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D4 Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

D4.1 Refrigerants: Regulations

Ewald Preisegger . Felix Flohr
Solvay Fluor GmbH, Hannover, Germany

1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419 1.2.1 Kyoto Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420

1.1 Legislation for Ozone-Depleting Substances . . . . . . . . . . 419 1.3 Legislation for Nonhalogenated Refrigerants. . . . . . . . . . 421
1.1.1 Montreal Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419
1.2 Legislation for Greenhouse Gases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420 2 Bibliography. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434

1 Introduction EC 1005/2009 that replaced the previous regulation EC 2037/

2000 by January 01, 2010. Since fully halogenated CFCs already
The refrigerants used in vapor compression refrigeration sys- had been phased out completely in the EC, special provisions
tems in the European Community (EC) today are have to be made in this new regulation on ODS only for HCFCs,
as far as refrigeration and air conditioning (AC) applications are
● Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), e.g., R22
● Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), e.g., R134a
This EC regulation is immediately applicable law in all
● Ammonia (R717)
Member States and does not require national implementations!
● Carbon dioxide (R744)
Some requirements are especially important for refrigera-
● Hydrocarbons (HCs), e.g., propane
tion systems still running with HCFC refrigerants:
The still mainly used halogenated refrigerants belonging to the Placing on the market and use
group of HCFCs and HFCs are subject to comprehensive inter-
● The placing on the market and the use of controlled sub-
national legislation due to their ozone-depleting properties (in
stances shall be prohibited (Art 5(1))
case of HCFCs), respectively, their potential effect on the cli-
● Until December 31, 2014, only reclaimed and recycled
mate (in case of HFCs) if released into the atmosphere.
HCFCs may be used for the maintenance or servicing of
The basic international instruments are
existing refrigeration, AC, and heat pump equipment with
● The Montreal Protocol of 1987 regulating production and further restrictions according to Art 11(3 and 4)
consumption of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) [1]
Labeling and recording
● The Kyoto Protocol of 1997 requiring measures to reduce
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions [2] ● Cylinders containing reclaimed and recycled HCFCs as well
as refrigeration, AC, and heat pump equipment have to be
All subsequent regulations concerning production, placing on
labeled according to Art 11(3 and 6)
the market, and use of halogenated refrigerants are based on
● Operators of equipment have to keep records on HCFCs
these international protocols with the aim to implement the
used for maintenance and servicing; service contractors are
requirements set in these protocols into national law of the
required to keep records on the sources of HCFCs used for
signatory states.
servicing (Art 11(7))
1.1 Legislation for Ozone-Depleting
● Exports of products and equipment containing HCFCs have
to be authorized by the Commission on request of the
competent authority of a Member State (Art 17(3))
1.1.1 Montreal Protocol
Recovery of controlled substances
It regulates production and consumption of ODS, e.g., chloro-
● Controlled substances contained in equipment shall be
fluorocarbons (CFCs) globally. Its basic requirements for indus-
recovered for destruction, recycling, or reclamation
trialized and developing countries are described in brief in
(Art 22(1))
Table 1a.
Leakage checks
EC Regulation 1005/2009 [3]
● Companies shall take all precautionary measures practicable
The EC implemented the Montreal Protocol with a detailed
to prevent and minimize any leakages and emissions of
regulation going far beyond the requirements of the Montreal
controlled substances. Refrigeration, AC and heat pump
Protocol. The latest version is the recently published regulation

VDI-GVC (ed.), VDI Heat Atlas, DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-77877-6_13,

# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010
420 D4 Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

D4.1. Table 1a. Montreal Protocol (latest version 2008) regulates worldwide production and use (‘‘consumption’’) of ODS

Basis 100% ODP-weighted HCFC consumption in 1989 + 2.8% ODP-weighted CFC consumption in 1989
Industrialized nations Developing countries
CFCs Phase-out 1996 Phase-out 2010
HCFCs Freeze 2004 Freeze 2013 based on average 2009/2010 consumption
2010: 75% reduction 2015: 10% reduction
2015: 90% reduction 2020: 35% reduction
2020: 99.5% reduction 2025: 67.5% reduction
2030: phase out 2030: 97.5% reduction
2040: phase out

D4.1. Table 1b. Kyoto Protocol

Basis UN framework convention on climate change (UNFCCC)

Target Emission reduction of the GHGs
CO2, CH4, and N2O (natural GHGs)
HFCs, PFCs, and SF6 (industrial GHGs)
Emission reduction targets EC 8%
USA 7%
Japan 6%
Global average 5.2%
Commitment period 2008–2012
Baseline For CO2, CH4, and N2O: emissions in 1990
For HFCs, PFCs, and SF6: emissions in 1995 (optional 1990)
Entry into force: February 16, 2005

equipment with a refrigerant charge of more than 3 kg has 1.2 Legislation for Greenhouse Gases
to be frequently checked for leakages with a checking fre-
quency depending on the refrigerant charge. For each sys- 1.2.1 Kyoto Protocol
tem records shall be maintained on the leakage checks as
well as on the refrigerant charge and any quantities added or It requires measures on a global basis to reduce emissions of the
removed during maintenance or servicing (Art 23). most important GHGs, carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4),
nitrogen oxide (N2O) as well as emissions of the group of
fluorinated gases. This group consists of HFCs, perfluorocar-
National Regulations bons (PFCs), and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6).
Some EC Member States may have implemented national reg- Its basic requirements for industrialized and developing
ulations, e.g., for defining the minimum qualification require- countries are described in brief in Table 1b.
ments for the personnel carrying out, e.g., leak checking
activities and refrigerant recovery, as it is the case, e.g., with EC Regulation 842/2006 [6]
the German ‘‘Chemikalien-Ozonschicht-Verordnung’’ [4]. On July 4, 2006, the ‘‘Regulation EC 842/2006 of the European
European countries outside the EC, where the regulation Parliament and of the Council on certain fluorinated green-
1005/2009 is not to be applied, need their own national legisla- house gases’’ [6] entered into force and therefore—as an imme-
tion for ODS. As an example, the ‘‘Verordnung über umweltge- diately applicable law—has to be complied with by all 27 EC
faehrdende Stoffe’’ [5] in Switzerland may be mentioned. Member States. It represents the implementation of the Kyoto
In both cases it therefore will be necessary to get acquainted Protocol in the EC with regard to fluorinated gases.
with individual national regulations for each of these countries Certain requirements of this regulation are concerning the
before starting activities at HCFC containing refrigeration, AC, persons and companies involved in operating and servicing of
and heat pump systems. refrigeration, AC, and heat pump systems with HFC and PFC
Refrigerants: Regulations D4.1 421

refrigerants. In detail, the following legally binding measures nominal charge and a remark that it contains a fluorinated
have to be observed: GHG covered by the Kyoto Protocol.
General requirements for emission reduction (Art 3(1)) Training and certification (Art 5)
Operators of refrigeration, AC, and heat pump systems contain- Activities mentioned in ‘‘Requirements for leak testing’’ and
ing HFC or PFC refrigerants generally have to take all measures ‘‘Recovery’’ only shall be carried out by appropriately trained
which are technically and economically feasible and certified personnel. The EC Commission has set minimum
requirements [7] as the basis for corresponding measures that
● To prevent leakage of these gases
Member States had to implement until July 04, 2008. From July
● To repair any detected leakage as soon as possible
04, 2009, only certified personnel involved in servicing of equip-
Requirements for leak testing (Art 3(2)) ment or refrigerant recovery is allowed to take delivery of
Art 3(2) lays down the following procedure for leak testing of fluorinated GHGs!
refrigeration and AC systems: Besides this, the Commission has published standard
requirements regarding the methodology for leak testing as
● Systems with a HFC or PFC charge of 3 kg or more:
well as the labeling of products, equipment, and containers [8,9].
● At least once every 12 months (does not apply to her-
metically sealed systems labeled as such and containing
less than 6 kg HFC or PFC) National Regulations
● Systems with a HFC or PFC charge of 30 kg or more: Some EC Member States may have implemented national
● At least once every 6 months regulations, e.g., for specifying in detail the criteria to be applied
● Systems with a HFC or PFC charge of 300 kg or more: for leak checking activities or for setting necessary qualification
● At least once every 3 months standards for personnel involved in certain activities. An example
● For these applications leakage detection systems shall be is the German ‘‘Chemikalien-Klimaschutz-Verordnung’’ [10].
installed and checked every 12 months to ensure their The EC Member States Austria and Denmark have addition-
proper functioning. al national regulations on fluorinated GHGs in force which are
● Basically valid: Where a properly functioning leakage partially stricter than the EC regulation 842/2006 [11–13].
detection system is in place, the frequency of the leak European countries outside the EC, where the regulation
checks shall be halved. After a leak has been repaired, the 842/2006 is not applicable, have established own national legis-
system shall be checked again within 1 month. lation for fluorinated GHGs. As an example, the ‘‘Verordnung
über umweltgefaehrdende Stoffe’’ [14] in Switzerland may be
Logbook (Art 3(6)) mentioned.
This chapter imposes the operators of refrigeration and AC It will therefore be necessary to get acquainted with individ-
systems with more than 3 kg HFC or PFC refrigerant charge ual national regulations in each of these countries before start-
to keep records on the following data: ing activities at refrigeration, AC, and heat pump systems
● Type and location of the system containing HFC or PFC refrigerants.
● Type of HFC or PFC refrigerant used
● Refrigerant charge (nominal charge) 1.3 Legislation for Nonhalogenated
● Date and result of leak checks; name and employer of the Refrigerants
testing person
● Date of servicing and maintenance; name and employer of Since the refrigerants ammonia, carbon dioxide, and HCs are
the serviceman not ODS and their global warming potential is very low com-
● Quantity of HFC or PFC refrigerant added during servicing pared with HFCs and PFCs, no environment-related interna-
● Quantity of HFC or PFC refrigerant recovered during ser- tional or national regulations comparable with those in force for
vicing, maintenance, and final disposal of the system fluorinated gases are restricting their use. However, due to their
safety-related properties regarding flammability and/or toxicity,
Recovery (Art 4)
comprehensive safety precautions have to be applied when
Operators of refrigeration and AC systems are responsible
using these gases as refrigerants.
for the proper recovery of HFC and PFC refrigerants in
The necessary requirements are laid down in the European
order to ensure their recycling, reclamation, or destruction.
Standard EN 378 (1-4) [15], which additionally contains provi-
Similarly this applies for the users of transport and storage
sions to protect the aquatic environment when handling am-
containers for fluorinated GHGs like HFC refrigerants prior
to scrapping.
Beyond this, the operation of refrigeration systems with
Labeling (Art 7) ammonia and HCs is subject to various additional regionally
All refrigeration, AC, and heat pump systems with HFC or PFC differing requirements in the EC. The publication [16]
refrigerants (as well as other products and equipment contain- provides an overview about the most important directives,
ing fluorinated gases covered by this regulation) only may be regulations, and standards to be considered when planning
placed on the EC market if they carry a label with the chemical and building an ammonia refrigeration plant in Germany
designation (accepted industry nomenclature, e.g., R134a), the (Tables 2a and 2b).

D4.1. Table 2a. Thermophysical properties of refrigerants

Specific Theoretical Circulated compressing
Pressure volume of swept mass of sat. Coefficient of end
Boiling pressure ratio sat. vapor volume for liquid per kW performanceb temperatureb
Molar Melting Normal ps 1 kWh Circulated Volumetric
mass temperature or boiling Pressure At At (30 C)/ps ( 15 C refrigerant mass refrigeration
Formula (kg/ triple point point Temperature pcrit 15 C +30 C ( 15 C) at 15 C /30 C) per kW (kg/min at 30 C ( 15 C/30 C) capacityb ( 15 C/30 C)
Refrigerant (ma.%) kmol) temperaturea ( C) ( C) tcrit ( C) (bar) (bar) (bar) ( ) (m3/kg) (m3/kWh) kW) (dm3/min) ( ) (kJ/m3) ( C)

R50 CH4 16.04 182.46 161.48 82.6 45.99 / / / / / / / / / /

R14c CF4 88.01 183.61 128.05 45.6 37.50 / / / / / / / / / /
Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

R1150 CH2=CH2 28.05 169.15 103.77 9.3 50.40 28.89 / / / / / / / / /

Dinitrogen N2O 44.01 90.85 88.45 36.5 71.60 22.96 64.10 2.79 0.0192 0.353 0.304 0.332 3.60 8378 64.1
R170 (ethane) CH3CH3 30.07 183.25 88.65 32.3 48.80 16.31 47.07 2.89 0.0332 0.720 0.432 1.510 2.16 4834 50.2
R508Ac R23/R116 100.10 / 87.63 10.2 36.51 18.60 / / / / / / / / /
R508Bc R23/R116 95.39 / 87.60 11.2 37.72 18.76 / / / / / / / / /
R23c CHF3 70.01 155.13 82.02 26.1 48.32 16.27 / / / / / / / / /
R744 (carbon CO2 44.01 56.56 78.45e 31.1 72.95 22.89 71.92 3.14 0.0166 0.431 0.465 0.780 1.45 4320 71.0
R116c CF3CF3 138.01 100.05 78.09 19.9 30.48 12.15 / / / / / / / / /
R32c,d CH2F2 52.02 136.81 51.65 78.1 57.82 4.88 19.28 3.95 0.0747 1.049 0.234 0.249 4.52 3420 68.5
R410Ac,d R32/R125 72.59 / 51.44 71.4 49.02 4.80 18.84 3.92 0.0540 1.160 0.358 0.346 4.39 3093 51.2
R428Ac R125/R143a/ 107.53 / 48.35 69.0 37.25 3.92 15.13 3.86 0.0450 1.662 0.615 0.580 4.03 2158 33.8
R125c,d CHF2CF3 120.02 100.63 48.09 66.0 36.18 4.05 15.69 3.87 0.0391 1.641 0.700 0.604 4.00 2185 32.1
R1270 CH3CH=CH2 42.08 185.2 47.62 91.1 45.55 3.63 13.05 3.60 0.1278 1.607 0.210 0.421 4.55 2233 42.1
R143ac,d CH3CF3 84.04 111.81 47.24 72.7 37.61 3.77 14.34 3.80 0.0596 1.624 0.454 0.500 4.28 2209 37.6
R507Ac,d R125/R143a 98.86 / 46.74 70.6 37.05 3.77 14.59 3.87 0.0509 1.658 0.543 0.531 4.18 2163 35.3
R422Ac R125/R134a/ 113.60 / 46.50 71.7 37.46 3.49 14.05 4.02 0.0485 1.831 0.629 0.567 3.92 1959 33.8
R600a (85.1/
R404Ac,d R125/R143a/ 97.60 / 46.22 72.0 37.29 3.61 14.14 3.92 0.0541 1.709 0.527 0.517 4.16 2099 36.0
R134a (44/52/
R502 R22/R115 111.63 / 45.34 81.5 40.17 3.44 13.05 3.80 0.0507 1.725 0.568 0.477 4.39 2079 37.1
R407Cc,d R32/R125/ 86.20 / 43.63 86.0 46.29 2.63 11.76 4.47 0.0870 1.989 0.381 0.342 3.91 1802 51.4
R134a (23/25/
R422Dc R125/R134a/ 109.94 / 43.20 79.6 39.05 2.80 11.96 4.28 0.0637 2.123 0.555 0.496 3.88 1689 36.4
R600a (65.1/
R427Ac R32/R125/ 90.44 / 42.96 85.3 43.92 2.57 11.42 4.44 0.0848 2.076 0.408 0.369 3.91 1727 47.7
R290 CH3CH2CH3 44.10 187.62 42.11 96.7 42.51 2.92 10.79 3.70 0.1533 1.978 0.215 0.444 4.55 1814 36.6
R22c,d CHClF2 86.47 157.42 40.81 96.1 49.90 2.96 11.92 4.02 0.0772 1.711 0.369 0.315 4.66 2096 52.9
R417Ac R125/R134a/ 106.75 / 39.07 87.1 40.36 2.33 10.32 4.44 0.0796 2.384 0.499 0.442 3.98 1504 37.5
R600a (46.6/
R500 R12/R152a 99.30 / 33.60 102.1 41.68 2.15 8.78 4.08 0.0931 2.403 0.430 0.383 4.65 1493 40.7
R717 NH3 17.03 77.6 33.33 132.3 113.33 2.36 11.67 4.94 0.5067 1.654 0.054 0.091 4.76 2167 99.1
R12d CCl2F2 120.91 157.05 29.75 112.0 41.36 1.82 7.44 4.08 0.0915 2.817 0.513 0.397 4.70 1273 37.8
R134ac,d CH2FCF3 102.03 103.3 26.07 101.1 40.59 1.64 7.70 4.70 0.1202 2.926 0.406 0.342 4.61 1226 36.6
RE170 CH3–O–CH3 46.07 141.5 24.81 127.2 53.41 1.52 6.80 4.46 0.2878 3.009 0.174 0.267 4.83 1191 45.1
R152ac,d CH3CHF2 66.05 118.59 24.02 113.3 45.17 1.49 6.90 4.64 0.2056 3.037 0.246 0.278 4.78 1180 47.0
f f f f f f
R227eac CF3CHFCF3 170.03 126.8 16.34 101.8 29.25 1.07 5.28 4.92 0.1111
f f f f f f
R124c CHClFCF3 136.48 199.15 11.96 122.3 36.24 0.89 4.45 5.00 0.1689
R600a CH(CH3)2–CH3 58.12 159.42 11.75 134.7 36.29 0.89 4.05 4.54 0.3975 5.441 0.228 0.419 4.36 659 30.0
R764 (sulfur SO2 64.06 75.45 10.02 157.5 78.84 0.81 4.62 5.73 0.4029 4.377 0.181 0.134 4.84 818 97.0
Refrigerants: Regulations

R142bc CH3CClF2 100.50 130.43 9.12 137.1 40.55 0.79 3.93 4.95 0.2587 5.503 0.354 0.323 4.81 651 36.0

D4.1. Table 2a. (continued)

Specific Theoretical Circulated compressing
Pressure volume of swept mass of sat. Coefficient of end
Boiling pressure ratio sat. vapor volume for liquid per kW performanceb temperatureb
Molar Melting Normal ps 1 kWh Circulated Volumetric
mass temperature or boiling Pressure At At (30 C)/ps ( 15 C refrigerant mass refrigeration
Formula (kg/ triple point point Temperature pcrit 15 C +30 C ( 15 C) at 15 C /30 C) per kW (kg/min at 30 C ( 15 C/30 C) capacityb ( 15 C/30 C)
Refrigerant (ma.%) kmol) temperaturea ( C) ( C) tcrit ( C) (bar) (bar) (bar) ( ) (m3/kg) (m3/kWh) kW) (dm3/min) ( ) (kJ/m3) ( C)
f f f f f f
R600 (butane)c CH3–CH2– 58.12 138.26 0.49 152.0 37.96 0.56 2.83 5.03 0.6350
R114c CClF2CClF2 170.92 92.52 3.59 145.7 32.57 n.d.f n.d.f n.d.f n.d.f n.d.f n.d.f n.d.f n.d.f n.d.f n.d.f
f f f f f f
Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

R245fac CHF2CH2CF3 134.05 102.1 15.14 154.0 36.51 0.25 1.78 7.01 0.6154
R11 CCl3F 137.37 110.47 23.71 198.0 44.08 0.20 1.26 6.23 0.7602 17.555 0.385 0.263 5.03 204 42.8
R123c,d CHCl2CF3 152.93 107.15 27.82 183.7 36.62 0.16 1.10 6.99 0.8805 22.289 0.422 0.291 4.90 160 32.8
f f f f f
R601a (CH3)2CH– 72.15 160.5 27.83 187.2 33.78 0.17 1.09 6.32 1.6931 22.127
(isopentane)c,d CH2–CH3
R141bc CH3CCl2F 116.95 103.47 32.04 204.4 42.12 0.14 0.94 6.97 1.3371 24.904 0.310 0.254 5.01 143 40.2
f f f f f f
R601 CH3–CH2– 72.15 129.68 36.06 196.6 33.70 0.12 0.82 6.96 2.4892
(pentane)c CH2–CH2–CH3
f f f f f f
R365mfcc CF3CH2CF2CH3 148.07 34.15 40.19 186.9 32.66 0.08 0.69 8.37 1.7305
f f f f f f
R113 CCl2FCClF2 187.38 36.22 47.58 214.1 33.92 0.07 0.54 7.87 1.6403
f f f f f f f f f
R718 (water) H2O 18.02 0 100.00 374.1 218.31 0.04
Melting temperatures of blends are not listed, please check the melting temperatures of the single components
For a single cycle with po = 15 C, pc = 30 C, isentropic compression, Tsuperheat = 0 K, Tsubcooled = 0 K
Data acc. Refprop 8.0, 2007
Compare ISO17584:2005
Sublimation temperature
Not available under conditions described under (b)
n.d.f. no data found
D4.1. Table 2b. Refrigerant properties of saturated liquida

Thermal Temperature
Formula (% by Temperature Pressure Density Specific heat capacity conductivity Dynamic viscosity Kinematic conductivity Prandtl
Refrigerant weight) ( C) (bar) (kg/m) (kJ/kg K) (W/m K) (mN s/m2) viscosity (mm2/s) (10 8 m2/s) no.
R50 (Methane) CH4 170 0.472 434.5 3.426 0.195 0.140 0.323 13.127 2.462
Normal boiling 150 2.378 405.0 3.580 0.168 0.093 0.229 11.554 1.982
point,  C
130 7.520 371.1 3.876 0.139 0.064 0.171 9.661 1.772
110 18.026 328.8 4.615 0.110 0.044 0.133 7.279 1.834
R14 CF4 90 36.399 261.7 9.098 0.081 0.028 0.109 3.394 3.200
Normal boiling 130 0.881 1613.7 0.899 0.097 0.242 0.150 6.700 2.240
point,  C
110 3.088 1502.5 0.973 0.082 0.172 0.114 5.641 2.029
90 8.055 1375.2 1.078 0.068 0.127 0.092 4.586 2.014
70 17.348 1214.1 1.313 0.054 0.093 0.076 3.391 2.252
50 33.053 928.0 3.487 0.044 0.057 0.061 1.351 4.517
R1150 (ethylene) CH2=CH2 110 0.691 576.5 2.409 0.194 0.191 0.332 13.947 2.379
Normal boiling 90 2.132 547.5 2.451 0.171 0.147 0.269 12.757 2.107
point,  C
70 5.172 516.1 2.549 0.151 0.116 0.225 11.449 1.967
50 10.619 480.8 2.739 0.132 0.092 0.192 9.988 1.920
30 19.366 438.9 3.127 0.113 0.072 0.164 8.247 1.987
10 32.428 383.0 4.247 0.094 0.053 0.138 5.783 2.389
R170 (ethane) CH3CH3 100 0.523 557.9 2.397 0.178 0.193 0.345 13.308 2.593
Normal boiling 70 2.499 519.8 2.530 0.150 0.133 0.256 11.381 2.253
point,  C
40 7.774 476.4 2.767 0.123 0.095 0.199 9.351 2.130
10 18.588 422.6 3.275 0.099 0.067 0.158 7.134 2.210
20 37.655 339.0 5.746 0.075 0.042 0.123 3.859 3.198
R508A R23/R116 (39/61) 100 0.468 1592.9 1.016 0.106 0.440 0.277 6.542 4.227
Normal boiling 80 1.542 1506.5 1.060 0.093 0.305 0.202 5.846 3.457
Refrigerants: Regulations

point,  C
60 3.954 1411.7 1.124 0.082 0.220 0.156 5.192 3.000
40 8.508 1302.6 1.224 0.072 0.160 0.123 4.518 2.727
20 16.160 1167.6 1.421 0.062 0.114 0.098 3.716 2.629
0 28.123 964.9 2.232 0.050 0.072 0.075 2.339 3.189

D4.1. Table 2b. (continued)

Thermal Temperature
Formula (% by Temperature Pressure Density Specific heat capacity conductivity Dynamic viscosity Kinematic conductivity Prandtl
Refrigerant weight) ( C) (bar) (kg/m) (kJ/kg K) (W/m K) (mN s/m2) viscosity (mm2/s) (10 8 m2/s) no.
R508B R23/R116 (46/54) 100 0.467 1581.7 1.038 0.111 0.430 0.272 6.741 4.029
Normal boiling 80 1.540 1496.5 1.081 0.097 0.298 0.199 6.026 3.307
point,  C
60 3.952 1403.1 1.144 0.086 0.216 0.154 5.359 2.876
40 8.518 1296.1 1.244 0.075 0.159 0.122 4.675 2.620
20 16.214 1164.1 1.440 0.065 0.114 0.098 3.863 2.530
0 28.275 969.5 2.190 0.053 0.073 0.075 2.503 3.016
Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

R23 CHF3 90 0.624 1475.7 1.225 0.142 0.349 0.237 7.877 3.002
Normal boiling 65 2.474 1378.7 1.275 0.121 0.235 0.170 6.899 2.471
point,  C
40 7.065 1269.7 1.371 0.104 0.166 0.131 5.994 2.182
15 16.265 1137.2 1.573 0.089 0.117 0.103 4.955 2.082
10 32.438 946.7 2.300 0.071 0.076 0.081 3.248 2.480
20 41.610 816.4 4.130 0.060 0.058 0.071 1.786 3.974
R744 (carbon CO2 50 6.823 1154.6 1.971 0.172 0.229 0.199 7.560 2.627
dioxide) 20 19.696 1031.7 2.165 0.135 0.139 0.135 6.027 2.241
Triple point,  C
0 34.851 927.4 2.542 0.110 0.099 0.107 4.683 2.288
Values acc. ISO 20 57.291 773.4 4.264 0.086 0.066 0.086 2.598 3.292
17584:2005 30 72.137 593.3 35.338 0.095 0.044 0.074 0.455 16.220
R116 CF3CF3 100 0.262 1697.9 0.893
Normal boiling 70 1.535 1568.5 0.963 0.073 0.360 0.229 4.800 4.775
point,  C
40 5.403 1418.3 1.065 0.061 0.218 0.154 4.023 3.828
10 14.033 1222.3 1.276 0.049 0.129 0.105 3.118 3.383
10 23.853 1015.6 1.910 0.040 0.079 0.078 2.046 3.803
R32 CH2F2 60 0.650 1235.7 1.576 0.194 0.307 0.249 9.973 2.492
Normal boiling 35 2.214 1165.7 1.619 0.174 0.225 0.193 9.204 2.094
point,  C
10 5.826 1088.8 1.698 0.153 0.168 0.155 8.289 1.865
Values acc. ISO 15 12.808 1000.9 1.843 0.134 0.127 0.127 7.240 1.757
17584:2005 40 24.783 893.0 2.163 0.115 0.095 0.106 5.932 1.793
60 39.332 773.3 3.001 0.099 0.071 0.092 4.283 2.155
R410A R32/R125 (50/50) 60 0.642 1376.3 1.359 0.140 0.353 0.257 7.460 3.441
Normal boiling 40 1.755 1313.0 1.389 0.127 0.267 0.204 6.970 2.922
point,  C
20 4.007 1245.1 1.439 0.115 0.207 0.166 6.414 2.589
Values acc. ISO 0 8.007 1170.0 1.519 0.103 0.161 0.138 5.799 2.380
17584:2005 20 14.476 1083.1 1.658 0.092 0.126 0.116 5.111 2.274
40 24.256 975.3 1.939 0.081 0.096 0.098 4.279 2.297
60 38.418 815.5 3.153 0.071 0.067 0.082 2.753 2.986
R428A R125/R143a/R290/ 60 0.558 1415.9 1.172 0.096 0.441 0.311 5.770 5.397
R600a (77.5/20/ 40 1.490 1350.9 1.211 0.087 0.323 0.239 5.306 4.505
20 3.344 1281.0 1.263 0.078 0.243 0.190 4.833 3.927
Normal boiling
point,  C 0 6.589 1203.2 1.337 0.070 0.185 0.154 4.352 3.534
48.3 20 11.774 1112.6 1.454 0.062 0.140 0.126 3.841 3.277
40 19.537 997.7 1.698 0.054 0.102 0.103 3.217 3.190
60 30.713 814.4 2.950 0.047 0.066 0.081 1.971 4.091
R125 CHF2CF3 60 0.543 1555.7 1.091 0.097 0.499 0.321 5.705 5.626
Normal boiling 30 2.281 1446.1 1.157 0.083 0.313 0.216 4.964 4.355
point,  C
0 6.705 1319.8 1.255 0.070 0.204 0.154 4.217 3.660
Values acc. ISO 30 15.685 1158.4 1.457 0.057 0.130 0.112 3.399 3.304
17584:2005 60 31.703 872.1 3.139 0.046 0.067 0.077 1.675 4.589
R1270 (propylene) CH3CH=CH2 60 0.556 625.2 2.152 0.155 0.226 0.361 11.513 3.134
Normal boiling 30 2.116 587.7 2.264 0.141 0.163 0.277 10.600 2.609
point,  C
0 5.841 546.1 2.436 0.126 0.121 0.222 9.478 2.344
30 13.050 497.5 2.723 0.110 0.092 0.184 8.139 2.261
60 25.281 433.7 3.397 0.093 0.067 0.154 6.345 2.433
90 44.675 287.9 41.619 0.088 0.035 0.123 0.736 16.668
R143a CH3CF3 60 0.531 1200.6 1.293 0.108 0.360 0.300 6.948 4.314
Normal boiling 30 2.149 1117.9 1.375 0.094 0.234 0.210 6.086 3.444
point,  C
0 6.197 1024.3 1.495 0.081 0.160 0.156 5.265 2.965
47.2 30
Values acc. ISO 14.340 908.4 1.722 0.068 0.108 0.119 4.372 2.728
Refrigerants: Regulations

17584:2005 60 28.744 728.9 2.714 0.056 0.065 0.089 2.836 3.154

D4.1. Table 2b. (continued)

Thermal Temperature
Formula (% by Temperature Pressure Density Specific heat capacity conductivity Dynamic viscosity Kinematic conductivity Prandtl
Refrigerant weight) ( C) (bar) (kg/m) (kJ/kg K) (W/m K) (mN s/m2) viscosity (mm2/s) (10 8 m2/s) no.
R507A R125/R143a 60 0.511 1357.4 1.220 0.096 0.416 0.306 5.828 5.254
Normal boiling (50/50) 30 2.129 1263.2 1.279 0.084 0.266 0.210 5.173 4.066
point,  C
0 6.244 1156.3 1.381 0.072 0.178 0.154 4.491 3.428
Values acc. ISO 30 14.600 1022.6 1.589 0.060 0.118 0.115 3.723 3.100
17584:2005 60 29.486 806.1 2.677 0.050 0.068 0.084 2.297 3.654
R422A R125/R134a/ 60 0.503 1468.4 1.144 0.100 0.492 0.335 5.965 5.614
Normal boiling R600a (85.1/11.5/ 30 2.109 1367.6 1.207 0.086 0.309 0.226 5.220 4.324
point,  C 3.4)
0 6.205 1252.5 1.303 0.073 0.203 0.162 4.464 3.631
30 14.521 1108.3 1.491 0.060 0.132 0.119 3.646 3.270
60 29.263 875.5 2.464 0.048 0.074 0.085 2.232 3.792
R404A R125/R143a/ 60 0.498 1348.0 1.229 0.098 0.418 0.310 5.925 5.232
Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

Normal boiling R134a (44/52/4) 30 2.078 1255.0 1.288 0.085 0.267 0.213 5.266 4.042
point,  C 0 6.102 1150.0 1.388 0.073 0.179 0.156 4.578 3.406
Values acc. ISO 30 14.283 1019.4 1.590 0.062 0.119 0.117 3.809 3.076
17584:2005 60 28.849 813.0 2.543 0.051 0.070 0.086 2.447 3.507
R502 R22/R115 (48.8/ 60 0.486 1525.6 0.964 0.098 0.445 0.292 6.682 4.369
Normal boiling 51.2) 30 1.964 1429.2 1.016 0.086 0.297 0.208 5.914 3.516
point,  C 0 5.658 1320.3 1.094 0.074 0.207 0.157 5.129 3.054
30 13.047 1190.3 1.226 0.062 0.143 0.120 4.281 2.812
60 25.942 1010.1 1.617 0.050 0.092 0.091 3.086 2.946
80 38.964 737.6 9.630 0.049 0.051 0.069 0.685 10.144
R407C R32/R125/R134a 60 0.430 1430.0 1.292 0.128 0.486 0.340 6.926 4.904
Normal boiling (23/25/52)
30 1.871 1338.1 1.336 0.112 0.311 0.232 6.247 3.718
point,  C
43.6 0 5.679 1236.2 1.416 0.096 0.211 0.170 5.498 3.101
Values acc. ISO 30 13.591 1115.4 1.569 0.082 0.145 0.130 4.667 2.779
17584:2005 60 27.692 951.1 2.001 0.068 0.094 0.099 3.555 2.788
80 41.738 751.6 4.535 0.060 0.060 0.080 1.756 4.534
R422D R125/R134a/ 60 0.426 1454.6 1.180 0.105 0.526 0.361 6.111 5.914
Normal boiling R600a (65.1/ 30 1.818 1358.4 1.233 0.091 0.329 0.242 5.411 4.472
point,  C 31.5/3.4)
0 5.431 1250.5 1.319 0.077 0.217 0.174 4.681 3.715
30 12.860 1119.0 1.480 0.064 0.144 0.129 3.896 3.307
60 26.090 926.1 2.033 0.052 0.087 0.094 2.761 3.407
70 32.238 817.2 3.040 0.048 0.067 0.082 1.942 4.243
R427A R32/R125/R143a/ 60 0.418 1420.2 1.275 0.121 0.492 0.346 6.698 5.173
Normal boiling R134a (15/25/ 30 1.808 1328.6 1.319 0.106 0.313 0.235 6.029 3.904
point,  C 10/50)
0 5.464 1227.3 1.399 0.091 0.211 0.172 5.301 3.246
30 13.046 1106.7 1.551 0.077 0.144 0.130 4.499 2.897
60 26.555 941.8 1.982 0.064 0.093 0.099 3.418 2.895
80 40.038 736.8 4.740 0.057 0.058 0.079 1.621 4.855
R290 (propane) CH3CH2CH3 60 0.427 601.1 2.172 0.140 0.244 0.405 10.709 3.784
Normal boiling 30 1.678 566.6 2.305 0.122 0.172 0.304 9.355 3.251
point,  C 0 4.745 528.6 2.493 0.106 0.126 0.238 8.041 2.955
30 10.790 484.4 2.777 0.091 0.092 0.190 6.796 2.800
60 21.168 428.0 3.337 0.078 0.066 0.153 5.489 2.795
80 31.319 373.3 4.545 0.070 0.049 0.131 4.139 3.158
90 37.641 328.8 7.623 0.067 0.039 0.118 2.678 4.408
R22 CHClF2 50 0.645 1435.6 1.079 0.118 0.389 0.271 7.599 3.564
Normal boiling 20 2.453 1346.5 1.123 0.104 0.270 0.200 6.865 2.917
point,  C
0 4.980 1281.5 1.169 0.095 0.216 0.169 6.323 2.665
Values acc. ISO 30 11.919 1170.7 1.281 0.081 0.155 0.133 5.416 2.452
17584:2005 60 24.275 1030.4 1.539 0.067 0.108 0.105 4.227 2.479
90 44.423 780.1 3.981 0.052 0.061 0.078 1.675 4.642
R417A R125/R134a/ 50 0.592 1414.2 1.224 0.106 0.466 0.330 6.098 5.409
Normal boiling R600a (46.6/50/ 20 2.279 1319.7 1.280 0.091 0.300 0.227 5.402 4.203
point,  C 3.4)
0 4.658 1250.3 1.336 0.082 0.229 0.184 4.921 3.729
30 11.246 1129.0 1.475 0.069 0.155 0.137 4.158 3.293
60 23.117 962.2 1.856 0.056 0.098 0.102 3.162 3.221
80 35.147 755.3 4.207 0.049 0.060 0.079 1.549 5.102
R115 CClF2CF3 50 0.609 1583.8 0.916 0.075 0.469 0.296 5.154 5.747
Normal boiling 20 2.221 1477.2 0.972 0.065 0.307 0.208 4.511 4.604
point,  C 0 4.409 1398.7 1.022 0.059 0.236 0.169 4.099 4.122
20 7.909 1310.3 1.089 0.053 0.182 0.139 3.687 3.764
Refrigerants: Regulations

