Cue Card 8

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Speaking 1

Part 1

– What is your full name?

– Can I see your ID?
– Do you work or are you a student?
– What kind of things do you usually buy?
– Do you research the price of the items you want to buy?
– Do people in your country complain about the prices?

Part 2

Describe a public you visited and think need improvement

- Where it is
- what types of transportation are available
- how you can go there
- why people use this station

NOTE: See similar cue cards below

Part 3

- Why do people need to travel every day?

- What problems can people have when they are on their daily journey, for
example to work or school? Why is this?

- Some people say that daily journeys like these will not be so common in future.
Do you agree or disagree? Why?

- What do you think that people can learn from travelling to other countries?

- Can travel make a positive difference to the economy of a country? How?

- Do you think a society can benefit if its members have experience of travelling to
other countries? In what ways?
1.1 Describe your visit to a railway station
- Where it is
- what types of transportation are available
- how you can go there
- why people use this station

1. Q: Should the government in a country focus more on rail transports or road
transports? Why?
2. Q: When was the last time you travelled by train?
3. Q: Do you like travel by train?
1. Q: What facilities should be provided at railway station?

1.2 Describe your visit to a bus stand

- where it is
- what types of transportation are available
- how you can go there
- why people use this station

1. Q: Should the government in a country focus more on rail transports or road
transports? Why?
2. Q: When was the last time you travelled by bus?
4. Q: Do you like travel by bus?
2. Q: What facilities should be provided at bus stand?

1.3 Describe your visit to a airport

- where it is
- what types of transportation are available
- how you can go there
- why people use this station

1. Q: What are the pros and cons of low cost of air travel?
2. Q: When was the last time you travelled by airplane?
3. Q: Do you like travel by airplane?
4. Q: Is it good to live nearby an airport?
5. Q: Why do some people just dislike air travel?
3. Q: What facilities should be provided at airport?
1. What types of travel do you prefer, air or rail?
I prefer to travel by rail. As it is faster, convenient, luxurious. And it is getting cheaper
because of stiff competition among airline companies.

2. Do you support strict security measures at such places?

A. Strongly favour strict security.
B. Serve manifold purposes.
C. Protect tourist and luggage from illegal activities.
D. Prevent movement of anti social elements.
E. Protect from terrorist.

3. Do you like to travel by train?

Travelling is always fun and with trains, the excitement goes a level higher, especially the
sleeper coach. With the conundrum of stations, the noise of people moving and the freedom
to do almost anything makes train journeys best for me. One can move around, talk to
friends, make strangers as friends or even just gaze out to the moving world.
4. When was the last time you travelled by train?
I remember, travelling to Bangalore. We were a team of ten people and going by that train
was fantastic. We were in the sleeper class, so we could interact with as many people as we
wanted to and we did. Moreover, it was like a complete transition, because we took off the
train from Delhi. So, when we started reaching Bangalore, we could actually see the
difference. It was really fun.

5. How easy is it travel around your country?

6. Which method of travel?

* Railway station is a path where we can see number of people.
* I want to railway station to see off my uncle
* Come and go
* Hustle and bustle
* Before arrival of train, people eat some snacks from shops, eat, gossips.
* After Arrival of train, got busy in seat, after sometime train whistled and after departure of
train station was completely silent.

Speaking 2

-–What is your full name?

– What shall I call you?
– Where are you from?
– Where do you live, in a house or an apartment?
– What is your apartment like?
– What can you see from your window?
– What time do you get up in the morning?
– What is your favourite morning activity?
– Did you ever have to get up very early in the morning?


Speak about a person you met while

- Who he/she was
- Where you met
- What was special about him/her
- Why this person was interesting.

Part 3
1. Do you think it is strange to make friends online?
No, I don’t think it is strange, but I personally not very keen on making friends online. Any
person can make a fake ID online. It is very risky. We see many shows such as Crime Patrol
and Savdhan India in which there are true stories about people being cheated by online

2.Why do some people have few friends?

Some people are introverts. They don’t like many friends. They are more comfortable with a
few intimate friends.

3. Which is more important, new friendships or old one’s?

Both have their own importance. One should make new friends, but not forget the old ones.

4. How do companies welcome their new employees?

Companies have orientation programs for new employees. They introduce new employees to
old ones in these orientation seminars. Every company has their own method.

