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Second Pre - Board Examination-2021

Class X
Science (086) Theory

Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80

General Instructions:
(i) The question paper comprises four sections A, B, C and D. There are 36 questions in
the question paper. All questions are compulsory.
(ii) Section–A - question no. 1 to 20 - all questions and parts thereof are of one mark each.
These questions contain multiple choice questions (MCQs), very short answer
questions and assertion - reason type questions. Answers to these should be given in
one word or one sentence.
(iii) Section–B - question no. 21 to 26 are short answer type questions, carrying 2 marks
each. Answers to these questions should in the range of 30 to 50 words.
(iv) Section–C - question no. 27 to 33 are short answer type questions, carrying 3 marks
each. Answers to these questions should in the range of 50 to 80 words.
(v) Section–D – question no. - 34 to 36 are long answer type questions carrying 5 marks
each. Answer to these questions should be in the range of 80 to 120 words.
(vi) There is no overall choice. However, internal choices have been provided in some
questions. A student has to attempt only one of the alternatives in such questions.
(vii) Wherever necessary, neat and properly labeled diagrams should be drawn.


No. Questions Marks

1 The PH values of three acids A, B and C respectively having equal molar 1

concentrations are 5, 3 and 4 respectively at 298K. Arrange these acids in the
order of their increasing acid strength.
How the strength of basic solution be increased?
2 Write the chemical name and chemical formula of washing soda. 1

3 Element ‘X’forms a chloride with formula XCl2, which is a solid with a high 1
melting point.’X’ would most likely be in the group
a) 1
b) 13
c) 2
d) 15

4 Why does the Sun appear white at noon? 1

5 Find the power of a concave lens of focal length 2 m. 1

6 The image formed by a convex lens is observed to be virtual, erect and 1

magnified. Where is the object placed?
Name the part of a lens through which a ray of light passes without suffering
any deviation.

7 In the arrangement shown in figure there is one coil wound on a non- 1

conducting cylindrical rod and a bar magnet. Initially both kept stationary.
Later the bar magnet is inserted into the coil and then removed shortly after.

What are the two observations that can be noted from the galvanometer

8 Draw the magnetic field lines around a current carrying solenoid? 1

9 An electric motor takes 5 A from a 220 V line. Determine the power of the 1
motor and energy consumed in 2 Hr.
Some work is done to move a charge Q from infinity to a point A in space. The
potential of the point A is given as V. What is the work done to move this
charge from infinity in terms of Q and V?

10 What is the importance of platelets in our body ? 1

11 How are lungs designed to maximize the area for exchange of gases? 1

12 Explain how ozone being a deadly poison can still perform an essential 1
function for our environment.
Give reason why a food chain cannot have more than four tropic levels.

13 Name the movement in alimentary canal to push the food ahead. 1

For question numbers 14, 15 and 16, two statements are given- one labeled Assertion (A) and the
other labeled Reason (R). Select the correct answer to these questions from the codes (a), (b), (c)
and (d) as given below:
a) Both A and R are true, and R is correct explanation of the assertion.
b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
c) A is true, but R is false.
d) A is false, but R is true.

14 Assertion: Rubbing baking soda solution on the area stung by bee or ant gives 1
Reason: Baking soda is base and neutralizes formic acid injected into the area
by the insect.

15 Assertion: The energy flow through different steps in the food chain is 1
Reason: The energy which is captured by autotrophs does not go back to the
solar input and passes to the herbivores.
Assertion: Decomposers act as the cleaning agent of the environment.
Reason: The decomposers recycle the waste materials in the biosphere.
16 Assertion (A): Plants can trap only 1% of the Sun’s energy falling on them. 1
Reason(R): The energy available at each successive tropic level is 10 per cent of
the previous level.

Answer Q. No 17 - 20 contain five sub-parts each. You are expected to answer any four sub-
parts in these questions.

17 Read the following and answer any four questions from 17 (i) to 17 (v) 1x4

In case of kidney failure an artificial kidney is used to replace a non functional

or damaged kidney. During dialysis, the blood of the patient is allowed to pass
through a long cellulose tube dipped in a tank containing dialyzing solution
having same ionic concentration as plasma. The waste substances diffuse out of
blood into the tank and the cleansed blood is returned back into the patient
through a vein.

(i) What is the function of kidney?

a) To remove the wastes from blood
b) To remove food particles from blood
c) To provide energy
d) Digestion of food

(ii) What is the name of the process described in the paragraph?
a) Digestion
b) Dialysis
c) Dissection
d) Depression
(iii) Name the functional unit of kidney.
a) Urethra
b) Prostate Gland
c) Nephron
d) Neuron
(iv) What is plasma?
a) Liquid part of the blood
b) Filtrate of blood
c) Wastes removed from blood
d) Urine
(v) Name the filtrate of blood which contains harmful wastes removed from
a) Blood plasma
b) Blood sugar
c) Urine
d) Hormone

18 Read the following and answer any four questions from 18 (i) to 18 (v).
Characteristics of a group 1×4
A vertical column in the periodic table is called a group. there are 18 groups in
the long form periodic table. All elements in any group of the periodic table
• Similar properties due to similar outer electronic configuration and
• A gradual change in properties due to decreasing attraction between the
nucleus and the valence electrons as we go down the group.
• Metals are located in the left and the central part of the periodic table. The
elements of certain groups are given specific family names. The Group 1
elements are collectively called alkali metals. Group 17 are called halogens
and Group 18 are collectively called noble gases or inert gases .
Chemical reactivity
Chemical properties of an element are largely governed by its valence electrons.
That is why all elements of a group show similar chemical properties
The periodic table is based upon atomic numbers. It relates the position of an
element in the periodic table with its electronic configuration.