60 20.613 1067.6 1.455 0.041 0.097 0.091 2.655 3.439

70 25.443 965.7 1.922 0.039 0.077 0.080 2.110 3.778
R500 R12/R152a (73.8/ 50 0.462 1362.8 1.041 0.104 0.396 0.290 7.333 3.960
Normal boiling 26.2) 20 1.781 1281.6 1.093 0.091 0.269 0.210 6.521 3.218
point,  C 10 5.001 1191.4 1.166 0.080 0.190 0.160 5.732 2.788
40 11.371 1085.7 1.283 0.068 0.136 0.125 4.913 2.545
70 22.383 947.7 1.560 0.057 0.093 0.098 3.876 2.531
100 40.107 657.9 8.924 0.052 0.047 0.071 0.883 8.074

D4.1. Table 2b. (continued)

Thermal Temperature
Formula (% by Temperature Pressure Density Specific heat capacity conductivity Dynamic viscosity Kinematic conductivity Prandtl
Refrigerant weight) ( C) (bar) (kg/m) (kJ/kg K) (W/m K) (mN s/m2) viscosity (mm2/s) (10 8 m2/s) no.
R717 (ammonia) NH3 40 0.717 690.2 4.414 0.688 0.281 0.408 22.590 1.804
Normal boiling
10 2.907 652.1 4.564 0.590 0.190 0.292 19.832 1.471
point,  C
33.3 20 8.575 610.2 4.745 0.500 0.138 0.227 17.265 1.313
Values acc. ISO 50 20.340 562.9 5.064 0.416 0.104 0.184 14.607 1.262
17584:2005 100 62.553 456.6 6.991 0.285 0.063 0.138 8.920 1.552
120 91.125 385.5 11.940 0.231 0.048 0.125 5.024 2.496
R12 CCl2F2 40 0.641 1516.5 0.873 0.091 0.387 0.255 6.852 3.728
Normal boiling 10 2.188 1427.6 0.917 0.079 0.273 0.191 6.070 3.152
point,  C
20 5.664 1328.9 0.976 0.069 0.199 0.149 5.307 2.817
Values acc. ISO 50 12.166 1213.0 1.072 0.059 0.144 0.119 4.504 2.637
Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

17584:2005 80 22.975 1061.4 1.302 0.048 0.099 0.093 3.481 2.685

100 33.399 903.8 1.996 0.041 0.069 0.077 2.279 3.367
R134a CH2FCF3 30 0.844 1388.4 1.273 0.106 0.401 0.289 5.985 4.825
Normal boiling 0 2.928 1294.8 1.341 0.092 0.267 0.206 5.299 3.884
point,  C
30 7.702 1187.5 1.446 0.079 0.183 0.154 4.599 3.353
Values acc. ISO 60 16.818 1052.9 1.660 0.066 0.124 0.117 3.781 3.105
17584:2005 90 32.442 837.8 2.756 0.053 0.072 0.086 2.285 3.785
RE170 (dimethyl CH3–O–CH3 30 0.804 742.3 2.217 0.179 0.209 0.282 10.881 2.590
ether) 0 2.666 700.0 2.304 0.161 0.156 0.223 10.001 2.228
Normal boiling
30 6.795 653.3 2.442 0.143 0.122 0.187 8.971 2.081
point,  C
24.8 60 14.472 599.2 2.674 0.125 0.098 0.164 7.789 2.104
90 27.219 530.2 3.196 0.106 0.079 0.149 6.284 2.379
110 39.513 462.8 4.444 0.094 0.067 0.144 4.568 3.149
R152a CH3CHF2 30 0.772 1023.5 1.610 0.123 0.322 0.315 7.474 4.211
Normal boiling 0 2.640 959.1 1.697 0.109 0.219 0.228 6.692 3.413
point,  C
30 6.898 886.6 1.826 0.096 0.154 0.174 5.921 2.931
Values acc. ISO 60 15.007 799.4 2.051 0.083 0.109 0.136 5.088 2.669
17584:2005 90 28.780 678.5 2.703 0.071 0.073 0.107 3.870 2.765
100 35.050 618.5 3.495 0.067 0.061 0.098 3.099 3.166
R227ea CF3CHFCF3 20 0.863 1556.9 1.072 0.073 0.446 0.286 4.353 6.581
Normal boiling 0 1.954 1486.0 1.114 0.067 0.337 0.227 4.067 5.581
point,  C 20 3.891 1408.4 1.166 0.062 0.256 0.182 3.766 4.833
40 7.025 1320.9 1.236 0.056 0.194 0.147 3.451 4.256
60 11.759 1216.5 1.346 0.051 0.144 0.118 3.110 3.804
80 18.583 1078.2 1.596 0.046 0.101 0.093 2.664 3.508
R124 CHClFCF3 20 0.715 1497.3 1.049 0.084 0.450 0.301 5.343 5.628
Normal boiling 10 2.341 1405.3 1.102 0.073 0.307 0.219 4.740 4.614
point,  C 40 5.935 1301.6 1.174 0.064 0.215 0.166 4.157 3.982
70 12.620 1176.9 1.297 0.055 0.151 0.128 3.580 3.575
100 23.787 1001.8 1.665 0.047 0.098 0.098 2.820 3.483
110 28.831 912.1 2.135 0.045 0.081 0.088 2.318 3.818
R600a (isobutane) CH(CH3)2 CH3 20 0.725 602.9 2.182 0.107 0.252 0.418 8.106 5.155
Normal boiling 10 2.206 568.9 2.338 0.095 0.178 0.312 7.125 4.380
point,  C 40 5.312 531.2 2.535 0.084 0.129 0.244 6.242 3.902
70 10.875 487.0 2.812 0.075 0.095 0.196 5.450 3.588
100 19.865 429.6 3.347 0.067 0.068 0.158 4.629 3.408
120 28.366 372.0 4.585 0.062 0.050 0.134 3.648 3.666
R764 (sulfur SO2 10 1.014 1461.1 1.365
dioxide) 20 3.309 1381.6 1.389
Normal boiling
50 8.418 1294.1 1.444
point,  C
10.0 80 17.989 1193.9 1.552
110 33.944 1071.4 1.798
140 58.665 894.7 2.827
R142b CH3CClF2 10 0.978 1194.6 1.231 0.094 0.342 0.286 6.416 4.461
Normal boiling 20 2.888 1123.7 1.300 0.083 0.243 0.216 5.688 3.802
point,  C 50 6.825 1044.2 1.393 0.073 0.176 0.169 4.990 3.386
80 13.807 949.8 1.540 0.063 0.128 0.135 4.306 3.128
100 20.743 871.5 1.727 0.057 0.101 0.116 3.792 3.056
Refrigerants: Regulations

120 30.045 764.8 2.260 0.052 0.075 0.098 2.983 3.300

R600 (butane) CH3–CH2–CH2– 10 0.696 611.4 2.267 0.120 0.225 0.367 8.641 4.252
Normal boiling CH3 20 2.076 578.6 2.413 0.107 0.166 0.287 7.646 3.756
point,  C 50 4.958 542.3 2.598 0.095 0.125 0.231 6.736 3.432
80 10.116 500.4 2.851 0.084 0.095 0.189 5.920 3.195
110 18.456 447.9 3.285 0.075 0.069 0.155 5.119 3.024
140 31.172 364.7 5.227 0.067 0.045 0.123 3.528 3.475

D4.1. Table 2b. (continued)

Thermal Temperature
Formula (% by Temperature Pressure Density Specific heat capacity conductivity Dynamic viscosity Kinematic conductivity Prandtl
Refrigerant weight) ( C) (bar) (kg/m) (kJ/kg K) (W/m K) (mN s/m2) viscosity (mm2/s) (10 8 m2/s) no.
R114 CClF2CClF2 0 0.882 1528.4 0.958 0.066 0.367 0.240 4.536 5.297
Normal boiling 30 2.510 1439.1 1.000 0.060 0.259 0.180 4.169 4.312
point,  C 60 5.796 1338.7 1.058 0.054 0.187 0.139 3.793 3.675
90 11.560 1218.2 1.153 0.048 0.133 0.109 3.383 3.236
100 14.197 1170.3 1.205 0.045 0.118 0.101 3.220 3.132
120 20.800 1051.9 1.408 0.041 0.089 0.085 2.778 3.045
R245fa CHF2CH2CF3 0 0.529 1404.0 1.274 0.096 0.573 0.408 5.362 7.615
Normal boiling 30 1.778 1324.9 1.333 0.087 0.382 0.289 4.899 5.890
point,  C 60 4.626 1236.8 1.413 0.077 0.266 0.215 4.403 4.890
Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

90 10.061 1133.3 1.532 0.067 0.186 0.164 3.880 4.237

120 19.275 999.2 1.777 0.058 0.125 0.125 3.295 3.788
150 33.946 744.6 4.720 0.054 0.064 0.086 1.541 5.587
R11 CCl3F 10 0.607 1511.3 0.867 0.091 0.467 0.309 6.955 4.443
Normal boiling 40 1.744 1440.0 0.896 0.083 0.343 0.238 6.397 3.726
point,  C 80 5.232 1334.7 0.951 0.072 0.237 0.178 5.641 3.153
120 12.364 1210.1 1.041 0.061 0.165 0.136 4.830 2.824
160 24.903 1044.6 1.266 0.050 0.108 0.104 3.759 2.760
190 39.250 820.6 2.705 0.042 0.065 0.079 1.892 4.165
R123 CHCl2CF3 10 0.506 1501.6 1.002 0.081 0.499 0.332 5.365 6.191
Normal boiling 40 1.545 1424.8 1.038 0.072 0.352 0.247 4.891 5.057
point,  C
80 4.891 1311.2 1.100 0.063 0.231 0.176 4.343 4.048
Values acc. ISO 120 11.990 1174.4 1.207 0.054 0.153 0.131 3.801 3.436
17584:2005 160 24.901 975.7 1.584 0.045 0.097 0.099 2.902 3.419
180 34.506 765.9 4.549 0.040 0.064 0.084 1.140 7.363
R601a (CH3)2CH–CH2– 10 0.523 630.0 2.198 0.113 0.253 0.401 8.153 4.921
(isopentane) CH3 40 1.515 599.4 2.355 0.102 0.187 0.312 7.230 4.319
Normal boiling
80 4.575 553.9 2.600 0.089 0.131 0.236 6.180 3.817
point,  C
27.8 120 10.864 498.6 2.933 0.077 0.091 0.182 5.292 3.447
160 22.049 420.2 3.680 0.067 0.058 0.138 4.337 3.174
180 30.233 349.8 6.221 0.064 0.040 0.113 2.919 3.887
R141b CH3CCl2F 20 0.650 1243.4 1.147 0.092 0.432 0.348 6.451 5.392
Normal boiling 60 2.462 1163.2 1.209 0.081 0.281 0.241 5.769 4.182
point,  C 100 6.773 1072.5 1.298 0.071 0.190 0.177 5.122 3.455
130 12.550 992.7 1.400 0.065 0.142 0.143 4.666 3.071
160 21.320 893.9 1.591 0.059 0.104 0.116 4.171 2.793
190 34.053 745.1 2.382 0.055 0.069 0.092 3.123 2.952
R601 (pentane) CH3–CH2–CH2– 20 0.566 625.7 2.293 0.113 0.227 0.363 7.896 4.601
Normal boiling CH2–CH3 60 2.145 584.6 2.493 0.099 0.164 0.280 6.781 4.135
point,  C 100 5.927 537.4 2.748 0.086 0.119 0.222 5.814 3.821
130 11.035 494.8 3.014 0.077 0.092 0.187 5.167 3.614
160 18.879 439.5 3.490 0.069 0.068 0.154 4.491 3.438
190 30.476 342.1 6.849 0.063 0.041 0.120 2.676 4.469
R365mfc CF3CH2CF2CH3 30 0.692 1246.3 1.387 0.086 0.463 0.372 4.967 7.485
Normal boiling 60 1.965 1178.6 1.453 0.073 0.324 0.275 4.281 6.416
point,  C 90 4.580 1103.2 1.535 0.063 0.233 0.211 3.728 5.663
120 9.260 1014.4 1.653 0.055 0.167 0.165 3.278 5.037
150 16.933 899.5 1.883 0.049 0.116 0.128 2.868 4.480
180 29.006 699.2 3.559 0.047 0.066 0.094 1.885 4.987
R113 CCl2FCClF2 30 0.544 1551.1 0.923 0.067 0.611 0.394 4.696 8.382
Normal boiling 60 1.502 1477.0 0.954 0.061 0.425 0.288 4.347 6.624
point,  C 90 3.428 1397.1 0.991 0.056 0.309 0.221 4.019 5.508
120 6.807 1308.0 1.040 0.050 0.228 0.175 3.699 4.723
150 12.201 1202.9 1.117 0.045 0.167 0.139 3.357 4.143
180 20.267 1064.7 1.297 0.040 0.116 0.109 2.891 3.783
R718 (water) H2O 90 0.702 965.3 4.205 0.675 0.314 0.326 16.635 1.958
Normal boiling 140 3.615 926.1 4.283 0.683 0.197 0.212 17.228 1.232
point,  C 190 12.552 876.1 4.447 0.669 0.142 0.162 17.164 0.943
240 33.469 813.4 4.772 0.632 0.111 0.136 16.279 0.837
290 74.418 731.9 5.493 0.565 0.090 0.122 14.052 0.872
Refrigerants: Regulations

340 146.007 610.7 8.208 0.469 0.070 0.115 9.347 1.234

Data acc.Refprop 8.0, 2007
434 D4 Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

2 Bibliography 9. Commission Regulation (EC) No 1494/2007 of 17 December 2007, estab-

lishing pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 842/2006 of the European Parlia-
ment and of the Council, the form of labels and additional labeling
1. Montreal-protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer, www.ozone.
requirements as regards products and equipment containing certain fluori-
nated greenhouse gases. Off J Eur Union, L 332/25, December 18, 2007
2. Kyoto protocol to the United Nations framework convention on climate
10. Verordnung zum Schutz des Klimas vor Veraenderungen durch den Eintrag
bestimmter fluorierter Treibhausgase (Chemikalien-Klimaschutzverord-
nung – ChemKlimaschutzV) vom 2. Juli 2008. Bundesgesetzblatt Jahrgang
3. Regulation (EC) no 1005/2009 of the European Parliament and of the
2008, Teil I Nr. 27, p 1139, Bonn. 07 Juli 2008
Council of 16 September 2009 on substances that deplete the ozone layer.
11. 447. Verordnung des Bundesministers für Land- und Forstwirtschaft,
Off J Eur Union, L 286/1, October 31, 2009
Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft ueber Verbote und Beschraenkungen teil-
4. Verordnung über Stoffe, die die Ozonschicht schaedigen (Chemikalien-
fluorierter und vollfluorierter Kohlenwasserstoffe sowie von SF6 (HFKW-
Ozonschichtverordnung – ChemOzonSchichtV) vom 13 November 2006.
FKW-SF6-V). Bundesgesetzblatt fuer die Republik Oesterreich. Jahrgang
Bundesgesetzblatt Jahrgang 2006, Teil I Nr. 53, p 2638. Bonn. 22 November
2002. Teil II. Dezember 2002
12. 139. Verordnung: Aenderung der Verordnung ueber Verbote und Bes-
5. Schweiz (April 2003) Verordnung vom 9 Juni 1986 ueber umweltgefaehr-
chraenkungen teilfluorierter und vollfluorierter Kohlenwasserstoffe sowie
dende Stoffe (Stoffverordnung, StoV). Systematische Sammlung des
von SF6 (HFKW-FKW-SF6-V). Bundesgesetzblatt fuer die Republik Oester-
Bundesrechts SR 814.013. Aenderung vom 30, p 1345. Anhang 3.4, http://
reich. Jahrgang 2007. Teil II. 21 Juni 2007
13. Statutory Order no. 552 of 2 July 2002, Regulating certain industrial green-
6. Regulation (EC) No 842/2006 of the European Parliament and of the
house gases. Ministry of the Environment, Danish Environmental Protec-
Council of 17 May 2006 on certain fluorinated greenhouse gases. Off J Eur
tion Agency, Copenhagen
Union, L 161/1, June 14, 2006
14. Schweiz (April 2003) Verordnung vom 9 Juni 1986 ueber umweltgefaehr-
7. Commission Regulation (EC) No 303/2008 of 2 April 2008, establishing,
dende Stoffe (Stoffverordnung, StoV). Systematische Sammlung des Bun-
pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 842/2006 of the European Parliament and
desrechts SR 814.013. Aenderung vom 30, p 1345. Anhang 3.5, http://www.
of the Council, minimum requirements and the conditions for mutual
recognition for the certification of companies and personnel as regards
15. EN 12693 (1996) Refrigerating systems and heat pumps – safety and envi-
stationary refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump equipment con-
ronmental requirements. DIN EN 378-1-4. CEN European Committee for
taining certain fluorinated greenhouse gases. Off J Eur Union, L 92/3. April
Standardization, Brussels
3, 2008
16. Schrempf B, Sontheim B (Stand Juni 2004) Planung und Betrieb von Ammo-
8. Commission Regulation (EC) No 1516/2007 of 19 December 2007, estab-
niak-Kaelteanlagen. TÜV Industrie Service GmbH, Muenchen. Axima Re-
lishing pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 842/2006 of the European Parlia-
frigeration GmbH, Lindau. Leitfaden auf Basis aktueller Regelwerke
ment and of the Council, standard leakage checking requirements
for stationary refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump equipment
containing certain fluorinated greenhouse gases. Off J Eur Union, L 335/
10, December 20, 2007
Cryostatic Bath Fluids, Aqueous Solutions, and Glycols D4.2 435

D4.2 Cryostatic Bath Fluids, Aqueous Solutions, and

Gernot Krakat
FRAGOL Schmierstoffe GmbH & Co., Mülheim (Ruhr), Germany

1 Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457

Following synoptical tables (Table 1–6) will give an overview on The trade names are mostly registered trade marks by the
current cryostatic bath fluids, aqueous heat transfer fluids, and companies, so this explicit advice replace the identification of
glycols including their data. Most of the data are taken from the circumstances.
manufacturer’s product overviews and brochures based on re-
cent informations.
They passed without obligation in comply with our best
knowledge and experiences and the same to existing third per-
son trade mark rights.

D4.2. Table 1. Cryostatic bath fluids

Range of Vapor Specific heat Kinematic
Chemical Melting point application pressure Density capacity viscosity
Substance formula Boiling point ( C) ( C) (bar) (kg/m3) (kJ/kg K) (106 m2/s)
Methanol CH3OH 97.65 90 – 904 2.14 9.62
64.65 60 755 2.69 0.46
Ethanol C2H5OH 114.05 100 – 892 1.90 52.7
78.35 78.3 1.01
100 716 3.45 0.46
Methylglycol CH3OCH2– 85 80 – 120
CH2OH 122–127 40 1,020
20 2.236
+50 0.06 935 17.0
Tetrachlormethane CCl4 22.9 20 – 1,672 0.834 1.20
76.55 70 0.8 1,574 0.876 0.25
Trichlorethylene C2HCl3 86 85 – 1,730 0.879 1.31
87.25 80 99
100 1,340 1.005 0.26
Aliphatic hydrocarbons 70 835 1.635 354.35
(e.g., B. Therminol D12) 192 260 550 3.100 0.25
Aliphatic hydrocarbons 135 100 849 1.352 36.1
(e.g., therminol VLT) 99.2 175 521 2.586 0.25
Benzine C6–C8 Boiling range
25–80 50 775 2.051 1.27
135–220 100 650 2.386 0.30
436 D4 Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

D4.2. Table 1. (continued)

Safety engineering data

Flash point Autoignition Explosive Temperature Explosion MAK-
Chemical DIN ISO temperature DIN limits vol. % range ATEX group DIN value
Substance formula 2592 ( C) 51794 ( C) Lower Upper 94/9/EG EN 50 014 (ppm) Remark
Methanol CH3OH 11 455 6 50 T1 II A 200 Toxic
Ethanol C2H5OH 12 425 2.5 15 T2 II A 1.000
Methylglycol CH3OCH2– 290 2.5 20 T2 II A 16
Tetrachlormethane CCl4 2.5
Trichlorethylene C2HCl3 410 8 52 T2 50
Aliphatic 59 270 0.6 7 T3 II A Therminol
hydrocarbons D 12
Aliphatic 6.2 T3 II A Therminol
hydrocarbons VLT
Benzine C6–C8 < 20 280 1.2 7.5 T3 II A Petroleum
Benzine C6–C8 >21/>55 240 0.6 6.5 T3 II A White spirit

D4.2. Table 2. Cryostatic bath fluids

Specific Kinematic Thermal

heat Thermal Dynamic viscosity diffusivity
Chemical Temperature Density capacity conductivity viscosity (10 6 m2/ (10 8 m2/ Prandtl
Substance formula ( C) (kg/m3) (kJ/kg K) (W/m K) (10 6 Ns/m2) s) s) number
Methanol [1] CH3OH 100 905 2.135 0.244 16.00 17.70 12.6 140
75 900 2.193 0.235 4.86 5.42 11.9 45.5
50 858 2.240 0.227 2.27 2.65 11.8 22.5
25 833 2.294 0.217 1.28 1.54 11.4 13.5
0 810 2.386 0.209 0.817 1.01 10.4 9.8
20 792 2.495 0.202 0.584 0.74 10.3 7.2
50 765 2.679 0.191 0.396 0.52 9.33 5.6
100 714 3.014 0.172 0.245 0.345 9.80 4.3
Ethanol [1] C2H5OH 100 892 1.90 0.207 47.01 52.8 12.2 433
75 870 1.946 0.199 15.26 17.6 11.8 150
50 850 2.013 0.191 6.40 7.54 11.1 68
25 825 2.093 0.183 3.25 3.94 10.6 37
0 806 2.231 0.174 1.78 2.22 9.72 22.9
20 789 2.394 0.167 1.21 1.54 8.78 17.5
50 763 2.800 0.159 0.701 0.92 7.44 12.4
100 716 3.453 0.147 0.326 0.442 5.92 7.5
Tetrachlormethane CCl4 25 1,680 0.833 0.112 4.90 2.92 7.94 36.6
[1] 0 1,633 0.841 0.109 1.33 0.81 7.94 10.2
20 1,594 0.850 0.107 0.965 0.607 7.89 7.7
50 1,534 0.862 0.106 0.651 0.425 8.00 5.3
100 1,434 0.896 0.105 0.383 0.267 8.17 3.27
Cryostatic Bath Fluids, Aqueous Solutions, and Glycols D4.2 437

D4.2. Table 2. (continued)

Specific Kinematic Thermal

heat Thermal Dynamic viscosity diffusivity
Chemical Temperature Density capacity conductivity viscosity (10 6 m2/ (10 8 m2/ Prandtl
Substance formula ( C) (kg/m3) (kJ/kg K) (W/m K) (10 6 Ns/m2) s) s) number
Trichlorethylene [1] C2HCL3 85 1,730 0.879 0.138 2.26 1.310 9.11 14.4
75 1,710 0.887 0.137 2.01 1.180 9.06 13.1
50 1,660 0.900 0.135 1.40 0.845 9.03 9.4
25 1,610 0.921 0.133 0.981 0.610 8.92 6.9
0 1,550 0.938 0.130 0.710 0.458 9.00 5.1
20 1,507 0.950 0.128 0.576 0.391 9.17 4.27
50 1,440 0.971 0.125 0.446 0.310 8.86 3.51
100 1,340 1.005 0.120 0.343 0.256 8.89 2.88
Benzine [1] 50 775 2.051 0.142 0.981 1.26 8.89 14.2
25 755 2.093 0.141 0.686 0.91 8.89 10.2
0 735 2.135 0.140 0.510 0.695 8.89 7.8
20 720 2.198 0.140 0.402 0.56 8.83 6.3
50 690 2.260 0.143 0.294 0.425 9.17 4.65
100 650 2.386 0.136 0.196 0.302 8.75 3.45
Therminol D 12 [12] 85 835 1.635 0.124 295.88 354.35 9.08 3,901
50 811 1.805 0.119 12.07 14.889 8.13 183.2
20 790 1.941 0.116 3.23 4.094 7.56 54.12
0 776 2.025 0.113 1.93 2.486 7.19 34.57
20 762 2.108 0.110 1.29 1.697 6.85 24.78
50 740 2.235 0.105 0.80 1.087 6.35 17.12
100 702 2.445 0.096 0.45 0.642 5.59 11.48
150 662 2.645 0.087 0.29 0.437 4.97 8.80
200 615 2.857 0.076 0.20 0.327 4.33 7.56
250 562 3.045 0.065 0.15 0.259 3.80 6.82
Therminol VLT [12] 110 857 1.397 0.129 31.0 36.1 10.77 335.0
100 849 1.441 0.128 16.2 19.0 10.46 181.6
50 808 1.659 0.118 2.32 2.88 8.88 32.72
20 783 1.787 0.112 1.03 1.56 8.00 19.49
0 766 1.871 0.108 0.876 1.14 7.53 15.13
20 748 1.955 0.104 0.661 0.883 7.11 12.42
50 722 2.080 0.097 0.460 0.460 6.46 9.86
100 676 2.287 0.086 0.277 0.409 5.56 7.35
150 626 2.497 0.073 0.177 0.283 4.67 6.06
200 567 2.735 0.059 0.118 0.208 3.80 5.47

D4.2. Table 3a. Aqueous solution of anorganic substances (overview)

Contents at Minimum Specific Kinematic

minimal temperature heat viscosity
Chemical temperature Ambient Density capacity (10 6 m2/ pH Physiological
Substance formula (kg/kg) temperature ( C) (kg/m3) (kJ/kg K) s) value effect Remarks
Sodium NaCl 0.231 21.2 1,192 3.300 60.4 nontoxic [1]
chloride 20 1,174 3.346 14.4
Magnesium MgCl2 0.206 33.6 1,196 2.963 16.7 nontoxic [1]
chloride 20 1,183 3.083 2.4
438 D4 Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

D4.2. Table 3a. (continued)

Contents at Minimum Specific Kinematic

minimal temperature heat viscosity
Chemical temperature Ambient Density capacity (10 6 m2/ pH Physiological
Substance formula (kg/kg) temperature ( C) (kg/m3) (kJ/kg K) s) value effect Remarks
Calcium CaCl2 0.299 55 1,315 2.600 41.8 nontoxic [1];
chloride 20 1,277 2.783 2.75 CaCl2 special
Magnesium MgCl2/ 0.225 35 1,221 2.872 32.1 12.0 nontoxic TK 8 grün [2]
chloride/ CaCl2 20 1,199 3.014 2.62 Reinhartin [6]
Calcium Chlorisol [7]
Potassium K2CO3 0.389 35 1,434 2.587 41 12.2 nontoxic Pa9 rot [2]
carbonate 20 1,406 2.698 2.58 Anticora [6]
Karbosol [7]
K2CO3 0.40 35 1,427 2.61 31.5 nontoxic [3]
98–100% 20 1,404 2.71 3.06 1,985 exact
Ammonia NH4OH– 0.237 50 939 4.37 27
water H2O 0.763

D4.2. Table 3b. Aqueous solution of anorganic substances (overview)

Eutectic point
Chemical Proportional mass Melting point/ Density Dynamic viscosity viscosity
Substance formula weight percentage (%) freezing point ( C) (g/m3) (10 3 Ns/m2) (10 6 m2/s) Remarks
Sodium NaCl 23.4 21.1 1,194 6.7 5.6 [4–6]
Magnesium MgCl2 21.5 33.6 1,205 25 20.7 [4–7]
Calcium CaCl2 32 49.7 1,342 80 59.6 [4–7]
Potassium K2CO3 40 37.5 1,435 55 38.3 [4–7]

D4.2. Table 4. Aqueous solution of anorganic substances

Specific Dynamic
Solute substance Freezing heat Thermal viscosity Kinematic Thermal
and weight point Temperature Density capacity conductivity (10 6 viscosity diffusivity Prandtl
percentage (%) ( C) ( C) (kg/m3) (kJ/kg K) (W/m K) Ns /m2) (10 6 m2/s) (10 8 m2/s) number
NaCl [1]
7 4.4 20 1,049 3.843 0.593 1.08 1.03 14.7 6.95
10 1,052 3.835 0.576 1.41 1.345 14.3 9.4
0 1,054 3.827 0.559 1.87 1.78 13.9 12.7
4 1,055 3.818 0.556 2.16 2.06 13.9 14.8
11 7.5 20 1,079 3.697 0.593 1.15 1.06 14.8 7.18
10 1,083 3.684 0.570 1.52 1.41 14.3 9.9
0 1,084 3.676 0.556 2.02 1.87 14.0 13.4
5 1,085 3.672 0.549 2.44 2.26 13.8 16.4
7.5 1,086 3.672 0.545 2.65 2.45 13.8 17.8
Cryostatic Bath Fluids, Aqueous Solutions, and Glycols D4.2 439

D4.2. Table 4. (continued)

Specific Dynamic
Solute substance Freezing heat Thermal viscosity Kinematic Thermal
and weight point Temperature Density capacity conductivity (10 6 viscosity diffusivity Prandtl
percentage (%) ( C) ( C) (kg/m3) (kJ/kg K) (W/m K) Ns /m2) (10 6 m2/s) (10 8 m2/s) number
13.6 9.8 20 1,098 3.609 0.593 1.23 1.115 15.0 7.45
10 1,103 3.601 0.568 1.62 1.47 14.3 10.3
0 1,106 3.588 0.554 2.15 1.95 14.1 13.9
5 1,108 3.584 0.547 2.61 2.37 13.9 17.1
9.8 1,110 3.580 0.540 3.43 3.13 13.7 22.9
16.2 12.2 20 1,118 3.534 0.573 1.31 1.2 14.4 8.3
10 1,122 3.525 0.569 1.73 1.57 14.4 10.9
0 1,126 3.513 0.552 2.32 2.12 14.1 15.1
5 1,127 3.509 0.544 2.83 2.58 13.9 18.6
10 1,129 3.504 0.535 3.49 3.18 13.7 23.2
12.2 1,130 3.500 0.533 4.22 3.48 13.6 28.3
18.8 15.2 20 1,138 3.462 0.581 1.43 1.26 14.8 8.5
10 1,143 3.454 0.566 1.85 1.63 14.4 11.4
0 1,147 3.442 0.550 2.56 2.25 14.0 16.1
5 1,149 3.433 0.542 3.12 2.74 13.9 19.8
10 1,151 3.429 0.533 3.87 3.4 13.7 24.8
15 1,152 3.425 0.525 4.78 4.19 13.5 31
21.2 18.2 20 1,158 3.395 0.579 1.55 1.33 14.6 9.1
10 1,163 3.383 0.563 2.01 1.73 14.4 12.1
0 1,167 3.375 0.547 2.82 2.44 14.0 17.5
5 1,169 3.366 0.538 3.44 2.96 13.8 21.5
10 1,171 3.362 0.530 4.31 3.7 13.6 21.7
15 1,173 3.358 0.522 5.28 4.55 13.5 33.9
18 1,175 3.354 0.518 6.08 5.24 13.3 39.4
23.1 21.2 20 1,174 3.345 0.565 1.67 1.42 14.7 9.6
10 1,179 3.337 0.555 2.16 1.84 14.0 13.1
0 1,183 3.324 0.544 3.04 2.59 13.9 18.6
5 1,185 3.320 0.536 3.75 3.2 13.7 23.3
10 1,187 3.312 0.528 4.71 4.02 13.6 29.5
15 1,189 3.308 0.520 5.75 4.9 13.4 36.5
21 1,191 3.303 0.514 7.75 6.6 13.2 50
MgCl2 [1]
7.2 5 20 1,059 3.768 0.572 1.34 1.27 14.3 8.88
10 1,062 3.756 0.558 1.73 1.63 14.0 11.6
0 1,064 3.747 0.545 2.41 2.27 13.7 16.6
5 1,065 3.726 0.552 2.84 2.69 14.0 19.3
11.6 10.3 20 1,099 3.509 0.566 1.65 1.5 14.6 10.3
10 1,102 3.492 0.549 2.15 1.95 14.3 13.6
0 1,104 3.475 0.535 3.10 2.8 14.1 20
5 1,106 3.462 0.528 3.73 3.39 13.9 24.4
10 1,107 3.450 0.521 4.56 4.16 13.7 30.4
13.8 14.5 20 1,119 3.395 0.558 1.82 1.63 14.7 11.1
10 1,121 3.375 0.544 2.47 2.2 14.4 15.2
0 1,123 3.358 0.529 3.52 3.14 14.0 22.4
5 1,125 3.349 0.522 4.22 3.77 13.9 27.1
10 1,126 3.337 0.514 5.09 4.55 13.7 33.2
14 1,127 3.329 0.508 5.98 5.32 13.6 39.2
440 D4 Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

