MCC Lecture 06

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we are going to start second module of our syllabus.

The name of the module is mobile communication

generations. In this module, we are going to see three generations of mobile communication. Second generation ,

2.5 G, and 3g. So, starting with second generation. In this particular session, we will see introduction to the

second generation, called as a GSM and services offered in this GSM.

So let's begin what is GSM. GSM, previously known as group spatial mobile, founded in 1982. Now it is revised

to the name, Global System for Mobile Communication. In 1992 this renaming process completed. Now it is

known as Global System for Mobile Communication. As I said, this is a second generation of mobile

communication system. So which was the first? the first generation systems were analog mobile communication

systems. Analog mobile communication system means they use analog signals for communication. Now from

this second generation digital mobile communication system started. GSM uses digital signals for communication,

rather than analog. GSM is now most widely used and most successful mobile communication system in the

world. Today, all over the world. More than 219 countries in several continents use the GSM services. More than

4.2 billion subscribers in more than 700 networks are currently availing this service from GSM. If you compare

GSM with the other standards, more than 75% of digital, mobile phones, use the GSM. So GSM is most popular

and most widely used digital mobile communication system in our era. We are currently using fourth generation

of mobile communication system in India. This is the second generation so you can see how we are changed over

the years. 2:16

So let's look at what are the advantages or performance characteristics of GSM, with respect to the previous

generations, that is analog systems. So talking in terms of communication, as we all know, this is a wireless type

of communication. Apart from being wireless, it also provides the mobility to the user to roam around anywhere,

while communicating with the other party. Not only it supports voice communication, but it can support data

communication also. So that was absent from the analog systems. Okay. Now, as I said, you can roam around

anywhere. It provides total mobility while communicating. Now total mobility means, your mobility is not

restricted to a particular area. You can take your portable device, anywhere, anytime, and use different service

providers to make a communication. Even you can move out of your country, and still be able to communicate.

That was the primary goal while developing the GSM system. To enable the user to roam around the world and

still able to communicate using a single number. Okay. So, because of this, it provides the worldwide

connectivity. Same identification number or in general view, we call it as a mobile number, can be used for
making a communication. So locating that user and making the communication possible, is a responsibility of

network infrastructure. So although name is mobile communication. It is not completely wireless. The

communication from the user, till the tower , in technical terms we call it as a base station. So, communication

from user to base station is wireless. So that user can roam around anywhere, but since from base station, entire

communication will be wired one. so you need a fixed infrastructure to provide mobile communication system

that is GSM. So worldwide connectivity is possible because of different such infrastructures present all over the

world, accepted worldwide, using single number. If you compare the capacity of the GSM with the previous

generation, that is analog systems. It has a better frequency and reuse efficiency. It has smaller cells and more

customers. meaning is more number of frequencies are available for users for communication because of better

reuse of frequencies available in this system. Okay. As cells are smaller, the strength of signal which is received

by the user is much better compared to the analog systems also. Because strength of a signal is directly

proportional to one upon distance. That is better to have smaller cells and that's why GSM prefers smaller cells.

As we know, well we have seen in the end at the end of last session, more customers, per cell, that is your channel

capacity is achieved in GSM compared to analog systems that provides a better bandwidth to the users as well, for

communication. Since this is a digital, mobile communication system, the audio quality, and communication

quality in this particular system is high, very high compared to analog systems, whereas phone calls at higher

speeds can be made, because of uninterrupted services provided by GSM. So even if you are in a car or a train you

are moving at a high speed, you can still make uninterrupted calls using GSM. Not only that, there the major

challenge, while providing wireless communication is securing the communication, that is providing security to

communication. So GSM has also provided authentication and encryption, access control, and several other

security parameters for making the communication secure. So, it is a complete package for providing a mobile

communication system. no system is completely foolproof. So GSM also has certain limitations or disadvantages.


The first disadvantage is being, end to end encryption of user data, which is absent in GSM. What do you mean by

end to end encryption. Most of us now use WhatsApp for chatting. There you will see a message, your chat with

this message is, end to End encrypted. End to end means, from one user to another user end, the data will be

encrypted. So, why it is not provided in GSM, that is the older version of mobile communication system

compared to current version, in that the data was encrypted from user to the base station, but at the servers that is

at the base station that data was decrypted and transferred over the fixed network. And again, when it reaches the
destination base station that is again encrypted and transferred over the destination user. So, from base station to

user, the data or voice will be encrypted. But behind the bars that is within the infrastructure, the data will not

remain encrypted, so whatever you are talking is safe, through the air, but it is not safe or it is not hidden from the

servers. Servers can easily, listen to your voice or easily read your data. So end to end encryption means what,

when data is encrypted at one senders and it will only be decrypted by the receiver end. even server cannot

decrypt. But such facility is not available in GSM. The second limitation of disadvantage will be. It is not using

