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The first programme is to be submitted within 4 weeks of the starting date on an ECC Option
C contract for the construction of a new asset (no programme is identified in the Contract
Data). The Contractor has not submitted a programme within the time allowed and the Project
Manager is assessing the amount due at the first assessment date.


Outline the importance of the programme and how its absence affects the Project
Manager’s assessment of the amount due?

[4 marks]

Eventually, the Contractor submits a detailed programme for acceptance that shows the order
and timing of the operations and details of resources and Equipment. However, the
programme does not show any time risk allowance and in discussions
the Contractor mentions that the programme is based on ‘best productivity’ throughout,
resulting in planned Completion being shown a month earlier than the Completion Date.


How might the Project Manager reply to the submitted programme?

[3 marks]

The Client also has a separate NEC contract with a specialist Contractor who will be
undertaking some works on the same project.


What defined term best describes the specialist Contractor and how does the contract
cover its role?

[8 marks]
The work of both Contractors will need careful co-ordination to ensure the project is delivered
on time. The Contractor will need to have certain parts of the works ready for the
specialist Contractor to be able to complete its works by a specific date, but these will have to
be ready before the Completion Date.


Explain what provision in the contract could help the Client co-ordinate the
two Contractors’ works, whilst protecting against additional costs? Explain any

[5 marks]

Assume the latest revised programme submitted for acceptance has not been accepted and
that the lack of acceptance is for a reason stated in the contract.


In this situation, explain the process the Project Manager follows to assess
compensation events?

[5 marks]

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