2.1 Describe an interesting person from another country or a famous

international person you know/met
- Who this person is
- What this person does
- Why this person is interesting
- How you think of this person
Q: Do you think communicating with foreigners is a good way to learn about foreign
3. Q: What are the disadvantages of working for an international company?
5. Q: What kinds of problems do people face when they travel or live in a foreign country?
4. Q: Do you like to make friends with people from other countries?
5. Q: Do you have any international friends?
6. Q: How do the cultural differences hinder the growth of an organization/company.

2.2 Describe a person you met recently and liked

- when you met
- what he/ she does
- why you liked
- you would like to spend more time with this person.

2.3 Describe a someone you know who comes from a different country
or who has different origin
- where you met him/her
- why you like him/her
- and explain what you learnt from him/her


1. How do you initiate conversation when you meet strangers?
It depends on place where we meet and also on the personality. If we meet in public
transport, party or concert or public places, I prefer to initiate with a greeting and then I
briefly introduced myself and then start discussing about the occasion.
2. What precautions should we take before travelling in public transport?
A. Should get the confirmed tickets in our hands.
B. Reach bus, station, Airport on time.
C. Organize our luggage my property, pack suitcase, handbags.
D. Well aware of route.
3. Do you think we should give our contact details to someone we meet while travelling?
No, unless you sure about the identity of the person, sharing contact details can be
detrimental to use.
4. Is it safe to share our food, snacks with co passengers in public transport?
It depends upon the mode of Travel.
(A) If you are travelling by plane or first class railway coach as food is provided by the crew.
(B) Sharing food in local public transport can be risky.
5. Does the government provide any security in public transport?
There are two railway police armed guards per coach in some places where stealing entrance
is more.
6. Do you like to travel??
Definitely! I would like to visit different places, experience other cultures and try different
food and dishes.
7. What kind of places have you visited in your life?
Actually, I have never been out of my country. But I have visited a lot of beautiful places and
tourist spots in different regions in my country.
8. Which place would you really like to visit? Why
Well, of all the places I would like to go to, I would really like to visit Paris. They say it is a
very romantic place especially at night, so I would like to take a walk in the streets of Paris at


*In our life, we meet many person some of them are very interesting and we cannot forget
them. I would like to talk about a time when I met with interesting person
*Foreign student from UK beside seat
*I started conversation with him, when he asked magazines
*Discussed about culture differences between countries, educational programs, career
opportunities and language barriers.
*Who come to India for research on culture. He was going to Amritsar.
*I suggest him some good places
*We still interact on web.

Speaking 3
Part 1

– What is your full name?

– Can I see your ID?
– Where do you live now?
– Is it a good place to live?
– What do you like about it?
– Let’s talk about picnics.
– Do you like picnics?
– Do people in your country like picnics?
– Where do they go for a picnic?

Part 2

Describe a person in your family who you like

- what his/her relationship is to you
- what s/he has done in your life
- what s/he does now
Part 3

- What are the values of family in your country?

- How family bonding is necessary for happiness in life?

- What type of family do you like? Nuclear family or joint family?

- How family value and bonding have changed over the last decade?

3.1 Speak about a family member you resemble

- Who is he/ she
- what he /she does
- what others think about him/her
- how he/ she is similar to you.

Q: How has your family influenced you?
In many ways, we depend on each other form anything like inside each other from time to time and
do many things together.
Q: Are you close to all of your family members?
Yes, a very close knit relationship with my family.
Q: Do you want to live with your family in the future?
Yes, definitely family is my life. We Depends on each other for many things.
Q: How often do you meet with your family?
Stay with family and I meet my family every day.
Q: How do you spend the time with your family?
In many ways like we eat together, cook together, watching TV together, do many things together.
3.2 Speak someone you know who is good entrepreneur/business
- Who this person is
- what work this person does
- you would like to do the same kind of work as this person.

Q: What challenges and difficulties do people face when they try to open a small business?
Q: How can small businesses benefit the people in their community?
Q: What kinds of small business are most popular in China?
Q: Why do some people open their own business?
Q: What qualities does a small business owner need to have?

3.3 Speak about most successful member of your family

- Who are the person
- How often you see each other
- What does he/she do
- why he/she is successful.

