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An Energy efficient MAC for Wireless Body Area Network and its Cross

Layer Performance

Venkateswari. R* a, Subha Rani. S b

Assistant Professor b Professor and Head
Department of Electronics and communication Engineering,PSG College of Technology ,Coimbatore-641004,Tamilnadu,India.


A Wireless body area network (WBAN) consists of sensors attached to the body surface, implanted under the skin, or dispersed in the
clothing. Due to implanted feature, replacing sensors or charging their battery requires surgery. So there is a need for efficient energy
usage. As the information carried by the nodes is critical, it should be immediately communicated to the monitoring device. Thus the main
goals in a WBAN are to reduce the energy consumption, achieve minimum delay and maximum throughput. In this paper an energy
efficient MAC protocol is developed for WBAN by modifying the Superframe structure of IEEE 802.15.4. This is done by increasing the
number of Guaranteed Time Slots (GTS) and by reducing the Response waiting time, thereby achieving the energy efficiency and low
latency. The Proposed MAC Protocol cross layer performance is also analyzed with the routing protocols AODV (Ad hoc On-Demand
Distance Vector) and DSR (Dynamic Source Routing).

Keywords: energy efficiency; Cross Layer Design; IEEE 802.15.4;AODV;DSR

1. Introduction RF communication between invasive sensor nodes

implanted inside the human body[5] and ’On body
The wireless sensor networks (WSN) WSN has communication’ is the communication between wearable
undergone a technical boom in the beginning of 21th sensor nodes. The MICS (Medical Implantable
century due to advances in MEMS technology and wireless Communication service band – 402-405 MHz [4] should be
communication era. The wireless sensor network has plenty used for in body communication. On body communication
of application such as precision agriculture, smart may use ISM or UWB. The communication protocol
buildings, smart cities, etc. One of the predominant should allow simultaneous operation at the same time
applications of sensor network is related to healthcare [3].The Wireless Body Area Network communication
sector. It is used to monitor the vital parameters of the architecture is categorized in to three types[6] namely intra-
human being. The network of biosensors attached in and BAN, inter-BAN and Beyond-BAN.I)’ intra BAN
around the human body to monitor vital signs such as heart communication’ denotes radio communications of about 2
beat, temperature, pressure is termed as Wireless Body meters around the human body. ii) ‘inter-BAN
Area Network (WBAN).The Schematic overview of communications’ as the communications between the on
differences between Wireless Sensor Networks and body coordinator and one or more access points (Aps) This
Wireless Body Area Networks is given in [1] and [2]. is used to interconnect BAN with the various network such
There are significant points to be noted in the Wireless as WLAN and cellular network iii) ‘Beyond-BAN
body area network. As opposed to the wireless sensor communication’ design is intended for use in metropolitan
network the WBAN monitoring environment restricted to areas. The application is for an ambulatory patient
human body, heterogeneous data rate, requirement of travelling from hometown to other location.
biocompatible sensor devices and more variable network The main constraint for the design of efficient
topology due to body movement. communication protocol for WBAN is low power
The communication in the Body sensor network is consumption. The MAC (Medium Access Control) is
categorized in to two types ,’In body communication’ is the playing vital role for reducing the power consumption. The