the entire bandwidth of 64 kbps, which is available, which will not be available for the user. So, ISDN that is

integral service Digital Network, which is a telephony network, digital telephony network, which is a wired

network. It has a bandwidth of 64 kbps. But its entire bandwidth is not available for the user. how fixed telephony

network is associated with GSM, that we will see, during the architecture of GSM. Okay, so but that entire fixed

network bandwidth is not entirely available for the user. Then, third is a side effect of having this facility of using

the GSM services while driving is that a driver may lose the concentration that may lead to accidents. So that is a

side effect of using this higher facilities. Okay. Apart from that, another side effect will be the electromagnetic

radiation, which are carrying these signals from one user to base station and towards the receiver, these radiations

can affect human health also. So, too much exposure to the electromagnetic radiation can be injurious to human

health. So it is avoided. Although it is restricted so that it will damage or affect the human health, to a minimum

level. Still, it is effecting human bodies. Then the next disadvantage can be, As I said, the data is not end to end

encrypted,The abuse of private data is possible. So your message may be encrypted over the air, and that is during

you and the base station that is tower, but at the server end that data can be readable. So, sending sensitive

information like your accounting information, bank account information, or your passwords of mail account. That

can be very dangerous because that can be enabled by the servers, and may be linked to the servers, also. So abuse

of private data is possible. And because of so many services offered by GSM infrastructure required for GSM is

highly complex compared to previous analog systems. So these are some of the disadvantages. There are several

other also. But these are the main disadvantages of second generation digital mobile communication system that it

is GSM. So remember, GSM is a 2G sysrem. Okay, so let's see which are the services that GSM is offering. 11:42

GSM offers several types of connectivity, that is voice connections, data connections, messaging services calls,

we will see them when by when. Also, it can offer combination of voice and data or combination of audio

messages can be also sent. these types of services are basically divided into basic three domains that is bearer

services, telemetry, or telematic services and supplementary services. Okay. On your screen you will see basic
components of this GSM system, where on the left hand side, this is the sender. sender is transmitter, and let's say

this is a receiver. transmitter is a mobile user or GSM user. It consists of MS that is mobile station. mobile station,

composed of main two parts. One is a handset, another is a SIM card. Okay, so these are called terminal

equipment, TE and mobile terminal that is MT. These are connected to each other via RNS interface. This mobile

handset is connected to attach to the base station, that is our tower, through a wireless interface Um, then this

GSM base station is connected to a fixed wired network, which is a public telephony network called as public

land mobile network. This is a interconnection of wireless communication system with the wired communication

system. So it is connected to GSM PLMN interface. Then this transition from mobile to fix telephony is carried

through the transit network like public switching telephone network and integral Services Digital Network,

towards the destination. That means, when GSM call is initiated by the user. First it is transferred over to the base

station. GSM will be transferring that call to the destination via certain internal infrastructure. If that destination

that is receiver is a landline phone. This call initiated by a mobile user has to be transferred to the fixed wired

telephone network, and that is our transit network PSTN or ISDN , this transit network can be analog like public

switched telephone network, or it can be digital also that is integral service digital network. So that's why we had

said previously, it is not using entire bandwidth of 64 kbps of ISDN. So, this is a transition from mobile to fixed

network that is landline network. that transit network is there. And then we reach towards this source or

destination network to which the receiver is attached, so it's a local network to which telephone or it is called as

telephone exchange, we can call it. This is. That's a telephone exchange. This is a telephone exchange where our

landline phone is attached. And this is our receiver. Okay, so as you can see, there are two services which are

shown over here. One is bearer service and teleservice. Bearer services are those services, which are handled or

services offered to the internal infrastructure like GSM transit network or source or destination network. The

communication can be reversed also from landline to mobile phone also that can be also possible. So in both

cases, same diagram is applicable. And the tele services will be, services offer to end users like mobile user or

landline user. So tele services are user available and bearer services are infrastructure available. Let's see them

one by one, 16:17

starting with bearer services. These services provide transfer of data between different access points, access points

means our base station. If call is initiated from landline, data or voice transfer from a local exchange to the end

user and user if it is mobile, then its base station. So let's say end user is mobile user and initiating user that is

calling user is a landline user, then voice or data transfer between local exchange and the base station that is
Tower, offer receiver that connection, or data transfer or voice transfer is known as an bearer service. This

specification of these services is up to the terminal interface that we are called SIM card that is a terminal

interface. It is osi layer 123. that is physical data link, and network layer. Okay so, as we know, physical layer is

responsible for transmission of data into raw bitstreams. It comes into the picture, data link layer is responsible for

channel allocation, and several other things, and network layer is for routing the call to appropriate user. So these

three layers will be using the bearer services. So bearer services permit, transparent and non transparent type of

service, that is visible to the everyone, and also hidden to everyone, that can be also possible. And synchronous

