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Total Building Solutions

for Hospitals
The next generation of intelligence

Answers for infrastructure and cities.

Executive Summary
Hospital facility managers need to be able to leverage software, and equipment optimization software. It
information to make their buildings work better and can help bridge the communication gap between
to help meet their hospital’s mission. A system that facility managers, medical staff, and patients,
integrates information from all hospital sub-systems— resulting in improved productivity and comfort
HVAC, energy management, fire safety, air quality, through participation, a reduction in utility expenses,
and security — into a common, centrally-monitored and a commitment to a “green” workplace.
total building solution can help reduce energy usage;
Hospital facility directors can learn more about
streamline maintenance; improve occupant comfort,
integrated building systems by participating in related
safety, and security; comply with hospital building
organizations, becoming familiar with research and
codes; and enhance sustainability. An integrated
trends in the industry, and understanding the codes
building system drives efficiencies and helps to
and standards related to their facility. They can
reduce overhead costs.
partner with a consultant or solutions provider who is
An integrated building system provides flexibility and aware of the issues of risk versus ease of accessibility
the ability to interface with other sub-systems and and who has a breadth of solutions, proven
information, such as weather data, energy experience, and a vision for the future.
procurement information, maintenance management

Today, technology is rapidly evolving; and, Systems and technologies to meet these
along with industry trends, hospital facility goals might include:
managers have more to manage than ever ‒‒ Demand Response and smart grid ƒƒ Convergence of patient
before. Faced with increasingly complex outcomes and hospital
systems, large amounts of available data, ‒‒ Mobile devices and demand for mobile reimbursement
and limited human and capital resources, applications
ƒƒ Consolidation and
they need tools to organize and leverage ‒‒ Smart lighting control standardization of hospital
all of this information to make their hospi- IT systems
‒‒ Power over Ethernet capabilities
tals work better and smarter.
‒‒ Energy harvesting technologies ƒƒ Big data analytics/Next Gen
At the same time, building management making smart devices a reality healthcare IT
systems are becoming more complex with ƒƒ Rapidly-evolving technology
‒‒ Building Information Modeling
multiple systems converging, from HVAC
and air quality systems, energy manage- ‒‒ Alternative energy demands or ƒƒ Increasingly complex
demand for green technology, such as systems
ment systems, and fire safety and security
systems, to any or all of the following solar power ƒƒ Large amounts of data
demands. ‒‒ The emergence of cloud computer ƒƒ Limited human and capital
moving data points to analytics resources
Goals might include:
‒‒ Convergence of IP, bringing ƒƒ Multiple converging systems
‒‒ Pressure to reduce carbon emissions integration of data systems together
‒‒ Increase demand for distributed power more rapidly ƒƒ Risk management

‒‒ Heightened demand for indoor patient These systems and demands, together with
and critical environment air quality rapid change and convergence, are driving
metrics new solutions in hospital management
‒‒ Demand for patient to staff user systems.
‒‒ Growing need for echarging stations
‒‒ Water management to conserve and
improve energy use
‒‒ Demand for real-time software
capabilities to improve hospital safety
and security performance
‒‒ Patient ease and comfort
‒‒ Faster and safer hospital procedures
‒‒ Joint Commission and other regulatory

