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A Division of Vinsys


For Sedemac Mechantronics Pvt. Ltd.


is always the
Conducting Performance Appraisals
For Sedemac Mechatronics Pvt. Ltd.

Table of Content

Introduction to People Development ........................................................................ 3

The Importance & Benefits of Performance Appraisal ............................................. 5
Overview of Sedemac Performance Appraisals Model & Overview of Other Assessment
Methods .............................................................................................................. 6
Pre Work ............................................................................................................. 8
During the Appraisal Meeting .............................................................................. 9
Feedback Fundamentals ..................................................................................... 10

Introduction to People Development

Here is a picture of a man working in a field of saffron flowers. Saffron or Kesar

is the world's most costly and expensive spice.

Just a tiny portion of this saffron adds a beautiful zest and color to your food.

It takes a lot of time, hard work and many painstaking efforts just to get a few
stigmas of Saffron. This signifies how his nurturing of these flowers will yield a
bunch of precious stigmas in the coming weeks. The time he spends
cultivating his crop now is done in anticipation of the future rewards.

The same analogy can be applied to how we can think of people development
at your company.

People are just a tiny portion of the entire organization. However, taking time
to nurture & develop these people will contribute significantly to your
organization’s productivity and can yield profits in the future.

People development is one of the foundations of business because it allows us

to build the organization through one of the most powerful assets –
The People.

Importance of People Development

Without great employees, no amount

of focus on goals and targets will ever
pay off. Employees can only achieve
what they are capable of achieving,
so it’s your job to help all your
employees be more capable so they—
and your business—can achieve more.
It is your job to provide the training,
mentoring, and opportunities your
employees need and deserve. When
you do, you transform the relatively
boring process of reviewing results
and tracking performance into
something a lot more meaningful for
your employees: Progress,
improvement, and personal

People Development should happen every day!

Developing people is not something we do in a meeting room once in a while away from the work.
Instead, we should use the daily work to develop people.

Advantages of this -

You leverage the people skills to create a higher value for Sedemac and for your clients as
well as to run the business effectively and efficiently
If people develop they become more engaged, and we can see their contribution counting.
You as a manager or a supervisor can spend more time on the things that motivate you.

What’s so important About Developing Our People?

Do you recollect when was the last time you -

Handed a task to your team member with responsibility and authority

Shared what you were learning from your own experience
Guided someone new on a new task
Encouraged the star performer to present at one of the important client meetings
Requested your team member to join a meeting so they could observe and learn from you
Coached your team member their working style and how to match it to the business
approach of the organization
Provided someone constructive feedback in timely manner
Expressed appreciation for a team member for his/ her contribution to the work

The Importance & Benefits of
Performance Appraisal
Conducting performance appraisals is an important consideration when it comes to placing value on
the company’s human capital.

The most challenging aspect of a performance appraisal is measuring the actual performance of the
employee. Since the performance is measured by tasks performed, there is a continuous process that
must be administered in order to monitor the performances throughout the appraisal cycle.

Thus, it’s very important to choose the correct measuring techniques. It’s also important to focus on a
desired performance (standardized performance) and then compare the desired performance to the
actual performance of the employee. All of the planning that goes into the performance appraisal is
for the purpose of evaluating employees, providing employees with valuable feedback and creating a
positive effect on future performance. Although the process may be tedious, the end result is one of
great importance.

Benefits of Performance Appraisal

Help to achieve sustainable improvements in organizational performance
Act as a lever for change in developing a more performance oriented culture
Increase the motivation and commitment of employees
Enable individuals to develop their abilities, increase their job satisfaction and achieve their
full potential to their own benefit and that of the organization as a whole
Enhance the development of team cohesion and performance
Develop constructive and open relationships between individuals and their managers in a
process of continuing dialogue which is linked to the work actually being done throughout the
Provide opportunities for individuals to express their aspirations and expectations about their

Overview of Sedemac Performance
Appraisals Model & Overview of Other
Assessment Methods
Rating Scales
Creating Scales Method is commonly used method for assessing the performance of the employees
and well-known traditional method of performance appraisal of employees. Depending upon the job
of employee under this method of appraisal traits like attitude, performance, regularity, accountability
and sincerity etc, are rated with scale from 1 to 10. 1 indicates negative feedback and 10 indicates
positive feedback. Under this method of performance appraisal, employee may be assessed by his
superiors, colleagues, subordinates or sometimes by his customers which all depends on nature of
the company or job which is added where the employee.

