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Multiple Choice Questions

Soil fertility
1. Nitrogen is absorbed by plant roots in the form of
a. NO3
b. NO2
c. N2O
d. N2O2
2. Absorption of NH4+ by the root ________________________ the uptake of K+
a. enhances
b. had no effect
c. reduces
d. none of these
3. The uptake of NH4+ by the plant roots result in the release of
a. NO3
b. OH-
c. H+
d. H2O
4. The conversion of organic form of an element into inorganic form is termed as
a. Mineralization
b. Immobilization
c. Nitrification
d. Denitrification
5. The conversion of amino acids into ammonium is called
a. Aminization
b. Ammonification
c. Mineralization
d. Nitrification
6. C:N ratio which results in net mineralization is
a. 80:1
b. 60:1
c. 40:1
d. 20:1
7. The conversion of NH4+ into NO3 -is called
a. Nitrification
b. Ammonification
c. Mineralization
d. N fixation
8. About 80 % P is transported from soil to root surface through
a. Diffusion
b. Root Interception
c. Mass flow
d. Bulk flow
9. In acidic soils, P availability decreases due to adsorption and precipitation with
a. CaCO3
b. Fe/Al oxides
c. Organic matter
d. 2:1 type clay minerals
10. If a bag of fertilizer is labeled “23-19-17” , then it
a. contains 23% N, 19 % K, 17 % P
b contains 23% N, 19 % K2O, 17 % P2O5
c. provides 23 % of P, 19 % of K, and 17 % of plant N needs
d. none of these
11. Advantages of synthetic fertilizers include
a. relative ease of application
b. their ability to increase crop yields
c. their quick availability to plants once applied
d. all of the above
12. An essential plant nutrient is defined as:
a. an element which a plant must have in order to complete its life cycle.
b. anything which the plant takes up from the soil.
c. nutrients which animals get when they eat plants
d. all of the above
13. Which three of the essential elements do plants get primarily from water and air?
a. C, O, N
b. O, H, C
c. O, H, N
d. none of the above
14. Which three macronutrients are included in a so called "complete fertilizer?
a. N, P, Ca.
b. N, K, P
c. P, K, S
d. all of the above
15. Which of the following is not an essential plant nutrient?
a. Molybdenum
b. Copper
c. Chloride
d. Cadmium
16. DAP is a fertilizer source for
a. Nitrogen
b. Phosphorus
c. both a & b
d. none of these
17. Phosphorus retention in soil is more if there is a dominance of
a.1:1 type minerals c. 2:1:1 type minerals
b. 2:1 type minerals d. chlorite

18. There will be more fixations of P in soils having larger amounts of

a. clay
b. silt
c. sand
d. all the three
19. Phosphorus availability in most of the soils is in the pH range
a. 5.5-6.5
b. 6.5-8.5
c. 3.5-5.5
d. 5.5-7.5

20. Organic compounds in soil increase P availability by

a. forming P complexes
b. anion replacement of H2PO4- from exchange complex
c. coating of Fe/Al particles
d. all the above
21. The most commonly used salt for potassium determination in soil is
b. NaHCO3
d. NH4HCO3

22. It is also termed as “muriate of potash”

a. K2SO4
b. KCl
c. KH2PO4
d. none of these

23. Conversion of inorganic element into its organic form is termed as

a. Nitrification
b. Ammonification
c. Mineralization
d. Immobilization

24. Pakistani soils have average o.m content

a. < 1%
b. 1-3%
c. 3%
d. none of these

25. Nutrients which are required by plants in larger amounts are termed as
a. Micronutrients
b. Beneficial nutrients
c. Macronutrients
d. Useful nutrients

26. Elements which are essentially required for all plants are
a. 9
b. 16
c. 17

27. A straight fertilizer is one having

a. only one nutrient
b. more than two nutrients
c. two nutrients
d. all the three

28. Nutrient ions present in soil reach to the root surface by

a. Root Interception
b. Mass flow
c. Diffusion
d. all the three

29. In the presence of chlorophyll, simple sugars are synthesized from

a. Carbon
b. Hydrogen
c. Oxygen
d. All the three

30. Delayed crop maturity is usually caused by too much

a. Nitrogen
b. Phosphorus
c. Potassium
d. None of these

31. The process whereby nitrate-N is reduced to nitrous oxide and elemental N is
a. Nitrification
b. Denitrification
c. N fixation
d. Volatilization

32. Phosphorus fertility buildup factor values are usually low in

a. wheat-maize system
b. wheat-soyabean system
c. wheat-sugarcane system
33. The loss of nitrogen as NH3 gas from soil surface is termed
a. Nitrification
b. Denitrification
c. Leaching
d. Volatilization

34. The high analysis N fertilizer is

a. Ammonium sulfate
b. Urea
c. DAP
d. Ammonium nitrate

35. The primary source of soil P is

a. Organic matter
b. Weathering of apatite minerals
c. Fertilizers
d. Mica

36. To convert P to P2O5 multiply by

a. 2.29
b. 1.2
c. 0.43
d. 0.8

37. It is not part of any structural organic compound within plant body
a. N
b. P
c. K
d. Fe

38. Sulfate of potash has K2O

a. 50 %
b. 40 %
c. 60 %
d. 45 %

39. It is the central atom in the chlorophyll molecule

a. Mg
b. Mn
c. Fe
d. N

40. In flooded rice soils, best source of N is

a. Ammonium sulfate
b. Urea
c. DAP
d. all the three

41. Volatilization losses of NH3 are more when it is applied as

a. Foliar application
b. Broadcast application
c. Subsurface application
d. Band application

42. The most common method used in soil testing laboratories for P determination
a. AB-DTPA method
b. Olsen method
c. Bray-1 method
d. Mehlic method

43. The most easily weatherable mineral which release K in soil is

a. Muscovite
b. Biotite
c. Feldspar
d. Chlorite

44. It can be replaced by Na in its osmoregulatory functions

a. NH4+
b. K+
c. Ca+2
d. NO3-

45. They are structural component of chlorophyll molecule

a. N & Mg
b. Fe & Mg
c. Mn & Fe
d. N & Mn

46. Adequate supply of _________________ hastens maturity

a. Nitrogen
b. Phosphorus
c. Potassium
d. Calcium

47. They are involved in redox reactions in plants

a. Zn & Mg
b. Fe & Mg
c. Mn & Fe
d. none of these

48. Its deficiency in plants causes chlorosis first in older leaves

a. Nitrogen
b. Phosphorus
c. Sulfur
d. Iron

49. Potatoes, sugarcane and banana has high requirement for

a. Nitrogen
b. Phosphorus
c. Potassium
d. Iron
50. These are the most commonly deficient micronutrients in Pakistani soils
a. Zn & B
b. Zn & Cu
c. Fe & Mn
d. Fe &Mo

51. Its deficiency in plants causes chlorosis first in younger leaves

a. Nitrogen
b. Phosphorus
c. Sulfur
d. Potassium

52. This is mobile in plants and highly immobile in soils

a. Calcium
b. Phosphorus
c. Potassium
d. Nitrogen

53. This does not form any biochemical compound in plants

a. Potassium
b. Phosphorus
c. Sulfur
d. Iron

54. VAM increases its availability to plants

a. Nitrogen
b. Phosphorus
c. Sulfur
d. Potassium

55. The uptake of NO3- by the plant roots result in the release of
a. NH4+
b. OH-
c. H+
d. H2O

56. It is absorbed by plants in anionic as well as cationic form

a. Iron
b. Phosphorus
c. Potassium
d. Nitrogen

57. High levels of these nutrients in the substrate antagonize each others uptake
by plants
a. Zn & B
b. Zn & P
c. N & P
d. N & K

58. Excessive supply of _______________________ delays maturity.

a. Nitrogen
b. Phosphorus
c. Potassium
d. Iron

59. Urea is an ____________________ fertilizer.

a. Organic
b. Inorganic
c. Synthetic
d. both a & c
60. One hundred kilograms of Urea contains _________________ kilograms of
a. 92
b. 46
c. 23
d. 40

61. The ability of soil to supply the essential nutrients for plant growth is called
a. Fertile soil
b. Productive soil
c. Soil fertility
d. Soil productivity

62. Organic soils are called ---------------.

a. Peat
b. Aridisols
c. Muck
d. Both a & c

63. The process in which radiant energy is absorbed by plants and transformed
into chemical compounds is called
a. Respiration
b. Photosynthesis
c. Glycolysis
d. Anabolism

64. A soil with above pH 7 is called _____________________ soil.

a. Acidic
b. Alkaline
c. Normal
d. Saline

65. Lime is used to counteract the __________________ of soils.

a. Salinity
b. Alkalinity
c. Sodicity
d. Acidity

66. Capability of soil to provide maximum economic yield of crops is called

a. Fertile soil
b. Productive soil
c. Soil fertility
d. Soil productivity

67. Soluble Ca and Mg are obtained by extracting the soil by water and
measurement of their concentrations in the extract by titration with
b. EBT
c. AgNO3
d. KCrO4

68. Standard solutions for measuring soluble-K are prepared in de-ionized water,
but for measuring extractable-K the standards should be made in
a. Ammonium acetate
b. Ammonium oxalate
c. Ammonium purporate
d. Ammonium citrate
69. The Pi test is a new approach to evaluate available --------- in soils, by using
iron-coated strips.
a. N & Ca
b. K & N
c. Cd & P
d. P

70. Large amount of --------- derived from muriate of potash decreases starch
yield of potato and makes potato poor for fries and the quality of potato chips
a. K+
b. Br-
c. Cl- & Br-
d. Cl-

71. Which of the following statement is correct?

a. Crop species differ genetically for nutrient uptake from soil.

b. Crop varieties differ genetically for nutrient uptake from soil.

c. Crop species and varieties differ genetically for nutrient uptake from
d. only b
72. One of the most important factors affecting P fixation in soil is
a. Temperature
b. pH
c. Moisture
d. Organic matter

73. Phosphorus fixation in soil refers to

a. P adsorption
b. P precipitation
c. P desorption
d. both a & b

74. Phosphorus adsorption in soil is_______________________________

a. more in warmer regions
b. more in temperate regions
c. less in warmer regions
d. both a & c

75. The important raw material for manufacturing of P fertilizers is

a. Strengite
b. Rock phosphate
c. Variscite
d. none of these

76. Sulfur is present in soil _____________________________________

a. Organic form
b. Inorganic form
c. Precipitated form
` d. both a & b

77. Abundant Sulfur bearing mineral in soil is _______________________

a. Gypsum
b. Dolomite
c. Chalcopyrite
d. Pyrite

78. Plant roots absorb Sulfur in the form of _______________________

a. SO4-2
b. SO2
c. SO3
d. S

79. In calcareous soils S precipitates with ______________________________

a. CaCO3
b. CaO
c. Fe2O3
d. None of these

80. Sulfates added to waterlogged soils reduce to_________________________

a. SO2
b. H2S
c. SO3
d. H2SO4

81. Thiobacillus bacteria are ___________________________ oxidizing

a. Mg
b. S
c. Ca
d. both a &c

82. with one unit increase in pH, the availability of Zn in soil

a. 100 times decreases
b. 1000 times decreases
c. 10 times decreases
d. 100 times increases
83. Acid forming N fertilizers will
a. increase Zn availability
b. decrease Zn availability
c. have no effect
d. none of these
84. Soil fertility status can be assessed by
a. visual plant deficiency symptoms
b. soil analysis
c. plant analysis
d. all the above
85. In areas having low temperature, nutrient uptake is reduced because of
a. reduction in mass flow
b. reduced rate of diffusion
c. reduced mineralization
d. all the above
86. Calcium is absorbed by plants as ___________________________
a. Ca +2
b. CaO
c. Ca
d. CaCO3