Building on Today’s Capabilities
The common Building system capabilities often include: How can you optimize these capabilities
denominator is that the ‒‒ Third-party application integration into an intelligent, manageable system?
(i.e., Patient Infotainment Control, The common denominator is that the tools
tools for managing these
Admission Discharge Transfer (ADT), for managing these different sources of
different sources of Nurse Call, Operation Room information are remarkably similar. For
information are Scheduling, Computerized example, it is possible to pull information
remarkably similar. For Maintenance Management Systems) from all independent hospital systems—
example, it is possible to ‒‒ Event management building automation, fire safety, and
pull information from all security systems—into a Command and
‒‒ Graphics
Control center. From there, hospital facility
independent building ‒‒ Scheduling managers have the ability to centrally
systems—automation, monitor the entire facility through an
‒‒ Reporting
fire safety, and integrated system. The benefits of an
security— into a ‒‒ History and trends integrated hospital system - or total build-
Command and Control ‒‒ Data integration ing solution - are realized in four main
center. From there, areas: system consolidation, personnel
‒‒ Client access and user management
management, patient care and comfort,
hospital facility ‒‒ Time and attendance and preventive maintenance.
managers have the
‒‒ Logic engines System consolidation
ability to centrally
monitor the entire ‒‒ Integration with LED signage and ‒‒ Eliminates cost of duplicate front-end
other mass notification modalities equipment
facility through an
‒‒ Future possible integration, such as
integrated system. nurse call functionality
‒‒ Simplifies operator access to multiple
‒‒ Preventative Maintenance scheduling ‒‒ Consolidates facility information using
‒‒ Lab controls/room pressurization a single user interface for monitoring,
control commanding, and management

‒‒ Third-party equipment integration:


For example, in a VA Medical Center, integrated building ‒‒ Determine when service is required
automation, security, and fire alarm systems reduced the
In another scenario, any integrated system functionality will
cost of multiple front ends, maintenance, and training.
be logged in the automation system.
Operators could have visibility into all systems and common
reporting through a single user interface. For example, the cycle of electronic locking hardware is
logged within a building automation system (BAS) and is
Personnel management
based on the manufacturer’s specifications. On Mean Time
‒‒ Improves patient throughput to Failure (MTTF), a work order is initiated through a
‒‒ Reduces training requirements Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) to
inspect or replace the unit. The manufacturer has the appro-
‒‒ Reduces after-hours night shift requirements priate systems in place and works closely with the hospital
‒‒ More efficiently directs personnel facility manager to meet their specifications.
‒‒ More efficiently handles and escalates alarms What does a total building solution provide? A total building
solution integrates all building sub-systems and can include
For example, an integrated time and attendance system
some or all of the following:
seamlessly tracks staff in a hospital. The system knows who
is onsite and available to respond to issues to provide a ‒‒ Building Automation
faster, more effective response. Using a common platform ‒‒ Air Quality
reduces the training requirements for staff.
‒‒ Security
Patient care and comfort
‒‒ Fire and Life Safety
Intelligent networking of information and communication ‒‒ Power Monitoring (EPMS)
technology, as well as medical and building technology,
meets hospital requirements for patient comfort and ‒‒ Lighting
supports the staff in providing care by providing: ‒‒ Metering
‒‒ Fully-integrated patient terminals that give medical ‒‒ Mass Notification
staff access to patients’ digital medical history
‒‒ IT Infrastructure-Connectivity to all Systems
‒‒ OR rooms with integrated control units for all tasks
‒‒ Open Protocols/BACnet, etc.
‒‒ Integrated bedside environmental controls that
empower patients to control temperature, lighting, and Not only does this approach help to drastically reduce
shades costs—from initial construction or retrofit, energy usage,
operations, and maintenance—but it also helps to improve
Preventive What can an Intelligent Building Platformoccupant
maintenance do for you? comfort, provide a safer environment, and
‒‒ Faster maintenance response to system troubles enhance sustainability based on actionable information and
National Facilities Management & Technology
‒‒ Monitor system status and performance from intelligent control. (See Figure 1.)
March 12-14 2013
workstation Baltimore Convention Center
‒‒ Reduce system downtime

Reduce Costs
• Initial Construction or Retrofit The benefits of an integrated
• Energy Usage building system, or total
• Operations or Maintenance building solution, are realized
in four main areas: systems
Provide a Safe consolidation, personnel
Improve Environment Enhance management, patient care and
Patient Comfort Sustainability comfort, and preventive


Figure 1. Total Building Solution

Overall, integration
drives efficiencies and
reduces overhead to help
meet federal energy
mandates and goals.

