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My Most Unforgettable Patient*

By Benjamin Felson, M.D.

W OULD YOU repeat that, Bill?” I asked,

“You heard me. I want you to x-ray a cow.”
“Well-o.k.,” he said hesitantly. Then, incisively,
“Now, Ben, it’s got to be after midnight and you’d
better make sure that there aren’t any patients
“You can’t be serious!” around. You’ve got to be there yourself and,”
“Listen, Ben,” he said. “I was never more serious menacingly, “if this ever gets out-”
in my life. This cow has been feeding in grass con- At 12 o’clock that night the chief x-ray tech-
taminated with large quantities of chemicals. We nician and I were waiting in my office. The X-ray
want to know if its bones show evidence of fluoride Department is on the basement level of the hos-
poisoning. So we need x-rays.” pital, at the end of one of the many underground
“On the hoof?” I asked. “Why don’t you slaugh- tunnels that catacomb the institution. We didn’t
ter it and let us x-ray the bones? It would be a have long to wait. A low-pitched but penetrating
darned sight easier. And,” as an afterthought, “you moo-oo-oo-oo reverberated through the tunnels,
can pay for it with the beef.” heralding the approach of our expected guest.
“No, that won’t work,” he said. “We want to We hurried into the hallway. Some distance
make some other tests, too. Besides, we’ve got to down the dimly lighted corridor we could make
see what happens to the animal. Thousands of out a balloon-like contour accompanied by several
cows have been exposed to the same feeding area.” shadowy human forms. As this entourage came
“Well, I don’t know-how would it look to bring closer I identified the latter as Bill, the physician,
a cow into the hospital? Oh, boy!” Then the full and two laboratory helpers, one carrying a gal-
impact of the picture struck me. “OH, BOY!” vanized bucket and the other a bushel basket. Two
Kettering Laboratory, a research institute for in- of them were pulling on a rope halter strung loosely
dustrial diseases, is on our university campus about about the cow’s neck and the third was providing
a quarter of a mile from General Hospital. The supporting action from the rear. I looked the
General is a busy city institution and its X-ray De- animal up and down, fore and aft. A strange feel-
partment hums with activity. ing of recognition struck me. Why, she was a
“1’11 tell you what, Bill,” I said. “Let me think veritable reincarnation of my Aunt Bessie-the
about it a while and I’ll call you back.” same enormity, the same lumpiness, the same dig-
I immediately phoned the superintendent’s of- nified mountain of power.
fice. “Henry, are you sitting down?” At this moment our eyes met and I thought I
“What’s wrong?” detected a glint of the devil in their brown depths.
“Now, I’m not joking. I’m dead serious. Please Bessie herself seemed reluctantly passive as she
don’t laugh. Can we x-ray a cow?” moved slowly in the direction of least resistance. I
“Sure, Ben. Say, I hear there’s a constipated lion pointed toward the door of the x-ray room, but
at the Zoo. Why don’t you give him a barium apparently she did not see my finger for she con-
enema? But be sure to tell him not to roar.” tinued blithely up the hallway. With this, the pull-
“Now cut that out, Henry! I told you I was ers pushed and the pusher pulled. But their inertia
serious.” I then explained the problem to him. and Bessie’s ertia, combined with the slick floor,
This at least convinced him that I was not leg- had little effect on her forward progress. The entire
pulling. But approval was another matter. Each of retinue slithered along toward one of the main
my arguments met with arm-folded resistance until hospital corridors. Since Bessie obviously had no
I pointed out that we could claim scientific intention of backing up, it was fortunate that the
priority. I felt absolutely certain that no live cow hallway was wide enough for a U-turn. After
had ever been x-rayed in a general hospital before. several such gyrations we calculated an arc which
managed to bring her full center through the open
‘This is an approximation of an article published on
doorway into the x-ray room.
January I, 1962, and copyrighted January I962 by Medi- Our first project was to x-ray one of her forelegs.
cal Economics, Inc., Oradell, N.J. It is reprinted here by Having planned our campaign well, we had rigged
special permission of Medical Economics, Inc. up a two-step staircase with an x-ray filmholder