87. Calcium availability in soil is reduced at _____________________________

a. Low CEC
b. High CEC
c. low AEC
d. none of these

88. It is required for auxin synthesis in plants

a. Boron
b. Zinc
c. Mangnese
d. Molybdenum
89. DTPA test can be used to determine the following micronutrients in soil.
a. B, Zn, Cu, Mn
b. Zn, Mo, Fe, Mn
c. Mn, Cu, Zn, Fe
d. Mo, Fe, Cu, Zn
90. They are required for photolysis of water in hill reaction of photosynthesis.
a. Mn, Cl
b. Mn, Fe
c. Mg, Cl
d. Mg, Fe
91. They can exist as interlayer ions in soils containing illite type of clay minerals.
a. Na+, K+
b. NH4+, K+
c. Ca+2, K+
d. Na+ , NH4+
92. Its deficiency causes cessation of growth in terminal buds
a. Boron
b. Iron
c. Magnesium
d. Copper
93. A typical symptom for the deficiency of ________________ is resetting.
a. Boron
b. Iron
d. Zinc
94. This element has been designed as the precursor of tryptophane.
a. Molybdenum
b. Iron
d. Zinc
95. _________________ is the most common source of potassium in our soils.
a. Feldspar
b. Mica
d. Montmorillonite
96. __________________ P is the major form of P in calcareous soils.
a. Organic
b. Inorganic
c. Solution
d. both a & b
97. Illite fixes ______________________ in soil
a. NH4+
b. K+
c. P
d. Both a & b
98. It is required by urease enzyme
a. Nickle
b. Cobalt
c. Manganese
d. Copper
99. Calcite is related to _______________________ availability in calcareous
a. Phosphorus
b. Boron
d. both a & b
100. Grey speck of oat is a typical deficiency symptom of
a. Copper
b. Zinc
c. Manganese
d. Boron
101. Which microorganism converts ammonium to nitrite?
A: Nitrosomonas
B: Nitrobacter
C: Azotobacter
D: Aerobacter
102. They are absorbed by plant roots as anions
a. Mo, B
b. Cl, P
c. Mo, Mn
d. both a & b
103. ______________________ is nonessential beneficial element for plant
a. Silicon
b. Cadmium
c. Calcium
d. all the three
104. Their availability increases under flooded rice conditions.
a. Mn, Fe
b. P, Cu
c. Mg, Ca
d. all the above
105. The element mainly supplied to plant roots through mass flow is
a. Nitrogen
b. Potassium
c. Phosphorus
d. Both a & b
106. Potassium is mainly supplied to plant roots by
a. diffusion
b. mass flow
c. root interception
d. all the three
107. Phosphate rock can also be a good source of P for
a. Calcareous
b. Alkaline calcareous
c. Acidic
d. all the three
108. Calcium uptake in plants is depressed
a. NH4+
b. Al+3
c. K+
d. All the above
109. Calcium carbonate may be a primary source of
a. Ca
b. C
c. O2
d. CO2
110. The most commonly used calcium salt in sodic soils
a. CaSO4.2H2O
b. Ca (NO3)2 .3H2O
c. CaO
d. CaCO3
111. Losses of Calcium occur by __________________________________
a. leaching
b. precipitation
c. both a & b
d. none of the above
112. Calcium availability is affected by ________________________________
a. CEC
b. pH
c. type of soil colloid
d. all above
113. Magnesium constitutes about _______________________ of earth crust.
a. 1.93 %
b. 3.1 %
c. 2.5 %
d. none of the above
114. Epsomite is a mineral of ___________________________.
a. Calcium
b. Magnesium
c. Sulfur
d. None of these
115. They compete with K uptake in plants
a. Ca & Mg
b. N & P
c. Ca & P
d. N & Mg
116. Leaching of Mg is a problem in___________________________ soils.
a. sandy
b. clayey
c. loamy
d. fine textured
117. Magnesium occurs in soil as_____________________________.
a. exchangeable Mg
b. solution Mg
c. mineral Mg
d. all the three
118. Which of the following is not a source of Mg?
a. dolomite
b. gypsum
c. epsomite
d. biotite
119. Which is the “primary nutrient element”?
The microorganisms responsible for the conversion of NH4+ to NO3- isa:
b: Cobalt
c: Sodium
d: Potassium
120. Which is the “essential” nutrient element?
A: Aluminium
B: Iodine
C: Boron
D: Barium
121. Which is the organic chemical fertilizer?
A: Calcium ammonium nitrate
B: Urea
C: Ammonium phosphate
D: Muriate of potash
122. Which of the followings is a straight fertilizer?
A: Ammonium sulfate nitrate
B: Calcium ammonium nitrate
C: Single superphophate
D: Ammonium phosphate
123. Which is the “ultra-micronutrient”?
A: Boron
B: Molybdenum
C: Zinc
D: Iron
124. Which one is the source of “micro nutrient”?
A: Calcium sulfate
B: Magesium sulfate
C: Potassium sulfate
D: Zinc sulfate
125. The number of essential elements required for the growth of N fixing
legumes is
A: 18
B: 15
C: 17
D: 16
126. C: N ratio which results in net immobilization is
a. >30:1 c. 30:1
b. 15:1 d. 20:1
127. Under high moisture levels in soil, the availability of _____________
a: Phosphorus
b: Iron
c: Manganese
d: Potassium
128. CaCO3 in soil is added to
A: lower soil pH
B: increase soil pH
C: reclaim sodic soils
D: increase soil water holding capacity
129. Which fertilizer contains sulfur?
A: Urea
B: Calcium ammonium nitrate
C: Sodium nitrate
D: Ammonium sulfate
130. % N in ammonium sulfate is
A: 24
B: 25
C: 21
D: 22
131. Single superphophate is produced by the reaction of rock phosphate with
B: H3PO4
C: H2SO4
D: both b & c
132. Concentrated superphosphate is produced by the reaction of rock phosphate
B: H3PO4
C: H2SO4
D: HCl
133. The percent content of N and P2O5 in DAP is
A: 20-20
B: 18-46
C: 46-18
D: 18-18
134. The conversion factor to convert %P2O5 to %P is
A: 1.29
B: 2.90
C: 2.29
D: 0.43
135. If organic residues added to the soil have C: N ratio 40:1, there will be
A: net mineralization
B: net immbilzation
C: no mineralization & no immobilization
D: none of these
136. the plant factors having considerable influence on K uptake are
A: root length
B: root radius
C: rate of H2O upatke
D: all the above
137. Which form of Nitrogen if absorbed is toxic to plants?
A: NH4
B: NO3
C: NO2
D: amide
138. By denitrification, the green house gas which largely escapes to the
atmosphere is
A: N2O
C: NO2
D: N2
139. Which organism can fix atmospheric nitrogen?
A: Azotobacter
B: Nitrobacer
C: Nitrosomonas
D: Psuedomonas
140. Which microorganism converts nitrite to nitrate?
A: Nitrosomonas
B: Nitrobacter
C: Azotobacter
D: Aerobacter
141. The conversion of ammonical nitrogen to nitrate nitrogen is known as
A: ammonification
B: nitrification
C: amminization
D: volatilization
142. Volatilization loss of N is relatively more in
A: acid soils
B: alkaline soils
C: neutral soils
D: all of the above
143. The ion that is more susceptible to leaching is
A: NH4+
B: NO3-
C: H3PO4-
D: HPO42-

144. The predominant ionic species of phosphate in soil at pH below 6.7 is

A: PO43-
B: HPO42-
C: H2PO4-
D: none of the above
145. Root development is stimulated due to the supply of
A: N
B: P
C: K
D: S
146. Micro nutrients occur in soil as
A: primary and secondary mineral
B: adsorbed to mineral surfaces
C: in solution
D: all of the above
147. Iron is absorbed by plants as
A: Fe3+ and Fe4+
B: Fe2+ and Fe4+
C: Fe2+ and Fe3+
D: Fe+ and Fe2+
148. As much as 75% of the total cell iron is associated with
A: Ribosomes
B: Cell membrane
C: Chloroplast
D: nucleus
149. Ferredoxins are proteins containing
A: Fe-Ca
B: Fe-S
C: Fe-Mg
D: Fe-Cl
150. _________________________ is the nutrient concentration between just
deficient for maximum growth and just adequate for maximum growth.
A: critical nutrient concentration
B: critical nutrient range
C: critical nutrient level
D: all of the above
151. Fe deficiency symptoms show up first in
A: older leaves
B: younger leaves
C: the whole plant
D: roots
152. The solubility of Iron increases in soil when the soil is
A: well drained
B: water logged
C: cultivated
D: none of the above
153. The solubility of Fe increases when the soil pH is
A: above 7
B: below 7
C: un affected by pH change
D: neutral
154. Fe- deficiency occurs less frequently in
A: High pH soils
B: calcareous soils
C: low pH soils
D: both A and B
155. Chelates are soluble organic compounds that are bound to ions such as
A: Fe
B: C
C: O2
D: all of the above
156. The solubility of Zn
A: increases with decrease in pH
B: increases with increase in pH
C: un-affected by pH
D: none of the above
157. The dominant mechanism for Zn transport to roots is
A: Diffusion
B: Mass flow
C: root interception
D: none of the above
158. The affect of P on Zn uptake in rice is
A: synergistic
B: antagonistic
C: no affect
D: none of the above
159. In submerged conditions the availability of Zn
A: increases
B: decreases
C: un affected
D: none of the above
160. The most common Zn fertilizer is
A: ZnNO3
B: ZnCO3
C: ZnSO4
D: ZnCl2
161. Mn is involved in
A: photosynthesis
B: respiration
C: protein synthesis
D: none of the above
162. Mn deficiency occurs first in
A: older leaves
B: younger leaves
C: roots
D: the entire plant
163. Mn availability with increase under
A: anaerobic conditions
B: aerobic conditions
C: un-affected
D: none of the above
164. Most of the boron absorbed by plants is in the form of
A: B4O72-
B: H3BO3
C: BO3-
D: none of the above
165. The only non metal among micronutrients is
A: Cu
B: Zn
C: B
166. The availability of which micronutrient increases with increasing pH
A: Fe
B: Cu
C: B
D: Mo
167. The micronutrient essential for microorganisms fixing N2 is
A: Cl
B: Co
C: Zn
D: Cu
168. Free NH3 is extremely toxic to _____________________________.
a. microorganisms
b. higher plants
c. animals
d. all the above
169. Generally dicots have more requirement of ____________________
compared to monocots.
a. N
b. K
c. B
d. Zn
170. Low concentration of _____________________________ causes grass
tetany in livestock.
a. Ca
b. Mg
c. S
d. K
171. Black heart of most of the root crops is due to the deficiency of
a. Fe
b. Cu
c. B
d. Zn
172. They are involved in the synthesis of amino acids in plants.
a. Fe, S
b. N, S
c. S, B
d. Mg, S
173. ________________________ occurs in volatile compounds responsible
for the taste and smell in mustard and onion.
a. Fe
b. S
c. Mg
d. Zn
174. Molarity of 0.5 N CaSO4 would be _______________________.
a. 1 M
b. 0.5 M
c. 0.25 M
d. 0.125 M
175. 2.5 M NaCl would be equal to ________________________.
a. 2.5 N
b. 5.0 N
c. 1.25 N
d. 1.0 N
176. When the concentration of an essential element is low enough to limit
yield severely, it is termed as
a. deficient
b. sufficient
c. critical range
d. toxic
177. Phosphorus concentration in most of the plants ranges between _
a. 1-4 %
b. 0.1-0.4 %
c. 1-5 %
d. 0.2-1.0 %
178. The nutrient concentration range in plants in which added nutrient will
not increase yield but can increase nutrient concentration is termed as
a. deficient
b. sufficient
c. critical range
d. toxic
179. Transpiration in plants is affected by the deficiency of __
a. N
b. P
c. S
d. K
180. More than 95 % of the N in surface soil is present in _
_______________________ form.
a. organic
b. inorganic
c. solution
d. mineral

181. The no of essential micronutrients required for normal growth and

development are _____________________.

a. 7
b. 6
c. 9
d. 8

182. Eutrophication in rivers and lakes is observed due to the excessive

amount of _______________________.

a. N
b. P
c. N & P
d. P & K

183. Phosphorus in soil can be determined by using ____________________.

a. flamephotometer
b. atomic absorption spectrometer
c. spectrophotometer
d. gas chromatography

184. Potassium in soil and plants can be determined by using

a. flamephotometer
b. atomic absorption spectrometer
c. spectrophotometer
d. gas chromatography

185. Bronzing in rice is produced due to ------ toxicity.

a. N
b. P
c. Fe
d. B
186. There will be net mineralization of organic P if
a. C/P ratio > 200
b. C/P ratio < 200
c. C/P ratio 200-300
d. both b & c
187. Strengite is mineral of Phosphorus found in
a. alkaline soils
b. acidic soils
c. neutral soils
d. sodic soils
188. Which of the following characteristics is NOT associated with a fertile
a. high cation exchange capacity
b.. high % base saturation
c.. high sand content
d.. significant amounts of clay present
189. Phosphorus present in soil which can readily replenishes soil solution P is
a. a. Intensity factor
b. Labile P
c. Quantity factor
d. Capacity factor
190. Sulfur oxidizing bacteria are mostly active in ___________________ soils.
a. aerated
b. waterlogged
c. submerged
d. all the above
191. The principle, which states that the level of plant production can be no
greater than that allowed by the most limiting of the essential plant growth
factors, is called
a. the nutrient-carrier hypothesis
b. the essential principle
c. the selective factor
d. the law of the minimum
192. The prominent characteristic of an argillic horizon is the accumulation of
a. humus
b. oxide clays
c. silicate clays
d. calcium carbonate
193. Concerning macronutrients and micronutrients.
a. both are equally essential for plants.
b. macronutrients are larger in size than micronutrients.
c. plants usually take up macronutrients first followed by micronutrients.
d. all of the above.
194. Nitrogen concentration in most of the plant range between _
a. 1-4 %
b. 0.1-0.4 %
c. 1-5 %
d. 0.2-1.0 %
195. Mica has K content about ____________________.

a. 10 %
b. 6-8 %
c. 1-5 %
d. 1-2 %
196. Calcium is mainly supplied to plant roots by _________________.

a. Mass flow
b. diffusion
c. root interception
d. both a & c
197. Zinc is considered to be deficient in plants when its concentration is _

a. < 20 ppm
b. < 50 ppm
c. < 40 ppm
d. < 30 ppm
198. Soil solution P which is available to plants is called __

e. Intensity factor
f. Labile P
g. Quantity factor
h. Capacity factor
199. Flooding increases P availability due to _______________________.
a. Dissolution of occluded P
b. Hydrolysis of Fe phosphate
c. Increase mineralization of organic P in acid soils
d. All the above
200. High amounts of applied P can _________________________ Zn
uptake by plants.
a. increase
b. decrease
c. have no effect
d. none of these

Key soil Fertility

1. a 47. c 93. d 139. a 185.

