Chem 1020 - Chapt. 0 - Course Description and Requirements

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CHEM 1020:

General Chemistry-I(B)

Professor Xiao-Yuan LI ( 李曉原)

Department of Chemistry
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Fall 2019
Chem 1020: General Chemistry-I(B)
About Chem-1020:
 Prerequisite and Exclusion
 Course Description
 Textbook, Syllabus and References
 Requirements and Grading
 Instruction Team
 Off-lecture Support
 Recommended Study Path for This Course
 Intended-Learning-Outcomes
 Frequently-Asked-Questions (FAQs)
 Conduct in Classroom

Prof. Xiao-Yuan Li, Dept. of Chemistry, HKUST

About Chem-1020: Prerequisite and Exclusion
This course (Chem-1020) is the right one to take if you have taken HKDSE
CHEMISTRY as an elective subject (1X Chemistry in JUPAS);

You should take Chem-1010 [General-Chemistry-I(A)] instead if you have
taken HKDSE Combined Science subject (0.5X Chemistry in JUPAS); or

You should take Chem-1004 instead if you have not taken any chemistry
courses in HKDSE (0X Chemistry in JUPAS); or

You can take either this course(Chem-1020) or Chem-1010 if you are from
international schools in HK or from outside HK and have taken(any)
chemistry courses in Senior High School(e.g., IB, AL, AP, JEE/Mainland, etc.).

Prof. Xiao-Yuan Li, Dept. of Chemistry, HKUST

About Chem-1020: Textbook and Syllabus
Key Words!
Chapter 1: Chemical Foundations
Chapter 2: Atomic Structure and Periodicity*

Chapter 3: Bonding - General Concepts

Chapter 4: Molecular Structure and Orbitals*
Chapter 5: Stoichiometry
Change: M
Chapter 6: Types of Chemical Reactions &
Solution Stoichiometry
Change: E Chapter 7: Chemical Energy

Chapter 8: Gases
Chapter 9: Liquids and Solids

* These are the key chapters in the first half of the course.
《Chemistry: An Atoms First Approach》 2nd Ed.,
Steve S. Zumdahl & Susan A. Zumdahl
Cengage Learning, 2016; pp. 1216
ISBN-10: 1305079248 | ISBN-13: 9781305079243
Both hardcopy and e-book are available.
International Edition is also available.
Prof. Xiao-Yuan Li, Dept. of Chemistry, HKUST
About Chem-1020: Recommended References

《Principles of Modern Chemistry》 8th Ed. 《Chemical Principles: the Quest for Insight》 7th Ed.
David W. Oxtoby, H. Pat Gillis, Laurie J. Butler Peter Atkins, Loretta Jones, Leroy Laverman
Cengage Learning, 2016; pp. 1264 Macmillan Learning, 2016; pp. 1200
ISBN-10: 1305079116 | ISBN-13: 9781305079113 ISBN-10: 1-4641-8395-3; ISBN-13: 978-1-4641-8395-9

NOTE: these texts provide a bit more rigorous discussion on topics about atomic structure and molecular structure.
About Chem-1020: Requirements and Course Grade

Course requirements:
 Attendance of lectures
 Lecture-PPTs (supplementary to but NOT a replacement of the textbook!)
 Homework assignments (from the textbook)
 Reading assignments (~ one chapter/1.5 week)
 Questions/Exercises assignments (at the end of each chapter)

Course grade:
 Mid-term Exam (50%)
 Final Exam (50%)
 In each Exam, ~ 20% Problems/Questions are randomly selected from HW.

Prof. Xiao-Yuan Li, Dept. of Chemistry, HKUST

About Chem-1020: Instruction team

 Professor Xiao-Yuan LI ( 2 Sept. to 15 Oct. 2019)

 Chapters 0 to 4 & Mid-Term Exam.
 Office: Rm. 4516; Email:; Tel: 2358-7356.

 Professor Guochen JIA (17 Oct. to 19 Dec. 2019)

 Chapters 5 to 9 & Final Exam.
 Office: CYT-6009; Email:; Tel: 2358-7361.

 Instructional Assistant(the I.A.): Miss Elaine, WONG Yee Lam

 Weakly office-hours & Pre-exam tutorials.
 Rm. 4524; Email:; Tel: 2358-7243.
 Off lecture, the I.A. is the course’s FIRST CONTACT!

