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Section 1: Introduction

Bread and pastries are just an example of foods that will never get outdated
by time. People from anywhere simply love delicacies no matter what shape, what
color or in what form. Breads and pastries offer a wide varieties of products from
physical look to what’s filling in inside including the flavors that enhance the
pastries’ richness and taste.

Section 2: Executive Summary

Section 3: Table of Contents (optional)

Section 4: Body

Section 5: Conclusion

Section 6: Appendix

1. Name of your business

2. Hours you will be open


Morning: 5:00AM to 9:00AM

Afternoon: 2:00PM to 5:00PM

3. What do you do? (Fix, sell, build, feed, serve, help?)

We bake and sell Paris-inspired breads and pastries.

4. Location of the business. Is it a small, rural community or a large, urban


Where in the town will you be located? Actually choose a location. Explain why
that location will be good for your business.

5. Identify the competition in your business area and location.

6. How many employees will you need? You must have at least 3. What specific
positions will these employees hold? Give details.

a. main baker

b. operation manager

c. baker assistant/ delivery rider


7. Why do you think your business will succeed?

8. Graphics to help convey your ideas—could be photos, organization chart, map,


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