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Chapter 10

4 Polar & Nyquist Plots

Multiple Choice Questions for Online Exam

Q. 1 Polar plot is a __________ technique.

(a) time and frequency domain (b) time domain
(c) frequency domain (d) none of the above Ans. : (c)
Q. 2 Each point on the polar plot is a ______ .
(a) vector (b) phasor (c) scalar (d) tensor Ans. : (b)
Q. 3 The polar plot of a first order system is ______ .

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Ans. : (c)
Control Systems (PU) M10-2 Polar & Nyquist Plots

Explanation : A first order pole G(s) H(s) = has the following values :

At  = 0, | G (j) H (j) | = k/a ,  G (j) H (j) = 0

At  = , | G (j) H (j) | = 0 ,  G (j) H (j) = – 90

Q. 4 The polar plot of a second order system is ______ .

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Ans. : (b)
Explanation : A second order system G(s) H(s) = has the following values :
At  = 0 | G (j) H (j) | = ,  G (j) H (j) = 0
At  =  | G (j) H (j) | = 0 ,  G (j) H (j) = – 180
Control Systems (PU) M10-3 Polar & Nyquist Plots

Q. 5 The polar plot of a system with three simple poles is ______ .

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Ans. : (a)

Explanation : A third order system G(s) H(s) = has the following values :

At  = 0, | G (j) H (j) | = ,  G (j) H (j) = 0

At  =  | G (j) H (j) | = 0 ,  G (j) H (j) = – 270

Control Systems (PU) M10-4 Polar & Nyquist Plots

Q. 6 What would the polar plot of the system G (s) H (s) = , look like ?

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Ans. : (d)
Explanation : We convert the transfer function to the frequency domain by replacing s by j
 G (j) H (j) = …(1)
Calculate magnitude and phase from Equation (1)
| G (j) H (j) | =
| G (j) H (j) | =
 G (j) H (j) = =
  G (j) H (j) = – 90 – tan– 1(/2)
We take two values of  i.e.  = 0, and  =  and put it in the magnitude and phase equation.
At  = 0, | G (j) H (j) | = = 
 G (j) H (j) = – 90 – tan– 1(0/2) = – 90
At  = , | G (j) H (j) | = = 0
 G (j) H (j) = – 90 – tan– 1(/2) = – 90 – 90 = – 180
Hence we have,
At  = 0| G (j) H (j) | = ,  G (j) H (j) = – 90
At  =  | G (j) H (j) | = 0,  G (j) H (j) = – 180

Q. 7 The polar plot of the system G(s) H(s) = , would be ______ .

Control Systems (PU) M10-5 Polar & Nyquist Plots

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Ans. : (a)
Explanation : Calculate magnitude and phase
| G (j) H (j) | = =
 G (j) H (j) =
 G (j) H (j) = – tan– 1 (/2) – tan– 1 (/4)
We take two extreme values of 
At  = 0 | G (j) H (j) | = = = = 1.25
 G (j) H (j) = – tan– 1 (0/2) – tan– 1 (0/4) = 0
At  =  | G (j) H (j) | = =0
 G (j) H (j) = – tan– 1 (/2) – tan– 1 (/4) = – 90 – 90
 G (j) H (j) = – 180
Hence we have
At  = 0 | G (j) H (j) | = 1.25,  G (j) H (j) = 0
At  =  | G (j) H (j) | = 0,  G (j) H (j) = – 180

Q. 8 In polar plots, adding a pole to the origin ______ .

(a) makes the system stable
(b) shifts the polar plot by −90 at  = 0
Control Systems (PU) M10-6 Polar & Nyquist Plots

(c) makes the system unstable

(d) has no effect on polar plot Ans. : (b)
Q. 9 In polar plots, adding a pole to the origin ______ .
(a) makes the system stable
(b) has no effect on polar plot
(c) the magnitude at  = 0 becomes 0
(d) the magnitude at  = 0 becomes infinity Ans. : (d)

Q. 10 For the given system, what would be the phase at  = 0 ?

(a) 0 (b) − 180 (c) − 90 (d) 90 Ans. : (b)

Explanation : Each pole at the origin contributes a phase of − 90  . Since there are 2 poles at
the origin, the total phase angle at  = 0 will be − 180.

