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Amna, Journal of Research and Reviews in Social Sciences Pakistan, Vol 3 (1), 2020 pp 679-690

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Amna Shahid 1*
Department of Applied Linguistics, Kinnaird College for Women, Lahore.

Article Info Abstract

The aim of this study was to gain insight into the
*Corresponding Author
Tel:+9203454063854 effectiveness of incorporating stylistic approach to teach
Email Id:;
English poetry to undergraduates. It was also significant to
examine and explore how stylistic approach can be
effective not only to teach poetry but also to encourage
students to interact with structure of poem to infer
meanings and to explore distinctive features of poetic
language, to interpret poems systematically by focusing on
the linguistic features. The present study attempted to
apply a practical teaching methodology based on Stylistic
Approach for the teaching of poetry on Undergraduates of
Home Economics College Gulberg, Lahore. This research
adopted the method used by Leech and Short in their book
Style in Fiction to analyze and teach poetry with stylistic
approach. The findings of this study proved stylistic
approach as an effective practical teaching methodology
for poetry. The findings of this study also clearly showed
that Experimental group was able to understand and
interpret poetic language in a better way when stylistic
approach was applied on them. Stylistic approach was also
found as effective tool for teachers and students to explore
distinctive features of poetic language and interpret poems
systematically. The findings of this study also provided
Stylistics Approach, Distinctive features of suggestions for further research.
poetic language, English Poetry Teaching.

Amna, Journal of Research and Reviews in Social Sciences Pakistan, Vol 3 (1), 2020 pp 679-690

1. Introduction study now aims to apply stylistic approach on

To Widdowson (1992), poetry is useful language teaching poetry to undergrads in Pakistan. Several
because it represents language use. Poets use researchers have explored stylistic approach from
ordinary language in extraordinary ways. They do different perspectives i.e., descriptive, contrastive
experiments with language. They do this by and experimental. Akyel (1995) claimed the
creating outstanding new metaphors, transforming positive impact of applying stylistic approach on
the syntax in unconventional ways and literary text in TEFL classroom. Hammad (2000)
dramatically extending the semantic range of explored the facilitating effect of stylistic approach
common words by creating collocations” (Maley, on 11th grade students to evaluate their learning
1996). Teaching poetry is really a difficult task. achievement and positive attitude towards poetry.
The main problem with teaching poetry to Damova ( 2007), applied the stylistic approach to
undergrads in Pakistan is the traditional method, in analyze the language of law by focusing on lexical
which a poem is introduced with a paraphrase and expressions. Shaitan taught poetry to Japanese
inessential details. This method is fashioned with Adult with task-based approach. Zhanghai (2008)
many disadvantages, such as the learning is preferred stylistic approach to analyze literary
artificial because the paraphrasing and other details discourse in detail. Timucin (2010) explored poetic
are provided by the teacher and secondly, if the language with the tool of stylistics. Liu (2010)
poet and the context of the poem is introduced investigated the stylistic features in Fitzgerald’s
before the poem the students’ concepts become The Great Gatsby from the lexical and
limited for their personal interpretation and grammatical categories. Yi-cheng (2010) talked
analysis of poem. The term stylistics is central to about the relevance of stylistic approach to
this study. Stylistics involves the analysis of examine distinctive features in English poetry.
language structures. Stylistic approach also These existing studies provided consistent support
encourages writer to exploit and understand the for the favorable effect of applying stylistic
ambiguity of language (Buckledee, 2002). approach on teaching poetry and exploring literary
1.1 The Gap text. Moreover, stylistics is a very vast subject as it

The current study builds upon the previous study is the outcome of both literature and language.

in Pakistan that suggests teaching of stylistics as a Stylistics has strong links with both literature and

subject at post-graduate level in Pakistani language it can serve these two different

universities can encourage students to investigate disciplines effectively. It is necessary to highlight

both literary and non-literary style (Kamran, R., the importance of stylistics as an academic subject.

2001). Bhatti,S. (2003), highlights the problems Stylistics must be taught as major subject at

encountered by students and teachers of stylistics undergraduate and post-graduate levels in

in the various universities in Pakistan. The current Pakistan.

