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101. Physicians who apply for the open position at the hospital must prove that their state-issued
-------- is valid.
(A) intention
(B) fulfillment
(C) license
(D) permission
102. The elevators in the Vesta Building are checked once a month to ensure they are operating -
(A) properly
(B) directly
(C) lastly
(D) sharply

103. The lumber for the construction project will ------ arrive at the site no later Friday.
(A) adversely
(B) definitely
(C) explicitly
(D) frequently

104. Moundridge Inc. created a committee whose ------- focus is to implement policies the
improve the working environment.
(A) ample
(B) eligible
(C) primary
(D) suitable

105. The JP Electronics’ manager has determined that the floor models should be ------ at least
forty percent before sale.
(A) allocated
(B) distributed
(C) compensated
(D) discounted

106. Share prices for the company rose ------- following the announcement that an overseas
expansion was approved by the road.
(A) rapidly
(B) accurately
(C) eagerly
(D) innocently

107. Sending targeted advertisements to the members of the mailing list is an effective ---------
for creating interest in new products.
(A) defense
(B) strategy
(C) control
(D) assessment

108. Due to the lack of space, Thornton Tower’s manager has decided to ------- tenants to one
parking spot per apartment.
(A) limit
(B) value
(C) proceed
(D) obtain

109. Owing to the -------- rental fees in the Brighton neighborhood, many family-owned shops
are being forced out.
(A) rising
(B) constructive
(C) approachable
(D) inspiring

110. It is a common practice for employees to give at least two weeks’ -------- when leaving a job
for any reason.
(A) surrender
(B) notice
(C) absence
(D) agreement

111. The factory foreman must remain ------ to potential safety hazards in the area while on duty
(A) critical
(B) attentive
(C) prepared
(D) associated

112. Valencia Bank expects ------ updates to its online services while programmers attempt to
solve problem.
(A) competitive
(B) available
(C) distant
(D) frequent

113. All candidates for the photographer position at Nature Way Magazine must ------- examples
of original photos.

(A) submit
(B) invite
(C) compete
(D) insist

114. Yancy Financial’s meticulously planned portfolios lead to a ------ in risk for investors.
(A) shortfall
(B) movement
(C) reduction
(D) description

115. Staff members should confirm their attendance at the meeting ------- at least twenty-four
hours in advance.
(A) artistically
(B) electronically
(C) sharply
(D) scientifically

116. Tyco Cleaners provides comprehensive laundry services, ------- stain treatments and
(A) including
(B) preserving
(C) coping
(D) starting

117. Before the concrete foundation of the building is poured, the city’s engineer will carry out a
------- examination of the soil.
(A) previous
(B) fulfilled
(C) careful
(D) reluctant

118. Owing to a ----- score, the two football teams will face each other again to determine who
will advance in the tournament.
(A) couple
(B) lot
(C) tie
(D) few

119. Now that the chapel has been donated to the city, municipal funds will be used for the
ongoing ------ of the building.
(A) purchase
(B) maintenance

(C) narrative
(D) factor

120. Due to the ------ volume of imported foods, the number of inspectors at the points of entry
should be adjusted.
(A) enthusiastic
(B) noisy
(C) increasing
(D) amateur

121. Ms. Morrison currently works fulltime as a mortgage broker, but she wants to ------- a
career in writing children’s books.
(A) forward
(B) recruit
(C) pursue
(D) elect

122. Among the singers who performed in the community’s annual singing contest, Joan Arnold
was -------- talented.
(A) particularly
(B) rapidly
(C) helpfully
(D) politically

123. If the merchandise’s photo is in black and white on the Web site, it means the ------- is out
of stock.
(A) origin
(B) fee
(C) item
(D) property

124. The office manager thought it would be a ------- idea to bring snacks to the weekly meeting.
(A) quick
(B) little
(C) great
(D) blind

125. Gladwell Hardware sells a wide ------- of paints for both indoor and outdoor projects.
(A) condition
(B) range
(C) style
(D) method

126. Ms. Holkar, who ------- represents the company at most trade shows, expressed interest in
retiring next year.
(A) soon
(B) finally
(C) currently
(D) entirely

127. The ------- experiments conducted by Dr. Zhang yielded very similar results compared to his
latest work.
(A) positioned
(B) dedicated
(C) confident
(D) previous

128. Sunshine Café ------ only organic fruits and vegetables in its smoothie recipes.
(A) agrees
(B) fulfills
(C) uses
(D) gives

129. The new scale purchased for the laboratory at Knoll Pharmaceuticals takes measurements
with unprecedented --------.
(A) deliberation
(B) expertise
(C) precision
(D) result

130. It was difficult for the IT technicians to determine whether the files had been ------ deleted
or there was an unknown computer glitch.
(A) nearly
(B) intentionally
(C) barely
(D) excessively


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