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Home Page

Keyword Stuffing
Keyword - Credit Score

No of time Keyword used – 8 times

Maximum No of use – 3-4 times

Keyword - Credit Repair

No of time Keyword used – 7 times

Maximum No of use – 3-4 times

Plagiarism – 14%
Plagiarism in Paragraphs
1) Check
When you sign up/register with us, we instantly pull your credit reports. We organize it in a way that
helps you identify negative items you want to change or challenge. Then this helps us to know exactly
where to focus our efforts — and how to build a game plan to fit your personal goals and needs.

2) Testimonials
I like that takes their time to explain your credit status to you. They make you feel
really important, and they never treat you like a number. They make you feel like a real person.

- Change Images in Header Carousel
- Remove (Business Growth Sustainability Performance)

- H1 Space between lines


------------ Space-----------------
- Project Section - Create infographic


Go to Headline - How much does it cost?

About Us
Keyword Stuffing

Keyword - Credit Repair

No of time Keyword used – 6 times

Maximum No of use – 3 times

1) 80%
Our Mission
We are beyond one-time credit repair; we are dedicated to helping you develop a healthier relationship
with your credit. Our focus is on you, your story, and your determination to make a change. We want to
empower you to make a significant, long-lasting lifestyle change that
an give you access to your financial dreams. Lifetime score improvement is more than just removing
negative items on your report – we’ll repair your credit history, and we’ll do it better than the rest – but
we’re focused on the story behind that credit score and helping rewrite it to reflect who you are today.

2) 20%
Credit repair involves fixing your bad credit in any way, shape, or form. But when most people use the
term “credit repair,” they’re referring to the process of disputing errors on credit reports.You can go
through the dispute process for free with each of the credit bureaus on your own. This involves filing a
formal dispute with the credit bureau(s) in question either online or by mail.In your formal dispute, you
want to provide a detailed explanation of the error and include any supporting documentation you have
along with it.


- “About Us” Title In Middle & in Caps

- Change Format of Content
- Adjust Spacing Between Sections
- Low Info graphics or Images on Page
- Change Headline “Don't hesitate to contact us any time.” TO “Don't Hesitate to Contact Us Any Time.”
- Company description in Plagiarism

Contac Us
- Change Title “Contact” TO “CONTACT US”
- Adjust Description layout

Fix My Credit
- Title in Caps & in Middle
- Use More Info graphic Image between content

How It Works

1) Plagiarism - 100%

How Credit Repair Works?

“Credit repair leverages your legal right to three standards: Credit reports must
be 100% accurate, entirely fair and fully substantiated, Too many lesser credit
repair companies skip over those last two standards—which involve
communicating with your creditors—in favor of depending on simple credit
bureau disputes by themselves.” Check your free credit score. Read our Terms
and Conditions carefully. 
2) Plagiarism – 40%

Credit Education
Remember these five factors from earlier to improve
your credit?
 Work to get questionable, negative payment history removed from your credit report

(that’s what we do!)

 Pay down your debt to reduce your utilization ratio

 Be older (sorry can’t help you there). The longer you’ve had credit, the better

 Work to get any inaccurate hard inquiries removed from your credit report!

 Diversify your credit to have a mix of revolving, installment and other types of


3) Plagiarism – 20%
Your Complimentary Credit-repairs. Net account shows your charge at a
personalized dash along with your score and a snapshot of the five
important areas that affect your credit history --payment history, credit
use , credit score, accounts combination, and credit queries. There's no
cost, no hard credit check, and no credit card or Social Security number

4) Plagiarism – 40%

Your Credit Graded in a Snapshot

Get graded with your free credit report card. Your report card gives
you a letter grade in each of the five key factors of your credit. You see at-a-
glance where you stand. And you can drill down into each factor, so you can
easily monitor what’s happening with your credit.

Get Your Credit Score Free

Credit-repairs. Net makes it possible to recognize credit and take control of your
financial well being. That starts the following together with your credit score at no
cost. Your score automatically upgrades every 14 days, which means you see
whether or not it’s down or the same. Along with your accounts includes a free
credit report card. Use either to dig in to what is influencing your score and then
work to improve it or maintain it.
- Title in Caps & in Middle
- Change Slug “how-its-work” To “how-it-works”
- Spacing Issue Between Sections
- Change Content Format (Not looks Optimized)

Submission Form Changes
- Change DOB Formate
- SSN ID Number Limit - 9 Numbers, Format [000-00-0000]
- Mobile Number Limit - 10 Numbers, Format [000-000-0000]
- Final Data on one Email
- Form Submission Confirmation- apply-now
- change Image with form (Use Banking Loan Images)
- Don't hesitate to contact us any time.(Make it Capital)
- Bottom Content

We Are Professional
Cumque earum explicabo culpa incidunt atque dolores aliquam laborum.

We Are Trusted
Cumque earum explicabo culpa incidunt atque dolores aliquam laborum.

We Are Expert
Cumque earum explicabo culpa incidunt atque dolores aliquam laborum.

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