That is why, all elements in a group show similar chemical properties. For
metallic elements, the reactivity increases from going top to bottom in a group.
For non-metallic elements, the reactivity decreases in going from top to bottom
in a group. The halogens are the most reactive non-metals in the periodic table.
Group 1 2 13 14 15 16 17 18
Period Li C N O F Ne
Period Al P S Cl
3 Na
Period K Br Kr

18 (i) Li and Na show similar properties because

a) They are metals having same size and shape
b) They belong to same period
c) Their valence electrons are same
d) They belong to different periods.

18 (ii) Which of the following is most reactive non-metal?

a) F
b) Cl
c) Br
d) S

18 (iii) Which of the following belongs to halogen family?

a) Li
b) Ne
c) Br
d) C

18 (iv) Which of the following element is most metallic in nature?

a) Na
b) K
c) Al
d) Li

Nitrogen and phosphorous belongs to same group15 because
a) Sulphur and phosphorous has 5electrons in the valence shell
b) Both of them show metallic character
c) They belongs to halogen family
d) Both having 5 shells in their atomic structure.

19 Read the following and answer any four questions from 19 (i) to 19 (v)
Sumati wanted to see the stars of the night sky. She knows that she needs a
telescope to see those distant stars. She finds out that the telescopes, which are 1×4
made of lenses, are called refracting telescopes and the ones which are made of
mirrors are called reflecting telescopes.

So she decided to make a refracting telescope. She bought two lenses, L1 and
L2. out of which L1 was bigger and L2 was smaller. The larger lens gathers and
bends the light, while the smaller lens magnifies the image. Big, thick lenses
are more powerful. So to see far away, she needed a big powerful lens.
Unfortunately, she realized that a big lens is very heavy.
Heavy lenses are hard to make and difficult to hold in the right place. Also
since the light is passing through the lens, the surface of the lens has to be
extremely smooth. Any flaws in the lens will change the image. It would be like
looking through a dirty window.
19 (i) Based on the diagram shown, what kind of lenses would Sumati need to make
the telescope?
a) Concave lenses
b) Convex lenses
c) Bifocal lenses
d) Flat lenses

19 (ii) If the powers of the lenses L1 and L2 are in the ratio of 4:1, what would be the
ratio of the focal length of L1 and L2?
a) 4:1
b) 1:4
c) 2:1
d) 1:1

19 (iii) What is the formula for magnification obtained with a lens?
a) Ratio of height of image to height of object
b) Double the focal length.
c) Inverse of the radius of curvature.
d) Inverse of the object distance.

19 (iv) Sumati did some preliminary experiment with the lenses and found out that the
magnification of the eyepiece (L2) is 3. If in her experiment with L2 she found
an image at 24 cm from the lens, at what distance did she put the object?
a) 72 cm
b) 12 cm
c) 8 cm
d) 6 cm

19 (v) Sumati bought not-so-thick lenses for the telescope and polished them. What
advantages, if any, would she have with her choice of lenses?
a) She will not have any advantage as even thicker lenses would give
clearer images.
b) Thicker lenses would have made the telescope easier to handle.
c) Not-so-thick lenses would not make the telescope very heavy and also
allow considerable amount of light to pass.
d) Not-so-thick lenses will give her more magnification.

20 Read the following and answer any 4 questions from 20 (i) to 20 (v).
Resistance is defined as the potential difference across a conductor to the 4
current passing through it. Resistance is the property of a conductor to resist
the flow of charge through it. Both resistance and resistivity describe how
difficult it is to make electrical current flow through a material, but unlike
resistance, resistivity is an intrinsic property. This means that pure copper wire
resistivity will be independent of its shape and size, but its resistance depends
on these factors. Every material has its own characteristic resistivity. The
resistivity of metals varies with temperature. The resistance of almost all alloys
increases with increase in temperature but the rate of change resistance is less
than that of metals. In fact, the resistance of certain alloys such as Manganin,
Eureka and Constantan practically show no change in resistance to a
considerable range of temperature.

20 (i) What happens to the resistivity of a wire if it is stretched?
a. It will increase
b. It will decrease
c. First increase then decrease
d. Remains the same

20 (ii) Though silver is a good conductor ,why it is not an ideal choice for transmission
of energy?
a. It is expensive
b. It oxidizes tarnishes when it comes in contact with air
c. Its resistivity decreases with increase in temperature
d. None of the above.