Ranking Method
The ranking system requires the rater to rank his subordinates on overall performance. This consists
in simply putting a man in a rank order. Under this method, the ranking of an employee in a work
group is done against that of another employee. The relative position of each employee is tested in
terms of his numerical rank. It may also be done by ranking a person on his job performance against
another member of the competitive group.

Paired Comparison
A better technique of comparison than the straight ranking method, this method compares each
employee with all others in the group, one at a time. After all the comparisons on the basis of the
overall comparisons, the employees are given the final rankings.

Forced Distribution Method

This is a ranking technique where raters are required to allocate a certain percentage of rates to
certain categories (eg: superior, above average, average) or percentiles (eg: top 10 percent, bottom
20 percent etc). Both the number of categories and percentage of employees to be allotted to each
category are a function of performance appraisal design and format.

Critical Incident Techniques

Under this method, the manager prepares lists of statements of very effective and ineffective
behavior of an employee. These critical incidents or events represent the outstanding or poor
behavior of employees or the job. The manager maintains logs of each employee, whereby he
periodically records critical incidents of the workers behavior. At the end of the rating period, these
recorded critical incidents are used in the evaluation of the worker’s performance.

Management by Objectives (MBO) method
MBO is a method of performance appraisal in which managers or employers set a list of objectives
and make assessments on their performance on a regular basis, and finally make rewards based on
the results achieved. This method mostly cares about the results achieved (goals) but not to the way
how employees can fulfill them

360 Degree Performance Appraisal

The style of 360 degree performance appraisal is a method that employees will give confidential and
anonymous assessments on their colleagues. This post also information that can be used as
references for such methods of performance assessments of 720, 540, 180…It offers a more
comprehensive view towards the performance of employees. It is a technique which is systematic
collection of performance data on an individual group, derived from a number of stakeholders like
immediate supervisors, team members, customers, peers and self.

Pre Work
Performance and development reviews provide these involved with the opportunity to reflect on past
performances as a basis for making development and improvement plans. The main purpose of these
reviews is to enable those concerned to get together so that they can engage in a dialogue about the
individuals performance and development and the support provided by the manager.

These should usually be more free flowing, open meetings in which views are exchanged so that
agreed conclusions can be reached. By delivering more effective performance appraisals, you can
become the leader your employees can trust.

One of the most important things you can do to ensure the success of your employee performance
appraisal is to actively prepare for it. Whether your company includes a self-evaluation step in their
process or not, you don't have to play a passive role where you are merely the recipient of feedback
and direction from your manager.

Prepare yourself fully For the Performance Appraisal

Assess the employee’s past performance by considering:

How well the employee has performed since the last meeting? Have you got any evidence or
examples to refer to?
What achievements you can recall have been made over the last year? Ideally you will have
records of interim reviews to refer to
What additional responsibilities/projects has the employee taken on?
What personal observations can I recall of the employee’s behavior/competencies?
To what extent have training and development plans been achieved?
Have there been any factors outside the employee’s control that have affected performance?
What feedback have I received from customers/managers/colleagues that help?
How much has the job changed in the past year and does the job description need updating?
Consider relevant business objectives for the employee over the next year
Reflect on the support you have provided as their manager

During the Appraisal Meeting
Review Past Performance over the Last Year
The manager should start by asking the employee to discuss main areas of their work over the last
year and the key work objectives they were expected to achieve. Any 1:1s and reviews already
carried out will also provide useful information to contribute to this discussion.

Compare the actual performance with the planned performance, i.e. the employee’s objectives set at
the last performance appraisal and explore what has happened and why. Explore both the internal
and external factors affecting the employee’s performance and agree future performance
improvements and likely performance and development objectives for next year.

In addition the employee should discuss any issues or barriers that may have prevented them
performing to the best of their abilities, and give feedback as to how the manager has supported and
managed them.

Focus On Outcomes
Specific areas of improvement where the appraisee either needs to meet a satisfactory level of
performance, perform more effectively across their full range of responsibilities, extend the scope of
the role to prepare them for further career development or where they can be considered a ‘role
model’ for other employees and potentially take on a coaching role.

Summarize Achievements And Future Plans

Summarize the year’s achievements against performance and development objectives, core
skills/competencies and recognize other key achievements. Then summarize future plans such as the
objectives for the year ahead and the key actions and improvements agreed by the employee, any
support required from manager and any career aspirations recognized.

Document Actionable
The manager should make notes during the meeting, summarize them back to the employee at the
end of the meeting, and write them up in the paperwork post-meeting. Record the outputs from the
performance appraisal using your organization’s performance appraisal documentation and ask the
appraisee to review the completed document to ensure they believe the document reflects the
content of the performance appraisal discussion. Any disputes or differences of opinion or
understanding should be attempted to be rectified initially with you.

