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Wunacademy ‘Test Preparation > UPSC > UPSC CDS > General Awareness > Physical Geography > Latitudes, Longitudes & Glot Important Straits in the World (Asia and Australia) (in Hindi) LESSON 3 OF 6 Download the Unacademy Learning App to watch this and over 200k more lessons in UPSC, SSC CGL, GATE, Google Play ff @ App Sto CAT and many more categories. Pe nscale IMPORTANT STRAITS IN THE WORLD By SURAJ SINGH RANA Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (CHANDIGARH UNIVERSITY) Cadet of 3 PUNJAB AIR SQN NCC, PATIALA Cleared AFCAT+EKT(02/2017) &CDS 02/2017 aoe NM emo Ko iotabora hos is a naturally formed, narrow, typically navigable waterway that connects two larger bodies of water. Most commonly it is a channel of water that lies between two land masses. STRAITS OF ASIA Malacca Strait melas ia ee) a Sunda Strait Makassar Strait Tsugaru Strait a i-Vaeclava@icle-lems\de-|ie Hormuz Strait Bosphorus Strait Bab-El-Mandeb Strait “ Malacca Strait MM Ul nlalcleiale] ecco matlaRe WAN EIR An NA e Connects the South China Sea and Andaman Sea. e Stretching between the Malay Peninsula and the Indonesian island of Sumatra. pews e Location- Andaman Sea Karimata sina Strait INDIAN e LONGEST IN THE WORLD (~800 @zly KM) » Palk Strait Lies between the Tamil Nadu state of India and the Mannar district of the \ INDIA Northern Province of the island Ne nation of Sri Lanka. Alappuzha? Ramanathapu \ \ Tuticorin, e It connects the Bay of Bengal in the northeast with the Palk Bay in the Eel U Td nUcri e Location: Lakshadweep Sea-Bay of Bengal C=) a (0 [oon Pamban Bridge, Palk Strait Bridge Thiruvananthapuram® Colombo W Sunda Strait Lies between the Indonesian islands of Java and Sumatra. It connects the Java Sea to the Indian Ocean. The name comes from the Indonesian term Pasundan, meaning "West Java". SHALLOWEST ad a oo Depth~20mtr , making it very difficult for navigation. © unacademy ‘— SINGAPORE Kalimantan Sumatra INDONESIA Java Sea A Java ~ Makassar Sac e Lies between the islands of Borneo and _ Sulawesi in Indonesia. e To the north it joins the Celebes Sea, while to the south it meets aoe Bice e The Mahakam River of Borneo empties into the strait. WW Tsugaru Strait e Lies between Honshu and Hokkaido in northern Japan. e Connecting the Sea of Japan with the Pacific Ocean. \& Tartary Strait e Lies in Pacific Ocean Ve dividing the Russian island of Sakhalin from mainland,,,Asia, e Connecting the Sea of Okhotsk on the north with the Sea of Japan on the south e Lies between _ the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman. e It provides the only sea passage from the Persian Gulf to the open ocean. © unacademy Bosphorus Strait It is a narrow, natural strait and an internationally significant waterway located ital Tnrelad Woke Old lV Forms part of the continental boundary between Europe and SE Separates Asian Turkey from European Turkey. NARROWEST STRAIT (800mtr width) © unacademy Black Sea i UROK EY > Bab-El-Mandeb Strait e The Bab-el-Mandeb or Mandeb Strait is a_ strait located between Yemen on » no the Arabian Peninsula, and qe Gulf of Aden Djibouti and Eritrea in the \ oe > Bab-elMandah Sra Horn of Africa. Somalia e It connects the Red Sea to the Arablan sea Gulf of Aden. | Piunscademny, ~ STRAITS OF AUSTRALIA e Torres Strait e Bass Strait e Cook Strait © unacademy 5 Torres Strait e Lies between Australia and the Melanesian island of New Guinea. e It is approximately 150 km wide at its narrowest extent. e Location: Indian Ocean-Pacific Ocean 5 Bass Strait Melbourne e Bass Strait isasea strait separating Tasmania from the Australian mainland. e Specifically the state of Victoria. Ds Wetcrel asreg-lit e Lies between the North and South Islands of New Zealand. e Connects the Tasman Sea on the northwest with the South Pacific Ocean on the southeast. e Runs next to the capital city, Wellington. South Island e THANK YOU Please rate, review and recommend my videos and don't forget to follow me on Unacademy platform Link-

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