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Department of English and Foreign Languages

Faculty of Engineering and Technology, SRMIST

Value Education

Work Book
For First Year B.Tech Students

(For internal circulation only)

Name:____ MD OBAID ANSARI ____

Reg. No: ___RA2011033010162___
Branch: __CSE SWE__ Section: ___S2__
Module 1

Visions for Youth


Individual Work

1. What values are according to you? Jot down five values that you consider most
i. Courage
ii. Kindness
iii. Patience
iv. Honesty
v. Gratitude

2. Who said what?

a. “Values are like fingerprints. Nobodies are the same but you leave them all over
everything you do.”


b. “Happiness is that state of contiousness which proceeds from the achievement of

one’s values.”
Said by: AYN RAND

c. “Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life because you become what
you believe.”

d. “Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground.”

e. “Not how long, but how well you have lived is the main thing.”
Group Activity
f. Draw a logo and write a slogan for your group based on the value that you as a group
consider important.

Taking responsibility for oneself is by definition an act of kindness.


Individual Activity

1. Listen to the speech and write the gist of the same.


Bal Gangadhar Tilak gave this speech in Nashik on May 1917. I am young in spirit though
old in body. I do not wish to lose this privilege of youth. To deny the growing capacity to my
thinking power is to admit that I have no right to speak on this resolution. Whatever I am
going to speak today is eternally young. The body might grow old, decrepit and it might
perish, but the soul is immortal. Similarly, if there might be an apparent lull in our Home
Rule activities, the freedom of the spirit behind it is eternal and indestructible, and it will
secure liberty for us.

The Soul means Parameshwar and the mind will not get peace till it gets identified with Him.
If one body is worn out the soul will take another: so assures the Gita. This philosophy is
quite old. Freedom is my birthright. So long as it is awake within me, I am not old. No
weapon can cut this spirit, no fire can burn it, no water can wet it, no wind can dry it. I say
further that no CID can burn it. I declare the same principle to the Superintendent of Police
who is sitting before me, to the Collector who had been invited to attend this meeting and to
the Government shorthand writer who is busy taking down notes of our speeches.

This principle will not disappear even if it seems to be killed. We ask for Home Rule and we
must get it. The Science which ends in Home Rule is the Science of Politics and not the one
which ends in slavery. The Science of Politics is the "Vedas" of the country. You have a soul
and I only want to wake it up. I want to tear off the blind that has been let down by ignorant,
designing and selfish people. The Science of Politics consists of two parts. The first is Divine
and the second is Demonic. The slavery of a Nation comes into the latter part. There cannot
be a moral justification for the Demonic part of the Science of Politics. A Nation which might
justify this is guilty of sin in the sight of God. Some people have the courage to declare what
is harmful to them and some have not that courage. The political and religious teaching
consists in giving the knowledge of this principle. Religious and political teachings are not
separate, though they appear to be so on account of foreign rule. All philosophies are
included in the Science of Politics.

Who does not know the meaning of Home Rule? Who does not want it? Would you like it, if
I enter your house and take possession of your cooking department? I must have the right to
manage the affairs in my own house. It is only lunatics and children who do not know how to
manage their own affairs.
The cardinal creed of the conferences is that a member must be above 21 years of age; do you
not, therefore, think that you want your own rights? Not being lunatics or children you
uuderstand your own business, your own rights and, therefore, you know Home Rule. We are
told we are not fit for Home Rule. A century has passed away and the British Rule has not
made us fit for Home Rule; now we will make our own efforts and fit ourselves for it.

To offer irrelevant excuses, to hold out any temptation and to make other offers will be
putting a stigma on the English policy. England is trying to protect the small state of Belgium
with the help of India; how can it then say that we should not have Home Rule? Those who
find fault with us are avaricious people. But there are people who find fault even with the All-
Merciful God. We must work hard to save the soul of our Nation without caring for anything.
The good of our country consists in guarding this - our birthright. The Congress has passed
this Home Rule resolution. The Provincial Conference is only a child of the Congress, which
submits to mandates of its father. We will follow Shri Ramachandra in obeying the order of
our father the Congress. We are determined to make efforts to get this resolution enforced
even if the effort leads us to the desert, compels us to live incognito, makes us suffer any
hardship and even if it finally brings us to death. Shri Ramachandra did it. Do not pass this
resolution by merely clapping your hands but by taking a solemn vow that you will work for
it. We will work for it by every possible constitutional and law-abiding method to get Home

