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Triangle Law of Forces

It states – “If a couple of forces applying simultaneously on a

particle is represented in direction and magnitude taken in order
by the two sides of a triangle, then their resultant can be
represented in direction and magnitude by the third side of the
triangle, taken in the reverse direction.

Consider two forces P and Q (see fig) acting over a common

point, then by closing the remaining side of the triangle we get
the resultant of the forces as R, with opposite orders.
Polygon Law of Forces

It states – “If several different forces applying simultaneously over

a particle be represented in the order of direction and magnitude
by the sides of the polygon, then the resultant of the entire forces
can be represented in the opposite order of direction and
magnitude by the closing side of the polygon."

The figure illustrates five forces A, B, C, D and E, with arrows

indicating their directions. The next figure provides the resultant
of the five forces by R, which is the closing side of the polygon,
but in the opposite direction, again shown by the arrowheads.

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