2. c 48. a 94. d 140. b c
3. c 49. c 95. b 141. b 186.
4. a 50. a 96. b 142. b b
5. b 51. c 97. d 143. b 187.
6. d 52. c 98. a 144. c b
7. a 53. a 99. a 145. b 188.
8. a 54. b 100. c 146. d c
9. b 55. b 101. a 147. c 189.
10. b 56. d 102. d 148. c b
11. d 57. b 103. a 149. b 190.
12. a 58. a 104. d 150. a a
13. b 59. d 105. a 151. b 191.
14. b 60. b 106. a 152. b d
15. d 61. c 107. c 153. b 192.
16. c 62. d 108. c 154. c c
17. a 63. b 109. a 155. a 193.
18. a 64. b 110. a 156. a a
19. a 65. d 111. a 157. a 194.
20. d 66. d 112. d 158. b c
21. a 67. a 113. a 159. b 195.
22. b 68. a 114. c 160. c a
23. d 69. d 115. a 161. a 196.
24. a 70. d 116. a 162. b d
25. c 71. c 117. d 163. a 197.
26. b 72. b 118. b 164. b a
27. a 73. d 119. d 165. c 198.
28. c 74. a 120. c 166. d a
29. d 75. b 121. b 167. b 199.
30. a 76. d 122. c 168. d d
31. b 77. a 123. b 169. c 200.
32. d 78. a 124. d 170. b b
33. d 79. a 125. a 171. c
34. b 80. b 126. a 172. b
35. b 81. b 127. d 173. b
36. a 82. a 128. b 174. c
37. c 83. a 129. d 175. a
38. a 84. d 130. c 176. a
39. a 85. d 131. c 177. b
40. d 86. a 132. b 178. b
41. b 87. b 133. b 179. d
42. b 88. b 134. d 180. a
43. b 89. c 135. b 181. c
44. b 90. a 136. d 182. c
45. a 91. b 137. c 183. c
46. b 92. a 138. a 184. a
Multiple Choice Questions
Soil Chemistry
1. Soil pH is the measure of
a) H ion activity
b) OH ion activity
c) Both
d) None
2. soil is mixture of components
a) organic and inorganic
b) organic
c) inorganic + air+ water
d) b & c
3. soil chemistry deals with
a) Biological properties of the soil
b) Physical properties of the soil
c) Chemical properties of the soil
d) All above
4. any element is said to be pollutant if its concentration exceeds
a) Natural back ground level but non-toxic
b) Natural back ground level but toxic
c) Both
d) None
5. hydrolysis is the reaction in which
a) water molecule is added to the compound
b) water molecule splits and attach with other compounds
c) Both
d) None
6. De-calcification is the reaction in which
a) CaCO3 is removed from the soil profile b) Ca(OH)2 is removed from the soil
c) Both a & b d) None
7. silicon tetrahedron in layer silicate clays consists of
a) one silicon with 4 O ligands
b) one silicon with 2 O ligands
c) Both
d) None
8. In 2:1 type silicate clay
a) one tetrahedral sheet is sandwiched between two octahedral sheets
b) One octahedral sheet is sandwiched with three tetrahedral sheets
c) One octahedral sheet is sandwiched between two tetrahedral sheets
9. pyrophylite is the example of
a) 2:1type layer silicate
b) 1:1 type layer silicate
c) 2:1:1 type layer silicate
10. Primary soil mineral
a) calcite
b) feldspar
c) Illite
11. Rocks which are transformed after solidification from molten lava are
a) Sedimentary
b) Metamorphic
c) Igneous
12. Fe3+ form of Iron is
a) Reduced
b) Oxidized
c) Both
d) None
13. Soil humus contains charges
a) Variable
b) Permanent
c) Both
d) None
14. One of the followings is not essential element
a) Boron
b) Chloride
c) Silicon
d) None
15. One of the following element is essential for osmoregulations
a) sulpher
b) Iron
c) Potassium
d) None
16. Isomorphic substitution in layer silicate clays is
a) Replacement of one ion in the central position by another ion of similar charge
but different size
b) Replacement of one ion in the central position by another ion of similar size
but different charge
c) Both
d) None
17. Quartz is most
a) Easily weather able mineral
b) moderately weather able mineral
c) resistant to weathering
d) None
18. Oxidation is
a) loss of oxygen
b) loss of electron
c) Both
d) None
19. Redox potential is a measure of
a) Ability of soil components to accept neutron
b) Ability of soil components to accept or donate electrons
c) both of a & b
d) None of these
20. Colluvial soils are formed due to
a) Air deposition of soil material
b) water deposition of soil material
c) gravitational deposition of soil material
d) None
21. CEC is the measure of
a) capacity of the soil to hold cations at specific EC
b) capacity of the soil to hold cations at specific pH
c) capacity of the soil to hold cations at specific SAR
d) None
22. Lyotropic series is the arrangement of cation in order of
a) increasing ease of displacemenmt
b) increasing strength of adsorption
c) None
23. Ion activity is the measure of
a) Total concentration of ions in solution
b) effective concentration of ions in soil solution
c) Both
d) None
24. Ligand is any ion which exist
a) in the centre surrounded by other ions
b) in the coordination sphere of central ion
c) None
25. Ligand could be
a) Anion
b) Cation
c) Both
d) None
26. Upon dilution, pH of the soil will
a) Increase
b) Decrease
c) remain unchanged
d) None
27. Pakistan soils are
a) Calcareous
b) Alkaline
c) Neutral
d) a & b
28. If plants are fed with NH4 form of the N the rhizosphere pH
a) Will decrease
b) Will increase
c) will remain unchanged
d) None
29. Acid rain is due to
a) NO2 in the air
b) SO2 in the air
c) Both a & b
d) None
30. Low P availability in Pakistan soils is due to
a) Fixation with Al
b) Fixation with Kaolinite
c) Both
d) None
31. Adsorption is
a) Attachment of ions with solid surface
b) Penetration of ions into the solid surface
c) both a & b
d) None
32. Sorption includes
a) Physical adsorption
b) Chemical adsorption
c) Both
d) None
33. In cation exchange process one Ca2+ can be replaced by Soil
a) one K and one Na
b) One NH+
c) one Mg2+ and one K
d) None
34. NH4 can be easily replaced from the exchange site than
a) K
b) Mg
c) Na
d) None
35. Basic cation saturation percentage is
a) sum of total cations /CEC X100
b) sum of basic cations /sum of acidic cationsX100
c) sum of basic cations /CEC X100
d) None
36. Anaerobic decomposition of OM lead to the formation of of
a) CO2 and H2O
b) CO2
c) CH4 and H2O
d) None
37. Wider C:N ratio of OM leads to
a) Net Mineralization
b) Net immobilization
c) Both
d) None
38. Immobilization is the reverse mechanism of
a) Adsorption b) Precipitation c) Mineralization d) None
39. Ion exchange reactions in the soil are
a) Spontaneous and non stiochiometeric
b) Non- spontaneous and stiochiometeric
c) Spontaneous and stiochiometeric
d) None
40. Cation exchange capacity is expressed in
a) meL-1
b) cmolcL-1
c) cmolckg-1
d) None
41. EC is expressed in
a) Ohm cm-1
b) molcL-1
c) dSm-1
d) None
42. Buffer solution is one that resist change in
a) EC
b) SAR
d) None
43. organic matter content of Pakistan soils is
a) >2.5%
b) > 3.5%
c) <1%
d) None
44. The indicator used for the determination of carbonates is
a) Phenolphthlein
b) Methyl orange
c) EBT
45. The end point for chloride determination is
a) Colorless
b) Bluish green
c) Brick red
46. Soil chemistry mainly deals with
a) Soil fauna and floras
b) Soil chemical properties
c) Minerals found in soils

47. Which one of the following refers to the nutrient-holding ability of the soil
a) Alkalinity
b) Available water capacity
c) Cation exchange capacity
48. Leaching of bases out of a soil causes the to become
a) Alkaline
b) Acid
c) Neutral
49. Salinity problems are most likely to occur in
a) Dry environments
b) Tropical rainforests
c) Humid areas

50. Which of the following is NOT a plant nutrient?

a) Nitrogen
b) Copper
c) Aluminum
d) Potassium

51. Nutrients needed in large quantities by plants are called

a) Meganutrients
b) Micronutrients
c) Macronutrients

52. Which one of the following plant nutrients comes from the air?
a) Carbon
b) Potassium
c) Hydrogen
d) Copper

53. Which of the following affects nutrient availability?

a) pH
b) soil organic matter content
c) Texture
d) soil moisture
e) All of above
54. An ion with a positive charge is called a
a) Cation
b) Anion
c) Positron
55. Clay particles tend to have a
a) Positive charge
b) No charge
c) Negative charge
56. Clay soils can hold nutrients
a) more than sandy soils
b) less than sandy soils
c) same as sandy soils
57. Phosphorus becomes a pollutant when it is
a) leached into the groundwater
b) fixed with soil particles
c) evaporated
58. Alkaline soils have pH
a) less than seven
b) more than seven
c) equal to seven
59. Saline soils can be ameliorated with
a) application of gypsum
b) heavy irrigation good quality water
c) deep ploughing
60. Sodic soils can be ameliorated with
a) application of gypsum
b) heavy fertilization c
c) application of lime
61. Germination rate in saline soils is
a) decreased
b) increased
c) not affected
62. Indirect source of Ca is
a) sulfuric acid
b) gypsum
c) lime

63. Hard CaCO3 layer can

a) improve root growth
b) hinder root growth
c) cause loss of foliage
64. Which one is cheaper source of Ca?
a) Calcium chloride
b) Calcium carbonate
c) gypsum
65. Which one is not a criteria for the quality judgement of irrigation water
a) EC
b) ESP
c) SAR
66. A water is said to be unfit for irrigation if
a) SAR < 4
b) SAR >15
c) SAR = 6
67. Reclamation of sodic soils is
a) easier than saline soils
b) difficult than saline soils
c) impossible
68. Which soil has greater CEC
a) Sandy
b) Caly
c) Loamy sand
69. EC indicates the presence of excessive concentration of
a) exchangeable Na
b) soluble salts
c) Ca salts
70. RSC of water can be lowered by the application of
a) Mineral acids
b) Lime
c) NaOH
71. High RSC waters can cause
a) Soil flocculation
b) dispersion
c) aggregation
72. High pH of soils can severely decrease the availability of
a) macronutrients
b) micronutrients
c) both
73. Which soils are well structured?
a) saline soils
b) sodic soils
c) both
74. Water is said to be fit for irrigation if its RSC is
a) < 2.5
b) > 3
c) < 8
75. Any organic or inorganic material which could be used to accelerate the Na-Ca
exchange in sodic soils is called
a) Acid
b) Farm yard manure
c) amendment
76. Which one is not a direct source of calcium?
a) Mineral acid
b) Gypsum
c) none
77. In saline soils which practices proves better
a) direct seeding of crops
b) transplanting of nursery
c) both