3.4 Talk about someone when you think is the best parents
- who are they
- How did you meet them
- Why do you think they are good parent

Q: If you were a parent and busy in your work, would you take care of your children or hire a
I would try to take care myself, but if not possible, I would go for a babysitter. If I had the choice, I
would give up work for some time to give quality care to my children.
Q: Do you think it is fair to let mothers take care of the children all the time?
Of course not. Both parents are responsible for bringing the child into the world, and I believe it
should be a joint responsibility to care for the child.
Q: Some teenagers don’t like to be controlled by their parents. What do you think?
I think today’s children want freedom, so they rebel when parents are too strict. I think parents
should know when to be strict and when to be friendly with their child. Parenting is a very daunting
Q: What are the drawbacks, if children are looked after by their grandparents?
Grandparents can be over doting and spoil the grandchildren by fulfilling every fair and unfair
demand of their grandchild. Secondly, sometimes grandparents are not in the best of their health. In
such cases they cannot impart quality care.

Q: What are the drawbacks, if children are looked after by their grandparents?
Grandparents can be over doting and spoil the grandchildren by fulfilling every fair and unfair
demand of their grandchild. Secondly, sometimes grandparents are not in the best of their health. In
such cases they cannot impart quality care.
* And family we are members living happily together in one house. Animations in my family
my grandparents, my parents, uncles aunts and in third generation youngsters.
* I am very close to my grandmother. She is head of our family. She is 60 years old. She is
retired businessman.
* I think we have lot of similarities. My parents are quite similar to my grandmother's
appearance of young age. I have seen many childhood photographs in which I noticed that
my face resembles a lot to her.
* Sometimes, when I go in market. People recognize me as my way of talking and walking is
also a similar to my grandmother. The people in society give me some respect which they
give to my grandmother which is great honor for me.

Speaking 4
Part 1

– What is your full name?

– How may I call you?
– Where are you from?
– Can I see your ID?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you ever make a list? Why?
– Do you prefer to make a list on paper or on your phone?
– Are there any advantages and disadvantages to making lists?

Part 2

Describe a stage of your life which enjoyed the most

- What part it is
- what memorable things you did
- why this is the most enjoyable part / stage in
your life.

Part 3

-What was the best thing about your childhood?

The best thing about my childhood has to be the fact that I made little friends. It was
early in life that I had learnt that it is great to have friends but one can enjoy by
oneself as well and that it is better if you have friends who will stick all through your
life. I have been more independent because no one could ever tell me that I could
not do it.
-What do you miss most about being a child?
The best part about being a child is that no one cares how you look, because they
look at your habits, your eyes, what you speak. It gives so much more freedom,
when there is no sophistication associated with you, nothing to pretend, no one to
impress and living life on your terms, in the present with no care about future.
-Do you think that children these days have a better or worse childhood than your
generation? Why?
I think definitely, children have a better childhood than our generation. Parents are
now more aware and work on their children, developing the skills of their children.
was better.

4.1 Describe favourite time of your life

- how you start your day
- how long you have been following this routine
- your favourite activity of a day

1. Q: What do you want to provide your children that you didn’t have when you
were growing up?
2. Q: Who, besides your parents, had the biggest impact on your childhood?
1. Q: What were some of your favorite activities when you were a child?

4.2 Describe favourite year of your life

- When it was
- what happened in this year
- how old you were then
- why it is an important year in your life.

4.3 Describe your school/ college life

- What it was
- when you studied there
- the advantages of studying there
- your pleasure of learning there


1. What do you think is the best age in a person's life?
Each stage of life has something special about it I think 3 is life is more energetic and
learning stage.
2. What is the attitude to older people in your city?
It's a lot better than It was.
A older people now are less old_ still active, enjoying life.
B now there are a lot of more things for older people, events, clubs, activities.
C nobody seems to treat them as if they are useless.

3. Is there a stage of life which is more difficult than others?

Yes, childhood as compared to adulthood. There is no stress, no burden, and no

4. Is there a stage of life you particularly look forward to, or look back on fondly?
Childhood best part of life and get love and affection and no stress. Enjoyable stage of life.

5. What was the best thing about your childhood?

The best thing about my childhood has to be the fact that I made little friends. It was early in
life that I had learnt that it is great to have friends but one can enjoy by oneself as well and
that it is better if you have friends who will stick all through your life. I have been more
independent because no one could ever tell me that I could not do it.

