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Scottish International School

Social Studies Holidays’ Homework Class - VII

Geography : Chapter – 2 Inside Our Earth COLLAGE ACTIVITY – Click pictures of 5 different
objects in your household which are made up of 5 different metals. Write the name of those
objects and the metal from which they are made ( by using edit option). Now make a beautiful
collage of these 5 pictures in your phone and save it in Phone’s gallery.

History : Chapter – 2 New Kings and Kingdoms BRAIN STORMING ACTIVITY – Read the chapter
and try to unscramble the jumble words with the help of given clue in the activity. (Do it on a
coloured A4 size sheet.)

1. Big landlords who provided military support to the king. (MANSATAS)

2. Name of the poet who wrote a long Sanskrit poem on the rulers of Kashmir. (LAHAKAN)
3. This city was the cause of the ‘Tripartite Struggle’. (JANUKA)
4. It is an Arabic term for ‘ruler’. (TANSUL)
5. A Chauhan ruler who defeated Muhammad Ghori in 1191. (RAJAVIRTHIP)
6. He was considered as the most powerful Chola ruler. (JAJARARA I)
7. The land gifted to Brahmanas by the Chola rulers. (YARABEMADH)
8. An association of the traders. (RAMGANA)

Civics : Chapter – 2 Role of the Government in Health CASE STUDY AND GROUP ACTIVITY –
Now-a-days many people are suffering from COVID pandemic.

(i) Have a telephonic interview with a person who has recovered from the pandemic
and fill the following Performa.
(ii) Ask any 5 of your friends to send their Case Study on your Whatsapp and on the
bases of these case studies, write a short note on the topic “Health Services in
Public v/s Private Sectors in India”.

INSTRUCTION : Draw the attached Performa on A4 size sheet OR take print out if possible.
Write your name, class and section at the bottom.

Write your Report on another A4 size sheet and staple it with the filled Performa.



1. Name of the person

2. Age in years 3. Gender : Male / Female
4. COVID test conducted Government Hospital / Private Hospital
5. Approximate number of people present
around the person for testing
6. Date of testing
7. Report of Antigen test Positive / Negative
8. Report of RTPCR Positive / Negative
9. Date on which RTPCR report received
10. Method of treatment Home Isolation / Hospitalization
11. In case of Hospitalization:
(i) Number of visits by doctor in a
(ii) Behaviour of Hospital staff Caring and friendly / Polite / Impolite
(iii) Facilities Excellent / Good / Average / Poor
(iv) Cleanliness Excellent / Good / Average / Poor
12. In case of Home Isolation, calls Yes / No
received from CMO
13. Approximate days took to recover
14. Approximate money spent on the

Report prepared by : __________________________ Class & Section__________________

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