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Advantages and disadvantages of free medical care

Everything that is typically provided for free has its own drawbacks. There are
considerable disadvantages as well as advantages linked with free health care services
provided by governments.


"Your optimal health, your divine mission!"

Conferring earnestly a situation to get direct access to free medicine for people who
are living in poverty.
From this type of free service and benefits, poor citizens can get the most out of it.
Someone is suffering from any severe health conditions will be able to be diagnosed at
the right time and can be treated properly at the right time.
No longer they have to suffer from the pain of sickness and paying the cost private
The governments tried to enhance accessibility and feasibility of this free service for all
people throughout the world.


Free health care brings out challenges of the budget in the government.
The Budget of the government is distributed among different sectors.
So there is no guarantee that free government hospitals can get more budgets to
improve their facilities.
Therefore, based on this fact, patients cannot expect to get the best treatment in free
In free health care hospitals, doctor to patient ratio is low(nearly 1:1400) against WHO
recommended ratio. Enough doctors are not allotted to free hospitals. So, the patient
crowd in hospitals is too high that many people don't even show interest in going to
free health care.
Lack of hygiene services being a common problem in the free hospitals in every part of
the world.
The free health care centres often lack the latest medical equipment and they use old
equipments and technology to treat and diagnosis a patient. This is not the best way to
a patient.

There is a famous saying;

"This is how most stories end in the hospital. Not with crash carts and sirens and
electric shocks to the chest, but with an empty room, a crisp white bed, silence."
—By Jacob M. Appel,
Written in the book - 'Phoning Home'
(this is happening nowadays). 

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