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CCMS Payroll

01. We changed to improve!

02. How does it work?
03. We are a team! : In our hands is to guarantee an excellent payment
04. AGENTS: Request Your Adjustments in CCMS

We changed to improve!

1. Transparency 2. Control

You are what matters Compliance with your

the most to us If you have any doubts,
check CCMS schedules warranties your
… and that is why we are payment
implementing the new
CCMS payroll process, to
guarantee your peace of
mind regarding your 3. Ease of Query 4. Trust and Precision

Go to CCMS There will be no errors in your

and be part of the change payment. Check on CCMS
01. We changed to improve!
02. How does it work?
03. We are a team! : In our hands is to guarantee an excellent payment
04. AGENTS: Request Your Adjustments in CCMS

How does it work?

This is how it works…

The register log in time is reported as payment when you are working

➢ Important Aspects :

• It is important that you comply with your shift.

• You must login on Avaya/Time Clock and you must disconnect
when you finish your shift.
• Remember that your break time is paid, and lunch time is not.
• Your Break time will be paid according to the scheduled hours,
the additional time you take will not be discounted, however the
control by Supervisors and Workforce will be done continuously
to guarantee the productivity of the operation.
• Follow-up will be done at all login times that you register outside
of your shift and will be controlled by the Operation .

01. We changed to improve!
02. How does it work?
03. We are a team! : In our hands is to guarantee an excellent payment
04. AGENTS: Request Your Adjustments in CCMS


Schedules Register your Previous day Report News To request Biweekly

Review Login Times review Adjustments payment

Escalate with Should it be

Schedule Log in on time, Accessing the Supervisor necessary to To compare
review from marking time CCMS to check any request TPpayroll vs.
CCMS of entry, exit, the connection inconvenience adjustments for CCMS and
breaks and time from TIME with the shifts CCMS, the report any
lunch option and login supervisor inconvenience
times should always
be informed

Schedules daily review
1 Daily Login to CCMS
• Enter your Username and Password
• Select the Preferred language
• Click on LOGIN to access..

If you do not have your

username or password,
inform your supervisor

Schedules daily review
1 From the Main Menu, look for the option TIME,(Hora in Spanish) Located in the lower part of CCMS.
▪ Click on the Time option that is located at the bottom of CCMS.
▪ Remember to check your schedules on a daily basis.


The CCMS Payroll process DOES NOT modify any of the process such as Permits, Holidays, Happy Work, and Extra Time. For this
reason, you must continue making this type of requests in advance. If there are any questions you should consult with your
supervisor . 9
Schedules daily review
Review and comply with the schedules displayed by CCMS, especially when you request changes with the required anticipation. Inform
2 your supervisor when these changes are not reflected in CCMS.

▪ Date: date on which you can click to access the detail of the day.
▪ Start / Pause: Scheduled start time and scheduled end time of your shift.
▪ Hours: Total time elapsed from the scheduled start time of the shift until its completion, including time worked, break time
and lunch time (non-payment)
▪ Break: Time for authorized unpaid leave
▪ Total: Scheduled Total Time (includes non-payment times such as lunch and unpaid leave)
▪ Work: Total Log Time, includes break and lunch time. Break: Total time of Auxiliary break registered.
▪ Adjustment Schedule: Total time of adjustments that have been approved by ACM

In this window you will see

scheduled times, login times,
time settings, but it will NOT
show you how much time will
be paid.
Schedules daily review
Entering the TIME option (English) – Hora (Spanish).
2 By clicking on each date, you will have access to the detail of your
hours (scheduled, Worked, Infractions, Adherence, adjustment)

Click on the date on which

you want to obtain details.

Schedules daily review
By clicking on each date, you can access the detail of each day.
Planning: "GRAY BAR" This bar will show you the scheduled shift you must complete .
Switch: "BLUE BAR" It will be updated expired day and it will show you the exact logging registered.
Exemption: "SALMON BAR" Time for unpaid licenses
Adjustment Schedule: "GREEN BAR" Approved time adjustments / Time Payment
Possible Infraction: Orange/Yellow Color bars, indicate differences between the schedule and the worked time

• Remember to
check your
schedules on la
daily basis,
especially when
you Request

Schedules daily review
This initial table will show the infractions you have.

• Type: Name of each infraction, you must take it into account to properly request your adjustments.
• Start date: Date of infraction.
• Start Time: Start time of the infraction.
• End Date: Date of infraction.
• End Time: End time of infraction.
• Total: Duration of infraction.
• Adjust Schedule: Click to request adjustments, Never use "Request Time Adjustment Reduction".

