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 A detailed description of the quality of materials and workmanship required to complete an engineering project in accordance with its drawings and details is
known as the specifications.
 A specification along with the drawings (including schedules etc), form the part of the contract documents that translate the client's requirements into the
eventual building/construction.


 There are a number of definitions of the term specifications - two of the best are:
1. A detailed description prepared by a consultant Engineer or Architect to tell the Contractor everything about workmanship which cannot be
shown on the drawings. (Scott 1964)
2. The document that prescribes the requirements with which the product or service has to conform (possibly Gelder 2001)

The specifications shows the following details :

 Type and quality of materials.
 Method of preparation of an item.
 Quality of workmanship.

 Method of measurement of an item.

 Other details related to the item, etc.

The specifications are broadly into two categories



1. Sometimes, it is not possible to furnish the information on the drawings, regarding the quality of materials to be used and the quality of workmanship to
be achieved during construction, due to shortage of space. Specifications provide such useful data in a separate document.
2. The ‘drawings’ and ‘specifications’ form two important contract documents. In case of discrepancy between the drawings and specifications, the
provisions of the specifications are given more legal strength and shall govern.

3. The rates of items depend on the specifications. If the specifications are rigid and demands for superior quality, the rate of item will increase and vice versa.

4. Specifications are necessary during supervising the work.

The specifications of items are required by the contractor to fill the rates of
items in the tender document


 To describe the quality of different materials required for construction work.

 It enables the department, engineers, architect and contractor to define, procure and check the material’s quality as per specifications.
 To specify the quality of workmanship and method of doing the same.
 Specifications are required to clarify the drawings.
 Specifications are helpful to the contractor in filling the
rates of various items in the tender.
 Specifications of a work serves as a guide to the supervising staff of the owner as well as the contractor to execute the work to their satisfaction.
 Specifications are necessary to verify and check the strength of materials for a work.
 Specification is an essential contract document and is required for arbitration (dispute between the contractor and owner) and court cases.
 Specification is necessary to specify the equipments, tools and plants to be engaged for a work and thus enables to procure them before hand.

Depending upon the purpose served the specifications are classified as:
1. Contractor’s specifications
2. Guide specifications
3. Standard specifications.
4. Manufacture's specifications.
Depending upon method used for describing materials, specifications are classified as :
5. Open specifications
6. Restricted specifications
7. Closed specifications

The specification developed for a particular construction to accompany the working drawings are called
contractors specification which are further classified as general specification and particular specification.

These are example specification prepared to serve as a guide in the preparation of project specification.

These are specifications prepared to cover a specific material or a group of materials used by a specific trade or a
segment of construction industry. These include manufacture, installation and application.


Manufacture of materials publish specifications of their product, these are in the form of guide specifications or
standard specifications and installation instruction supplied with product at site.
Depending upon the methods to be used in describing a material or a method of installation specifications can be
classified into three categories,


It gives the physical and chemical properties of the material. the test it must satisfy but it never gives a specific
idea of equipment or trade name. the specifications are used for public work they are suitable for basic material
such as cement ,sand ,Steel ,aggregate etc because the standard of such materials can easily be laid down without
regard to manufacturer. The checking and testing for each material mentioned in the specification may prove to be
time consuming if they are not properly drafted it may result control the quality of the product the specifications
by the nature are lengthy

In case of restricted specifications the material is described and then the choice by the contractor is limited to two
or more manufacturers or distributors. Thus an approved list containing the catalogue number, name of
manufacturer and name of product is specified. And the contractor has to choose the material from the approved
list only. The main advantage of the specification is that it promotes competition among the manufacturers to get
their product included in the approved list by maintaining quality at a reasonable price.

In case of closed specification the material or product is designated by trade name mentioning catalogue number,
manufacturer and sometimes a particular distributor from which the product is to be purchased .Sometimes closed
specifications result in avoiding competition and may result in increase of cost of product.


1.Specification Language
2.Rules of grammar
5.Detailing of costly items
6.Repetation of information
7.Inapplicable text
8.Text -in paragraph-in sequence
9.Std. sizes & pattern
10.Cross reference to sections

1. Specification Language : Shall be simple ,clear , use of indefinite words or clauses should be avoided.
2. Rules of grammar should be adhered ,tense should remain the same .The sentences should be so
framed that addition & omission of comma should not change the sense.
3. Brevity: Specifications should be brief, standard articles should be specified with reference to
standard accepted specifications.
4. Fairness: Specifications should be fair to all parties.
5. All items affecting the cost of works should be included and described in such a details as to leave
no doubt.
6. Repetition of Information: should be avoided
Specification paragraphs should be arranged in following sequences.
1. Specifications of Materials.
2. Combination of Materials
3. Preliminary works prior to construction or installation of materials
4. Installation of Materials
5. Tests if any
6. Clearing on completion
7. Schedules if any
8. Modes of measurements and payments.

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