Eaton2003 Evolucion Actividad Fisica

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Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A 136 (2003) 153–159

An evolutionary perspective on human physical activity:
implications for health夞
S. Boyd Eatona,*, Stanley B. Eatonb
Departments of Anthropology and Radiology, Emory University, 2887 Howell Mill Road NW, Atlanta, GA 30327-1333, USA
Science Department, Central Falls High School, Central Falls, RI, USA

Received 5 July 2002; received in revised form 6 July 2003; accepted 6 July 2003


At present, human genes and human lives are incongruent, especially in affluent Western nations. When our current
genome was originally selected, daily physical exertion was obligatory; our biochemistry and physiology are designed
to function optimally in such circumstances. However, today’s mechanized, technologically oriented conditions allow
and even promote an unprecedentedly sedentary lifestyle. Many important health problems are affected by this imbalance,
including atherosclerosis, obesity, age-related fractures and diabetes, among others. Most physicians recognize that
regular exercise is a critical component of effective health promotion regimens, but there is substantial disagreement
about details, most importantly volume: how much daily caloric expenditure, as physical activity, is desirable. Because
epidemiology-based recommendations vary, often confusing and alienating the health-conscious public, an independent
estimate, arising from a separate scientific discipline, is desirable, at least for purposes of triangulation. The retrojected
level of ancestral physical activity might meet this need. The best available such reconstruction suggests that the World
Health Organization’s recommendation, a physical activity level of 1.75 (;2.1 MJ (490 kcal)yd), most closely
approximates the Paleolithic standard, that for which our genetic makeup was originally selected.
䊚 2003 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Human evolution; Physical activity; Exercise recommendations; Exercise and health; Evolutionary health promotion

dependent on individual physical exertion. There

1. Introduction was an obligatory and natural linkage between
caloric acquisition, as food energy, and caloric
Before the domestication of draft animals and expenditure, as physical activity. This relationship
the development of mills powered by wind or existed throughout the long course of human and
water, the activities of human ancestors, like those pre-human evolution, exerting ongoing adaptive
of all other free-living organisms, were entirely pressure that affected selection of genes related to
夞 This paper is part of a collection of inter-disciplinary, the cardio-respiratory and musculoskeletal systems
peer-reviewed articles under the Theme: ‘‘Origin and Diversity as well as the internal metabolism of our
of Human Physiological Adaptability’’ invited by K.H. progenitors.
Myburgh and the late P.W. Hochachka. The circumstances of human existence in the
*Corresponding author. Tel.: q1-404-352-4664; fax: q1-
21st century are far different from those that
E-mail address: obtained during the remote past. Physical activity
(S.B. Eaton). is no longer a requirement for daily living; the

1095-6433/03/$ - see front matter 䊚 2003 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
154 S.B. Eaton, S.B. Eaton / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A 136 (2003) 153–159

