PID Controller

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PID Controller

Nov 22, 2013

Amit Dixit

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● Intro to Feedback Control Systems

● PID controller as a Feedback Control System

● Tuning methods

● Advantages, Limitations

● Practical PID control

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Intro: Feedback Control Systems - I
● PID Controller is a Feedback Control System
● System
– Relationship between inputs and outputs
– Inputs/Outputs: Physical quantities (speed, voltage,
air-to-fuel ratio, fuel, position…)

Inputs Outputs

● Control system: a system that “controls” another system

● Feedback control system: uses output of controlled system
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Intro: Feedback Control System - II
● Structure of a feedback control system:

Reference “r” Input “u” Output “y”
Controller Plant

● Identify Controller, Plant, u and y for:

– Electronic governor
– Digital AVR
– FI ECU: Closed loop fuel control

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Feedback Control Problem Formulation
● Structure of a feedback control system:

Reference “r” Input “u” Output “y”
Controller Plant

● Feedback control problem

– Choose u(t) = f(r(t), y(t)) such that y(t) = r(t)
– Time varying control input: real-time control
● Several possible solutions
– Studied formally under control systems theory: researched for >60 years
● Over time, A specific form of f(.) has become popular: the PID controller

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PID Controller Structure - I
● Error based controller
– Generic control structure: u(t) = f(r(t), y(t))
– Define e(t) = r(t) – y(t): the “error signal”
– Control input u(t) expressed as a function of e(t)

● General form of PID controller

Proportional Integral Derivative
u(t) = f1( e(t) ) + f2( ∫e(t) ) + f3( e′(t) )

● Linear PID controller

u(t) = Kp( e(t) ) + KI( ∫e(t) ) + KD( e′(t) )

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PID Controller Structure - II
● Block Diagram
PID Controller
∫ KI

r e u y
KP Plant
+ +

d KD

● PID terms
– P: “present”, based on instantaneous error, fast response
– I: “past”, based on history, removes steady-state error
– D: “future”, based on estimated future, opposes future changes
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PID Controller: Virtues
● Criteria for a good control system
– Good closed-loop performance
– Simple to realize
● System cost should be low (hardware, software)
– Simple to tune
● Tuning is critical in a closed loop control
● Closing the loop can de-stabilize an open-loop-stable system
● Number of tuning parameters, ease of tuning important
● How PID controller fairs
– Good performance for most practical systems
– Simple equations, implementable on low-cost MCUs/ hardware
– Relatively simple to tune, plenty of experience built
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PID Controller Tuning Methods - I
● Tuning approaches
– Model based (automatic/semi-automatic)
– Model-free

● Model based approaches

– Mathematics based method of choosing controller gains to meet
certain performance criteria
– Methodology

Express Plant behavior as a mathematical model P(θ); θ : parameters

Express controller as a function of plant model parameters: C(θ)

Identify θ from experiments or from knowledge
– Several methods used in practice
● Ziegler Nicholas
● Relay feedback Slide 9 of 13
PID Controller Tuning Methods - II
● Model free approach
– Methodology
● Define performance criteria
– Steady-state error, response time, error during step disturbance..
● Based on generic understanding of effect of tuning parameters on
performance criteria, tune manually
– Requires understanding on how tuning parameters effect
Steady-state Transient error Transient Stability
error recovery time
Kp Strong decrease Strong decrease Weak decrease Weak decrease
Ki No effect No effect Strong decrease Weak decrease
Kd Weak decrease Strong decrease Weak increase Strong increase

– Used currently in our governing, AVR and FI ECU products

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PID Controller: Limitations/ Improvements
● “Classical PID”: A single linear equation relates u(t) to e(t) for all
operating conditions
● Limitations
– Plant behavior changes (over time, over operating conditions)
– Sometimes closed-loop control is not desired
● Start event, stop event, limiting control input, idling
– Better performance possible with
● Changes in control structure with operating conditions
● Incorporating system knowledge (calibration)
● Practical control system
– OL Strategies for start/stop + PID controller for regulation +
Gain scheduling/ OL boost modes

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● PID controller is a particular implementation of feedback control system

● Simple, cost-effective implementation, good performance has lead to

widespread use

● Tuning is critical in practice, model based/ model free methods used

● Practical implementation: basic PID + start/stop conditions + parameter


● Used in governing (B12, Econoseek), dAVR, FI ECU, Ignition software

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Thank You

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