78. Normal soils have ESP

a) > 15
b) = 15
c) < 15

79. Which soil separate has the greatest total water holding capacity?

a) sand

b) Clay

c) silt

80. The osmotic potential of soil water is affected by

a) salt content
b) barometric pressure
c) clay content

81. Which ion is not adsorbed by soil colloids and leaches readily from the soil?

a) NO3-

b) K+

c) Al3+

82. Which of the following are 2:1 type clay materials?

a) montomorillonite

b) vermiculite

c) both of the above

83. Which clay has the greatest capacity to shrink and swell?
a) Kaolinite
b) Montmorillonite
84. The charge resulting from isomorphous substitution in the structure of 2:1 clays is
a) permanent charge
b) variable charge that is pH dependent
85. An affect of soil acidity that is detrimental to plant growth is
a) Aluminum toxicity
b) Hydroxide toxicity
86. Buffer capacity of soil refers to
a) The clay minerals in soils
b) resistance to change in pH
c) both
87. A liming material neutralizes acidity by producing
a) H+ ions
b) OH- ions
c) Al3+ ions
88. Which liming material is a source of magnesium?
a) clacitic limestone
b) dolomitic limestone
c) calcium hydroxide
89. Pure rainwater
a) has a pH of slightly less than 6
b) has a pH of 7
c) has a pH of about 7.5
90. Physical weathering processes change primarily the _______ of a rock.
1) oxidation state
b) mineral composition
c) size
91. __________ are defined as pairs of oppositely charged ions that behave as
thermodynamic entity.
a) Ion pair
b) complex ion
92. __________ electrolytes don’t dissociate into their component ions.
a) Strong
b Weak
93. _______ are usually defined as combination of central cation with one or more
a) Complex ion
b) Ion pair
94. ______ is area of the soil from which the roots of the plants extract water.
a) root zone
b) Micro environment
c) Macro environment
95. Salt concentration in the soil solution __________ the force that a plant must has
to exert to extract water.
a) Increase
b) Decrease
96. Saline water has its ECe more than _____ dS m-1
a) 1
b) 1.50
c) 2.0
97. Soil-Sodic soil has RSC value _______
a) 2.50 meL-1
b) 2.50mmolL-1
c) 5.0 meL-1)
d) none
98. Soil having ECe ≥4 dS m-1 and SAR <13 mmoleL-1)1/2 is called as___________
a) Saline
b) Saline- Sodic
99. Soils having ECe ≥ 4 dS m-1 and SAR > 13 (mmoleL-1)1/2 is called as__________
a) Saline
b) Saline-Sodic
100. Salt affected soils having pHs > 8.5 is called as _____________
a) Saline
b) Saline-Sodic
c) Sodic
101. Salt affected soils having pHs < 8.5 is called as ______________
a) Saline
b) Saline-Sodic
c) Sodic
102. The term alkali reflect the hazard of __________
a) Salinity
b) Sodicity
103. Land which is under cultivation but with visible salt paches on more than 20% land
surface are called as ________
a) Thur juzvi
b) Thur punjalal
c) Thur kohana
104. C-spacing of montmorillonite is
a) 0.72
b) 1.0 – 1.5
c) variable
105. SAurface area of kaolanite is
a) 600 – 800m2g-1
b) 10 – 20 m2g-1
c) 20 - 40 m2g-1
106. Colloidal activity of montmorillonite is
a) low
b) high
c) extremely high
107. Principal source of charge in 2:1 and 2:1:1 type silicate mineral is
a) Isomorphic substitution
b) pH – dependent charges
c) none
108. Ionic radii of Si+4 is
a) 0.42
b) 0.042
c) 0.074
109. As pH increases, ___________ charges arise
a) negative
b) positive
c) none
110. If the measure pH of colloide is less than the ZPC, the colloide surface has
net__________ charge.
a) positive
b) negative
c) none
111. If the measure of pH of a colloide is greater than the PZC, the colloide surface has
net _____________charge.
a) Positive
b) negative
c) none
112. At PZC, the difference in CEC and AEC is
a) zero
b) + ve
c) negative
113. The thickness of DDL decrease as the electrolyte concentration in bulk soil
a) increases
b) decreases
c) none
114. As annual rainfall decreases organic matter will___________
a) Increase
b) decrease
115. Area receiving rainfall less than 10” per annum is refired to as __________
a) Arid
b) semi-arid
c) humid
116. In __________ surface of soil salt accumulation will be enhanced
a) concave
b) convex
117. Leaching requirement is = _____________
a) Ddw/Diw
b) ECdw/ECiw
c) both
118. Acceptable yield on salt affected soil is ______%
a) 40
b) 50
d) 70
119. _________ tolerant to salinity
a) barley
b) bean
c) corn
120. Rice is _______ to salinity
a) sensitive
b) tolerant
121. Maize is ______ to sodicity.
a) sensitive
b) tolerant
122. Sodic soil require _____% more N source of fertilizer.
a) 20
b) 25
c) 50
123. Crop production in arid or semi-arid region depends upon_____ irrigation.
a) natural
b) artificial
124. Water with high permeability index will ______ infiltration rate of soil.
a) increase
b) decrease
125. The potential effects of sodium are increased when irrigation water contains Ca: Mg
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
126. Ratio of divalent to total cations of water should be at least_______
a) 0.1
b) 0.2
c) 0.3)
127. Using two or three techniques of reclamation together is called as
a) antagonistic approach
b) synergistic approach
128. Kinetic exchange equations were explained by
a) freundlich
b) kerr
c) gapon
129. pHa – pHc is called as _____.
a) Langlier index
b) Langmore index
130. Positive value of precipitation index indicates tendency of CaCO3 _______ from
irrigation water.
a) Precipitate
b) dissolve
131. Negative value of precipitation index indicates tendency of CaCO3 _______ from
irrigation water.
a) Precipitate
b) dissolve)
132. For a wide range of texture the saturation percentage is approximately ________
times the moisture present at PWP.
a) 2
b) 4
c) 6
133. Permanent wilting point is attains at pressure at ______ MPa
a) -1.5
b) 1.5
c) 3.0
134. One mmho cm-1 =____ (dS m-1)
a) 1
c) 100
135. Salt concentration (ppm) equal to EC (dS m-1) x ___________
a) 640
b) 1280
c) 100
136. Osmotic potential (bars) equal to EC (dS m-1) x _________
a) 0.0072
b) 0.00036
c) 0.0036
137. One mole of water (18mL) contains_______ individual molecules
a) 6.022x1023
b) 18x6.022x1023
c) 6.022x1023
138. ___________ shows the correction factor b/w activity and concentration
a) Activity coefficient
b) concentration coefficient
c) Permeability coefficient
139. Water having EC 2 dS m-1 and RSC 3.0 meL-1 will called as
a) saline water
b) sodic water
c) saline- sodic water
140. A water having EC = 0.99 dS m-1, SAR = 11.1 (mmol L-1)1/2 and RSC = 2.0 meL-1
is called as
a) saline water
b) sodic water
c) saline- sodic water
141. Soil with flocculated structure is called as__________
a) saline soil
b) sodic
c) saline-sodic
142. Water with high Mg:Ca ratio causes ___________ in soil.
a) flocculation
b) Disperssion
c) No effect
143. Salinity causes ________ stress in the soil.
a) Water
b) Soil
c) air
144. Effective concentration the soil solution is called as
a) activity
b) concentration
c) activity coefficient
145. Conversion of NH4+ to NO3- is chemically _________ reaction
a) Reduction
b) oxidation
c) reduction-oxidation
146. Density of heavy metals is ____________
a) >5
b) >6
c) <5
d) none of the above)
147. Availability of heavy metals to plants is more in _______________
a) acidic soil
b) alkaline soil
c) salt-affected soils
d)waterlogged soils)
148. Heavy metal contaminated soil can be improved through
a) amendment
b) phytoremediation
c) phytostabilization
d) all of these
e) none of these
149. Heavy metal retention by soil constituents is through
a) adsorption
b) desorption
c) chelation
d) precipitation
d) none of the above
150. Source of heavy metals in soils are
a) fossil fuels
b) waste material
c) parent material
b) none of above)
151. Heavy metals that are plant nutrients are
a) Ni and Zn
b) Fe and Pb
c) Mn and Co
d) Zn and Cu, all of these
152. Plants those accumulate heavy metals in higher concentration are called
a) excluders
b) halophytes
c) hyperaccumulators
d) none
153. Long distance transport of heavy metals is through
a) irrigation water
b) air
c) wind storm
d) all of these)
154. Most important soil constituents with respect to heavy metals dynamics in soils are
a) oxides of Fe/Mn
b) OM
c) CaCO3
d) clay contents
e) all of these
155. Plants tolerate higher metal concentration through
a) phytochelation
b) metathionines
c) compartmentation
d) exclusion
e) all of these)
156. Conversion of NO3- to NH4 + is called as ___________
a) Reductive
b) oxidative
c) reductive-oxidative
157. Conversion of NH4+ to NO3- is chemically -------------reaction
a) Reductive
b) oxidative
c) reductive-oxidative
158 Conversion of NO3 to - NH4+ is chemically ----------reaction:
a) Reductive
b) oxidative
c) reductive-oxidative

159. H2PO4- form of phosphorus is dominant at ------------pH:

a) acidic

b) basic

c) neutral

160. HPO42- form of phosphorus is dominant at ------------pH:

a) acidic

c) neutral

161. The best pH range for the availability of P is

a) 6-7

b) 7-8

c) 5-6

162. Plant-fungi association affects P availability to plants

a) positively

b) negatively

c) No affect

163. The solubility of gypsum at 0 °C is

a) 5%

b) 25%

c) 75%

d) 2.5%

164. A soil having EC < 4 dS m-1 and ESP > 15 is called

a) normal

b) saline-sodic

c) sodic
165. -------------means the water table of saturated layer of soil which is separated from
an underlying saturated layer by an unsaturated layer

a) high water table

b) Perched water table

c) low water table

166. Undesirable addition of plant nutrients, P and N to water bodies is called

a) loss of nutrients

b) Erosion

c) Eutrophication

167. one of the following is the most abundant element in the earth crust

a) Oxygen

b) Aluminum

c) Silicon

168. Molarity is

a) No. of moles of solute per liter of sovent

b) No. of moles chareges per liter of solvent

c) No. of moles of solute per liter of solution

169. For monovalent ions

a) Molarity is less than normality

b) Molarity is greater than normality

c) Molarity is equal to normality

170. one of the following is not alkaline earth metal

a) Calcium

b) Strontium

c) Potassium

171. One of the following is not available at low pH

f a) Cu

b) Mn

c) Fe

d) Mo

e) none

172. One of the followings is not member of halides

a) Chlrine


c) Iodine

d) histidine

173. Deprotonation is

a) Addition of electrons along with protons

b) Addition of protons with loss of neutrons

c) Loss of protons with addition of electrons

d) Loss of protons

174. High pH of the our soils is due to

a) High silicate clays

b) High igneous rocks

c) High calcite contents

175. Primary hydration no. is the

a) No. of cations in the solvation sphere

b) No. of water molecules in the solvation sphere

c) both of the above

d) None of the above

176. Silicate clays are also called as

a) oligosilicates

b) tentosilicates

c) phylosilicates

d) none of these

177. Humus is the organic matter

a) which tends to further digested

b) which is rather unstable

c) which is stable form

178. Eutrophication causes-------------in O2 concentration

a) No effect

b) decrease

c) Increase

179. About half of the acidity of atmosphere fall back to earth through-----------------

a) dry deposition

b) wet digestion

c) green-house effect

180. The solid or rock portion of the earth flattens at poles owing to rotation is called

a) atmosphere

b) biosphere

c) lithosphere

181. In the earth crust the % age of oxygen is

a) 47%

b) 21%

c) 0.03 %
182. %age of hydrogen in earth crust is

a) 14%

b) 1.4%

c) 7.2%

183. In the soil oxygen is present in ---------------------%

a) 42%

b) 21%

c) 51%

184. Cutting of mineral along definite plane is called as

a) fracture

b) Cleavage

c) breakdown

185. Soil organic matter supplies

a) more than 20 % S

b) more than 40% S

c) more than 80% S

186. At high pH P precipitates with

a) Calcium hydroxide

b) Calcium silicate
c) Calcium carbonate

187. Negative value of redox potential indicates

a) Presence of oxidized conditions

b) presence of reduced conditions

c) both of these

d) none of these

188. Oxidized form of Fe is

a) More soluble in soil solution

b) less soluble in soil solution

c) both of these

d) none of these

189. Color of powder mineral is called as-----------------------

a) luster

b) streak

c) color

190. The property of transmitting light is called as------------------

a) diaphareity

b) luster

c) streak
191. -----------------is the behavior of minerals towards attempt to crush or cut

a) fracture

b) cleavage

c) Tenacity

192. Quartz is --------------------mineral

a) Primary

b) secondary

d) Tertiary

193. Addition of water molecule in chemical combination with mineral is called

a) hydration

b) hydrolysis

d) dissolution

194. A horizon of soluble salts other than gypsum is called as--------------------

a) salic

b) gypsic

c) calcic

195. Slate is the example of

a) metamorphic rocks
b) sedimentary rocks
c) none
196. The example of hypobassal rock is
a) quartz
b) dolerite
c) both
d) none
197. sandstone is metamorphosed into
a) quartzite
b) slate
c) none
198. The radius of oxygen ion in all minerals is
a) 0.140 nm
b) 0.0140 nm
c) none
199. __________________ is the example of 1:1 type of clay minerals
a) kaolinite
b) vermiculite
c) montmorillonite
200. Beidellite is the example of
a) 1:1 type mineral
b) 2:1 type mineral
c) 2:1:1 type mineral

Short Key Soil Chemistry

Q. No. Ans.
1 A 71 B 141 A
2 D 72 B 142 B
3 C 73 A 143 A
4 B 74 A 144 A
5 B 75 C 145 B
6 A 76 A 146 A
7 A 77 B 147 A
8 C 78 C 148 C
9 B 79 A 149 A
10 B 80 A 150 B
11 B 81 C 151 D
12 B 82 B 152 C
13 A 83 A 153 D
14 C 84 A 154 E
15 C 85 B 155 E
16 B 86 B 156 A
17 C 87 B 157 B
18 B 88 B 158 A
19 B 89 A 159 B
20 C 90 C 160 A
21 B 91 A 161 B
22 B 92 B 162 A
23 B 93 A 163 B
24 B 94 A 164 C
25 C 95 B 165 B
26 A 96 A 166 C
27 D 97 D 167 C
28 A 98 168 C
29 C 99 B 169 C
30 D 100 C 170 C
31. A 101 A 171 D
32 C 102 B 172 D
33 A 103 A 173 D
34 B 104 C 174 C
35 C 105 B 175 B
36 C 106 C 176 C
37 B 107 A 177 C
38 C 108 B 178 B
39 C 109 A 179 A
40 C 110 A 180 C
41 C 111 B 181 A
42 C 112 A 182 A
43 C 113 A 183 B
44 A 114 B 184 B
45 C 115 A 185 C
46 D 116 A 186 C
47 C 117 A 187 B
48 B 118 B 188 B
49 A 119 A 189 A
50 C 120 A 190 A
51 C 121 A 191 A
52 A 122 B 192 A
53 E 123 B 193 A
54 A 124 B 194 A
55 C 125 A 195 A
56 A 126 B 196 C
57 A 127 B 197 A
58 B 128 A 198 A
59 B 129 A 199 A
60 A 130 A 200 B
61 A 131 B
62 A 132 B
63 B 133 A
64 C 134 A
65 B 135 A
66 B 136 C
67 B 137 A
68 B 138 A
69 B 139 C
70 A 140 B

Multiple Choice Questions

Soil Microbiology
1) In relation to bacterium's optimal growth requirements, which group would you
expect to be most likely involved in decomposition of compost piles
a) Acidophiles
b) Psychrophiles
c) Mesophiles
d) Thermophiles
2) Because the soil primarily is an _____ environment; the elements, such as
carbon, nitrogen, sulfur and iron, will tend to be in the _____ state in the soil.
a) Aerobic; oxidized
b) Aerobic; reduced
c) Anaerobic; oxidized
d) Anaerobic; reduced
3) _____ is the process in which microorganisms are used as a food source resulting
in nitrogen and phosphorous mineralization
a) Nitrogen fixation
b) Ammonification
c) Microbivory
d) Eutrophication
4) The _____ is where organisms that are found on and in the aerial surface plants
are growing.
a) Rhizosphere
b) Rhizoplane
c) Phyllosphere
d) Microfilm
5) The function of growth promoting rhizobacteria is to
a) Inhibit competing bacteria by producing antibiotics
b) Enhance mycorrhizal activity.
c) Produce biologically active substance.
d) Promote plant growth by producing chemical signals
6) Which of the following genera synthesizes Nod factors in order to activate a
plant to allow development of an infection thread
a) Agrobacterium
b) Pseudomonas
c) Frankia
d) Rhizobium
7) The nitrogen-fixation form of the Rhizobium bacterium is called a
a) Infection thread
b) T-plasmid
c) Symbiosome.
d) Bacteroid.
8) Methanotrophic bacteria
a) Oxidize methane gas
b) Produce methane gas
c) Utilize methane as the electron source for reduction processes
d) Are responsible for the greenhouse effect

9) I. The rate of flux of oxygen in air

II.The rate of flux of oxygen in water.
a) I is exactly or approximately equal to II
b) II is greater than I
c) I is greater than II
d) I may stand in more than one of the above relations to II
10) The concentration of CO2 in air.
II. The concentration of CO2 in soil atmospheric spaces
a) I is greater than II
b) II is greater than I
c) I is exactly or approximately equal to II
d) I may stand in more than one of the above relations to II
11) The ability of lignin to be degraded in aerobic environments
II. The ability of lignin to be degraded in anaerobic environments
a) I is greater than II
b) II is greater than I
c) I is exactly or approximately equal to II
d) I may stand in more than one of the above relations to II
12) _____ The function of mycorrhizae is to
I. increase the availability of nutrients to plants.
II. aid in water uptake for plants in arid environments
a) I only is true
b) II only is true
c) Both I and II are true
d) Neither I nor II are true
13) _____ Members of the genus Frankia are
I. capable of nitrogen fixation for trees and shrubs.
II. readily cultivated bacteria
a) I only is true
b) II only is true
c) Both I and II are true
d) Neither I nor II are true
14) Which of the following is the best definition of generation time?
a) The length of time it takes for a population of cells to double.
b) The maximum rate of doubling divided by the initial count.
c) The duration of log phase.
d) The time it takes for nuclear division
15) An experiment began with 4 cells and ended with 128 cells. How many
generations did the cells go through?
a) 5
b) 6
c) 32
d) 64
16) A culture of bacteria produces 5 generations in 2 hours. What is the generation
time for this bacterium under those conditions.

