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Fetal Heart Monitoring

An official position
statement of the
Position The Role of the Nurse
he Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric Health care facilities should ensure RN staffing
Association of Women’s
Health, Obstetric and
Neonatal Nurses
T and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) asserts that
the availability of registered nurses (RNs) and
levels meet the changing needs and acuity
of the laboring woman and her fetus through-
Approved by the other health care professionals who are skilled in out the intrapartum period. Electronic fetal heart
AWHONN Board of fetal heart monitoring (FHM) techniques, including monitoring is not a substitute for appropri-
Directors, 1988;
revised 1992; auscultation and electronic fetal monitoring (EFM), ate professional nursing care and support of
reaffirmed 1994; is essential to maternal and fetal well-being dur- women in labor. Perinatal nurses are most of-
revised and re-titled ing antepartum care, labor, and birth. Fetal heart ten the primary health care professionals respon-
2000; revised and re-titled monitoring requires advanced assessment and sible for FHM. AWHONN’s Guidelines for Pro-
November 2008. Revised
and approved June 2015. clinical judgment skills and should not be dele- fessional Registered Nurse Staffing for Perinatal
gated to unlicensed assistive personnel or oth- Units (2010) outlines specific staffing recom-
AWHONN 2000 L Street,
NW, Suite 740, ers who do not possess the appropriate licensure, mendations for administering FHM. These guide-
Washington, DC 20036 education, and skills validation. A woman’s pref- lines, other relevant recommendations from pro-
(800) 673-8499 erences and clinical presentation should guide fessional associations and organizations, and
selection of FHM techniques with consideration state and federal regulations should be incorpo-
given to use of the least invasive methods. In gen- rated into FHM policies and procedures and unit
eral, the least invasive method of monitoring is operations.
preferred in order to promote physiologic labor
and birth. Labor is dynamic; therefore, considera- Registered nurses and other health care profes-
tion of maternal preferences and identification of sionals should use the standardized, descriptive
risk factors should occur upon admission to the terms of the National Institute of Child Health and
birth setting and should be ongoing throughout Human Development (NICHD) to communicate
labor. and document FHR characteristics (e.g., base-
line rate, variability, decelerations, and accelera-
tions) (Macones, Hankins, Spong, Hauth, & Moore,
2008). Effective communication and collaboration
Background among health care professionals is central to pro-
The intent of intrapartum fetal surveillance is to viding quality care and optimizing patient out-
assess uterine activity, fetal well-being, and the comes. Policies, procedures, protocols, and prac-
fetal heart rate (FHR) response to labor in order to tice guidelines that promote collegiality among
make appropriate, physiologically based clinical health care professionals should be used in ev-
decisions (Lyndon & Ali, 2015). Fetal heart mon- ery facility.
itoring includes initial and ongoing assessments
of the woman and fetus; utilization of monitor- It is within the scope of practice of the nurse to
ing techniques such as intermittent FHR ausculta- implement customary interventions in response
tion; palpation of uterine contractions; application to FHM data and clinical assessment. Interpro-
of fetal monitoring components; ongoing monitor- fessional policies should support the RN in mak-
ing and interpretation of FHM data; and provision ing decisions regarding fetal monitoring practice,
of clinical interventions as needed. Regardless of intervening independently when appropriate to
the setting in which it is used, each aspect of maternal and/or fetal condition, and identifying
FHM should be performed by a licensed, expe- appropriate mechanisms to use if there is a dif-
rienced, health care professional consistent with ference of opinion regarding the interpretation of
the scope of practice as defined by appropriate fetal monitoring data or the woman’s plan of care.
state regulations. These health care profession- These policies, used to safeguard the best inter-
als include RNs, certified nurse-midwives (CNMs), ests of the woman, her fetus, and all members of
certified midwives (CMs), other advanced prac- the health care team, should also clearly describe
tice nurses such as nurse practitioners and clin- the facility’s chain of resolution (also referred
ical nurse specialists, physicians, and physician to as chain of command) and adhere to state
assistants. regulations. 
C 2015 AWHONN, the Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses 683

Table 1: Recommendations for Assessment and Documentation of Fetal Status during Labor

When Using Intermittent Auscultationa,b

Second stage
Latent phase Latent phase Active phase (passive fetal Second stage
(<4 cm) (4-5 cm) (ࣙ6cm) descent) (active pushing)

Low-risk At least hourly Every 15–30 Every 15–30 Every 15 minutes Every 5–15
without minutes minutes minutes

Note. a Frequency of assessment should always take into consideration maternal-fetal condition and at times will need to occur more
often based on maternal-fetal clinical needs, for example a temporary or on-going change in maternal or fetal status.
Summary documentation is acceptable and individual hospital policy should be followed.