Schedules daily review
Ideal Scenario = Excellent Payment!
We hope you see this image every day when you check your payroll, Since this image shows an accurate payment for the
entire time worked.

If you comply with your schedule, and register your login properly in CCMS, you will not have to request adjustments

The scheduled time is correct

In this case, all worked
time will be reported,
since no infractions The Login Time is within the
were registered. No schedule
adjustment is necessary.
And there will be an
excellent payment!

No Adjustments needed

No infractions 14
Schedules daily review
Ideal Scenario = Excellent Payment!
We hope you see this image every day when you check your payroll, Since this image shows an accurate payment for the
entire time worked.

If you comply with your schedule, and register your login properly in CCMS, you will not have to request adjustments

The scheduled time is correct

In this case, all worked

time will be reported, The Login Time is within the
since no infractions schedule
were registered. No
adjustment is necessary.
And there will be an
excellent payment!

No Adjustments needed

No infractions
Schedules daily review
Lunch Times
Whenever you go to your LUNCH time remember to log out (if your schedule has the blank space. If not, select “Lunch”
state in Time Clock).
TIME TO PAY: 7.5 Hours
It is appropriate to request an adjustment ?: No. Infraction is registered for lunch time, but all the login time is paid

The scheduled time is correct

In this case all the

worked time will be The Login Time is within the
reported. Remember schedule
that Lunch, unlike breaks,
is not paid time on the
payroll. No adjustments
will be necessary. And
the Payment will be ok!

Schedules daily review
Day Off:
2 On your day off, time should not be registered in CCMS:

• Schedule: 0
• Login Time: 0
IS A TIME ADJUSTMENT REQUIRED ?: No adjustment should be requested if there is no schedule.

The Schedule time is correct.

Report with your supervisor in
advance if your day off is NOT There is no login time registered.
properly scheduled

Schedules daily review
When you register an unexcused absence, CCMS will show you the following.
TIME TO PAY: 0 Hours
IS A TME ADJUSTMENT REQUIRED?: Adjustment or exception must be loaded from CCMS to support the missed shift

Verify your schedule

1. When Your Absence is

unauthorized, you should
NOT request any type of No connection
2. If your Absence is
authorized, you must
submit the required
documentation as shown
Missed Shift Infraction
Schedules daily review
Paid Licenses - Vacation – Medical Leave.
2 This adjustment will be uploaded by HHRR or your Supervisor
TIME TO PAY:8 hours
IS AN ADJUSTMENT REQUIRED ?: Addition adjustments must be loaded to CCMS to support the absence.

Vacation time, medical leave, and paid leave of more than 3 days that have been previously approved will be uploaded to CCMS
by Personnel Administration and Payroll.

Schedule Time is correct

Always remember to
present the medical leave
Adjustment correctly
documents with the payroll
coordinators of the
operation. You must also
sign your vacation
paperwork and permits
over 3 days with HHRR. The infraction disappears
with the adjustment
Schedules daily review
Unpaid Licenses
2 When you are authorized to take an unpaid permit or license, an Exemption will be registered.
TIME TO PAY: 0 Hours

IS A TIME ADJUSTMENT REQUIRED ?: Does not apply for adjustments, since the adjustments are paid times, in this case
supervisors/HHRR load the Exemption Time.

Scheduled Time is correct

Unpaid Absence

1. Request your licenses with

the required anticipation,
if you do not know, check
with your supervisor.
Infraction disappears with the
Schedules daily review
Late Arrival
2 When you log in after your scheduled time you will see the following scenario:
TIME TO PAY: 8 Hours
IS A TIME ADJUSTMENT REQUIRED?: If you have technical issues, or any other disconnection, and the time should be paid.
You have to request a Time Adjustment, which will be approved by the ACCM.

Scheduled Time is correct

I'm late

1. Whenever it is
impossible for you to
login on time and feel
that you apply for a
payroll check with
your supervisor, if
applicable, apply to
1 Hour Infraction
the application.
Schedules daily review
Early Departure (Unauthorized)
2 When you log out before your schedule ends.
TIME TO PAY: 8 Hours
IS A TIME ADJUSTMENT REQUIRED?: If you have technical issues, or any other disconnection, and the
time should be paid. You have to request a Time Adjustment, which will be approved by the ACCM.