a) 15 minutes
b) 24 minutes
c) 30 minutes
d) 1 hour
17) An organism is completely dependant on atmospheric O 2 for growth. This
organism is a(n)
a) Osmotolerant.
b) Acidophile.
c) Facultative anaerobe
d) Obligate aerobe.
18) An organism has an optimal growth rate when the hydrogen ion concentration is
very high. This organism is a(n)
a) Osmotolerant
b) Acidophile
c) Neutrophile
d) Aerotolerant anaerobe
19) The term facultative anaerobe refers to an organism that
a) Requires less oxygen than is present in air.
b) Uses oxygen when present or grows without oxygen when oxygen is absent.
c) Is killed by oxygen.
d) Doesn’t use oxygen but tolerates it.
20) The term obligate anaerobe refers to an organism that
a) Doesn’t use oxygen but tolerates it
b) Is killed by oxygen.
c) Uses oxygen when present or grows without oxygen when oxygen is absent.
d) Requires less oxygen than is present in air.
21) The term aerotolerant anaerobe refers to an organism that
a) Doesn’t use oxygen but can grow in the presence oxygen.
b) Is killed by oxygen.
c) Requires less oxygen than is present in air.
d) Uses oxygen when present or grows without oxygen when absent.
22) If it is noticed that a culture broth tube was very turbid at the surface but clear
throughout the rest of the tube. What could be concluded
a) Organism are aerobes.
b) Organism should be grown in an anaerobic chamber.
c) Organism cannot produce superoxide dismutase and/or catalase.
d) Organism cannot tolerate oxygen.
23) Who first described microorganisms such as bacteria?
a) Louis Pasteur
b) Robert Koch
c) Fannie Hesse
d) Anton von Leeuwenhoek
24) What was the first successful solid medium for colony purification of bacteria?

a) Agar
b) Potato
c) Meat
d) Gelatin Meat
25) The most commonly encountered bacteria are roughly spherical. The
microbiological term describing this shape is
a) Coccus
b) Bacillus
c) Pleomorphic
d) None of these
26) Another common bacterial shape is that of a rod, often called
a) Coccus
b) Bacillus
c) Pleomorphic
d) None of these
27) Gram positive cells
a) Have a second, outer membrane that helps retain the crystal violet stain.
b) Have multiple layers of peptidoglycan that help retain the crystal violet stain.
c) Have a thick capsule that traps the crystal violet stain.
d) Have a periplasmic space that traps the crystal violet.
28) Adenosine triphosphate is a type of
a) Fatty acid.
b) Enzyme
c) Amino acid.
d) Nucleotide
29) A substrate binds to its enzyme at a location called the ______ site
a) Coenzyme
b) Substrate
c) Active
d) Cofactor
30) Denaturation of an enzyme refers to the
a) Proper arrangement of the enzyme in a metabolic pathway.
b) Improper arrangement of the enzyme in a metabolic pathway
c) Loss of the enzyme's proper shape.
d) Formation of the enzyme's proper shape.
31) ATP is required to do
a) Chemical work
b) Transport work.
c) Mechanical work.
d) All of the above types of work.
32) The prokaryote does not have a well defined ________
a) Classification
b) Nucleus
c) Structure
d) Cell membrane

33) PCR stands for Polymerase chain _________

a) Residues
b) Resistance
c) Recycling
d) Reaction.
34) The term metabolism refers to the sum total of the biochemical reactions that
occur within
a) Living cells
b) Plant cells
c) Animal cells
d) Microbes
35) N in NO3 has an oxidation state of
a) -5
b) +5
c) +2
d) -3
36) Sites where enzymes are bound with the reactants are called _________sites of
a) Energy
b) Active
c) Concentrated
d) Feed back sites
37) Sites around the plant roots where food for microbes is more abundant is called
a) Enriched soil
b) Rhizosphere
c) Rhizoplane
d) All these
38) .Commensalisms is a __________ interaction.
a) Neutral
b) Positive
c) Negative
d) Passive
39) Main classes of plant growth regulators are _____________
a) Thee
b) Five
c) Two
d) Nine
40) C/N ration determines whether nitrogen would be _________________________
a) Lost
b) Leached
c) Volatilized
d) Mineralized or immobilized.

41) Biostimulation is addition of _____________ to stimulate indigenous

a) Water
b) Gasses
c) Growth regulators
d) Nutrients
42) _____________ is defined as use of plants to remove, contain or transform
a) Bioremediation
b) Phytoremediation
c) Bioaugmentation
d) Biostimulation
43) Composting is use of ________________ thermophilic microorganisms.
a) Anaerobic
b) Aerobic and anaerobic
c) Aerobic
d) Facultative anaerobic
44) A substance that promotes the rate of reaction is called _________
a) Catalyst
b) Stimulant
c) Enhancer
d) Regulator
45) ______________is the microbial production of nitrate from the oxidation of
reduced N compounds.
a) Nitrification
b) Denitrification
c) Volatilization
d) Mineralization
46) L-Tryptophan is a precursor of ________________
a) Cytokinin
b) Kinetin
c) IAA
d) Auxin
47) Covalently bound enzymes are called ____________ groups.
a) Intracellular
b) Intercellular
c) Constitutive
d) Prosthetic
48) Enzymes needed for fundamental cellular processes are called
a) Intracellular
b) Intercellular
c) Constitutive
d) Prosthetic
49) An enzyme that catalyses biochemical reaction occurring with in cell are called
__________ enzyme.
a) Intracellular
b) Intercellular
c) Constitutive
d) Prosthetic
50) Luciferin is an aromatic compound found naturally in __________
a) Fireflies
b) Basmati rice
c) Onion
d) None of these
51) Process where internally produced organic electron donors and acceptors are
used is called __________
a) Oxidation
b) Reduction
c) Anaerobic respiration
d) Fermentation
52) In anaerobic respiration nitrate, sulfate, and carbon dioxide act as an
a) Electron acceptor
b) Electron donor
c) Electron carrier
d) Electron sink
53) The utilization of carbon dioxide as a terminal electron acceptor to produce
methane is called __________
a) Methylation
b) Methanogenesis
c) Carboxylation
d) All these
54) Light pigment in plants is called __________
a) Chlorophyll
b) Xanthophylls
c) Photosynthates
d) Energy carrier
55) DNA stands for __________________________
a) Deoxyribonucleic acid
b) Derivative nucleotides
c) Derivative nucleic acid
d) Double ribonucleic acid
56) Nuncleotides are composed of sugar, phosphate and __________
a) Purine
b) Pyrimidine
c) Purine or pyrimidine
d) Purine and pyrimidine
57) Mesophiles grow at temperature of ____________________

a) 20-35 Celsius
b) 20-35 Fahrenheit
c) At freezing
d) At boiling
58) PCR is used for ____________________
a) DNA extraction
b) DNA replication
c) Gene identification
d) DNA amplification
59) Microbes that tolerate high salt concentration are said to be ______________
a) Osmotoleran
b) Mesotolerant
c) Salt inhibitor
d) Rhizosphere bacteria
60) Conversion of NH4 to NO3 is called ___________________
a) Ammonification
b) Nitrification
c) Mineralization
d) Immobilization
61) Most common type of interaction among soil microbes is _________________
a) Symbiosis
b) Competition
c) Commensalisms
d) No interaction
62) Bacteria may have negative effect on other microbes by producing _________
a) Antibiotics
b) Hormones
c) Enzymes
d) Amino acids
63) Bacteria influence plant growth by producing ___________________
a) Hormones
b) Toxins
c) Hormones or toxins
d) Spores
64) Microbes living in water filled pores are called ___________________
a) Mesophiles
b) Aquatic microbes
c) Aerobic
d) Xerphiles
65) Legume-rhizobium is an example of ___________________
a) Mutualism
b) Commensalisms
c) Predation
d) Symbiosis
66) Leguminous plants form mutalistic symbiosis with bacteria of genera ______

a) Rhizobium
b) Azotobacter
c) Azospirilum
d) Bacillus
67) Rhizobium invade plant via ___________________to make nodule
a) Rhizoid
b) Stem
c) Pericycle
d) Root hair
68) Root nodule is a ___________________ structure
a) Multicellular
b) Unicellular
c) Tricellular
d) Bicellular
69) Bacteria can fix nitrogen gas into ___________________
a) Nitrate
b) Nitric oxide
c) Ammonia
d) Amino acid
70) In symbiosis plant supplies bacteria ___________________
a) Fats
b) Proteins
c) Lipids
d) Reduced carbon
71) Feeding of one organism upon other is called ___________________
a) Mutualism
b) Commensalisms
c) Predation
d) Symbiosis
72) Most of the soil microbes live in ___________________
a) Rhizosphere
b) Biosphere
c) Rhizoplane
d) Root niches
73) All compounds coming out of roots are called ___________________
a) Lysates
b) Exudates
c) Excretions
d) None of these
74) Compounds in exudates include ___________________
a) Sugars,
b) Amino acids
c) Vitamins
d) All these
75) Concentration of carbon in rhizosphere ___________________ as the distance
from roots increases
a) Declines
b) Increases
c) Remain unchanged
d) Become neutral
76) Breaking of seed coat is called ___________________
a) Stratification
b) Liquefaction
c) Scarification
d) Purification
77) Microbes can produce iron-chelating compounds called __________________
a) Inoculum
b) Humus
c) Siderophores
d) None of these
78) Microbial population that colonize the____________ of root are called
a) Interior
b) Exterior
c) Surface
d) Tip
79) Narrow C:N ratio results in net ___________________
a) Mineralization
b) Immobilization
c) Nitrification
d) Denitrification
80) Wide C:N ratio results in ___________________
a) Mineralization
b) Immobilization
c) Nitrification
d) Denitrification
81) Hemicelluloses are ___________________to decompose than sugars
a) Difficult
b) Easier
c) Comparable
d) Faster
82) Conversion of organic compound to ammonium is called _____________
a) Ammonification
b) Immobilization
c) Nitrogen fixation
d) Aminization
83) Conversion of NO3 to NO2 is called ___________________
a) Ammonification
b) Immobilization
c) Denitrification
d) Aminization
84) Volatilization of N can be a severe hazard to ___________________
a) Water bodies
b) Agriculture
c) Industry
d) Environment
85) NO3 can leach down from soil and pollute the ___________________
a) Ground water
b) Environment
c) Air
d) All these
86) ___________________is/are involved in nitrification process
a) Nitrosomonas
b) Nitrobacter
c) Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter
d) Nitrosomonas or Nitrobacter
87) There are ___________________ major classes of plant growth regulators.
a) Six
b) Seven
c) Five
d) Three
88) Composting is a better option to handle ____________ as compared to other
a) Waste
b) Radioactive waste
c) Household garbage
d) Industrial waste
89) ____________ is used for sterilization of media in lab
a) Autoclave
b) Oven
c) Water bath
d) Incubator
90) ____________ is an enzyme involved in BNF.
a) Nitrogenase
b) Lipase
c) Urease
d) Phosporylase
91) Nitrogen fixation is often measured by stable ____________ method
a) Isotope 15N
b) Isotope 16N
c) Radioactive nitrogen
d) Standard
92) N2 fixation is often evident in ____________old plants.
a) 30 days old plants
b) 60 days old plant
c) 15 days old plant
d) 10 days old plant
93) During inoculation, ____________should adhere well to the seed.
a) Inoculum
b) Peat
c) Sugar
d) Broth
94) Nitrification rate is often low in soil below pH____________
a) 10
b) 14
c) 9.5
d) 4.5
95) Clover nodules are ____________
a) Club shaped
b) Spherical
c) Triangular
d) Circular
96) Soybean nodules are ____________
a) Spherical
b) Club shaped
c) Triangular
d) Angular
97) HUP+ diazotrophs have ___________BNF efficiency compared to HUP- ones
a) More
b) Less
c) Similar
d) Parallel
98) SO4 reduction ____________by adding organic matter.
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Remain unchanged
d) May increase or decrease
99) Calvin cycle was first described in ____________
a) Bacteria
b) Plants
c) Animals
d) Green algae.
100) The ____________ of fungus is called thallus.
a) Vegetative body
b) Root
c) Seed
d) Fruit
101) Obligate anaerobic bacteria obtain energy either by anaerobic respiration
a) Symbiosis
b) Fermentation
c) Photosynthesis
d) Photorespiration
102) ____________ are most abundant microorganisms in soil.
a) Bacteria
b) Fungus
c) Virus
d) Beneficial bacteria
103) The basis of living matter is ____________
a) Cell
b) Energy
c) DNA
d) RNA
104) Bacteria those can tolerate dry conditions are called ____________
a) Osmotoleran
b) Mesotolerant
c) Desert bacteria
d) Xerophiles
105) ___________cycling is the driving force behind nearly all nutrient cycling
a) Carbon
b) Nitrogen
c) Phosphorus
d) Potassium
106) ____________ is the dominant high energy phosphorus compound in the
a) ATP
b) ADP
c) NAH
107) Rod shaped bacterial cells are called ____________
a) Cocci
b) Gram positive
c) Gram negative
d) Bacilli
108) Bacteria posses small DNA called ____________
a) Bacteriod
b) Plasmid
c) Miniature DNA
d) PseudoDNA
109) Aerotolerant bacteria obtain energy exclusively by ____________
a) Symbiosis
b) Fermentation
c) Photosynthesis
d) Photorespiration
110) Bacteria that can tolerate high salts concentration are called ____________
a) Halophiles
b) Mesotolerant
c) Desert bacteria
d) Xerophiles
111) Plant carbon on an average has ____________ of lignin
a) 50%
b) 60%
c) 50-60%
d) 10-30%
112) As plant decomposition proceeds, C: N ratio ____________
a) Become stagnant
b) Rises
c) Falls
d) Fluctuate
113) NH3 oxidizers are responsible for lowering ____________ of soil.
a) pH
b) Moisture
c) Redox potential
d) Organic matter
114) The nitrogen fixing bacteria responsible for nodulation on stem are called
a) Rhizobium
b) Azorhizobium
c) Bradyrhizobium
d) Azotobacter
115) Inoculation of contaminated soil with microbes is called ____________
a) Bioventing
b) Biostimulation
c) Bioaugmentation
d) Enrichment
116) ____________ is process where gaseous stimulants are added during
a) Bioventing
b) Biostimulation
c) Bioaugmentation
d) Bioradiation
117) Spreading and mixing of ____________on soil is called landfarming.
a) Mulch
b) Contaminants
c) Seed
d) Fertilizer
118) Atrazine degradation is possible by ____________
a) Bioremediation
b) Phytoremediation
c) Bioremediation and Phytoremediation
d) Bioreactors
119) During composting high temperature ____________pathogens.
a) Can kill
b) Cannot Kill
c) Can increase
d) Can modify
120) ____________ produced by microbes are measured as IAA equivalents.
a) Precursors
b) Enzymes
c) Ethylene
d) Auxins
121) ____________ is a gaseous hormone.
a) Ethylene
b) Auxins
c) Cytokinin
d) Kinetin
122) ____________has specific role in fruit ripening.
a) Ethylene
b) Auxins
c) Cytokinin
d) Kinetin
123) Compost can be enriched with ____________
a) Nitrogen
b) PGRs.
c) Phosphorus
d) All these
124) Organic matter in soil can decrease the effect of ____________
a) Nitrogen
b) Toxins
c) Phosphorus
d) Growth regulators
125) Phosphatase enzyme can solubelize ____________
a) Phosphorus
b) DAP
c) SSP
d) TSP
126) ____________ is/are green house gases.
a) CO2
b) Methane
c) Nitrous oxide
d) CO2, methane and nitrous oxide
127) Eutrofication is a process where excessive ____________enter in to water.
a) Pestisides
b) Herbisides
c) Nutrients
d) Hormones
128) ____________ is/are the primary causes of acid rain.
a) Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide
b) Carbon dioxide
c) Carbon monoxide
d) Hydrogen
129) Acid rain is measured by measuring ____________
a) pH
b) Redox potential
c) Carbonic acid
d) Hydrogen peroxide
130) With the increase of global warming sea level would ____________
a) Drop
b) Rise
c) Be unchanged
d) Fluctuate
131) In soil competition exists among enormous variety of organism for
a) Nitrogen
b) Phosphorus
c) Micronutrients
d) All Nutrients
132) Fitness of organism to survive in a particular environment is called ______
a) Evolution
b) Tolerance
c) Acclimatization
d) Variation
133) Bacteria, actinomycetes, Fungi and algae are referred to collectively as
a) Microfauna
b) Macrofauna
c) Microflora
d) Archaea
134) Inventor of microscope Leeuwenhoek was from ______________
a) France
b) Netherlands
c) Germany
d) USA
135) Resistant structure produced by bacteria is called _____________
a) Endosperm
b) Angiosperm
c) Sporidium
d) None of these
136) Microbiologists define species a group of similar individual that are ______
a) Also similar to other groups
b) Not similar to other groups
c) Similar in genetic character
d) Similar in physical appearance
137) To grow a particular group of microorganisms ___________media is used.
a) Simple
b) Selective
c) Nutrient
d) Nitrogen free media
138) All of the following are true about releasing untreated sewage into a river
a) It is a health hazard.
b) It increases the BOD.
c) It decreases the dissolved oxygen.
d) It kills bacteria.
139) Which of the following statements is true?
a) Symbiosis refers to different organisms living together.
b) Members of a symbiotic relationship cannot live without each other.
c) Symbiosis refers to difft. organisms living together & benefiting from each other.
d) A parasite is not in a symbiosis with its host.
140) Higher plants most often absorb nitrogen from the soil in the form of
a) N2
b) Nitrites
c) Ammonia
d) Nitrites
141) Recalcitrant remain is soil for ________________ period
a) Prolong
b) Short
c) Minimum
d) Dry
142) Broad types of soil are mineral and _______________
a) Organic soil
b) Fine textured soils
c) Loamy soils
d) Moist soils
143) _____________soil is required for the functions of organisms.
a) Water logged
b) Aerated
c) Cultivated
d) Salt affected soils
144) The zone of soil under the influence of plant roots is called
a) Rhizoplane
b) Rhizosphere
c) Biosphere
d) Enriched soil
145) ____________refers to biochemical reactions that occur with in living cells.
a) Metabolism
b) Catabolism
c) Anabolism
d) Intercellular reaction
146) Biochemical reactions in metabolism yielding energy are called