Amna, Journal of Research and Reviews in Social Sciences Pakistan, Vol 3 (1), 2020 pp 679-690

However, the significance of applying stylistic  To enable students interpret any poem with
approach on teaching English poetry has not been the framework of stylistic approach.
fully explored in Pakistan and there is a lack of 1.4 Research Questions
experimental work on this topic as well. In order to 1. Does applying the stylistic approach on the
fill the gap in research, this study investigated the teaching of English poetry at undergraduate
impact of applying stylistic approach on teaching level enable students to explore and
of English poetry in Pakistan at undergraduate understand distinctive features of poetic
level. language?
1.2 Significance Of The Study 2. Does applying the stylistic approach on the
The current study observed the facilitating effect teaching of English poetry at undergraduate
of stylistic approach as modern pedagogy to teach level develop confidence in students to work
poetry to undergrads in Pakistan. It also systematically towards interpretations of the
investigated how the effective use of stylistic poems?
approach on teaching poetry can develop better 3. Does applying the stylistic approach on the
analytical skills and critical thinking in undergrads teaching of English poetry at undergraduate
and how stylistic approach can help students to level enhance students’ ability to analyze
infer meanings of poems and interpret poems English poetry stylistically?
critically by exploring distinctive features of poetic 1.5 Hypothesis
language. Applying stylistic approach on the teaching of
1.3 Objectives Of The Study English poetry will enable undergrads to explore
The present study focused on the teaching of distinctive features of poetic language and to
poetry through stylistic approach and it also develop linguistic skills to work systematically
emphasized how stylistic approach could be towards interpretations and stylistic analysis of the
fruitful for a better interpretation, understanding poems.
and appreciation of linguistic and stylistic features 1.6 Null Hypothesis
of poetic language. Applying stylistic approach on the teaching of
The significant objectives of this study were: English poetry will not enable undergrads to
 To investigate the positive impact of explore distinctive features of poetic language and
applying stylistic approach on teaching poetry to develop linguistic skills to work systematically
 To explore the effectiveness of applying towards interpretations and stylistic analysis of the
stylistic approach to analysis poems poems.
 To make students aware of the style and 2. Review Of Literature
linguistic structure of a poem The word poetry is derived from the Greek poiesis,
meaning "making" or "creating". Poetry was

Amna, Journal of Research and Reviews in Social Sciences Pakistan, Vol 3 (1), 2020 pp 679-690

defined in webster’s (1966) as: “writing that explore universal themes which are concern with
formulates a concentrated imaginative awareness life experiences and thus initiate strong response
of experience of language cohesion and arranged from the learners (Collie and Slater, 1987). The
to create a specific emotional response through its term stylistics is central to this study. Stylistics
meaning, sound and rhythm”. Poetry often uses means the study of style, the study of the form of
particular forms and conventions to expand the the wordstemas and a systematic and a scientific
literal meaning of the words, or to evoke emotional study. Chapman's (1973) definition of stylistic
or sensual responses (Preminger, 1965). Poets do says, "The linguistic study of different styles is
experiments with language by using the ordinary called stylistics". Leech (1969) defines stylistics as
language in extraordinary ways. They do this by “the study of the use of language in literature”.
creating striking new metaphors, changing the H.G.Widdowson (1975) says, stylistics is the study
syntax in unconventional ways and by extending of literary discourse from a linguistics perspective
the semantic range of common words dramatically. and it is an essential mean of linking linguistics
(Maley, 1996). and literary criticism simultaneously. Wales (1991)
Widdowson (1992) argues that Poetry is a useful defines stylistics as “the study of style”. Style is
language because it represents language use. All the dress of thought, the mystery of having been
poets not only use striking language but they play moved by words. “Language expresses and style
with language by creating new collocations, stresses” (Riffattere, 1967). Teaching of literature
coining new words, , experimenting with sound, and stylistics have their roots in the works of
using old words in new ways, and so on. Poetry is Widdowson (1975), Carter (1983), Carter and
a paint-spattered canvas, but the poets use words Long (1987), Short (1989) and Lazar (1993).
instead of paint, and the canvas is reader. Poetry However, stylistics in the early twenty-first
offers a rich resource for language learning. A century is very much alive and well, it is noted by
poem offers the natural ability to absorb language Simpson (1992). Carter (1996) discusses the
unconsciously that enables the learners to retrieve importance of stylistics for literature teaching by
grammatical and lexical information they had. asserting that stylistic analysis helps teachers to
Moreover, poetry deals with important experiences foster interpretative skills in learners and to
that increase the learners’ perception not only of encourage reading between the lines. Kellem
for such experiences, but also for other (2009) states that stylistic approach can help a
experiences. The ambiguity of a poem evokes teacher to teach systematic analysis of poem
individual interpretations and opens up opportunity because an individual poet or a single poem
for discussion. The vivid and strong imagery of involves different problems and different
poetry enable the learners to experience the power perspectives so teaching poetry needs to combine a
of language beyond the standard and fixed range of different interpretations, techniques and
syntactic and lexical structures. Poems often approaches. Applying stylistic approach on literary
Amna, Journal of Research and Reviews in Social Sciences Pakistan, Vol 3 (1), 2020 pp 679-690

