Data Compression Jun 04, 2021

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Answer Sheet No. | Question Booklet No.

Subject Code Paper ID
RCS087 190543 190543
Time 2 Hours Maximum Marks: 70
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Note: Afiempt all questions. The question paper contains 70 MCQ type questions. Each

question carries equal marks. Select the answer and fill the bubble corresponding to
that question in the attached OMR sheet.

1. Data compression is in aspect Ratio

a_ (A)
the number of bits needed to CB) compression ratio
represent data. (C) bit ratio
(A) increment (D) none of the above
(B) reduction 6. A description of the model and a
(C) expansion description of how the data differ
(D) none of the above from the model are encoded is called
Data compression schemes can be
A modelling
divided into broad classes. (B) testing
(A) 4 (C) coding
(B) 3 (D) maintenance
e2 7. The average number of bits required
5 to represent single sample is known
3. Text compression is an example of as:

compression. bit rate

A lossless compression (B) byte rate
(B) lossy compression (C) compression rate
(C) both (A) and (B) (D) all of the above
(D) none of the above 8. The ditference between the
4. Video compression is an example and reconstruction is often called
of compression (A) waveform
lossless compression
(A) S distortion
(B) lossy compression (C) noise
both (A) and (B)
(D) error

None of the above 9. The compression of analog signals is

The ratio of the number of bits
referred to as
required to represent data before
compression to the number of bits

required to represent the data after

0 A)
analog coding
arithmetic coding
huffman coding
compression is known as:
(D) waveform coding

[190543] RCSO871
10. The difference between the data and 15. A code in which no codeword is a 25. The image consists of 256 rows of
(B) Consultative Commission on
the model is called as prefix to another codeword is called
Standard Data Science 256 pixels, so
the uncompressed
A) residual a
e Consultative Committee on representation uses_ bytes.
(B) waveformn (A) uniquely decodable code
Space Data Standards AA) 65536
(C) distortion huffman code
JB (D) Consultative Committee on (B) 65426
(D) none of the above C) arithmetic ocode
Specialized Data Science (C) 66536
11. The first order entropy of the (D) prefix code
21. In CCSDS algorithm the_ (D) 66325
following sequence is 16. The difference between the entropy At what rate the audio signal for
removes correlation from the input 26.
12323454567898910 and the average length is called cach stereo channel is sampled?
and generates a sequence of
(A) 2.25 bits/symbol (A) self information 42.2 kHz
nonnegative integers. (A)
3.25 bits/symbol redundancy 43.1 kHz
(A) a binary coder (B)
(C) 1.25 bits/symbol C) probability
(D) 5.25 bits/symbol none of the above
(B) a binary generator 44.1 kiz
(D) (C) a parity checker D) 44.2 kHz
12. The probability models also known 17. In Huffman tree NYT stands
B) a pre-processor 27. In Rice codes the ROS is used when
with another name tor the last five or more blocks in a
22. The binary coder generates a
(A) knowledge Model (A) No Yet Transmitted represent the segment are all_
reconstructed Model Not Yet Transmission
JB) (B) integer sequence. (A) one
(C) ignorance Model Not Yet Transmitted
(A) byte stream (B) zero
(D) none of the above (D) None of the above
bit Stream (C)
13. ASCIl code uses the same number of 18. In Golomb code the unary code for (). (C) character stream (D)