a) Exergonic
b) Endergonic
c) Catalytic reaction
d) Enzymatic reaction
147) ATP stands for ___________________
a) Adenosine tri phosphate
b) Adenosine triple phosphate
c) Adenosine terminal phosphate
d) Active transport phosphate
148) In biochemical reactions ____________acts as an electron carries.
a) ATP
b) NAD
c) ADP
d) AMP
149) Most organisms obtain cellular energy from the biodegradation of energy
rich ______________
a) Organic compounds
b) Inorganic compound
c) Recalcitrant compounds
d) Radioactive compounds
150) Anabolism and catabolism are ___________functions.
a) Similar
b) Different
c) Complementary
d) Energy requiring
151) Photosynthetically active algae could be referred as ___________________
a) Photolithoautotroph
b) Autotroph
c) Heterotroph
d) Parasite
152) Reduction refers to the ____________ of electron.
a) Giving
b) Acceptance
c) Giving and taking
d) Partial charges
153) H2→2H+2e- is an example of _______________
a) Reductions
b) Oxidation
c) Hydration
d) Hydrolysis
154) Enzymes are specialized ___________
a) Fats
b) Proteins
c) Lipids
d) Carbohydrates
155) In enzymatic reactions feedback inhibition and end-product inhibition are
two ______________
a) Different processes
b) Similar process
c) Energy releasing reactions
d) Energy requiring reaction

156) In ______________ respiration alternate electron acceptors are used.

a) Anaerobic
b) Aerobic
c) Photo
d) Cuticle
157) In anaerobic respiration __________ energy is produced as compared to
aerobic respiration.
a) More
b) Less
c) Equivalent
d) Zero
158) __________________is reduction of nitrate to gaseous products.
a) Denitrification
b) Nitrification
c) Mineralization
d) Immobilization
159) _________shaped cells are called bacilli.
a) Rod
b) Spherical
c) Club
d) Irregular
160) Gram-positive bacteria have a thick cell wall and______________________
a) Thick outer membrane
b) Thin outer membrane
c) No outer membrane
d) Double outer membrane
161) After gram staining Gram-negative bacteria appear as ____________
a) Pink
b) Green
c) Yellow
d) Colorless
162) Substances that are required in large quantity are called
a) Macronutrient.
b) Micronutrients
c) Secondary nutrients
d) Essential nutrients
163) Actinomycetes often predominate in soils subjected to prolonged_________

a) Wetting
b) Drying
c) Anoxia
d) Freezing
164) _____________is produced by a group of microbes known as methanogens.
a) Ethane
b) Methane
c) Ethylene
d) Ethyl alcohol
165) Bacillus is a _______________bacterium.
a) Gram negative
b) Gram positive
c) Endophyte
d) Halophyte
166) Dilution plate technique is used to ________ bacteria.
a) Count
b) Classify
c) Identify
d) Modify
167) Selective media contain ingredients which allow__________type of bacteria
to grow.
a) All
b) Specific
c) Nitrogen fixing
d) ACC deaminase
168) _____________is easiest portion in organic matter to be decayed.
a) Lignin
b) Cellulose
c) Hemicellulose
d) Sugar
169) Use of N2 fixing crops also has the potential to reduce the contamination of
ground water with __________
a) Nitrate
b) Ammonium
c) Nitrites
d) Aminoacids
170) Blue green algae and frankia can fix nitrogen as______________
a) Symbiosis
b) Free living
c) Associative symbiosis
d) Host guest symbiosis
171) Actinomycetes are usually found in __________ habitats.
a) Soil
b) Freshwater
c) Marine
d) All of these.
172) Actinomycetes form spores that are
a) They do not form spores
b) Both asexual and sexual
c) Are used for sexual reproduction
d) Asexual
173) Most probable number is also a method to ________________
a) Enumerate soil organisms
b) Analyse data
c) Know probability
d) Make an inoculum
174) Which of the following terms describes organisms that thrive in the cold?
a) Mesophiles
b) Thermophiles
c) Psychrophiles
d) Aerophiles
175) Which of the following refers to the addition of microorganisms to the diet
in order to provide health benefits beyond basic nutritive value?
a) Prebiotics
b) Adjuvants
c) Probiotics
d) Antibiotics
176) Continuous feed during fermentation is used to maintain
a) Temperature
b) Water level.
c) Product concentration.
d) Substrate concentration.
177) Which of the following have NOT been used in various bioconversions?
a) Yeasts
b) Viruses
c) Actinomycetes
d) Unicellular bacteria
178) Which of the following best describes biodegradation?
a) A minor change in an organic molecule
b) Fragmentation of a complex organic molecule
c) Complete transformation of the organic molecule to mineral forms
d) All of the above
179) _______ - corroding organisms are becoming very problematic.
a) Titanium
b) Gold
c) Aluminum
d) Iron
180) Nonbiological foreign chemicals are termed:
a) Antibiotics
b) Xenobiotics
c) Prebiotics
d) Probiotics
181) ____________ seem to be the most efficient at degradation of nonbiological
a) Algae
b) Fungi
c) Bacteria
d) Animals
182) Microbial growth is the outcome of ______________reactions occurring in
a) Hundreds of chemical
b) A few
c) Enzymatic
d) Catalytic
183) Oligotrophs grow much better at _________concentration of substrate
a) Low
b) High
c) Very high
d) Medium
184) Root nodule is a _______________ structure.
a) Single cell
b) Multicellular
c) Bicellular
d) Tricellular
185) Surface of plant roots is called _________________
a) Rhizosphere
b) Rhizoplane
c) Phyllosphere
d) Microfilm
186) Rhizosphere pH _____________________
a) May fluctuate
b) Remain permanent
c) Remain acidic
d) Always basic
187) Crop _______________enhances beneficial microbes
a) Age
b) Rotation
c) Maturity
d) Size
188) _________________________from roots is difficult to calculate
a) Exact rate of exudation
b) Mass
c) Moisture
d) Lysates
189) Increased exudation can result from extreme temperature and

a) Water logging
b) Water stress
c) Hormones
190) __________are substrates for microbial growth.
a) Plant roots
b) Plant exudates
c) Plant lysates
d) None of these
191) Competition for nutrients is more in __________________ soil.
a) Rhizosphere than non-rhizosphere
b) Non-rhizosphere than rhizosphere
c) Grassland
d) Forest
192) Who first described microorganisms such as bacteria?
a) Louis Pasteur
b) Anton von Leeuwenhoek
c) Fannie Hesse
d) Robert Koch
193) Who first developed the process of colony purification on solid media?
a) Anton von Leeuwenhoek
b) Fannie Hesse
c) Robert Koch
d) Louis Pasteur
194) The primary use of Koch's postulates is to
a) Develop vaccines for specific diseases.
b) Demonstrate that a disease is caused by a microorganism.
c) Isolate microorganisms from diseased animals.
d) Clearly identify and characterize a particular microorganism.
195) Which of the following is not part of Koch's postulates?
a) The microorganism must secrete a toxin in culture.
b) The microorganism must cause disease in healthy animals.
c) The microorganisms is always found in diseased animals.
d) The microorganism is never found in healthy animals.
196) Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria _________________
a) Exophytic
b) Exophytic
c) May be exophytic or entophytic
d) Neither exophytic nor entophytic
197) Inoculation with more than one strain is called ________________
a) Co-inoculation
b) Multiple inoculation
c) Enriched inoculation
d) None of these
198) Humus is a decomposed form of ________________

a) Soil organic matter

b) Hormones
c) Soil microbes
d) Hemicellulose
199) Thermophllic bacteria can live in ___________________
a) High temperature
b) At low temperature
c) At freezing temperature
d) Water logged soils
200) The storage product of cyanobacteria is ___________ like.
a) Protein
b) Starch
c) Fat
d) Lipid

Short Key Soil Microbiology

1(d), 2(a), 3(c), 4(c), 5(c), 6(d), 7(c), 8(a), 9(c), 10(b), 11(a), 12(c), 13(a), 14(a), 15(a),
16(b), 17(d), 18(b), 19(b), 20(b), 21(a), 22(a), 23(d), 24(b), 25(a), 26(b), 27(b), 28(d),
29(c), 30(c), 31(d), 32(b), 33(d), 34(a), 35(b), 36(b), 37(b), 38(b), 39(b), 40(d), 41(d),
42(b), 43(c), 44(a), 45(a), 46(d), 47(d), 48(c), 49(a), 50(a), 51(d), 52(a), 53(b), 54(a),
55(a), 56(c), 57(a), 58(d), 59(a), 60(b), 61(b), 62(a), 63(c), 64(b), 65(d), 66(a), 67(d),
68(a), 69(c), 70(d), 71(c), 72(a), 73(b), 74(d), 75(a), 76(c), 77(c), 78(a), 79(a), 80(b),
81(d), 82(a), 83(c), 84(d), 85(a), 86(c), 87(c), 88(a), 89(a), 90(a), 91(a), 92(c), 93(a),
94(d), 95(a), 96(a), 97(a), 98(a), 99(d), 100(a), 101(b), 102(a), 103(a), 104(d), 105(a),
106(a), 107(d), 108(b), 109(b), 110(a), 111(d), 112(c), 113(a), 114(b), 115(c), 116(a),
117(b), 118(c), 119(a), 120(d), 121(a), 122(a), 123(d), 124(b), 125(a), 126(d), 127(c),
128(a), 129(a), 130(b), 131(d), 132(a), 133(c), 134(b), 135(a), 136(b), 137(b), 138(d),
139(c), 140(b), 141(a), 142(a), 143(b), 144(b), 145(a), 146(a), 147(a), 148(b), 149(a),
150(b), 151(a), 152(b), 153(b), 154(b), 155(b), 156(a), 157(b), 158(a), 159(a), 160(c),
161(a), 162(a), 163(b), 164(b), 165(b), 166(a), 167(b), 168(d), 169(a), 170(b), 171(a),
172(d), 173(a), 174(c), 175(c), 176(d), 177(b), 178(d), 179(d), 180(b), 181(b), 182(a),
183(a), 184(a), 185(b), 186(a), 187(b), 188(a), 189(b), 190(b), 191(a), 192(b), 193(c),
194(b), 195(a), 196(c), 197(a), 198(a), 199(a), 200(b)