Q. 11 What happens to the polar plot when we add a simple pole to the system transfer function ?
(a) Makes the system stable.
(b) Has no effect on polar plot.
(c) The polar plot stretches by − 90.
(d) The magnitude at  = 0 becomes infinity. Ans. : (c)
Control Systems (PU) M10-7 Polar & Nyquist Plots

Q. 12 For the given system, what will be the phase at  =  ?

G (s)H (s) =
(a) − 180 (b) 180 (c) − 90 (d) 0 Ans. : (a)
Explanation : The phase angle equation is
 G (j) H (j) = – 90 – tan– 1(/2) – tan– 1(/4) + tan– 1(/5)
At  = , we have
 G (j) H (j) = – 90 – tan– 1 (/2) – tan– 1 (/4) + tan– 1 (/5)
 G (j) H (j) = – 90 – 90 – 90 + 90 = – 180

Q. 13 For the given system, what will be the magnitude at  =  ?

G (s) H (s) =
(a)  (b) (c) 0 (d) 10 Ans. : (c)
Explanation : The magnitude equation for the system is
| G (j) H (j) | =
At  = , | G (j) H (j) | = =0

Q. 14 What is the type of the system if the polar plot is as shown in Fig. Q. 14 ?

Fig. Q. 14

(a) 0 (b) 1
(c) 2 (d) 3 Ans. : (b)
Explanation : Since the polar plot starts at – 90 with a magnitude of , the given system has
a pole at the origin. Hence the given system is Type 1.

Q. 15 Consider the polar plot. What is the Gain margin ?

Control Systems (PU) M10-8 Polar & Nyquist Plots

Fig. Q. 15

(a) 2X (b) X
(c) X (d) Ans. : (d)
Explanation : Gain Margin is calculated at pc (when phase is – 180). At point A, the polar
plot has an angle of – 180. Hence gain margin is calculated from this point.
GM =

Q. 16 According to the nyquist condition, all the _____ of q(s) must lie on the left half of the s
(a) poles (b) zeros
(c) circles (d) encirclements Ans. : (b)
Explanation : Consider a closed loop system shown in Fig. Q. 16.

Fig. Q. 16
The characteristic equation is
q (s) = 1 + G (s) H (s) = 0
Let the open loop transfer function G (s) H (s) be as shown
G (s) H (s) = ; mn
Control Systems (PU) M10-9 Polar & Nyquist Plots

 The characteristic equation is

q (s) = 1 + mn
 q (s) =
q (s) =
From above equation we note that the zeros of
q (s) which are at – , – , .... – are actually the roots of the
characteristic equation and hence are the closed loop
poles of the system. The poles of q (s) are the same as the
open loop poles of the system.
For a system to be stable all the closed loop poles of the
system i.e., all the zeros of q (s) have to lie on the left
hand plane.

Fig. Q. 16(a)
Q. 17 What is the size of the radius of the nyquist contour ?
(a) ε (b) 10 (c) 0 (d)  Ans. : (d)
Explanation : The nyquist contour is shown in Fig. Q. 17. The radius is
Written as s =
Hence the radius is ∞.

Fig. Q. 17
Q. 18 Number of encirclements are given by the formula _____ .
(a) N = 2 × ( P – Z) (b) N=PZ
(c) N=P–Z (d) N=P+Z Ans. : (c)
Explanation : As s moves along the nyquist contour in s-plane, we get a closed contour in
the q (s) plane as described earlier and the number of encirclements are N = P – Z times in the
counter clockwise direction.