Through the grace of God, England has changed its mind towards us. We feel our efforts will
not be without success. England proudly thought that a tiny nation might be able to protect
the Empire by itself. This pride has gone down. England has now begun to feel that it must
make changes in the constitution of the Empire. Lloyd George has openly confessed that
England cannot go on without the help of India. All notions about a Nation of a thousand
years old have to be changed. The English people have discovered that the wisdom of all
their parties is not sufficient. The Indian soldiers have saved the lives of the British soldiers
on the French battlefield and have showed their bravery. Those who once considered us as
slaves have begun now to call us brothers. God has brought about all these changes. We must
push our demands while the notion of this brotherhood is existing in the minds of the English.
We must inform them that we, thirty crores of the Indian people, are ready to lay down our
lives for the Empire; and that while we are with them none shall dare cast an evil glance at
the Empire.
2. Explain the impact of the speech on you.

The speech impact on me was:

1. Leadership Quality
2. Always show support
3. Always stand with and for your people

Group Activity

3. Listen to the speech of a famous personality of your choice. Write an outline based on
the following guidelines and make a group presentation.
a. A brief introduction to the speaker
b. Context of the speech
c. Main points

Joanne Rowling was born on 31st July 1965. Dianne, her younger sister, was born
almost two years later and Joanne’s earliest childhood memory is of Dianne’s arrival.
She, her sister and her parents lived in Winterbourne, Gloucestershire, until Joanne
was nine, when the family moved to Tutshill, near Chepstow.
b. Fearing the Future
As soon as Rowling graduated, she started feeling fear that she will face failure.
Seven years later, the realization of her worse fear – freed her.
Failure is Not Forever
K. Rowling succeeded to transform from a single mom on the verge of bankruptcy to
one of the wealthiest authors on the planet. Her rags to riches story proves to everyone
that life can be turned around.
Develop Your Imagination
People can empathize with others if they employ their imaginations and understand
what those others are going through.
Every human being is responsible for recognizing and developing his imagination, to
create a better world.
c.1. Fearing the Future
2. Failure is Not Forever
3. Develop Your Imagination

Individual Work

1. Write down five proverbs / quotes on the power of youth.

1. 1.“Our youth are not failing the system; the system is failing our youth. Ironically,
the very youth who are being treated the worst are the young people who are
going to lead us out of this nightmare.” — Rachel Jackson
2. “Youth involvement has moved forward. It is no longer seen as a rebellious act,
the way it was a few decades ago.” — Maureen A. Sedonaen
3. “I raise my voice not so that i can shout, but so that those without a voice can be
heard.” ― Malala Yousafzai
4. “We all benefit by having young people exposed to the ‘way things are done’ in a
democratic society. Isn’t it time… to ‘tap the power of youth?'” — Hans Bernard
5. “I have seen the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving
hysterical naked…” — Allen Ginsberg

Individual work

2. Jot down the points for debate on the topic “Today’s youth are more socially

Life is changing in a very rapid rhythm compared to the past, even in the behavior
and way of thinking of young people. There is a debate on whether the youngsters
today have a significant influence on their societies or not. In my opinion, I
believe that young people today have voice and effect on the world and in thisI
will demonstrate my reasons for that support.

To begin with, youngsters today are more knowledgeable and experienced in

different aspects of life than in the past. They learn at school and universities how
to think rationally, be leaders and make informed decisions according to evidence.
In politics for example, they are able to make decisions concerning their country's
future and to assert their vision for its prosperity. They are now highly qualified to
interpret events happening in the society around them and even in the world as a
whole. They are able to defend their rights in gaining freedom, democracy and
social equity. All these abilities were acquired through learning from the past and
observing the points of weakness and strength of the previous generations.
With the help of the technological development and the use of the internet, young
people are able to communicate with other people in the world and discover
different points of view. Moreover, they managed to know what is happening far
from them and take lessons from it as well as interacting with it. These factors
helped in building strong background and represented a platform to start their

Youth learned early the meaning of responsibility because of the current

circumstances and world events that force them to mature and root for their
opinions. For instance, we can see now young people presiding leading positions
in their universities and colleges through which they can transfer their opinions to
the society. The young people have today significant roles and effects on the
important decisions of their societies. This is because of the enhanced education
they receive, the internet and being inherently responsible.

