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Ques on List

1.你叫什麼名字? (L4)
(Nǐ jiào shénme míngzì?)
(What is your name)
Ans ) 我叫 Sarvesh
(Wǒ jiào sarvesh)

2.你會什麼運動? (Sport)
(Nǐ huì shénme yùndòng?)
(What sports will you do?)
Ans) 我會打板球
(Wǒ huì dǎ bǎn qiú)
(I can play cricket)

我 會 游泳
(Wǒ huì yóuyǒng)
(I can swim)


3.你是什麼⼤學的學⽣? (L4)
(Nǐ shì shénme dàxué de xuéshēng?)
(What university are you a student?)

Ans) 我是 Srm ⼤學的學⽣

(Wǒ shì Srm dàxué de xuéshēng)
(I am a student of Srm University)

4.你是什麼系的學⽣? (L7)
(Nǐ shì shénme xì de xuéshēng?)
(What department are you a student?)
Ans) 我是美術系的學⽣
(Wǒ shì měishù xì de xuéshēng)
(I am a student of art department)
(Wǒ shì Diànnǎo kēxué gōng xì de xuéshēng)

5.你是什麼學院的學⽣? (L4)
(Nǐ shì shénme xuéyuàn de xuéshēng?)
(What college are you a student?)
(Wǒ shì yǔyán xuéyuàn de xuéshēng)
(I am a student of language department)
(Or) (Wŏ shì gõngchéng xuéyuàn de xuéshēng)

6.你學習什麼? (L4)
(Nǐ xuéxí shénme?)
(What are you studying? )
Ans) (我學習中⽂ )
(Wǒ xuéxí zhōngwén)
( I am learning Chinese)

7.今天星期幾? (Weekday)
(Jīn ān xīngqí jǐ?)
(What day is it today?)
Ans) (今天星期 ⼀ )
(Jīn ān xīngqí yī)


(today is Monday)
8.今天幾⽉幾⽇? (Date)
(Jīn ān jǐ yuè jǐ rì?)
(What day is it today?)
Ans) 今天7⽉26⽇
(Jīn ān Qī yuè Èrshíliù rì)
(Today is the 26th of july)

9. 你覺得今天天氣怎麼樣?(L6)
(Nǐ juédé jīn ān ānqì zěnme yàng?)
(What do you think of the weather today?)
Ans) (Wǒ juédé jīn ān ānqì Hěn lěng/ hěn
hǎo/ hěn rè)
(我覺得今天天氣 很冷 / 很好 / 很熱)
(I think the weather today is very cold / very
good / very hot)

10. 現在幾點? (Time)

(Xiànzài jǐ diǎn?)
(what me is it now?)





(現在11點。Xiànzài Shíyī diǎn.)
( It's 11 o’clock. )

(現在2點18分。Xiànzài (liǎng/Èr) diǎn shíbā fēn)

(It’s 2 o’clock 18 minutes / It’s 2:18.)

(現在3點半。 Xiànzài sān diǎn bàn)

(It's 10:30 now. /It’s 3 and half)

11. 你喜歡什麼顏⾊? (Color)

( Nǐ xǐhuān shénme yánsè? )
(What color do you prefer)
Ans) (我 喜歡 藍⾊)
(Wǒ xǐhuān lán sè)
(I like blue)

12. 你喜歡A還是B? (Fruit)

(Nǐ xǐhuān A háishì B?)
(Do you like A or B?)

Ans)(我 喜歡 A)
(Wǒ xǐhuān A)
(I like A)
(我都不喜歡 )
(Wǒ dū bù xǐhuān)
(I don't like both)

13. 你家在哪裡? (L5)

(Nǐ jiā zài nǎlǐ?)
(Where is your home?)
Ans) (我 家在 Bangalore)(not sure if nǎlǐ in end
will come)
(Wǒjiā zài Bangalore)

14. 你家有幾個⼈? (L8)
(Nǐ jiā yǒu jǐ gèrén?)
(How many people are there in your
Ans)(我家有 4 個⼈,有 爸爸,妈妈,弟弟 和 我)
(Wǒjiā yǒu Sì gèrén, yǒu bàba, māmā, dìdì
hé wǒ)
(There are 4 people in my family, including
father, mother, younger brother and me)

15. 你是哪國⼈? (L3)

(Nǐ shì nǎ guórén?)
(what country are you from?)
Ans)(我 是 印度⼈)
(wǒ shì Yìn duó rén)
(I am Indian)

16. 明天你有空嗎? (YES; L6);

(Míng ān nǐ yǒu kòng ma)
(Are you free tomorrow?)
Ans)(我明 天有 時間)
(Wǒ míng ān yǒu shíjiān)
(tomorrow I have me)

17.明天你有時間嗎?(No; L6)
(Míng ān nǐ yǒu shíjiān ma?)
(Are you free tomorrow?)
Ans)( 對不起,明天我很忙,恐怕不⾏,謝謝你)
(Duìbùqǐ, míng ān wǒ hěn máng,kǒngpà
bùxíng, xièxiè nǐ)
(I'm sorry, I'm very busy tomorrow,I'm afraid
not, thank you)



18. Make a sentence to invite someone to do

something together. (L6)
(我們去看電影,好嗎 ?)
(Wǒmen qù kàn diànyǐng, hǎo ma)
(Let's go to the movies, okay)

19. Student asks teacher a random ques on.

(Wǒmen qù dǎ bǎn qiú, hǎo ma?)
(Let's play cricket, shall we?)


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