Corresponding author: r_venkateswari@yahoo.com

sensor network MAC protocol should be a low duty cycle The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: In
protocol which has active and sleep period to consume less Section 2, the existing medium Access protocols for the
energy. The structure of low duty cycle MAC protocol is Wireless Body Area Network are discussed as related
shown in Fig.1. The comparison of TDMA versus CSMA work. Section 3 describes the proposed modification in
MAC protocols are given in[7] . The CSMA based IEEE 802.15.4 MAC protocol. Next, the proposed MAC
protocols suffers from collision and TDMA based protocols protocol performance is evaluated through extensive
suffers from Synchronization overhead. The hybrid simulations in Section 4 and section 5 concludes the paper.
approach results in effective MAC protocol design. The
structure of hybrid MAC protocol is shown in Fig.2 best
suitable for providing good energy efficiency, latency and
high throughput. The MAC superframe structure of the
IEEE 802.15.4 low power and low data rate WPAN
standard is shown in the Fig.3. It satisfies all the above
constraints. The standards defines two types devices
Reduced function device (RFD) and a full function device
(FFD)[8]. The full function devices have the capability of
Fig 4 WPAN standards
routing to any device. But RFD can send to only FFD. Each
network will have one coordinator known as PAN
coordinator. In the beacon enabled mode the PAN
coordinator issues beacons. The beacons are used to 2. Related Work
synchronize the attached devices. The nodes will access the
medium according to the superframe structure. In the Many researches have been carried out to modify IEEE
contention access period(CAP) the access is via slotted 802.15.4 standard to make it suitable for Wireless body
CSMA/CA(Carrier-Sense Multiple Access- Collision area network. The comparison of IEEE 802.15.4 based
Avoidance) and also acquire its guaranteed time MAC protocols for WBAN has been investigated in
slots(GTS). In the non-beacon enabled mode the access is Table.1.The Performance Improvement column tells that in
via unslotted CSMA/CA. which metric protocol is better compared to other
The standards related to Wireless Personal Area protocols.
Network(WPAN) is shown in the Fig.4. The IEEE 802.15.6 In[10] authors have modified IEEE 802.15.4 to reduce
is an emerging Body Area Network standard. Among the transmission delay for the alarm notification in emergent
remaining zigbee scores over all because of its flexible and situations. The bandwidth underutilization occurs if the
scalable networking and multi-hop routing features along biosensor traffic does not completely occupy the GTS slots.
with low power consumption [9]. In this paper, a The superframe structure is modified by using the wasted
modification in the superframe structure is done in order to bandwidth in the Contention free period for alarming
make it compatible for wireless body area network. The access.
main purpose of this modification is the existing one can be In the priority-guaranteed MAC[11], dedicated control
used with minor modification until the correct draft of channels are adopted to make the data channels collision
WBAN has been obtained. free in order to support high data rate communications. It
shows significant improvements on throughput and energy
efficiency as compared with the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC.
ACTIVE In decentralized MAC layer protocol[12]the periodic
nature of the biomedical datum is used to implement the
INACTIVE packet scheduler for predicting the channel availability.
The throughput is increased by building this new method
Fig 1 Structure of Low duty cycle MAC protocol on the standard.
The OCDP based WBAN MAC protocol [13]is mainly
designed for medical and consumer electronics application.
CSMA BASED TDMA BASED When data burst occurs the node switches to Opportunistic
Contention Decision Period (OCDP) from inactive period.
The latency is improved here by introducing this period.
In ultra-low power MAC[14] the coordinator adjusts the
Fig 2 Strcture of Hybrid MAC Protocol parameters by using a control algorithm. Feedback
information from distributed sensors in the network is used
to adjust protocol parameters dynamically to achieve best
Contention G G G G G G G energy efficiency and latency.
Access Period S S S S S S S The BodyMAC[15] is a TDMA-based protocol and the
Cxzcxc (CAP) superframe structure consists of downlink and uplink
subframes .The downlink frame is used to accommodate
the on-demand traffic and the uplink frame is used to
Fig 3 Superframe Structure of 802.15.4 MAC Protocol accommodate the normal traffic.

Table 1 Comparison of IEEE 802.15.4 based MAC protocols for WBAN
MAC Protocol Performance Improvement

Emergency access mechanism [10] Better performance in energy efficiency and latency

Priority- guaranteed MAC [11] Improved resource efficiency and latency performance.

