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Piping Symbols

Linear Valves, Flow Directional

The following 3-way valve symbols are available.

SP3DButterflyGOp ......................................................................... 773
SP3DButterflyValve ....................................................................... 774
SP3DButterflyValveAsym .............................................................. 775
SP3DButterflyValveL ..................................................................... 776
SP3DButterflyValveSym ................................................................ 777
SP3DButterflyValveVAL ................................................................ 788
SP3DButterflyValveVOH ............................................................... 789
SP3DCheckValve .......................................................................... 790

Description: butterfly valve with operator
Symbol Name: SP3DButterflyGOp.CButterflyGOp
Workbook: Instrument Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: ButterflyValveOnOffV, ButterflyvalveElec
User Class Name:
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DButterflyGOp.CButterflyGOp
Inputs = 6
Input = "FacetoFace" Description = "Face to Face"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"
Input = "HandwheelAngle" Description = "Rotation of Operator"
Input = "FacetoCenter" Description = "Face to Center"
Input = "Face1toCenter" Description = "Face to Center Port 1"
Input = "Face2toCenter" Description = "Face to Center Port 2"
Outputs = 5
Output = "ValveBody" Description = "Cylinder"
Output = "InsulCylinder" Description = "Insulation Cylinder"
Output = "PNoz1" Description = "Nozzle 1"
Output = "PNoz2" Description = "Nozzle 2"
Output = "ValveOperator" Description = "Valve Operator"

Piping 3D Symbols Reference 773

Piping Symbols

Aspects = 2
Aspect = SimplePhysical
Aspect = Insulation

Symbol Name: SP3DButterflyValve.CButterflyValve
Workbook Sheet:
User Class Name:
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DButterflyValve.CButterflyValve
Inputs = 4
Input = "FacetoFace" Description = "Face to Face"
Input = "StemHeight" Description = "Stem Height"
Input = "LeverLength" Description = "Lever Length"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"
Outputs = 6
Output = "Body" Description = "Body"
Output = "Stem" Description = "Stem"
Output = "Lever" Description = "Lever"
Output = "InsulatedBody" Description = "Insulated Body"
Output = "PNoz1" Description = "Nozzle 1"
Output = "PNoz2" Description = "Nozzle 2"

774 Piping 3D Symbols Reference

Piping Symbols

Aspects = 2
Aspect = SimplePhysical
Aspect = Insulation

Symbol Name: SP3DButterflyValveAsym.CButterflyAsym
Workbook Sheet:
User Class Name: Pipe Component Class
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DButterflyValveAsym.CButterflyAsym
Inputs = 4
Input = "Face1toCenter" Description = "Face to Center"
Input = "Face2toCenter" Description = "Face to Center"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"
Input = "HandwheelAngle" Description = "Rotation of Operator"
Outputs = 6
Output = "LeftCylin" Description = "Left Cylinder"
Output = "RightCylin" Description = "Right Cylinder"
Output = "InsulCylinder" Description = "Insulation Cylinder"
Output = "PNoz1" Description = "Nozzle 1"
Output = "PNoz2" Description = "Nozzle 2"
Output = "ValveOperator" Description = "Valve Operator"

Piping 3D Symbols Reference 775

Piping Symbols

Aspects = 2
Aspect = SimplePhysical
Aspect = Insulation

Description: butterfly valve
Symbol Name: SP3DButterflyValveL.BFYLP
Workbook Sheet:
User Class Name:
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DButterflyValveL.BFYLP
Number of Inputs = 9
Input Name = "DiscWidth"
Input Description = "Width of the Disc"
Input Name = "DiscDiameter"
Input Description = "Diameter of the Disc"
Input Name = "StemWidth"
Input Description = "Width of the Stem"
Input Name = "StemDiameter"
Input Description = "Diameter of the Stem"
Input Name = "StemFlWidth"
Input Description = "Width of the Stem Flange"
Input Name = "StemFlDiameter"
Input Description = "Diameter of the Stem Flange"
Input Name = "ActFlWidth"
Input Description = "Width of the Actuator Flange"
Input Name = "ActFlDiameter"
Input Description = "Diameter of the Actuator Flange"
Input Name = "ActWidth"
Input Description = "Width of the Actuator"
Number of Outputs = 7
Output Name = "Disc"

776 Piping 3D Symbols Reference

Piping Symbols

Output Description = "Disc of ButtValve"

Output Name = "Stem"
Output Description = "Stem of ButtValve"
Output Name = "StemFlange"
Output Description = "Stem Flange of Butt Valve"
Output Name = "ActuatorFlange"
Output Description = "Actuator flange of ButtValve"
Output Name = "Actuator"
Output Description = "Actuator of ButtValve"
Output Name = "PipePort1"
Output Description = "PipingPort1 of Butterfly valve"
Output Name = "PipePort2"
Output Description = "PipingPort2 of Butterfly vavle"