Prof. Xiao-Yuan Li, Dept. of Chemistry, HKUST

About Chem-1020: Off-Lecture Support


Miss Elaine , WONG Yee Lam
Rm. 4524; mail:; Tel: 2358-7243
The I.A. is the course’s FIRST CONTACT!


2:30 – 4:30 pm, Every Wed. /Fri, Rm. 4524

The I.A: Miss Elaine WONG

Office: Room 4524
Tel: 2358-7243

Prof. Xiao-Yuan Li, Dept. of Chemistry, HKUST

About Chem-1020: Off-Lecture Support

Lecture Videos:
Where? Available on Chem-1020 site on HKUST’s CANVAS system.
When? Normally 24 hours after each lecture.

Lecture-PPTs and Model-Answers for Assignments:

What? PDF files of the lecture PPTs and Model-Answers for HWs.
Where? Available on Chem-1020 site on HKUST’s CANVAS system.
When? Within 24 hours after the last lecture for each chapter.

Pre-Exam Reviews and Tutorials:

Review Sessions before Mid-Term Exam and Final Exam by instructors.
Tutorial Sessions before Mid-Term Exam and Final Exam by instructional assistant.
(The exact date, time and venue will be announced in lecture and on course-website).

Prof. Xiao-Yuan Li, Dept. of Chemistry, HKUST

About Chem-1020: Recommended Study Path for This Course

Course study
attending lectures

 Pre-read the textbook  Read the lecture-PPTs

 List your questions  Get help from the I.A. in office-hours

 Homework and self-test reading & thinking  More questions? (adv. study)
 Re-read the textbook  Relevance to the society?

 Clear up the questions

Group study  Summary and Checklist Extended-study
by by
sharing & discussion beyond-lecture learning

Prof. Xiao-Yuan Li, Dept. of Chemistry, HKUST

About Chem-1020: Recommended Study Path for This Course

 Your self-study is the KEY ! The textbook is the CORE.

(reading, thinking, discussion, exercises, self-test, summary-notes…… )

 Lectures (and lecture-PPTs) are SUPPLEMENTS !

(enhanced topics, more clarifications and elaborations, more connection…)

Prof. Xiao-Yuan Li, Dept. of Chemistry, HKUST

Chem-1020: Intended-Learning-Outcomes (ILOs)

Atoms Chapters 1, 2;
(assembly of electrons and nucleus)
View Bonding (between atoms) Chapters 3, 4;
(assembly of atoms into molecules/substances)

Change of molecules Chapter 5;

(mass conservation)

Changes Change of molecules Chapter 7;

(energy conservation)
Change of molecules Chapter 6;
(types of chemical changes)
Assembly of molecules (and atoms) Chapter 8;
Macroscopic (in gas phase)

view Assembly of molecules (and atoms) Chapters 9.

(in condensed phases: liquids & solids)

** These topic swill be studied in General Chemistry-II.

Prof. Xiao-Yuan Li, Dept. of Chemistry, HKUST
Chem-1020: Intended-Learning-Outcomes (ILOs)
Course-specific Knowledge(Contents-related):
(1) be able to develop both a microscopic and macroscopic view of matter;
(2) be able to describe the constituents of scientific method;
(3) be able to develop a modern view on wave-particle duality, energy-mass equivalence, and continuous
versus quantized changes in microscopic world, and a comprehension and appreciation of the mass
conservation and energy conservation in chemical and physical changes at a higher level;
(4) be able to describe the milestones in the establishment of modern view of atomic structure;
(5) be able to describe the composition of atoms in terms of nucleons, electrons, isotopes, and their role in
element’s identity and structure;
(6) be able to describe the structure of atoms and ions in terms of atomic orbitals, electron configuration,
energy quantization, and the basis of Periodic Table;
(7) be able to describe physical and chemical properties of selected elements;
(8) be able to describe molecules in terms of bonding or interactions between atoms;
(9) be able to describe the change of molecules from mass-conservation and energy-conservation;
(10) be able to describe the main types of chemical changes;
(11) be able to describe the basic physical states of substances microscopically and macroscopically.