Benefits of an Integrated Building System quality). In addition, hospitals often require the integration
With a common head-end/user interface and intelligent of further systems – i.e., elevators that have to remain in a
interaction between automation and the fire and security specific position in the case of fire, or medical technology
systems, an integrated system can better service the needs systems, such as gas management or laboratory systems.
of the hospital. Hospital security must allow for complex
The advantage of new construction is that the overall
access patterns. For example, a technician requires access to
system can be more tightly integrated from the beginning.
different rooms than a cleaning person does, and access for
By selecting the products and systems at the beginning of
both can also be dependent on the time of day. Further, in
the project, the integrated hospital solution can be defined
exceptional cases, such as a fire, it must be possible to
from the ground up, from the system design process with
change complex access patterns within seconds to allow for
consistent naming conventions, to wiring on a common
safe evacuation.
backbone and sharing infrastructure, such as an Ethernet
A common interface also serves to streamline management network.
of the systems by providing a single point of contact for
Future Possibilities
hospital subsystems. Overall, integration drives efficiencies
Enterprise integration is becoming more software-based and
and reduces the overhead to help meet federal energy
provides even greater flexibility with the ability to integrate
mandates and goals and helps to reduce labor and mainte-
other sub-systems and information, such as weather data,
nance costs for operating the building. There is also an
energy procurement information (energy pricing or demand
automatic interaction between systems. For example, if
requirements), maintenance management software, and
there is a fire alarm, the system can bring the elevators to
equipment optimization software. In addition, interfaces
the first floor, turn on all of the emergency lights, close the
with medical staff and patients will become more common.
smoke dampers, unlock the doors, and notify first respond-
Often, hospital facility managers cannot actively support or
ers of the alarm condition. In addition, the system can
optimize the performance of their building. The issue is
automatically make an announcement to occupants to start
there is limited communication between occupants, facility
the evacuation. The common interface of fire, security, and
management, and the building automation system. This is
other systems also assists hospitals in meeting compliance
in part because:
‒‒ Staff and patients have limited ways to affect energy
Approach to Integration: What is the best path? consumption of buildings
For an existing hospital with disparate systems provided by ‒‒ Facility managers don’t have a systematic way to
multiple vendors, some type of higher-level system is incorporate staff and patient feedback and preferences
needed that can interface with these building sub-systems
‒‒ Patients and staff typically have little control over their
from either a Command and Control platform or a system comfort settings
that can integrate these sub-systems through standard open
protocols, such as BACnet, OPC, Ole for process control, ‒‒ Facility management has no communication back to
staff and patients about their behavior and how they
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) Server, SNMP
should behave
(software network management protocol), and ONVIF video
camera protocol. Also needed is systems support for build- ‒‒ Staff and patients have no means to express their
ing automation, lighting, fire safety, access control, video experience and needs
management, and power management (metering/ power ‒‒ The BAS system is unaware of actual occupancy

