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PA-II Examination
SESSION – 2021-22
Class:- XII Subject:- Physics Max. Marks:- 60

Date:- 30/07/2021 Duration:- 2 Hr.

Q.1 Choose the correct option from given options : 1M X 10 Q = 10 M

1. What is the unit of power of a lens ?
a) Metre b) Dioptre c) degree d) none
2. Mirage is formed due to which of the following
a) Diffraction c) reflection
b) Reflection and diffraction d) refraction and total internal
3. What is the unit of refractive index?
a) Metre b) Dioptre c) degree d) none
4. The final image produced by a simple microscope is
a) Real and inverted c) real and erect
b) Virtual and erect d) virtual and inverted
5. What is the unit of magnification of a microscope ?
a) Centimeter c) metre
b) Dioptre d) no unit
6. We know that electric and magnetic field are associated with
electromagnetic wave travelling in vaccum or some medium.
Electric and magnetic field
a) Remain constant c) are mutually perpendicular to
each other
b) Are perpendicular to the direction of light d) have same
average value
7. One can use hygens principle to
a) Explain law of reflection c) explain snells law
b) To find new location of wavefront d) to find speed of
8. Select the phenomenon which are explained by wave theory of
a) Speed of light c) interference
b) Diffraction d) photoelectric effect
9. Fringe pattern obtained in youngs double slit experiment
depends on
a) Wavelength c) phase difference
b) Intensity d) distance between slit and screen
10. Which of the following properties of light explains that light is a
transverse wave?
a) Refraction c) dispersion
b) Polarization d) diffraction
Q.2. Assertion and Reasons : 1M X 5 Q = 5 M
The question given below consists of an assertion and a reason. Use the
following key to choose the appropriate answer
a) Both assertion and reason are true and the reason is correct
explanation of the assertion.
b) If both assertion and reason are true, but reason is not correct
explanation of the assertion.
c) If assertion is true but the reason is false
d) If assertion is false but the reason is true

1. Assertion : the real image of an erect object can never be erect

Reason : real image is formed due to intersection of the rays in
front of the mirror.
2. Assertion :optical fibres use the phenomenon of total internal
reflection for the transmission of light through them
Reason : when a light ray is incident at an angle greater than
critical angle while moving from a denser medium to a rarer
medium it suffers total internal reflection
3. Assertion : light travels faster in air than in glass
Reason : light travels faster in an optically rarer medium
4. Assertion :the phase difference between any two points on a
wavefront is zero
Reason : light from a source reaches every point of the wave
front at the same time
5. Assertion :diffraction of light is not apparent in real life.
Reason : diffraction takes place when the size of the obstacle is
comparable to the wavelength of the wave.
Q.3. Paragraph based questions 5M X 2 Q = 10 M
1. Sparking Brilliance of Diamond:
The total internal reflection of the light is used in polishing
diamonds to create a sparking brilliance. By polishing the
diamond with specific cuts, it is adjusted the most of the light
rays approaching the surface are incident with an angle of
incidence more than critical angle. Hence, they suffer multiple
reflections and ultimately come out of diamond from the top.
This gives the diamond a sparking brilliance.

1) Light cannot easily escape a diamond without multiple

internal reflections. This is because:

a) Its critical angle with reference to air is too large

b) Its critical angle with reference to air is too small
c) The diamond is transparent
d) Rays always enter at angle greater than critical angle

2. The critical angle for a diamond is 24.40. Then its refractive

index is

a) 2.42 b) 0.413 c) 1 d) 1.413

3. The basic reason for the extraordinary sparkle of suitably cut

diamond is that

a) It has low refractive index b) It has high

c) It has high refractive index d) It is very hard

4. A diamond is immersed in a liquid with a refractive index

greater than water. Then the critical angle for total internal
reflection will

a) will depend on the nature of the liquid b) decrease

c) remains the same d) increase
2. When the light waves from more than one source reach a point
simultaneously, then they are said to interfere with each other.
According to the principle of superposition resultant disturbance
at the point of interference is simply the vector sum of
individual disturbances. After passing through the point of
interference waves are passed as if nothing happened and no
change is observed in the waves after interference. there are two
types of interference constructive interference and destructive
interference, when the phase difference arriving at a point is an
integral multiple of 2ԉ, then constructive interference takes
place and at the point of constructive interference between light
waves from same sources of same amplitude and intensity,
resultant amplitude becomes twice of the amplitude of the wave
from each source and resultant intensity becomes four times to
that of single source. Destructive interference takes place when
phase difference between waves arriving at a point is odd
multiple of ԉ, at the point of destructive interference between
light waves from source of same amplitude and intensity ,
resultant amplitude and intensity becomes zero.

1)When the phase difference between the light received from

two sources of light is even multiple of ԉ then ?
a) Constructive interference takes place
b) Destructive interference takes place
c) Both constructive and destructive interference takes place
d) Remains as it is
2)When the phase difference between the light received from
two sources of light is odd multiple of ԉ then ?
When the phase difference between the light received from
two sources of light is even multiple of ԉ then ?
e) Constructive interference takes place
f) Destructive interference takes place
g) Both constructive and destructive interference takes place
h) Remains as it is
3) If two sources of light of same intensity are in phase and
incident at a point at same instant then intensity at that
point is
a) Same b) double c) four times d) half
4) If two sources of light of same intensity are out of phase
when incident at a point at same instant then intensity at
that point is
a) Zero b) double c) four times d) half
5) When interference takes place at a point then in a medium
then energy remains
a) Conserved b)| not conserved

Q.4. SA-1 type questions 2M X 4 Q = 8 M

1. What is diffraction of light?
2. Write two conditions necessary for total internal reflection.
3. State Huygens’s principle of diffraction of light.

4. What is the focal length of a convex lens of focal length 30cm

in contact with a concave lens of focal length 20cm? is the
system a converging or a diverging lens? Ignore thickness of
Q.5. LA-1 type questions 3M X 4 Q = 12 M
1. Draw a labeled diagram to show the image formation in a
compound microscope.
2. Draw a ray diagram to show how a right angled isosceles prism
may be used to bend the path of light by 90 0.
Write the necessary condition in terms of refractive index of the
material of this prism for the ray to bend by 900.
3. Derive Snell's law of refraction using Huygens' principle.
4. Laser light of wavelength 640nm incident on a pair of slits
produces an interference pattern in which the bright fringes are
separated by 7.2mm. calculate the wavelength of another source
of light which produces interference fringes separated by
8.1mm using same arrangement. Also find the minimum value
of the order (n) of bright fringe of shorter wavelength which
coincides with that of longer wavelength.
Q.6. LA-2 type questions 5M X 3 Q = 15 M
1. Write the relation between angle of incidence (i), the angle of
emergence (e)the angle of prism (a) and the angle of deviation
for rays undergoing refraction through a prism. What is the
relation between I and E for rays undergoing minimum
deviation? Using this relation obtain an expression for the
refractive index of the material of the prism in terms of A and
angle of minimum deviation.
2. Deduce and expression for fringe width in young’s double slit
experiment. How can the wave length of monochromatic light
be found by this experiment?

3. With the help of a suitable ray diagram derive a relation

between the image distance (v) object distance(u) and radius of
curvature (R) for a convex spherical surface when a ray of light
travels from rarer to denser medium.

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