Description: butterfly valve symbol that supports face-to-face and face-to-center one per
Flowseal catalog.
Symbol Name: SP3DButterflyValveSym.CButterflyValveS
Workbook: Piping Catalog.xls, Sample Data for Butterfly Valve.xls
Workbook Sheet: ButterflyValve, ButterflyValvePDB894
User Class Name: butterfly valve, Butterfly Valve (Part Data Basis - 894)
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DButterflyValveSym.CButterflyValveS
Inputs = 14
Input = "FacetoFace" Description = "Face to Face"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"
Input = "HandwheelAngle" Description = "Rotation of Operator"
Input = "FacetoCenter" Description = "Face to Center"
Input = "Face1toCenter" Description = "Face to Center Port 1"

Piping 3D Symbols Reference 777

Piping Symbols

Input = "Face2toCenter" Description = "Face to Center Port 2"

Input = "ValCenLineToBot" Description = "Valve centerline to bottom"
Input = "OffsetFrmValCen" Description = "Offset from Valve Centerline"
Input = "Width" Description = "Width"
Input = "A" Description = "A"
Input = "B" Description = "B"
Input = "C" Description = "C"
Input = "Offset" Description = "Offset"
Input = "MountingPadWidth" Description = "Mounting Pad Width"
Outputs = 5
Output = "ValveBody" Description = "Cylinder"
Output = "InsulCylinder" Description = "Insulation Cylinder"
Output = "PNoz1" Description = "Nozzle 1"
Output = "PNoz2" Description = "Nozzle 2"
Output = "ValveOperator" Description = "Valve Operator"
Aspects = 2
Aspect = SimplePhysical
Aspect = Insulation

778 Piping 3D Symbols Reference

Piping Symbols

Part Design Basis 10

Part Design Basis 13

Part Design Basis 894

Piping 3D Symbols Reference 779

Piping Symbols

Part Design Basis 1096

Part Design Basis 1097

780 Piping 3D Symbols Reference

Piping Symbols

Part Design Basis 1098

Part Design Basis 1099

Piping 3D Symbols Reference 781

Piping Symbols

Part Design Basis 1100

Part Design Basis 1101

782 Piping 3D Symbols Reference

Piping Symbols

Part Design Basis 1102

Part Design Basis 1103

Piping 3D Symbols Reference 783

Piping Symbols

Part Design Basis 1104

Part Design Basis 1105

784 Piping 3D Symbols Reference

Piping Symbols

Part Design Basis 1106

Part Design Basis 1107

Piping 3D Symbols Reference 785

Piping Symbols

Part Design Basis 2011

Part Design Basis 2012

786 Piping 3D Symbols Reference

Piping Symbols

Part Design Basis 2013

Part Design Basis 2014

Piping 3D Symbols Reference 787

Piping Symbols

Description: Butterfly Valve Variable Arm Length
Symbol Name: SP3DButterflyValveVAL.ButterflyValveVAL
Workbook: Piping Catalog.xls
Workbook Sheet: ButterflyValveVarArmLength
User Class Name: Butterfly Valve Variable Arm Length
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DButterflyValveVAL.ButterflyValveVAL
Inputs = 7
Input = "FacetoFace" Description = "Face to Face"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"
Input = "HandwheelAngle" Description = "Rotation of Operator"
Input = "VArmLength1" Description = "Input corresponds to Operator parameter"
Input = "FacetoCenter" Description = "Face to Center"
Input = "Face1toCenter" Description = "Face to Center Port 1"
Input = "Face2toCenter" Description = "Face to Center Port 2"
Outputs = 5
Output = "ValveBody" Description = "Cylinder"
Output = "InsulCylinder" Description = "Insulation Cylinder"
Output = "PNoz1" Description = "Nozzle 1"
Output = "PNoz2" Description = "Nozzle 2"
Output = "ValveOperator" Description = "Valve Operator"
Aspects = 2
Aspect = SimplePhysical
Aspect = Insulation

788 Piping 3D Symbols Reference

Piping Symbols

Description: Butterfly Valve Variable Operator Height
Symbol Name: SP3DButterflyValveVOH.ButterflyValveVOH
Workbook: Piping Catalog.xls
Workbook Sheet: ButterflyValveOperHgt
User Class Name: Butterfly Valve Variable Operator Height
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DButterflyValveVOH.ButterflyValveVOH
Inputs = 7
Input = "FacetoFace" Description = "Face to Face"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"
Input = "HandwheelAngle" Description = "Rotation of Operator"
Input = "VOperatorHeight1" Description = "Input corresponds to Operator parameter"
Input = "FacetoCenter" Description = "Face to Center"
Input = "Face1toCenter" Description = "Face to Center Port 1"
Input = "Face2toCenter" Description = "Face to Center Port 2"
Outputs = 5
Output = "ValveBody" Description = "Cylinder"
Output = "InsulCylinder" Description = "Insulation Cylinder"
Output = "PNoz1" Description = "Nozzle 1"
Output = "PNoz2" Description = "Nozzle 2"
Output = "ValveOperator" Description = "Valve Operator"
Aspects = 2
Aspect = SimplePhysical
Aspect = Insulation

Piping 3D Symbols Reference 789

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