Transferable Academic Skills/Competencies:

(12) be able to communicate above knowledge orally and in writing with peers and laymen;
(13) be able to retrieve above knowledge and relevant but new information from textbooks and reference
books and from the internet resources;
(14) be able to work independently and collaboratively in the study of the course;

Other Learning Outcomes:

(15) be able to develop the recognition and appreciation of the impact of chemical science to Society.
Chem-1020: Frequently-Asked-Questions (FAQs)

Do I really need to buy the textbook ?

The core materials for the study and assessment of this course are
from the textbook, including all the reading and homework assignments.
My lectures and lecture-PPTs only serve as the supplement materials to,
NOT the replacement of, the textbook, and are aimed at facilitating your
study of the textbook.
The statistics from the past suggests that, on average, those who had their
own textbooks did learn and perform much better in the Exams.

Prof. Xiao-Yuan li, Dept. of Chemistry, HKUST

Chem 1020: Frequently-Asked-Questions (FAQs)

If I got a copy (either hard- or e-copy) of the old version of the
textbook (Z&Z, 1st edition, 2012), may I just use it for this course?

It will be difficult, but do-able ! (Pay attention to the Table in the next slide)

All the Reading and Questions/Exercises assignments, as well as the

assessments of Chem-1020 in this academic year are based on
the 2nd edition (2016) of the textbook.

Prof. Xiao-Yuan li, Dept. of Chemistry, HKUST

Chem-1020: Frequently-Asked-Questions (FAQs)
Contents Correlation Chemistry: An Atoms First Approach (by Z&Z)
This table helps you to correlate
1st Ed. (2012), the old 2nd Ed. (2016), the new
the contents of the 1st and the 2nd
edition of the textbook, chapter- Chapter 0 (Review) Chapter 0 (Review)
Chapter 1 Chapter 1

The questions/exercises(HW) are Chapter 2 Chapter 2

organized in a section-by-section
Chapter 4 (+ part of 3 ) Chapter 3
manner at the end of each
chapter in both editions. Chapter 5 Chapter 4

1st Edition Chapter 9 (+ part of 3) Chapter 5

Chapter 10 Chapter 6

Chapter 6 Chapter 7

Chapter 7 Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Chapter 9

Chapter 11 Chapter 10

Chapter 12 Chapter 11

Chapter 13 Chapter 12
1st edition, Cengage Learning, 2012; pp. 1152 Prof. Xiao-Yuan Li, Dept. of Chemistry, HKUST
Chem-1020: Frequently-Asked-Questions (FAQs)

Do I have to attend the lectures?

Well, it is up to you, but you better do!
Lectures will not be a simple repeat or re-cycle of the textbook materials.

As a matter of fact, with the limited lecturing hours, our lectures will try to
focus on those challenging concepts that are difficult to comprehend
for the first-time learners by merely reading the textbook, and
will try to facilitate your study of the subject by providing
more clarifications and elaborations, some re-organizations and re-connections,
and sometimes via Q/As.

Prof. Xiao-Yuan li, Dept. of Chemistry, HKUST

Chem 1020: Frequently-Asked-Questions (FAQs)

Do I need to hand in my Homework Assignment(s)?

No !
No need, because you already have the short answers to all the HW assignments
at the end of your Textbook.

Prof. Xiao-Yuan li, Dept. of Chemistry, HKUST

Chem 1020: Frequently-Asked-Questions (FAQs)

For the homework assignments, in addition to the short ANSWERS at the
end of the textbook, can I get more detailed step-by-step long answers?

The detailed step-by-step (long) Model-Answers for the homework
assignments will be uploaded to Chem-1020 site on CANVAS roughly
one day after the final lecture for each chapter.

Prof. Xiao-Yuan li, Dept. of Chemistry, HKUST

Chem 1020: Frequently-Asked-Questions (FAQs)

Will Homework Assignments be counted in my course grade?
If yes, how and in what weight?

Yes! in both Mid-Term and Final Exams, roughly 20% of questions
will be selected randomly from the Homework Assignments. Together,
Homework Assignments contribute roughly 20% to your course grade.

Prof. Xiao-Yuan li, Dept. of Chemistry, HKUST

Chem-1020: Frequently-Asked-Questions (FAQs)

How to get help if I have problems/questions about the lecture, or the
textbook, or the HW assignments, or the Model-Answers for HW,
or the Exam results?