Feedback Fundamentals
What Is Feedback?

Feedback is information given to a learner about performance-related behavior, and about how
others may be affected by the performance or behavior. Feedback is the cheapest, most powerful,
yet, most under used management tool that we have at our disposal as it can be very motivating and
energizing. It has strong links to employee satisfaction and productivity. People like to feel involved
and identified with their organization. Feedback can help achieve that state.

It is very difficult to be very self aware without feedback from others. Self awareness and monitoring
provide a good platform but feedback from others informs us in ways that enriches our self
knowledge. It's called open communication! Thus, feedback is the information we all need to be truly
effective in the workplace.

What Are The Uses Of Feedback?

Feedback helps people find answers to these vital questions:

Why does my role exist?

What am I supposed to achieve?
How is my performance tracking?
What is the best use of my time?
How do I influence others?
What is the quality of my relationships with my manager, team members and colleagues?

Elucidate Appraiser - Appraisee Verbal And Non Verbal Cues

Verbal Cues -
Performance appraisal time is difficult for both managers and employees. Instead of seeing them as
the learning experience that they are meant to be, employees often view performance reviews as
negative experiences or even personal attacks.

To make the performance review process go more smoothly, take time to write out the appraisal in a
professional and educational manner, avoiding emotionally charged or unspecific words that can
make learning from the report difficult

Using Appropriate Words -

Words are symbols for what we perceive with our senses. They communicate what we think, feel and
do. The more complex the idea or thought, the more difficult it is to express it precisely in words.

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Plain language writing emphasizes the use of the clearest words possible to describe actions, objects
and people. Your choice of words should be based on what will be clearer for your listener. If you're
not sure, don’t use them.

Use Simple, Everyday Words

Cut out unnecessary words
Avoid using jargon
Avoid or explain technical words
Choose your words consistently and wisely

Unprofessional Language

Whether you are giving a positive or a negative review, leave the unprofessional language, even the
"way to gos" and "good jobs," for the informal meetings in the hall. Instead, focus on using
professional language in your report. For example, instead of saying "good job," you might want to
say, "the employee demonstrated an expert understanding of the duties listed in her job description."
If you are writing a negative review, don't say things like, "The employee doesn't know how to do his
job." Instead, write that he "did not show satisfactory competence."

Subjective Terms

Avoid using subjective terms that employees could read as a personal attack on them. For example,
words like "rude," "polite" and "enthusiastic" have many different definitions. Instead, explain what
was rude, polite or enthusiastic and why that action was either positive or negative. For example, you
might write, "Aarti smiles and says hello whenever a customer walks into the store, even if she can't
wait on the customer immediately.

This helps uphold our standard of customer care." If the appraisal were just to say Aarti was "kind,"
however, that would be subjective, and another employee could argue that you simply like Aarti's
personality better and are rewarding her unfairly

Avoid using words like "always" and "never" in employee appraisals. Employees rarely "always" or
"never" do something, whether it is positive or negative. Using extremes can leave you open to
employees who want to argue and prove that they did what you accused them of "never" doing.
However, the problem really was that they do not do it nearly enough. Instead, use phrases like "has
a pattern of" or "seldom."

How To Read Others’ Body Language?

Gaining an insight into the ground rules of body language can provide a key to infer the meaning
behind specific gestures and body movement, as well as an understanding on how to project and
communicate messages effectively when dealing with others.

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As a result, overall effectiveness in giving and receiving feedback can
increase manifold. Once you’re fluent in recognizing different body
gestures, you’re able to better determine how to continue your
interaction with others.

Practice And Remember The Following -

Always make eye contact when you are talking as it shows that
you are interested in communicating and in the listener.
Practice exaggerating facial expressions.
Keep the lips closed when listening. Having lips closed indicates
concentration and attention.
Body posture:. Leaning slightly forward in the chair shows interest; leaning back in the chair
may show that a state of relaxation and comfort. Leaning back and breaking eye contact can
show that a lack of interest in communicating or that the communication should stop.
Gestures: Shrug the shoulders, clasp the hands, turn the head, and raise the arms.
Simply pointing to what is being talked about can be effective ways to add to the spoken

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Near Friends Restaurant, Bengaluru- 560078, Karnataka, India.
Tel.: +91- 80- 41550745

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Old Delhi Road, Gurgaon- 122001. Tel.: +91-124-4062780, 4268371

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Tel.: +91- 9810735639

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