Frequency of Fetal Assessment care providers should use best clinical judgment
when deciding the method and frequency of fetal
during Labor surveillance. Suggested frequencies for surveil-
The following professional associations have sug-
lance during the latent phase of labor are provided
gested protocols for the frequency of assessment
in Tables 1 and 2.
of the FHR by auscultation and EFM to determine
fetal status during labor: AWHONN, American During the last decade, more evidence has
Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), American College emerged about normal labor progress and the in-
of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) (AAP fluence of assessment of labor progress based on
& ACOG, 2012), National Institute for Health and cervical status on route of birth. Previously held
Care Excellence (NICE) (2014), and the Society views about normal labor have been questioned,
of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada specifically the number of centimeters of cervical
(SOGC) (Liston, Sawchuck, Young, Society of dilation that constitutes the beginning of active la-
Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada, & bor. Based on the cumulative body of evidence
British Columbia Perinatal Health Program, 2007). about normal labor progress, 6 centimeters rather
The suggested frequencies are generally based than 4 centimeters dilation should be considered
on protocols reported in research clinical trials the beginning of the active phase of the first stage
in which investigators compared perinatal out- of labor. Using this and other criteria to define nor-
comes associated with FHR auscultation and EFM mal progression of labor and establish active labor
(Haverkamp et al., 1979; Haverkamp, Thomp- has the potential to minimize risk of primary, and
son, McFee, & Cetrulo 1976; Kelso et al., 1978; therefore subsequent, cesarean birth in healthy
Luthy et al., 1987; McDonald, Grant, Sheridan- low risk women (ACOG & Society for Maternal-
Pereira, Boylan, & Chalmers, 1985; Neldam et al., Fetal Medicine [SMFM], 2014; Spong, Berghella,
1986; Renou, Chang, Anderson, & Wood, 1976; Wenstrom, Mercer, & Saade, 2012).
Vintzileos et al., 1993). The range of frequency
of assessment using auscultation in these stud- Recently, the importance of these new data and
ies varied from every 15-30 minutes during the associated implications for clinical practice have
first stage of labor to every 5-15 minutes during been highlighted (ACOG & SMFM, 2014; Spong
the second stage of labor. In most studies, a 1:1 et al., 2012). AWHONN supports the new recom-
nurse to patient ratio was used for auscultation mendations, including the use of 6 centimeters di-
protocols. These classic studies included low risk lation to define the beginning of the active phase
and/or high risk patient populations. Specific di- of the first stage of labor, and has clarified sugges-
latation parameters for stages of labor generally tions for fetal assessment during labor in this con-
were not defined in these studies, with the excep- text (see Tables 1 and 2). In the absence of new
tion of Haverkamp et al. (1976) and Neldam et al. data on frequency of fetal assessment associated
(1986) who used 5 centimeters or greater as the with cervical dilation, AWHONN continues to rec-
definition of active labor. ommend increasing the frequency of fetal assess-
ment at 4 centimeters dilation. Because variation
To date, there have been no clinical trials in which exists in the original research protocols used to
investigators have examined fetal surveillance compare intermittent auscultation with continuous
methods and frequency during the latent phase EFM, clinicians should make decisions about the
of labor. Therefore, during this phase, health method and frequency of fetal assessment based

684 JOGNN, 44, 683-686; 2015. DOI: 10.1111/1552-6909.12743


Table 2: Recommendations for Assessment of Fetal Status during Labor

When Using Electronic Fetal Monitoringa , b

Second stage
Latent phase Active phase (passive fetal Second stage
Latent phase (<4 cm) (4-5 cm) (ࣙ6cm) descent) (active pushing)

