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Winthrop Primary School

Learning at Home
Whole School Plan
Guiding Principles:

Continuity of learning – providing ongoing access to the curriculum for students

Quality of learning – identifying the best available resources to ensure the ongoing quality of learning

Connectivity – keeping students connected to their schools, teachers connected to their students and schools connected to their communities

Equity for students – ensuring learning is available for all students across the State, enabling schools, families and communities to make decisions about multi-modal approaches of
delivery for their students (e.g. online or print versions)

Teacher wellbeing – rationalising workload and supporting teachers to deliver in a new and perhaps unfamiliar environment

Student engagement and wellbeing – ensuring conditions are in place for students to participate in their education program

Collaboration and reciprocity – harnessing the intellectual capacity of our organisation and wider communities for the benefit of students
Who What How
Leadership Leadership has: Reviewed 2020 documentation and online structures in line with Support for Developing a
 Ascertained preparedness for remote learning. remote learning plan.
 Ensured parent and student details are up-to-date in SIS.

 Assessed online capabilities for families and staff, i.e. access 1:1 online lesson delivery as per Home Learning Plan 2021 .
to devices and internet.
 Have considered loan devices and/or internet dongles for EA plan for supporting online learning – Weekly Planner pages 3-5
students who may need them.

 Prepared and distributed a communication strategy for staff, DP has updated SiS details
parents and students. ICT resource teacher will advise students who do not have own access to 1:1 devices.
Parent Home Learning Graphic
 Determined the most appropriate method of remote
learning for the school and agreed expectations with staff.
Updated Communication Policy 2021.

Staff have: Staff have access through DP and ICT team in refresher and induction courses for Webex, Connect
set up and critical systems.
 Familiarity with school and parent communication strategies
and tools. .
 Appropriate access to critical systems i.e. HRMIS, webmail. Contact tree for all staff has been established and updated to include new staff.
 Appropriate access to information i.e. staff and parent
contact details.
 Access to devices and internet at home.
 Connect Discover Digital Resources Connected Learning Hub Digital hardware will be provided to all staff as required.
Printable Resources - Primary Connected Learning Hub
Printable Resources - SNEA’s have a Home Learning Plan detailing their role in supporting SaER and their families that
 Communication tree for all staff has been established and they work with
updated to include new staff. EA plan for supporting online learning Curriculum linked weekly planner page 3-5
 Digital hardware provided to all staff as required.
 SNEA’s have a Home Learning Plan detailing their role in
supporting SaER and their families that they work with Staff Connect resources – Online Learning file.
 Relevant professional learning if using online learning.
 Access to digital or paper-based resources. Connect Library set up in consistent manner in folders across all year levels K – 6 Teacher ICT
 Considered requirements for students with special education leaders in all Year Level Teams.
Parents Connect is up and running and available to all parents.
Parents and Caregivers have:
 Access to translated information where appropriate · School official FB page is in place.
Familiarity with school and parent communication strategies
and tools Communication policy has been updated in 2021, has been shared with the school board and will
 Familiarity with schedules and timelines for remote learning, be in place on the website
 Access to Learn @ Home materials and information
School website has been reviewed for ease of understanding, locating information and with a
language translation option.

As per WPS Online Learning Plan, parents in all year levels are provided with a weekly planner –
curriculum linked by all class teachers K-6

Students Students have: 1:1 Pad program in place
 ICT equipment.
 Familiarity with the remote learning strategy appropriate to Students without device will be provided with one on loan from the school
age and ability, i.e. Connect, Microsoft 365, printed
workbooks. ·

 Access to reading books, printed materials and stationery Students use devices every day as tool for learning and are familiar with Apps and hardware.
supplies where required.
 Access to devices, internet and technical support where Printed books and materials provided and available as required.
Technical support provided by ICT support staff and ICT team and ICT teacher leaders.

Online Student Etiquette Guide



At Winthrop Primary School, we will ensure a consistent approach to providing learning for students at home in the event of a COVID-19 Lockdown.
In doing so, we will keep students connected with their learning, their peers and their teachers. We will also focus on remaining connected with

The plan will change to suits the needs of the context but outlines the roles and responsibilities of:

a) Administration
b) Teachers
c) Education Assistants
d) Students
e) Parents

This document has been collaboratively planned and with reference to:

 Up to date advice from the DoE as per to Covid Guidelines.

 Staff capacity
 Parent capacity
 Personalised learning needs of students
 Access to devices.
 Provision of professional learning.
 Health and well-being of all.

For all students to access learning from home via a platform which suits their learning needs, however supporting digital learning as the
preferred mode for most learners.


Role of Teacher:

 Plan the work for your students in your classroom.

 Upload a Weekly Lesson Overview to Connect for all students to access by Monday 8.30 am each week.
 Meet once a week with your team via Webex.

Weekly Lesson Overview

o Providing curriculum link –gives you with strong basis from which to discuss the year level and relevance of tasks with parents.
o May cut down workload with key learning tasks, linked to curriculum and enhanced by resources, one per hour lesson.
o Succinct and once you have set up your timetable you are planning for 20 sessions per week. This can be enhanced by further work pack or related
work but explicit teaching session is the focus.
o You will be supported by other teachers all using the same format – less likelihood for comparison between class to class, year level to year level.
o Maintain teaching, learning and assessment continuity in line with our whole school plans.
o Use as a collaborative planning tool with year level colleagues and EA’s.
o Evidenced documentation of your curriculum linked learning program.
o EA’s can document their work on your overview - all information in one place.
o Can adapt it to ‘look’ like what you need to make it work for you. Ensure that the key elements are included in your overview

Learning Area
Curriculum Link
Learning Intention


Benefits to Whole School:

o Line managers are able to review and understand and keep track of your program more easily.
o Line manager more easily able to provide support in a focused manner.
o Consistency of planning tool – embeds our whole school focus, demonstrates this cohesive approach even when providing at home learning.

