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procedure text is a type of text that aims to describe an order or instruction on how something is
achieved in the correct sequence or steps.

2.The social purpose of procedure text is to show how something is done through sequence of steps
which enable the reader to achieve the goal.

3.Here is the generic structure of procedure text:

A.Goal Provides information about the aims and objectives of the procedure and predicts a
conclusion .

B. Materials Contains a list of materials or materials needed to perform a procedure or steps.

C. Sequences of Steps List the sequence of instructions / activities for achieving the goal in the
correct sequence of steps.

D.Result (Optional) The result of a series of steps that have been taken.

4.there are 3 types of procedure text:

A.Procedure text that explains how

something works or how to use an instruction / operation manual, for example, how to use
computer, how to record video. how to use plaroid camera

B.Procedure text that instructs how to do certain activities, for example, how to make a noodle, how
to dance, how to play basketball.

C.Procedure text relating to human behavior, for example, how to succeed, how to live happily, how
to be a good person.

5.sample procedure text

How to make Fried Banana :

Ingredient :
 10 ripe bananas
 150 gram of wheat flour
 2 teaspoons of sugar
 A pinch of salt
 2 eggs
 150 ml of water
 Vegetable oil

Tools :

 Stove or oil stove

 Pan
 Spatula
 Mixing bowl

Steps :

 Take the deep mixing bowl.

 Mix the wheat flour, sugar, and salt well in a mixing bowl. Beat the egg and water into the
flour mixture until the batter is smooth.
 Peeled and cut in a banana two pieces.
 Put the pan on the stove.
 Place the vegetable oil in the pan and heat the oil until moderately hot.
 Dip the banana into the batter to coat generously.
 Take the coated banana from mixing bowl and put it into the frying pan. Fry the banana for
approximately 5-10 minutes until the banana is crispy and golden brown.
 Remove the banana from the pan and dry well or drain it on paper napkins.
 Repeat this procedure for the rest of bananas.
 Serve the banana while still warm.

How to make Wedang Jahe :

Ingredient :

 1 large piece ginger

 1 block java (palm) sugar

 4-5 raw cane sugar to taste

 1/2 litre water
Tools :

 Cup
 Mortar
 Knife
 Spoon
Steps :

 Peel the ginger and crush in a pestle and mortar

 Slice the java sugar
 Add the ingredients to a pan and simmer for 5mins
 Sieve
 Serve and enjoy on a wet day

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