Low-risk At least hourly Every Every Every 15 minutes Every 15 minutes

without 30 minutes 30 minutes

With oxytocin Every 15 minutes with Every Every Every 15 minutes Every 5 minutes
or risk oxytocin; every 15 minutes 15 minutes
factors 30 minutes without
Note. Frequency of assessment should always take into consideration maternal-fetal condition and at times will need to occur more
often based on maternal-fetal clinical needs, for example a temporary or on-going change in maternal or fetal status.
Summary documentation is acceptable and individual hospital policy should be followed.

on evaluation of factors, including the woman’s cility and described within policies, procedures,
preferences and response to labor, the phase and guidelines. This documentation policy should
and stage of labor, assessment of maternal-fetal be based on state guidelines as well as those of
condition and risk factors, and facility rules and professional associations and regulatory and cer-
procedures. tifying bodies. Each institution should also deter-
mine policies and procedures regarding mainte-
Documentation nance, storage, archiving, and retrieval of all forms
Clinical information about the mother and fetus of FHM records and the parameters of maintain-
should be documented throughout the course ing the EFM tracing as part of the medical record
of labor. The nature of documentation, including when used.
style, format, and frequency interval, should be
clearly delineated in each institution. Documen- AWHONN supports development of interprofes-
tation should occur concurrent with assessment sional institutional policies, procedures, and pro-
when using intermittent auscultation, as there is tocols that outline responsibility for ongoing FHM
no other record of FHM data in this situation. Doc- documentation. Documentation should contain
umentation does not necessarily need to occur streamlined, factual, and objective information
at the same intervals as assessment when using and should include but should not be limited to
continuous EFM because FHM data are recorded the following:
in the tracing. For example, while evaluation of the
FHR may be occurring every 15 minutes with EFM, r A systematic admission assessment of the
a summary note including findings of fetal status woman and fetus;
may be documented in the medical record less r Ongoing assessments of the woman and fetus
frequently. However, it is important that the doc- including FHR and uterine activity data;
umentation reflects the frequency of assessment r Interventions provided and evaluation of
and the interpretation of FHM findings. During in- responses;
duction or augmentation of labor with oxytocin, the r Communication with the woman and her family
FHR should be evaluated and documented be- or primary support person;
fore each dose increase and following each dose r Communication with providers; and
decrease. Summary documentation of fetal sta- r Communication within the chain of resolution.
tus approximately every 30 minutes that indicates
continuous nursing bedside attendance and eval- After documentation of characteristics of the FHR
uation is sufficient when a woman is in the ac- tracing such as baseline rate, variability, and pres-
tive pushing phase of the second stage of labor ence or absence of accelerations and deceler-
(Simpson, 2014). ations, some clinicians elect to include further
interpretation by noting the FHR category: nor-
AWHONN supports use of summary documenta- mal (category I), indeterminate (category II), or
tion at intervals established by the individual fa- abnormal (category III). Documentation of FHR

JOGNN 2015; Vol. 44, Issue 5 685


category is generally considered optional, how- Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses. (2010).
ever, clinicians should follow institutional policies Guidelines for professional registered nurse staffing for perinatal
units. Washington, DC: Author.
for documentation of fetal status during labor.
Haverkamp, A., Orleans, M., Langendoerfer, S., McFee, J., Murphy, J.,
& Thompson, H. (1979). A controlled trial of the differential effects
of intrapartum fetal monitoring. American Journal of Obstetrics
Fetal Heart Monitoring Education & Gynecology, 134, 399–412.
Ongoing education and periodic competence val- Haverkamp, A., Thompson, H., McFee, J., & Certulo, C. (1976). The
idation for RNs and other health care professionals evaluation of continuous fetal heart rate monitoring in high-
risk pregnancy. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology,
who engage in FHM are recommended. Ideally,
125(3). 310–320.
attendance at such programs will be interprofes-
Kelso, I., Parsons, R., Lawrence, G., Arora, S., Edmonds, D., & Cooke, I.
sional. To prepare clinicians for use of ausculta- (1978). An assessment of continuous fetal heart rate monitoring
tion and EFM and the evaluation of uterine activ- in labor: A randomized trial. American Journal of Obstetrics &
ity, AWHONN urges that each facility establishes Gynecology, 131, 526–532.
and/or ensures the availability of educational pro- Liston, R., Sawchuck, D., Young, D., Society of Obstetricians and Gy-