Pair Activity

3. Conduct a debate based on the points noted down on the above given topic.


FOR:Youth are the architect of the modern civilization. They never hesitate
todemonstrate new things and ideas. But the elder people are not interested to
try new things. They fear demonstrating with new creative ideas because of
their adoptability.
AGAINST: India today is looked upon by the world as one of the youngest
countries of the world. Maximum of India's population consists of youngsters
(between 20 to 25 years), or as we call them - Youngistan. The youth who is
full of life, energy, wants to achieve everything in his life. The confidence in
his eyes signifies his urge to win and conquer the world. But in this display of
power and passion, the youth of today has lost the very vital key to success -
patience, perseverance, hard work, dedication and discipline.
Let’s go to flashback (the era of 1960s to 1990s) Gone are those days when
the youth of India had a very limited source of information viz. what to study,
where to study, how to approach the known college, which job to do, how to
crack the entrance exams, group discussion and personal interviews and
emerge as a winner. The youth of yester years was dependent on a very
limited source of information. They had to go through many books for
references, had to visit many libraries to get those books and had to do great
hard work in preparing relevant notes from those books. Also in those days
there were not many counselling and coaching centers who would have guided
them in taking the right decisions of their life. But they had still "Managed" to
get what they "Desired". Because they believed in only one golden rule - "The
distance between their dreams and reality was called Discipline". They had
one thing in common which was discipline which made their difficulties look
easier and made the impossible, possible. The power of perseverance was
always there to guide them in difficult times.
FOR: Youth have only one gender that is they are youth. They are treated
equallyeverywhere. They have to compete with themselves. They never take
the advantage of being male or female. Thus their positive aspect is helpful for
the development of the society and country.
AGAINST: Sad to say that the youth of today's India is murdered by the very
essentialnecessities of theirs i.e. whirl pooling WhatsApp and Frightening
Facebook. I might sound a bit rude but this is the unfortunate reality of our
"So called Youngistan".
Mobile phone in today's world provides you the entire information you want.
Any information you want is just a touch away from you provided you have
that urge to explore beyond your confinements. Today's youth is pretty
reluctant to explore when it comes to do something new. Mobile phone has
now become their real world rather than a virtual one.
FOR: They are open to talk and understand. They are like open book. They
share their feelings, their thoughts.
AGAINST: Cut to now, the youth of today is fully equipped with all the
required source of information. viz internet, newspapers, magazines,
consultancies, counselling and coaching centres and the most revolutionary
thing of the century "The Mobile Phone". But still they have a million dollar
question to be answered to themselves - what to do in life, how to do in life,
when to do what in context is very clear that the youth of today has
got no goal in his
life. The very obvious reasons are - lack to dedication, unwillingness to work
hard, expecting a lot in a very short span of time and the most gruesome one
not believing them. No conviction about what they can achieve and till which
level can they achieve.
FOR: With new & fresh ideas the young can bring vast change in technical
field. But the elder people are not accustomed with the new improved
technical instruments. Youth never vacillate to accept new ideas or challenge.
AGAINST: Today's youth are not responsible because they are more into
adventures and stuffs. It's not wrong. But they take everything easily. There is
a lack of commitment mostly. Corruption is a huge problem in the society. Not
all youths try to stop it or create awareness about it. Some even bribe the
police officers and other government employee.
gender inequality is still common in many villages and even homes in the
cities. The sad part is many believe in myths. Not having proper awareness
about these superstitious beliefs definitely make the progress slow. The youths
many villages are also a part of these problems.
FOR:Patriotism is mostly found amongst the young generation. Whenever
there is any question raise on their country they are ready to lay down their
lives. History shows us the example of language movement of 1952 and the
liberation war of 1971. Where the young student Rafik, Zabbar, Barkat laid
down their lives for their mother tongue. Maximum freedom fighters of our
liberation war were young.
AGAINST: Patriotism is something where you hold together and never give
up on your nations culture, heritage and abide to the country law and order.
Whereas now-days youngsters with their fluttering mindset fall into the most
dangerous spaces of the society and leave beyond tracks. What is the
guarantee that they won’t when this is the hormonal change age which
scientifically affects the mindset, giving them to move with a wise
responsibility at that age is something that makes them then as to why they are
A wise mindset is required to guide even the best of technologies in the right
path which helps every living been and doesn’t depart down without a proper
sketch or implementation. Knowledge is power but discipline and wise
management thought can hold the best of the outcome.