Multiple choice questions (Saline Agriculture)

1. Sampling of soils in which a no. of samples are bulked together is called

a) Grid sampling
b) Random sampling
c) Stratified
d) Composite sampling
2. Measure of conductance of a substance to electrical current is
a) Resistance
b) Conductance
c) Resistivity
d) Electrical conductivity
3. Repulsion of like charges is known as
a) Electrostatic repulsion
b) Thermostatic repulsion
c) Hydrostatic repulsion
d) Electrical repulsion
4. A state in which free standing water occurs on the soil surface is termed
a) Field capacity
b) Permanent wilting point
c) Available water
d) Flooding
5. Gypsum is also called
a) Hydrated calcium sulphate
b) Pyrite
c) Brucite
d) Anhydrous mica
6. ____________ plants are capable of growth at high salt concentrations
a) Glycophytes
b) Hydrophytes
c) Halophytes
d) Non-halophytes
7. _______________ is an example of halophyte plants
a) Maize
b) Salt bush
c) Rice
d) Wheat
8. Volume of the soil occupied by the plant roots is called
a) Bulk soil
b) Root zone
c) Canopy
d) Hydrosphere
9. Conversion of inorganic form into organic form is called
a) Immobilization
b) Mineralization
c) Decomposition
d) Degradation
10. ________of organic form into inorganic form is called mineralization
a) Inversion
b) Conversion
c) Decomposition
d) Degradation
11. _________________ is an approach of production from salt affected
lands by growing salt tolerant plants
a) Saline agriculture
b) Soil chemistry
c) Soil physics
d) Microbiology
12. ____________ is the measure of concentration of salts in a soil or
a) Sodicity
b) Acidity
c) Alkalinity
d) Salinity
13. Sodic soils are the soils with excess salts of
a) Sodium
b) Chloride
c) Calcium
d) Magnesium
14. SAR stands for
a) Sodium adsorption ratio
b) Sodium absorption ratio
c) Silicon acquisition rate
d) Sample analysis rate
15. Permanent wilting point is the lower limit of
a) Available water
b) Field capacity
c) Capillary water
d) Saturation percentage
16. pH of soil is also known as
a) Soil reaction
b) Porosity
c) Bulk density
d) None of these
17. RSC stands for
a) Residual sodium carbonate
b) Resistant sodium and carbon
c) Relative sodium carbamate
d) Resistant sulphur compounds
18. Total soluble salts is synonymous of
a) Electrical conductivity
b) Cation exchange capacity
c) Anion exchange capacity
d) Total dissolved salts
19. Cl_ is an example of
a) Anion
b) Cation
c) Molecule
d) Neutral atom
20. Calculation used for determination of sodicity of soils is
a) Residual sodium carbonate
b) Sodium adsorption ratio
c) Exchangeable sodium percentage
d) Electrical conductivity
21. ________________ is the soil extract taking by sucking water from
saturated soil paste
a) Soil saturation extract
b) Extract
c) Soil solution
d) Soil suspension
22. Most important effect of ___________is decrease in Availability of O2
a) Salinity
b) Water-logging
c) Photosynthesis
d) Respiration
23. Rice can withstand flooding due to development of__________ tissue
a) Aerenchyma
b) Parenchyma
c) Sclarenchyma
d) Epidermal
24. Layer of salts and soil particles found on the surface of dry saline soils
a) Salt crust
b) Soil crust
c) Hard-pan
d) Surface crust
25. _________ is the atomic weight, formula weight or molecular weight
expressed in grams
a) Mole
b) Gram equivalent
c) Mole fraction
d) Normality
26. Relative proportion of different soil separates is called
a) Structure
b) Texture
c) Bulk density
d) Pore space

27. Water-logging is a condition in which soil pores are filled with

a) Air
b) Water
c) Air and water
d) Fluid
28. The surface below which the soil is saturated with water is known as
a) Water-logging
b) Water table
c) Rhizosphere
d) Rhizoplane
29. The climate of Pakistan is
a) Tropical
b) Arid
c) Semi-arid
d) Both b and c
30. Accumulation of salts at the soil surface is characteristic of _______
a) Humid
b) Sub-humid
c) Tropical
d) Arid and semi-arid
31. Natural salinity is also known as
a) Primary salinity
b) Indiginous
c) Insitu
d) Secondary salinity
32. Secondary salinity is a result of activities of
a) Rodents
b) Plants
c) Human
d) Other animals
33. The approach using drainage schemes from reclamation of saline soils
a) Engineering approach
b) Scientific approach
c) Saline agriculture
d) Farmer’s approach
34. Use of amendments and heavy irrigation for improving soil conditions
a) Engineering approach
b) Scientific approach
c) Reclamation approach
d) Farmer’s approach
35. SCARP stands for
a) Salinity control and reclamation project
b) Salinity control and reclamation programme
c) Salt control agri. research plan
d) Both b and c

36. Methyl orange is the indicator used for the determination of_______
a) CO3
b) HCO3
c) Na
d) K
37. _________ is the moles of solute per Kg of solvent
a) Molarity
b) Normality
c) Molality
d) Percentage
38. A soil having pH less than 7 is
a) Alkaline soil
b) Normal soil
c) Acidic soil
d) Neutral soil

39. Acidic soil has pH

a) 7
b) 9.5
c) 10
d) Less than 7
40. Clay particles have ____________ charge
a) Negative
b) Positive
c) Neutral
d) None of these
41. Anion exchange capacity is usually represented as
a) AEC
b) aec
c) Aec
d) AeC
42. Dehydration is _____________ of water
a) Addition
b) Removal
c) Substitution
d) Both a & b
43. SCARP was monitored by
44. Reclamation approach include the use of
a) Gypsum
b) Acid
c) Heavy irrigation
d) All of the above
45. Halophytes are also known as
a) Salt loving plants
b) Salt sensitive plants
c) Salt excluders
d) Herbaceous
46. The local name for saline soils is
a) Thur
b) Bara
c) Thur-bara
d) Shor
47. Sodic soils are termed as
a) Black alkali
b) Grey alkali
c) Calcareous
d) Natric
48. Sand particles have the diameter of
a) Less than 0.002mm
b) More than 0.002mm
c) 0.002mm
d) Between 0.02-2.0 mm
49. Saline-sodic soils have characteristics of
a) Saline soils
b) Sodic soils
c) Both a & b
d) None of these
50. Saline soils are also known as
a) White alkali
b) Grey alkali
c) Calcareous
d) Natric
51. The local name for sodic soils is
a) Thur
b) Bara
c) Thur-bara
d) Shor
52. The ____________soils are difficult to reclaim without using
a) Saline
b) Sodic
c) Saline-sodic
d) Productive
53. Saline-sodic soils initially have______________ permeability
a) Good
b) Poor
c) No so good
d) No

54. Growth of Salt sensitive plants is sensitive to even ________ of salts

a) Moderate concentration
b) High concentration
c) Low concentration
d) Very high concentration
55. For soil analysis of normal crop growing areas, soil samples are taken
a) 15cm b) 30cm c) 50cm d) 100cm
56. The local name for saline-sodic soils is
a) Thur
b) Bara
c) Thur-bara
d) Shor
57. The unit of electrical conductivity is
a) dSm-1
b) molesm-3
c) ohm
d) meL-1
58. Clay particles have the diameter of
a) Less than 0.002mm
b) More than 0.002mm
c) 0.002mm
d) 2.0 mm
59. Salinity is the measure of concentration of ________ in a soil or solution
a) Salts
b) Roots
c) Leaves
d) Both b and c
60. Silt particles have the diameter of
a) Less than 0.002mm
b) More than 0.002mm
c) 0.002mm
d) 2.0 mm
61. Sand particles have ____________ charge
a) Negative
b) Positive
c) Neutral
d) None of these
62. Soil structure is the tendency of soil to form
a) Aggregates
b) Clods
c) Bricks
d) Rock

63. Plants can not grow if they are irrigated with water of
a) High salinity
b) Low salinity
c) Medium salinity
d) Normal salinity
64. The parameters used for determining fitness of irrigation water is
a) TSS
b) SAR
c) RSC
d) All of these
65. Sodium adsorption ratio is commonly written as
a) SdAR
b) SAdR
c) SAR
d) SdAdR
66. In __________ a no. of samples are bulked together
a) Grid sampling
b) Random sampling
c) Stratified
d) Composite sampling
67. Electrical conductivity is a measure of conductance of a substance to
a) Voltage
b) Ampere
c) Electromotive force
d) Electrical current
68. _________of like charges is known as electrostatic repulsion
b) Repulsion
c) Binding
d) Bonding
69. _________refers to the zone of Earth crust
a) Hydrosphere
b) Lithosphere
c) Stratosphere
d) Atmosphere
70. A mineral is ______________ substance
a) Organic
b) Inorganic
c) Both a and b
d) None of
71. Organic matter is usually written as
a) om
b) Om
c) oM
d) OM

72. m.o. stands for

a) Molecular oxygen
b) Micro-organism
c) Molecular oxidation
d) Membrane of organism
73. Plant available water is the difference between field capacity and
a) Dry soil
b) Permanent wilting point
c) Available water
d) Flooding
74. 16 elements are essentially required for growth of _______
a) Trees only
b) Crops only
c) Bush only
d) All plant species
75. Nutrients are taken up by the plants through the process of
a) Diffusion
b) Mass flow
c) Osmosis
d) Root interception
76. Silt fraction is rich in
a) K
b) Ca
c) Mg
d) Fe
77. _______of individual soil particles into small groups is called
a) Dispersion
b) Aggregation
c) Separation
d) Degradation
78. Washing out of the soluble materials from the root zone is
a) Flushing
b) Leaching
c) Drainage
d) Seepage
79. Hydrated calcium sulphate is also called
a) Gypsum
b) Pyrite
c) Brucite
d) Mica
80. Halophytes plants are capable of growth at
a) Medium salt concentrations
b) No salts
c) Highly fertilized conditions
d) High salt concentrations

81. Salt-bush is an example of

a) Salt sensitive plants
b) Moderately tolerant plants
c) Halophyte plants
d) Glycophyte plants
82. Root zone is the volume of the soil occupied by
a) Plant roots
b) Bulb
c) Rhizome
d) Tuber
83. Saline agriculture is an approach of production from salt affected
lands by growing
a) Salt tolerant plants
b) Leguminous crops
c) Salt sensitive plants
d) None of these
84. A nutrient required by plants in lower concentration is
a) Micronutrient
b) Essential
c) Non-essential
d) Macronutrient
85. A nutrient required by plants in _______concentration is macronutrient
a) High
b) Low
c) Very low
d) Smaller
86. Molarity is the moles of solute per
a) Kg of solvent
b) Litre of solution
c) Kg of solution
d) Kg of solution
87. Normality is the no. of gram equivalents of solute per
a) Kg of solvent
b) Litre of solution
c) Kg of solution
d) Kg of solution
88. Residual sodium carbonate is represented by
a) RSC
b) Rsc
c) RSc
d) rSC
89. Total dissolved salts is also known as
a) Electrical conductivity
b) Cation exchange capacity
c) Anion exchange capacity
d) Total soluble salts
90. ___________ is an example of cation
a) Cl-
b) SO4-2
c) NH4+
d) Both a and b
91. Sodium adsorption ratio is used for determination of ________ ___of
a) Acidity
b) Alkalinity
c) Sodicity
d) Salinity
92. ___________maintain growth at low salt concentration but their growth
is decreased at higher salt concentration
a) Glycophytes
b) Pteridophytes
c) Gymnosperms
d) Halophytes
93. Soil saturation extract is the soil extract taking by sucking water from
a) Dry soil
b) Saturated soil paste
c) Soil solution
d) Soil suspension
94. Salt crust is the layer of salts and soil particles found on _______ of dry
saline soil
a) Depth
b) Subsurface
c) Root zone
d) Surface
95. Soil texture is the relative proportion of different
a) Soil separates
b) Rocks
c) Minerals
d) Elements
96. _____________is a condition in which soil pores are filled with water
a) Salinity
b) Water-logging
c) Sodicity
d) Alkalinity
97. The major reason/reason for salinity in Pakistan is/are
a) Low rainfall b) High temperature c) Heavy rains d)
both a and b
98. The _____________ of Pakistan is arid to semi-arid
a) Location
b) Altitude
c) Latitude
d) Climate

99. ____________ is the ability of a soil to produce certain yield of a crop

a) Soil fertility
b) Soil productivity
c) Soil ability
d) Soil reaction
100. _____of salts at the soil surface is characteristic of arid to semi-arid
a) Accumulation
b) Leaching
c) Flushing
d) Removal

101. Primary salinity is also known as

a) Man made salinity
b) Indigenous
c) Insitu
d) Natural salinity
102. _______________salinity is a result of activities of man
a) Primary
b) Fossil
c) Natural
d) Secondary
103. Engineering approach is using drainage schemes from reclamation of
a) Saline soils
b) Acidic soils
c) Normal soils
d) None of these
104. Reclamation approach is the use of amendments and _________ for
improving soil conditions
a) Heavy irrigation
b) Drip irrigation
c) Sprinker irrigation
d) No irrigation
105. Salinity control and reclamation project is commonly known as
a) Scarp
c) scarp
d) Both b and c
106. WAPDA monitored