D4.2. Table 4. (continued)

Specific Dynamic
Solute substance Freezing heat Thermal viscosity Kinematic Thermal
and weight point Temperature Density capacity conductivity (10 6 viscosity diffusivity Prandtl
percentage (%) ( C) ( C) (kg/m3) (kJ/kg K) (W/m K) Ns /m2) (10 6 m2/s) (10 8 m2/s) number
17 22.8 20 1,150 3.236 0.552 2.20 1.91 14.9 12.9
10 1,152 3.215 0.537 3.05 2.65 14.5 18.3
0 1,154 3.195 0.521 4.20 3.65 14.2 25.7
5 1,155 3.182 0.514 5.30 4.61 14.1 32.8
10 1,157 3.165 0.507 6.23 5.42 14.0 38.7
15 1,158 3.148 0.498 7.84 6.8 13.7 49.5
20 1,159 3.140 0.490 9.71 8.41 13.6 61.8
22 1,160 3.140 0.486 10.39 9.05 13.5 67
20.6 33.6 20 1,183 3.081 0.545 2.85 2.41 15.0 16.1
10 1,186 3.056 0.529 3.90 3.3 14.6 22.7
0 1,188 3.035 0.513 5.49 4.64 14.3 32.5
5 1,189 3.014 0.505 6.77 5.71 14.1 40.5
10 1,190 3.006 0.497 8.37 7.07 14.0 50.7
15 1,192 2.998 0.487 10.36 8.72 13.7 63.8
20 1,193 2.981 0.479 12.93 10.9 13.6 80.5
25 1,194 2.973 0.470 16.27 13.7 13.3 103
30 1,195 2.964 0.461 19.91 16.8 13.1 128
33 1,196 2.956 0.454 22.55 19.05 13.0 147
CaCl2 [1]
14.7 10.2 20 1,128 3.362 0.576 1.49 1.32 15.2 8.7
10 1,131 3.349 0.563 1.86 1.64 14.9 11.05
0 1,135 3.329 0.549 2.56 2.27 14.6 15.6
5 1,137 3.316 0.542 3.04 2.7 14.4 18.7
10 1,138 3.308 0.534 4.06 3.6 14.3 25.3
20.9 19.2 20 1,188 3.077 0.569 2.00 1.68 15.5 10.9
10 1,192 3.056 0.555 2.45 2.06 15.3 13.4
0 1,196 3.044 0.542 3.28 2.76 14.9 18.5
5 1,198 3.014 0.535 3.82 3.22 14.9 21.5
10 1,199 3.014 0.527 5.07 4.25 14.7 28.9
15 1,202 3.014 0.521 6.59 5.53 14.7 38.2
25.7 31.2 20 1,237 2.894 0.562 2.63 2.12 15.7 13.5
10 1,242 2.883 0.548 3.22 2.51 15.3 16.5
0 1,247 2.872 0.535 4.26 3.43 15.1 22.7
10 1,253 2.854 0.521 6.68 5.4 14.8 36.6
15 1,255 2.837 0.514 8.36 6.75 14.6 46.3
20 1,258 2.817 0.508 10.56 8.52 14.6 58.5
25 1,260 2.791 0.501 12.90 10.4 14.3 72
30 1,263 2.763 0.494 14.81 12.0 14.5 83
28.4 43.6 20 1,272 2.805 0.557 3.14 2.47 15.6 15.8
0 1,277 2.780 0.529 5.12 4.02 15.0 26.7
10 1,282 2.763 0.518 8.02 6.32 14.7 42.7
20 1,287 2.721 0.505 12.65 10.0 14.6 68.8
25 1,290 2.721 0.498 15.98 12.6 14.4 87.5
30 1,292 2.700 0.491 18.83 14.9 14.3 103.5
35 1,295 2.700 0.484 24.52 19.3 14.2 136.5
40 1,297 2.680 0.478 30.40 24 14.1 171
Cryostatic Bath Fluids, Aqueous Solutions, and Glycols D4.2 441

D4.2. Table 4. (continued)

Specific Dynamic
Solute substance Freezing heat Thermal viscosity Kinematic Thermal
and weight point Temperature Density capacity conductivity (10 6 viscosity diffusivity Prandtl
percentage (%) ( C) ( C) (kg/m3) (kJ/kg K) (W/m K) Ns /m2) (10 6 m2/s) (10 8 m2/s) number
29.9 55 20 1,283 2.784 0.554 3.51 2.75 15.5 17.8
0 1,293 2.738 0.528 5.69 4.43 15.0 29.5
10 1,298 2.700 0.515 9.04 7.04 14.8 47.5
20 1,304 2.680 0.502 14.42 11.23 14.6 77
30 1,309 2.659 0.488 22.55 17.6 14.3 123
35 1,311 2.638 0.483 28.44 22.1 14.2 156.5
40 1,313 2.638 0.476 35.30 27.5 14.1 196
45 1,315 2.617 0.470 43.15 33.5 13.9 240
50 1,318 2.617 0.463 50.99 39.7 13.8 290
55 1,321 2.596 0.456 64.72 50.2 13.6 368
MgCl2/CaCl2 (4:1) [2]
10 7.5 20 1,084 3.622 0.570 1.68 1.55 14.5 10.7
15 1,086 3.613 0.562 1.87 1.73 14.3 12.1
10 1,088 3.605 0.556 2.12 1.95 14.2 13.7
5 1,090 3.596 0.549 2.42 2.22 14.0 15.9
0 1,092 3.588 0.542 2.82 2.58 13.8 18.9
5 1,094 3.580 0.535 3.33 3.04 13.7 22.2
7.5 1,095 3.576 0.532 3.65 3.33 13.6 24.5
15 15 20 1,130 3.425 0.558 2.01 1.77 14.4 12.3
15 1,132 3.413 0.551 2.28 2.01 14.3 14.1
10 1,134 3.402 0.544 2.63 2.32 14.1 16.5
5 1,136 3.391 0.537 3.02 2.66 13.9 19.1
0 1,138 3.379 0.530 3.51 3.08 13.8 22.3
5 1,140 3.367 0.523 4.16 3.65 13.6 26.8
10 1,142 3.356 0.516 4.97 4.35 13.5 32.2
15 1,144 3.345 0.509 6.08 5.31 13.3 39.9
17.3 20 20 1,150 3.292 0.553 2.28 1.98 14.6 13.6
10 1,154 3.265 0.542 2.98 2.58 14.4 17.9
0 1,158 3.241 0.525 4.05 3.50 14.0 25
10 1,162 3.215 0.511 5.74 4.94 13.7 36.1
20 1,166 3.190 0.498 8.83 7.57 13.4 56.5
20 26.7 20 1,174 3.136 0.546 2.75 2.34 14.8 15.8
10 1,178 3.111 0.532 3.58 3.04 14.5 21.0
0 1,182 3.085 0.518 4.58 4.10 14.2 28.9
10 1,186 3.061 0.505 6.89 5.81 13.9 41.8
20 1,190 3.034 0.493 10.6 8.91 13.7 65.0
25 1,192 3.021 0.484 13.5 11.3 13.4 84.3
22.5 35.3 20 1,199 3.014 0.540 3.16 2.64 14.9 17.7
10 1,203 2.989 0.526 4.22 3.51 14.6 24.0
0 1,207 2.964 0.513 5.76 4.77 14.3 33.4
10 1,211 2.938 0.498 8.34 6.89 14.0 49.2
20 1,215 2.912 0.484 12.90 10.6 13.7 77.4
30 1,219 2.886 0.471 22.90 18.8 13.4 140
35.5 1,221 2.872 0.463 32.40 26.5 13.2 201
442 D4 Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

D4.2. Table 4. (continued)

Specific Dynamic
Solute substance Freezing heat Thermal viscosity Kinematic Thermal
and weight point Temperature Density capacity conductivity (10 6 viscosity diffusivity Prandtl
percentage (%) ( C) ( C) (kg/m3) (kJ/kg K) (W/m K) Ns /m2) (10 6 m2/s) (10 8 m2/s) number
K2CO3 [2]
12.8 5 20 1,140 3.542 0.586 1.26 1.11 14.5 7.66
10 1,145 3.521 0.565 1.77 1.55 14.0 11.1
0 1,150 3.500 0.544 2.51 2.18 13.5 16.1
5 1,154 3.492 0.534 2.99 2.59 13.2 19.6
21.2 10 20 1,240 3.107 0.573 1.70 1.37 14.9 9.2
10 1,245 3.084 0.554 2.42 1.94 14.4 13.5
0 1,250 3.065 0.536 3.58 2.86 14.0 20.4
5 1,254 3.056 0.527 4.38 3.49 13.7 25.5
10 1,255 3.046 0.517 5.39 4.29 13.5 31.8
27 15 20 1,290 2.964 0.561 2.11 1.64 14.7 11.2
10 1,295 2.941 0.544 3.09 2.39 14.3 16.7
0 1,300 2.920 0.528 4.66 3.58 13.9 25.8
5 1,302 2.908 0.520 5.76 4.45 13.7 32.5
10 1,305 2.897 0.511 7.26 5.56 13.5 41.2
15 1,307 2.889 0.503 9.07 6.94 13.3 52.2
31 20 20 1,330 2.853 0.554 2.55 1.92 14.6 13.2
10 1,335 2.830 0.538 3.73 2.79 14.2 19.6
0 1,340 2.811 0.521 5.88 4.39 13.8 31.8
5 1,342 2.803 0.513 7.35 5.48 13.6 40.3
10 1,345 2.793 0.505 9.32 6.93 13.4 51.7
15 1,348 2.780 0.500 11.80 8.75 13.3 65.8
20 1,350 2.772 0.488 15.00 11.1 13.0 85.4
34 25 20 1,360 2.782 0.547 2.94 2.16 14.5 14.9
10 1,365 2.761 0.531 4.45 3.26 14.1 23.1
0 1,370 2.738 0.515 6.91 5.04 13.7 36.8
10 1,375 2.721 0.499 11.08 8.06 13.3 60.6
15 1,377 2.713 0.491 14.22 10.3 13.1 78.6
20 1,380 2.705 0.484 18.34 13.3 13.0 102
25 1,382 2.692 0.476 24.00 17.4 12.8 136
36.6 30 20 1,385 2.730 0.542 3.33 2.40 14.3 16.8
10 1,390 2.709 0.526 5.15 3.70 14.0 26.4
0 1,395 2.688 0.510 8.14 5.83 13.6 42.9
10 1,400 2.667 0.494 13.04 9.31 13.2 70.5
20 1,405 2.464 0.479 22.00 15.7 12.9 122
25 1,408 2.636 0.471 28.80 20.5 122.7 161
30 1,410 2.627 0.463 38.70 27.4 12.5 219
38.9 35 20 1,406 2.696 0.537 3.68 2.62 14.2 18.5
10 1,412 2.680 0.522 5.69 4.03 13.8 29.2
0 1,417 2.656 0.506 9.02 6.37 13.4 47.5
10 1,422 2.638 0.490 14.70 10.3 13.1 78.6
20 1,427 2.615 0.474 24.70 17.3 12.7 136
30 1,432 2.596 0.459 43.60 30.4 12.3 247
35 1,434 2.583 0.451 60.00 41.8 12.2 343
Cryostatic Bath Fluids, Aqueous Solutions, and Glycols D4.2 443

D4.2. Table 4. (continued)

Specific Dynamic
Solute substance Freezing heat Thermal viscosity Kinematic Thermal
and weight point Temperature Density capacity conductivity (10 6 viscosity diffusivity Prandtl
percentage (%) ( C) ( C) (kg/m3) (kJ/kg K) (W/m K) Ns /m2) (10 6 m2/s) (10 8 m2/s) number
K2CO3 [3]
10 3.5 20 1,089 3.69 0.591 1.26 1.16 14.7 7.87
10 1,091 3.67 0.574 1.60 1.47 14.3 10.2
0 1,093 3.66 0.566 2.12 1.94 13.9 14.0
15 5.8 20 1,135 3.50 0.586 1.45 1.28 14.8 8.66
10 1,138 3.48 0.569 1.85 1.62 14.3 11.3
0 1,141 3.47 0.552 2.40 2.10 13.9 15.1
5 1,142 3.46 0.544 2.85 2.50 13.7 18.2
20 8.8 20 1,187 3.31 0.581 1.70 1.43 14.8 9.69
10 1,190 3.29 0.564 2.15 1.81 14.4 12.6
0 1,193 3.28 0.547 2.80 2.35 14.0 16.8
5 1,194 3.27 0.538 3.25 2.72 13.8 19.8
25 12.8 20 1,238 3.12 0.576 2.05 1.66 14.9 11.1
10 1,242 3.10 0.559 2.55 2.05 14.5 14.2
0 1,245 3.09 0.542 3.35 2.59 14.1 19.1
5 1,247 3.08 0.534 3.90 3.13 13.9 22.5
10 1,249 3.07 0.526 4.60 3.68 13.7 26.8
30 18 20 1,292 2.96 0.569 2.55 1.97 14.9 13.3
10 1,295 2.94 0.553 3.25 2.51 14.5 17.3
0 1,298 2.93 0.536 4.30 3.31 14.1 23.5
10 1,302 2.91 0.520 6.00 4.61 13.7 33.6
15 1,303 2.90 0.512 7.20 5.53 13.5 40.8
35 26 20 1,350 2.82 0.563 3.25 2.41 14.8 16.3
10 1,354 2.80 0.546 4.20 3.10 14.4 21.5
0 1,358 2.79 0.530 5.65 4.16 14.0 29.7
10 1,361 2.77 0.514 8.05 5.91 13.6 43.4
20 1,362 2.75 0.498 12.10 8.87 13.3 66.8
25 1,366 2.74 0.490 15.50 11.35 13.1 86.7
40 36 20 1,404 2.71 0.554 4.3 3.06 14.6 21.0
10 1,408 2.69 0.538 5.65 4.01 14.2 28.3
0 1,412 2.68 0.522 7.90 5.59 13.8 40.6
10 1,417 2.66 0.507 11.70 8.26 13.5 61.4
20 1,421 2.64 0.491 18.30 12.87 13.1 98.4
30 1,425 2.62 0.475 (32.00) (22.5) 12.7 (177)
35 1,427 2.61 0.467 (45.00) (31.5) 12.5 (252)
444 D4 Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

D4.2. Table 5a. Organic charge materials for aqueous solutions (overview)

Contents at min. Melting point Specific heat Kinematic

Chemical temperature ambient Density capacity viscosity pH
Substance formula (kg/kgc) temperature ( C) (kg/m3) (kJ/kg K) (10 6 m2/s) value
Methanol CH3OH 1 97.65 904 2.14 9.62
20 792 2.495 0.737
Ethanol C2H5OH 1 114.05 892 1.90 52.7
20 789 2.394 1.53
Monoethylenglycol C2H4(OH)2 0.65 50
20 1,134 2.3 27 7.8–8.2
1.2 Propylenglycola C3H6(OH)2 0.6 40 1,100 2.3
20 1,050 2.5 71.4 7–9
Glycerin C3H6(OH)3 0.63 40 1,190 2.53 840
20 1,162 3.00 11.2
Potassium formiate-based (acc. HCOOK 1 56
safety data sheet Pekasol 50 1,313 3.00 123
2000) [7]
0 1,297 3.14 6.70
20 1,290 3.19 3.18 11.5–12
Substance Chemical formula Corrosiveness number Remarks
Methanol CH3OH High corrosive LD50 = 0.34 g/kg
MAK 200 ppm
Ethanol C2H5OH High corrosive MAK 1,000 ppm
Monoethylenglycola C2 H4(OH)2 More corrosive as pure water; less LD50b = 5.8 g/kg For example, Antifrost B (AVIA)
corrosive when inhibited Antifrogen N (Clariant)
Glythermin NF (BASF)
Dowcal 10 (Dow)
Tyfocor (Tyforop)
Glykosol N (Prokühlsole)
Fragoltherm W-EGA (Fragol)
Fragoltherm W-EBS (Fragol)
Monoethylenglycola C2H4(OH)2 Less corrosive when inhibited Free of nitrite, For example, Zitrec M (Arteco)
amine, phosphate
LD50b > 2.0 g/kg
1,2 Propylenglycola C3H6(OH)2 Less corrosive when inhibited LD50b = 15 g/kg For example, Antifrogen L
Glythermin P 44 (BASF)
Dowcal 20 (Dow)
Dowcal N FDA-approved
Tyfocor L (Tyforop)
Pekasol L (Prokühlsole)
Fragoltherm W-PGA (Fragol)
Zitrec F (Arteco) NSF approved
1,2 Propylenglycola C3H6(OH)2 Less corrosive when inhibited Free of nitrite, For example, Zitrec L (Arteco)
amine, phosphate
LD50b = 15 g/kg
Potassium acetate CH3COOK Low tested acc. ASTM D 1384; wastage LD50b > 2.0 g/kg based on potassium acetate
rate <0.01 mm/year regarding the MAK 200 ppm which is approved as a food
guidelines additive
Potassium acetate- CH3COOK-HCOOK Low tested acc. EMPA-SOP Nr. 1536: Free of nitrite, [9] Institut Fresenius: contents
potassium steel 0, carbon steel 0 g/m2 weight amine, phosphate components which are
formiate-mix loss; low, when inhibited LD50b > 2.0 g/kg approved as food additives
MAK 200 ppm
Cryostatic Bath Fluids, Aqueous Solutions, and Glycols D4.2 445

D4.2. Table 5a. (continued)

Substance Chemical formula Corrosiveness number Remarks
potassium HCOOK- C2H5 Low, tested acc. ASTM D 1384; Free of nitrite, For example, Zitrec S (Arteco)
formiate-sodium COONa-mixture wastage rate <0.01 mm/year amine, phosphate
propionate-mix regarding the guidelines LD50b > 2.0 g/kg
potassium formiate HCOOK Low, tested acc. ASTM D 1384; Free of nitrite, Based on potassium acetate
wastage rate <0.01 mm/year amine, phosphate which is approved as a food
regarding the guidelines LD50b > 2.0 g/kg additive
MAK 200 ppm
Commercial coolants, anti corrosion inhibited
LD50 (oral, rat)
Contents kg substance/kg solution

D4.2. Table 5b. Organic charge materials for aqueous solutions (overview)

Chemical concentration Application range Density at 20 C Specific heat capacity at 20 C
Substance formula % (volume) ( C) (kg/m3) (kJ/kg K)
Methanol CH3OH 10–100 90 to +20 792 2.945
Ethanol C2H5OH 10–100 100 to +20 798 2.394
Monoethylenglycola C2H4(OH)2 5–90 40 to +130 1,114 2.35
1,2 Propylenglycol C3H6(OH)2 5–90 30 to +130 1,036 2.50
Potassium acetate CH3COOK 60–90 55 to +80c 1,100–1,240 3.55–2.95
Potassium acetate- CH3COOK– 30–100 60 to +60 1,289 2.668
potassium formiate- HCOOK
Potassium formiate- HCOOK– Ready made 55 to +80 1.089–1.312 3.63–2.5
sodium propionate- C2 H5 COONa–
mixture Gemisch
Potassium formiate HCOOK Ready made 60 to +80c 1,222–1,394 3.20–2.52
Chemical viscosity at 20 C Corrosiveness Physiological Examples of commercial products
Substance formula (10 6 m2/s) (versus metals) figures with corrosion protection
Methanol CH3OH 0.737 In aqueous solutions LD0 = 0.34 g/kg
High corrosive (oral, human)
MAK: 200 ppm
Ethanol C2H5OH 1.53 In aqueous solutions LD50b = 7.06 g/kg
High corrosive (oral, rat)
MAK: 1,000 ppm
Monoethylenglycola C2H4(OH)2 19 Low, when anti- LD50b = 5.8 g/kg For example, Antifrost B (AVIA)
corrosive inhibited (oral, rat) Antifrogen N (Clariant)
Glythermin NF (BASF)
Tyfocor (Tyforop)
Dowcal 10 (Dow)
Glykosol N (Prokühlsole)
Fragoltherm W-EGA (Fragol)
Zitrec M (Arteco)
446 D4 Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

D4.2. Table 5b. (continued)

Chemical viscosity at 20 C Corrosiveness Physiological Examples of commercial products
Substance formula (10 6 m2/s) (versus metals) figures with corrosion protection
1,2 Propyleneglycola C3H6(OH)2 56 Low, when anti- LD50b = 15 g/kg For example, Antifrogen L (Clariant)
corrosive inhibited (oral, rat) Glythermin P 44 (BASF)
Tyfocor L (Tyforop)
Dowcal 20 (Dow)
Dowcal N FDA approved
Pekasol L (Prokühlsole)
Fragoltherm W-PGA (Fragol)
Zitrec L (Arteco)
Zitrec F (Arteco)NSF approved
Potassium acetate CH3COOK 1.67 to 10 Low considering the LD50b > 2.0 g/kg Tyfoxit (Tyforop)
guidelines MAK 200 ppm
Potassium acetate- CH3COOK- 1.29 to 9.8 Low considering the Free of nitrite, Pekasol 2000 (Prokühlsole)
potassium formiate- HCOOK 2.95 to 60 guidelines amine, phosphate
mixture LD50b > 2.0 g/kg
MAK 200 ppm
Potassium formiate- HCOOK- Low considering the Free of nitrite, For example, Zitrec S (Arteco)
sodium propionate- C2H5 guidelines amine, phosphate
mixture COONa
Potassium formiate HCOOK 1.67 to 15 Low considering the Free of nitrite, Tyfoxit F15–F60: ready made (Tyforop)
2.88 to 60 guidelines amine, phosphate Antifrogen KF (Clariant)
Freezium (Kemira)
Commercial coolants, anti-corrosion inhibited
LD50 (oral, rat)
Considering the guidelines

D4.2. Table 5c. Aqueous solution of organic substances

Dynamic Kinematic Thermal

Solute substance Freezing Specific heat Thermal viscosity viscosity diffusivity
and weight point Temperature Density capacity (kJ/ conductivity (10 6 (10 6 (10 8 Prandtl
percentage (%) ( C) ( C) (kg/m3) kg K) (W/m K) Ns /m2) m2/s) m2/s) number
CH3OH [1]
10 7.5 0 984 4.291 0.514 2.62 2.66 12.2 21.8
7.5 986 4.344 0.504 3.63 3.68 11.8 31.2
20 16.5 0 972 4.072 0.469 3.53 3.63 11.8 30.8
10 976 4.072 0.458 5.39 5.52 11.5 48
16.5 978 4.072 0.452 6.91 7.07 11.3 62.6
30 26 0 961 3.816 0.434 3.68 3.83 12.0 31.9
10 965 3.841 0.426 5.88 6.09 11.5 53
20 970 3.830 0.419 9.81 10.1 11.5 87.8
26 972 3.820 0.414 13.50 13.9 11.1 125
40 39 0 946 3.653 0.400 3.73 3.94 11.6 34
10 951 3.632 0.397 5.59 5.88 11.5 51.1
20 956 3.611 0.394 8.92 9.33 11.4 81.8
30 962 3.588 0.391 15.40 16 11.3 142
39 966 3.567 0.388 27.50 28.5 11.3 252
Cryostatic Bath Fluids, Aqueous Solutions, and Glycols D4.2 447

D4.2. Table 5c. (continued)

Dynamic Kinematic Thermal

Solute substance Freezing Specific heat Thermal viscosity viscosity diffusivity
and weight point Temperature Density capacity (kJ/ conductivity (10 6 (10 6 (10 8 Prandtl
percentage (%) ( C) ( C) (kg/m3) kg K) (W/m K) Ns /m2) m2/s) m2/s) number
50 54.5 0 928.5 3.437 0.368 3.50 2.69 11.5 23.4
20 941.5 3.387 0.368 7.65 8.13 11.5 70.7
40 954.5 3.339 0.368 23.05 24.1 11.5 210
54.5 964 3.308 0.369 90.20 93.6 11.6 807
60 74 0 908.5 3.224 0.335 2.94 3.24 11.4 28.4
20 923 3.174 0.339 6.08 6.59 11.6 56.8
40 937 3.128 0.343 9.41 10 11.7 85.5
60 951 3.077 0.347 56.90 59.8 11.9 503
74 961 3.046
70 Below 0 887 3.025 0.305 2.43 2.74 11.4 24
80 20 902 2.978 0.313 4.50 4.99 11.7 42.6
40 917 2.931 0.321 9.40 10.3 11.9 86.6
60 932 2.878 0.330 27.50 29.5 12.3 240
75 943 2.843 0.337 99.00 105 12.6 833
80 948 2.831 0.339
80 Below 0 863 2.826 0.277 1.83 2.12 11.4 18.6
80 20 878 2.774 0.288 3.10 3.53 11.8 29.9
40 894 2.727 0.298 5.88 6.58 12.2 53.9
60 910 2.680 0.309 14.00 15.4 12.7 121
75 926 2.642 0.317 36.30 39.2 13.0 302
80 927 2.627 0.320
90 Below 0 810.5 2.604 0.251 1.37 1.69 11.9 14.2
80 20 828 2.559 0.263 2.12 2.56 12.4 20.6
40 845 2.512 0.276 3.56 4.21 13 32.4
60 863 2.460 0.289 7.20 8.34 13.6 61.3
75 876 2.424 0.298 15.00 17.1 14 122
80 880 2.418 0.302
CH3 OH [1]
10 6 0 985 4.375 0.535 3.24 3.29 12.4 26.5
6 988 4.396 0.529 3.92 3.79 12.2 31.1
20 11.5 0 976 4.365 0.481 5.50 5.64 11.3 49.9
11.5 983 4.365 0.473 9.80 9.97 11.0 91
30 17.5 0 966 4.291 0.430 7.16 7.41 10.4 71.2
10 972 4.176 0.425 12.75 13.1 10.5 125
17.5 977 4.134 0.422 20.60 21.1 10.4 203
40 25.5 0 949 3.988 0.381 7.20 7.59 10.1 75.1
10 956 3.957 0.379 12.75 13.3 10.0 133
20 963 3.925 0.377 24.50 25.4 9.97 255
25.5 967 3.904 0.376 38.25 39.6 9.96 398
50 33.5 0 930 3.695 0.341 6.47 6.96 9.92 70.2
10 937 3.663 0.340 11.00 11.7 9.91 118
20 944 3.642 0.338 20.00 21.2 9.83 216
30 952 3.590 0.337 40.70 42.8 9.86 434
33.5 955 3.571 0.337 56.00 58.6 9.88 593
448 D4 Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

D4.2. Table 5c. (continued)

Dynamic Kinematic Thermal

Solute substance Freezing Specific heat Thermal viscosity viscosity diffusivity
and weight point Temperature Density capacity (kJ/ conductivity (10 6 (10 6 (10 8 Prandtl
percentage (%) ( C) ( C) (kg/m3) kg K) (W/m K) Ns /m2) m2/s) m2/s) number
60 43 0 907 3.360 0.305 5.50 6.06 10.0 60.6
10 915 3.318 0.306 8.83 9.65 10.1 95.5
20 923 3.287 0.307 14.70 15.9 10.1 157
30 931 3.255 0.309 26.50 28.5 10.2 279
40 939 3.213 0.312 54.40 57.9 10.3 562
43 942 3.203 0.312 69.60 73.9 10.3 717
70 55.5 0 884 3.060 0.277 4.56 5.16 10.2 50.6
10 893 3.025 0.279 5.03 5.63 10.3 54.7
20 901 2.985 0.283 7.16 7.95 10.5 75.7
30 909 2.952 0.286 11.20 12.3 10.7 115
40 917 2.914 0.290 17.35 18.9 10.9 173
50 926 2.878 0.293 53.30 57.6 11.0 524
55.5 930 2.860 0.294 86.30 92.8 11.1 836
80 72 0 860 2.757 0.250 4.51 5.24 10.5 49.9
20 877 2.690 0.260 7.45 8.49 11.0 77.2
40 893 2.617 0.269 17.46 19.6 11.5 170
50 902 2.585 0.273 28.90 32.0 11.7 273
60 910 2.546 0.278 55.90 61.4 12.0 512
65 914 2.533 0.281 85.00 93.0 12.1 769
90 Below 0 834 2.481 0.2269 2.81 3.37 10.9 30.9
80 20 851 2.418 0.238 5.10 5.99 11.6 51.6
40 868 2.345 0.250 10.00 11.5 12.3 93.5
60 875 2.271 0.262 24.00 27.4 13.2 208
75 898 2.219 0.274 62.80 69.9 13.7 510
Solute substance Freezing Specific heat Thermal Dynamic Kinetic Thermal Vapor
and volume point Temperature Density capacity conductivity viscosity viscosity diffusivity Prandtl pressure
percentage (%) ( C) ( C) (kg/m3) (kJ/kg K) (W/m K) (10 6 Ns /m2) (10 6 m2/s) (10 8 m2/s) number (mbar)
Monoethylenglycola [8, 10] C2H4 (OH)2
20 10 10 1,038 3.85 0.498 5.19 5 12.5 40.1
0 1,036 3.87 0.502 3.11 3 12.5 23.98
20 1,030 3.90 0.512 1.65 1.6 12.7 12.6
40 1,022 3.93 0.521 1.02 1.0 13.0 7.69
60 1,014 3.96 0.531 0.71 0.7 13.2 5.29 180
80 1,006 3.99 0.540 0.52 0.52 13.4 3.86 430
100 997 4.02 0.550 0.41 0.41 13.7 2.99 850
34 20 20 1,069 3.51 0.462 11.76 11 12.3 89.3
0 1,063 3.56 0.466 4.89 4.6 12.3 37.4
20 1,055 3.62 0.470 2.32 2.2 12.3 17.9
40 1,044 3.68 0.473 1.57 1.5 12.3 12.2
60 1,033 3.73 0.475 1.01 0.98 12.3 7.93 150
80 1,022 3.78 0.478 0.69 0.68 12.4 5.50 380
100 1,010 3.84 0.480 0.51 0.51 12.4 4.12 800
Cryostatic Bath Fluids, Aqueous Solutions, and Glycols D4.2 449

D4.2. Table 5c. (continued)

Solute substance Freezing Specific heat Thermal Dynamic Kinetic Thermal Vapor
and volume point Temperature Density capacity conductivity viscosity viscosity diffusivity Prandtl pressure
percentage (%) ( C) ( C) (kg/m3) (kJ/kg K) (W/m K) (10 6 Ns /m2) (10 6 m2/s) (10 8 m2/s) number (mbar)
52 40 40 1,108 3.04 0.416 110.80 100 12.35 810
20 1,100 3.11 0.409 27.50 25 12.0 290
0 1,092 3.19 0.405 10.37 9.5 11.6 81.7
20 1,082 3.26 0.402 4.87 4.5 11.4 39.5
40 1,069 3.34 0.398 2.57 2.4 11.1 21.6
60 1,057 3.41 0.394 1.59 1.5 10.9 13.8 130
80 1,045 3.49 0.390 1.05 1.0 10.7 9.4 330
100 1,032 3.56 0.385 0.72 0.7 10.5 6.68 660
1,2 Propylenglycola [9, 10] C3H6(OH)2
25 10 10 1,032 3.93 0.466 10.22 9.9 11.5 86.2
0 1,030 3.95 0.470 6.18 6.0 11.55 51.9
20 1,024 3.98 0.478 2.86 2.8 11.7 23.8
40 1,016 4.00 0.491 1.42 1.4 12.1 11.6 72
60 1,003 4.03 0.505 0.90 0.90 12.5 7.20 180
80 986 4.05 0.519 0.67 0.68 13.0 5.24 420
100 979 4.08 0.513 0.51 0.52 13.3 3.90 930
38 20 20 1,050 3.68 0.420 47.25 45 10.9 414
0 1,045 3.72 0.425 12.54 12 10.9 109.8
20 1,036 3.77 0.429 4.56 4.4 11.0 40.1
40 1,025 3.82 0.433 2.26 2.2 11.1 19.9 66
60 1,012 3.88 0.437 1.32 1.3 11.1 11.7 170
80 997 3.94 0.441 0.90 0.9 11.2 8.01 410
100 982 4.0 0.445 0.69 0.7 11.3 6.18 910
47 30 30 1,066 3.45 0.397 160 150 10.8 1,390
20 1,062 3.49 0.396 74.3 70 10.7 655
10 1,058 3.52 0.395 31.7 30 10.6 283
0 1,054 3.56 0.395 19.0 18 10.5 171
20 1,044 3.62 0.394 6.26 6 10.4 57.6
40 1,030 3.69 0.393 2.99 2.9 10.3 28.0 53
60 1,015 3.76 0.392 1.62 1.6 10.27 15.6 160
80 999 3.82 0.391 1.10 1.1 10.25 10.7 370
100 984 3.89 0.390 0.81 0.82 10.19 8.05 800
Solute substance and Freezing Specific heat Thermal Dynamic Kinetic Thermal
volume percentage point Temperature Density capacity conductivity viscosity (10 6 viscosity diffusivity Prandtl
(%) ( C) ( C) (kg/m3) (kJ/kg K) (W/m K) Ns /m2) (10 6 m2/s) (10 8 m2/s) number