Individual Activities

1.Collect a news article on the social initiative of youth in India and paste it below:

Indian Youth Lead The Way To Solve Pressing Humanitarian Issues

2.Write down the points in the space provided and present briefly the details of the social
initiative described in the article.

The Youth significant role as champions of sustainable development goals. There is a need to
empower the youth of the country, especially in rural India to emerge as the environmental
stewards of the local communities.

India has its largest ever adolescent and youth population. According to UNFPA projections,
India will continue to have one of the youngest populations in the world until 2030. Youth
population plays an essential role in providing innovative and sustainable solutions to social
and economic problems globally. From environment protection, gender equality, eliminating
poverty to road safety, young people have been an essential part of the positive change
discovering new ways to solve critical challenges. Youth around the world have been
branded the Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet of tomorrow because of their
innovativeness. It is the need of the hour to create the right mindset and empower the youth to
evolve as the champions of sustainable development goals.

Against the backdrop of this global pandemic, through activism and volunteerism, the youth
need to unite in answering the call for local and global transformation.

A Cleaner and Greener Environment

The youth of today are leaders in the conversation for protection and development of the
environment through advocacy in their homes, schools, and youth organisations to adopt
preservation, sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. In India, a new programme
conducted by the United Nations Environment Programme’s the Clean Seas Campaign saw
the participation of 1,900 young people across India in the universal movement against
plastic pollution. Even with the launch of the Green Skill Development Programme in 2017,
which focuses on developing skills among the youth in the environment and forest sector,
there is a rift between awareness and call to action. The need of the hour is to bridge the gap
between environmental awareness and conservation actions for effectively enabling the youth
with the necessary tools and skills to take action for sustainable solutions.

A Youth Divide

Lack of attention and focus on youth-led social initiatives often deters the young dreamers
from stepping forward to take the lead in making a difference. They do not get the necessary
support for their ideas. Burdens such as unemployment, lack of job skills, low income and job
pressure are challenges hindering community welfare.

Understanding these need gaps faced in India, CSR initiatives undertaken by companies
mobilize young volunteers by promoting youth volunteerism and engagement for local and
global partnerships. They work to provide the necessary direction and empower rural youth in
communities to become local change-makers.

Youth Involvement in Rural India

Rural India has an immense potential to be the powerhouse for national development.
Considering the youth as the environmental stewards of the future, government along with
corporate have been relentlessly working towards empowering the youth in rural areas,
across the nation. The corporate trusts and their initiatives are focused on educating and
building skills amongst the youth, which can aid to enhance productivity and promote
sustainable environmental development.

One such example by a corporate trust that had undertaken programmes to empower a group
of youth in Padavedu of the ThiruvannamalaI District in Tamil Nadu. The areas of Kappalur,
Kalpattu, Kalasamuthiram and Kuppam are under the trust’s Afforestation Project, initiated
in 2015, which provides a comprehensive approach towards environmental sustainability.
Under this project, actions such as the adoption of planting and nurturing methods, enabling
local community participation and ensuring the gradual restoration of natural forests are
undertaken. Even with these measures in place, these areas are incredibly prone to fires due
to the ecological sensitivity of the regions of Tamil Nadu. These fires significantly damage
the flora and fauna, severely affecting the ecological balance.

Therefore, it was imperative that the villagers were equipped with the knowledge on fire
prevention and control measures, aimed explicitly at assembling youth who are seeking work.
This awareness of conversation educates, encourages and motivates rural youth to play an
active role in environmental sustainability activities. Subsequently, engaging the youth in
environmental protection not only creates a direct impact on changing their behaviours and
attitudes but possibly extend influence on their families.

In line with previous programmes, the trust continues to work towards enabling leaders at the
rural level and encourage village members to take charge of social change and social
development work. 1,134 villages in India have already reached self-reliant levels through
these initiatives.