and asynchronous data transmission is also possible. Synchronous means it will require to communicate, or

transfer the data in specific time limit or it can be asynchronous, like it can have no time limit, but it will have

start and stop bits for transmission of voice or data. so transparent bearer services only use the functions of

physical layer to transmit the data. So, what they are using? They are using FEC(forward error correction) to

improve transmission quality, and this is a digital communication system, it will have a better quality. So, one

technique is used is forward error correction FEC, which is using redundant data for transmission to improve the

quality. So if you have a certain number of bits, which is to be transmitted let's say like this. Some of those bits,

let's say this is the one of the important bit, it will be transmitted not only once but several times. So even if,

during the transmission or during the destination towards the user. If it gets corrupted or if it gets lost. There are

several other bits available from which information can be retrieved. So it is avoiding this error in the

transmission quality. That's why it is called as forward error correction. So, even after that, if information bits are

lost, then it is not possible to recover them. That is the drawback of this FEC. transparent Bearer Services uses

this kind of technique for improving the transmission quality. There is non transparent bearer Services uses

protocols of layer two and three that is data link and network to implement error correction and flow control. This

is also for improving quality of the communication like radio link protocol RLP which works on the mechanism

of HDLC, that is high level data link control It is used. or selective reject mechanisms, to trigger the

retransmission of erroneous data is used, at layer two and three, for improving the transmission quality or Data

quality. These are the bearer services. This is all happening internal, you will not see any user involvement in

these services. So these are bearer services. 20:27

So what are the data rates achieved for these services. Based on synchronous or asynchronous data rates are

variable, that from 1.2 kbps to 9.6 kbps is possible for a synchronous data rates are higher, because overhead off

synchronizing bits is much lesser compared to asynchronous, because there will be header, trailer, start bit or stop
bit involved. So for asynchronous we get data rates up to 300 to 1200 that is 1.2 kbps. 300 bits per second. for

asynchronous we get much higher upto 9.6 kbps. Although in this stage it seems very small data rate because we

are currently in an LTE world, fourth generation, where data rates are supposed to be in the megabits per second.

And that time when this wasn't released. This was considered as very high data rates. And data rates of

approximately 50 kbps which is also possible, which will be covered later with new modulation techniques. Okay,

so kbps, although right now it seems very small, at that time, that was very high data rate. So this is about bearer

services. Now let's move to the tele services. 21:56

as I said, taking services involves user communication, so it enables voice communication via mobile phones, that

is our mobile handset and SIM cards. So provision of high quality digital voice transmission, offering a traditional

bandwidth of 3.1 kilohertz, which is ISDN bandwidth, although it is not entirely used. The user is available, user

is provided with the extra services apart from normal conversation. That is like emergency number, for example,

common number throughout Europe is 112. You can dial this number, even when your keypad is locked. Even

when your keypad lock. If you press 112 on your keypad. you will be able to call to one emergency center

location. It is mandatory for all service provider. It is also free of charge. This is also the highest priority

connection for voice communication. It oversees most of the other connections, also. So, that’s why it is

emergency number, so in case of accidents or crisis situations you can dial this number. And no charges will be

applicable. So for that reason, this is a tele service that is provided by GSM. It was not present in the previous

version. Then there are non voice services also like fax, that is called as group three fax, their mailbox and you are

not able to receive a call, then you can ask the caller to drop a message voice message onto the mailbox

voicemail, it is called as. then emails. Okay, that is also possible through the tele services, SMS, SMS is 160

character, short message that can be sent from a mobile handset. Using the channels of the mobile communication

system. Then, EMS that is enhanced messaging service, and MMS, which is a combination of text message which

is used in SMS and audio or small animation also . Then video is also possible in MMS. MMS is the largest

version of the short messaging services. in SMS we can send the text data, in MMS, we can send several

combinations, audio, text, video, and so on. So these services are also provided by GSM. This is about tele

service, then the lastly supplementary services. 24:41

These are not mandatory but are provided by most of the service providers. These offer more than just a calling,

or messaging or internet service. So what are those different supplementary services. These vary from such a
different service provider, but most of them provide all of them. So like caller ID. That is, who is calling that we

get to know from our mobile screen, then we can forward our call, call forwarding or call blocking. It is also

possible, we can forward our call from one SIM card to another SIM card. If our SIM card is not in network area,

then auto reply that is automatic call back. That is also supplementary service, then call conferencing, that is also

supplementary service. Up to seven participants are possible in a simple audio call conferencing. Then, if we

loose the data, then we can avoid stealing of our personal information by locking the mobile terminal. If we find

that our handset is stolen, then we can call the customer care and ask them to lock our terminal, so that is also

provided by the GSM. So these are the supplementary services, so basic. These services are available with all the

second generation GSM service providers. Okay, bearer , tele and supplementary services. So this is all about

GSM introduction. In the next lecture we will see the architecture of GSM and different components involved in


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