Class 6th Civics Chapter 1

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Chapter – 1
Understanding Diversity

Answer the following questions in one


1. On which source do the people of ladakh

depend for drinking water?
Ans. Melting snow

2. Which region produces pushmina wool?

Ans. Ladakh

3. What is dzos?
Ans. A type of yak
4. Who wrote the travelogue in which the writer
describe the lives of Muslims?
Ans. Ibn batuta.

5. Kerala is famous for the cultivation of……

Ans. Spices

6. Who wrote the book “the discovery of India”?

Ans. Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru

Answer the following questions briefly:+

1. List any three differences between samir ek

and samir do?
• Ans. Sameer ek is more familiar with English
while Sameer do speak Hindi.
• Sameer is a Hindu and Sameer is a Muslim.
• Sameer goes to school and Sameer to sells
2. From where does inequality comes?
Ans. Inequality comes about when a person
doesn't have the resources and opportunities
that are available to other persons.

3. From where did people who write stories get

their ideas?
Ans. From books, real life and their imagination.

4. “India is a country of many diversities.” How

can we say that?
Ans. India is a country of many diversities
because people of India speak different
languages have various type of food celebrate
different festivals and practice different

5. What is the similarity between the Kerala and

ladakh region?
Ans. Both regions were influenced by Chinese
and Arab traders.

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