Leaders of Tomorrow

The youth are ensuring that their voices are being heard as they now shoulder ongoing
responsibilities and challenges faced across the globe. There still exists a disparity within the
group, which must be addressed by establishing more youth-centric enablement programmes
and campaigns that will propel them in their pursuit of becoming proactive changemakers.
Governments must acknowledge this segment of society as key stakeholders and partners of
society. In turn, the youth must use their collective voice to advocate, collaborate and lead
initiatives that act in favour of national and global growth. The youth are the next generation
of entrepreneurs, educators, activists, philanthropists, impact investors, and innovators.
Industries and government should work together to use the brainpower of these young
resources to solve the world’s acute humanitarian problems


Pair or group activity - Role play based on the given situation

Assume that you are one of the members of the persons who have taken up the social
initiative described in the article pasted above and bring alive the situation described in that.


Assume you are one of the team members of a group of students who are on a visit to
inculcate “Adult Education” in a village. Enact the situation that you might encounter there.
||“Adult Education” in a village||

Narrator: There were a group of students who worked for the social welfare and rural
enhancement, once they decided to help the rural area elders by supporting them with
educational knowledge so that they can take forth the village in a more defined manner with
proper guidance and clarity.

Speaker 1: Education is not a time-bound activity or pursuit. Both education andknowledge

are an ongoing process that occurs for the entire lifetime of an individual. As the saying goes,
we learn something new every day. Even formal education is not solely the privilege of
children or young adults. Adult education gives mature adults the chance to learn more and
hone any specific skills they wish to.

Adult education consists of offering mature adults various educational options to learn new
skills or develop the skills they already possess. It is the means of providing education to
adults beyond the traditional school and college education we offer to them as children. Adult
education can either be formal, vocational, recreational, social, etc.

Adult or Continuing Education takes a different approach than traditional school and college
education. We have to take into effect, that these adults are already experienced and most
likely a part of the workforce. So the curriculum and teaching methods must be adapted to
take this into consideration. The importance of adult education lies in the fact that it builds on
the knowledge they will already possess.

Advantages of Adult Education:

The main aim and importance of adult education are to level the playing field for certain
adults in the professional world. So with access to education, they have a second chance at a
better career or advancement in their current career. They can even develop new skills that
will help them with their professional lives.

While expanding their knowledge and skillset, they can also expand their career prospects.
And such adult education also teaches the students how to put their skills and knowledge into
practical use.

Another advantage of adult education is that it improves the literacy rates of the society and
the country as a whole. Improving their basic literacy will allow adults to reach their full
potential in their personal lives as well. So they will gain more confidence to step out of their
comfort zones and explore more of the world.

Speaker 2: Our identity is our green farming culture, we should keep one thing in mind is to
never give up on our culture. The immediate question that comes into our mind is why
shouldn’t we move ahead rather stick on to one aspect of income, it is completely fine to
develop our culture into small scale industries like handloom heritage art work, pottery etc.
To show the depth of our village art, but giving forth our hometown into hands that our off
our control isn’t healthy. We all should know that farming is the most precious do out of all,
hunger and survival of humans are fed by farmers and so they are worshipped over heads.
Our hand in hand technologies have given a big up rise to our farmers and their lands,
nothing has become impossible now in farming, from high variety resistant crops to major
cross breed nutritive crops have come, all we need to know is to keep our motherland
protected from damage or disaster and feed the crops as they feed our living.

Let's all hold hands together to revive our motherland more green and more fresh , with the
help of recent technologies like the drone based pesticides , different types of irrigation and
many more . The government gives a helping hand to the farmers and hence every funding
and bank loan for the farmers has also been loosened and the corruption of landlords will
hence forth be taken as legal cases and cleared by. I hope to see all of us take this big leap for
a bright shine.

Speaker 3: Health and hygiene:

In modern times, it has become so important to take care of one’s health and hygiene. With
the rising population levels, pollution levels, emission of harmful gases, it has to be a priority
for everyone to maintain their health and hygiene. Hygiene refers to good practices and
rituals that prevent diseases and leads to good health. Thus, it mainly includes proper sewage
disposal, cleanliness, and safe drinking water supply. So, it includes all the activities that are
done for preserving and improving as well as maintaining sound health.

According to WHO, health is a state of complete mental, spiritual, physical, and social
wellbeing and not only the absence of disease. If a person is in a good physical state and free
from any diseases but is under constant stress, greed, tension, anger, etc., then that person is
not healthy.

