Supplier
of renewal
Environment Staff Data File

Mazda Green Purchasing Guideline | 6

- 4. Requests to our suppliers -
1) Compliance with Environmental Laws and

The Mazda Group addresses compliance with regulations as one of the key pillars in CSR. Therefore
observance of environment related laws and regulations is the assumption to promote far-reaching
environmental activities. On the other hand, environment related regulations to be followed are getting
diversified and increased more than ever in tandem with globalization of the business.

We may ask all the suppliers who have a business transaction with the Mazda Group to comply with
laws and regulations in various countries/regions continuously in terms of several items such as;
pollution prevention & its successive monitoring of atmosphere/water/soil, reduction of contaminated
material, appropriate disposal of waste and development of recycling measures, an appropriate
management of banned chemical substance and understanding of its emission amount clearly for
reporting purpose. In the same token we would like to ask for suppliers’ continuous work with integrity,
while paying attention to the trend of regulatory amendments.

7 | Mazda Green Purchasing Guideline

- 4. Requests to our suppliers -
2) Establishment of Environmental Management
System (EMS)

Mazda has requested our major suppliers to acquire 3rd party certification such as ISO14001. In
order to manage systematically and improve environment protection on an going basis holistically, we
would like to ask your action in EMS establishment & management, centering around ISO14001. In
this context, let us ask you an additional support in cascading this mechanism to your suppliers in Tier
2 and lower, as same as you do in your company.

Report of ISO14001 certification acquirement

We would like to ask suppliers to acquire ISO14001 certificate and renewal of qualification
continuously as you did in the past. At the same time every time you acquire/renew the
certificate, please update ISO14001 status in certificate acquirement column in MGN*
Supplier Data File together with other certification related update.
Suppliers without ISO14001 are supposed to report whether or not you possesses 3rd party
certificate other than ISO14001. Then please implement “EMS (Environmental Management
System) Self-Assessment Chart”. In addition, it is requested to identify the plan to get
ISO14001 certification, if you have any. The assessment chart shall be submitted according
to an instruction from your buyer in order to get his/her assessment.

“MGN” : “Mazda Global supplier Network” = Communication sharing system between MC and our suppliers.

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- 4. Requests to our suppliers -
3) Actions to Reduce Environmental Burden in

The Mazda Group promotes business activities paying various attentions to the environment, such as
pollutant release reduction, saving resources/energy, environment protection of water/air, conservation
of biodiversity, sustainable use of natural resources, durability improvement, the 3Rs of waste
management and waste reduction in business operation. We would like to ask your support of our
activity, while understanding our intention.

(i) Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan Development

Let us show you the reduction target of greenhouse gas (CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6,
and etc.)*1, which will be generated during business operation at your end. In the hope of
meeting the target from us, please come up with the plan and implement it to reduce
environmental burden and green house gas. Sometimes we may check the progress against the
reduction plan. Please report your plan and its progress, when requested by MC.

Greenhouse gas reduction target*2 : More than 1% of reduction vs last year

(ii) Proposals of Design/Product/Service for Environment

Mazda will surely unfold business activities while saving resources/energy, and will materialize
environment friendly technology & product development successfully. We appreciate, if you
could aggressively propose environment technology/service and environment friendly
design/product that has been owned by your company.

(iii) Proposals of Greenhouse Gas Reduction in Logistic Process

Mazda considers that the most imminent task against global warming is to reduce every kind of
greenhouse gas not only from product manufacturing processes but also from business
operation. For further promotion of this approach, it would be appreciative if you can
aggressively address the activity, by coming up with proposals to related departments to
manage greenhouse gas emission amount when the products are delivered to MC, deletion or
streamlined packaging ideas, environment friendly packaging using recycled materials and
proposal to reduce greenhouse gas via improved logistic efficiency.

(iv) Preparations for Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

Mazda is striving to reduce the environmental load over the entire automobile life cycle,
evaluating environmental impact at each stage from the production process through to use by
the customer and disposal. To this end, we establish LCA implementation method & assessment,
which will be rolled out and used widely. Therefore suppliers who provide parts / materials /
sub-materials, are supposed to submit necessary data, when requested by MC regarding LCA.
Please cooperate with us.

“greenhouse gas” : CO2 = Carbon Dioxide, CH4 = Methane, N2O = Nitrous Oxide, HFCs = Hydrofuorocarbons,
PFCs = Perfluorocarbon, SF6 = Sulfur Hexafluoride
“Greenhouse gas reduction target” : Average reduction ratio of greenhouse gas generated during the process from
product manufacturing for MC to delivery to MC.

9 | Mazda Green Purchasing Guideline

- 4. Requests to our suppliers -
4) Control of Environmentally Hazardous

Environment burden materials are designated in regulations, such as Chemical Substance

Regulation in Japan*1, ELV*2 instruction in EU, REACH*3 regulation, self-imposed regulation by Japan
Automobile Manufacturing Association, Inc. and international standard GADSL*4. In line with
regulations above, Mazda appropriately collects/understands/manages data of contained hazardous
volume in material/parts sourced from suppliers. This activity will be continued in the future keeping
close contact with each supplier.

(i) Data input into International Material Data System (IMDS)*5

IMDS has been used by automakers including Mazda to grasp and control use of
environmentally hazardous substances used in automotive parts and materials. Enter relevant
data into IMDS by the specified due date when requested by Mazda.

(ii) Compliance with MES*6 MA 010 "Restricted Substances Management Standard"

Based on laws and regulations internally & externally, Mazda develops our exclusive
management standard MES MA010 “Restricted Substances Management Standard”. MES
specifies materials, such as “Prohibited”, “Prohibited with threshold” and “Monitoring required”,
therefore please follow the direction specified by the MES.

“Chemical Substance Regulation” : the Order for Enforcement of the Act on the Evaluation of Chemical Substances
and Regulation of Their Manufacture, etc.
“ELV regulation” : An instruction regarding hazardous materials from ELV = End-of-Life Vehicle
“REACH” : Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals.
EU instruction to obligate study/apply/register chemical materials for production/import purposes.
“GADSL” : Global Automotive Declarable Substance List = list of globally declared material in auto-industry.
“IMDS” : Please refer to MGN and IMDS HP ( for details.
“MES” : Mazda Engineering Standard

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- 4. Requests to our suppliers -
5) Assignment and Registration of Environment

Please assign and register “Environment Staff” in the column of the person in charge in MGN Supplier
Data File, who will be the contact window to promote joint environment conservation actions. When
registered staff changes, please update with new information progressively.
At the same time, the Mazda Group will never use registered information for the purpose other than
environment promotion activities carried out by us.

11 | Mazda Green Purchasing Guideline

Mazda Motor Corporation
Purchasing Division
July, 2010 revision

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