relationship between eating and physical work has and in savanna locations necessarily differed—but
been abrogated. However, genetic evolution has in terms of physical energy expenditure the expe-
been wholly unable to match the rapidity of riences of Stone Agers were probably more uni-
cultural change and our genes remain adapted for form than are those of contemporary Americans
conditions that existed during their selection by whose propensities range from exercise fanaticism
Darwinian mechanisms (Gould, 1980; Wilson, to near total sedentism.
1998; Klein, 1999). This discordance or mismatch A major difficulty is that recent hunter-gatherers
between our contemporary lives and our genetic have generally been much smaller than were their
makeup has important pathophysiological impli- (and our) late Paleolithic ancestors (Walker and
cations: coronary atherosclerosis, age-related frac- Leakey, 1993)—presumably reflecting the nutri-
tures, obesity and ‘syndrome x’ disorders related tional stress of foraging in the marginal environ-
to insulin resistance are all promoted by physical ments to which they have been relegated (Lambert,
inactivity (United States Department of Health and 1993; Larsen, 1997; Eaton et al., 2002). This
Human Services, 1996). necessitates correction for differences in size—a
In evolutionary perspective, contemporary exer- source of potential error.
cise requirements for health promotion might log- These difficulties having been noted, the best
ically be expected to reprise the exertional available estimates of energy expenditure as phys-
circumstances or, better, the anatomical and phys- ical activity for humans (males and females aver-
iological end results of preagricultural ancestral aged) living in the late Paleolithic, say 25 000
experience. Accordingly, an understanding of phys- years ago, center approximately 5.4 MJ (1240
ical activity levels (PALs) in the Stone Age is of kcal)yd or near 91.3 kJ (21.8 kcal)ykg for a 57-
more than theoretical interest. The exertional pat- kg composite individual2 (Eaton et al., 1988a;
terns of our ancestors1 might well be considered Cordain et al., 1997, 1998). These values contrast
targets for disease prevention and improved life with an estimated 2.3 MJ (555 kcal)yd or 36.4 kJ
quality in the present. (8.7 kcal)ykg for a hypothetical 64-kg maley
female contemporary American. It should be
2. Physical activity in the Stone Age emphasized that the level of ancestral physical
activity is actually in line with, or less than, what
Retrojecting ancestral physical activity depends is normal for non-industrial, more active contem-
primarily on painstaking evaluation of human skel- porary human populations (Ruff et al., 1993; Heini
etal remains (e.g. Larsen, 1997) and on methodical et al., 1996). The average PALs in current indus-
study of recent hunter-gatherers, who are consid- trialized nations are those biologically out of step.
ered the best available, if imperfect, surrogates for Stone Age exertional activities covered a broad
late Paleolithic humans (e.g. Jenike, 2001). Both spectrum: walking while gathering, during hunting
lines of investigation have obvious, frustrating trips and on visits to neighboring campsites; run-
limitations, but by dint of continuing multidisci- ning after wounded prey; carrying children, game
plinary efforts a defensible and increasingly relia- meat, gathered plant foods or firewood; erecting
ble picture of physical activity during the period shelters; flint knapping and making composite
from 50 000 to 20 000 years ago has emerged. tools; digging for roots or tubers; butchering and
Naturally, levels and types of activity in the Stone cleaning game animal carcasses; shelling nuts;
Age varied. In some areas, seasonal fluctuations breaking open crania and long bones for brains
were prominent due to shifts in game animal and and marrow; dancing for simple recreation or as
plant food availability. While most Paleolithic part of religious ceremonies; vigorous play and so
Stone Agers were nomadic, some in especially forth. Paleolithic physical exertion patterns likely
favored locations lived a relatively settled exis- resembled cross-training, not the more focused
tence. Activities in the subarctic, along seacoasts, regimens of pure runners or weight-lifters (Ruff,
2000); activities analogous to both aerobic condi-
The lives of Stone Age (during 1.5 million years) and tioning and strength training were thus integral
agricultural (during 10 000 years) human ancestors differed in
many ways, particularly their nutritional, psychosocial and This value and others like it throughout the review are
infectious disease experience. However, their daily energy obviously over-specific. They should be regarded as approxi-
expenditure, as physical activity, appears to have been reason- mate mid-points for ancestral ranges—to be modified towards
ably equivalent (Larsen, 1997). increased precision as more data become available.
S.B. Eaton, S.B. Eaton / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A 136 (2003) 153–159 155