Glycerin [7]
19.5 5 40 1,038 3.880 0.548 1.07 1.03 13.61 7.6
20 1,045 3.855 0.524 1.70 1.63 13.01 12.5
10 1,048 3.840 0.511 2.35 2.24 12.70 17.7
0 1,051 3.830 0.498 3.35 3.19 12.37 25.8
5 1,052 3.825 0.492 4.15 3.94 12.23 32.3
30.5 10 40 1,066 3.690 0.504 1.55 1.45 12.81 11.3
20 1,074 3.635 0.484 2.58 2.40 12.40 19.4
10 1,078 3.610 0.473 3.50 3.25 12.15 26.7
0 1,081 3.585 0.462 5.00 4.63 11.92 38.8
10 1,083 3.560 0.451 7.9 7.3 11.70 62.4
39.5 15 40 1,088 3.560 0.470 2.02 1.86 12.13 15.3
20 1,097 3.460 0.453 3.55 3.24 11.93 27.1
10 1,102 3.415 0.444 5.03 4.56 11.80 38.7
0 1,106 3.365 0.435 7.80 7.05 11.69 60.3
10 1,109 3.315 0.426 12.7 11.5 11.59 98.8
15 1,110 3.290 0.422 17 15 11.56 133
450 D4 Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

D4.2. Table 5c. (continued)

Solute substance and Freezing Specific heat Thermal Dynamic Kinetic Thermal
volume percentage point Temperature Density capacity conductivity viscosity (10 6 viscosity diffusivity Prandtl
(%) ( C) ( C) (kg/m3) (kJ/kg K) (W/m K) Ns /m2) (10 6 m2/s) (10 8 m2/s) number
46.5 20 40 1,107 3.440 0.444 2.65 2.39 11.66 20.5
20 1,117 3.325 0.429 5.0 4.48 11.55 38.3
10 1,121 3.265 0.421 7.2 6.42 11.50 55.8
0 1,125 3.210 0.414 11.4 10.1 11.46 88.4
10 1,129 3.150 0.407 19 17 11.44 147
20 1,132 3.090 0.400 37 33 11.44 286
52 25 40 1,122 3.340 0.426 3.45 3.07 11.37 27.0
20 1,132 3.210 0.412 6.70 5.92 11.34 52.2
10 1,137 3.145 0.405 9.90 8.71 11.33 76.9
0 1,141 3.080 0.398 15.7 13.8 11.33 121
10 1,146 3.020 0.392 27.5 24.0 11.33 212
20 1,150 2.950 0.385 56 49 11.35 429
25 1,151 2.920 0.382 82 71 11.37 627
56 30 40 1,132 3.270 0.411 4.30 3.80 11.10 34.2
20 1,142 3.130 0.398 8.40 7.36 11.13 66.1
10 1,147 3.060 0.392 12.8 11.2 11.17 99.9
0 1,152 2.990 0.386 20.2 17.4 11.21 155
10 1,157 2.920 0.380 37 32 11.25 284
20 1,162 2.850 0.375 80 69 11.32 608
30 1,166 2.780 0.370 180 154 11.41 1,350
60 35 40 1,143 3.200 0.397 5.40 4.72 10.85 43.5
20 1,153 3.055 0.385 10.7 9.3 10.93 84.9
10 1,159 3.980 0.380 16.0 13.8 11.00 125
0 1,164 2.905 0.375 26 22 11.09 201
10 1,169 2.830 0.370 50 43 11.18 382
20 1,174 2.755 0.365 110 94 11.29 830
30 1,178 2.680 0.360 270 230 11.40 2,010
35 1,180 2.645 0.358 430 365 11.47 3,180
63 40 40 1,151 3.150 0.388 6.40 5.56 10.70 52.0
20 1,162 2.995 0.376 13.0 11.2 10.80 104
10 1,168 2.920 0.371 20.0 17.1 10.88 157
0 1,173 2.840 0.366 35 30 10.99 272
10 1,178 2.765 0.361 70 59 11.08 536
20 1,183 2.685 0.357 165 139 11.24 1,240
30 1,187 2.610 0.353 400 340 11.39 2,960
40 1,190 2.530 0.349 1,000 840 11.59 7,250
Specific heat Thermal Dynamic Kinematic Thermal
Solute substance Temperature Density capacity conductivity viscosity viscosity diffusivity Prandtl
and freezing point ( C) (kg/m3) (kJ/kg )K (W/m K) (10 6 Ns /m2) (10 6 m2/s) (10 8 m2/s) number

Freezium 15 [11]
15 15 1,155 3.32 0.49 3.51 3.04 12.78 23.61
10 1,153 3.33 0.50 3.03 2.63 13.02 20.21
0 1,149 3.34 0.51 2.20 1.92 13.29 14.32
10 1,145 3.36 0.53 1.68 1.47 13.78 10.69
20 1,141 3.37 0.54 1.33 1.17 14.04 8.30
30 1,137 3.39 0.56 1.09 0.96 14.53 6.63
40 1,133 3.40 0.57 0.89 0.79 14.80 5.37
Cryostatic Bath Fluids, Aqueous Solutions, and Glycols D4.2 451

D4.2. Table 5c. (continued)

Specific heat Thermal Dynamic Kinematic Thermal
Solute substance Temperature Density capacity conductivity viscosity viscosity diffusivity Prandtl
and freezing point ( C) (kg/m3) (kJ/kg )K (W/m K) (10 6 Ns /m2) (10 6 m2/s) (10 8 m2/s) number
Freezium 25
25 25 1,229 3.00 0.47 6.49 5.28 12.75 41.56
20 1,227 3.01 0.47 5.45 4.44 12.73 34.63
10 1,223 3.03 0.49 3.71 3.03 13.22 23.11
0 1,219 3.06 0.50 2.68 2.20 13.40 16.46
10 1,215 3.08 0.51 2.05 1.69 13.63 12.34
20 1,211 3.10 0.52 1.63 1.35 13.85 9.63
30 1,207 3.12 0.54 1.33 1.10 14.34 7.73
40 1,203 3.14 0.55 1.09 0.91 14.56 6.29
Freezium 30
30 30 1,253 2.91 0.46 8.91 7.11 12.62 56.36
20 1,250 2.93 0.47 5.9 4.72 12.83 36.75
10 1,246 2.95 0.48 4.01 3.22 13.06 24.57
0 1,242 2.97 0.49 2.92 2.35 13.28 17.52
10 1,238 3.00 0.51 2.23 1.80 13.73 13.17
20 1,234 3.02 0.52 1.76 1.43 13.95 10.29
30 1,230 3.04 0.53 1.44 1.17 14.17 8.27
40 1,226 3.07 0.54 1.19 0.97 14.35 6.74
Freezium 40
40 40 1,304 2.71 0.44 18.49 14.18 12.45 113.47
30 1,301 2.74 0.45 11.33 8.71 12.62 68.55
20 1,297 2.76 0.46 7.15 5.51 12.85 42.60
10 1,293 2.79 0.47 4.86 3.76 13.03 28.58
0 1,289 2.82 0.49 3.52 2.73 13.48 20.46
10 1,285 2.85 0.50 2.68 2.09 13.65 15.42
20 1,281 2.87 0.51 2.14 1.67 13.87 12.09
30 1,277 2.90 0.52 1.75 1.37 14.04 9.75
40 1,272 2.92 0.53 1.54 1.21 14.01 8.77
Freezium 60
60 60 1,371 2.46 0.42 89.95 65.61 12.45 531.31
50 1,368 2.49 0.43 49.30 36.04 12.62 288.57
40 1,364 2.52 0.44 25.71 18.85 12.80 148.94
30 1,360 2.55 0.45 14.43 10.91 12.98 85.07
20 1,356 2.58 0.46 9.36 6.90 13.15 53.11
10 1,352 2.61 0.47 6.37 4.71 13.32 35.80
0 1,348 2.65 0.48 4.62 3.43 13.44 25.73
10 1,344 2.68 0.49 3.53 2.63 13.60 19.48
20 1,340 2.71 0.50 2.80 2.09 13.77 15.34
30 1,336 2.74 0.51 2.28 1.71 13.93 12.41
40 1,332 2.77 0.52 1.89 1.42 14.09 10.19
Tyfoxit F15 [6]
15 15 1,236 3.16 0.501 4.68 3.79 12.83 29.5
10 1,234 3.17 0.512 3.97 3.22 13.09 24.6
0 1,230 3.18 0.523 3.01 2.45 13.37 18.3
10 1,226 3.19 0.534 2.37 1.93 13.65 14.1
20 1,222 3.20 0.546 2.04 1.67 13.96 12.0
30 1,218 3.21 0.556 1.75 1.44 14.22 10.1
40 1,214 3.22 0.567 1.53 1.26 14.50 8.69
452 D4 Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

D4.2. Table 5c. (continued)

Specific heat Thermal Dynamic Kinematic Thermal
Solute substance Temperature Density capacity conductivity viscosity viscosity diffusivity Prandtl
and freezing point ( C) (kg/m3) (kJ/kg )K (W/m K) (10 6 Ns /m2) (10 6 m2/s) (10 8 m2/s) number
Tyfoxit F20
20 20 1,278 2.91 0.486 6.39 5.00 13.07 38.3
10 1,274 2.92 0.497 4.55 3.57 13.36 26.7
0 1,270 2.93 0.508 3.28 2.58 13.65 18.9
10 1,266 2.94 0.519 2.61 2.06 13.94 14.8
20 1,262 2.95 0.531 2.18 1.73 14.26 12.1
30 1,258 2.96 0.542 1.85 1.47 14.56 10.1
40 1,254 2.97 0.553 1.62 1.29 14.85 8.69
Tyfoxit F30
30 30 1,304 2.77 0.446 10.9 8.35 12.35 67.6
20 1,300 2.78 0.456 6.97 5.36 12.62 42.5
10 1,296 2.79 0.472 4.89 3.77 13.05 28.9
0 1,292 2.80 0.485 3.54 2.74 13.41 20.4
10 1,288 2.81 0.498 2.83 2.20 13.76 16.0
20 1,284 2.82 0.511 2.30 1.79 14.11 12.7
30 1,280 2.83 0.524 1.92 1.50 14.47 10.4
40 1,276 2.84 0.537 1.70 1.33 14.82 8.97
Tyfoxit F40
40 40 1,360 2.64 0.425 25.9 19.06 11.84 161
30 1,356 2.65 0.436 14.0 10.31 12.13 85.0
20 1,352 2.66 0.447 8.88 6.57 12.43 52.9
10 1,348 2.67 0.458 6.13 4.55 12.73 35.7
0 1,344 2.68 0.469 4.37 3.25 13.02 25.0
10 1,340 2.59 0.480 3.59 2.68 13.32 20.1
20 1,336 2.70 0.491 2.74 2.05 13.61 15.1
30 1,332 2.71 0.502 2.26 1.70 13.91 12.2
40 1,328 2.72 0.513 1.98 1.49 14.20 10.5
Tyfoxit F50
50 50 1,386 2.55 0.379 76.2 55.0 10.72 513
40 1,382 2.56 0.392 33.4 24.2 11.08 218
30 1,378 2.57 0.405 17.8 13.89 11.44 113
20 1,374 2.58 0.418 11.1 8.1 11.79 68.4
10 1,370 2.59 0.431 7.26 5.30 12.15 43.6
0 1,366 2.60 0.443 5.29 3.87 12.47 31.0
10 1,362 2.61 0.455 3.98 2.92 12.80 22.8
20 1,358 2.62 0.468 3.20 2.36 13.15 17.9
30 1,356 2.63 0.481 2.71 2.00 13.49 14.8
40 1,360 2.64 0.493 2.35 1.73 13.73 12.6
Tyfoxit F60
60 60 1,426 2.44 0.356 386 271 10.23 2,649
50 1,422 2.45 0.369 132 93.1 10.59 879
40 1,418 2.46 0.382 53.8 37.9 10.95 346
30 1,414 2.47 0.395 25.8 18.2 11.31 161
20 1,410 2.48 0.408 15.2 10.8 11.67 92.5
10 1,406 2.49 0.421 9.95 7.08 12.03 58.9
0 1,402 2.50 0.434 6.80 4.85 12.38 39.2
10 1,398 2.51 0.447 5.10 3.65 12.74 28.6
20 1,394 2.52 0.460 4.01 2.88 13.09 22.0
30 1,390 2.53 0.473 3.38 2.43 13.45 18.1
40 1,386 2.54 0.486 2.84 2.05 13.81 14.8
Cryostatic Bath Fluids, Aqueous Solutions, and Glycols D4.2 453

D4.2. Table 5c. (continued)

Specific heat Thermal Dynamic Kinematic Thermal
Solute substance Temperature Density capacity conductivity viscosity viscosity diffusivity Prandtl
and freezing point ( C) (kg/m3) (kJ/kg )K (W/m K) (10 6 Ns /m2) (10 6 m2/s) (10 8 m2/s) number
Pekasol 2000 [7] 40 Vol%
14.1 10 1,133 3.275 0.507 3.85 3.40 13.7 24.9
0 1,131 3.301 0.517 2.74 2.42 13.8 17.5
10 1,128 3.326 0.527 2.04 1.81 14.1 12.8
20 1,124 3.349 0.538 1.58 1.41 14.2 9.9
40 1,115 3.390 0.558 1.05 0.94 14.7 6.4
60 1,105 3.418 0.579 0.75 0.68 15.5 4.4
Pekasol 2000 50 Vol.%
19 10 1,164 3.124 0.492 4.4 3.8 13.53 28.1
0 1,161 3.152 0.502 3.1 2.7 13.72 19.6
20 1,154 3.202 0.521 1.8 1.6 14.10 11.1
40 1,150 3.220 0.538 1.2 1.04 14.53 7.0
60 1,139 3.250 0.556 0.84 0.74 15.02 4.9
Pekasol 2000 60 Vol.%
25 20 1,198 2.960 0.468 7.8 6.5 13.20 49.4
10 1,195 2.993 0.477 5.2 4.3 13.34 32.4
0 1,191 3.022 0.487 3.6 3.1 13.53 22.6
20 1,183 3.073 0.506 2.1 1.8 13.92 12.7
40 1,170 3.125 0.524 1.35 1.15 14.33 8.1
60 1,160 3.151 0.540 1.05 0.91 14.77 6.1
Pekasol 2000 80 Vol.%
40 40 1,263 2.655 0.425 36.3 28.7 12.67 226.4
30 1,260 2.701 0.434 19.5 15.5 12.75 121.5
20 1,256 2.741 0.443 11.5 9.2 12.87 71.3
10 1,252 2.775 0.451 7.4 5.9 12.98 45.3
0 1,248 2.805 0.460 5.1 4.1 13.14 30.9
20 1,238 2.853 0.477 2.8 2.3 13.50 16.9
40 1,225 2.898 0.496 1.8 1.47 13.97 10.9
60 1,214 2.930 0.512 1.3 1.07 14.39 7.0
Pekasol 2000 90 Vol.%
50 50 1,295 2.515 0.407 104.6 80.8 12.50 647.1
40 1,292 2.567 0.415 48.3 37.4 12.51 299.0
30 1,288 2.612 0.423 25.0 19.4 12.57 154.1
20 1,283 2.650 0.431 14.3 11.1 12.68 87.7
10 1,279 2.683 0.440 8.9 7.0 12.82 54.5
0 1,274 2.712 0.448 6.0 4.7 12.97 36.5
20 1,264 2.757 0.464 3.3 2.6 13.31 19.5
40 1,251 2.800 0.480 2.1 1.68 13.70 12.0
60 1,240 2.830 0.497 1.45 1.17 14.16 8.1
Pekasol 2000 100 Vol.%
60 60 1,327 2.397 0.389 404.5 304.8 12.23 2,492.4
50 1,323 2.449 0.399 152.4 115.2 12.31 940.4
40 1,319 2.495 0.405 66.1 50.1 12.31 407.3
30 1,314 2.535 0.413 32.5 24.7 12.40 199.4
20 1,310 2.570 0.420 17.9 13.6 12.47 109.1
10 1,305 2.600 0.428 10.8 8.3 12.61 65.8
0 1,300 2.626 0.436 7.2 5.5 12.77 43.1
20 1,289 2.668 0.452 3.8 3.0 13.14 22.5
40 1,278 2.700 0.467 2.4 1.88 13.53 13.9
60 1,265 2.732 0.483 1.65 1.30 13.98 9.0
454 D4 Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

D4.2. Table 5c. (continued)

Specific heat Thermal Dynamic Kinematic Thermal
Solute substance Temperature Density capacity conductivity viscosity viscosity diffusivity Prandtl
and freezing point ( C) (kg/m3) (kJ/kg )K (W/m K) (10 6 Ns /m2) (10 6 m2/s) (10 8 m2/s) number
Tyfoxit 1.10 [6]
10 10 1,112 3.48 0.510 4.43 3.98 13.18 30.2
0 1,108 3.50 0.517 3.09 2.79 13.33 20.9
10 1,104 3.52 0.524 2.35 2.13 13.48 15.8
20 1,100 3.55 0.531 1.84 1.67 13.60 12.3
30 1,096 3.57 0.538 1.46 1.33 13.75 9.7
40 1,092 3.59 0.546 1.29 1.18 13.93 8.5
Tyfoxit 1.15
20 20 1,166 3.21 0.471 9.82 8.42 12.58 66.9
10 1,162 3.23 0.478 6.36 5.47 12.74 42.9
0 1,158 3.25 0.485 4.22 3.64 12.89 28.2
10 1,154 3.27 0.492 3.17 2.75 13.04 21.1
20 1,150 3.30 0.499 2.42 2.10 13.15 16.1
30 1,146 3.32 0.506 1.86 1.62 13.30 12.2
40 1,142 3.34 0.513 1.60 1.40 13.45 10.4
Tyfoxit 1.20
40 40 1,224 2.94 0.428 67.17 54.88 11.89 462
30 1,220 2.96 0.435 29.24 23.89 12.01 199
20 1,216 2.99 0.441 15.56 12.75 12.09 105
10 1,212 3.01 0.448 9.27 7.62 12.24 62.3
0 1,208 3.03 0.455 6.28 5.18 12.39 41.8
10 1,204 3.05 0.461 4.42 3.66 12.51 29.3
20 1,200 3.08 0.468 3.40 2.82 12.62 22.3
30 1,196 3.10 0.474 2.46 2.05 12.74 16.1
40 1,192 3.12 0.481 2.06 1.72 12.89 13.3
Tyfoxit 1.24
55 55 1,270 2.73 0.395 329 276 12.14 2,273
50 1,268 2.74 0.398 216 170 11.44 1,486
40 1,264 2.77 0.404 80.8 63.9 11.54 554
30 1,260 2.80 0.411 45.1 35.8 11.65 307
20 1,256 2.83 0.417 23.4 18.6 11.73 159
10 1,252 2.86 0.423 13.5 10.8 11.81 91.4
0 1,248 2.90 0.429 9.05 7.25 11.85 61.2
10 1,244 2.92 0.435 6.12 4.92 11.98 41.1
20 1,240 2.95 0.442 4.53 3.65 12.08 30.2
30 1,236 2.98 0.448 3.23 2.61 12.16 21.5
40 1,232 3.00 0.455 2.61 2.12 12.31 17.2
Zitrec S-10 [11] 10 1,102 3.59 0.5 4.67 4.24 12.64 33.86
0 1,099 3.60 0.51 3.35 3.05 12.89 23.74
10 1,094 3.62 0.52 2.42 2.21 13.13 16.78
20 1,089 3.63 0.54 1.81 1.66 13.66 12.17
30 1,085 3.65 0.55 1.40 1.29 13.89 9.31
40 1,080 3.66 0.56 1.12 1.04 14.17 7.34
Zitrec S-25 20 1,213 3.05 0.45 9.34 7.72 12.16 63.89
10 1,207 3.07 0.46 5.96 4.94 12.41 39.68
0 1,202 3.08 0.47 4.07 3.39 12.70 26.62
10 1,197 3.10 0.48 2.97 2.48 13.21 18.85
20 1,191 3.11 0.50 2.26 0.50 13.50 14.11
30 1,186 3.12 0.51 1.79 0.51 13.78 10.98
40 1,181 3.14 0.52 1.46 0.52 14.02 8.80
Cryostatic Bath Fluids, Aqueous Solutions, and Glycols D4.2 455

D4.2. Table 5c. (continued)

Specific heat Thermal Dynamic Kinematic Thermal
Solute substance Temperature Density capacity conductivity viscosity viscosity diffusivity Prandtl
and freezing point ( C) (kg/m3) (kJ/kg )K (W/m K) (10 6 Ns /m2) (10 6 m2/s) (10 8 m2/s) number
Zitrec S-40 40 1,293 2.68 0.41 34.79 26.91 11.83 227.48
30 1,288 2.70 0.42 20.22 15.70 12.08 130.06
20 1,282 2.71 0.43 11.67 9.10 12.38 73.49
10 1,277 2.73 0.44 7.37 5.77 12.62 45.32
0 1,271 2.74 0.45 5.16 4.06 12.92 31.25
10 1,265 2.76 0.47 3.83 3.03 13.46 22.71
20 1,260 2.77 0.48 2.90 2.30 13.47 16.99
30 1,254 2.79 0.49 2.21 1.76 13.72 12.72
40 1,248 2.80 0.49 1.76 1.41 14.02 9.96
Zitrec S-55 50 1,354 2.39 0.40 111.04 82.01 12.36 661.18
40 1,348 2.40 0.40 52.57 39.00 12.39 314.46
30 1,342 2.42 0.41 25.47 18.98 12.62 149.93
20 1,336 2.44 0.42 14.19 10.62 12.88 82.30
10 1,330 2.46 0.43 9.64 7.25 13.14 54.88
0 1,324 2.47 0.44 6.34 4.79 13.45 35.47
10 1,318 2.49 0.45 4.56 3.46 13.71 25.26
20 1,312 2.50 0.46 3.40 2.59 13.72 18.84
30 1,306 2.52 0.46 2.77 2.12 13.98 15.10
40 1,300 2.53 0.47 2.30 1.77 14.29 12.33
Commercial coolant, anti corrosion inhibited

D4.2. Table 6. Organic compounds water free (glycol, overview)

Thermophysical properties of fluids at

min. or max.
Melting or pour Specific
point /boiling Vapor heat Kinematic
Substance or Chemical point boiling Operative pressure Density capacity viscosity
trade name formula Manufacturer range ( C) range ( C) (mbar) (kg/m3) (kJ/kg)K (10 8 m2/s)
Triethylenglycol C6 H14O4 BASF 8 0 - 1,138 2.00 130
techn. rein Clariant 280–350 180 30 1,088 2.93 1.2
Polyethylenglycol OH BASF 40 <1 1,110 at 25 C in 50%
PEG-Typ 400 [8] (CH2CH2O)n –H Dow 200 940 aqueous solution
600 Mm = 380–400 Clariant +4 to +8 76–85
1000 570–630 Sasol 17–22 12–14
1500 950–1,050 Germany 35–40 17–21
2000 1,400–1,600 44–48 26–31
Polyglycol, comm. s. PEG Clariant 50 to 35 20 <1 1,045 1.95 (3.3–70) * 103
250 863 20 C 15–2,700 at 160 C
s. PEG Clariant 50 20 <1 10 C: 1.95 3,300 at 17.8 C
1,038 150 at 20 C
250 50 C 50 at 50 C
1,014 15 at 98.9 C
Polyalkylenglycol- Fragol 51 35 1,059 1.55 600 at 20 C
heat transfer fluid 280–350 205 <100 866 2.51 1.5 at 200 C
Fragoltherm S 15 A
456 D4 Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

D4.2. Table 6. (continued)

Thermophysical properties of fluids at

min. or max.
Melting or pour Specific
point /boiling Vapor heat Kinematic
Substance or Chemical point boiling Operative pressure Density capacity viscosity
trade name formula Manufacturer range ( C) range ( C) (mbar) (kg/m3) (kJ/kg)K (10 8 m2/s)
Polyalkylenglycol- Fragol 36 25 <100 1,065 1.60 2,500 at 20 C
heat transfer fluid 
240 858 2.56 2.5 at 200 C
Fragoltherm S 20 A
Polyethylenglycol- s. PEG Fragol 5 20 1,125 2.10 100
heat transfer fluid 250 <100 2.80 1.2
Fragoltherm 250
Flash Combustion Autoignition Temperature Moisture
Substance- or point point temperature range content Physiological
trade name DIN 51376 DIN 51758 DIN 51794 ATEX 94/9/EG pH value wt % characteristics Remarks
Triethylenglycol 160–165 165–170 370 T2 6.5–7.5 <0.5 LD50 = 17 g/kg Can be stabilized
techn. pure by inhibitors
Polyethylenglycol 240–245 340 10% <0.5 LD50 = 44 g/kg Max. 0.05 wt-%
PEG-type 400 aqueous water R - 42 g/kg R ash, is
600 solution soluble 51 g/kg R (R rat) thermostable at
1000 4–7 average molecular
1500 weight 300–6,000
properties can be
stabilized by
Polyglycol, 250 285–310 T2 <0.5 LD50 = 2.5–>15 by using adequate
comm., g/kg additives above
120–250 C
e.g., 11/50 250 310 T2 10% <0.5 LD50 = 2.5 g/kg Average
aqueous water molecular weight
solution soluble 1,200 max. 0.01
6–8 wt-% ash,
properties under
high pressure
(3 kbar) as well
Heat transfer fluid >220 >300 T2 7–9 2:1 <0.5 LD50 > 10 g/kg High-temperature
based on water water stabilized
polyalkylenglycol mix soluble polyalkylenglycol;
Fragoltherm material
S 15 A properties next
Heat transfer fluid >260 >300 T2 7–9 2:1 <0.5 LD50 > 10 g/kg High-temperature
based on water water stabilized
polyalkylenglycol mix soluble polyalkylenglycol;
Fragoltherm material
S 20 A properties next
Heat transfer fluid >260 >270 >300 T2 7–9 2:1 <0.5 LD50 > 10 g/kg High-temperature
based on water water stabilized
polyethylenglycol mix soluble polyethylenglycol
Fragoltherm 250
Cryostatic Bath Fluids, Aqueous Solutions, and Glycols D4.2 457

1 Bibliography 5. Melinder Å, Granryd E Secondary Refrigerants for Heat pumps and low
Temperature Refrigeration, Trita REFR Report No. 92/6
6. Product description of TYFOROP-Chemie GmbH, Hamburg, Germany
1. Hofmann E (1959) Wärme- und Stoffübergang. In: Handbuch der Kälte-
7. Product overview, Druckschrift der proKühlsole GmbH, Düren, Germany
technik. Springer Verlag, Berlin, s. bes. S. 454 ff
8. Product description of Clariant GmbH, Division Surfactants, Werk Gen-
2. Kühlsolen-Merkblätter 200, 400 u.a. Firmenschrift AKZO-Chemie. Düren
dorf, Burgkirchen, Germany
9. Brochure Glythermin NF und P44 der BASF, ESB/AA-J550, Ludwigshafen,
3. Melinder Å (1989) Köldbäre för värmepumptillämpningar (published by the
Swedish State Council for Building Research) The Royal Institute of Tech-
10. Product description of DOW Europe S.A., Horgen, Switzerland
nology, Stockholm; Document R 18; Melinder Å (1985) Applied thermody-
11. Product overview of Arteco N.V., B-9052, Gent-Zwijnaarde, Belgium
namics and refrigeration. The Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm;
12. Product description of Solutia S.A./N.V., B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve,
Document R 114: ‘‘Secondary refrigerants for heat pump applications’’
(published by the Swedish State Council for Building Research, Stockholm)
4. Melinder Å (1993) Thermodynamic properties of secondary refrigerants.
Dept. of Energy Technology, The Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
458 D4 Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

D4.3 Oil-based and Synthetic Heat Transfer Media

Andreas Glück1 . Dietmar Hunold2
HTT Vertriebsbüro Süd GmbH, Ebersbach, Germany
HTT Energy Systems GmbH, Herford, Germany

1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458 3 Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511

2 Characteristics of Heat Transfer Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458

1 Introduction ● Safety data sheet according to Directive 91/155/EEC for the

heat transfer medium in use
The following synoptical tables with the most common heat trans-
Particularly, Anglo-Saxon influenced countries (British/Latin
fer media currently available in the market including their proper-
American) often use the following:
ties shall offer the user a quick orientation. The predominant part
of this compilation consists of producer information and proce- ● American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Codes
dure documentations. They correspond to the best knowledge and Standards
and experiences and are passed in this sense – without being able
The property collection corresponds in its coverage and content
to give the grade of exactness and without bindingness – also in
to one of the up-to-date German versions of the VDI Wärmea-
regard to the existing proprietary rights of third parties. The trade
tlas (10. edition) and shall offer the reader a quick survey over
names for the most part are registered as trademarks of companies.
the heat transfer media on mineral oil basis and/or synthetic
By this general remark, the designation of the fact is replaced.
heat transfer media basically suitable for his or her purpose.
Moreover, from basic considerations, heat transfer media
At this point, it may be indicated explicitly that there are a
known from the literature were included regardless the binding
number of additional heat transfer media with comparable
health and safety regulations in the meantime. Generally, it is to
properties available on the market. The VDI Heat Atlas, however,
check for each heat transfer medium if the intended use is
does not claim to offer a complete list of all products.
allowed according to the latest status.
Due to the required space for it, the tables dispense with the
To identify the optimum heat transfer medium for each
indication of the usual Anglo-Saxon units. Instead, the essential
application, indications of thermostability and the product life
conversion factors and formulas were prefixed in tabular form
to be expected are to be inquired besides the price, which can
(Table 1).
vary strongly depending on delivery quantity and region. It is
The special field of the heat transfer technology was further
recommended to contact manufactorers of heat transfer plants
ensured by the following standards:
with long-term experience besides the manufactorers of heat
transfer fluids and its sales or distributing organisations. These DIN ISO 6743 Part 12 classification; family Q (heat transfer
companies can ensure a product-independent consultation and media)
also specify various possibilities of a service life prolonging plant DIN 51 522 Heat transfer media Q; specifications, checking
dimensioning and equipment. DIN 51 528 Determination of the thermostability of unused
At production and operation of plants with heat transfer heat transfer media
media different acts, regulations, rules, standards, and directives DIN 51 529 Testing and assessment of used heat transfer media
depending on the location are to be observed. So for example, in
Finally, it is pointed out to a Wagner-based property collection
Germany, there are to name among others the Immission Con-
[1, 2], which also contains the appropriate safety data sheets.
trol Acts, Health and Safety Regulations, the Equipment Safety
Since the survey data named by the producers do not agree
Statute or the Directive BGV D3 of the chemical industry
with extrapolations from the tabulated properties in all cases,
(former VGB 64). As specific standard for heat transfer plants,
the newest data should be obtained before making decisions.
the following have been established worldwide:
● DIN 4754: Heat transfer medium plants with other heat
2 Characteristics of Heat Transfer Media
transfer media than water
● Directive VDI 3033: Heat transfer medium plants with other
To assess mineral-oil-based and synthetic heat transfer media
heat transfer media than water; design, operation, and
the following characteristics are compared [1, 3]:
● Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC ● Aging. All organic heat transfer substances are decomposed
● AD-Merkblaetter of the workship ‘‘pressure vessels’’ under the time influence of temperature, pressure, and
Oil-based and Synthetic Heat Transfer Media D4.3 459

D4.3. Table 1. Conversion factors and formulas between metric and British/American units

Property Brit./Am. unit Metric unit Metric unit Brit./Am. unit

Temperature x [ F] 5/9 · (x32) [ C] x [ C] 9/5 · (x þ 18.5) [ F]
Pressure 1 psi 0.069 bar 1 bar 14.504 psi
Density 1 lb/ft3 16.031 kg/m3 1 kg/m3 0.0624 lb/ft3
Specific thermal capacity 1 Btu/(lb· F) 4.179 kJ/(kg·K) 1 kJ/(kg·K) 0.239 Btu/(lb· F)
2 2
Kinematic viscosity 1 lb/(ft·h) 0.403 mm /s 1 mm /s 2.482 lb/(ft·h)