none of the above
bits to represent each symbol such a positive integer n is simply
(D) none of the above 28. What is the value of redundancy in
code is called (A) n Os followed by 1
23. In which codes all codewords have Huffman codes when the
(A) variable length code n ls followed by 0
equal length? probabilities are negative powers
(B) fixedxed code (C) n ls followed by 00 Huffman codes of two?
fixed length code (D) n Os followed by 11
(B) Golomb codes (A)
(D) none of the above 19. In Golomb code the unary code of 5
(C) Prefix Codes AB) 2
14. Test the following codes are S
Tunstall codes C) 3
uniquely decodable or not:
( 24. In n-bit Tunstall code for a source
the number of codewords is: 29
(D) 0
Who was the developer of Rice
uniquely decodable codes C) 1111100 AA) log n codes?
(B) not uniquely decodable (D) 0000011 (B) n
AA) Robert F. Rice
(C) neither uniquely decodable nor 20. In Rice codes the ccSDS stands for
(C) 2n-1
(B) Robin S. Rice
not uniquely decodable (A) Consultative Committee on (D) 2n+1 (C) Robert S. Rice
(D) none of the following Standard Data Science
(D) None of the above
[190543] [RCS087] [Page- 4] [190543] [RCS087] [Page- 51
30. Which is the most popular method 35. Which one of the following is an 40. Which coding scheme that takes e multiresolution model
for generating variable length codes? application of LZW compression advantages of long runs of identical (D) capon model
symbols? 45. Which compression takes the
(A) Huffman Coding algorithm?
(B) arithmetic Coding (A) Audio compression (A) arithmetic coding advantage of relationships and
run Length coding (B) Video compression JB) move to front coding correlations that extend beyonda
(D) none of the above (C) Text compression (C) move to back coding single symbol?
31. Which one of the following is not Unix compress (D) predictive coding (A) Image compression
application of arithmetic coding? 36. GIF stands for 41. In which transmission a page is AB) Dynamic Markov
(A) bi-level image compression AA) Graphics Interchange Format scanned and converted into a Compression
(B) JBIG (B) Graphical Image Format sequence of black or white pixels? (C) Audio compression
(C) JBIG-2 Graphics Image Format audio transmission (D) All of the above
(C) (A)
text compression None of the above video transmission 46. Name of the two popular measures
32. A static dictionary technique that is 37. Which coding scheme use the C) facsimile transmission of distortion are
and absolute
less specific to a single application history of the sequence to determine (D) all of the above squared error
S its encoding? 42. Which algorithm requires that the difference
A) digram coding Huffman coding entire sequence to be coded be (B) fidelity and quality
available to the encoder before the (C) scalar quantization and vector
(B) arithmetic coding Arithmetic coding
(C) huffman coding C) Prefix coding coding takes place? quantization
(D) all of the above (D) None of the above (A) LZW (D) mean squared error and signal
33. In LZ77 a buffer that contains 38. Which one is the best known context (B) LZ8 to noise ratio
portion of the recently encoded based algorithm? CThe Burrows-Wheeler 47 Rate is defined as the
sequence is called Prediction with Partial Match Transform number of bits used to represent cach
look ahead buffer LZ77 (D) None of the above sample value.
(A) (B)
(B) search buffer e LZ78 43. Which model gives rise the run (A) Maximum
stack buffer (D) LZW length coding? (B) Minimum
(D) none of the above 39. CALIC stands for Physical model Average
34. In LZ77 a buffer that contains next A ) Context Adaptive Lossless (B) Probability model (D) all of the above
portion of the sequence to be (C) Composite source model 48. The rate distortion function R(D)
Image Compression
(D) Capon model specifies the rate at which
encoded is called a (B) Content Adaptive Lossy Image
44. Which type of model generate the output of a source can be
AA)stack buffer compression
representations of an image with encoded while keeping the distortion
(B) look ahead buffer (C) Context Adaptive Lossy Image
varying spatial resolution? less than or equal to D.
(C) search buffer compression
physical model
(D) all of the above (D) none of the above (A) Ahighest
(B) probability model (B) lowest
190543] [RCSO87) [Page-6] [190543] [RCS087] Page- 1
63. In vector quantization, a set of L
(A) Scalar
(C) smallest (B) encoder mapping
dimensional vectors called
both (A) and (B) (B) vector
(D) average
none of the above
e forward adaptive of the vector quantizer.
49 The models play an important role in (D)
54. A mapping that generates a
(D) backward adaptive (A) code vectors
the of lossy compression
59. A quantizer also known with another (B) directory
algorithms. reconstruction 1S
name" quantization with one word (C) vectors
(A) testing called
memory" is called codebook
(B) maintenance (A) encoder mapping
A) midrise quantizer 64. Each code vector is assigned a
design decoder mapping
(B) midtread quantizer index.
(D) coding (C) multiplexer mapping
(C)Jayantquantizer A) binary
$0. Which model is used to for the (D) demultiplexer mapping
(D) vector quantizer (B) decimal
design and analysis of lossy 55. A quantizer that does not have zero
60. A nonuniform quantizer provides (C) octal
compression schemes? as one of its representation levels is
average distortion. (D) none of the above
Aprobability model called
(A) lowest 65. The vectors in the codebook is
(B) lincar System Model MAmidrise qunatizer known as
(C) physical model (B) midtread quantizer (B) lower
average (A) block vectors
(D) none of the above (C) scalar quantizer
(D) higher (B) quantized vectors
51. The models are based on the physics (D) vector quantizer
61. For a given Lloyd -Max quantizer, (C) sampled vectors
of the source output production are 56. Control Systems and audio coding
the quantizer output and the code-vectors
called schemes are the examples
quantization noise are_ 66. In vector quantization at the
(A) probability models of quantizer.
(A) diagonal the input vector is compared to each
physical models (A) midrise quantizer
code vector in order to find code
compositee source models midtread quantizer square
(C) orthogonal vector closest to the input vector.
(D) none of the above (C) nonuniform quantizer
52. The process of representing a large none of the above (D) parallel (A) Decoder
62. In companded quantization, the (B) Encoder
possibly infinite set of values with a 57. In which quntization approach there
is a need for side information?
Compressor E Multiplexer
much smaller set is called the
forward adaptive
function (D) None of the above
(A) uniform quantization (A)
high-probability regions close to the 67. The elements of the code-vector are
(B) scalar quantization (B) backward adaptive
C) non uniform quantization (C) uniform origin. the values of the source
A) compresses
) quantization
(B) expands
quantization the (A) sampled
53. A mapping which divides the range 58. In
(C) streches (B) binary
of values that the quantizer output is available to both
source generates (D) all of the above quantized
into number of intervals is called transmitter and receiver, there is no
(D) none of the above
(A) decoder mapping need for side information.
[190543] RCSO871
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The regular arrangements of output
68. The LBZ stands for 70
points in space are called
(A) Linde-Buze-Gray
(A) cell
Linde-Buzo-Green lattices
(D) None of the above C) pyramid
structured codebook the (D) none of the above
69 In tree
removal o subgroups is called
(B) parsing
(C) updation
(D) none of the above

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