components of their typical routine. Although each Ruff, 2000). Skeletal robusticity of this degree
day’s ordinary tasks required at least some mus- reduces age-related fracture risk because the bones
cular effort and stamina, recently studied hunter- have larger overall cross-sectional area relative to
gatherers tended to space their more vigorous their length and because their cross-sectional shape
exertion. Men commonly hunted from 2 to 4 non- is slightly oval compared with the more rounded
consecutive days a week, while women usually cross-sectional outline that tends to characterize
gathered every 2–3 days. This spacing of the more the bones of sedentary individuals. Other factors
physically demanding aspects of forager life has being equal, semi-oval bones are more resistant to
been termed a ‘Paleolithic work rhythm’ (Eaton et potential fracture-producing stresses than are bones
al., 1988b). with relatively circular cross-sections (Larsen,
Formal studies of recent hunter-gatherers and 1997).
members of other non-mechanized traditional soci-
eties reveal that aerobic power for such people (7 3.2. Cardiovascular
groups) averages approximately 50% greater than
that for age-matched affluent Westerners (VO2 Multiple investigations have established the
maxs57.2 mlykgymin vs. 37.2 mlykgymin; males existence of a strong, graded, inverse relationship
20–49 years old) (Cordain et al., 1998). More between aerobic power and risk of subsequent
limited studies of muscular force (leg extension) cardiac events such as non-fatal arrhythmia, myo-
suggest that foragers are approximately 20% cardial infarction, incident angina pectoris and
stronger than comparable (age- and weight- sudden cardiac death (Myers et al., 2002; Balady,
matched) Westerners (Shephard, 1980). 2002). With progressively increasing aerobic fit-
ness, the likelihood of such disorders decreases
3. Health implications stepwise. There are numerous physiological mech-
anisms that, acting collectively, presumably explain
3.1. Skeletal why individuals with greater endurance should be
protected. Aerobic exercise elevates blood levels
The ability of bones to resist mechanical stresses of ‘good’ high density cholesterol, lowers blood
depends largely upon their mineral density and pressure and resting heart rate, decreases platelet
structural geometry. Strenuous physicality in early aggregability as well as the tendency for vasocon-
life promotes formation of dense, well-mineralized striction, and enhances endothelial health as deter-
bones (Burr et al., 1990; American College of mined by post-ischemic brachial artery
Sports Medicine, 1995; United States Department vasodilatation (Froelicher and Myers, 2000).
of Health and Human Services, 1996), while reg- Also there is growing evidence that, like endur-
ular exercise during maturity (especially after men- ance exercise, strength training enhances heart
opause) retards the bone mineral loss that occurs health (Hurley et al., 1988; Winnett and Carpinelli,
to some extent in all aging human populations 2001). Resistance exercise lowers blood pressure
(Nelson et al., 1994; American College of Sports (Kelley and Kelley, 2000) and beneficially influ-
Medicine, 1995; United States Department of ences serum lipids (Staron et al., 2000). Positive
Health and Human Services, 1996). effects on body composition and insulin sensitivity
In addition to its beneficial effects on bone may also be contributing factors (Flucky et al.,
mineral density, high-level physical activity, espe- 1994; Winnett and Carpinelli, 2001).
cially during childhood, adolescence and early
adulthood, exerts a powerful influence on bone 3.3. Obesity
structural geometry (Larsen, 1997). Mechanical
engineers have long recognized that any structural In 1970, American males were 8.7 kg (22 lbs)
element’s stress-resisting capacity is heavily heavier than were age- and height-matched men
dependent on its overall size and its cross-sectional in 1863 (Hathaway and Foard, 1960; Kuczmarski
configuration (Larsen, 1997). Physical anthropol- et al., 1994). During much of this period, from
ogists liken the bony remains of behaviorly mod- 1909 to 1970, food disappearance data indicate
ern, late Paleolithic humans to those of that energy available in the food supply remained
contemporary elite athletes such as Olympians constant (National Research Council, 1989), while
(Ruff et al., 1998; Trinkaus and Rhoads, 1999; in its later stages, per capita caloric intake actually
156 S.B. Eaton, S.B. Eaton / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A 136 (2003) 153–159