Thermal conductivity 1 Btu/(ft·h· F) 1.730 W/(m·K) 1 W/(m·K) 0.578 Btu/(ft·h· F)
Enthalpy 1 Btu/lb 2.3235 kJ/kg 1 kJ/kg 0.4301 Btu/lb

oxygen; this decomposition rating can be reduced at best ● This procedure can be minimized when the proceeding is
by targeted measures. Depending on the application, it is to according to DIN 4754 and the producer information to the
distinguish between thermostability as the consistency of admissible film temperature of the heat transfer medium at
the molecules compared to the temperature free from oxy- the design are observed.
gen and the oxidation stability as the consistency of the ● As an additional consequence of the thermal load, many
molecules compared to oxygen. The superordinated term heat transfer media form also small quantities of low boil-
of the disproportionation differs generally from the sub- ing, benzine-like substances that have to be removed from
stance decomposition or substance conversion to products the circuit by ‘‘boiling out’’ to avoid a critical lowering of the
less suitable as heat transfer medium. Organic heat transfer flash point and problems by cavitation.
media react with the oxygen of the ambient air at higher ● Polymerized substances (so-called heavy boiler) resulting
temperatures unless no inertization is planned. The oxida- from ‘‘cracking’’ are comparable in its effects on the plant to
tion products (e.g., organic acids or polymerization pro- the above mentioned increase in viscosity and can lead to
ducts) cause mostly an increase of viscosity as long as they serious problems by deposits on the heating surfaces (fouling)
remain in the solution. When the molar mass of these or even choking. Therefore, special attention is to be paid to
substances however exceeds a definite value, the oxidation them when designing the plant and also at the annual check-
products are deposited as mud. By the materials used at ing of the heat transfer medium. Among others, the chrono-
production of the heat transfer plant or by impurities in logical course of the Conradson value is thereby of particular
the plants, the oxidative aging can be advanced. When importance as a measure for the solid, not vaporable residues.
the specified temperature limits are observed as well as At noticeable increase, it can signalize the beginning of for-
suitable materials and an inert gas superposition (e.g., N2) mation of deposits. In each case, the careful and regular
are used, an early oxidative damage to the substance can be checking of the heat transfer medium is urgently recom-
avoided. mended to the operator of a heat transfer plant. To avoid
● ‘‘Aging is according to definition a production of sub- misinterpretation, a correct sampling is to be considered.
stances that are not available in unused oil. The substances ● Thermostability and service life. As an essential criteria for
are created by the influence of atmospheric oxygen, heat, this feature, it is to state that the heat transfer medium flow
as well as excavation of metals and sealing materials’’ temperature, which is to be expected under normal
Zufall [4]. operating conditions, has a distance as large as possible to
● At normal use of the heat transfer oils, the atmospheric the maximum admissible flow temperature given by each
oxygen supply in the plants according to DIN 4754 is either producer. The following formulation may apply as rough
not possible due to inertization or planned only in the open guide value: A flow temperature reduced by 10 K leads to a
but ‘‘cold’’ expansion vessel. The latter has no important doubling of the service life, particularly the usability of the
influence on the aging. heat transfer medium.
● The already mentioned increase in viscosity mostly occurs at ● Corrosion. Within the specified stated temperature limits,
mineral oil fillings and only when inadmissible atmospheric the ferrous materials are generally not affected.
air supply in larger quantities is possible. The main cause ● Physiological properties. In general, heat transfer media are
for this in most cases can be found in an expansion vessel, not toxic. Arising decomposition products can, however,
which is warmed up and open to the atmosphere. The cause irritations to the respiratory tracts and mucous mem-
inadmissible atmospheric air supply is mostly connected branes; therefore, the regulations of the producer for handling
also with the formation of acid substances in such a large are to be strictly observed. At toxicological effect, the maxi-
quantity that an appreciable neutralization value or similar mum allowable concentration values will be determined by
can be measured. asking the producer in case of doubt. Maximum allowable
● Cracking is the fission of the heat transfer medium mole- concentration values are not included systematically.
cules primarily in the boundary layer of the heating surface ● Properties and methods of test. Declaration of the properties
of the heater. listed in survey Tables 2a and 3a:
(Continued on page 500)
D4.3. Table 2a. Heat transfer media on mineral oil basis (survey, no. 1 to 13)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Pour Specific Former
point/ Vapor heat Kinematic Thermal Flash Auto Ignition product/
Composition Boiling Application pressure Density capacity viscosity conductivity point temperature explosive
No. Trade name keya Producer point ( C) range ( C) (mbar) (kg/m3) (kJ/kgK) (mm2/s) (W/m K) Application limits ( C) ( C) limitb
filling and Upper: max. film
start-up ( C) temperature ( C)
1 Farolin U 1 Aral 12 10 – 886 1.8 15.8 0.135 3 350 205 340
365 325 160 682 3.1 0.60 0.113 110
2 Farolin S 2 Aral 45 25 – 931 1.66 1,396 0.129 3 320 180 335
340 305 120 710 2.93 0.52 0.113 87
3 Farolin T 2 Aral 42 30 – 914 1.74 91.9 0.132 15 300 145 340
315 300 150 695 2.84 0.56 0.111 70
4 Thermofluid 1,2,3 AVIA <60 25 – 947 1.70 804 0.133 25 280 140 330 AVILUB
Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

285 250 290 751 2.68 0.52 0.114 56 C-3826

5 Thermofluid 1,2,3 AVIA 2 0 – 878 1.81 300 0.136 2 340 205 340 AVILUB
310 310 230 688 2.94 0.59 0.113 96 B-3824
6 Transcal N 1 BP 15 0 – 889 1.95 310 0.135 0 340 225 340
365 320 130 680 3.04 0.56 0.115 100
7 Transcal LT 2 BP 54 20 – 900 1.80 300 0.136 20 280 155 240
290 260 280 732 2.77 0.49 0.118 71
8 Deacal A 12 1,2 Shell & DEA <36 0 – 882 1.75 82.6 0.135 11 270 150 Texatherm A
290 250 720 2.67 0.53 0.117 78 u. 0.6; o. 6.5
9 Deacal 32 1 Shell & DEA <24 0 – 887 1.78 310 0.135 1 290 200 Texatherm
340 270 36 711 2.78 0.68 0.115 102 Regal Oil
u. 0.6; o. 6.5
10 Deacal 46 1 Shell & DEA <24 0 – 885 1.80 604 0.133 0 300 200 u. 0.6; o. 6.9
270 280 30 709 2.81 0.84 0.113 115
11 Thermalöl S 2 Esso 54 10 – 893 1.80 47.3 0.134 25 260 146 340
278 240 340 731 2.67 0.52 0.116 59
12 Thermalöl T 1 Esso 15 0 – 877 1.81 285 0.135 2 340 210 315
355 320 180 670 3.01 0.60 0.112 102 PMc
13 Finkotherm 1 E. Finke 12 0 – 880 1.89 300 0.135 0 340 215 u. 0.6; o. 6.5
M 300 Mineralölwerk
380 320 167 645 3.23 0.57 0.112 101
D4.3. Table 2a. Heat transfer media on mineral oil basis (survey, no. 14 to 23)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Pour Specific Former
point/ Vapor heat Kinematic Thermal Flash Auto Ignition product/
Composition Boiling Application pressure Density capacity viscosity conductivity point temperature explosive
No. Trade name keya Producer point ( C) range ( C) (mbar) (kg/m3) (kJ/kgK) (mm2/s) (W/m K) Application limits ( C) ( C) limitb
filling and Upper: max. film
start-up ( C) temperature ( C)
14 Mobiltherm 2 Exxon 69 44 – 914 1.64 300 0.135 44 280 122 300
Mobil 285 250 413 724 2.70 0.42 0.116 34
15 Mobiltherm 1 Exxon 19 8 – 876 1.79 300 0.137 8 300 188 340
Mobil 382 280 275 677 2.98 0.52 0.113 90
16 Mobiltherm 1 Exxon 12 10 – 876 1.78 636 0.137 1 345 204 n.b.
Mobil n.b. 315 62 661 2.97 0.63 0.114 100
17 HT 250 4 Fragol 48 40 – 869 1.86 816 0.135 30 285 >150 239
305 270 150 656 2.97 0.53 0.096 55
18 HT 300 1 Fragol 12 0 – 890 1.90 300 0.134 0 340 >228 340
360 320 120 680 3.00 0.57 0.111 106
19 ÖMV-Ö1 WT 2 ÖMV 50 9 – 892 1.79 143 0.133 9 270 165 295
290 250 65 742 2.82 0.62 0.115 79
20 ÖMV-Ö1 WT 1 ÖMV 18 0 – 882 1.80 322 0.135 1 330 210 310
>360 310 160 694 3.09 0.58 0.112 103
21 ÖMV-Ö1 WT 1 ÖMV 15 0 – 889 1.79 570 0.133 8 340 225 320
>360 320 100 696 3.11 0.64 0.111 114
22 Thermia Ö1 2 Shell & DEA 60 25 – 917 1.707 300 0.133 25 280 140 330 Shell-
A Thermia-
Ö1 11
Oil-based and Synthetic Heat Transfer Media

285 250 290 751 2.678 0.52 0.114 56

23 Thermia Ö1 1 Shell & DEA 15 2 – 878 1.810 300 0.136 2 340 205 340 Shell-
B Thermia-Ö1
27, C
>360 310 130 688 2.934 0.59 0.113 96
1 paraffin-based; 2 naphthene-based; 3 aromatic hydrocarbons; 4 mineral selection raffinate
u. = lower; o. = upper explosive limit

D4.3. Table 2b. Heat transfer media on mineral oil basis (no. 1 to 3)

Vapor Thermal
Substance Temperature pressure Density Specific heat conductivity Dynamic viscosity Kinematic viscosity Thermal diffusivity Prandtl
No. (Trade name) ( C) (mbar) (kg/m3) capacity (kJ/kg K) (W/mK) (103 Ns/m2) (106 m2/s) (108 m2/s) number
1 Farolin U 0 879 1.832 0.135 206.56 235 8.38 2,803
15 870 1.881 0.134 87.00 100 8.19 1,221
20 863 1.921 0.133 69.04 80.00 8.02 997
40 852 1.996 0.132 25.56 30.00 7.76 386
60 840 2.074 0.131 13.44 16.00 7.52 213
80 826 2.151 0.129 7.85 9.50 7.26 131
100 812 2.225 0.128 4.38 5.40 7.08 76.2
150 781 2.436 0.124 2.03 2.60 6.52 39.9
200 748 2.621 0.120 1.05 1.40 6.12 22.9
250 714 2.827 0.117 0.68 0.96 5.80 16.6
300 682 3.021 0.113 0.48 0.70 5.48 12.8
Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

2 Farolin S 0 911 1.760 0.129 419 460 8.05 5,717

15 905 1.821 0.128 103 114 7.77 1,467
20 898 1.832 0.127 85.31 95.00 7.72 1,230
40 884 1.910 0.126 25.64 29.00 7.46 389
60 870 1.978 0.125 11.31 13.00 7.26 179
80 857 2.064 0.124 5.91 6.90 7.01 98.4
100 844 2.135 0.123 3.63 4.30 6.83 63.0
150 810 2.320 0.119 1.46 1.80 6.33 28.4
200 776 2.519 0.117 0.85 1.10 5.99 18.4
250 710 2.712 0.113 0.50 0.70 5.87 11.9
3 Farolin T 0 896 1.781 0.132 71.68 80.00 8.27 967
15 885 1.832 0.131 28.32 32.00 8.08 396
20 882 1.861 0.130 22.05 25.00 7.92 316
40 868 1.924 0.129 9.54 11.00 7.72 142
60 854 1.982 0.128 5.12 6.00 7.56 79.3
80 842 2.091 0.126 3.20 3.80 7.17 53.1
100 828 2.176 0.125 2.15 2.60 6.94 37.5
150 794 2.368 0.121 0.95 1.20 6.44 18.7
200 762 2.568 0.118 0.53 0.70 6.03 11.6
250 728 2.764 0.114 0.36 0.50 5.67 8.9
300 695 2.961 0.111 0.33 0.48 5.39 8.9
D4.3. Table 2b. Heat transfer media on mineral oil basis (no. 4 to 6)

Vapor Thermal
Substance Temperature pressure Density Specific heat conductivity Dynamic viscosity Kinematic viscosity Thermal diffusivity Prandtl
No. (Trade name) ( C) (mbar) (kg/m3) capacity (kJ/kg K) (W/mK) (103 Ns/m2) (106 m2/s) (108 m2/s) number
4 Thermofluid A 20 914 1.709 0.133 173 189 8.51 2,223
0 902 1.785 0.131 41.5 46 8.14 565
20 890 1.853 0.130 15.1 17 7.88 215
50 872 1.960 0.128 5.49 6.3 7.49 84
100 2 842 2.140 0.124 1.85 2.2 6.88 31.5
150 15 811 2.319 0.121 0.89 1.1 6.43 17.1
200 75 781 2.499 0.118 0.56 0.72 6.05 11.9
250 290 751 2.678 0.114 0.39 0.52 5.67 9.2
280 580 733 2.786 0.112 0.33 0.45 5.46 8.2
5 Thermofluid B 0 875 1.812 0.135 253 288.5 8.51 3,388
20 863 1.882 0.134 65.7 75.9 8.25 921
50 845 1.991 0.132 16.9 19.9 7.85 254
100 815 2.173 0.128 4.09 5.01 7.23 69.3
150 784 2.355 0.124 1.73 2.20 6.72 32.8
200 5 754 2.538 0.121 0.98 1.30 6.32 20.6
250 26 724 2.720 0.117 0.62 0.85 5.94 14.3
300 100 694 2.902 0.114 0.43 0.62 5.66 11.0
310 130 688 2.938 0.113 1.41 0.59 5.59 10.6
340 260 669 3.048 0.111 0.35 0.52 5.54 9.6
6 Transcal N 0 884 1.92 0.134 284 321.3 7.89 4,069
20 871 1.97 0.133 72.30 83.0 7.75 1,071
40 858 2.05 0.131 26.60 31.0 7.44 416
60 845 2.12 0.130 12.40 14.67 7.26 202
80 833 2.19 0.129 6.91 8.30 7.07 117
100 0.02 820 2.26 0.127 4.26 5.20 6.85 75.8
Oil-based and Synthetic Heat Transfer Media

150 0.29 788 2.43 0.124 1.78 2.26 6.48 34.9

200 2.6 757 2.60 0.120 0.980 1.29 6.10 21.2
250 16 725 2.77 0.116 0.623 0.86 5.78 14.9
300 68 693 2.94 0.113 0.440 0.63 5.55 11.4
320 120 680 3.00 0.111 0.387 0.57 5.44 10.5

D4.3. Table 2b. Heat transfer media on mineral oil basis (no. 7 to 9)
Vapor Thermal
Substance Temperature pressure Density Specific heat conductivity Dynamic viscosity Kinematic viscosity Thermal diffusivity Prandtl
No. (Trade name) ( C) (mbar) (kg/m3) capacity (kJ/kg K) (W/mK) (103 Ns/m2) (106 m2/s) (108 m2/s) number
7 Transcal LT 0 884 1.88 0.134 48 54.30 8.06 673
20 871 1.95 0.133 17.30 19.96 7.83 254
40 858 2.02 0.131 8.15 9.50 7.56 126
60 845 2.08 0.130 4.56 5.40 7.40 73.0
80 833 2.15 0.129 2.87 3.45 7.20 47.8
100 1.0 820 2.22 0.127 1.97 2.40 6.98 34.4
150 8.7 788 2.39 0.124 0.970 1.23 6.58 18.7
200 50 757 2.56 0.120 0.582 0.77 6.19 12.7
250 200 725 2.73 0.116 0.406 0.56 5.86 9.6
8 Deacal A 12 0 882 1.75 0.135 72.9 82.6 8.75 944.4
Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

20 869 1.83 0.134 23.6 27.2 8.43 322.8

40 856 1.90 0.133 10.3 12.0 8.18 146.7
60 843 1.97 0.131 5.40 6.40 7.89 81.1
80 830 2.05 0.130 3.20 3.90 7.64 51.0
100 817 2.12 0.128 2.30 2.80 7.39 37.9
120 804 2.19 0.127 1.50 1.90 7.21 26.3
140 791 2.27 0.125 1.10 1.40 6.96 20.1
160 778 2.34 0.124 0.86 1.10 6.81 16.2
180 765 2.41 0.122 0.69 0.90 6.62 13.6
200 752 2.48 0.121 0.60 0.80 6.49 12.3
220 739 2.56 0.120 0.48 0.65 6.34 10.3
240 726 2.63 0.118 0.41 0.56 6.18 9.06
250 720 2.67 0.117 0.38 0.53 6.13 8.64
9 Deacal 32 0 2.81 · 106 887 1.78 0.135 275 310 8.55 3,625
20 2.2 · 105 874 1.86 0.133 73.4 84 8.18 1,028
40 1.37 · 10 861 1.93 0.132 27.6 32 7.94 402.8
60 7.08 · 104 848 2.00 0.131 12.7 15 7.72 194.2
80 3.12 · 103 835 2.08 0.129 7.10 8.5 7.43 114.4
100 1.2 · 10 822 2.15 0.128 4.60 5.6 7.24 77.3
120 4.11 · 102 809 2.22 0.126 2.83 3.5 7.02 49.9
140 0.127 796 2.30 0.125 1.99 2.5 6.83 36.6
D4.3. Table 2b. Heat transfer media on mineral oil basis (no. 9 to 11)

Vapor Thermal
Substance Temperature pressure Density Specific heat conductivity Dynamic viscosity Kinematic viscosity Thermal diffusivity Prandtl
No. (Trade name) ( C) (mbar) (kg/m3) capacity (kJ/kg K) (W/mK) (103 Ns/m2) (106 m2/s) (108 m2/s) number
9 Deacal 32 160 0.366 783 2.37 0.123 1.49 1.9 6.63 28.7
(continued) 180 0.926 770 2.45 0.122 1.16 1.5 6.47 23.2
200 2.24 757 2.52 0.120 0.91 1.2 6.29 19.1
220 744 2.59 0.119 0.74 0.99 6.18 16.0
240 731 2.67 0.117 0.61 0.84 5.99 14.0
260 718 2.74 0.116 0.52 0.72 5.90 12.2
270 711 2.78 0.115 0.48 0.68 5.81 11.6
10 Deacal 46 0 1.85 · 106 885 1.80 0.133 534.5 604 8.35 7,234
20 1.42 · 105 872 1.87 0.132 116.9 134 8.09 1,655
40 8.69 · 10 860 1.94 0.131 39.6 46 7.85 586
60 4.45 · 104 847 2.01 0.129 17.8 21 7.58 277
80 1.95 · 103 835 2.09 0.128 9.18 11 7.33 150
100 7.52 · 10 822 2.16 0.126 5.59 6.8 7.10 95.8
120 2.58 · 102 810 2.23 0.125 3.73 4.6 6.92 66.5
140 8.04 · 10 797 2.30 0.123 2.63 3.3 6.71 49.2
160 0.119 785 2.37 0.122 1.96 2.5 6.56 38.1
180 0.603 772 2.45 0.121 1.47 1.9 6.40 29.7
200 1.48 759 2.52 0.119 1.21 1.6 6.22 25.7
220 747 2.59 0.118 0.971 1.3 6.10 21.3
240 735 2.66 0.116 0.809 1.1 5.93 18.5
260 722 2.74 0.115 0.693 0.96 5.81 16.5
280 709 2.81 0.113 0.596 0.84 5.67 14.8
11 Esso Thermalöl S 0 886 1.80 0.134 42.00 47.40 8.40 564
20 874 1.87 0.132 15.10 17.28 8.08 214
40 0.02 861 1.94 0.131 7.20 8.36 7.84 107
Oil-based and Synthetic Heat Transfer Media

60 849 2.01 0.129 4.10 4.83 7.56 63.9

80 836 2.09 0.128 2.60 3.11 7.33 42.5
100 1.6 823 2.16 0.126 1.80 2.19 7.09 30.9
150 250 790 2.34 0.123 0.90 1.14 6.65 17.1
200 1,000 758 2.52 0.119 0.55 0.73 6.23 11.6
250 5,000 725 2.70 0.116 0.38 0.52 5.93 8.8

D4.3. Table 2b. Heat transfer media on mineral oil basis (no. 12 to 14)

Vapor Thermal
Substance Temperature pressure Density Specific heat conductivity Dynamic viscosity Kinematic viscosity Thermal diffusivity Prandtl
No. (Trade name) ( C) (mbar) (kg/m3) capacity (kJ/kg K) (W/mK) (103 Ns/m2) (106 m2/s) (108 m2/s) number
12 Esso 0 877 1.81 0.135 250.00 285.06 8.50 3,352
Thermalöl T 20 865 1.88 0.134 66.00 76.30 8.24 926
40 852 1.95 0.132 25.00 29.34 7.95 369
60 840 2.03 0.131 12.10 14.40 7.68 187
80 827 2.10 0.129 6.80 8.22 7.43 111
100 814 2.17 0.128 4.20 5.16 7.25 71.2
150 0.1 781 2.35 0.124 1.80 2.30 6.76 34.1
200 1.0 749 2.53 0.121 1.00 1.34 6.39 20.9
250 5.5 715 2.72 0.117 0.60 0.84 6.02 13.9
300 25.0 682 2.90 0.113 0.40 0.59 5.71 10.3
320 40.0 670 2.97 0.112 0.40 0.60 5.63 10.6
Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

13 Finkotherm M 0 880 1.89 0.135 264.00 300 8.12 3,695

300 20 867 1.97 0.133 68.50 79 7.79 1,014
40 854 2.05 0.132 27.3 32 7.54 424
60 841 2.14 0.131 12.10 14.39 7.28 198
80 828 2.22 0.129 6.71 8.10 7.02 115
100 815 2.30 0.128 4.16 5.10 6.83 74.7
150 0.4 782 2.51 0.124 1.72 2.20 6.32 34.8
200 2.6 745 2.72 0.121 0.89 1.19 5.97 20.0
250 14 705 2.93 0.117 0.59 0.84 5.66 14.8
300 69 660 3.14 0.113 0.42 0.63 5.45 11.7
320 167 645 3.23 0.112 0.37 0.57 5.38 10.7
14 Mobiltherm 594 10 892 1.76 0.135 22.7 25.4 8.60 296
0 886 1.80 0.134 14.1 15.9 8.40 189
20 0.01 847 1.901 0.137 7 8.63 8.5 102
40 0.05 834 1.974 0.135 4 4.79 8.2 58
60 0.19 820 2.048 0.134 2.5 3.03 8.0 38
80 0.6 807 2.121 0.132 1.69 2.09 7.7 27
100 1.7 794 2.195 0.131 1.22 1.54 7.5 21
150 14 761 2.379 0.127 0.66 0.87 7.0 12
200 72 728 2.563 0.123 0.428 0.59 6.6 9
250 276 695 2.747 0.120 0.309 0.44 6.3 7
D4.3. Table 2b. Heat transfer media on mineral oil basis (no. 15 to 17)

Vapor Thermal
Substance Temperature pressure Density Specific heat conductivity Dynamic viscosity Kinematic viscosity Thermal diffusivity Prandtl
No. (Trade name) ( C) (mbar) (kg/m3) capacity (kJ/kg K) (W/mK) (103 Ns/m2) (106 m2/s) (108 m2/s) number
15 Mobiltherm 603 10 877 1.78 0.137 319 364 8.79 4,142
0 871 1.81 0.136 145.5 167 8.63 1,936
20 0 859 1.887 0.135 42 49.1 8.3 590
40 0 846 1.960 0.133 17 20.5 8.0 255
60 0 833 2.033 0.132 8.8 10.6 7.8 135
80 0 819 2.106 0.130 5.14 6.27 7.6 83
100 0.09 806 2.179 0.129 3.32 4.12 7.3 56
150 1.1 774 2.362 0.125 1.48 1.91 6.9 28
200 8.5 741 2.545 0.122 0.839 1.13 6.5 18
250 44 708 2.727 0.118 0.548 0.77 6.1 13
300 171 675 2.910 0.114 0.392 0.58 5.8 10
16 Mobiltherm 605 10 1.0 876 1.78 0.137 557 636 8.86 7,173
0 8.1 867 1.82 0.137 241 278 8.69 3,197
20 41 854 1.89 0.136 67 78 8.38 930
40 71 841 1.97 0.134 25.9 30.8 8.1 380
60 828 2.04 0.133 12.5 15.1 7.85 193
80 814 2.12 0.131 7.0 8.6 7.61 113
100 801 2.19 0.130 4.4 5.5 7.4 74
150 768 2.37 0.126 1.8 2.4 6.91 35
200 736 2.55 0.122 1.0 1.8 6.48 21
250 704 2.73 0.118 0.65 0.92 6.13 15
300 671 2.92 0.115 0.45 0.68 5.86 11
320 657 2.99 0.114 0.40 0.61 5.79 10
17 HT 250 40 3.0 869 1.86 0.135 709 816 8.34 9,786
20 20 855 1.94 0.133 101 118 8.04 1,471
Oil-based and Synthetic Heat Transfer Media

0 90 842 2.01 0.131 28 34 7.75 435

20 190 829 2.08 0.129 11.6 14.0 7.47 187
40 816 2.15 0.126 5.9 7.3 7.21 101
60 803 2.22 0.124 3.5 4.4 6.96 63
80 790 2.29 0.122 2.3 2.9 6.72 44
100 777 2.36 0.119 1.7 2.1 6.49 32
D4.3. Table 2b. Heat transfer media on mineral oil basis (no. 17 to 20)

Vapor Thermal
Substance Temperature pressure Density Specific heat conductivity Dynamic viscosity Kinematic viscosity Thermal diffusivity Prandtl
No. (Trade name) ( C) (mbar) (kg/m3) capacity (kJ/kg K) (W/mK) (103 Ns/m2) (106 m2/s) (108 m2/s) number
17 HT 250 150 743 2.54 0.113 0.87 1.2 5.97 20
(continued) 200 708 2.72 0.106 0.55 0.78 5.34 14
250 671 2.90 0.100 0.39 0.58 5.11 11
280 647 3.01 0.095 0.33 0.50 4.89 10
18 HT 300 0 20 890 1.9 0.134 267 300 7.92 3,784
20 73 873 1.97 0.133 71 81 7.71 1,047
40 120 858 2.05 0.132 27 31 7.50 413
60 844 2.12 0.130 12.6 14.9 7.29 205
80 831 2.19 0.129 7.0 8.4 7.09 119
100 818 2.26 0.127 4.3 5.3 6.89 77
150 788 2.43 0.124 1.78 2.3 6.45 36
Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

200 757 2.60 0.120 0.97 1.28 6.09 21

250 725 2.77 0.116 0.61 0.85 5.80 15
300 693 2.94 0.113 0.43 0.62 5.54 11
320 680 3.01 0.111 0.38 0.56 5.44 10
19 ÖMV-Ö1 0 892 1.79 0.133 127.9 143.4 8.33 1,721
WT 15 40 868 1.95 0.130 14.2 16.3 7.68 212.2
80 844 2.12 0.127 4.1 4.87 7.10 69.0
120 1 820 2.28 0.125 1.9 2.26 6.69 34.4
160 4 796 2.45 0.122 1.03 1.32 6.26 20.8
200 16 772 2.61 0.119 0.69 0.89 5.91 15.1
240 58 748 2.78 0.116 0.49 0.66 5.58 11.8
250 65 742 2.82 0.115 0.46 0.62 5.52 11.2
20 ÖMV-Ö1 0 882 1.80 0.135 284 321.6 8.50 3,787
WT 32 40 858 1.97 0.132 27.0 31.45 7.81 403.4
80 834 2.13 0.129 7.0 8.41 7.26 115.7
120 810 2.30 0.126 2.9 3.64 6.76 53.2
160 1 785 2.46 0.123 1.6 2.03 6.37 31.4
200 3 761 2.63 0.120 0.99 1.31 6.00 21.7
240 14 737 2.79 0.118 0.69 0.94 5.74 16.4
280 55 713 2.96 0.115 0.51 0.72 5.45 13.2
300 120 701 3.04 0.113 0.45 0.64 5.30 12.1
310 160 694 3.09 0.112 0.42 0.58 5.25 11.6
D4.3. Table 2b. Heat transfer media on mineral oil basis (no. 21 to 23)

Vapor Thermal
Substance Temperature pressure Density Specific heat conductivity Dynamic viscosity Kinematic viscosity Thermal diffusivity Prandtl
No. (Trade name) ( C) (mbar) (kg/m3) capacity (kJ/kg K) (W/mK) (103 Ns/m2) (106 m2/s) (108 m2/s) number
21 2ÖMV-Ö1 20 2 2,889 21.79 20.133 2,507 2,570 28.36 26,820
WT 46 40 865 1.96 0.131 39.8 45.7 7.73 595
80 841 2.12 0.128 9.3 11.0 7.18 153
120 817 2.28 0.125 3.7 4.48 6.68 67.4
160 <1 792 2.45 0.122 1.9 2.40 6.29 38.2
200 2 768 2.62 0.119 1.2 1.52 5.91 25.4
240 9 744 2.78 0.117 0.82 1.07 5.66 19.5
280 27 720 2.95 0.114 0.58 0.81 5.37 15.1
320 100 696 3.11 0.111 0.45 0.64 5.13 12.5
22 Thermia Ö1 A 20 914 1.709 0.133 173 189 8.51 2,223
0 902 1.785 0.131 41.5 46 8.14 565
20 890 1.853 0.130 15.1 17.0 7.88 215
50 872 1.960 0.128 5.49 6.30 7.49 84.1
100 2 842 2.140 0.124 1.85 2.20 6.88 31.9
150 15 811 2.319 0.121 0.89 1.10 6.43 17.1
200 75 781 2.499 0.118 0.56 0.72 6.05 11.9
250 290 751 2.678 0.114 0.39 0.52 5.67 9.2
280 580 733 2.786 0.112 0.33 0.45 5.46 8.2
23 Thermia Öl B 0 875 1.812 0.135 253 288.5 8.51 3,388
20 863 1.882 0.134 65.7 75.9 8.25 921
50 845 1.991 0.132 16.9 19.9 7.85 254
100 815 2.173 0.128 4.09 5.01 7.23 69.3
150 784 2.355 0.124 1.73 2.20 6.72 32.8
200 5 754 2.538 0.121 0.98 1.30 6.32 20.6
250 26 724 2.720 0.117 0.62 0.85 5.94 14.3
Oil-based and Synthetic Heat Transfer Media

300 100 694 2.902 0.114 0.43 0.62 5.66 11.0

310 130 688 2.938 0.113 0.41 0.59 5.59 10.6
340 260 669 3.048 0.111 0.35 0.52 5.44 9.6
D4.3. Table 3a. Synthetic heat transfer media (survey, no. 1 to 7)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22
Pour cation Specific Auto Explosive
point/ range thermal Thermal Ignition limit Molar
boiling min./ Vapor capacity Kinematic conduc- Flash temper- volume mass Possible Former
Trade point max. pressure Density (kJ/ viscosity tivity point ature content (kg/ appli- product/
No. name Structure Producer ( C) ( C) (mbar) (kg/m3) kg K) (mm2/s) (W/mK) Application limits ( C) ( C) (%) kmol) cation remark
Filling Upper: Max.
and film
start- temperature
up ( C) ( C)
1 Diphyl DT Ditolylether, Bayer/ 54 20 – 1,067 1.45 61 0.138 <25 340 135 545 B
Synonyma: Lanxess
Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

284 bis 330 2,700 786 2.33 0.33 0.090 25
2 Diphyl KT Mixture of Bayer/ 60 50 – 1,062 1.40 1,058 0.139 43 370 144 490 B
benzyl-toluol and Lanxess
285 350 3,200 745 2.58 0.34 0.089 37
3 Diphyl THT Partially hydrated Bayer/ 33 0 1,013 1.48 903 0.110 1 370 190 380 A
terphenyl Lanxess
352 345 833 791 2.67 0.47 0.101 80
4 Deacal HT 22 Mixture of linear Fuchs <45 20 – 938 .65 1,500 0.131 5 320 >190 364 A
alkali-benzols Europe
340 300 970 725 2.80 0.53 0.109 80
5 Dowtherm G Mixture of di- and Dow 25 7 – 1,127 1.52 135 0.128 15 385 137 432 u. 1.2 204.6 B
tri-arylether m
288 370 3,500 820 2.39 0.26 0.080 55 o. 3.3
6 Dowtherm J Mixture of isomers Dow 86 80 – 930 1.57 10.65 0.150 <84 340 58 420 u. 0.8 134 m B
of alkylated aromatic
181 315 1,1940 570 3.01 0.28 0.065 55 o. 9.0 C
7 Dowtherm Mixture of diaryl- Dow <0 0 – 1,043 1.56 41.3 0.134 <0 375 194 385 u. 0.33 236.4
RP alkyl components
353 350 960 785 2.60 0.2 0.089 72 o. 4.66
D4.3. Table 3a. Synthetic heat transfer media (survey, no. 8 to 13)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22
Pour cation Specific Auto Explosive
point/ range thermal Thermal Ignition limit Molar
boiling min./ Vapor capacity Kinematic conduc- Flash temper- volume mass Possible Former
Trade point max. pressure Density (kJ/ viscosity tivity point ature content (kg/ appli- product/
No. name Structure Producer ( C) ( C) (mbar) (kg/m3) kg K) (mm2/s) (W/mK) Application limits ( C) ( C) (%) kmol) cation remark
Filling Upper: Max.
and film
start- temperature
up ( C) ( C)
8 Dowtherm Q Mixture of diphenyl Dow <36 35 – 1,010 1.48 49.7 0.126 <40 355 120 411 u. 0.55 190 m B
thane and alkylated
267 330 3,090 731 2.59 0.25 0.077 o. 5.5
9 Finkotherm S Alkali-benzol E. Finke 50 20 – 914 1.70 3,500 0.138 4 330 200 360 A
300 mixture (synth.
360 300 800 693 3.46 0.60 0.111 88
10 Ucotherm S Polyalkylene glycol Fragol 51 20 <100 1,047 1.84 600 0.160 12 215 >260 >300 A decom-
15 A position
s. Bem. 205 865 2.34 1.45 0.158 93
11 Ucotherm S Polyalkylene glycol Fragol 36 0 1,050 1.68 510 0.160 8 250 >170 >300 A decom-
20 A position
s. Bem. 240 858 2.56 2.5 0.158 158
Oil-based and Synthetic Heat Transfer Media

12 Rhenotherm Synthetic Fuchs 30 15 15  C: 2 370

350 S CH-compounds Europe 870
674 3.12 0.36 0.08 87
13 Marlotherm Mixture of isomeric SASOL 34 5 – 1,061 1.46 380 0.134 5 380 >200 450 272 A previous
SH di-benzyl-toluol Germany product:
390 350 700 808 2.78 0.35 0.087 70
D4.3. Table 3a. Synthetic heat transfer media (survey, no. 14 to 21)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22
Pour cation Specific Auto Explosive
point/ range thermal Thermal Ignition limit Molar
boiling min./ Vapor capacity Kinematic conduc- Flash temper- volume mass Possible Former
Trade point max. pressure Density (kJ/ viscosity tivity point ature content (kg/ appli- product/
No. name Structure Producer ( C) ( C) (mbar) (kg/m3) kg K) (mm2/s) (W/mK) Application limits ( C) ( C) (%) kmol) cation remark
Filling Upper: Max.
and film
start- temperature
up ( C) ( C)
Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