texts does not only involve linguistic textual The respondents were randomly divided into two
analysis but also encourage learner/ readers to groups, Experimental group (25 students) and
interact with textual structure to infer meanings Control group (25 students). These groups were
(Tutaş, 2006). Stylistics approach is very made to evaluate the facilitating effect of stylistic
significant for the analysis of poems, it helps approach on teaching of English poetry in relation
ESL/EFL learners to develop an awareness of to research questions and hypothesis. Experimental
poetic language by exploring and interpreting group was focused group, students of this group
distinctive features of poem systematically and were taught English poetry through stylistic
stylistic approach is a useful tool to interact with approach.
poetic language to infer particular meanings 3.2 Research Design
(Timucin, 2010). Stylistics approach is a Experimental group was taught English poems for
systematic approach to poetry. It has potential to two weeks with stylistic approach while students
understand and explore the linguistics and stylistic of control group were taught English poems with
features of a poem. Stylistic features of the poems the same traditional method of paraphrasing.
contribute to the meaning making. Basically, the 3.3. Research Instrument
goal of stylistic approach is to explore the formal To conduct the study two instruments were used
features and functional significance of poems for i.e.
better interpretation (Wales, 1991). 1) A checklist of linguistic and stylistic
3. Research Methodology categories proposed by Leech and Short
The present research was experimental and (1981: 75-80) (Appendix I)
quantitative in nature. To conduct the study 50 2) Pre-test and Post-Test (Appendix II,
undergrads (female students) were selected as Appendix III)
respondents of the research study from College of 3.4 Reliabilty Of Checklist
Home Economics Gulberg, Lahore. The reason for Reliability of checklist was verified with previous
selecting students from this academic discipline researches in which researchers had used this
was to ensure a certain level of language linguistic/stylistic checklist as a useful tool for
proficiency which was required for teaching and stylistic analysis. Xiangqi Liu (2010) used this
practice of English poetry stylistically and to checklist to explore the Lexical and Grammatical
notice the facilitating impact of stylistic approach Category of The Great Gatsby for the stylistic
on teaching poetry to explore the distinctive analysis.
features of poetic language for better 3.5 TEST VALIDITY
understanding and interpretation of the poem. To ensure the test validity, the tests were handed to
3.1 Sampling Procedure one expert in Language from The Punjab
University, English Department of Language &

Amna, Journal of Research and Reviews in Social Sciences Pakistan, Vol 3 (1), 2020 pp 679-690

Literature. Consequently, the tests underwent some 4. RESULTS

changes. According to language expert’s Teaching poetry with stylistic approach made
suggestions some activities were added in category student to explore more linguistic categories and
D: Schemes and Tropes and category E: Context meaning-focused linguistic features for
and Cohesion. interpreting what the poem represents. Students
3.6 Material Selection were givens various tasks to understand poem and
The material used in this research study was infer meanings with the help of lexical,
consisted on five poems selected from the syllabus grammatical, figurative and phonological
book “A new Anthology of English Verse” for categories. By the end of the lesson, effective
B.A Classes. Due to time constraint only five teaching of poetry applying stylistic approach with
poems were selected. The reason of poems’ task-based approach, students were able to explore
selection was basically the style and lexical choice and understand the distinctive features of poetic
of poets. language, such as figure of speech, lexical and
1. Tartary by Walter De La Mare syntactical repetition and impressive sound effects
2. Woman Work by Maya Angelou widely displayed in English poems, and they were
3. The Rebel by D.J. Enright able to produce reasonable interpretations
4. After Apple-Picking by Robert Frost supported by the different linguistic and stylistic
5. Hawk’s Monologue by Ted Hughes categories found in the poem.
3.7 Procedure The following diagram sum up the procedure:
First of all the students were given the checklist of
linguistic and stylistic categories proposed by
Leech & Short (1981) as a reading assignment.
Secondly, the students were taught how to explore
the linguistic and stylistic features of a poem in
order to interpret and analyze the poetic language
systematically with stylistic approach. For better
understanding of different linguistics features of
poetic language, meaning making, interpretation
and appreciation of the poem, three poems
(Tartary, Woman Work & Hawk’s Monologue)
were taught in two weeks stylistically by exploring
five different categories: A: Lexical Categories, B:
Grammatical Categories, C: Figures of speech, D:
Schemes and Tropes and E: Context and Cohesion.