Decentralized MAC [12] Achieves high-throughput communication

OCDP[13] Achieves improved latency

Ultra-low-power MAC [14] Improved energy efficiency and latency
Accommodates the on-demand traffic
Modification of 802.15.4 MAC for BAN[9] Performance improvement on throughput, delay and power consumption

According to [9]the number of leads required for superframe structure of 802.15.4. The beacon signal from
medical cases such as heart disease, Patient on ventilator, the coordinator indicates the starting of the superframe
Epilepsy is, to the maximum 60. The frame length is structure. The devices attached with the coordinator will
modified such that it accommodates 64 leads and 8 slots are access the medium immediately after beacon period via
given for the contention Access period, for completing the slotted CSMA/CA. An arbitrary node requiring the
network management activities. The contention free period guaranteed time slot(GTS) request via this contention
and inactive period consists of 64 slots and total super access period. The PAN coordinator node will respond to
frame length of 72. The results of [9] show improvement in this request. An analysis has been performed on the value
the throughput, delay and power consumption compared to of the response time and these values are modified. After
IEEE 802.15.4. This modification is considered in this getting acknowledgement the nodes will access the medium
paper and another two parameters are modified to make it in the provided GTS slots as given below.
more suitable to body area networks as discussed in the
next section. 3.1.1Starting the transmission
In slotted CSMA-CA, a transmission can only start at a
backoff period boundary and only if all steps can be
3. Proposed Methodology completed at least one interframe space (IFS) period before
the end of the Contention Access period.
The main idea is to develop a zigbee complaint
communication for wirelessly monitoring vital parameters 3.1.2Response wait time
of the human body. The Block diagram of proposed scheme It is the duration for which a request command waits for
for Body area network is shown in the Fig.5. the response command, aResponse Wait Time equal to
It has been changed to 16 *aBaseSuperframeDuration.
Reducing this provides reduction in energy loss for the
node sending the request command as shown in Fig 6 and

If the originator has requested an acknowledgement, the
sender needs aTurnaroundTime to switch from sending to
receiving mode and vice versa.
Fig5 Block diagram of proposed scheme for Body Area Network 3.1.4 Contention free period
If any GTSs have been allocated by the PAN
To support time critical and periodic BAN traffic the coordinator, the nodes will access through the Guranteed
GTS slots in the contention free period had been increased. time slots. For critical medical application upto 64 is given
The algorithm is designed by changing the existing here. Not all the slots are used for data transmission.
protocol parameters as discussed below.
3.1.5Inactive period
3.1 Algorithm phases In the remaining slots that are not allocated, the node
may enter a low-power mode.
The algorithm has several phases similar to the MAC

3.2 Parameters of IEEE 802.15.4 and its modification allocated with one separate GTS slot. By minimizing the
CAP length bandwidth wastage will be reduced.
In the IEEE 802.15.4 the Medium Access mechanism is Modifications in the maximum frame response time and
discussed with several parameters with its typical values. In response wait time will reduce the delay. Because of the
order to optimize the protocol functionality the values of reduction in delay and collisions, power consumption will
these parameters have to be carefully designed. A list of be low. Since the superframe structure is the crucial thing
parameters in beacon enabled mode and its modified values in the MAC protocol, the modifications in the superframe
are given below. structure changes the whole functionality of the MAC
3.2.1Default parameter values of IEEE 802.15.4
aNumSuperframeSlots = 16
aBaseSlotDuration = 60
Duration of 1 slot = 960 µs
aMinCAPlength = 440 symbols
= 440 * 16 µs = 7040 µs
rframeSlots = 60 * 16 symbols = 960 symbols =15.36 ms
aResponseWaitTime =32*aBaseSuperframeDuration (ms)
aMaxFrameResponseTime =10000 symbols