14 Marlotherm Alkyl-substituted SASOL 60f 10 – 897 1.86 350 0.137 10 330 ca. ca. 33O (320) A Hüls
N aromatic Germany 180 m
340 300 716 668 2.99 0.38 0.112 70
15 Marlotherm Mixture of isomers SASOL <70 70 – 947 1.73 11.5 1.56 <70 320 63e 410 u. 0.7 134 A Hüls
X of alkyl-aromatic- Germany
180b 300c 10,900 633 2.86 0.24 0.06 54 o. 7.2 C
16 Cassida Fluid Base oil, PAO- Shell & 54 30 – 795 1.96 365 0.151 30 320 230 354 ‘‘USDA
HT 32 treated DEA approval.
group Ha
>360 320 25 669 3.04 0.85 0.136 185
17 Therminol Mixture of aliphatic Solutia <85 85 – 835 1.64 354 0.124 80 275 59 277 180 B Santotherm
D12 CH-compounds Gilotherm
182 260 3,962 550 3.10 0.25 0.063 22
18 Therminol Alkyl-aryl Solutia 80 45 – 901 1.66 493 0.132 41 280 136 327 236 A Santotherm
ADX-10 CH-compounds Gilotherm
293 250 370 686 2.72 0.39 0.090 33
19 Therminol Cross-linked alkyl Solutia 55 20 – 897 1.69 178 0.123 – 300 120 395 240 A Santotherm
RD benzol Gilotherm
283 270 728 697 2.93 0.49 0.094 48
20 Therminol Alkyl-benzol Solutia 30 7 – 879 1.90 323 0.114 7 340 168 390 320 A Santotherm
ALD mixture Gilotherm
342 310 500 674 2.90 0.53 0.090 90
D4.3. Table 3a. Synthetic heat transfer media (survey, no. 14 to 21)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22
Pour cation Specific Auto Explosive
point/ range thermal Thermal Ignition limit Molar
boiling min./ Vapor capacity Kinematic conduc- Flash temper- volume mass Possible Former
Trade point max. pressure Density (kJ/ viscosity tivity point ature content (kg/ appli- product/
No. name Structure Producer ( C) ( C) (mbar) (kg/m3) kg K) (mm2/s) (W/mK) Application limits ( C) ( C) (%) kmol) cation remark
Filling Upper: Max.
and film
start- temperature
up ( C) ( C)
21 Therminol Alkyl-benzol Solutia 40 10 – 892 1.80 346 0.132 10 335 177 366 320 A Santotherm
SP/55 mixture
351 315 480 659 2.95 0.45 0.093 85
22 Therminol 59 Alkyl-substituted Solutia 61 39 – 1,016 1.49 440 0.125 39 340 132 404 207 B Santotherm
aromatic 200 ppm
CH-compounds max.
289 315 1,630 740 2.67 0.32 0.089 26
23 Therminol 66 Hydrated terphenyl Solutia 32 0 – 1,021 1.50 1,297 0.118 10 375 170 399 252 A Santotherm
100 ppm
359 345 780 787 2.74 0.42 0.088 88
24 Therminol 68 Mixture of synthetic Solutia 33 10 – 1,048 1.53 307 0.126 10 390 155 400 226 B Santotherm
aromatic 200 ppm
compounds max.
308 360 2,501 782 2.72 0.30 0.096 71
25 Therminol 72 Mixture of synthetic Solutia 18 10 – 1,106 1.47 346 0.144 10 400 132 585 190 B Santotherm
Aromatic 271 380 5,736 753 2.53 0.19 0.096 45 MCS-2424
compounds 200 ppm
Oil-based and Synthetic Heat Transfer Media

26 Calflo AF Semi-synthetic (Petro 18 5 – 863 1.70 371 0.138 3 315 204 343 365 A Petro
paraffinic Canada) Canada
components 2 HT Fragol 349 290 70 716 2.84 0.75 0.122 106
(hydro treated)
D4.3. Table 3a. Synthetic heat transfer media (survey, no. 27 to 31)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22
Pour cation Specific Auto Explosive
point/ range thermal Thermal Ignition limit Molar
boiling min./ Vapor capacity Kinematic conduc- Flash temper- volume mass Possible Former
Trade point max. pressure Density (kJ/ viscosity tivity point ature content (kg/ appli- product/
No. name Structure Producer ( C) ( C) (mbar) (kg/m3) kg K) (mm2/s) (W/mK) Application limits ( C) ( C) (%) kmol) cation remark
Filling Upper: Max.
and film
start- temperature
up ( C) ( C)
27 Calflo FG Base oil (hydro (Petro 18 10 – 870 1.78 1,056 0.139 4 343 209 350 380 A Hl-Zul. des
treated mineral oil) Canada) USDA
Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

group H1a
Fragol 350 325 178 645 2.91 0.7 0.121 107
28 Calflo HTF Base oil (hydro (Petro 18 18 – 877 1.78 8,086 0.141 1 343 212 355 380 A
treated mineral oil) Canada)
Fragol 380 325 140 703 2.91 0.65 0.122 112
29 Ucotherm Hydrated mineral Fragol 48 45 – 872 1.85 1,573 0.136 30 285 >150 239
FG-8 oil
305 270 150 656 2.97 0.53 0.096 50
30 Ucotherm Hydrated mineral Fragol 15 10 – 855 2.07 702 0.156 0 345 >220 359
FG-33 oil
>390 325 200 640 3.16 0.7 0.129 110
31 Therminol Methyl-cyclo- Solutia <135 115 – 862 1.37 50 0.130 115 210 7 264
VLT hexane + 2,2,4-tri-
99 175 575 598 2.61 0.14 0.066 70
FDA approved heat transfer medium for food processing
Boiling point
Fire point Cleveland Open Cup (COC)
in liquid phase
in vapor phase
Setting point acc. DIN 51 583
D4.3. Table 3b. Synthetic heat transfer media (no. 1 to 2)

Vapor Thermal
Substance Temperature Pressure Density Specific Heat Conductivity Dynamic viscosity Kinematic viscosity Thermal Diffusivity Prandtl
No. (Trade Name) ( C) (mbar) (kg/m3) Capacity (kJ/kg K) (W/mK) (103 Ns/m)2 (106 m2/s) (108 m2/s) Number
1 Diphyl DT 20 1,067 1.450 0.138 66.35 61 8.92 682
0 1,051 1.510 0.136 15.0 14.3 8.57 164
20 1,053 1.580 0.133 6.65 6.32 8.13 77.1
40 1,019 1.640 0.130 3.53 3.46 7.78 43.8
60 1,002 1.700 0.127 2.35 2.35 7.46 30.7
80 986 1.760 0.125 1.61 1.63 7.20 22.2
100 970 1.820 0.123 1.22 1.26 6.97 17.4
120 954 1.870 0.119 0.973 1.02 6.67 14.9
140 14.8 938 1.930 0.116 0.784 0.836 6.41 12.8
160 32.5 922 1.980 0.114 0.639 0.693 6.24 10.9
180 64 906 2.030 0.111 0.536 0.592 6.04 9.6
200 124 890 2.070 0.108 0.463 0.520 5.86 8.7
220 224 874 2.120 0.106 0.401 0.458 5.72 7.9
240 364 858 2.160 0.103 0.359 0.418 5.56 7.4
260 609 842 2.200 0.100 0.326 0.387 5.40 7.1
280 937 826 2.240 0.097 0.312 0.378 5.24 7.0
300 1,480 810 2.280 0.094 0.289 0.357 5.09 6.9
320 2,240 794 2.320 0.092 0.275 0.346 4.99 6.8
330 2,680 786 2.335 0.091 0.269 0.342 4.93 6.8
340 3,100 778 2.350 0.090 0.262 0.330 4.87 6.8
2 Diphyl KT 50 1,062 1.40 0.139 1124.0 1058.4 9.35 11,320
40 1,054 1.43 0.137 278.0 236.76 9.09 2,902
20 1,039 1.49 0.135 45.00 43.31 8.72 497
0 1,023 1.55 0.132 14.30 13.98 8.32 168
Oil-based and Synthetic Heat Transfer Media

20 1,007 1.61 0.130 6.55 6.50 8.02 81.0

40 0.02 991 1.67 0.127 3.69 3.72 7.67 48.5
60 0.1 975 1.73 0.125 2.38 2.44 7.41 32.9
80 0.6 959 1.79 0.122 1.68 1.75 7.11 24.6
100 1.9 943 1.84 0.120 1.26 1.34 6.92 19.4
120 5.5 927 1.90 0.117 1.00 1.08 6.64 16.3
140 14 911 1.96 0.115 0.81 0.89 6.44 13.8

D4.3. Table 3b. Synthetic heat transfer media (no. 2 to 3)

Vapor Thermal
Substance Temperature Pressure Density Specific Heat Conductivity Dynamic viscosity Kinematic viscosity Thermal Diffusivity Prandtl
No. (Trade Name) ( C) (mbar) (kg/m3) Capacity (kJ/kg K) (W/mK) (103 Ns/m)2 (106 m2/s) (108 m2/s) Number
2 Diphyl KT 160 31 896 2.02 0.112 0.68 0.76 6.19 12.3
(continued) 180 62 880 2.08 0.110 0.59 0.67 6.01 11.1
200 118 864 2.14 0.107 0.51 0.59 5.79 10.2
220 208 848 2.20 0.105 0.45 0.53 5.63 9.41
240 348 832 2.26 0.102 0.41 0.49 5.42 9.04
260 554 816 2.31 0.100 0.37 0.45 5.31 8.47
280 847 800 2.37 0.097 0.34 0.43 5.12 8.40
300 1,248 784 2.43 0.095 0.31 0.40 4.99 8.02
320 1,782 769 2.49 0.092 0.28 0.36 4.80 7.50
340 2,474 753 2.55 0.090 0.26 0.35 4.69 7.46
350 2,888 745 2.58 0.089 0.25 0.34 4.63 7.34
Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

360 3,350 737 2.61 0.087 0.25 0.34 4.52 7.52

370 3,866 729 2.64 0.086 0.24 0.33 4.47 7.38
3 Diphyl THT 0 1,017 1.48 0.110 919 903 7.29 7,278
20 1,004 1.54 0.109 101 101 7.06 1,077
40 991 1.61 0.109 26.6 27 6.82 320
60 978 1.68 0.108 10.8 11 6.60 143
80 965 1.74 0.108 5.7 5.8 6.43 80.1
100 952 1.81 0.107 3.5 3.6 6.24 52.6
120 939 1.88 0.107 2.3 2.5 6.07 38.1
140 926 1.95 0.106 1.7 1.8 5.91 29.6
160 3 913 2.01 0.106 1.3 1.4 5.79 24.2
180 7 900 2.08 0.105 1.1 1.2 5.65 20.6
200 16 887 2.15 0.105 0.89 1.0 5.53 17.9
220 32 874 2.22 0.104 0.75 0.86 5.41 16.0
240 62 861 2.29 0.104 0.65 0.76 5.30 14.6
260 111 848 2.36 0.103 0.57 0.68 5.20 13.5
280 190 835 2.44 0.103 0.51 0.61 5.09 12.9
300 312 822 2.51 0.102 0.46 0.56 5.01 12.1
320 491 809 2.58 0.102 0.42 0.52 4.93 11.7
340 746 796 2.65 0.101 0.38 0.48 4.86 11.0
370 1,318 111 2.76 0.100 0.34 0.44 4.75 10.7
D4.3. Table 3b. Synthetic heat transfer media (no. 4 to 5)

Vapor Thermal
Substance Temperature Pressure Density Specific Heat Conductivity Dynamic viscosity Kinematic viscosity Thermal Diffusivity Prandtl
No. (Trade Name) ( C) (mbar) (kg/m3) Capacity (kJ/kg K) (W/mK) (103 Ns/m)2 (106 m2/s) (108 m2/s) Number
4 Deacal HT 22 20 938 1.65 0.131 1,407 1,500 8.46 17,722
0 9.01 · 10 925 1.71 0.130 185 200 8.22 2,433
20 3.34 · 103 912 1.79 0.129 44.7 49 7.90 620.1
40 1.05 · 102 898 1.87 0.127 17.1 19 7.56 251.2
60 2.94 · 10 885 1.94 0.126 7.96 9 7.34 122.6
80 7.48 · 102 872 2.01 0.124 4.36 5 7.07 70.7
100 0.178 859 2.10 0.123 2.92 3.4 6.82 49.9
120 0.403 845 2.16 0.122 2.03 2.4 6.68 35.9
140 0.887 832 2.23 0.120 1.50 1.8 6.47 27.8
160 1.91 819 2.30 0.119 1.15 1.4 6.32 22.2
180 4.03 805 2.38 0.117 0.966 1.2 6.11 19.7
200 8.33 792 2.50 0.116 0.768 0.97 5.86 16.6
220 779 2.52 0.115 0.654 0.84 5.86 14.3
240 766 2.60 0.113 0.559 0.73 5.67 12.9
260 752 2.67 0.112 0.489 0.65 5.58 11.7
280 739 2.74 0.110 0.429 0.58 5.43 10.7
300 725 2.80 0.109 0.384 0.53 5.37 9.87
320 713 2.89 0.108 0.349 0.49 5.24 9.35
5 Dowtherm G 5 1,125 1.51 0.128 121.95 108.40 7.46 1,452
0 1,121 1.53 0.128 74.66 66.60 7.41 898
20 1,105 1.58 0.126 18.92 17.12 7.20 238
40 1,069 1.63 0.124 8.29 7.61 6.99 108.9
60 1,072 1.67 0.122 4.76 4.44 6.80 65.3
80 1 1,056 1.72 0.120 3.16 2.99 6.59 45.4
100 3 1,040 1.77 0.118 2.27 2.18 6.40 34.1
Oil-based and Synthetic Heat Transfer Media

120 7 1,023 1.81 0.115 1.72 1.68 6.21 27.1

140 16 1,007 1.86 0.113 1.35 1.34 6.03 22.2
160 34 991 1.90 0.110 1.08 1.09 5.84 18.7
180 68 975 1.95 0.108 0.88 0.90 5.66 16.0
200 125 958 2.00 0.105 0.73 0.76 5.48 13.9

D4.3. Table 3b. Synthetic heat transfer media (no. 5 to 6)

Vapor Thermal
Substance Temperature Pressure Density Specific Heat Conductivity Dynamic viscosity Kinematic viscosity Thermal Diffusivity Prandtl
No. (Trade Name) ( C) (mbar) (kg/m3) Capacity (kJ/kg K) (W/mK) (103 Ns/m)2 (106 m2/s) (108 m2/s) Number
5 Dowtherm G 220 217 942 2.04 0.102 0.61 0.65 5.31 12.2
(continued) 240 358 926 2.09 0.099 0.52 0.56 5.14 10.9
260 566 909 2.13 0.096 0.44 0.48 4.97 9.7
280 858 893 2.18 0.094 0.38 0.43 4.81 8.9
300 1,261 877 2.23 0.091 0.33 0.38 4.64 8.1
320 1,800 860 2.27 0.088 0.29 0.34 4.49 7.5
340 2,498 844 2.32 0.085 0.26 0.31 4.33 7.1
360 3,385 828 2.36 0.082 0.23 0.28 4.18 6.6
6 Dowtherm J 80 935 1.570 0.150 9.96 10.65 10.22 104
Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

60 921 1.616 0.146 5.12 5.56 9.81 56.7

40 907 1.664 0.142 2.88 3.18 9.41 33.7
20 893 1.716 0.138 1.80 2.02 9.01 22.4
0 879 1.771 0.133 1.23 1.40 8.54 16.4
20 864 1.830 0.129 0.91 1.05 8.16 12.9
40 849 1.892 0.125 0.70 0.824 7.78 10.6
60 10 833 1.956 0.120 0.56 0.672 7.36 9.1
80 30 818 2.024 0.126 0.47 0.575 7.01 8.2
100 80 801 2.093 0.112 0.40 0.499 6.68 7.5
120 160 785 2.166 0.107 0.35 0.446 6.29 7.1
140 320 767 2.240 0.103 0.31 0.404 6.00 6.7
160 580 749 2.316 0.099 0.28 0.374 5.71 6.6
180 980 731 2.394 0.094 0.25 0.342 5.37 6.4
200 1,580 711 2.474 0.090 0.23 0.323 5.12 6.3
220 2,430 691 2.560 0.085 0.22 0.318 4.81 6.6
240 3,590 669 2.640 0.081 0.20 0.299 4.59 6.5
260 5,130 646 2.721 0.077 0.19 0.294 4.38 6.7
280 7,120 620 2.812 0.072 0.18 0.290 4.13 7.0
300 9,640 592 2.918 0.068 0.17 0.287 3.94 7.3
310 11,130 577 2.980 0.066 0.17 0.283 3.84 7.7
315 11,940 569 3.014 0.065 0.16 0.281 3.79 7.4
D4.3. Table 3b. Synthetic heat transfer media (no. 7 to 8)

Vapor Thermal
Substance Temperature Pressure Density Specific Heat Conductivity Dynamic viscosity Kinematic viscosity Thermal Diffusivity Prandtl
No. (Trade Name) ( C) (mbar) (kg/m3) Capacity (kJ/kg K) (W/mK) (103 Ns/m)2 (106 m2/s) (108 m2/s) Number
7 Dowtherm RP 0 1,043 1.56 0.134 221 212 8.24 2,573
20 1,029 1.62 0.131 42.8 41.6 7.86 529
40 1,015 1.68 0.129 14.9 14.7 7.57 194
60 1,001 1.74 0.126 7.19 7.18 7.23 99.3
80 987 1.80 0.124 4.20 4.26 6.98 61.0
100 973 1.86 0.121 2.77 2.85 6.69 42.6
120 959 1.92 0.118 1.98 2.06 6.41 32.1
140 944 1.98 0.116 1.49 1.58 6.21 25.4
160 930 2.04 0.113 1.18 1.27 5.96 21.3
180 10 916 2.10 0.111 0.96 1.05 5.77 18.2
200 20 901 2.16 0.108 0.80 1.89 5.55 16.0
220 30 886 2.22 0.105 0.68 0.77 5.34 14.4
240 60 871 2.27 0.103 0.58 0.67 5.21 12.9
260 110 856 2.33 0.100 0.51 0.60 5.01 12.0
280 200 841 2.39 0.0977 0.45 0.54 4.86 11.1
300 330 825 2.45 0.0951 0.40 0.48 4.71 10.2
320 520 809 2.51 0.0925 0.36 0.44 4.56 9.65
340 790 793 2.57 0.0899 0.33 0.42 4.41 9.52
350 960 785 2.60 0.0886 0.31 0.39 4.34 8.99
360 1,160 777 2.63 0.0873 0.30 0.39 4.27 9.13
370 1,400 768 2.66 0.0860 0.29 0.38 4.21 9.03
8 Dowtherm Q 35 1,010 1.48 0.128 50.21 49.71 8.59 578.9
30 1,009 1.50 0.128 35.24 34.93 8.47 412.6
20 1,001 1.52 0.127 19.47 19.45 8.30 234.4
10 994 1.56 0.126 12.06 12.13 8.11 149.6
Oil-based and Synthetic Heat Transfer Media

0 986 1.59 0.124 8.09 8.20 7.93 103.5

10 979 1.62 0.123 5.76 5.88 7.77 75.7
20 971 1.65 0.122 4.30 4.43 7.60 58.3
30 963 1.69 0.121 3.32 3.45 7.44 46.4
40 956 1.72 0.120 2.64 2.76 7.28 37.9
D4.3. Table 3b. Synthetic heat transfer media (no. 8)

Vapor Thermal
Substance Temperature Pressure Density Specific Heat Conductivity Dynamic viscosity Kinematic viscosity Thermal Diffusivity Prandtl
No. (Trade Name) ( C) (mbar) (kg/m3) Capacity (kJ/kg K) (W/mK) (103 Ns/m)2 (106 m2/s) (108 m2/s) Number
8 Dowtherm Q 50 948 1.75 0.118 2.15 2.27 7.13 31.8
(continued) 60 940 1.78 0.117 1.78 1.89 7.00 27.1
70 933 1.81 0.116 1.50 1.61 6.83 25.5
80 925 1.85 0.114 1.29 1.39 6.70 20.8
90 917 1.88 0.113 1.11 1.21 6.56 18.4
100 910 1.91 0.112 0.97 1.07 6.43 16.6
110 10 902 1.94 0.110 0.86 0.95 6.30 15.1
120 895 1.97 0.109 0.77 0.86 6.17 13.9
Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

130 20 887 2.00 0.107 0.69 0.78 6.05 12.9

140 879 2.03 0.106 0.62 0.71 5.93 11.9
150 30 872 2.06 0.104 0.56 0.64 5.81 11.1
160 50 864 2.09 0.103 0.52 0.60 5.70 10.6
170 70 856 2.12 0.101 0.47 0.55 5.58 9.8
180 100 849 2.15 0.100 0.44 0.52 5.47 9.5
190 130 841 2.18 0.098 0.40 0.48 5.35 8.9
200 180 833 2.21 0.097 0.38 0.46 5.25 8.7
210 240 826 2.24 0.095 0.35 0.42 5.15 8.2
220 320 818 2.27 0.094 0.33 0.40 5.04 8.0
230 420 811 2.30 0.092 0.31 0.38 4.94 7.7
240 540 803 2.33 0.091 0.29 0.36 4.84 7.5
250 680 795 2.36 0.089 0.27 0.34 4.74 7.2
260 860 788 2.39 0.087 0.26 0.33 4.64 7.1
270 1,060 780 2.42 0.086 0.25 0.32 4.55 7.0
280 1,310 772 2.45 0.084 0.23 0.30 4.47 6.7
290 1,610 765 2.47 0.083 0.22 0.29 4.37 6.6
300 1,950 757 2.50 0.081 0.21 0.28 4.28 6.5
310 2,350 749 2.53 0.080 0.20 0.27 4.20 6.4
320 2,820 742 2.56 0.078 0.19 0.26 4.10 6.2
330 3,350 734 2.59 0.077 0.18 0.25 4.03 6.1
D4.3. Table 3b. Synthetic heat transfer media (no. 9 to 11)

Vapor Thermal
Substance Temperature Pressure Density Specific Heat Conductivity Dynamic viscosity Kinematic viscosity Thermal Diffusivity Prandtl
No. (Trade Name) ( C) (mbar) (kg/m3) Capacity (kJ/kg K) (W/mK) (103 Ns/m)2 (106 m2/s) (108 m2/s) Number
9 Finkotherm S 300 20 914 1.70 0.138 3,199 3,500 8.88 39,410
0 900 1.81 0.137 396 440 8.47 5,194
20 886 1.93 0.135 78.40 88.49 7.89 1,121
40 872 2.02 0.132 33.10 37.96 7.49 506
60 0.1 858 2.14 0.131 15.40 17.95 7.13 252
80 0.5 845 2.26 0.129 6.34 7.50 6.75 111
100 1.6 832 2.37 0.127 4.16 5.00 6.44 77.6
150 20 795 2.65 0.124 1.59 2.00 5.89 29.4
200 95 762 2.92 0.119 0.991 1.30 5.35 24.3
250 310 726 3.19 0.115 0.581 0.80 4.97 16.1
300 800 693 3.46 0.111 0.416 0.60 4.63 13.0
330 1,400 670 3.68 0.109 0.335 0.50 4.42 11.3
10 Ucotherm S 15 A 20 1,047 1.63 0.160 628 600 9.38 6,400
0 1,031 1.71 0.160 124 120 9.08 1,322
20 1,015 1.80 0.160 41 40 8.76 457
40 999 1.87 0.160 18 18 8.56 210
60 983 1.95 0.159 9.8 10 8.29 121
80 966 2.02 0.159 6.3 6.5 8.15 79.8
100 950 2.10 0.159 4.4 4.6 7.97 57.7
120 934 2.18 0.159 3.1 3.3 7.81 42.3
140 918 2.26 0.159 2.4 2.6 7.66 33.9
160 902 2.34 0.158 1.9 2.1 7.49 28.1
180 885 2.42 0.158 1.6 1.8 7.38 24.4
200 869 2.50 0.158 1.3 1.5 7.27 20.6
220 853 2.57 0.158 1.1 1.3 7.21 18.0
Oil-based and Synthetic Heat Transfer Media

11 Ucotherm S 20 A 0 1,050 1.88 0.160 536 510 8.11 6,292

20 1,098 1.93 0.160 145 140 8.02 1,753
40 1,020 1.97 0.160 57.1 56 7.98 703
60 1,002 2.01 0.160 28.1 28 7.94 353
80 987 2.05 0.160 15.8 16 7.92 202
100 975 2.13 0.159 10.7 11 7.70 143
120 955 2.17 0.159 7.64 8 7.69 104

D4.3. Table 3b. Synthetic heat transfer media (no. 11 to 13)

Vapor Thermal
Substance Temperature Pressure Density Specific Heat Conductivity Dynamic viscosity Kinematic viscosity Thermal Diffusivity Prandtl
No. (Trade Name) ( C) (mbar) (kg/m3) Capacity (kJ/kg K) (W/mK) (103 Ns/m)2 (106 m2/s) (108 m2/s) Number
11 Ucotherm S 20 A 140 939 2.21 0.159 5.82 6.2 7.68 80.6
(continued) 160 929 2.25 0.159 4.27 4.6 7.67 60.8
180 908 2.29 0.159 3.09 3.4 7.67 44.6
200 890 2.33 0.159 2.67 3.0 7.68 39.6
220 873 2.37 0.159 2.36 2.7 7.69 35.8
240 858 2.42 0.158 2.15 2.5 7.63 33.7
12 Renotherm 350 S 20 890 1.86 0.1023 58.7 66 6.18 1,068
100 802 2.39 0.0925 1.28 1.60 4.83 33.2
150 835 2.20 0.0960 3.01 3.60 5.23 68.9
250 735 2.76 0.0855 0.456 0.62 4.21 14.7
Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

300 701 2.95 0.0820 0.316 0.45 3.97 11.4

350 674 3.12 0.0792 0.243 0.36 3.77 9.6
13 Marlotherm SH 0 1,058 1.48 0.133 340 321 8.49 3,779
20 1,044 1.55 0.131 49 47 8.10 581
40 1,030 1.62 0.128 17 16.5 7.67 338
60 1,016 1.70 0.125 8.2 8.1 7.24 112
80 1,001 1.77 0.123 4.7 4.7 6.94 67.6
100 987 1.85 0.120 3.1 3.1 6.57 47.2
120 973 1.92 0.117 2.2 2.3 6.26 36.1
140 0.1 958 1.99 0.115 1.7 1.8 6.03 29.4
160 0.5 944 2.07 0.112 1.3 1.4 5.73 24.0
180 1.7 930 2.15 0.110 1.1 1.2 5.50 21.7
200 5.0 915 2.22 0.107 0.84 0.92 5.27 17.4
220 12.0 901 2.29 0.104 0.69 0.77 5.04 15.2
240 27 887 2.37 0.102 0.58 0.65 4.85 13.5
260 54 873 2.44 0.099 0.50 0.57 4.65 12.3
280 98 858 2.52 0.096 0.43 0.50 4.44 11.3
300 200 844 2.59 0.094 0.38 0.45 4.30 10.5
320 315 830 2.67 0.091 0.33 0.40 4.11 9.7
340 560 815 2.74 0.088 0.29 0.36 3.94 9.1
360 860 801 2.82 0.086 0.26 0.32 3.81 8.5
D4.3. Table 3b. Synthetic heat transfer media (no. 14 to 15)

Vapor Thermal
Substance Temperature Pressure Density Specific Heat Conductivity Dynamic viscosity Kinematic viscosity Thermal Diffusivity Prandtl
No. (Trade Name) ( C) (mbar) (kg/m3) Capacity (kJ/kg K) (W/mK) (103 Ns/m)2 (106 m2/s) (108 m2/s) Number
14 Marlotherm N 20 904 1.82 0.137 720 796 8.33 9,556
0 890 1.89 0.136 160 180 8.09 2,225
20 877 1.97 0.135 45.6 52.0 7.81 666
40 863 2.04 0.134 17.3 20.0 7.61 263
60 850 2.11 0.132 7.99 9.40 7.36 128
80 836 2.19 0.130 4.43 5.30 7.10 74.6
100 823 2.26 0.129 2.80 3.40 6.94 49.0
120 810 2.33 0.127 1.86 2.30 6.73 34.2
140 796 2.41 0.125 1.43 1.80 6.52 27.6
160 1 783 2.48 0.124 1.10 1.40 6.39 21.9
180 4 769 2.55 0.122 0.85 1.10 6.22 17.7
200 17 755 2.62 0.121 0.66 0.87 6.12 14.2
220 48 743 2.74 0.119 0.56 0.73 5.93 12.3
240 115 729 2.77 0.118 0.44 0.60 5.84 10.3
260 235 716 2.84 0.116 0.36 0.50 5.70 8.77
280 429 702 2.92 0.114 0.30 0.43 5.56 7.73
300 716 688 2.99 0.112 0.26 0.38 5.44 6.99
15 Marlotherm X 60 931 1.73 0.153 6.61 7.10 9.50 74.7
40 915 1.72 0.147 3.20 3.50 9.34 37.5
20 899 1.73 0.142 1.89 2.10 9.13 23.0
0 885 1.74 0.137 1.24 1.40 8.90 15.7
20 0.9 868 1.79 0.132 0.95 1.10 8.50 12.9
40 3.6 851 1.80 0.126 0.72 0.85 8.23 10.3
60 12 835 1.85 0.121 0.58 0.69 7.83 8.81
80 32 819 1.92 0.116 0.46 0.56 7.38 7.59
Oil-based and Synthetic Heat Transfer Media

100 76 803 1.98 0.111 0.39 0.48 6.98 6.88

120 161 787 2.06 0.106 0.33 0.42 6.54 6.42
140 313 769 2.14 0.101 0.28 0.37 6.14 6.03
160 564 752 2.23 0.095 0.25 0.33 5.67 5.82
180 954 735 2.32 0.090 0.22 0.30 5.28 5.68
200 1,600 718 2.41 0.085 0.21 0.29 4.91 5.91
220 2,500 701 2.50 0.080 0.20 0.28 4.56 6.14

D4.3. Table 3b. Synthetic heat transfer media (no. 15 to 17)

Vapor Thermal
Substance Temperature Pressure Density Specific Heat Conductivity Dynamic viscosity Kinematic viscosity Thermal Diffusivity Prandtl
No. (Trade Name) ( C) (mbar) (kg/m3) Capacity (kJ/kg K) (W/mK) (103 Ns/m)2 (106 m2/s) (108 m2/s) Number
15 Marlotherm X 240 3,800 684 2.59 0.075 0.18 0.27 4.23 6.38
(continued) 260 5,500 667 2.68 0.069 0.17 0.26 3.86 6.74
280 7,900 650 2.77 0.064 0.16 0.25 3.55 7.04
300 10,900 633 2.86 0.059 0.15 0.24 3.26 7.36
16 Cassida Fluid 0 835 2.07 0.150 182 218 8.68 2,512
HT 32 20 824 2.12 0.148 57.7 70.0 8.47 826
60 799 2.29 0.146 12.0 15.0 7.98 188
100 774 2.42 0.144 4.41 5.70 7.69 74.1
150 742 2.55 0.141 1.99 2.68 7.45 36.0
200 713 2.79 0.130 1.10 1.54 6.99 22.0
Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

250 683 2.92 0.137 0.70 1.03 6.87 15.0

300 652 3.16 0.135 0.50 0.76 6.55 11.6
340 628 3.28 0.134 0.39 0.62 6.51 9.58
17 Therminol D 12 85 835 1.64 0.124 296 354 9.06 3,909
60 818 1.76 0.121 23.9 29.2 8.40 347
40 804 1.85 0.118 7.06 8.78 7.93 110.7
20 790 1.94 0.116 3.23 4.09 7.57 54.2
0 776 2.03 0.113 1.93 2.49 7.17 34.9
20 1 762 2.11 0.110 1.30 1.70 6.84 24.8
40 3 748 2.20 0.107 0.93 1.24 6.50 18.5
60 9 733 2.28 0.104 0.70 0.96 6.22 15.4
80 23 717 2.36 0.100 0.56 0.78 5.91 13.2
100 60 702 2.45 0.096 0.45 0.64 5.58 11.5
120 124 687 2.53 0.093 0.38 0.55 5.35 10.3
140 244 670 2.61 0.089 0.31 0.47 5.09 9.23
160 443 653 2.69 0.085 0.27 0.41 4.84 8.47
180 754 635 2.77 0.081 0.23 0.36 4.61 7.81
200 1,223 615 2.86 0.076 0.20 0.33 4.32 7.64
220 1,867 596 2.93 0.072 0.17 0.29 4.12 7.04
240 2,768 574 3.01 0.067 0.15 0.27 3.88 6.96
260 3,962 550 3.10 0.063 0.14 0.25 3.70 6.76
D4.3. Table 3b. Synthetic heat transfer media (no. 18 to 19)