Amna, Journal of Research and Reviews in Social Sciences Pakistan, Vol 3 (1), 2020 pp 679-690

The Stylistic procedure followed in teaching of poetry to the Experimental Group

Distinctive features
of poetic language

Pre Reading
Discussing Lexical

Discussing Grammatical
Categories Ultimate

Activities Discussing Figure of

Discussing Schemes
(grammatical & lexical)

Discussing Phonological
Sound Patterns
Post Reading

Students expressed
their skills towards
poetic language, and
attitude to poetry etc.
Amna, Journal of Research and Reviews in Social Sciences Pakistan, Vol 3 (1), 2020 pp 679-690

After the effective teaching of English poems with  In category (D) phonetic sound patterns result
stylistic approach the results of Pre-Tests and Post- of Control group in Pre-Test was 44%, while
Tests of Control and Experimental groups were result of Experimental group was 40%
compared. It was found that there was a significant  In category (E) context & cohesive result of
difference between the marks obtained by two Control group in Pre-Test was 0%, while
groups and a crystal clear improvement was result of Experimental group was 08%
observed in students of Experimental group. To  Overall result of Control group in Post-Test
evaluate the performance of Experiment Group was 36%, while result of experimental group
Paired Sample T- test was applied. The overall was 100%, 64% improvement was found in
result of the Experimental group in Post-Test was Experimental group in comparison of control
100% while the result of the Control group in Post- group
test was 36%. In Pre-Test the result of  In lexical categories (A) result of Control
Experimental group was 24% that was less then group in Post-Test was 92%, while result of
Control group that obtained 28%. (tables are Experimental group was 100%, 08%
presented in Appendix IV).These findings improvement was found in Experimental
evidently showed that stylistic approach played a group in comparison of control group
vital role in teaching poetry at undergraduate level  In grammatical category (B) result of Control
and the use of effective stylistic approach in group in Post-Test was 60%, while result of
English poetry teaching can develop linguistic Experimental group was 92%, 32%
ability in students. improvement was found in Experimental
In this research study following findings were group in comparison of control group
obtained:  In category (C) figure of speech result of
 Overall result of Control group in Pre-Test was Control group in Post-Test was 16%, while
28%, while result of experimental group was result of Experimental group was 92%, 76%
24% improvement was found in Experimental
 In lexical categories (A) result of Control group group in comparison of control group
in Pre-Test was 88%, while result of  In category (D) phonetic sound patterns result
Experimental group was 92% of Control group in Post-Test was 0%, while
 In grammatical category (B) result of Control result of Experimental group was 92%, 92%
group in Pre-Test was 16%, while result of improvement was found in Experimental
Experimental group was 20% group in comparison of control group
 In category (C) figure of speech result of  In category (E) context & cohesive result of
Control group in Pre-Test was 04%, while Control group in Post-Test was 36%, while
result of Experimental group was 04% result of Experimental group was 88%, 52%

Amna, Journal of Research and Reviews in Social Sciences Pakistan, Vol 3 (1), 2020 pp 679-690