6. What do you miss most about being a child?

The best part about being a child is that no one cares how you look, because they look at your
habits, your eyes, what you speak. It gives so much more freedom, when there is no
sophistication associated with you, nothing to pretend, no one to impress and living life on
your terms, in the present with no care about future.

7. Where did you grow up? How did that affect your childhood?
I have grown up in different places because of my father’s transfer. Travelling to different
places as I grew up, taught me that we all are the same, fundamentally. As humans, we have
the same problems and the same goals. It is just that some fight for them till the end, while
others tend to lose hope and it is that one determination, love that changes and shapes our

8. What were some of your favorite activities when you were a child?
I love cycling when I was a child. Cycling gave me the sense that I was free, that there was
nothing that could stop me and I could just live the life as I want to and it was this feeling that
made me love cycling even more. I remember, cycling during holidays and then evenings,
even in the morning. I just loved it.


• There are five stages of life- childhood, teenage, adult, middle age, and old age.
• Teenage start from 13 to 17.
• I am like to talk about my teenage life in which I enjoyed the most.
• I was 14 years old and studied in 7th class at school.
• It is the best part of my life and I enjoyed a lot.
• Because in this life- minimum responsibilities and maximum resources of fun.
• I had a large group of friends.
• We all were naughty and sincere.
• We enjoyed picnics, tours, fun.

Speaking 5
Part 1
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID please?
– What shall I call you?
– Where are you from?
– What do you do for a living?
– Do you find your job to be easy?
– What device do you use for work?

Part 2

Talk about a family you know (not related to you).

Please say (cue card 22)

– Where does the family live?

– Who are the members of the family?
– How do you know them?
– What do you think about them?

Part 3

– How important is family?

– What changes did you see in your family in the last 5 years?

– Are grandparents important in a family? In what way?

– How do devices affect a family?

– Do grandparents always have good relationships with their

grandchildren? Why?

– What is a working parent’s role during weekends?

– Do you think parents should motivate their children to look after their
grandparents? Why?

5.1 Describe a family you know other than your own family
- Whose family it is
- how many family members they have
- what are they like.

5.2 A family who live next door to you

- Whose family it is
- how many family members they have
- what are they like.

Q: Do you know the people who live next door to you?
I live in a society where we all have independent homes with a park in between the houses.
Although, initially we were unaware of each other, with time we all have come to know each
other. So, in spite of the busy schedule we have, we usually spend some time together in
the weekends.

Q: What kind of relationship do you share with your neighbors?

Well, it is more of a friendly relation because we both work for the same company and
share our cars to work together. It is almost like a family friend and we do help each other
out in tough situations.
Being a bachelor, I spend most of my time either working or studying or being part of some
extra curricular activity. So, rarely do I get to spend time with my neighbors. However, I do
know that there is a old couple that lives next to my house and we do pass smiles when we

Q: How can neighbors be helpful?

Neighbors, I believe are a family away from home. So, it is not only about just helping you
in need, for example, in cases of emergency but also provide the emotional support when
needed. There are times when we do get exhausted and then having someone to talk near
by is something that really helps in the busy lives that we lead.
1. Do you think neighbors are important?
Ans: Yes good neighbors are important
A. As they are our family apart from our real family.
B. When we are alone gives us Company.
C. We are sick; they are first people who can help.

2. What are the qualities of a good neighbor?

There are many qualities like Cooperative, helpful, respect boundaries which me they
should know when they are being helpful and when they are interfering.

3. Do most Indian people know their neighbor?

Small towns / cities / villages most people know each other. But in big cities / metropolis
people are leading to self centered lives. Life is fast people have no time for neighbors.

4. Do you think it's important to teach how to have good relation with neighbors?
Yes, neighbors are very important for everyone. If not teach children today then they will
not carry On The Study Centre forward and a day will come when everyone will be
leading very isolated lives.

5. How do people of neighborhood become friends?

Neighbors can become friend by meeting Each Other regularly. We can have potluck (bring-
a- dish) lunch and dinner on weekends.