3.2.2Modified Values:
aNumSuperframeSlots = 72
aBaseSlotDuration = 30
Duration of 1 slot = 480 µs
No. of slots in CAP = 8
Total slot duration = 480 * 8 = 3840 µs Fig 6 Effect of Response Wait Time on Average end to end delay
MinCAPlength = 3840 / 16
= 240 symbols
rframeSlot= 30 * 72 symbols = 2160 symbols = 34.56 ms
aResponseWaitTime=16* aBaseSuperframeDuration (ms)
aMaxFrameResponseTime = 8000 symbols
The effect of Response wait time on average end to end
delay is shown in Fig.6. The effect of Response wait time
on energy consumption is shown in Fig.7.The
aResponseWaitTime has been provided with values 8, 16,
32, 64 and 128. The energy consumption by the network
has been found to be increasing with increasing values.
Also the average end to end delay is higher for higher
values of aResponseWaitTime. While the delay is lesser
when the value is set to 8 and 16 and the corresponding
energy consumption is less when the value is set to 16.
Being the design of energy-efficient MAC protocol as the
main objective, aResponseWaitTime has been set to 16.
The comparison of modified parameter values are given in Fig 7 Effect of Response Wait Time on Energy consumption
the table 2.
Table 2 Modified Parameters
Name of the parameter Default Pradnya Modified 4. Results and Discussion
value H. value
et.al[9] The Simulations have been performed on the Wireless
body area network scenarios using the QualNet as
16 72 72
simulation tool. The simulation is done for 10 minutes. The
aBaseSlotDuration 60 30 30 number of leads for a single patient is increased from 1 to
aMinCAPLength 440 240 240 64.The data rate requirement of vital parameters of the
aResponseWaitTime 32 32 16 human being such as heart rate, temperature is less than 1
kbps. To support some other parameter Glucose monitoring
By increasing the number of slots in superframe slots etc. the data rate is kept as 6 kbps/lead.
from 16 to 72 the throughput will be increased due to The superframe length (BI) and the active superframe
reduction in the number of collisions. Each node is duration (SD) are specified by two parameters respectively:

macBeaconOrder (BO) and the macSuperframeOrder (SO). increased the packet drop rate is also increased due to
For 50% Duty cycle that is DC=0.5, the macBeaconOrder collisions. The packet dropped versus number of nodes is
(BO) is kept as 3 and macSuperframeOrder (SO) is kept as shown in the Fig.10 It indicates that for the proposed
4. For the 100% duty cycle that is DC=1, the method the number of packets dropped is 0.8 times less
macBeaconOrder is kept as 4 and macSuperframeOrder is compared to [9].
kept as 4. The Existing denotes beacon enabled mode of
IEEE 802.15.4 superframe. In a single Body area network
the effect of increase in the date rate and increase in the
number of nodes are analysed. The graphs for throughput,
end-to-end delay and power consumption using existing
and modified superframe structure are investigated.

Fig 10 . Number of packet dropped versus number of nodes

The performance analysis of the existing & proposed

protocols in star topology has been done for different loads
of traffic denoted by packets per second. The simulation
parameters values are given in the table 3

Fig 8. Average Delay versus Number of nodes Table 3 .Simulation parameters

Parameter value
Transmission range 35meter
TX-Power 0dBm
Energy model MicaZ mote
Battery model Duracell-AA, 1500 mAhr

Fig 9 Energy consumption versus Number of nodes

The Average delay versus number of nodes is shown in

Fig. 8, the end to end delay for proposed protocol showed
improvement and it is 0.65 times lesser when compared to Fig 11 Effect of traffic Load
[7] protocol. This is because of the reduction in number of
CAP symbols and the nodes respond for a shorter period of The effect of traffic Load is shown in Fig.11.From
time after the request command to the central coordinator. Fig.11, for the star network, the proposed protocol has the
The energy consumption versus number of nodes is low energy consumption because of the fact that a node
shown in Fig.9 The energy consumption for [9] showed responds for a shorter period of time after the request
reduction by almost 17 percentage compared to 802.15.4 command. This causes the nodes to be ON for a shorter
The proposed method showed further reduction by almost duration thus reducing the energy spent. A cross layer
10.1 percentage due to the fact that the nodes are powered analysis is also performed to validate the proposed method.
ON for a shorter response time. When the nodes are Performance of proposed MAC with the routing protocols

AODV and DSR has been compared with existing IEEE So the cross layer design of networking layers stands as the
802.15.4, based on the performance throughput metric. The most promising alternative to inefficient traditional layered
cross Layer analysis is depicted in the Fig.12. protocol architectures. The designed algorithm has to be
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1to 64 and calculated the parameters for the same applications.
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