Seminars in Roenfgenology, Vol. XI. No. 2 (April), 1976 77


taped to the back of the first step. The x-ray tube After we mopped up the mess and consoled the
was aligned to the film and all that remained now now sullen man, we again proceeded to the busi-
was to place Bessie’s forefoot on the bottom step. ness at hand. We anchored Bessie’s foreleg tightly
Unfortunately, this proved to be no simple matter. to the step with rope and the two helpers held it in
She permitted us to lift her foot to the step, but place while we exposed the x-ray. The film, when
refused to hold it there. After a number of at- developed, showed mainly two pairs of human
tempts ended in failure, one of the laboratory as- hands. The examination was repeated with more
sistants lost his temper and shouted an epithet. rope and less hands and we were rewarded with a
With that, Bessie put her foot down firmly-right beautiful picture of Bessie’s bones.
on top of his. He stood in painful silence, teeth and We proceeded to the hind leg with equal success,
fists clenched, for some seconds before we cor- solving the problem of the overlapping tail very
rectly deciphered the imploring look in his eyes neatly by letting it swish back and forth. Since it
and came to his rescue. While he was recovering, I moved constantly during the prolonged x-ray ex-
made a quick estimate of Bessie’s weight and posure, its image was not recorded on the film.
divided by four. Thereafter I remained strictly a There was now a distinct lull in the proceedings,
consultant. so Bessie decided to pep things up, utilizing the
At this point, without a by-your-leave, Bessie biological method long known to her kind. Having
began to empty her bladder. I now discovered the walked barefoot across farmland on one occasion
purpose of the galvanized bucket. With one motion in my boyhood, I had had good reason to forewarn
the other helper grabbed the bucket, dove beneath the referring physician to come prepared for this.
Bessie to catch the drippings, and-missed. As the The bushel basket, containing sawdust and two
golden rain deluged over his neck and shoulders, small shovels, was his ingenious response. The two
he did a “slow burn.” Immobile in his rising fury, helpers immediately leaped into action, flinging
his face grew redder and redder as his body became sawdust across the floor at a remarkable rate. Un-
wetter and wetter. None of us dared utter a sound, fortunately, their efforts proved futile since every-
even Bessie. It was the most remarkable piece of one had failed to reckon with the tile floor and the
group self-restraint in which I have ever partici- resulting defiance of all laws of gravity.
pated. As I look back upon this poignant scene, I Hurriedly retreating into the hall, I was stunned
recall with pardonable admiration Bessie’s prodi- to see an elderly man lying quietly on a stretcher
gious capacity. outside the door. Apparently the Receiving Ward

dle of the x-ray table. We were pleasantly surprised

to discover that she could extend her neck like a
turtle if the halter were pulled hard enough. I set
the x-ray factors to the highest limits on the ma-
chine and made an exposure sufficient to penetrate
the fat lady in a circus. On developing this film we
could barely see the outline of Bessie’s cranium.
We repeated the x-ray with three such exposures.
The x-ray tube became quite hot but didn’t ex-
At this moment the door opened and Mac, the
chief surgical resident, entered the room. As he
abruptly came face to face with Bessie, his eyes
widened and his jaw dropped. Then a broad grin
orderly had forgotten my instructions to withhold enveloped his face. Without a word, he turned on
all patients from X-ray. As luck would have it, his heel and ran out the door and up the hall. I sub-
Bessie took this unpropitious moment to moo-oo- sequently learned that a few minutes later he
00-00. I detected in the sound a tone of triumphant strolled into the Resident’s Lounge and, with a
exultation at the turmoil she had wrought. straight face, casually announced, “There’s a young
The patient sat bolt upright and said apprehen- gal down in X-ray with four nipples.” No one com-
sively, “What was that?” I quickly pulled the door mented but, one by one, the young physicians
shut behind me and said as casually as I could, sauntered out of the room, ostensibly heading for
“Oh, it’s just an old man with whooping cough.” bed, but then taking a beeline to the X-ray De-
“Sounds like a cow,” he said, suspiciously. Ig- partment .
noring this as I rapidly wheeled the stretcher up For the next twenty minutes we were busy
the corridor, I said solicitously, “We wouldn’t shooing off unwanted visitors. I was personally
want you to get whooping cough, now would we?” deeply impressed by the wide variation in the hu-
“It wets a cow,” he stated firmly. By this time we man surprise reaction.
had reached the Receiving Ward, where I left him By this time the skull x-ray had been developed.
mumbling to himself. I again warned the personnel Although its quality was not soul-satisfying, under
not to send us any patients until further notice. the circumstances I felt considerable pride in our
On my return to the x-ray room things had accomplishments, and dismissed the patient. It was
quieted down considerably. I now announced that sheer anticlimax that all the x-rays proved to be
we would obtain a skull x-ray. Gingerly stepping normal.
around the more contaminated areas, all hands I decided not to leave a note for the Housekeep-
proceeded to move Bessie towards the x-ray table. ing Department but planned to be around the fol-
There was now among us a quiet spirit of con- lowing morning when the attendants came to clean
fidence and unity. After all, hadn’t we been the room. Unfortunately, I overslept. On my arrival
through a baptism of fire together? Besides, what there was a note on my desk from the head house-
else was there left that Bessie could do? She cer- keeper: “I don’t know what happened in x-ray last
tainly didn’t look pregnant. night, and I don’t want to know, but it better not
The problem now was to get her head in the mid- happen again.” I vowed that it wouldn’t.

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