Q. 19 For a system to be stable, _____ .

(a) N=P (b) N=PZ
(c) N=Z (d) P=Z Ans. : (a)
Explanation : Number of encirclements are N = P – Z
Control Systems (PU) M10-10 Polar & Nyquist Plots

For a system to be stable there should be no zeros of q (s) on the right hand plane (i.e., no
closed loop poles of the system on the right hand plane).
 For stability, Z = 0
 N = P
Q. 20 If the given system has to stable, what should be the value of N ?
G (s) H (s) =
(a) N=2 (b) N=1
(c) N=3 (d) N=0 Ans. : (b)
Explanation : In this case there is one pole that lies on the right hand plane
 P = 1
For stability, we should get N = P i.e., we should get one encirclement only then will Z = 0
N = P–Z
Z = 0 implies none of the zeros of q(s) (poles of the characteristic equation) lie on the right
half plane. Hence N = 1.
Q. 21 The gain margin (in dB) of a system having the loop transfer function
G(s)H(s) = is _____ .
(a) 0 (b) 3 (c) 6 (d)  Ans. : (d)
Explanation :
G(j) H(j) =
 G(j) H(j) = – 90 – tan– 1
For phase - crossover frequency
 G(j) H(j) = – 180
– 90 – tan– 1 = – 180
tan = 90 or p =  rad/s

|G(j) H(j)| =
|G(j) H(j)|=  = 
GM = 

Q. 22 The phase margin (in degrees) of a system having the loop transfer function
G(s) H(s) = is _____.
(a) 45 (b) – 30
(c) 60 (d) 30 Ans. : (d)
Explanation :
G(j) H(j) =
|G(j) H(j)| =
For gain crossover frequency |G(j) H(j)| = 
= 1
or 4 + 2 – 12 = 0
Control Systems (PU) M10-11 Polar & Nyquist Plots

or p2 + p – 12 = 0 [p =2 ]
on solving we get
p = – 4 or 2 = – 4 (neglect)
p = 3 or g = rad/s
 G(j) H(j) = – 90 – tan–1
 G(j) H(j) /g = – 90 – tan–1 = – 150 PM
PM = 180 + G(jg)H(jg) = 30
Q. 23 The nyquist plot for the open-loop transfer function G(s) of a unity negative feedback system
is shown in Fig. Q. 23 if G(s) has no pole in the right - half of
s-plane, the number of roots of the system characteristics equation in the
right - half of s-plane is _____ .
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3 Ans. : (a)

Fig. Q. 23

Explanation : For the given nyquist plot

Fig. Q. 23(a)

Drawing the test vector from the point (– 1, 0) we get Z = 0.

G(s) has no pole in RHP, P = 0. From, N = P – N, Z = 0. Closed loop system has no pole in
Control Systems (PU) M10-12 Polar & Nyquist Plots

Q. 24 The phase margin of a system with the open loop transfer function
G(s) H(s) = is _____ .
(a) 0 (b) 63.4 (c) 90 (d)  Ans. : (d)
Explanation :
G(j) H(j) =
Magnitude = |G(j) H(j)| = =
G(j) H(j) = tan– 1 (– ) – tan– 1– tan– 1
Calculation of gain crossover frequency
|G(j) H(j)| = 1
= 1
g is not calculated, so PM = 
For = 0, |G(j) H(j)| = ,  G(j) H(j) = 180
For  = 1, | G(j) H(j)| = , |G(j)H(j)|=
 G(j) H(j) = – 102.5
For = , |G(j) H(j)| = 0
 G(j) H(j) = – 270
The polar plot is shown in Fig. Q. 24.