Weekly Office Hours by the I.A.: 2:30 – 4:30pm, Wed/Fri; Room 4524.
Contact the I.A. Miss Elaine WONG
by email at or at Rm. 4524 or by phone at 2358-7243.
In case you do not get response from the I.A. within 24 hours,
please contact me, Prof. Xiao-Yuan Li
by email at or at Rm 4516 or by phone at 2358-7356.

Prof. Xiao-Yuan li, Dept. of Chemistry, HKUST

Chem-1020: Frequently-Asked-Questions (FAQs)

Can I have a copy of your lecture-notes(the lecture-PPTs) before each lecture ?

All the Lecture-PPTs in PDF files will be uploaded to Chem-1020 site
on the CANVAS system within 24hours after the final lecture for each chapter.
From our past experience, and for your own learning benefit, it is better
to focus on the reading assignment(the textbook) BEFORE each lecture,
to focus on the oral instruction DURING each lecture,
then go through the lecture-PPTs AFTER lectures for each chapter.

Prof. Xiao-Yuan li, Dept. of Chemistry, HKUST

Chem 1020: Frequently-Asked-Questions (FAQs)

Will the lectures be videoed and uploaded on the course-site on the CANVAS?

Yes! ALL the regular lectures will be videoed, and the lecture-videos will be
uploaded to Chem-1020 website on the CANVAS ~ 24 hours after each lecture.
In case you miss any lecture(s) or in case you need to do pre-exam revisions,
it is better to review the lecture videos together with my lecture-PPTs.

Prof. Xiao-Yuan li, Dept. of Chemistry, HKUST

Chem 1020: Frequently-Asked-Questions (FAQs)

What will be covered in the Mid-Term Exam and the Final Exam?

Examinations will assess the contents covered in
BOTH the assignments from the textbook AND the lectures from the lecture-PPTs.

There will be Review Session and Tutorial Sessions arranged prior to

each Exam. The content/requirements of Exam will be presented then.

Prof. Xiao-Yuan Li, Dept. of Chemistry, HKUST

Chem 1020: Frequently-Asked-Questions (FAQs)

When will the Mid-Term Exam and the Final Exam be held ?

Mid-Term Exam: 19:00- 21:00, Monday, 28 Oct 2019 in LT-A/B/C
(Please mark it down on your calendar NOW !)

Final Exam: Time/date/venue to be arranged by the ARRO, and will be in

the Final Exam Period between 7 - 19 Dec. 2019.

Prof. Xiao-Yuan Li, Dept. of Chemistry, HKUST

Chem-1020: Frequently-Asked-Questions (FAQs)

What will be the format of Exams of Chem-1020 ?

 Both Exams will be in closed book format.
 For both the Mid-Term Exam and the Final Exam,
Multiple Choice(MC) Questions only.

Prof. Xiao-Yuan Li, Dept. of Chemistry, HKUST

Chem-1020: Conduct in the Classroom

Do not do things during class that may disrupt the class
or distract your classmates and the instructor;
Be a civilized and responsible adult!

Get to class No talking Switch off

on time! during lecture! mobile-phones!

Prof. Xiao-Yuan Li, Dept. of Chemistry, HKUST

Chem-1020: General Chemistry-I(B)

Chapter 0: Review of Selected DSE Chemistry Concepts

 Key Concepts:
1. Units and prefixes;
2. Unit conversion and dimension analysis;
3. Significant figures;
4. Terminologies for describing a matter and its change.

 Reading Assignment: Z&Z, Review: pp. 1 ~ 26.

 Questions/Exercises Assignment: Z&Z, Review: pp. 27a ~ 27h.
For Review: p. 27.
Questions: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13.
Exercises: 15, 17, 19, 21; 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43; 45, 47, 49, 51;
53, 55, 57, 59; 61, 63, 65; 67, 69, 71, 73, 75.

* “Z&Z” refers to our adopted textbook by Steph S. Zumdahl and Susan A. Zumdahl, 2nd Ed., 2016
Prof. Xiao-Yuan Li, Dept. of Chemistry, HKUST
Chem 1020: General Chemistry IB


Prof. Xiao-Yuan Li, Dept. of Chemistry, HKUST

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