20 (iii) The area of cross section of a wire becomes half when its length is stretched to
double. How the resistance of the wire is affected in the new condition.
a. Resistance of the wire remains unchanged
b. Resistance of the wire decreases to half
c. Resistance of the wire increases to double
d. Resistance of the wire increases four times

20 (iv) If there are two wires W1 and W2 of same material and same length but have
radius r and 2r respectively, then which wire will have more resistance
a. W1
b. W2
c. Both the wires have same resistance
d. Wire W2 has three times resistance than wire W1.

20 (v) Ajay made the following conclusions regarding resistance of metals/Alloy.

Which one would you disagree with?
a. The resistivity of a metal decreases with temperature
b. A thick copper wire has less resistance than a thin copper wire of the
same length.
c. Low resistivity means the material easily allow the flow of electric
d. Alloys are often used in the manufacture of standard resistors.

21 Bile juice does not have any digestive enzyme but still plays a significant role
in the process of digestion. Justify the statement.
Write one function of each of the following:
(i) Pepsin (ii) Lipase

22 Suggest one word for each of the following:

(i) the physical factors like temperature, rainfall, wind, and soil of an
(ii) The physical and biological world where we live.
23 Name the element whose allotropic form is graphite. Why is graphite a good
conductor of electricity?
The number of carbon compounds is more than those formed by all other
elements put together. Justify the statement by giving two reasons.

24 When a solution of potassium iodide is added to a solution of lead nitrate in a 2
test tube, a reaction takes place.
(i) What type of reaction is this?
(ii) Write a balanced chemical equation to represent the above reaction.


A student observes the above phenomenon in the lab as a white light passes
through a prism. Among many other colours, he observed the position of the
two colours Red and Violet. 2
What is the phenomenon called? What is the reason for the violet light to bend
more than the red light?

26 2

How much current is flowing through

(a) 10 ohm resistor
(b) 15 ohm resistor
(c) What is the ammeter reading

Section C

27 Explain with the help of a figure that father is responsible for the sex of a 3

How does Mendel’s experiment show that traits may be dominant or recessive?

28 How can you help in reducing the problem of waste disposal? Give any three 3

29 Explain with the help of a diagram process of nutrition in Amoeba. 3

30 a. Give an example for a combination reaction. 3
b. Identify the substance oxidized and reduced in the following reaction.
H2S + Cl2 → 2HCl + S
c. Silver chloride when kept in the open turns grey. Illustrate this with a
balanced chemical equation.

31 The position of three elements A, B and C in the periodic table are shown 3
Group 16 group 17

_______ ______

______ A

______ ______


(i) State whether A is a metal or a non-metal.

(ii) Which type of ion , cation or anion will be formed by element A?
(iii) Which is more electronegative element A or C ?
32 a. Explain the formation of Calcium Chloride with the help of electron dot 3
structure. (At numbers: Ca = 20; Cl = 17)
b. Why do ionic compounds not conduct electricity in solid state but conduct
electricity in molten and aqueous state?

33 3
(i) Refractive index of water is 1.33.What is the meaning of this statement?
(ii) What is the refractive index of diamond?
(i) Light enters from air to glass having refractive index 1.50.What is the
speed of light in the glass? the speed of light in vacuum is 3x108 m/s.

Section D

34 a)When carbondioxide is blown into a transparent solution , it turns milky 5

(i) Identify the chemical substance present in the transparent solution.
(ii) Which is the chemical substance responsible for the milky nature of the
(iii) How is the transparent solution prepared?
(iv) Write the chemical equation involved in this preparation.
b) What will happen if heating is not controlled while preparing plaster of


(i) Why does an aqueous solution of an acid conduct electricity?

(ii) How does the concentration of hydronium ions [ H3O+] change when a
solution of an acid is diluted?

(iii) Which has a higher pH value – a concentrated or dilute

solution of hydrochloric acid ?

(iv) During the reaction of silver metal with dil. hydrochloric acid ,
it does not show any reaction. Why?

(v) The temperature of reaction mixture rises when aluminium is

added to dil. Hydrochloric acid. Give reason.
35 (i) Draw a diagram showing different parts of a flower. Write one function of 5
each part.
(ii) What happens to the pollen grain after reaching to carpel of another flower?

36 (i) A thin converging lens forms a 5

(a) Real magnified image
(b) Virtual magnified image of an object place in front of it.
Write the positions of the object in each case and draw a labeled ray
diagram to show the image formation in each case.
(ii) How will the following be affected on cutting this lens into two halves
along the principal axis?
(a) Focal length
(b) Intensity of image formed by half lens

Analyse the following observation table showing variation of image distance
(v) with object distance (u) in case of a convex lens and answer the questions
that follow, without doing any calculations:

S.NO Object distance u (cm) Image distance v (cm)
1 -90 +18
2 -60 +20
3 -30 +30
4 -20 +60
5 -18 +90
6 -10 +100

(i) What is the focal length of convex lens? Give reason in support of your
(ii) Write the serial number of that observation which is not correct. How
did you arrive at this conclusion?
(iii) Take an appropriate scale to draw a ray diagram for the observation at
S.NO 4 and find the approximate value of magnification.


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