Fig. Q. 24

The curve does not intersect the unit circle so PM = 

Q. 25 The gain margin and the phase margin of a feedback system with
G(s) H(s) = are _____ .
(a) 0 dB, 0 (b) , 
(c) , 0 (d) 88.5 dB,  Ans. : (d)
Explanation :
G(j) H(j) =
Magnitude =|G(j) H(j)| =
|G(j) H(j)| =
Calculation of phase-crossover frequency :
Control Systems (PU) M10-13 Polar & Nyquist Plots

G(j) H(j) = 90 – 3 tan– 1

90 – 3 tan– 1 = – 180
tan– 1 = 30 or p =
GM = 20 log
= 20 log = 88.5 dB
Control Systems (PU) M10-14 Polar & Nyquist Plots

Q. 26 Fig. Q. 26 shows the nyquist plot of the open-loop transfer function G(s)H(s) of a system, if
G(s)H(s) has one right-hand pole, the closed-loop system is _____ .

Fig. Q. 26

(a) always stable

(b) unstable with one closed-loop right hand pole
(c) unstable with two closed-loop right hand poles
(d) unstable with three closed-loop right hand poles Ans. : (a)
Explanation :
Net encirclement N = 1, N = P – Z
Z = P – N = 1 – 1 = 0.
There is no zero on the right half of the s-plane of closed loop system. Hence the system is

Q. 27 The gain margin for the system with open-loop transfer function
G(s) H(s) = , is _____ .
(a)  (b) 0 (c) 1 (d) – Ans. : (b)
Explanation :
G(j) H(j) =
G(j) H(j) = tan–1  – 180
For phase cross-over frequency
 G(j) H(j) = – 180
tan–1  –180 = – 180
p = 0 rad/s
|G(j) H(j)| =
|G(j) H(j)| = 
GM = = = 0
Q. 28 The gain and phase crossover frequencies in rad/ sec are, respectively ?
Control Systems (PU) M10-15 Polar & Nyquist Plots

(a) 0.632 and 1.26 (b) 0.632 and 0.485

(c) 0.485 and 0.632 (d) 1.26 and 0.632 Ans. : (d)
Explanation :
G(j) =
|G(j)| =
Gain cross-over frequency is calculated by |G(j)| = 1
= 1
or 9 = 2 (2 + 4)
or 4 2 – 9 = 0
Let p = 2
p2 p – 9 = 0
p = 1.60
g = = 1.26 rad/s
p = 0.632 rad/s

Q. 29 The open-loop function of a unity-gain feedback control system is given by

G(s) = .The gain margin of the system in dB is given by _____ .
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 20 (d)  Ans. : (d)
Explanation : The nyquist plot for
G(s) =

Fig. Q. 29

There is no intersection of the curve with negative real axis.

 |G(j = 0
GM = 20 log = 20 log 
 GM = 

Q. 30 The nyquist plot of G(j) H(j) for a closed loop control system, passes through
(– 1, j0) point in the GH plane, the gain margin of the system in dB is equal to _____ .

(a) infinite (b) greater than zero

(c) less than zero (d) zero Ans. : (d)

Explanation :

Gain Margin = 1
Control Systems (PU) M10-16 Polar & Nyquist Plots

GM|indB = 20 log 1 = 0 dB

Q. 31 In polar plot, the curve was found to cross the negative real axis at – 1.2. The gain margin of
the system is _____ .

(a) 1.2 (b) 0.008

(c) 0.833 (d) 0 Ans. : (c)

Explanation :

Here X = 1.2

The GM = = 0.833

Q. 32 The nyquist plot can be used _____ .

(a) to find the number of open loop poles in the right half of the s plane

(b) to find the number of closed loop poles in the left half of the s plane

(c) only to find the number of closed loop poles in the right half of the s plane

(d) none of the above Ans. : (b)

Q. 33 If the gain margin of a feedback system is 10, at what point will the nyquist plot cross
negative real axis ?

(a) – 0.1 (b) 10

(c) 0 (d) 0.001 Ans. : (a)

Control Systems (PU) M10-17 Polar & Nyquist Plots

Explanation :
Gain Margin =
10 =
Therefore X = − 0.1
We insert the negative sign since the polar plot intersects the negative real axis.

Control Systems (PU) M10-18 Polar & Nyquist Plots


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