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Definition: Urban forestry is

 managing urban community trees and forest resources

 in and around urban areas like woodlands, public and private urban parks and gardens, street
tree plantations, botanical gardens and cemeteries
 for availing physiological, sociological, economic and aesthetic benefits trees provide for society.
 Therefore, they act as “Green Lungs to the cities”


Urban population is increasing rapidly and Cities are already facing multiple problems due to absence of
Urban forestry. They are:

Increased Carbon CC Induced Heat

Reduced evaporative
Emissions: Lack of Waves and Dust
cooling by trees led to Decreasing
natural cooling leads to storms causing
creation of Urban Biodiversity
increase in ACs, that discomfort and Health
Heat Islands
emits GHGs issues

Reduced Ecosystem
Absence of urban
Services - Nutrient
forests reduces natural
cyclcing, Water
mitigation of disasters.
regualtion, Aesthetic
E.g. Chennai Floods.


1. Ecologica  Effectively mitigates Urban Heat Island effects

l  Air purification: Improve the air quality by cooling and cleaning the air, reducing
smog, ground-level ozone and greenhouse effect.
 Urban Hydrological Cycle Management: In wake of increasing Urban Floods, they
act as natural Water sinks.
 Ecosystem services: Nutrient cycling, regulating urban floods, religious,
recreation, ecotourism.
2. Economic  Landscaping with trees can increase property values.
 Tree planting and maintenance in urban forests can be labour intensive and
hence, provides employment.
 Reduced energy consumption: Reduces building ACs.
3. Social  Checks Haphazard Urbanization
 Urban trees enhance beauty and environmental quotient of city
 Improves Mental Alertness and Reduce Stress
 Cultural Regeneration: Urban green spaces can enhance cultural activities by
providing venues for local festivals, civic celebrations, political gatherings

1. Lack of Planning: Green cover planning is often neglected during planning stage.
2. Lack of Financial Support: There is inadequate financial support for urban forestry development and
research work.
3. Development v/s Ecology: Deforestation is an evident consequence of any development associated
works which eventually defeats the original intent and purpose of afforestation. E.g., South Delhi

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