Vapor Thermal
Substance Temperature Pressure Density Specific Heat Conductivity Dynamic viscosity Kinematic viscosity Thermal Diffusivity Prandtl
No. (Trade Name) ( C) (mbar) (kg/m3) Capacity (kJ/kg K) (W/mK) (103 Ns/m)2 (106 m2/s) (108 m2/s) Number
18 Therminol ADX 10 50 904 1.64 0.133 784 867 8.97 9,666
40 898 1.68 0.131 251 279 8.68 3,214
20 884 1.76 0.129 46 52.2 8.29 630
0 871 1.84 0.126 14.4 16.5 7.86 210
20 857 1.91 0.124 6.28 7.33 7.58 96.7
40 843 1.99 0.121 3.40 4.03 7.21 55.9
60 829 2.07 0.119 2.13 2.57 6.93 37.1
80 815 2.14 0.116 1.47 1.80 6.65 27.1
100 801 2.21 0.113 1.09 1.36 6.38 21.3
150 20 765 2.39 0.106 0.62 0.80 5.80 13.8
200 80 727 2.56 0.098 0.40 0.55 5.32 10.3
220 160 711 2.62 0.095 0.34 0.48 5.10 9.41
240 280 694 2.69 0.092 0.29 0.42 4.93 8.52
260 470 677 2.75 0.088 0.26 0.38 4.78 7.95
280 750 659 2.81 0.085 0.22 0.33 4.59 7.19
290 940 650 2.85 0.083 0.21 0.32 4.48 7.14
19 Therminol RD 30 905 1.61 0.124 561 619 8.51 2,092
20 897 1.65 0.123 160 178 8.31 2,142
0 883 1.73 0.121 30.2 34.2 7.92 432
20 869 1.81 0.119 10.5 12.1 7.57 160
40 855 1.89 0.117 5.06 5.91 7.24 81.5
60 841 1.97 0.115 2.95 3.51 6.91 50.7
80 827 2.06 0.113 1.95 2.36 6.63 36.2
100 1 813 2.14 0.111 1.40 1.72 6.38 26.6
120 3 799 2.22 0.109 1.07 1.34 6.15 21.2
Oil-based and Synthetic Heat Transfer Media

140 9 785 2.30 0.107 0.85 1.09 5.93 18.4

160 20 772 2.38 0.105 0.70 0.91 5.71 15.9
180 44 758 2.46 0.103 0.60 0.79 5.52 14.3
200 90 744 2.54 0.101 0.51 0.69 5.34 12.9
220 174 731 2.62 0.099 0.45 0.62 5.15 12.0
240 319 717 2.71 0.097 0.40 0.56 4.99 11.2
260 559 704 2.79 0.095 0.36 0.51 4.84 10.5
270 728 697 2.83 0.094 0.34 0.49 4.77 10.3
D4.3. Table 3b. Synthetic heat transfer media (no. 20 to 21)

Vapor Thermal
Substance Temperature Pressure Density Specific Heat Conductivity Dynamic viscosity Kinematic viscosity Thermal Diffusivity Prandtl
No. (Trade Name) ( C) (mbar) (kg/m3) Capacity (kJ/kg K) (W/mK) (103 Ns/m)2 (106 m2/s) (108 m2/s) Number
20 Therminol ALD 10 892 1.85 0.116 2,797 3,040 7.03 43,243
0 884 1.88 0.115 631 714 6.92 10,318
20 870 1.94 0.113 88.7 102 6.70 1,522
40 856 2.01 0.112 25.2 29.4 6.51 452
60 842 2.07 0.110 10.4 12.35 6.31 196
80 828 2.13 0.109 5.41 6.53 6.18 106
100 814 2.20 0.107 3.26 4.01 5.97 67.2
150 3 779 2.36 0.103 1.36 1.74 5.60 31.1
200 20 746 2.53 0.099 0.77 1.03 5.25 19.6
Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

250 90 713 2.69 0.095 0.51 0.72 4.95 14.5

300 380 681 2.86 0.091 0.37 0.55 4.67 11.8
310 490 674 2.90 0.090 0.36 0.53 4.60 11.5
21 Therminol SP/55 20 916 1.75 0.141 2,600 2,840 8.80 32,287
0 903 1.83 0.139 270 300 8.41 3,566
20 890 1.90 0.137 67 75 8.10 926
40 1 876 1.98 0.135 23 26 7.78 334
60 2 863 2.05 0.133 11 13 7.52 173
80 3 849 2.12 0.131 5.8 6.8 7.28 93.4
100 5 836 2.20 0.129 3.7 4.4 7.01 62.7
120 7 823 2.28 0.128 2.6 3.1 6.82 45.4
140 12 809 2.35 0.126 1.9 2.3 6.63 34.7
160 18 796 2.43 0.124 1.4 1.8 6.41 28.1
180 29 782 2.50 0.122 1.2 1.5 6.24 24.0
200 45 769 2.57 0.120 0.92 1.2 6.07 19.8
220 73 756 2.65 0.118 0.77 1.02 5.89 17.3
240 114 742 2.73 0.116 0.66 0.89 5.73 15.5
260 180 729 2.81 0.114 0.57 0.78 5.57 14.0
280 282 715 2.88 0.113 0.50 0.70 5.49 12.8
300 450 702 2.96 0.111 0.46 0.65 5.34 12.2
305 540 699 2.97 0.110 0.43 0.62 5.30 11.7
D4.3. Table 3b. Synthetic heat transfer media (no. 22 to 23)

Vapor Thermal
Substance Temperature Pressure Density Specific Heat Conductivity Dynamic viscosity Kinematic viscosity Thermal Diffusivity Prandtl
No. (Trade Name) ( C) (mbar) (kg/m3) Capacity (kJ/kg K) (W/mK) (103 Ns/m)2 (106 m2/s) (108 m2/s) Number
22 Therminol 59 50 1,025 1.46 0.126 2,504 2,443 8.42 29,014
40 1,017 1.49 0.125 454 446 8.25 5,407
20 1,003 1.55 0.125 53.3 53.1 8.04 660
0 989 1.62 0.123 15.3 15.5 7.68 201.9
20 974 1.68 0.121 6.86 7.04 7.39 95.2
40 960 1.75 0.120 3.88 4.04 7.14 56.6
60 945 1.81 0.118 2.50 2.65 6.90 38.4
80 931 1.88 0.117 1.77 1.90 6.68 28.4
100 3.9 916 1.94 0.115 1.32 1.44 6.47 22.3
150 30 878 2.11 0.110 0.74 0.84 5.94 14.1
200 130 840 2.27 0.104 0.48 0.57 5.45 10.4
250 450 799 2.44 0.098 0.34 0.42 5.03 8.36
300 1,240 755 2.62 0.091 0.25 0.33 4.60 7.17
310 1,480 745 2.66 0.090 0.24 0.32 4.54 7.05
320 1,760 736 2.69 0.088 0.23 0.31 4.44 6.97
23 Therminol 66 0 1,021 1.53 0.121 1,020 1,000 7.75 12,903
20 1,008 1.60 0.120 100.6 100 7.44 1,344
40 994 1.67 0.119 26.0 26.2 7.17 365.4
60 980 1.74 0.118 11.3 11.5 6.92 166.2
80 966 1.80 0.117 5.80 6.0 6.73 89.2
100 953 1.88 0.115 3.52 3.7 6.42 57.6
150 3 920 2.05 0.111 1.51 1.65 5.88 28.1
200 25 885 2.22 0.107 0.87 0.99 5.45 18.2
250 105 852 2.40 0.102 0.59 0.69 4.99 13.8
300 340 818 2.58 0.096 0.43 0.53 4.55 11.65
Oil-based and Synthetic Heat Transfer Media

350 930 785 2.75 0.091 0.33 4.22 9.95 9.95

370 1,360 768 2.83 0.087 0.31 0.40 4.00 9.99
D4.3. Table 3b. Synthetic heat transfer media (no. 24 to 25)

Vapor Thermal
Substance Temperature Pressure Density Specific Heat Conductivity Dynamic viscosity Kinematic viscosity Thermal Diffusivity Prandtl
No. (Trade Name) ( C) (mbar) (kg/m3) Capacity (kJ/kg K) (W/mK) (103 Ns/m)2 (106 m2/s) (108 m2/s) Number
24 Therminol 68 20 1,056 1.49 0.127 941 891 8.02 11,113
0 1,042 1.56 0.125 134 129 7.69 1677.5
20 1,027 1.62 0.123 65.2 34.7 7.39 469.4
40 0.1 1,013 1.68 0.122 13.9 13.7 7.13 192.2
60 0.3 998 1.75 0.120 6.94 6.95 6.87 100.4
80 0.8 984 1.82 0.119 4.07 4.13 6.64 61.7
100 2.2 970 1.88 0.117 2.66 2.74 6.42 42.1
150 16.7 934 2.04 0.113 1.24 1.33 5.93 22.4
Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

200 82.4 898 2.20 0.109 0.73 0.81 5.52 14.7

250 299.6 862 2.36 0.105 0.48 0.55 5.16 10.66
300 869.4 826 2.53 0.101 0.34 0.41 4.83 8.49
320 1,266 811 2.59 0.100 0.30 0.37 4.76 7.77
340 1,799 797 2.65 0.098 0.26 0.33 4.62 7.14
360 2,501 782 2.72 0.096 0.24 0.30 4.51 6.65
370 2,925 775 2.75 0.096 0.23 0.29 4.50 6.44
25 Therminol 72 20 1,115 1.46 0.144 208.6 187 8.84 2,116
0 1,097 1.51 0.142 40.8 37.15 8.57 434
20 1,079 1.56 0.139 13.6 12.6 8.26 153
40 1,061 1.62 0.137 6.3 5.90 7.97 74.0
60 1,043 1.67 0.134 3.5 3.36 7.69 44.2
80 1,025 1.72 0.132 2.23 2.18 7.49 29.4
100 1,007 1.78 0.130 1.56 1.55 7.25 22.1
120 989 1.83 0.127 1.16 1.17 7.02 17.1
140 970 1.88 0.125 0.89 0.92 6.85 13.4
160 952 1.94 0.122 0.70 0.74 6.61 11.2
180 934 1.99 0.120 0.57 0.61 6.46 9.44
200 330 916 2.04 0.118 0.48 0.52 6.31 8.24
220 450 898 2.10 0.115 0.40 0.44 6.10 7.21
240 620 880 2.15 0.113 0.34 0.39 5.97 6.53
D4.3. Table 3b. Synthetic heat transfer media (no. 25 to 26)

Vapor Thermal
Substance Temperature Pressure Density Specific Heat Conductivity Dynamic viscosity Kinematic viscosity Thermal Diffusivity Prandtl
No. (Trade Name) ( C) (mbar) (kg/m3) Capacity (kJ/kg K) (W/mK) (103 Ns/m)2 (106 m2/s) (108 m2/s) Number
25 Therminol 72 260 860 862 2.20 0.110 0.29 0.34 5.80 5.86
(continued) 280 1,190 844 2.26 0.108 0.26 0.31 5.66 5.48
300 1,640 825 2.31 0.106 0.23 0.28 5.56 5.04
320 2,260 807 2.36 0.103 0.20 0.25 5.41 4.62
340 3,120 789 2.42 0.101 0.18 0.23 5.29 4.35
360 4,300 771 2.47 0.098 0.17 0.22 5.15 4.27
380 5,930 753 2.52 0.096 0.15 0.20 5.06 3.96
26 Calflo AF 10 866 1.68 0.139 628 726 9.56 7,592
0 861 1.72 0.138 195 226 9.32 2,425
20 851 1.79 0.137 55.3 65 8.99 723
40 841 1.87 0.136 25.8 30.7 8.65 355
60 831 1.95 0.137 12.0 14.4 8.33 173
80 821 2.03 0.134 6.9 8.4 8.04 104
100 0.1 811 2.10 0.133 4.5 5.5 7.81 70.4
120 0.2 801 2.18 0.132 3.1 3.9 7.56 51.6
140 0.5 791 2.26 0.130 2.3 2.9 7.27 39.9
160 1.2 781 2.33 0.129 1.8 2.3 7.09 32.4
180 2.6 771 2.41 0.128 1.4 1.8 6.89 26.1
200 5.3 761 2.49 0.127 1.1 1.5 6.70 22.4
220 10 751 2.57 0.126 0.98 1.3 6.53 19.9
240 19 741 2.64 0.125 0.79 1.07 6.39 16.7
260 33 731 2.72 0.124 0.68 0.93 6.24 14.9
280 56 721 2.8 0.123 0.58 0.81 6.09 13.3
300 91 711 2.88 0.122 0.50 0.71 5.96 11.9
320 144 701 2.95 0.121 0.44 0.63 5.86 10.8
Oil-based and Synthetic Heat Transfer Media

340 220 691 3.03 0.120 0.39 0.56 5.73 9.77


D4.3. Table 3b. Synthetic heat transfer media (no. 27 to 28)

Vapor Thermal
Substance Temperature Pressure Density Specific Heat Conductivity Dynamic viscosity Kinematic viscosity Thermal Diffusivity Prandtl
No. (Trade Name) ( C) (mbar) (kg/m3) Capacity (kJ/kg K) (W/mK) (103 Ns/m)2 (106 m2/s) (108 m2/s) Number
27 Ucotherm FG-8 45 20 872 1.85 0.136 1,372 1,573 8.44 18,633
40 90 869 1.86 0.135 708.8 815.7 8.34 9,786
20 150 856 1.94 0.133 101.3 118.3 8.03 1,474
0 843 2.00 0.131 28.42 33.72 7.75 435
Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

20 830 2.08 0.129 11.58 13.96 7.48 187

40 816 2.15 0.126 5.93 7.27 7.18 101
60 803 2.22 0.124 3.53 4.39 6.95 63
80 790 2.29 0.122 2.33 2.95 6.74 44
100 777 2.36 0.119 1.65 2.13 6.48 33
150 743 2.54 0.113 0.87 1.17 5.98 20
200 708 2.72 0.106 0.55 0.78 5.5 14
250 672 2.90 0.099 0.39 0.58 5.09 11
270 656 2.97 0.096 0.34 0.53 4.93 10
28 Ucotherm FG-33 10 10 855 2.07 0.156 600.4 702.2 8.81 7,966
0 60 849 2.11 0.154 254.2 299.5 8.60 3,483
20 160 836 2.17 0.150 68.87 82.35 8.27 996
40 824 2.23 0.146 26.71 32.42 7.95 408
60 811 2.30 0.143 13.00 16.02 7.66 209
80 799 2.36 0.139 7.37 9.23 7.37 125
100 786 2.43 0.137 4.66 5.93 7.17 83
150 755 2.59 0.131 2.00 2.66 6.70 40
200 723 2.75 0.128 1.12 1.55 6.44 24
250 690 2.91 0.127 0.73 1.05 6.32 17
300 657 3.07 0.128 0.52 0.79 6.35 13
320 644 3.14 0.129 0.46 0.72 6.38 11
D4.3. Table 3b. Synthetic heat transfer media (no. 29 to 30)

Vapor Thermal
Substance Temperature Pressure Density Specific Heat Conductivity Dynamic viscosity Kinematic viscosity Thermal Diffusivity Prandtl
No. (Trade Name) ( C) (mbar) (kg/m3) Capacity (kJ/kg K) (W/mK) (103 Ns/m)2 (106 m2/s) (108 m2/s) Number
29 Thenninol VLT 120 0.017 866 1.35 0.131 69.5 80.3 11.2 718
100 0.18 849 1.44 0.128 16.2 19.0 10.4 182
80 1.2 833 1.53 0.124 6.1 7.32 9.75 75
60 5.4 816 1.62 0.120 3.06 3.75 9.12 41
40 19 799 1.70 0.116 1.83 2.28 8.55 27
20 54.5 783 1.79 0.112 1.22 1.56 8.03 19
0 134 766 1.87 0.108 0.88 1.14 7.55 15
20 291 748 1.96 0.104 0.66 0.88 7.1 12
40 572 731 2.04 0.099 0.52 0.71 6.68 11
60 1,037 713 2.12 0.095 0.41 0.58 6.29 9
80 3,492 695 2.20 0.090 0.34 0.48 5.91 8
100 6,279 676 2.29 0.086 0.28 0.41 5.55 7
150 626 2.50 0.073 0.18 0.28 4.69 6
180 592 2.63 0.065 0.14 0.23 4.19 5
30 Calflo FG 10 870 1.78 0.139 919 1,057 8.98 11,744
0 863 1.82 0.138 357 414 8.79 4,714
20 850 1.88 0.137 82.8 97.4 8.57 1,136
40 836 1.95 0.136 28.6 34.2 8.34 410
60 823 2.02 0.135 13.4 16.3 8.12 201
80 809 2.08 0.134 7.43 9.18 7.96 115
100 796 2.15 0.133 4.63 5.81 7.71 75.3
120 782 2.22 0.132 3.13 4.00 7.55 53.1
140 769 2.29 0.131 2.26 2.94 7.38 39.8
160 756 2.35 0.130 1.71 2.27 7.26 31.2
180 742 2.42 0.129 1.35 1.81 7.13 25.4
Oil-based and Synthetic Heat Transfer Media

200 729 2.49 0.128 1.09 1.50 7.00 21.4

220 715 2.56 0.127 0.91 1.27 6.88 18.4
D4.3. Table 3b. Synthetic heat transfer media (no. 30 to 31)

Vapor Thermal
Substance Temperature Pressure Density Specific Heat Conductivity Dynamic viscosity Kinematic viscosity Thermal Diffusivity Prandtl
No. (Trade Name) ( C) (mbar) (kg/m3) Capacity (kJ/kg K) (W/mK) (103 Ns/m)2 (106 m2/s) (108 m2/s) Number
30 Calflo FG 240 20 702 2.62 0.125 0.77 1.10 6.80 16.1
(continued) 260 30 688 2.69 0.124 0.66 0.96 6.70 14.4
280 50 675 2.76 0.123 0.58 0.86 6.60 13.0
300 90 662 2.82 0.122 0.52 0.78 6.54 11.9
320 160 648 2.89 0.121 0.46 0.71 6.46 11.0
340 260 635 2.96 0.120 0.42 0.66 6.38 10.3
31 Calflo HTF 10 873 1.81 0.140 799 915 8.86 10,328
0 868 1.84 0.139 239 275 8.70 3,160
Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

20 858 1.91 0.138 65.6 76.5 8.42 909

40 848 1.97 0.137 30.0 35.4 8.20 432
60 837 2.04 0.136 13.6 16.3 7.96 205
80 827 2.11 0.135 7.8 9.4 7.74 121
100 817 2.17 0.134 5.1 6.2 7.56 82.0
120 807 2.24 0.133 3.6 4.4 7.36 59.8
140 0.3 797 2.30 0.131 2.6 3.2 7.15 44.8
160 0.8 787 2.37 0.130 2.0 2.5 6.97 35.9
180 1.8 776 2.43 0.129 1.6 2.0 6.84 29.2
200 3.9 766 2.50 0.128 1.2 1.6 6.68 23.9
220 7.7 756 2.57 0.127 1.1 1.4 6.54 21.4
240 15 746 2.63 0.126 0.90 1.2 6.42 18.7
260 27 736 2.70 0.125 0.74 1.0 6.29 15.9
280 46 726 2.76 0.124 0.63 0.87 6.19 14.1
300 78 716 2.83 0.123 0.54 0.76 6.07 12.5
320 126 705 2.89 0.122 0.47 0.67 5.99 11.2
340 197 695 2.96 0.121 0.42 0.60 5.88 10.2
D4.3. Table 4a. Synthetic heat transfer media; mixtures (survey, no. 1 to 3)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22
Pour Explosive Explosive Possible
point/ Application Specific Thermal Auto limit limit applica-
Boiling range Vapor heat Kinematic conduc- Ignition volume volume tion Former
Trade point min./max. pressure Density capacity viscosity tivity Application Flash temp. content content (kg/ product/
No. name Structure Producer ( C) ( C) (mbar) (kg/m3) (kJ/kg K) (mm2/s) (W/m K) limits Point ( C) ( C) (%) kmol) remark
Lower: Max.
Filling film
and temper-
start- ature
up ( C) ( C)
1 Diphyl Eutectic mixture Bayer/ 12.3a 20 – 1,062 1.549 4.12 0.138 410 115b 615b 108:5 ¼ 1:0 165.8 C water
of 26.5% Lanxess content
diphenyl and <200 mg/kg
73.5% ^
257 400 11,100 717 2.575 0.199 0.082 13 138:5 ¼ 3:5
(mass content)
2 Dowtherm Eutectic mixture Dow 12.0c 15 – 1,066 1.55 4.05 0.140 430 113 615 166 C
A of 26.5% 257.1d 400 10,640 680 2.701 0.19 0.077 13
diphenyl and
(mass content)
3 Therminol Eutectic mixture Solutia 12 12 – 1,071 1.52 5.12 0,137 13 430 124 621 166 c Santotherm
VP 1 of 26.5% VP 1,
diphenyl and Monsanto
73.5% 257 400 10,900 694 2.62 0.21 0.076
(mass content)
4 Dowtherm J Mixture of Dow 80 80 – 935 1.59 10.65 0.150 <84 340 58 420 u. 0.8 134 m C properties
isomers of see table 3b,
Oil-based and Synthetic Heat Transfer Media

alkylated No. 6’’

181 315 11,930 570 3.01 0.28 0.065 55 o.9.0 B
D4.3. Table 4a. Synthetic heat transfer media; mixtures (survey, no. 4 to 7)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22
Pour Explosive Explosive Possible
point/ Application Specific Thermal Auto limit limit applica-
Boiling range Vapor heat Kinematic conduc- Ignition volume volume tion Former
Trade point min./max. pressure Density capacity viscosity tivity Application Flash temp. content content (kg/ product/
No. name Structure Producer ( C) ( C) (mbar) (kg/m3) (kJ/kg K) (mm2/s) (W/m K) limits Point ( C) ( C) (%) kmol) remark
Lower: Max.
Filling film
and temper-
start- ature
up ( C) ( C)
5 Marlotherm Mixture of SASOL 30e 30 – 1,034 1.45 40 0.137 30 380 130f 450 123 ¼ 0:9 182 C previous
Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

LH isomeric benzyl Germany product:

toluol Marlotherm L
280 360 4,800 703 2.75 0.26 0.092 10 178 ¼ 6:8
6 Therminol Alkyl Solutia 75 73 – 938 1.45 10 0.142 73 340 58 429 134 C Santotherm
LT substituted MCS 2313.
aromatic Monsanto
185 315 15,000 561 2.98 0.19 0.064 55
7 Therminol Cyclo-hexyl- Solutia 2.4 2.4 – 942 1.52 5 0.120 – 357 104 351
VP-3 benzol and
243 330 6,930 641 3.00 0.25 0.076 2.4
Solidification point
Without DIN indication
Freeze point
Boiling point
Setting point acc. DIN 51 583
Flash point DIN 51 758
D4.3. Table 4b. Synthetic heat transfer media; mixtures. Heat transfer in liquid and vapor phase (no. 1 to 2)

Density Liquid Vapor

Specific Dynamic Specific Dynamic
Substance Vapor Liquid heat Thermal viscosity Kinematic Thermal enthalpy Enthalpy of viscosity
(Trade Temperature pressure (kg/ Vapor capacity conductivity (103 Ns/ viscosity diffusivity Prandtl vaporization (103 Ns/
No. name) ( C) (bar) m3) (kg/m3) (kJ/kg K) (W/m K) m2 ) (106 m2/s) (108m2/s) number kJ/kg kJ/kg (kJ/kg) m2)
1 Diphyl 20 – 1,062 – 1.55 0.138 4.38 4.12 8.38 49.2 12.14 381.6 369.5
40 – 1,046 – 1.65 0.136 2.57 2.46 7.88 31.2 45.1 407.9 362.8
60 0.0004 1,029 0.0045 1.74 0.132 1.76 1.71 7.37 23.2 78.5 435.5 357.0
80 0.0016 1,013 0.0133 1.81 0.130 1.31 1.29 7.09 18.2 113.7 461.9 348.2
100 0.0049 996 0.0347 1.87 0.126 1.01 1.01 6.77 14.9 149.2 493.2 344.0
120 0.0134 979 0.0812 1.92 0.124 0.798 0.815 6.60 12.3 186.0 523.7 337.7
140 0.0310 962 0.1727 1.96 0.121 0.647 0.673 6.42 10.5 224.0 555.1 331.1
160 0.0666 945 0.3406 2.00 0.118 0.541 0.572 6.24 9.17 262.5 587.3 324.8
180 0.132 927 0.6301 2.03 0.115 0.461 0.497 6.11 8.13 302.6 620.3 317.7
200 0.242 909 1.0977 2.06 0.111 0.399 0.439 5.93 7.40 343.2 653.8 310.6
220 0.418 892 1.8157 2.10 0.109 0.347 0.389 5.82 6.68 385.0 688.0 303.0
240 0.686 873 2.8827 2.13 0.106 0.304 0.348 5.70 6.11 427.6 722.7 295.1
260 1.08 855 4.4000 2.17 0.103 0.270 0.316 5.55 5.69 471.1 757.8 286.7
280 1.62 836 6.5177 2.22 0.100 0.238 0.285 5.39 5.29 515.8 793.8 278.0
300 2.37 818 9.3397 2.26 0.097 0.210 0.257 5.25 4.90 561.4 829.8 268.4
320 3.35 798 13.16 2.31 0.094 0.189 0.237 5.10 4.65 608.2 866.2 258.0
340 4.63 779 17.98 2.37 0.092 0.172 0.221 4.98 4.44 655.4 902.0 246.6
360 6.24 759 24.23 2.43 0.088 0.159 0.209 4.77 4.38 704.3 938.0 233.7
380 8.25 738 32.19 2.50 0.086 0.151 0.205 4.66 4.40 753.6 973.1 219.5
400 10.7 717 42.35 2.57 0.082 0.143 0.199 4.45 4.47 804.2 1007.3 203.1
2 Dowtherm 20 1,060 0 1.57 0.140 4.29 4.05 8.40 48.2 12.6 1.573 402.9 –
Oil-based and Synthetic Heat Transfer Media

A 40 1,044 0 1.63 0.138 2.56 2.45 8.10 30.3 44.4 1.632 392.9 –
60 1,028 3 1.69 0.135 1.72 1.67 7.77 21.5 77.8 1.690 383.3 –
80 1,012 10 1.74 0.133 1.25 1.24 7.53 16.4 112.1 1.745 373.6 –
100 0.01 995 27 1.80 0.131 0.97 0.97 7.32 13.3 147.3 1.799 364.8 –
120 0.01 978 67 1.85 0.128 0.77 0.79 7.06 11.2 184.1 1.854 356.1 –
D4.3. Table 4b. Synthetic heat transfer media; mixtures. Heat transfer in liquid and vapor phase (no. 2 to 3)

Density Liquid Vapor

Specific Dynamic Specific Dynamic
Substance Vapor Liquid heat Thermal viscosity Kinematic Thermal enthalpy Enthalpy of viscosity
(Trade Temperature pressure (kg/ Vapor capacity conductivity (103 Ns/ viscosity diffusivity Prandtl vaporization (103 Ns/
No. name) ( C) (bar) m3) (kg/m3) (kJ/kg K) (W/m K) m2) (106 m2/s) (108m2/s) number kJ/kg kJ/kg (kJ/kg) m2)
2 Dowtherm 140 0.03 961 151 1.91 0.126 0.64 0.67 6.87 9.7 221.8 1.908 347.3 –
A 160 0.07 943 306 1.97 0.124 0.53 0.56 6.69 8.4 260.7 1.966 338.9 –
180 0.13 925 579 2.02 0.121 0.46 0.50 6.47 7.7 300.4 2.021 330.1 –
200 0.25 907 1,025 2.08 0.119 0.39 0.43 6.32 6.8 341.4 2.075 321.7 –
220 0.43 888 1,717 2.13 0.117 0.34 0.38 6.17 6.2 383.3 2.134 313.4 –
240 0.70 869 2,742 2.19 0.114 0.30 0.35 6.00 5.8 426.8 2.188 304.2 –
260 1.10 849 4,194 2.25 0.112 0.27 0.32 5.86 5.4 471.1 2.251 295.0 –
Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

280 1.66 828 6,210 2.31 0.110 0.24 0.29 5.75 5.0 516.7 2.310 284.9 –
300 2.43 807 8,911 2.37 0.107 0.21 0.26 5.59 4.7 563.6 2.372 274.1 –
320 3.43 784 12,480 2.44 0.105 0.19 0.24 5.50 4.4 599.1 2.435 262.3 –
340 4.72 761 17,120 2.49 0.102 0.17 0.22 5.39 4.1 660.7 2.485 250.2 –
360 6.35 736 21,300 2.53 0.100 0.15 0.20 5.37 3.8 711.3 2.531 236.8 –
380 8.37 709 30,870 2.58 0.098 0.14 0.20 5.35 3.7 762.7 2.582 222.6 –
400 10.84 680 40,980 2.66 0.095 0.13 0.19 5.26 3.6 815.5 2.657 206.3 –
420 13.81 648 54,510 2.77 0.093 0.11 0.17 5.17 3.3 870.3 2.774 187.4 –
3 Therminol 20 – 1,061 – 1.562 0.139 4.75 4.48 8.39 53.4 12.14 391.0 385.6 –
VP 1 40 – 1,046 – 1.612 0.137 2.95 2.82 8.12 34.7 43.12 422.9 377.2 –
60 0.0005 1,030 – 1.666 0.134 1.90 1.84 7.81 25.6 77.87 448.8 370.9 –
80 0.0016 1,016 – 1.721 0.131 1.40 1.38 7.49 18.4 110.1 476.9 364.7 –
100 0.0069 998 – 1.775 0.128 0.99 0.99 7.23 13.7 146.5 505.3 358.0 –
150 0.0441 957 – 1.913 0.121 0.56 0.59 6.61 8.93 242.0 579.9 340.8 –
200 0.239 913 – 2.047 0.114 0.38 0.42 6.10 6.89 342.5 661.9 322.8 –
250 0.865 866 – 2.186 0.107 0.272 0.31 5.65 5.49 446.3 749.4 302.7 –
300 2.405 812 – 2.319 0.099 0.204 0.25 5.26 4.75 556.8 842.0 280.5 –
350 5.476 755 – 2.453 0.092 0.163 0.22 4.97 4.43 681.6 932.8 253.3 –
400 10.913 688 – 2.587 0.085 0.140 0.20 4.78 4.18 807.6 1,025 218.6 –
D4.3. Table 4b. Synthetic heat transfer media; mixtures. Heat transfer in liquid and vapor phase (no. 4 to 6)

Density Liquid Vapor

Specific Dynamic Specific Dynamic
Substance Vapor Liquid heat Thermal viscosity Kinematic Thermal enthalpy Enthalpy of viscosity
(Trade Temperature pressure (kg/ Vapor capacity conductivity (103 Ns/ viscosity diffusivity Prandtl vaporization (103 Ns/
No. name) ( C) (bar) m3) (kg/m3) (kJ/kg K) (W/m K) m2) (106 m2/s) (108m2/s) number kJ/kg kJ/kg (kJ/kg) m2)
4 Therminol 2,4 0.006 9.42 0.00004 1.52 0.120 5.00 5.31 8.33 64 3.1 531.1 534.2 0.0067
VP-3 20 0.03 933 0.0002 1.60 0.117 2.94 3.15 7.86 40 24.4 550.7 526.3 0.0071
40 0.15 923 0.0009 1.70 0.115 1.87 2.03 7.37 28 57.4 574.7 517.3 0.0076
60 0.58 911 0.0034 1.79 0.112 1.33 1.46 6.94 21 92.3 600.3 508.0 0.0081
80 1.94 899 0.0107 1.88 0.110 1.02 1.13 6.55 17 128.9 627.7 498.8 0.0087
100 5.7 885 0.0296 1.96 0.107 0.82 0.92 6.2 15 167.3 656.7 489.4 0.0091
150 52.7 847 0.242 2.16 0.101 0.54 0.64 5.46 12 270.2 736.2 466.0 0.0104
200 300 803 1.24 2.34 0.094 0.38 0.48 4.88 10 382.6 825.2 442.6 0.0117
250 1,220 750 4.6 2.52 0.087 0.28 0.37 4.45 8 503.9 922.4 418.5 0.0129
300 3,820 687 13.7 2.75 0.080 0.20 0.29 4.13 7 634.9 1,026 391.1 0.0141
330 6,930 641 24.5 3.00 0.076 0.16 0.25 4.03 6 720.7 1,090 369.3 0.0148
5 Dowtherm J s. Tab. 8 b, Nr.8
6 Marlotherm 20 – 1,026 – 1.48 0.136 17 17 8.96 190 30.3 – –
LH 0 – 1,010 – 1.55 0.134 8.4 8.3 8.56 97 0 – –
20 – 996 – 1.62 0.132 4.0 4.0 8.18 48.9 31.7 – –
40 – 980 – 1.68 0.129 2.5 2.6 7.84 33.2 64.6 – –
60 – 966 – 1.75 0.127 1.8 1.9 7.51 25.3 98.9 – –
80 – 950 – 1.82 0.125 1.4 1.5 7.23 20.7 134.7 – –
100 0.002 936 0.014 1.88 0.122 1.0 1.1 6.93 15.9 171.7 513 341
150 0.022 898 0.141 2.05 0.116 0.61 0.68 6.30 10.8 270.1 598 328
200 0.131 856 0.68 2.22 0.111 0.40 0.47 5.84 8.05 376.7 695 318
Oil-based and Synthetic Heat Transfer Media

250 0.526 813 2.38 2.38 0.105 0.31 0.38 5.43 7.00 491.9 803 311
300 1.62 766 6.16 2.55 0.099 0.26 0.30 5.07 5.91 615.4 920 305
320 2.39 747 8.94 2.62 0.097 0.21 0.28 4.96 5.65 667.1 970 303
340 3.44 726 12.0 2.69 0.095 0.20 0.27 4.86 5.55 720.2 1,021 301
360 4.83 703 15.3 2.75 0.092 0.18 0.26 4.76 5.46 774.6 1,074 299

D4.3. Table 4b. Synthetic heat transfer media; mixtures. Heat transfer in liquid and vapor phase (no. 7)

Density Liquid Vapor

Specific Dynamic Specific Dynamic
Substance Vapor Liquid heat Thermal viscosity Kinematic Thermal enthalpy Enthalpy of viscosity
(Trade Temperature pressure (kg/ Vapor capacity conductivity (103 Ns/ viscosity diffusivity Prandtl vaporization (103 Ns/
No. name) ( C) (bar) m3) (kg/m3) (kJ/kg K) (W/m K) m2 ) (106 m2/s) (108m2/s) number kJ/kg kJ/kg (kJ/kg) m2 )
7 Therminol 70 – 936 – 1.46 0.142 8.65 9.24 10.4 88.9 113.1 368.4 481.5
LT 60 – 928 – 1.50 0.140 5.50 5.93 10.1 58.7 98.3 374.8 473.1
– 913 – 1.57 0.136 2.84 3.11 9.49 32.8 393.3 460.5
Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