107. ________________particles have no charge

a) Sand
b) Clay
c) Silt
d) Quartz
108. __________ approach include the use of gypsum, acid and heavy
a) Reclamation
b) Saline agriculture
c) Engineering
d) All of these
109. __________are also known as salt loving plants
a) Glycophytes
b) Pteridophytes
c) Gymnosperms
d) Halophytes
110. Thur is the local name for ________________ soils
a) Saline b) Sodic c) Water-logged d) Saline-sodic
111. __________ soils are termed as white alkali soils
a) Saline
b) Sodic
c) Water-logged
d) Saline-sodic
112. ____________soils have characteristics of saline and sodic soils
a) Fertile
b) Waterlogged
c) Saline-sodic
d) None of these
113. pH of _________soils is more than 8.0
a) Indian
b) Iranian
c) Japenese
d) Pakistani
114. Sodic soils are also known as
a) White alkali
b) Grey alkali
c) Calcareous
d) Black alkali soils
115. Bara is the local name of
a) Saline soils
b) Sodic soils
c) Water-logged soils
d) Saline-sodic soils

116. The ability of a soil to adsorb and exchange ________ is called anion
exchange capacity
a) Anion
b) Cation
c) Organic matter
d) Organic acids
117. Phenolphthalein is the indicator used for the determination of_______
a) CO3
b) Cl
c) Na
d) K
118. CEC stands for
a) Calcium exchange capacity
b) Carbon exchange capacity
c) Carbon-di oxide exchange capacity
d) Cation exchange capacity
119. Saline-sodic soils are difficult to reclaim without using
a) Amendments
b) Heavy irrigation
c) Both a and b
d) None of these
120. ________________is addition of water
a) Dehydration
b) Hydration
c) Hydrolysis
d) None of these
121. A chemical essentially required for normal growth and production of
plants is
a) Secondary nutrient
b) Essential nutrient
c) Non essential nutrient
d) Micro nutrient
122. Soil productivity is the ability of a soil to produce certain ______of a
a) Biomass
b) Stem
c) Roots
d) Yield
123. _______________________ soils initially have good permeability
a) Saline
b) Sodic
c) Water-logged
d) Saline-sodic

124. For soil analysis of _____growing areas, samples are taken upto 15cm
a) Normal
b) Saline
c) Waterlogged
d) Sodic
125. Thur-bara is the local name for _____________________ soils
a) Salt affected
b) Calcareous
c) Saline sodic
d) Shor
126. Mass flow is the movement of nutrients with overall flow of water to
a) Plant roots
b) Leaves
c) Stem
d) None of these
127. dSm-1 is the unit of
a) Resistance
b) Electrical conductivity
c) Conductance
d) Resistivity
128. Problem of _________ in Thal is due to wind
a) Water-logging
b) Salinity
c) Sodicity
d) Erosion
129. Hydrosphere refers to the zone of
a) Water
b) Air
c) Earth
d) Atmosphere
130. Arid is the region of climate that lack ____________for crop
production without irrigation
a) Irrigation
b) Sufficient moisture
c) Organic matter
d) Cover
131. Buffering capacity is the ability of a soil to resist a change in _______
a) EC
b) CEC
c) AEC
d) pH

132. ______________particles have the diameter of < 0.002mm

a) Sand
b) Clay
c) Silt
d) Quartz
133. Ammonification is the process of conversion of amino acids into
_______________form of nitrogen
a) Nitrite
b) Nitrate
c) Ammonical
d) Nitrous oxide
134. __________ particles have negative charge
a) Sand
b) Clay
c) Silt
d) Quartz
135. ________is the process of conversion of amino acids into nitrate form
of nitrogen
a) Ammonification
b) Nitrification
c) Eutrophication
d) Degradation
136. The ability of a soil to adsorb and exchange _____________is called
cation exchange capacity
a) Anion
b) Cation
c) Organic matter
d) Organic acids
137. The ability of a soil to adsorb and exchange anions is
a) Cation exchange capacity
b) Anion exchange capacity
c) Buffering capacity
d) Field capacity
138. _________ can be used as an agent for binding
a) Organic matter
b) Cement
c) Plastic
d) None of these
139. The organic matter found in Pakistani soils is about
a) Less than 1%
b) 5%
c) 10%
d) 50%

140. _________________ particles have the diameter between 0.002-0.02

a) Sand
b) Clay
c) Silt
d) Quartz
141. Erosion is removal of material from the ______________________of
a) Plow pan
b) Subsoil
c) Core
d) Surface layer
142. Breakdown of mineral and organic material with chemical or
changes is called
a) Inversion
b) Conversion
c) Decomposition
d) Degradation
143. The indicator used for the determination of CO3- is
a) Phenolphthalein
b) Methyl orange
c) Methyl red
d) EBT
144. ___________ particles have the diameter between 0.02-2.0 mm
a) Sand
b) Clay
c) Silt
d) Quartz
145. ___________ fraction is rich in potash
a) Sand
b) Clay
c) Silt
d) Quartz
146. __________ is the tendency of soil to form aggregates
a) Soil texture
b) Soil structure
c) Bulk density
d) Pore space
147. _________________upper portion of earth crust is called soil
a) Hard
b) Unconsolidated
c) Stiff
d) None of these
148. Ability of a soil to supply nutrients is termed as
a) Soil fertility
b) Productivity
c) Chemistry
d) Dynamics
149. ____________can not grow if they are irrigated with water of high
a) Animals
b) Plants
c) Wines
d) Microorganisms
150. TSS, SAR and RSC parameters are used for determining fitness of
a) Plants
b) Animals
c) Atmosphere
d) Irrigation water
151. _______________ have increased growth at low salt concentration as
compared to no salt
a) Glycophytes
b) Pteridophytes
c) Gymnosperms
d) Halophytes
152. Glycophytes maintain growth at low salt concentration but their
growth is decreased at
a) Higher salt concentration
b) High water contents
c) At high temperature
d) Low temperature
153. Growth of _________ plants is sensitive to even low concentration of
a) Moderately tolerant
b) Salt tolerant
c) Salt resistant
d) Salt sensitive
154. Most important effect of water-logging is decrease in
a) Availability of O2
b) CO2 conc.
c) Increased NO3 conc.
d) Respiration
155. ______can withstand flooding due to development of aerenchyma
a) Maize
b) Wheat
c) Rice
d) Cotton
156. ______ elements are essentially required for growth of all plant
a) 8
b) 12
c) 16
d) 32

157. _______ are taken up by the plants through the process of mass flow
a) Gasses
b) Nutrients
c) Organic acids
d) Mineral compounds
158. Problem of erosion in Thal is due to
a) Rain
b) Fire
c) Wind
d) Atmosphere
159. _________refers to the zone of water
a) Hydrosphere
b) Lithosphere
c) Stratosphere
d) Atmosphere
160. Lithosphere refers to the zone of
a) Water
b) Air
c) Earth crust
d) Atmosphere
161. A ________is an inorganic crystalline substance
a) Mineral
b) Crystal
c) Mettaloid
d) Metal
162. The lower limit of available water is called
a) Permanent wilting point
b) Field capacity
c) Capillary water
d) Saturation percentage
163. _____of soil is also known as soil reaction
a) EC
b) TSS
c) ESP
d) pH
164. Average pH of Pakistani soils is
a) 6.0
b) 4.5
c) More than 8.0
d) 2.0
165. Part of soil in contact with root surface is
a) Lithosphere
b) Atmosphere
c) Hydrosphere
d) Rhizosphere
166. Conversion of organic form into inorganic form is called
a) Immobilization
b) Mineralization
c) Decomposition
d) Degradation
167. _________ of inorganic form into organic form is called
a) Inversion
b) Conversion
c) Decomposition
d) Degradation
168. O.M. stands for
a) Organic matter
b) Ordinary man
c) Original message
d) Office matter
169. O.M. can be used as an agent for
a) Dispersion
b) Binding
c) Decomposition
d) Degradation
170. ________contents in our soils are less than 1%
a) Sand
b) Silt
c) Clay
d) Organic matter
171. Our soils are ______________ soils
a) Organic
b) Mineral
c) Peat
d) Muck
172. Ancient remains of once living things,usually found preserved in
rocks are
a) Finger-prints
b) Fossils
c) Off-springs
d) Metabolites
173. A nutrient is a _____________that all living things need to live and
a) Vital chemical substance
b) Compound
c) Solution
d) Mixture
174. _________ is removal of material from the surface layer of soil
a) Erosion
b) Slipping
c) Splash
d) Degradation
175. __________of mineral and organic material with chemical or
Changes is called decomposition
a) Inversion
b) Conversion
c) Breakdown
d) Binding
176. Unconsolidated upper portion of earth crust is called
a) Soil
b) Earth
c) Land
d) None of these
177. Ability of a soil to supply _______is termed as soil fertility
a) Nutrients
b) Water
c) Air
d) Support
178. ________is the movement of nutrients with overall flow of water to
plant roots
a) Convection
b) Diffusion
c) Mass flow
d) Osmosis
179. ________is the process of conversion of amino acids into ammonical
form of nitrogen
a) Ammonification
b) Nitrification
c) Eutrophication
d) Degradation
180. Nitrification is the process of conversion of amino acids into
_______________form of nitrogen
a) Nitrite
b) Nitrate
c) Ammonical
d) Nitrous oxide
181. Normality is the no. of gram equivalents of solute per
a) Kg of solvent
b) Litre of solution
c) Kg of solution
d) Kg of solution
182. A soil having pH more than 7 is
a) Alkaline soil
b) Normal soil
c) Acidic soil
d) Neutral soil

183. __________is region of climate lacking sufficient moisture for crop

production without irrigation
a) Arid
b) Tropical
c) Sub-humid
d) Humid
184. Ability of a soil to resist a change in pH is
a) Field capacity
b) Buffering capacity
c) Aggregation
d) Acidification
185. The ability of a soil to adsorb and exchange cations is
a) Cation exchange capacity
b) Anion exchange capacity
c) Buffering capacity
d) Field capacity
186. Cation exchange capacity is usually represented as
a) CEC
b) cec
c) Cec
d) CeC
187. AEC stands for
a) Ammonium exchange capacity
b) Ammonical exchange capacity
c) Amide exchange capacity
d) Anion exchange capacity
188. ________________is removal of water
a) Dehydration
b) Hydration
c) Hydrolysis
d) None of these
189. Hydration is _____________ of water
a) Addition
b) Removal
c) Substitution
d) Both a & b
190. An essential nutrient is chemical required for normal _________of
a) Growth and production
b) Low growth
c) Vegetative growth
d) Reproduction
191. Alkaline soil has pH
a) 7
b) 5.5
c) 6.0
d) More than 7
192. Aggregation of individual soil particles into small groups
a) Dispersion
b) Flocculation
c) Deflocculation
d) Degradation
193. Washing out of the soluble materials from the ________is called
a) Root zone
b) Bulk soil
c) Adjacent areas
d) None of these
194. A nutrient required by plants in higher concentration is
a) Micronutrient
b) Essential
c) Non-essential
d) Macronutrient
195. A nutrient required by plants in _______concentration is
a) High
b) Low
c) Very high
d) Highest
196. The indicator used for the determination of HCO3- is
a) Phenolphthalein
b) Methyl orange
c) Methyl red
d) EBT
197. ____________ is the moles of solute per litre of solution
a) Molarity
b) Normality
c) Molality
d) Percentage
198. _________ is the no of gram equivalents of solute per liter of solution
a) Molarity
b) Normality
c) Molality
d) Percentage
199. Molality is the moles of solute per
a) Kg of solvent
b) Litre of solution
c) Kg of solution
d) Kg of solution
200. Soil colloids have ____________ charge
a) Positive
b) Negative
c) No
d) Low

Key to MCQ'S(SARC)
1 d 51 a 101 d 151 d
2 d 52 c 102 d 152 a
3 a 53 a 103 a 153 d
4 d 54 c 104 a 154 a
5 a 55 a 105 b 155 c
6 c 56 c 106 a 156 c
7 b 57 a 107 a 157 b
8 b 58 a 108 a 158 c
9 a 59 a 109 d 159 a
10 b 60 d 110 a 160 c
11 a 61 c 111 a 161 a
12 d 62 a 112 c 162 a
13 a 63 a 113 d 163 d
14 a 64 d 114 d 164 c
15 a 65 c 115 b 165 d
16 a 66 d 116 a 166 b
17 a 67 d 117 a 167 b
18 d 68 b 118 d 168 a
19 a 69 b 119 a 169 b
20 a 70 d 120 b 170 d
21 a 71 b 121 b 171 b
22 b 72 b 122 d 172 b
23 a 73 b 123 d 173 a
24 a 74 d 124 a 174 a
25 a 75 b 125 c 175 c
26 b 76 a 126 a 176 a
27 b 77 b 127 b 177 a
28 b 78 b 128 b 178 c
29 d 79 a 129 a 179 a
30 d 80 d 130 b 180 b
31 a 81 c 131 d 181 b
32 c 82 a 132 b 182 a
33 a 83 a 133 c 183 a
34 c 84 a 134 b 184 b
35 a 85 a 135 b 185 a
36 b 86 b 136 b 186 a
37 c 87 b 137 b 187 d
38 c 88 a 138 a 188 a
39 d 89 d 139 a 189 a
40 a 90 c 140 c 190 a
41 a 91 c 141 d 191 d
42 a 92 a 142 c 192 b
43 a 93 b 143 a 193 a
44 d 94 d 144 a 194 d
45 a 95 a 145 c 195 b
46 a 96 b 146 b 196 b
47 a 97 d 147 b 197 a
48 d 98 d 148 b 198 b
49 c 99 b 149 b 199 a
50 a 100 a 150 d 200 b

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