Scheduled Time is correct

Early Departure

Whenever you log off

before your schedule
ends, the remaining time
will not be reported as
payment, since it was not
1 hour infraction
Schedules daily review
2 When You do not log off correctly
When you leave without logging out from Avaya or Time Clock, it will look like this. Example:
TIME TO PAY: The whole connection
IS A TIME ADJUSTMENT REQUIRED?: Agents do NOT request reductions in CCMS. In this case, WFM will upload
the Time Adjustment Reduction

Schedule Time is correct

Does not logout from CCMS

Whenever you
finish your
shift, Log Out

Outside shift Infraction

Schedules daily review
Reduction Time
2 When you leave without logging out from Avaya or Time Clock, the Time Adjustment Reduction will be loaded, and it
will look like this
TIME TO PAY: 8 Hours

Schedule Time is correct

Does not logout in CCMS

Whenever you
finish your
shift, Log Out.

Reduction- Time will

not be reported for

Schedules daily review

2 Report immediately with your supervisor if you have problems with the
login times, since this puts the paid time at risk

Log in on Time Clock

Your Time Clock log
will be uploaded to
Check your Schedule CCMS so you can Validate your
Check your Schedule watch it Adjustments
with your supervisor if Check with your
it is not correct in supervisor every
CCMS adjustment you would
like to request

01. We changed to improve!
02. How does it work?
03. We are a team! : In our hands is to guarantee an excellent payment
04. AGENTS: Request Your Adjustments in CCMS

Request your adjustments in CCMS

If the answer to each of the following questions is affirmative, proceed to request adjustment:

1. The infraction was caused by direct responsibility of the company?

For example: System issues, lack of available positions etc.
2. Is the infraction within your scheduled time?
For example: The adjustments you request outside of your shift (outside the gray section) will not be paid,
since those are reductions.
3. The cause of this adjustment matches the categories registered in the two previous tables? For
example: only the categories registered in the previous tables are taken into account for payment.

¿ Only if the answer for the 3 previous questions is Affirmative = YES, you can
request your time adjustments

To request your adjustments from CCMS, keep in mind the next table that
will allow you to see the different situations where you can make your
requests. "This information will be available in CCMS communications"

Request your adjustments in CCMS

Request your adjustments in CCMS

Schedules daily review
When you go to request your adjustment:
1 1. Identify the name of the infraction you need to request as an adjustment
2. Look for this name in the "POSSIBLE INFRACTION" table at the top of the window.
3. Check how much time you are requesting to adjust
4. Click on the option "Request Time Adjustment Addition"

Only use the option

Request Time “Request Time Adjustment Addition”

Never use the option

“Request Time Adjustment Reduction”

Schedules daily review
When you go to request your adjustment:
1 1. Identify the name of the infraction you need to request as an adjustment
2. Look for this name in the "POSSIBLE INFRACTION" table at the top of the window.
3. Check how much time you are requesting to adjust
4. Click on the option "Request Time Adjustment Addition"

On Adjustment group there will be an

You only have to
automatically display Addition, in cases
modify the delimited
that is not it could be the session was
fields in the blue
opened incorrectly
section and indicated
by the pointers. Do
Select the adjustment category based on
not manually modify
the tables presented previously
the fields:
• Adjustment Group
• Start / End Date
and time Enter the support of your adjustment
• Billing Type request, being as specific as possible..
Schedules daily review
2 If you requested an adjustment And you still do not see the green bar in the detail of each day, and you
want to check the status of your request Or you want to see the history of your approved and denied
settings perform the following steps
1. From the Time Option, click on the option "Time adjustment"

DO NOT use the buttons that are enclosed in the red section
Schedules daily review
2 Click on the Blue Bar to display the options that we will show you next

From this window you should not request adjustments, therefore you should not use the
Request time adjustment button shown in the image
Schedules daily review
2 Click on the "SEARCH REQUESTS" check box to activate it And then click on the drop-down list called
"REQUEST STATUS" to search for a specific type of settings:

Finally click on Submit to access the historical record of your settings

You can select any

range of dates to
perform your
search, and even 34
filter them by
CCMS – Fixed Payroll

1. Every Infraction will be discounted, unless there is a Time Adjustment Addition to

support it.

2.We all are responsible for the Payroll, so the agents must verify their Time detail
information in CCMS daily, and make sure to request Time Adjustments when needed.
The ACCMs must verify and approve/reject the Time Adjustments requested by the

3. The Exemptions will be used to justify an infraction and to fix the

adherence/conformance metrics, but they will not imply additional discounts.


• Check your hours on a daily basis and request your adjustments

• If you upload an adjustment after the payroll period closes, this will be paid in the next fortnight. These
adjustments are known as “after fortnight” or “Post-quincenales”.

• With the CCMS Payroll Process, we seek to let you know every detail of your scheduled, worked and adhered
time so that you can check it in a simple way daily.

• You can request your adjustments in CCMS, only when the criteria described before are met and previously
consulting with your supervisor

• If you have doubts about the process, discuss it with your supervisor

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Thanks! @Teleperformance_group


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