improvement was found in Experimental 5. DISCUSSION

group in comparison of control group. In this research study it was found that stylistic
 Overall result of Experimental group in Pre- approach is the best methodology in teaching
Test was 24%, while in Post Test the result of poetry at undergraduate level in Pakistan. It can
Experimental group was 100%, 76% help students to interpret and understand poem in a
improvement was found. better way by analyzing distinctive features of
 In Pre-Test the result of Experimental group in poetic language at different levels i.e. lexical,
lexical categories (A) was 92%, while in Post- grammatical, phonological, figurative and
Test it was100%, 08% improvement was found contextual. It was also observed that applying
 In Pre-Test the result of Experimental group in stylistic approach on the teaching of English
grammatical category (B) was 20%, while in poetry can help students to improve their language
Post- Test it was 92 %, 72% improvement was skills by exploring different lexical category as
found choice of vocabulary, use of poetic language,
 In Pre-Test the result of Experimental group in language variations (dialect, slang, jargon, and
category (C) figure of speech was 04%, while register etc.), and the use of semantic field and
in Post- Test it was 92%, 88% improvement influence of morphological structures on meaning
was found of a poem. Analysis of grammatical categories
 In Pre-Test the result of Experimental group in such as syntax, sentence structure, types of clauses
category (D) phonetic sound patterns was 40%, and phrases, word classes, punctuation etc. with
while in Post- Test it was 92%, 52% stylistic approach can also help students to
improvement was found comprehend and interpret layers of meanings in a
 In Pre-Test the result of Experimental group in poem at great extent. The use of figurative
category (E) context & cohesive was 08%, language in poetry is always noteworthy. Stylistic
while in Post- Test it was 88%, 80% approach can help students to learn how figurative
improvement was found. language is used for achieving different meanings
Teaching poetry with stylistic approach and poetic impressions in the poems and how
demonstrates how linguistic and stylistic figurative language can be used to covey meanings
categories of poem can serve to integrate focus on effectively and efficiently at four different levels:
form with focus on meaning, in a stylistic by creating resemblance/similarity (through simile,
approach on a poem. The language used in the metaphor, personification, allegory, fable and
poem lends itself directly to the integration of parable), by drawing Contrast (through oxymoron,
form-focus and meaning-focus through systematic irony, sarcasm, innuendo, hyperbole, litotes,
stylistic analysis. euphemism, pun, antithesis and epigram), by
creating Association ( through Metonymy and

Amna, Journal of Research and Reviews in Social Sciences Pakistan, Vol 3 (1), 2020 pp 679-690

synecdoche) and by construction/ arrangement of thoughts and hidden meanings of poem. Students
the words and expressions (through interrogation, can understand the layers of meaning, the shift of
apostrophe, repetition, pleonasm, bathos and moods and thoughts with in a stanza by focusing
climax). Grammatical Schemes, Lexical Schemes on the use of punctuation mark. The findings and
and Tropes are also very prominent features of the practical implication of this research study
poetic language. Stylistic approach to poetry suggest that stylistic approach is an effective,
teaching can help students to comprehend and innovative and productive methodology for
explore grammatical and lexical schemes like teaching English Poetry at undergraduate level.
anaphora, chiasmus, antithesis and parallelism, as Linguistic and stylistic features of poetic language
well as tropes like foregrounding and deviation in must not be ignored especially in teaching poetry
poems. Stylistic analysis of phonological sound as many of teachers do in Pakistan.
patterns helps students to appreciate and 6. CONCLUSION
understand the impressive sound effects widely To conclude, teaching of English poetry with
displayed in English poems. Students can enjoy the stylistic approach at undereducated level in
music of words and theme with better Pakistan is a very useful method of providing
understanding of Phonological sound patterns, they opportunity to the students to learn how to interact
can develop skills for to infer meanings of the directly with poetic language and how to come up
poem through the dominating and prominent with better understanding, interpretation and
sounds patterns like Alliteration, Assonance , exploration of the distinctive features of poetic
Consonance , Reverse Rhyme, Pararhyme and language systematically. Certainly such systematic
Rhyme. Stylistic approach to the teaching of approach to poetry can discourage rote learning
English poetry can also help students to understand practice, spoon-feeding and students’ dependence
contextual coherence which exists between lines, on the teacher’s lesson. Definitely it can enhance
sentences and stanzas. Students can learn the students’ creative and their analytical skills.
effectiveness of using cohesive devices by poets in Stylistic analysis is very useful for classroom
poems and they can get insight how such devices teaching poetry for several reasons. First, it allows
are linked together to create logical sequence and the teachers to plan ahead and focus on specific
coherence. Leech and Short (1981) argue that linguistic features when he or she is introducing
cohesion deals with the logical links between the poem in the class. Second, a familiarity with
sentences, such logical links can be accomplished stylistic analysis provides a teacher with an
through the use of reference such as pronouns and explicit vocabulary for discussing the
articles, substitution, ellipsis, repetition and elegant interpretation and failings of texts. Literary
variation. It was also observed even the awareness interpretation seems to be an opaque process for
of using punctuation marks can facilitate students many people, they think it is the province of
to comprehend the logical coherence between
Amna, Journal of Research and Reviews in Social Sciences Pakistan, Vol 3 (1), 2020 pp 679-690

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