appears to have declined (National Research Coun- that have accompanied industrialization. The addi-
cil, 1989), a phenomenon also observed in Britain tive effect further distances contemporary subsis-
(Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, tence efficacy from the ancestral pattern (Section
1995) and Japan (Shimamoto et al., 1989). These 4).
seemingly contradictory trends might be reconciled
if caloric expenditure has declined disproportion- 3.4. Body composition and insulin resistance
ately. That soldiers in today’s United States Army
perform poorly relative to test scores achieved on Consistent with their habitual high levels of
the same physical fitness test administered to their physical activity, hunter-gatherers studied in the
predecessors in 1946 (Thomas, 2000) tends to past century have invariably been lean, with skin-
support this likely possibility, but more rigorous fold thicknesses only a fraction of those character-
investigative data are scarce. However, a rational izing typical individuals in affluent nations (Eaton
explanation for secular decrease in physical activ- et al., 1988a). Similarly, forager body mass indices
ity is readily apparent. Ever-increasing reliance on have generally been in the low normal range as
labor-saving machinery at home, for travel, and in established for Westerners (Jenike, 2001). More-
the workplace was a salient feature of late 20th over, like all other free-living mammals excepting
century life, and one that shows every sign of those species that accumulate adipose tissue for
continuing. Likewise, recreational pursuits have hibernation or thermal insulation, recent hunter-
become more sedentary with the introduction of gatherers have had a high proportion of skeletal
video games, internet browsing and greater pro- muscle relative to their fat mass (Shephard and
motion of spectator, as opposed to participant, Rode, 1996), a body-compositional pattern that
sports enjoyment. The change from ancestral expe- presumably characterized ancestral humans as well
rience could hardly be more profound. One of its (Trinkaus, 1997; Ruff, 2000).
many implications concerns basal, or resting, met- Adipose tissue and skeletal muscle differ strik-
abolic rate (BMR)—responsible for much of the ingly with regard to their participation in carbo-
total energy expenditure (TEE) on any given day. hydrate metabolism. Given equivalent insulin
Individuals with greater lean body mass (especially stimulation, a gram of muscle can remove from
skeletal muscle) tend to have a higher BMR than the blood far more glucose than a gram of fat can
do otherwise comparable individuals whose body remove (De Fronzo, 1997). The differential is
composition includes a greater proportion of adi- accentuated by exercise conditioning: fit muscle
pose tissue (Tataranni and Ravussin, 1995). Other has more capacity for blood glucose extraction
factors being equal, a higher BMR means less than does unconditioned muscle (Goodyear et al.,
ingested food energy will be available for storage 1990; Flucky et al., 1994). This pattern is analo-
as fat. The best available study suggests that gous to that for fatty acid metabolism. Skeletal
semitraditional, still relatively lean, Inuit as surro- muscle can oxidize more ingested fatty acid than
gates for hunter-gatherers generally (and, by impli- can an equal mass of adipose tissue (Bessesen et
cation, ancestral humans) had BMRs averaging al., 2000) and the discrepancy is increased by
15% greater than those of typical sedentary afflu- exercise (Smith et al., 2000; Herd et al., 2001).
ent Westerners (Shephard and Rode, 1996). These factors help explain why excess adiposity
Since approximately 1980, obesity prevalence predisposes to insulin resistance. A disproportion-
in the United States (and elsewhere) has increased ate amount of adipose tissue relative to skeletal
precipitously (Mokdad et al., 1999; Lewis et al., muscle reduces the blood-glucose-lowering effect
2000), while PALs have altered little if at all of a given pancreatic insulin secretory pulse so
(Neiman, 1999). Food industry changes such as that additional insulin secretion is necessary to
an increased supply of lower cost, high energy achieve appropriate blood glucose levels; i.e. insu-
ingredients (e.g. palm oil, soybean oil and high- lin sensitivity is reduced (Eaton and Eaton, 1999;
fructose corn sweeteners), effective marketing Eaton et al., 2002). Furthermore, another body-
strategies (e.g. supersizing, value meals) and ever compositional consideration intensifies this patho-
wider availability of calorie-dense convenience physiology. Affluent Westerners are not only
foods may be the important factors accelerating over-fat, they are also under-muscled, sarcopenic,
recent body mass index increases. They are super- in comparison with ancestral standards. The elite
imposed on the preexisting, unnaturally low PALs athletes whom physical anthropologists consider
S.B. Eaton, S.B. Eaton / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A 136 (2003) 153–159 157