Speaker 4: educate people on various ways:

Proper education of the public, the provision of more communal trash bins, and the collection
of waste by private contractors could help prevent exposing the public in municipalities to
diseases. Educating people about proper sanitation. Educating them about their fundamental
rights. Educating them about the local panchayat and Municipal Corporation. They must
understand the working of the government so that they know whom to vote for and what is
right for them.

They should complain to the municipal corporation or the panchayat for the betterment of
their livelihood such as building roads, drainage system, and electricity and hospital facilities.

Speaker 5: Hazards of lack of knowledge

The schemes introduced by government is of no use is nobody knows about their existence.
People who don't have enough knowledge can be exploited easily by other people or
corporates. Basic health care will be of no use if people are not aware about the low cost
services. They will be unaware about first aids during an emergency.
Managing money will be difficult without proper knowledge about it.

Lack of proper diet is a huge problem. Especially for children who live in villages which are
underdeveloped. Having politicians and the government accountable will be nearly
impossible without proper knowledge about politics.

Narrator: Finally to wind up with, this is a great opportunity for us youngsters and to our
respected elder’s front of us to learn the best from what we have. Let's all take this initiative
into greater success.

Once again thank you all!!!!


Individual Activity

1. Listen to the song played and write a gist of the song and how it has impacted you.

Man in The Mirror- Michael Jackson

This song creates a realization of our reality today. We can't keep complaining, or
painfully watching people suffer. If others are just going to let this happen, then you
got to look in the mirror and make the change yourself. And, we always talk about our
society and all the bad things that happen that have no reasoning. Well that reasoning
somebody didn't prevent that from happening... And that someone could be right in
the mirror. There is a quote that perfectly represents this song, "Our world suffers a
lot, not because of the bad people and, the violence. But, because of the good people
that are silent." That's why I vote this song to be one of the most meaningful songs
created by the one and only Michael Jackson that no one will ever forget and may his
legacy be passed down to future generations to come.
Group Activity

2. Write down the lyric of your favorite song in English in the space below and sing it as
a group.

Man In The Mirror

I'm gonna make a change

For once in my life

It's gonna feel real good

Gonna make a difference

Gonna make it right

As I, turn up the collar on

My favorite winter coat

This wind is blowing my mind

I see the kids in the streets

With not enough to eat

Who am I to be blind?

Pretending not to see their needs

A summer disregard, a broken bottle top

And a one man soul

They follow each other on the wind ya' know

'Cause they got nowhere to go

That's why I want you to know

I'm starting with the man in the mirror

I'm asking him to change his ways

And no message could have been any clearer

If you want to make the world a better place

Take a look at yourself, and then make a change

Na-na-na, na-na-na

Na-na, na-na

I've been a victim of a selfish kind of love

It's time that I realize

That there are some with no home, not a nickel to loan

Could it be really me, pretending that they're not alone?

A willow deeply scarred, somebody's broken heart

And a washed-out dream

They follow the pattern of the wind ya' see

'Cause they got no place to be

That's why I'm starting with me

I'm starting with the man in the mirror

I'm asking him to change his ways

And no message could have been any clearer

If you want to make the world a better place

Take a look at yourself, and then make a change

I'm starting with the man in the mirror

I'm asking him to change his ways

And no message could've been any clearer

If you want to make the world a better place

Take a look at yourself and then make that


I'm starting with the man in the mirror

(Oh yeah!)

I'm asking him to change his ways

(Better change!)
No message could've been any clearer

If you want to make the world a better place

Take a look at yourself and then make the change

You gotta get it right, while you got the time

You can't close your, your mind!

That man, that man (With the man in the mirror)

That man, that man (Oh, yeah!)

That man, that man (I'm asking him to change his ways)

That man (Better change!)

No message could have been any clearer

If you want to make the world a better place

Take a look at yourself and then make the change

Na-na-na, na-na-na

Na-na, na-na

Gonna feel real good

Na-na-na, na-na-na

Na-na, na-na

I'm gonna make a change

It's gonna feel real good!

Chime on!


Just lift yourself

You know

You've got to stop it


I've got to make that change, today!

(Man in the mirror)

You got to

You got to not let yourself



You know, I've got to get

That man, that man

(Man in the mirror)

You've got to move! Chime on!

Chime on!

You got to

Stand up! Stand up! Stand up!

(Yeah! Make that change)

Stand up and lift yourself, now!

(Man in the mirror)

You know it!

You know it!

You know it!

You know it!

Make that change


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