Phrasal Verbs Transport Travel Worksheet Templates Layouts - 118180

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speed up – an increase in speed, especially in a motor vehicle or a person’s / machine’s rate of working.
drop (someone) off – to take someone to a particular place, often by car, as you travel to a different place
drop (something) off - to take something to a particular place and leave it there
check in – register and/or arrive at a hotel or airport
hold up – a situation or problem that causes delay
slow down – a decrease in the speed at which something is moving or happening.
pick (someone) up – go somewhere to collect someone, usually in your car
break down – when a machine or motor vehicle suddenly stops working/ceases functioning
get on – to go onto a bus, train, aircraft, or boat / ship
get to – arrive, reach somewhere (a destination), make progress
take off – the moment when an aircraft leaves the ground and begins to fly
turn back – go (or cause someone or something to go) back in the direction in which they have come
set off – to begin a journey

1. It is a very long flight to Australia – we will ……………………….. Sydney at 2am in the morning!!
2. They had to ……………………….. early, because it was a long journey to Scotland by car!
3. Please will you ……………. me ………… from the airport? My plane lands at 16.10.
4. If you are a lorry driver, you never want your lorry to ……………………….. on the motorway.
5. Pablo forgot his passport so he had to ……………………….. and go home to get it!
6. If you ……………………….. on the motorway you must be careful not to go faster than 70mph
in the UK.
7. If there is a slow tractor in front of you, you have to ……………………….. for a while, until you can
overtake it!
8. I need to ……………………….. my CV, passport and driving license at my new employers.
9. It’s only 11.30am. We are early. Let’s……………………….. at the hotel and leave our luggage
at reception. We can go for a walk until our room is ready at 2pm.
10. Oh no. There is a ……………………….. at the ferry terminal. A lorry has overturned.
It is going to take a long time to ……………………….. the ferry.
11. The plane will ……………………….. at exactly 10.03.

What do these words mean?

 overtake  overturn  lorry (truck: US

 a while  luggage  motorway
 a terminal (ferry terminal, ship terminal, bus terminal)  tractor

Travel, Trip, Journey, Voyage, Cruise or Flight?

If I had lots and lots of money, I would like to ………………………. all over the world! Maybe a long,
relaxing Mediterranean ……………………… on a really beautiful ship? I love cruising. I would love to see
Australia, too, but the ……………………… takes about 24 hours which is too long on an aeroplane for me.

I don’t like long ………………………, especially in a car. When I go on a business ………………………

I usually……………………… by train, as it is more comfortable.

TRAVEL (v) action of going from one place to another TRIP: travel to a place, do something and return
JOURNEY (n) length of time it takes from one place to another (business, leisure, pleasure)
VOYAGE: journey on a ship FLIGHT: journey on a plane

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