As outlined below, this lack of communication and interac- About the Authors
tion between hospital facility managers and staff and
Ronald Greaves is the Healthcare Vertical
patients often leads to inefficiencies in energy waste,
Marketing Manager and leads all
reduced productivity, and lower satisfaction of hospital
Healthcare Business Initiatives for the
Building Technologies Division of Siemens
Energy waste Industry, Inc. In his role, he partners with
‒‒ Unreported hospital issues are not fixed hospitals to pursue and implement innova-
tive building technologies that improve
‒‒ Hospital cools or heats beyond staff and patient needs their effectiveness to manage clinical, operational, and
Reduced productivity financial ‘HURTS.’ Ronald developed a roadmap that paves
the way for Hospital IT integration with the Siemens
‒‒ Experience poor comfort Building Automation Control System to save energy, improve
‒‒ Staff spends more time responding to patient staff efficiency, and increase patient satisfaction.
complaints Scott McCauley has worked in several
Employee satisfaction Sales, Operations, and Branch
Management roles within the Building
‒‒ Employees might choose companies based on their
Technologies Division of Siemens Industry,
commitment to “green”
Inc. for over 16 years. Currently, Scott is
‒‒ A “poor” BAS system can impact the perception of an the National Business Manager for the
employer Siemens BT Service Business Line. He
For example, if the goal is saving energy, automation allows supports the Southeast United States for Building
hospitals to move shading to the appropriate position before Automation, Fire, Security, Mechanical, and Electrical
switching on the cooling system. Alternatively, if there is Service offerings. Scott is NICET Level IV Certified in Fire
enough daylight in a room, artificial lighting can be Alarm Specialty. He graduated from Texas A&M University
switched off entirely. These individual measures may seem with a BS in Industrial Technology.
small but add up quickly in reducing energy consumption Max McLeod has extensive experience in
and costs. However, the challenge is how to communicate the Fire, Security, and Life Safety industries
effectively with staff and patients. Solutions inspired by and has worked for Siemens Industry for
social media trends to close the interaction gap and include the past 23 years. His positions with the
run-time, two-way communications among occupants, facil- company include field experience as both a
ity management, and the BAS system provide integrated, Field Engineer and Operations Manager, as
optimal control without sacrificing the occupants’ comfort. well as positions within corporate. Max is
Communication tools are still evolving and can include web currently the Manager of National Solutions Business
pages, mobile apps, mass notification systems, email, and Development, at Siemens. He is also president of the
more. The ultimate result is improved medical staff produc- Alabama AFAA and a member of NFPA, SFPE, SAME, and
tivity due to improved comfort and increased satisfaction AFAA. He is a Project Manager and NICET IV Certified.
through participation; better communication between facil-
ity management, staff, and patients; reduction in utility Tom Rule is the Business Line Manager for
expenses; and a commitment to a “Green” workplace. software applications and tools for the
Control Products and Systems Business Unit
Practical Advice on How to Get Started of the Siemens Industry, Inc. Building
To learn more about integrated hospital systems you can: Technologies Division. Tom has over 20
‒‒ Participate in related organizations. years of building automation, fire safety,
security, and integrated systems
‒‒ Become familiar with research that is being conducted
experience, working in roles as a facility manager, technical
within the industry.
support engineer, and product manager for single-discipline
‒‒ Watch trends in the industry, such as multi-faceted and integrated control systems.
About Siemens Industry, Inc.
‒‒ Know and understand the codes and standards related
The Siemens Building Technologies Division is the world
to your facility.
leader in the market for safe and secure, energy-efficient,
To learn more about integrating your hospital systems or a and environment-friendly buildings and infrastructures. As a
total hospital solution, select a consultant in the area of technology partner, service provider, system integrator, and
smart buildings and look for a partner or solutions provider product vendor, Building Technologies has offerings for
who has a breadth of solutions, proven experience in the safety and security, as well as building automation; heating,
healthcare sector, and a vision for the future. It is also ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC); and energy
important to have a resource that understands the IT management. For more information, visit
environment. You need someone who is aware of the issues
of risk versus ease of accessibility.

Siemens Industry, Inc.
Infrastructures & Cities Sector
Building Technologies Division
1000 Deerfield Parkway
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
Tel: (847) 215-1000
Fax: (847) 215-1093
The information in this document contains general descriptions of technical options available,
which do not always have to be present in individual cases. The required features should therefore
be specified in each individual case at the time of closing the contract.
© 2014 Siemens Industry, Inc. • (7/2014) Part# 153-SBT-049

Answers for infrastructure. “We are the trusted technology partner for
Our world is undergoing changes that force us to think in energy-efficient, safe, and secure buildings
new ways: demographic change, urbanization, global and infrastructure.”
warming, and resource shortages. Maximum efficiency
has top priority – and not only where energy is concerned.
In addition, we need to increase comfort for the well-being
of users. Also, our need for safety and security is constantly
growing. For our customers, success is defined by how well
they manage these challenges. Siemens has the answers.

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