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Memorializes and Honors the life of

Sis. Mamie Tarr

Former Member of Abraham Wheh Memorial United Methodist

Monrovia District Conference/LAC
Wheh Town Community, Gobachop Community
Red-Light, Paynesville City-Liberia

Sunrise: April 25, 1980 Sunset: December 23, 2021

Sunday, May 29, 2021

@ 12:00 PM

Pst. George G. Gboyee
Shepherding Pastor
Abraham Wheh United Methodist Church

Rev. Jacob Bonwin

Senior Pastor
F.B Taylor UMC

Pst. Sam D. Gardour

Christian Fellowship Center


Today, I want to thank you for coming to join us in the celebration of the life
and home going of this faithful Christian woman, Sis. Mamie Tarr. As we unite
our hearts in memory of our love ones, including Sis. Mamie Tarr, the word of
Jesus speaks to us, as saying:
Dying, Christ destroyed our death, Rising, Christ restored our life. Christ will
come again in glory. As in baptism, Sis. Mamie Tarr put on Christ; so in Christ
May be clothed with joy.
Jesus said, I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end, the first and last.
I died, and behold I am alive forever more and I hold the keys of hell and death.
Because I live, you shall life also. Amen
Opening songs - - - - - -The Choir
Opening Prayer - - - - -Rev. Jacob Bonwin
Songs of praise and thanksgiving - - Choir
Proclamation and Response
Prayer for Illumination (In Unison)
Lord, open our hearts and minds by the power of the Holy Spirit that as the
scriptures are read, we may hear with Joy what you have to say to us today.
Reading from the word of God
Psalm 30:4-5 - - - - - Bro. Andrew Tarr
Brother of the Deceased
Hymn# “What a friend we have in Jesus” - Choir/Congregation
St. John 14:1-10 - - - - - Pst. Sam D. Gardour
Songs of Trust & Hope - - - - The Senior & Junior Choir
Bassa, Kpelle, Mano, English
Eulogy - - - - - - Pst. George G. Gboyee
Response to the Word (The Apostle’s Creed)- Minister
Song of Strength - - - - - The Choir
Life’s Reflection - - - - - The Family
Witnessing to the life of the deceased
(Please register your tributes with the Ushers)
Friends and Sympathizers
Prayer for the family - - - - Rev. Jacob Bonwin
Acknowledgement - - - - Family
Announcement - - - - - Pastor
Closing Song - - - - - The choir
Benediction - - - - - - Preacher
Photos bearing the remains of the Late Mamie Tarr

Photos Bearing The Children of the late Mamie Tarr

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