Grade Level I. Objectives

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Grade Level Grade 11

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
a. understand and appreciate the elements and contexts of
21st century Philippine literature from the regions;
b. explain the literary, biographical, linguistic, and socio-
cultural contexts and discuss how they enhance the text's
meaning and enrich the reader's understanding; and
c. produce a creative representation of a literary text by
applying multimedia skills

II. Subject 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World:
Matter: Hypertext Poetry

Reference/s Kapowski, Gene. “Cyberscribes Turn Storytelling into Hypertext

Storysharing” Insight on the news

Lillington, Karlin. "Breaking the Bounds of the Page." World Press

Review 45 (1998)

Paloff, B. (2011, October 3). Digital Orpheus: The Hypertext Poem

in Time. The Journal of Electronic Publishing.

view=text;rgn=main (When Love Arrives)

Materials: Smartphone, Laptop, Speaker, Pocket WiFi for Internet

Connection, Projector

III. Procedure: 1. Prayers and Greetings

A. Activity 2. Checking of Attendance
1. Recall 3. Recall

Students recall the highligts of poems and stories discussed last

week through word bubbles given. 
2. Motivatio
n Pop the word bubbles!

Feminism Monologue

2. Motivation

The teacher will let the students watch the Youtube video of the
spoken word poetry entitled ‘When Love Arrives’

B. Analysis After watching, the teacher will ask the students the following

1. Did you like the video? Why?

2. What part of the poetry can you relate yourself with?
3. Are you familiar with spoken poetry? How about the other
trends in poetry writing?

C. Abstraction The teacher will now discuss Hypertext Poetry.

The students shall make an analysis of the poem in terms of its

socio-cultural and linguistic context using the table below:
Linguistic Context Socio-Cultural Context

D. Application Let’s Reflect!

Students will continue the statement “I believe that...” using padlet.

1. Individual Link:

Let’s Collaborate!

2. Group Students work with their group on making their own hypertext
Differentia poem. They will just conceptualize on the poem they will be
ted Task making. Adapt multimedia in presenting the group’s concept.

IV. Evaluatio Let’s Create Word Bubbles!

Students shall create 5-10 word bubbles using mentimeter as they
generalize what they have learned.

V. Assignment Students shall read and analyze texts about Text-Talk Novels and
share to class what they have researched.

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