Family lives next door to my home. We know each other from more than 15
years. Three generations, grandparents, man (family business), women
(homemakers), youngsters (studying). The elder grandson is my friend. You
often visit Each Other houses. I respect them a lot because they are Cooperative
come down to earth. His elder grandson and I studying together. We enjoy good
neighborhood. We shall continue to do the same in the future

Speaking 6
Part 1
– What is your name?
– Can I see your ID?
– What is your full name?
– What shall I call you?
– Where do you live?
– Do you like the place where you live?
– Is it a safe place to live in with children and family?

Part 2

Speak about a famous personality/ celebrities of your

- Who she/ he
- why you want to meet him/her
- why he/she is famous

Part 3

- Do you think a person who is famous is well liked?

Not necessarily. It depends on why the person has achieved fame. If the famous person is a
sportsman or a film-star, he is well liked but if the famous person is a terrorist or any other
criminal, he is not liked. He is in fact loathed/ hated by people.

- What do you know about celebrities?

Celebrities are the famous people from the world of entertainment, business, sports and


- Do you think celebrities are different in different countries?

Yes, of course, celebrities are different in different countries. All countries have their own
famous people in the world of entertainment, business, sports and politics. However, some
Celebes are internationally famous. This is because nowadays we belong to an era of

- Were they different in the past?

They were different in the past because the media in the past was not that pervasive. Only
those persons were famous who had really achieved great heights and were in the local and
national news. Whereas today, the reality TV has made it possible for even the common man
with some talent to become famous.

- What does motivate people to become well-known?

Famous people have power and money. This power and money is what motivates people to
become well known. We can see today that even small children who become well known
through reality TV shows are approached by ad companies to endorse their products. So
once a person becomes well-known, money starts pouring in through many doors.

- Do you think technology can help people interested in it, to become well known?
Definitely yes. A person who is well versed with technology can become famous overnight.
Who has not heard of the youngest billionaire of the world, Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of
face book. Some songs also became famous because of you tube videos.

6.1 Speak about a person who influenced you

- who this person is
- how you know him/her
- what this person does
- how this person has influenced you

6.2 Describe an incident when you met celebrity

- Who is he/ she
- why do you want to meet
- why he is famous
- what would you do if you meet him/ her.

Q: Have you ever met a superstar/celebrity in real life?
Yes, I have! Luckily enough, I crossed paths with (met by accident) Avicii while he was
visiting Peru. He was always my EDM idol, so I was on cloud nine (extremely happy)  when
I met him. We chatted for a while and even got a selfie together!
Q: Do you want to be a celebrity?
6.3 Describe your favourite sportsman/ sportsperson
- Who is the person
- What is his/her achievement
- what would you do if you meet him/ her
Q: what is the role of sports in a country?
Sports have a great role to play in the economy of a gives name and fame not only
to the players but to the country also a person can highlight the name of his country all over
the world via his game.
Q: Is the technology brought changes in sports?
Yes, definitely technology brought about changes in sports for instances, in the game of
cricket, there are huge changes like the entry of the third umpire to take tough decisions
which were unable to take for the first umpire in an earlier time.
Q:: What role sports could play in the life of a sportsperson?
Sports could play a crucial role in the life of a could give name and fame not
only to a person but to the country also a person could adopt sports as his could also
help him to keep himself fit and healthy.

6.4 Describe your favourite athlete

- Who is the person
- What is his/her achievement
- what would you do if you meet him/ her
3. Q: Do teenagers like exercising in your country?
4. Q: Do you think physical education is necessary? Why?
2. Q: How do you think physical education classes affect children’s development?
3. Q: What kind of exercises do Indian people like?

6.5 Describe a famous person you would like to meet

- Who she/ he
- why he/she is famous
- what would you do if you meet him/ her

Q: What makes people famous?
Q: What are the differences between a famous person and an ordinary person?
4. Q: Tell about one internationally famous person in your country.
6.6 Describe a person in news you would like to meet
- Who she/ he
- why he/she is famous
- what would you do if you meet him/ her

5. Q: What type of people can be seen on TV? What are the kind of people do the news
usually report about?
6. Q: Do you think there is too much news about celebrities? What is your take on the news
reports in recent years?
5. Q: Do you think negative information in the news can have negative influence?
6. Q: Do you think negative information in the news can have negative influence?
7. Q: How do you think the celebs in the news can influence adolescents?