40 67.2
20 – 897 – 1.65 0.132 1.75 1.95 8.92 21.9 34.4 413.6 448.0
0 – 882 – 1.73 0.129 1.21 1.37 8.45 16.2 0 435.4 435.4
20 – 866 – 1.80 0.125 0.89 1.03 8.02 12.8 35.9 458.8 422.9
40 – 850 0.0193 1.88 0.121 0.69 0.81 7.57 10.7 73.2 482.2 409.0
60 0.01 833 0.0546 1.95 0.117 0.55 0.67 7.20 9.31 111.9 508.8 396.9
80 0.03 817 0.1360 2.02 0.113 0.46 0.56 6.85 8.18 151.8 536.1 384.3
100 0.07 800 0.3050 2.09 0.109 0.38 0.48 6.52 7.36 192.9 564.7 371.8
150 0.42 755 1.62 2.27 0.099 0.26 0.35 5.78 6.06 301.2 642.4 341.2
200 1.67 706 5.95 2.45 0.089 0.19 0.27 5.15 5.24 417.3 726.7 309.4
250 5.06 651 17.50 2.63 0.078 0.15 0.22 4.56 4.82 543.4 817.2 273.8
300 12.5 583 45.60 2.88 0.068 0.11 0.20 4.05 4.94 680.9 909.1 228.2
310 14.7 567 55.30 2.95 0.066 0.11 0.19 3.95 4.81 710.5 927.0 216.5
315 15.9 558 60.90 3.00 0.065 0.11 0.19 3.88 4.90 725.2 935.4 210.2
D4.3. Table 5a. Synthetic heat transfer media; silicone based media and perfluorinated organic carbon compounds (survey, no. 1 to 6)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Pour Appli- Specific Molar
point/ cation Vapor Vapor heat Kinematic Thermal Flash Auto mass Remark/
Trade Boiling range pressure pressure capacity viscosity conductivity point Ignition (kg/ Possible former
No. name Structure Producer point ( C) ( C) (mbar) (kg/m3) (kJ/kg K) (mm2/s) (W/m K) Application limits ( C) temp. ( C) kmol) application product
Lower: Upper: Max.
Filling and film
start-up temperature
( C) ( C)

1 Syltherm Polydimethyl- <110 100 – 950 1.34 36.8 0.113 <100 288 47 350 B USDA
XLT siloxan approval,
(Silicon) group H1
260 5,240 563 2.27 0.34 0.091 37
2 Syltherm Polydimethyl- <55 40 – 992 1.51 51.6 0.146 <40 430 177 385 1,000 B
800 siloxan
400 548 2.26 0.45 0.064 62
3 Syltherm Polydimethyl- Dow <82 <73 966 1.45 17 0.130 <73 63a 355
HF siloxan
260 2,740 629 2.27 0.35 0.047 <73 77b Selfignition
4 Fluorinert Perfluor- 3M 57 40 – 1,989 0.96 170 0.068 – – 650 C inert
FC-40 carbon liquid
5 Fluorinert Perfluor- 3M 50 40 – 2,000 0.96 450 0.068 30 – – 670 C inert
FC-43 carbon liquid
174 300 10
6 Fluorinert Perfluor- 3M 25 15 – 2,013 1.00 0.070 15 – – 820 C water
Oil-based and Synthetic Heat Transfer Media

FC-70 carbon content

10 ppm
215 300 1,403 1.47 0.22 0.067 61
D4.3. Table 5a. Synthetic heat transfer media; silicone based media and perfluorinated organic carbon compounds (survey, no. 7 to 11)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Pour Appli- Specific Molar
point/ cation Vapor Vapor heat Kinematic Thermal Flash Auto mass Remark/
Trade Boiling range pressure pressure capacity viscosity conductivity point Ignition (kg/ Possible former
No. name Structure Producer point ( C) ( C) (mbar) (kg/m3) (kJ/kg K) (mm2/s) (W/m K) Application limits ( C) temp. ( C) kmol) application product
Lower: Upper: Max.
Filling and film
start-up temperature
( C) ( C)
7 Fluorinert Perfluor- 3M 90 40 12 1,844 0.96 1.25 0.064 <40 – – 338 C water
FC-72 carbon content
10 ppm
Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

56 300 >105 <40

8 Fluorinert Perfluor- 3M 88 60 <1 1,972 0.93 17 0.069 <60 – – 420 C water
FC-75 carbon content
10 ppm
102 300 8–104 40
9 Fluorinert Perfluor- 3M 110 60 0.1 1,985 0.93 13 0.069 <60 – – 415 C water
FC-77 carbon content
10 ppm
97 300 105 42
10 Fluorinert Perfluor- 3M 95 60 0.4 1,944 0.93 4.2 0.069 <60 – – 388 C water
FC-84 carbon content
11 ppm
80 300 105 70
11 Fluorinert Perfluor- 3M 101 60 7 1,853 0.93 1.35 0.063 <60 – – 288 C water
FC-87 carbon content
11 ppm
31 300 <60
closed cup
open cup
D4.3. Table 5b. Synthetic heat transfer media; silicone based media and perfluorinated organic carbon compounds (no. 1 to 2)

Vapor Thermal
Substance Temperature pressure Density Specific heat conductivity Dynamic viscosity Kinematic viscosity Thermal diffusivity Prandtl
No. (Trade name) ( C) (mbar) (kg/m3) capacity (kJ/ kg K) (W/ m K) (103 Ns/m2) (106 m2/s) (108 m2/s) number
1 Syltherm XLT 100 978 1.52 0.134 78.6 80.4 9.01 892
80 958 1.56 0.131 20.0 20.9 8.77 238
60 937 1.60 0.127 9.40 10.0 8.47 118
40 917 1.65 0.123 5.20 5.67 8.13 69.7
20 896 1.69 0.119 3.10 3.46 7.86 44.0
0 876 1.73 0.115 2.00 2.00 7.59 26.4
20 3 855 1.77 0.111 1.40 1.60 7.33 21.8
40 6 835 1.81 0.109 1.00 1.20 7.21 16.6
60 18 814 1.86 0.102 0.80 0.98 6.74 14.5
80 47 794 1.90 0.0973 0.63 0.79 6.45 12.2
100 106 773 1.94 0.0925 0.51 0.66 6.17 10.7
120 215 753 1.98 0.0877 0.43 0.57 5.88 9.69
140 401 732 2.02 0.0827 0.36 0.49 5.59 8.77
160 695 711 2.07 0.0777 0.31 0.44 5.28 8.33
180 1,135 691 2.11 0.0725 0.28 0.41 4.97 8.25
200 1,762 670 2.15 0.0673 0.24 0.36 4.67 7.71
220 2,619 650 2.19 0.0620 0.22 0.34 4.36 7.80
240 3,751 629 2.23 0.0566 0.20 0.32 4.04 7.92
260 5,203 609 2.28 0.0511 0.18 0.30 3.68 8.15
280 7,018 588 2.32 0.0455 0.17 0.29 3.34 8.68
290 8,074 578 2.34 0.0427 0.16 0.28 3.16 8.86
2 Syltherm HF 73 966 1.45 0.130 16.5 17 9.28 183.19
70 963 1.46 0.129 14.9 15.5 9.18 169
Oil-based and Synthetic Heat Transfer Media

60 953 1.48 0.127 10.8 11.3 9.00 126

40 932 1.53 0.122 6.20 6.65 8.56 77.7
20 912 1.58 0.117 3.88 4.25 8.12 52.3
0 892 1.63 0.112 2.60 3.00 7.70 39.0
20 872 1.68 0.107 1.84 2.10 7.30 28.8
40 851 1.73 0.102 1.37 1.60 6.93 23.1
D4.3. Table 5b. Synthetic heat transfer media; silicone based media and perfluorinated organic carbon compounds (no. 2 to 3)

Vapor Thermal
Substance Temperature pressure Density Specific heat conductivity Dynamic viscosity Kinematic viscosity Thermal diffusivity Prandtl
No. (Trade name) ( C) (mbar) (kg/m3) capacity (kJ/ kg K) (W/ m K) (103 Ns/m2) (106 m2/s) (108 m2/s) number
2 Syltherm HF 60 6 831 1.78 0.097 1.05 1.26 6.56 19.2
(continued) 80 14 811 1.83 0.092 0.83 1.02 6.20 16.5
100 30 791 1.88 0.087 0.67 0.85 5.85 14.5
120 80 771 1.93 0.082 0.56 0.73 5.51 13.2
140 150 750 1.98 0.077 0.47 0.63 5.19 12.1
160 280 730 2.03 0.072 0.40 0.55 4.86 11.3
180 490 710 2.08 0.067 0.35 0.49 4.54 10.8
200 800 690 2.12 0.062 0.31 0.45 4.24 10.6
Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

220 1,260 670 2.17 0.057 0.27 0.40 3.92 10.2

240 1,890 649 2.22 0.052 0.24 0.37 3.61 10.2
250 2,290 639 2.25 0.050 0.23 0.36 3.48 10.3
260 2,740 629 2.27 0.047 0.22 0.35 3.29 10.6
3 Syltherm 800 40 992 1.51 0.146 51.2 51.6 9.75 529
20 973 1.54 0.142 25.9 26.6 9.48 281
0 954 1.58 0.139 15.4 16.1 9.22 175
20 936 1.61 0.135 10.0 10.7 9.00 119
40 918 1.64 0.131 7.0 7.6 8.70 87.3
60 901 1.68 0.127 5.1 5.7 8.39 67.9
80 14.6 883 1.71 0.124 3.9 4.4 8.21 53.6
100 40.1 865 1.75 0.120 3.0 3.5 7.93 44.2
120 93 847 1.78 0.116 2.4 2.8 7.69 36.4
140 190 830 1.81 0.112 1.9 2.3 7.46 30.9
160 350 811 1.85 0.109 1.5 1.9 7.26 26.2
180 595 793 1.88 0.105 1.3 1.6 7.04 22.7
200 946 774 1.92 0.101 1.1 1.4 6.80 20.6
220 1,420 755 1.95 0.098 0.91 1.2 6.67 18.0
240 2,050 735 1.99 0.094 0.74 1.0 6.43 15.7
260 2,840 715 2.02 0.089 0.64 0.89 6.16 14.4
280 3,800 694 2.05 0.086 0.54 0.78 6.04 12.9
D4.3. Table 5b. Synthetic heat transfer media; silicone based media and perfluorinated organic carbon compounds (no. 3 to 5)

Vapor Thermal
Substance Temperature pressure Density Specific heat conductivity Dynamic viscosity Kinematic viscosity Thermal diffusivity Prandtl
No. (Trade name) ( C) (mbar) (kg/m3) capacity (kJ/ kg K) (W/ m K) (103 Ns/m2) (106 m2/s) (108 m2/s) number
3 Syltherm 800 300 4,960 672 2.09 0.082 0.47 0.70 5.84 12.0
(continued) 320 6,310 649 2.12 0.079 0.41 0.63 5.74 11.0
340 7,860 625 2.16 0.075 0.36 0.57 5.56 10.3
360 9,620 601 2.19 0.071 0.31 0.52 5.39 9.65
380 11,600 575 2.22 0.067 0.28 0.48 5.25 9.14
400 13,700 548 2.26 0.064 0.25 0.45 5.17 8.70
4 Fluorinert 60 2,032 0.93 0.068 3.60
FC-40 40 1,989 0.96 0.068 338 170 3.56 4,774
20 1,946 0.99 0.068 36 18.5 3.53 524
0 1,903 1.02 0.067 10.7 5.6 3.45 162
20 1,860 1.05 0.067 4.8 2.6 3.43 75.8
40 10 1,817 1.08 0.067 2.8 1.56 3.41 45.7
60 28 1,774 1.11 0.067 1.9 1.05 3.40 30.9
80 69 1,731 1.14 0.067 1.25 0.72 3.40 21.2
100 155 1,688 1.17 0.066 0.91 0.54 3.34 16.2
120 321 1,645 1.20 0.066 0.69 0.42 3.34 12.6
140 618 1,602 1.23 0.066 0.54 0.34 3.35 10.2
160 1,120 1,559 1.26 0.066 0.45 0.29 3.36 8.63
180 1,927 1,516 1.29 0.066 0.38 0.25 3.37 7.42
200 3,166 1,473 1.32 0.065 0.34 0.23 3.34 6.89
220 4,966 1,430 1.35 0.065 0.30 0.21 3.37 6.23
240 7,608 1,387 1.38 0.065 0.26 0.19 3.40 5.59
260 11,226 1,344 1.41 0.065 0.23 0.17 3.43 4.96
280 1,301 1.44 0.065 0.21 0.16 3.47 4.61
Oil-based and Synthetic Heat Transfer Media

5 Fluorinert 60 2,044 0.93 0.068 3.58

FC-43 40 2,000 0.96 0.068 900 450 3.54 12,706
20 1,957 0.99 0.068 73.4 37.5 3.51 1,068
0 1,913 1.02 0.067 16.3 8.5 3.43 248
20 1.3 1,869 1.05 0.067 6.5 3.5 3.41 103
40 4.4 1,826 1.08 0.067 3.5 1.9 3.40 55.9

D4.3. Table 5b. Synthetic heat transfer media; silicone based media and perfluorinated organic carbon compounds (no. 5 to 6)
Vapor Thermal
Substance Temperature pressure Density Specific heat conductivity Dynamic viscosity Kinematic viscosity Thermal diffusivity Prandtl
No. (Trade name) ( C) (mbar) (kg/m3) capacity (kJ/ kg K) (W/ m K) (103 Ns/m2) (106 m2/s) (108 m2/s) number
5 Fluorinert 60 13 1,782 1.11 0.067 2.1 1.2 3.39 35.4
FC‐43 80 34 1,739 1.14 0.067 1.4 0.83 3.38 24.6
100 81 1,695 1.17 0.066 1.03 0.61 3.33 18.3
120 174 1,651 1.20 0.066 0.78 0.47 3.33 14.1
140 350 1,608 1.23 0.066 0.59 0.37 3.34 11.1
160 658 1,564 1.26 0.066 0.48 0.31 3.35 9.26
180 1,171 1,521 1.29 0.066 0.41 0.27 3.36 8.04
200 1,983 1,477 1.32 0.065 0.35 0.24 3.33 7.21
220 3,219 1,433 1.35 0.065 0.30 0.21 3.36 6.25
Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

240 5,032 1,389 1.38 0.065 0.26 0.19 3.39 5.60

260 7,606 1,345 1.41 0.065 0.24 0.18 3.43 5.25
280 11,158 1,301 1.44 0.065 0.22 0.17 3.47 4.90
6 Fluorinert 40 2,061 0.96 0.070 3.54
FC-70 20 2,023 0.99 0.070 3.50
0 1,984 1.02 0.070 357 180 3.46 5,202
20 1,945 1.05 0.070 54.5 28 3.43 816
40 0.4 1,907 1.08 0.070 16.2 8.5 3.40 250
60 1.6 1,868 1.11 0.069 9.2 4.9 3.33 147
80 5.1 1,830 1.14 0.069 4.0 2.2 3.31 66.5
100 14 1,791 1.17 0.069 2.6 1.45 3.29 44.1
120 36 1,752 1.20 0.069 1.75 1.00 3.28 30.5
140 83 1,714 1.23 0.069 1.3 0.76 3.27 23.2
160 176 1,675 1.26 0.068 0.97 0.58 3.22 18.0
180 351 1,637 1.29 0.068 0.77 0.47 3.22 14.6
200 661 1,598 1.32 0.068 0.62 0.39 3.22 12.1
220 1,180 1,559 1.35 0.068 0.53 0.34 3.23 10.5
240 2,016 1,520 1.38 0.068 0.46 0.30 3.24 9.26
260 3,307 1,481 1.41 0.067 0.39 0.26 3.21 8.10
280 5,234 1,442 1.44 0.067 0.35 0.24 3.23 7.43
300 8,023 1,403 1.47 0.067 0.31 0.22 3.25 6.77
D4.3. Table 5b. Synthetic heat transfer media; silicone based media and perfluorinated organic carbon compounds (no. 7 to 8)

Vapor Thermal
Substance Temperature pressure Density Specific heat conductivity Dynamic viscosity Kinematic viscosity Thermal diffusivity Prandtl
No. (Trade name) ( C) (mbar) (kg/m3) capacity (kJ/ kg K) (W/ m K) (103 Ns/m2) (106 m2/s) (108 m2/s) number
7 Fluorinert 40 12.3 1,844 0.96 0.064 2.30 1.25 3.62 34.6
FC-72 20 41.7 1,792 0.99 0.062 1.47 0.82 3.49 23.5
0 118 1,740 1.02 0.060 1.01 0.58 3.38 17.2
20 290 1,687 1.05 0.058 0.74 0.44 3.27 13.4
40 636 1,636 1.08 0.056 0.57 0.35 3.17 11.0
60 1,269 1,583 1.11 0.054 0.46 0.29 3.07 9.45
80 2,340 1,531 1.14 0.051 0.38 0.25 2.92 8.56
100 4,041 1,479 1.17 0.049 0.31 0.21 2.83 7.42
120 6,600 1,427 1.20 0.047 0.27 0.19 2.74 6.93
140 10,280 1,375 1.23 0.045 0.23 0.17 2.66 6.39
160 15,375 1,322 1.26 0.043 0.20 0.15 2.58 5.81
180 22,190 1,270 1.29 0.041 0.18 0.14 2.50 5.60
200 31,040 1,218 1.32 0.038 0.16 0.13 2.36 5.51
220 42,250 1,166 1.35 0.036 0.14 0.12 2.29 5.24
8 Fluorinert 60 1,972 0.93 0.069 33.5 17 3.76 452
FC-75 40 1,923 0.96 0.068 9.8 5.1 3.68 139
20 2.5 1,874 0.99 0.066 4.5 2.4 3.56 67.4
0 10 1,825 1.02 0.065 2.6 1.4 3.49 40.1
20 31 1,776 1.05 0.063 1.7 0.94 3.38 27.8
40 85 1,727 1.08 0.062 1.2 0.68 3.32 20.5
60 206 1,678 1.11 0.060 0.86 0.51 3.22 15.8
80 455 1,629 1.14 0.059 0.65 0.40 3.18 12.6
100 922 1,580 1.17 0.057 0.54 0.34 3.08 11.0
120 1,738 1,531 1.20 0.056 0.44 0.29 3.05 9.51
Oil-based and Synthetic Heat Transfer Media

140 3,082 1,482 1.23 0.054 0.39 0.26 2.96 8.78

160 5,180 1,433 1.26 0.053 0.33 0.23 2.94 7.82
180 8,320 1,384 1.29 0.051 0.29 0.21 2.86 7.34
200 12,840 1,335 1.32 0.050 0.25 0.19 2.82 6.74
220 19,130 1,286 1.35 0.048 0.23 0.18 2.76 6.52

D4.3. Table 5b. Synthetic heat transfer media; silicone based media and perfluorinated organic carbon compounds (no. 9 to 10)
Vapor Thermal
Substance Temperature pressure Density Specific heat conductivity Dynamic viscosity Kinematic viscosity Thermal diffusivity Prandtl
No. (Trade name) ( C) (mbar) (kg/m3) capacity (kJ/ kg K) (W/ m K) (103 Ns/m2) (106 m2/s) (108 m2/s) number
9 Fluorinert 60 0.1 1,985 0.93 0.069 26 13 3.74 348
FC-77 40 0.9 1,936 0.96 0.068 8.3 4.3 3.66 117
20 3.9 1,887 0.99 0.066 4.0 2.1 3.53 59.5
0 14 1,838 1.02 0.065 2.3 1.25 3.47 36.0
20 43 1,789 1.05 0.063 1.5 0.86 3.35 25.7
40 114 1,740 1.08 0.062 1.08 0.62 3.30 18.8
60 268 1,691 1.11 0.060 0.81 0.48 3.20 15.0
80 568 1,642 1.14 0.059 0.62 0.38 3.15 12.1
100 1,115 1,593 1.17 0.057 0.51 0.32 3.06 10.5
Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

120 2,044 1,544 1.20 0.056 0.43 0.28 3.02 9.27

140 3,532 1,495 1.23 0.054 0.36 0.24 2.94 8.16
160 5,803 1,446 1.26 0.053 0.32 0.22 2.91 7.56
180 9,125 1,397 1.29 0.051 0.28 0.20 2.83 7.01
200 13,810 1,348 1.32 0.050 0.24 0.18 2.81 6.41
220 20,210 1,299 1.35 0.048 0.22 0.17 2.74 6.20
10 Fluorinert 60 0.4 1,944 0.93 0.069 8.2 4.2 3.82 110
FC-84 40 2.1 1,893 0.96 0.067 4.0 2.1 3.69 56.9
20 8.5 1,841 0.99 0.065 2.3 1.25 3.57 35.0
0 29 1,790 1.02 0.063 1.5 0.85 3.45 24.6
20 82 1,739 1.05 0.060 1.08 0.62 3.29 18.8
40 206 1,687 1.08 0.058 0.81 0.48 3.18 15.1
60 460 1,636 1.11 0.056 0.62 0.38 3.08 12.3
80 940 1,584 1.14 0.054 0.51 0.32 2.99 10.7
100 1,780 1,533 1.17 0.052 0.41 0.27 2.90 9.31
120 3,160 1,482 1.20 0.049 0.36 0.24 2.76 8.70
140 5,308 1,430 1.23 0.047 0.30 0.21 2.67 7.87
160 8,490 1,379 1.26 0.045 0.26 0.19 2.59 7.34
180 13,030 1,327 1.29 0.043 0.23 0.17 2.51 6.77
200 19,280 1,276 1.32 0.041 0.20 0.16 2.43 6.58
220 27,640 1,225 1.35 0.038 0.18 0.15 2.30 6.52
D4.3. Table 5b. Synthetic heat transfer media; silicone based media and perfluorinated organic carbon compounds (no. 11)

Vapor Thermal
Substance Temperature pressure Density Specific heat conductivity Dynamic viscosity Kinematic viscosity Thermal diffusivity Prandtl
No. (Trade name) ( C) (mbar) (kg/m3) capacity (kJ/ kg K) (W/ m K) (103 Ns/m2) (106 m2/s) (108 m2/s) number
11 Fluorinert –60 1,853 0.93 0.063 2.5 1.35 3.66 36.9
FC-87 –40 1,803 0.96 0.061 1.40 0.77 3.52 21.9
–20 1,753 0.99 0.059 0.98 0.56 3.40 16.5
0 1,703 1.02 0.057 0.75 0.44 3.28 13.4
20 1,653 1.05 0.055 0.61 0.37 3.17 11.7
40 1,603 1.08 0.053 0.51 0.32 3.06 10.5
60 1,553 1.11 0.051 0.45 0.29 2.96 9.80
80 1,503 1.14 0.048 0.41 0.27 2.80 9.64
100 1,453 1.17 0.046 0.36 0.25 2.71 9.23
120 1,403 1.20 0.044 0.32 0.23 2.61 8.81
140 1,353 1.23 0.041 0.30 0.22 2.46 8.94
160 1,303 1.26 0.039 0.27 0.21 2.38 8.82
180 1,253 1.29 0.037 0.25 0.20 2.29 8.73
200 1,203 1.32 0.035 0.24 0.20 2.20 9.09
Oil-based and Synthetic Heat Transfer Media
508 D4 Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

D4.3. Table 6a. High temperature salts (HTS)

Substance Durferrit ASD heat transfer salt

(trade name):
Substance Eutectic melting, ternary mixture from alkali-
structure: nitrates and nitrites, in the literature designated
as HTS-melting
Producer: Houghton Durferrit GmbH; D-63408 Hanau
Melting range: 138 C up to 142 C
Application 620 C, reaction conversion too large, also
temperature: corrosion-limited
Chemical main In the salt melting reaction proceeds in the
reaction: presence of air to the right only:
2NaNO2 þ O2 ! NaNO3
hermetically sealed:
5NaNo2 ! NaNO3 þ Na2O þ N2
In both cases decrease of nitrite volume, increase
of the nitrate volume. N2-superposition delayed,
does however not avoid alteration
Temperature t  450 C, melting practical thermally stable
criteria: D4.3. Fig. 1. Material excavation in Durferrit ASD.

t < 450 C, also for a short time, results in nitrite
decomposition causing increase of the melting
Boiling point is the first dropping off condensation drop in the
point; hardly any change of thermal transfer
test apparatus, which serves also to determine the boiling prog-
ress under normal pressure (DIN 51 751). According to the
t < 500 C, HTS melting starts to convert with iron
actual running progresses, this should be denominated rather
t < 620 C, conversion distinctive: #max = 620 C as distillation point and distillation progress [4].
Chemical side Absorption of carbon dioxide under formation of Column 6: Upper and lower category temperature for the
reaction: alkali carbonates, which fail when exceeding the application range; exclusively producer’s indications.
solubility Column 9: Indication of the true specific thermal capacity,
Service life: Producer informs on the basis of sent in HTS demand of the middle specific thermal capacity [2, 3].
samples; from the operating data of the melting Column 12: Lower application temperatures according to
the decomposition rate can be predestinated
Wagner [1]. It is about temperatures at which the kinematic
Regeneration Durferrit ASD regeneration salt; in most cases a viscosity has the following values:
salt: reconstitution of the original salt properties is Filling and start-up at maximum 300 · 106 m2/s,
more advantageous than the exchange of the
Economical pump operation at maximum 5 · 106 m2/s.
complete amount of salt
Column 13: Maximum film temperature, admissible locally for
Materials: Corrosion behavior of different materials at
a short time only in the boundary layer of the heating surface
temperatures up to 600 C; (Fig. 1). Materials with
(remark else as column 6, upper category temperature), recal-
less than 0.1 mm/a are considered to be constant.
Up to 450 C unalloyed or alloy-treated steels will
culation in heated tube according to DIN 4754, enclosure A1.
do if no local superheating occurs. Risk of Column 14: Flash point: It is the lowest temperature based on
intercrystalline corrosion. Copper, silver, cast iron, 1.013 bar at which the vapors developed by the heat transfer
magnesium alloys as well as aluminium and its medium flame up in presence of a pilot flame.
alloys may not be used. When using aluminium Methods of determination:
and magnesium explosive reactions can occur.
See the original brochure for further details, in particular ● Flash point according to DIN ISO 2592, determination in
precautions (toxicity, flammability, fire fighting, and information open cup according to Cleveland (COC);
about melting down); make a request for safety data sheet. ● Flash point according to DIN 51 758, determination in
closed cup according to Pensky-Martens. This method is
used at heat transfer media since it is easier to prove low
Column 5 top: Turbidity point, particularly yielding point boilers in used oil.
according to DIN ISO 3016 (pour point) in  C.
Column 5 bottom: Boiling point to be established from the According to DIN 51 522 ‘‘Heat transfer oils Q,’’ the determina-
boiling progress, which is determined either according to tion of the flash point according to DIN 51 758 is prescribed to
DIN 51 751 at normal pressure (preferably at synthetic heat check mineral oils and other combustible fluids. Provided that
transfer media) or according to DIN 51 356 under reduced these values are available, they will be mentioned additionally in
pressure and conversion to 1.013 bar (at mineral oils). the tables. A decrease of the flash point is an indication of
Oil-based and Synthetic Heat Transfer Media D4.3 509

D4.3. Table 6b. Physical properties

Specific heat Thermal Dynamic Kinematic Thermal

HTS Temperature Density capacity (kJ/kg conductivity viscosity (103 viscosity (106 diffusivity (108 Prandtl
melting ( C) (kg/m3) K) (W/m K) Ns/m2) m2/s) m2/s) number
Durferrit 145 – 1.392 0.5 – – – –
ASD 150 1,972 1.395 0.5 18.68 9.47 18.2 52.1
200 1,935 1.425 0.5 11.64 6.02 18.1 33.2
300 1,860 1.486 0.5 5.98 3.21 18.1 17.8
350 1,823 1.516 0.5 4.64 2.54 18.1 14.1
400 1,786 1.547 0.5 (3.73)a 2.09 18.1 11.5
450 1,748 1.577 0.5 (3.07)a 1.76 18.1 9.68
500 1,711 1.607 0.5 (2.59) a
1.51 18.2 8.32
Values in ( ) have been extrapolated

D4.3. Table 6c. Physical properties, supplementation. The properties depend on the aging grade, which varies from the property for new
salt and for example, at a four-years period of use a melting aged to 20% NaNO2

Density of layer: 1,150 to 1,200 kg/m3 according to DIN 53 912

Density of the HTS r = [1,9720.745 (#150)/K] kg/m3, with # as celsius temperature of the HTS melting
Melting temperature: 142 C of the pure ternary, eutectic melting salt mixture. With increasing water content kH2O (in % of the mass)
the melting point of the salt mixture drops along the liquid saturation temperature #liq (Fig. 2).
#liq = 140.24 exp (0.081 kH2O), with # in  C
Linear expansion b = 4.95·105 K1 for the solid
Cubic expansion a = 0.745/[19720.745(#150)] K1, with # as celsius temperature
Medium specific heat c m [J/(kg K)] = 1303.9 + 0.60666 y [ C]; 145 C < y < 500 C
Melting heat: approx. 84 kJ/kg
Thermal conductivity approx. 0.5 W/(mK)
Dynamic viscosity for Z = 69.8958 #1.642
new salt:
Z in Pa s, # celsius temperature, measured in range 145 C < # <350 C, (Fig. 3).
Specific electric y = 150 C: r = 19.0 x 108 Ω square mm/m

decomposition products and combustible gases that resulted Table 3a and Table 4a still contain
from the cracking of the heat transfer medium. Column 19: Explosive limit in % volume content l.: lower,
Column 15: The autoignition temperature according to DIN 51 u.: upper.
794 is the temperature at which the heat transfer medium Indication of the system temperature t in  C, at which the limit
autoignites without external ignition source at 1.013 bar. concentration in the vapor phase just adjusts itself, for example,
‘‘These temperature values are less interesting for the practical Table 4a, no. 6 Marlotherm L: 123 ≙ 0.9 means: at 123 C the
operation, they can partly be dangerous since they are much too lower explosive limit is attained in the vapor phase with 0.9%
high. More important is the remark that heat transfer oils on volume content.
mineral oil basis can lead to autoignition at 100 C and higher Column 21: Application possibilities of the heat transfer
when they have wetted insulating materials such as glass or medium:
mineral wool. In this case it is not important how strong the Group A: The heat transfer medium decomposes (dispropor-
air flow is in this insulating materials’’ [4]. tionate) below or until the beginning of the boiling point at 1
510 D4 Properties of Industrial Heat Transfer Media

D4.3. Table 7. Aspects and criteria for selection of heat transfer

media (summary)

1. Operational criteria for selection

– Toxicity and handling (maximum allowable concentration, etc.)
– Environmental compatibility: odor, biodegradable, costs for
disposal of used product, taking back by the supplier, etc.
– Operation risks and operational safety
Hazard category
Combustibility and combustion behavior
Enthalpy of reaction (calorific value)
Auto Ignition behavior and self-ignition in air (of the vapors)
Reactions with existing operating fluids
Risk at leakages, leaking of product in the ambience or in counter
circuits. When liquid enters, for example, in absorbing insulating
materials, self-igniting explosive mixtures can be formed with air
due to wicking action. For this reason not-absorbing insulation
materials are to be used.
– Thermostability
D4.3. Fig. 2. Liquid saturation temperature in dependence of water
content. – Security of supply regarding prices, quantities stored, and
delivery periods
– Reference list about heat transfer plants in operation, collected
operational experience, and recommendations of producers of the
heat transfer plants.
2. Special criteria for selection
– Admissible temperature range, min./max. application
temperatures, max. film temperature
– Low pour point
– High boiling temperature or late boiling point
– Small increase of vapor pressure with the temperature
– High specific thermal capacity
– Low viscosity at deep temperatures: criteria for start-up and
filling as well as for economical pump operation according to
Wagner [1]
– High thermal conductivity
– No unrequested formation of layer on the heat-exchanging
surfaces that means no fouling factor that causes additional
energy demand, flow reduction, and cleaning costs
– Aging and oxidation resistance; insensitive to catalytic acting
foreign substances, for example, acids, salts, water, air humidity,
metal shavings, rust or mounting fats (oils), in particular after the
– Production of no corrosion signs
D4.3. Fig. 3. Temperature dependence of the dynamic viscosity of
– Small volume dilatation when heating
Durferrit ASD.
– Requirement for regeneration for the heat transfer medium as
low as possible

bar by separating mostly light parts. When exceeding #max the

characteristics of the heat transfer medium changes constantly.
Group B: The use of the heat transfer medium at tempera- transfer media are therefore applicable for isothermal heating by
tures above the boiling point is possible when an inert-gas condensing vapor.
superposition is available to avoid evaporation. Arising vapors In the following text, the most popular heat transfer oils are
are not to be condensed to the actual substance anymore. The listed under the main criterion ‘‘applicable temperature range’’
heat transfer medium changes constantly. (up to 300 C/larger 300 C) as well as the classic heat transfer
Group C: The heat transfer media do not change by evaporation media for heating–cooling–chilling processes without the claim
and condensation; the original characteristics remain. The heat to be complete.
Oil-based and Synthetic Heat Transfer Media D4.3 511

3 Bibliography 3. Kilger H (1988) Zur Auswahl wirtschaftlicher Wärmeträger. Chem Ing Tech.
4. Zufall S (1993) Persönliche Mitteilung vom 19.11.1993 an Prof. Dr. Ing. H.
1. Wagner W (2005) Wärmeträgertechnik mit organischen Fluiden. 7. Auflage.
Kilger, Hamburg
Vogel Industrie Medien GmbH&Co.KG, Würzburg
2 Wagner W (1993) WTS-Stoffdatenatlas. Eigenverl, St. Leon-Rot

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