Benefits to Students
o At a glance the students have a visual weekly overview and this will develop independent learning skills and provide them with continuity of lesson
delivery and subjects.
o Students know all subjects are still being covered and that there is an expectation that they complete their sessions and submit work.
o Provides a ‘school like’ continuity, still using the structure and language and ‘look’ of school.

Benefits to Parents

o Provides a time and overview of lesson delivery – when WEBEX/ online sessions may be offered.
o Provides parents with structure in a clear, succinct way, finding a balance in sound lessons without overwhelming parents.
o Provides parents with an understanding of which resources when.
o Parents can print out and use as a reference.
o Provides parents with surety that their child is covering or being offered a similar curriculum to a child in another class – may give confidence in the
program and help to resist the urge to compare between classes.


Work Content:

o Where practicable consider provision of curriculum links.

o Use of Learning Intentions and Success Criteria
o The timetable will have online learning, and suggested hands on activities
o Daily learning: 1 hour of literacy (Reading, writing, speaking and listening), 1 hour of mathematics and one hour of other (science, PE, art, music)
o Leave space for specialist teachers to add their hour of learning
o Mixture of parent supervised and independent work
o Include times for how long is to be spent on each activity
o Have a combination of must do, can do
o Must differentiate as you would for any session.
o Include a mix of new curriculum not yet covered as well as revision activities of content already covered
o Indicate your DoTT periods on the time table.

Teacher/ Parent Communication

 Schedule two hours per day to communicate with parents and students.
 Teachers will communicate to all students/ parents through the week seeking feedback about the work. This may be done via email, phone,
 Teachers to write one generic message weekly on Connect.

Role of Education Assistants

Our Education assistants have a significant role in supporting teachers to provide learning at home.

 Education assistants will work in conjunction with class teachers to support the development of home learning programs.
 Education assistants will support the year or class which they predominantly support.
 Special needs education assistants will work to support the child/ children that they currently work with.
 All education assistants will work under the direction of the class teacher, just as they would in a face-face teaching environment.
 Teachers and education assistants will collaborate and plan lessons.
 Teachers will provide learning intentions from which EA’s can develop some supporting activities.
 EA’s will document their work on their Daily Work Log - this may or may not include curriculum links.
 EA’s may use WebEx if they choose to touch base with their students.
 EA’s may email parents of students who they support 1:1 to communicate social stories, routine work or familiar texts. Any new work should be done in collaboration with class teacher.
 EA’s may mark and provide feedback to work as agreed with class teacher.
 EA’s may run MacQLit programs remotely
 Once the learning activity is prepared, the EA will send to the class teacher who will review it and then load it onto Connect.

We are fortunate to have such skilled education assistants who know their students and together with their teachers will have a plethora of ideas of what to plan for whom, however, please find below a
list of ideas which may provide a springboard in planning:
o Recording a modelled reading – sharing a favourite story – video record
o Recording yourself presenting a puppet play.
o Social stories for Students at Educational Risk (ask teacher / parents what they are finding challenging)
o Preparing short writing topics (15 min. writing)
o Preparing hands on activities in mathematics to guide parents:
o Math Bingo
o Make a paper plate clock. ...
o Guess the weight. ...
o Hopscotch  math. ...
o Pizza fractions. ...
o 'Lengthy' scavenger hunt. ...
o Survey and graphs

Locate resources to supplement teachers lesson plans – some examples being from

Education Assistants Supporting Learning from Home Framework
Teacher Plans the Learning Program.

Teacher provides and shares learning intentions and success criteria.

Teacher and EA collaborate.

Teacher provides guidance and direction as to what areas they wish for the EA to support and plan
resources for.

Teacher documents the learning program and indicates what the EA will do to support the lesson.
EA records work on Daily Work Log, reflective of their FTE

EA plans and compiles learning activity per the teacher’s guidance.

Teacher reviews learning activity with EA.

Teacher uploads learning activity on Connect.


Education Assistants – Daily Work Log

_______________. FTE ________________ Class / Student ___________________

Date Teacher/Class Learning Support / Task/Experience
Curriculum Link (may be the actual link or general curriculum guide)
Learning Support/ Task/Experience

Curriculum Link
Learning Support/ Task/Experience

Curriculum Link
Learning Support/ Task/Experience

Curriculum Link
Learning Support/ Task/Experience


Students who do not have a device

 ICT team know these families and will provide access to a school based iPad
 Alternative is to provide paper learning if no other options

Students with special needs

 Teachers of those students are to communicate directly with the families. SNEA outline detailing roles and supports as above.

Administration communication to home

 Admin will communicate updates as required to home

 Online etiquette guidelines provided
 Focus on wellbeing
 Chaplain will provide support and advice as required
 School psychology support available through the Deputy Principals.

Working from home

 Ensure you have saved any planning documents and logins

 Ensure you have long term and short term planning on a hard drive
 Use a hard drive to back up documents
 Do you have a device at home? Laptop. Desktop or tablet?
 PL has been provided for online communication and meeting teams.

Employee Assistance Program Support

 Details on IKON contact 1300 307 912


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