Lesson Plan: Physical Education 9

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Physical Education 9

I. Objectives:
a. Give inference about the enhancement of selected fitness components of exercising
b. Partake to the set activities through a practical presentation of their assigned task
c. Realize the importance of exercising

II. Subject Matter: “The Enhancement of Selected Fitness Components of Exercising”

Reference: Physical Education and Health Textbook LM, pp.189 - 194
Materials: puzzle pictures, visual aids, textbooks, plastic tapes, envelops, index cards,
duplicated and multimedia materials
III. Procedure:
A. Motivation:
1. Divide the class into 4 groups and hand them the materials inside the envelops
2. Let them arrange the pictures that are to be posted on the board afterwards and
have them describe what is common about the pictures.

B. Presentation:
1. Tell the class that by doing some basic exercises, you are already applying one
of the concepts of Active Recreational Activities
2. Present the lesson for the day about “The Enhancement of Selected Fitness
Components of Exercising”

C. Discussion:
a. Discuss to the class the What, Why, How, When, and Where of Exercising

b. Group Activity:
1. With the same groupings from the previous activity, give each their
assigned Fitness Components of Exercising to be discussed by the group’s
2. Give each group five minutes to prepare
3. Remind each group to give demonstrations about their assigned topic
through the help of their group mates
4. Wrap up students’ presentation

D. Application:
1. With the same groupings, have the class perform a dance number using the
assigned fitness component of exercising that they discussed previously as
their steps.
Group1 = lateral trunk stretch and jog around with the song “Chocolate”
Group2 = burpees and FBS jump with the song “Mag-exercise Tayo”
Group3 = trunk twist, front plank, and split squats with the song
Group 4 = side plank and jumping jacks with the song “Whoops Kirri”
2. Remind the groups that they only have five minutes to prepare and maximum
of three minutes time to present their assigned task in front.
3. Rate each group by the ff. Rubric
Group Group Group Group
1 2 3 4
Mastery and Stage Performance = (15 pts.)
Creativity = (10 pts.)
Gracefulness (with high level of Fitness and Fun) = (5 pts.)
TOTAL /30 /30 /30 /30
E. Generalization:
1. Have you learned something from our lesson today?
2. Then, what is Exercising – its fitness components?
3. Does exercising as an active recreational activity plays a great role to you as
students? Why/why not?

IV. Evaluation:
Directions: Identify the correct answer from the given choices. Encircle only the letter of
your answer. (5 items)
1) What do you call a physical activity that is done in order to become fit and healthy?
a) Exorcise b) Exercise c) Enterprise d) not mentioned
2) The last step in performing “Burpees” is ______.
a) jump b) roll c) sit d) stand
3) The following are the selected components of exercising discussed EXCEPT
a) trunk twist b) jog around c) FBS jump d) roll out
4) Which is TRUE about Exercising?
a) it is a waste of time b) it makes you healthy
c) it is tiresome d) it makes you angry
5) Which one of the following statements describes the steps in performing Trunk Twist is TRUE?
a) Standing with feet open in shoulder width, raise arms forward at shoulder level with palms up.
b) Standing with feet open in shoulder width, raise arms backward at shoulder level with palms
c) Standing with feet open in shoulder width, raise arms sideward at shoulder level with palms
d) none of the above

V. Assignment/Agreement:
Do the following task below.

Research more about the Enhancement of Fitness Components of Exercising. Find more steps
about exercising and be ready to share it with your classmates.

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