1. How do you initiate conversation when you meet strangers?

Ans: It depends on place where we meet and also on the personality. If we meet in public
transport, party or concert or public places, I prefer initiation with a greeting and then I
briefly introduced myself and then start discussion to the occasion.

2. What precautions should we take before travelling in public transport?

A. Should get the confirmed tickets in our hands.

B. Reach bus, station, Airport on time.

C. Organize our luggage my property, pack suitcase, handbags.

D. Well aware of route.

3. Do you think we should give our contact details to someone we meet while

No, unless you sure about the identity of the person, sharing contact details can be
detrimental to use.

4. Is it safe to share our food, snacks with co passengers in public transport?

It depends upon the mode of Travel. A if you are travelling by plane or first class railway
coach as food is provided by the crew.(B) sharing food in local public transport can be risky.

5. Does the government provide any security in public transport?

There are two railway police armed guards per coach in some places where stealing
entrance is more.

6. Do you think to be a famous person needs to have some special talent?

No, I don’t think so. Besides incredible aptitudes, people can also be famous for
other qualities such as beauty or charity work.

7. What are some general qualities of famous people?

The basic benchmark of famous people is special talent or ability, which not so many
people can possess.
8. compare how people become celebrities today with how people became
celebrities year ago, for example, 30 or 50 year ago.

Nowadays, due to the modernization of technology, it takes only a few seconds to

change a person life. In past time the only way to be celebrities was appearing on the
television or the radio.

9. Can you give me some examples of celebrities in your grandfather’s time?

I know only a few of celebrities in that I know only a few of celebrities in that time.
They are actor Amitabh Bachchan, Rajesh Khanna, Raj Kapoor, Dev Anand


Are many famous personalities in my country that I would like to meet. Every person has a
sport person in their life whom they admire secretly or openly. Constant source of inspiration
to me and the millions of other people in our country. Virat Kohli from cricket industry. He
plays as a right handed batsman.29 years old. He leads the Indian Cricket Academy in all
three formats of the game that are one day, international, test, 2020. Heat he debuted for India
when he was only 19 years of age and broken lot of records. Aggressive player and winning
attitude, strong determination Do lot of Charity work for better education. Got married in
Italy and it was one of the biggest marriage of 2017.

Speaking 7
Part 1

– What is your full name?

– Can I see your ID?
– Do you work or are you a student?
– What do you do at work?
– Do you love your job? Why?
– Do you borrow books?
– How do you feel when someone borrows something from you?
– Do you borrow money from your friends?
– Would you lend your phone to someone?

Part 2

Describe one of your friend

- who is he
- how long you two are friends
- what you do together
- and explain why she/he is your best friend
Part 3

- What kind of people do you like to have as friend?

I find myself attracted to people who are honest and who know how to behave with others. I
always avoid making friends with people who have a superiority complex.

- Do you like face-to-face conversations with people?

Actually I like to talk with cyber friends more than having real-world conversations. I think
others observe me a lot, they judge me and hence I become very self conscious and shy away
from speaking face to face.

- Are most of your friends from school or from outside school?

Most of my friends are from high school. People who I met at work or from clubs have less in
common with me, whereas at Universities we all shared interests in the same things and

- How often do you meet with your friends?

When I was younger, I used to meet my friends almost everyday. Even friends outside of
school were a part of my daily social interactions. But now, as a 23 year old working
professional, I barely meet anyone during weekdays. I meet my closest friends only on some
weekends. These meetups are sporadic too.

7.1 Describe a happiest or funny person you know or you met

- who this person is
- how you know this person
- why you consider him/ her to be the happiest person you
7.2 Describe your best friend
- who is he
- how long you two are friends
- what you do together
- and explain why s/he is your best friend

7. Q: Do you think childhood friendship can last for long?
Q: Is it important that people should have good friendship while at work?
Q: Do you think companies should let the employees gather together for socializing in
order to be successful?
Q: Did you ever see a celebrity in your life?
8. Q: Do you remember the friends you had made in childhood?

7.3 Speak about one of your classmate

- Who was she/he
- What class you read together
- What you two did together
- why you still remember him/her.

7.4 Describe a teenager you know well

- Who is she/he
- When you met her/him
- Do you like her/him
- and explain Why you like her/him?

