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Shri Gurubyo Namaha

A Pre-Publication Write-Up

Book title: Punitha Samskarangalum Iniya Sampradayangalum (Sacred rituals

& traditional customs)

Pages: 220

Language: Tamil

Author: Mrs. Padmavathy Gopalakrishnan

(A/3 Gayathri Apts, 30 Canal Road, Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai-41. (Phone: 044-

24454403, E-mail:

Preface: Mahamahopadhyaya, Veda Bhashya Ratnam, Darshana Kalanidhi,

Mullaivasal Dr, R. Krishnamurthy Sastrigal. (Formerly Principal
Sanskrit College, Mylapore, Chennai - 600004)

Benedictory message: Their Holinessess Sri Jagadhguru Kanchi Kamakoti

Peedathipathigal in the form of a SRIMUKHAM.

First Edition: April 2011

Publisher: Sri. S. Srikumar,

(New No. 27, Second floor, Second Lane, Shastri nagar, Adyar, Chennai – 20
(Phone: 98403-11364, 044-45511343, Email:

Price: Rs.140 + Postage extra

Shri Gurubyo Namaha

Sanathana Dharma, the eternal cosmic law that binds spirit to matter is the name given to the body of
thought that has influenced and shaped Hindu culture from time immemorial. The Vedas, the source
code of the Hindu religion, speak of various rites some of which are optional, some obligatory, some to
be performed on special occasions and some in the form of vows to expiate the sins of the past. The
rites to be performed on special occasions have a deep religious significance and tend to spiritualize the
important events of life from birth to death. Some of the important occasions, are when a man is born
when he is given a name, when he is vested with the sacred thread enabling him to study the Vedas.
When he marries, when he attains the age of 60 and more the years when spiritual Samskaras unfold.
The investiture with the sacred thread applicable to the first three classes of the Hindu fold or initiation
ceremony which mark his spiritual birth is the most important event in a man’s life. These rites called
Samskaras are purificatory in nature and are performed with the chanting of Vedic mantras, which lend
sacredness and sanctity to the occasion. Sampradayas are customs followed with faith and devotion for
generations that enrich such occasions with gaiety and grandeur. They may be looked upon as the
power that manifests the hidden spiritual meaning of Samskaras (vide “Sampradayeshwari” namavalli
710 of Lalitha Sahasranamam)

The book under review, a 220 page feature with seventeen chapters and ninety three topical headings,
contains in the introduction by the author an extract from the book “Voice Divine” – Part I which aptly
summarizes the inspiration for and the theme of the book. An extensive coverage of the Vedic mantras
chanted before solemnizing a wedding, A sincere attempt to explain the profound significance of every
marriage custom from “Pilgrimage to Kashi” to “Seven steps”, from “stepping on the mills stone” to
“Arundathi star gazing”, supplemented by an exhaustive list of the gifts of articles, dress & delicacies to
be exchanged, all go to make for a ready reference manual for celebration of marriage as occasions not
of pomp and show but of deep spiritual import. The traditional chorus songs in haunting melody, that
eulogize the wedlock as a wedding of Lord Rama & Seetha, Lord Krishna & Rukmini and set a divine tone
and capture the imagery of the occasion, find a place in the concluding chapter.

The pre-natal & post-natal Samskaras together with the initiation ceremony for imparting Brahmavidya,
called Upanayanam, are dealt with meticulous attention to detail. The optional rites & poojas that are
traditionally performed for material prosperity, good health, progeny and long life are also chronicled in
a separate chapter, along with expiatory rites by which an aspirant is enabled to practice his spiritual
disciplines in a somewhat contented frame of mind.

The book authored by a house wife in her seventies turned author, is a sincere and devoted attempt to
delve deep into the fathomless depth of the vast ocean of Sanathna Dharma and bring to surface the
priceless gems & pearls of wisdom embedded therein and encased in our sacred rituals and hoary
Shri Gurubyo Namaha

In a brief Introduction by the erudite Vedic scholar, Dr.R.Krishnamurthy Sastrigal, the erosion of values
caused by the growing influence of alien cultures is pointed out and the need for arresting this trend is
highlighted. A renewed awareness of the meaning and place of our sacred religious rituals and
traditional customs in this context is necessary. The Author’s efforts, in coming out with a timely
publication of this kind will surely fulfill its stated purpose., if the rituals are performed with faith &
devotion - so says this eminent practitioner of our Sanathana Dharma.

Their Holinesses JAGADHGURU SRI SANKARA ACHARYA SWAMIGAL of Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Mutt, have
in a benedictory message blessed the endeavor, with the affirmation that a reading of the book will
foster devotion, faith and conviction in the minds of all readers to practice the tenets of our dharma and
obtain the blessings of Maha Tripurasundari Sametha Sri Chandramouleeshwara Swami.

The book deserves a prominent place in the reading shelf of all Hindus interested in keeping alive age
old traditions.

- S.Sri Kumar (Publisher)

Limited copies for public sale.

Orders for purchase of 10 copies and more within city of Chennai will be accepted for personal delivery.

Copies can also be had from author, Mrs. Padmavathy w/o M.S. Goalakrishnan, A/3 Gayahtri 30 Canal road, Thiruvanmiyur ,
Chennnai-41 Ph: 044-24454403

Best given as a gift on marriage occasions, the book will serve as a life time guide for the couple to trek the terrain of
Shri Gurubyo Namaha

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