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यशवंतराव च हाण महारा मु त व यापीठ

ानगंगो ी, गंगापू र धरणाजवळ, गोवधन,

ना शक- ४२२ २२२


(P79 4th Semester)

गृहपाठपुि तका
(सन 2020-2021)
General Instruction:
1) Home assignment is useful for self-analysis of your preparation of the final examination
and progress.
2) Read all the questions and their marks in the home assignment carefully understand the
definitions and concepts properly.
3) Read carefully the text, syllabus and summary related home assignment.
4) Do not copy the points, matter from the text while writing home assignment mentions
your one point / opinions whenever necessary.
5) Your answer should include how you would apply the knowledge in real life situations.
6) Use full-scape lined papers for writing home assignment.

Name of student ………………………………………….. Syllabus / sub …………………………………..

P.R.N n No ………………………….. Date of completion H A ……………………

Name of the study centre


Marks obtained ……………. Total marks – 20 sign of the H A supervisor ……………….

7) Leave margin of 4 cm on the left side of the page. Write each new answer on a different
8) Printed or typed answers are not allowed.
9) The marks of Home assignment and corrective instructions will be sent after checking
home assignment.
10) Present the Home Assignment by following the instructions and rules. Read carefully all
the instructions and rules before any correspondence or communication with the
11) Every home assignment is of twenty marks and each question carries five marks.

Prof.Jyoti Patil
Academic Coordinator, Evaluation Division
Yashwantarao Chavan Maharashtra Open University
Yashwantarao Chavan Maharashtra Open University
Dnyangangotri, Near Gangapur Dam, Govardhan



MBA401- Business Laws
1. Explain the types of contract on the basis of performance? 5 Marks
2. Write a detail note on Communication of acceptance. 5 Marks
3. How Coercion is different from Undue Influence? 5 Marks
4. Explain in detail special crossing with suitable example. 5 Marks

MBA 402 - Management Information System

1. How Information is classified into various categories? 5 Marks
2. Discuss the various job opportunities in the field of IT. 5 Marks
3. What is the various physical transmission media used in a network? 5 Marks
4. Describe the Relationship between TPS, MIS, DSS, and ESS. 5 Marks

FMG401- Taxation
1. Write down the incomes that comes under section 17 of Income Tax Act, 1961 5Marks
2. Write the Incomes to be treated as Income from House Property 5Marks
3. Explain in brief the procedure of Computation of Income from Other Sources 5Marks
4. Write any five categories of sales that are exempted from payment of tax 5Marks

FMG 402- Banking & Bank finance

1. Write a note on Co-operative Banks 5 Marks

2. Write down the secondary functions of banks 5 Marks

3. Explain in brief General Lien with example 5Marks

4. Write a note on Information System Security (ISS) 5Marks

FMG 403 - International Finance
1. Mention the basic principles of valuation of BoP transactions 5Marks
2. Write a note on Hedging with Futures 5Marks
3. Write down the assumptions of International CAPM 5Marks
4. List out different measures of Portfolio return 5Marks

FMG404 - Management Control System
1. Write down the steps in designing Management Control System 5Marks
2. Write a note on Investment Centre 5Marks
3. Explain in brief the advantages of a Budget Process 5Marks
4. List out the objectives of Social Audit 5Marks

HRM401- Industrial Relations & Labour Legislation

1. Explain the model grievance handling procedure. 5Marks

2. Explain the functions of trade unions. 5Marks

3 .Explain the principles of labour legislations. 5Marks

5. What is the importance of good industrial relations? 5Marks


HRM402 - Management of training and development

1. What are the responsibilities of training department? 5Marks
2. What are the limitations of Competency Based Approach to Training? 5Marks
3. What is training design? Highlight important considerations to be kept in mind when designing a training
programmed. 5Marks
4. Explain the various methods of Training delivery. 5Marks


HRM403 - Human Resource Development

1. Explain in detail Niche Strategy. 5Marks
2. Explain components of Strategic Needs Analysis. 5 Marks
3. What are the advantages of Computer - Based Training? 5 Marks
4. Explain 360 degree assessment. 5Marks
HRM404 - Performance & Reward Management
1. What are the various methods of managing performance? 5Marks
2. Discuss the context of performance management as a system and performance management as a
process? 5Marks
3. Why Performance Planning is important? 5Marks
4. What is Balance score-card? Discuss in detail. 5Marks

MKG401- (Consumer Behaviour)

1. What is market Segmentation ? Explain various bases for Segmentation. 5Marks

2. Explain nature and theories of personalities. 5Marks

3. Explain the Culture. What are its characteristics and parameters ? 5Marks

4. What are the sources of Secondary data ? 5 Marks

MKG 402- Sales & Distribution Management

1. Explain the sales Budgeting. What are the various methods of Sales 5Marks
2. Explain Distribution plan with suitable example. 5 Marks
3. Explain MBO. Its process and drawbacks? 5 Marks
4. Explain the different types of Psychological tests. 5 Marks


MKG 403- Retail Marketing

1. Explain the factors influencing merchandising with suitable examples. 5 Marks

2. Explain the principles of successful retail branding with suitable examples. 5 Marks

3. Discuss the retail strategy planning process in detail. 5 Marks

4. Differentiate between stores and premises management. 5 Marks

MKG 404 – Rural Marketing
1. Explain product promotion in rural markets with suitable example. 5 Marks

2. Explain low volume - low price strategy with suitable example. 5 Marks

3. Write a short note on Product Mix Decisions. 5 Marks

4. Explain the cultural influencing consumer
behaviors with suitable examples. 5 Marks
MMG 401 - Total Quality Management and Six Sigma
1. Write note on PDSA Cycle. 5Marks

2. Explain the Types of Control Chart Patterns. 5 Marks

3. What are Components of Profound Knowledge? 5Marks

4. State the Various Elements of Six Sigma. 5 Marks

MMG 402 - Project Management

1. Explain the Different Forms of Matrix. 5 Marks

2. Write note on Top down Vs Bottom up Approach. 5 Marks

3. Explain the Types of Forecasting Techniques. 5 Marks

4. Write note on Promotion System. 5 Marks


MMG 403 - Enterprise Resource Planning

1. Explain the Role of different ERP Modules. 5 Marks

2. Explain the Life Cycle of ERP Implementation. 5 Marks

3. State the Benefits of CRM Modules. 5 Marks

4. Write note on Supply Chain Management Application. 5 Marks

MMG 404 - Services & Operations Management

1. What is Services? Explain its Types. 5 Marks

2. Explain the various techniques of Inventory Control. 5 Marks

3. Explain the Queuing Models. 5 Marks

4. Write note on Product life Cycle. 5 Marks


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