to reprise typical Stone Agers have far more efficiency of food energy acquisition, a 50%
muscle tissue than do otherwise matched sedentary increase, represents a fundamental triumph of
non-exercisers (Ruff, 2000), a discrepancy readily human achievement, but not one without real,
apparent to radiologists who frequently interpret albeit potentially correctable, drawbacks. Most of
magnetic resonance images. the benefits and disadvantages might be predicted
Three separate, but interrelated and interactive by considering an energy utilization equation:
influences on insulin sensitivity andyor resistance
are thus linked to contemporary divergence from
ancestral experience. These can be expressed:

(skeletal =(skeletal muscle

muscle mass) metabolic activity)
Insulin sensitivity;
(fat mass)

For each factor, the lifestyle and consequent

body compositionymetabolic activity of Stone Age
humans acted to promote insulin sensitivity, while
that of contemporary Westerners fosters insulin
resistance. The enviable carbohydrate metabolism
of hunter-gatherers tested in the past century sup-
ports this contention (Joffe et al., 1971; Kuroshima
et al., 1972; Merimee et al., 1972; Spielmann et
al., 1982; Lindeberg et al., 1999).
These include greater longevity as a result of
4. Discussion improved host resistance (augmented by public
health measures and medical care); earlier menar-
Evolution occurs through differential reproduc- che and greater height as energy availability max-
tive success that, in large measure, reflects subsis- imizes genetic potential; less bone and skeletal
tence efficiency: how much food energy can be muscle, a consequence of reduced physical exer-
acquired for a given amount of physical exertion. tion; hyperadiposity due to greater energy storage
During nearly all human (and pre-human) evolu- and altered metabolism as the integral of all these
tionary experience, energy acquisition and expen- factors—each differing from those for which our
diture have been inextricably linked, but economic genome was originally selected.
growth accompanying the industrial revolution dis- While life expectancy doubled during the past
rupted this ancient and basic relationship. Over the century, the recent efforts of health promotion have
past two centuries, adjusted per capita income, a been frustratingly ineffective. The United States
correlate or measure of subsistence efficiency, has Surgeon General’s Healthy People 2000 Project
increased 12-fold in Western nations (Landes, met only 15% of its goals, while for 19% of the
1998). targeted objectives, there was actual regression
The average daily energy expenditure, as phys- from the 1990 baseline (National Center for Health
ical activity, of Stone Age humans is estimated at Statistics, 1999). The prevalence of exercise-relat-
approximately 5.2 MJ (1240 kcal) and their total ed conditions, such as obesity and type 2 diabetes,
caloric intake at approximately 12.1 MJ (2900 has skyrocketed in recent decades. One of the
kcal) (Cordain et al., 1998). Their subsistence proposed reasons for health promotion’s limited
efficiency was thus approximately 2.25 kJ (kcal) success is that contradictory recommendations are
acquired for each kilojoule (kilocalorie) expended advanced by expert panels, thus confusing and
in physical activity. In contrast, sedentary humans alienating the health-conscious public (Angell and
in contemporary affluent societies commonly con- Kassirer, 1994). Physical activity goals are no
sume perhaps 8.5 MJ (2030 kcal)yd with expen- exception: the United States Surgeon General’s
diture, as physical activity, of approximately 2.3 recommendation translates into roughly 628–837
MJ (555 kcal)yd (Cordain et al., 1998), a subsis- kJ (150–200 kcal)/d, depending on body weight
tence efficiency of 3.66 to 1. This improved (United States Department of Health and Human
158 S.B. Eaton, S.B. Eaton / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A 136 (2003) 153–159

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