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Paul’s Model High School

Summative Assessment Examination 2



Questions 1 to 7
Read the following passage carefully:
‘She was amazing’, said Nick. ‘She taught me how to surf and I was terrified at first, but once
I got up there it felt absolutely fantastic and I caught some waves pretty well.’ Nick quickly
learned how to do the 360 degrees spins on his board – a feat hat got him on the cover of
Surfer Magazine within 48 hours. ‘No one has ever done that in the history of surfing’, he
said. ‘but I have a very low center of gravity so I’ve got pretty good balance.’
He has visited different countries all over the world. The football fan is now a motivational
speaker and has travelled to over 24 countries speaking to groups of up to 110,000 people.
“If I fail. I try again, and again, and again. If you fall, are you going to try again? The human
spirit can handle much worse than we realize. It matters how you are going to finish. Are you
going to finish strong?” said Nick.
‘I tell people to keep on getting up when they fall and to always love themselves,’ he said.
‘If I can encourage just one person then my job in this life is done.’
1. Why did he choose learn surfing from Bethany Hamilton
a. Because she was the best coach.
b. Because Hawaii is the suitable place to learn surfing.
c. Because he hoped that she would make a good teacher with a deep
understanding because of her disability.
d. As he found her amazing.
2. The Surfer magazine published Nick’s feat on the cover page as ____________
a. It was a fantastic feat.
b. Nobody did it so easily.
c. Nobody achieved the feat till then.
d. Very few people had this credit.
3. The best reason for Nick’s success in the feat was ____________.
a. Nick had a knack for surfing.
b. Nick had the determination to do it.
c. Nick had the capacity to balance himself.
d. Nick had a low centre of gravity.
St. Paul’s Model High School

Summative Assessment Examination 2

4. The expression, “I tell people to keep on getting up when they fall and to always love
themselves” suggests that _____________
a. When one falls, one should get up immediately before others see.
b. We should love the person who falls down often.
c. Though one faces a defeat, one should continue to do one’s efforts.
d. We should always love ourselves although we fall down.

5. What is the similarity between and Nick and Bethany Hamilton? 3x2=6
6. What does Nick mean by saying, “Are you going to finish strong?”
7. What is Nick’s message to people?


Question 8 to 10 3x1=3
Read the following passage focusing on the parts that are underlined and numbered.
Many years ago in a small Indian village, a farmer had the misfortune of owing a large sum
of money to a village moneylender. (8) The moneylender was old and ugly, and he fancied
the farmer’s beautiful daughter. So he proposed a bargain. (9) He said, he would write off the
farmer’s debt if he could marry his daughter.(10) Both the farmer and his daughter were
horrified by the proposal, so the cunning moneylender suggested that they let providence
decide the matter.
Now complete the following sentences and write them in your answer booklet.
8. The moneylender, who _______________________________________
9. He said, “I _________________________________________________
10. The proposal _______________________________________________
Questions 11 to 14 4x½=2
Complete the passage choosing the right words from those given below. Each blank is
numbered and has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D). Choose the correct answer and write
(A), (B), (C) or (D) in your booklet.
The second longest river in the world is the Amazon, (11)_________ is 6450 kms long. If
you count (12) _______ tributaries and (13) _____ at the area it covers, the Amazon is the
(14)___________ river in the world.
11. (A) whose (B) whom (C) who (D) which
12. (A) all (B) none (C) one (D) many
13. (A) looked (B) looks (C) look (D) looking
14. (A) long (B) bigger (C) big (D) biggest
St. Paul’s Model High School

Summative Assessment Examination 2

Questions 15 to 20 6x1/2=3
Read the following passage and fill in the blanks choosing the correct words given in the
brackets. Write the answers in your answer booklet.
One day in early summer Squealer ordered the sheep (15)__________ (to follow/follow) him
to a piece of waste ground at the other end (16)__________(of/on) the farm. He was with
them (17)_________(lonely/alone) for a week. He told the other animals that he was teaching
them a new song for (18) ______ (which/where) privacy was needed. A week (19) _____
(latter/later) one day the animals were shocked to see a pig (20)______(walk/walking) on his
hind legs.

Questions 21 to 24 4x1/2=2
Complete the following passage with the right forms of words given in the brackets. Write the
answers in your answer booklet.
She decided to see the world before she set up her home. She spent the next five years
travelling to (21) _____ (differ) countries and took up small assignments to sustain her living.
She thought about her career (22)______(serious) while she worked in a home store in
America. As soon as she returned to her country, Amtul (23)_______(purchase) a small store
called ‘Your Store’. The store soon became popular. After Amtul set up a chain of stores,
many people applied for franchise with her. She has proved that (24) _______ (woman) is no
barrier to success in a man’s world.
St. Paul’s Model High School

Summative Assessment Examination 2

25. Write the story of Nick Vujucic in your own words. 10x2=20

26. Read the following information about Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar an Indian social
reformer, philosopher, philanthropist and educationalist.
Points to be covered Details of the person
Date and place of birth September 26, 1820 at Birshingha of
Medinipur district, Bengal presidency.
Date and place of death July 29, 1891 in Calcutta, Bengal
Parents Hakurdas Bandyopadhyay, Bhagavati Devi
Education Basics of Sanskrit – Village Pathasaala
Sanskrit college – Calcutta
Wife Married Dinamani Devi in 1834
Children Narayan Chandra
Career Teacher at Fort William college for
civilians, Pricipal of Sanskrit college,
Social works Fought against polygamy; campaign for
widow remarriage
Literacy movement Bengal Renaissance

Write a biographical sketch of Ishwar Chandra Vidya Sagar based on the above information.
St. Paul’s Model High School

Summative Assessment Examination 2

St. Paul’s Model High School

Summative Assessment Examination 2

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