7.5 Describe a person or neighbour who living in abroad

- who is the person
- how often you see him or her
- how long you have known this neighbour

Q: Do you know the people who live next door to you?
I live in a society where we all have independent homes with a park in between the houses.
Although, initially we were unaware of each other, with time we all have come to know each
other. So, in spite of the busy schedule we have, we usually spend some time together in the
Q. What kind of relationship do you share with your neighbors?
Well, it is more of a friendly relation because we both work for the same company and share
our cars to work together. It is almost like a family friend and we do help each other out in
tough situations.
Being a bachelor, I spend most of my time either working or studying or being part of some
extra curricular activity. So, rarely do I get to spend time with my neighbours. However, I do
know that there is a old couple that lives next to my house and we do pass smiles when we


1. Is friendship important in your culture?

A. Really important.

B should be of Paramount importance in all cultures worldwide.

C a friend is a person you can call whenever you are sad, happy, and angry, excited
and so on.

2. Are friends more important than family?

Parents are connected by blood, selfless love. Friends are just some people who come
across during our life span it's our choice whether we will keep them in our life or not. say
that both are important.

3. What are the important things among good friends?

A. They must be honest with each other compassionate, being there when needed,

4. Do you have any friends from a foreign country?

Unfortunately, I don't but I really hope to make new acquaintances meet more
people from Overseas. it will become more broad minded and tolerant.

5. What are the differences between real life friends and pen friends?

Real life friends- strong bonds comma can spend some time with comma have frequent
contact share intrinsic moments. Pen friends- distant relationship, infeasible as real friend
is able to with you at whatever moment.


• Friendship is relationship between two or more friends which is precious and more than
• Fond of making friends
• Name
• Strong bonding
• Close knit relationship
• Classmate
• Dark blue eyes, curly hairs..
• Lot of skills like dancing, good writing
• Patience, strong determination hard worker, intelligent.
• Give right suggestion in any problem.
• Live near to my house
• Go outside in the evening
• Help in My studies.

Speaking 8
Part 1

– What is your full name?

– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– What did you like about the house you lived in when you were a child?
– Describe the house that you live in now.
– What would your ideal house be like?

Part 2

Describe your favourite song

- Which song is it
- Why you like it
- When you first heard it
- Why you feel attached to it

Part 3

- What types of songs are the most popular among today’s young
generation in India?

- Why do you think pop music is so popular?

- What kinds of songs do elders prefer?

- Has your preference in music changed over the years?

8.1 Describe your favourite music album
- Which music album is it
- Why you like it
- When you first heard it
- Why you feel attached to it
Q:Why do people listen to music?
Q: What are some types of traditional music found in your country?
Q: How does the internet affect the sales of CV, DVD and Music Albums?
Q: What is more important: Traditional music or International Music? Why?

8.2 Describe your favourite musical band or group

- What’s the name of the band
- how long do you listen to their song
- why particularly you like this music band.

8.3 Speak about a live performance / event you watched

- What the play was about
- how was the acting and quality of the production
- why it was worth watching

Q: What Is the difference between viewing the operation live and viewing it on
Q: Is learning drama or dancing helpful for kids?
8.4 Describe a song or piece of music you like
- What kind of music it is
- Where you usually listen to it
- Why you like it
- what kind of mood this music puts you in


1.Do teenagers and adults enjoy the same kinds of songs?

Ans: It depends on the personal taste. Generally speaking, teenagers like songs with fast beats
and adults like song with good lyrics and soft music.

2 .Are the factors, which make people like a song?

Ans: A song should have good lyrics, a good composition, a pleasing voice and a good
video to be liked by people.
3. On which occasions do people in your country sing together?
Ans: On birthday parties, marriages anniversaries and national holidays like
Independence Day and so on.
4. What do old people like to listen to?
Ans: Old people like to listen religious songs, old film songs, songs with slow beats.

• Categories of songs like sad romantic, Gurbani, folk and so on.

• Challa song by Gurdas Maan

• On the marriage of my brother before 2 days.

• I had seen a video on music channel.

• He sings from core of his heart.

• I like to the song and immediately but its audio.

• Start listening repeatly.

• Lyrics of the song wonderful.

• Touch to my heart.

• Song talk about the true and eternal love.

• Apart from this singer sung the song beatifically.

• His voice is melodious.

• I repeated heard the song.

• I kept this song in my mobile gallery.

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