grams for guided clinical experience, skills val- naecologists of Canada, & British Columbia Perinatal Health
Program. (2007). Fetal health surveillance: Antepartum and in-
idation, and ongoing competence assessment.
trapartum consensus guideline. Journal of Obstetrics and Gy-
AWHONN supports education that includes the
naecology Canada, 29(9 Suppl 4), S3–S56.
physiologic basis for interpretation of FHM data, Luthy, D. A., Shy, K. K., van Belle, G., Larson, E., Hughes, J., Benedetti,
implications for labor support, and interprofes- T., . . . Stenchever, M. (1987). A randomized trial of electronic fe-
sional communication strategies. tal monitoring in preterm labor. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 69(5),
Lyndon, A., & Ali, L. U. (2015). Fetal heart monitoring: princi-

Research Recommendations ples and practices (5th ed.). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt
AWHONN supports research focused on enhanc- Macones, G., Hankins, G., Spong, C., Hauth, J., & Moore, T. (2008)
ing the body of knowledge and best practices re- The 2008 National Institute of Child Health and Human De-
garding fetal assessment. Specifically, AWHONN velopment Workshop Report on Electronic Fetal Monitoring:
supports research concerning the following: Update on definition, interpretation, and research guidelines.
Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing, 37(5),

r Efficacy of FHM that includes standardized def-

McDonald, D., Grant, A., Sheridan-Pereira, M., Boylan, P., & Chalmers,
initions and FHM terminology; I. (1985). The Dublin randomized controlled trial of intrapartum
r Efficacy of interventions used in response to fetal heart rate monitoring. American Journal of Obstetrics &
Gynecology, 152, 524–539.
fetal monitoring findings;
r Effect of uterine activity on fetal oxygenation;
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. (2014). In-

r Efficacy of EFM related to neonatal outcomes;

trapartum care: Care of healthy women and their ba-

r Effect of EFM on a woman’s labor experience

bies during childbirth. London, UK: Author. Retrieved from
and outcomes; Neldam, S., Osler, M., Kern Hansen, P., Nim, J., Friis Smith, S., & Hertel,
r Effect of staffing on optimal patient outcomes J. (1986). Intrapartum fetal heart rate monitoring in a combined

related to fetal assessment and intervention; low- and high-risk population: A controlled clinical trial. European
r Identification of optimal information technology Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology,
23, 1–11.
applications; and
r Comparison of patient outcomes and quality in-
Renou, P., Chang, A., Anderson, I., & Wood, C. (1976). Controlled trial
of fetal intensive care. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gyne-
dicators when using auscultation and palpation cology, 126(4), 470–475.
versus EFM. Simpson, K. R. (2014). Perinatal patient safety and professional liability
issues. In K. R. Simpson & P. A. Creehan (Eds.), Perinatal nurs-
ing (4th ed., pp. 1–40). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams &
REFERENCES Spong, C. Y., Berghella, V., Wenstrom, K. D., Mercer, B. M., &
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists & Soci- Saade, G. R. (2012). Preventing the first cesarean delivery:
ety for Maternal-Fetal Medicine. (2014). Safe prevention of Summary of a joint Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Child
the primary cesarean delivery. Obstetric care consensus. Health and Human Development, Society for Maternal-Fetal
Washington, DC: American College of Obstetricians and Medicine, and American College of Obstetricians and Gynecol-
Gynecologists. Retrieved from ogists workshop. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 120(5), 1181–1193.
And-Publications/Obstetric-Care-Consensus-Series/Safe- doi: 10.1097/AOG.0b013e31828a82b5
Prevention-of-the-Primary-Cesarean-Delivery Vintzileos, A., Antsaklis, A., Varvarigos, I., Pasas, C., Sofatzis, I., &
American Academy of Pediatrics & American College of Obstetricians Montgomery, J. (1993). A randomized trial of intrapartum elec-
and Gynecologists. (2012). Guidelines for perinatal care (7th tronic fetal heart rate monitoring versus intermittent auscultation.
ed.). Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 81(6), 899–907.

686 JOGNN, 44, 683-686; 2015. DOI: 10.1111/1552-6909.12743

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