Evaluation Rubric For Video Production

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• is interesting
• is educational
• is relevant to audience
• provides insight into topic
• is discussed thoroughly
• is entertaining
Concept Score ______ out of 30

• Presents interesting information
• Language is used properly and effectively
• Images and/ or graphics relate well to content
• Student(s) behave professionally on camera
• Student(s) demonstrate thoughtful approach to subject

Content Score ______ out of 25

Technical Aspects
• Camera is stable, smooth movements and pans
• Subject is framed well, images are well composed
• Subject is lit and clearly visible
• Sound is clear and understandable
• Video is edited effectively, flows well
• Titles are used effectively
• Transitions are used effectively
• Project was completed in a timely manner

Content Score ______ out of 40


Evaluation Rubric for Video Production

Levels of Performance
Below Standard Satisfactory Accomplished Excellent
Dimensions of
Score: 1 Score: 2 Score: 3 Score: 4
Students need help to
Students need help to research research and write a Students research
Students research and write
and write a script. The script. There is a independently and write a
a compelling and creative
storyboard does not match the storyboard that is adhered compelling and creative
Planning script. The storyboard is
final production. Some group to during production. script. The storyboard is
drawn carefully with shot
members have roles and some Most group members drawn carefully with set
Research, compositions included. All
perform very few tasks. Some have roles and use some design and shot compositions
Storyboarding, group members have their
video vocabulary and floor video vocabulary and included. All group members
and Rehearsal and use video vocabulary
language is used during floor language during define their roles and use
and floor language during
rehearsals. Students need to be rehearsals. Students need video vocabulary and floor
reminded to stay on task to be reminded to stay on language during rehearsals.
The project has a clear focus
There is focus that is The project has a clear focus
The project has a focus but related to the chosen topic
maintained throughout related to the chosen topic
may stray from it at times. and one or more of the
the project. The project and one or more of the
There is an organizational following elements; reflects
presents information in a following elements; reflects
structure, though it may not be broad research and
accurate and organized broad research and
carried through in a consistent application of critical
manner that can be application of critical
Content manner. There may be factual thinking skills; shows
understood by the thinking skills; shows notable
errors or inconsistencies, but notable insight or
intended audience. insight or understanding of
they are relatively minor. Less understanding of the topic.
Adequate evidenced of the topic. Excellent evidence
than adequate evidence of Excellent evidence of
student learning and of student learning and
student learning and efforts are student learning and efforts
efforts are reflected in efforts are reflected in
reflected in student's project. are reflected in student's
student's project. student's project.
Layout/ Either lack of preparation or Adequate preparation and Sequence of project Organization of presentation
components is clear and
sequence is shown. is excellent. Transitions add
illogical sequence. Transitions evident. Transitions provide
Transitions are adequate. to the viewer's understanding
are choppy or distract the easy movement from one
Titles are present. If of the topic. Titles are added
Design viewer. Titles are not present or scene to another. Titles are
storyboard is present, it to enhance understanding.
distract from the overall video. used and add to the video's
shows the project in a Storyboard shows
  Does not have a storyboard. flow. Storyboard shows
broad outline. progression.
general outline.
The camera work is choppy The camera work may be
The camera work is The camera work is smooth
and the scenes are blurry or choppy or panning is too
generally smooth and the and the focus is crisp. Sound
panning is too fast. Sound and fast. Sound and visual
focus is usually crisp. Sound and visual files are distortion
visual files contain significant files may have some
Technical and visual files are mostly free. Transitions are timed for
distortion. Transitions are distortion but it doesn't
distortion free. Transitions smooth movement between
awkward between scenes. distract the viewer. There
Elements provide a smooth movement scenes. Titles are legible.
Titles are illegible. Technical are some technical
between scenes. Titles are There are few technical
difficulties seriously interfere problems, but the viewer
mostly legible. There are problems, and none of a
with the viewer's ability to see, is able to follow the
few technical problems. serious nature.
hear, or understand content. presentation.
Effective teamwork. The
Presentation a result of a final product represents
Students worked together something that would have
group effort, but only
and were assigned different been impossible to
some members
Obvious that the presentation roles accomplish working alone.
was created by one person 
Students select group Students select group
Students select group
Collaboration Students make poor choices for members based on good members based on good
members according to
group members. The group is working relationships. All working relationships. All
social desires. Some
unable to complete the video in students in the group students in the group
students in the group
a timely fashion participate actively 100% of participate actively 100% of
participate actively. Few
the time. Most students excel the time. Each student excels
students excel in the
in the activities in every activity


  1 Point Beginning 2 Points Developing 3 Points Proficient 4 Points Exemplary Points

Doesn’t explain the Explains only a general plan Shows the details of the Persuasively written;
The Pitch project focus or represent for the video project. project, including all addresses all necessary
the final outcome. requested components. components in detail.
Does not represent the Sketches are in a logical Includes sketches of each Demonstrates detailed
sequence of shots in the sequence, but do not give video scene and includes planning on the video shot
video. Storyboard adequate descriptions of the some planned sequence, scene
Storyboard descriptions are vague or video scenes, audio descriptions, audio notes, descriptions, audio and
PREPARATIO incomplete. background, or dialogue effects notes, and dialog effects notes, and dialog
N notes. for every scene. for every scene.
Includes more than 10 Includes 5 - 10 grammatical Includes 1 – 4 Grammar, spelling,
grammatical errors, errors, misspellings, grammatical errors, punctuation, capitalization
Script misspellings, punctuation punctuation errors, etc. misspellings, punctuation are correct. No errors in
errors, etc. errors, etc. the text.
Very minimal comments General comments on daily Thorough listing of daily Includes descriptive detail
Work Log about few activities on the activities. activities, but no and reflections on daily
work log. reflections. activities
PRODUCT Message is unclear. Message is vaguely Strong message. Covers
Message is clearly
Includes little essential communicated. Includes some topic completely and in
Overall Content information and one or two essential information with
communicated. Includes
depth. Includes complete
essential information.
facts. few facts. information.
Technical:Little or no enhancements Digital enhancements Any digital enhancements Digital enhancements are
add interest to the video, or accompany video, but there is that are used combine planned and purposeful,
Digital excessive use of random little sign of reinforcement. smoothly and effectively adding impact to the story  
Some tendency toward with the video. line or focus.
Enhancements enhancements detracts from randomness with effects.
or Effects the video.

Cooperative Cannot work with others.  Works with others, but has Works well with others. Works well with others.  
Group Work Cannot share decisions or difficulty sharing decisions Takes part in most Assumes a clear role and
responsibilities. and responsibilities. decisions and contributes related responsibilities.
fair share to group. Motivates others.
There are no citations or are Citations are given, but some Citations are given, sources Citations give proper credit.  
no references to copyright multimedia sources are not of multimedia are Every photo, graphic or
Copyright information for photos, identified with references, and identified, but permission to sound file is either original
graphics, and music created permission to reproduce is reproduce is missing. or permission for its use by
by others. missing. the owner is documented.


Video Presentation Rubric

Beginning Developing Accomplished Distinguished
1 – 12 13 - 24 25 - 37 38 - 50

Content & Not organized. Portions may be Fairly well Program shows a
Organization – poorly documented documented and continuous
Difficult to follow. and/or organized. organized. Format progression of ideas
Is your project Poor quality shows Hard to follow the is easy to follow. and tells a
organized and poor effort. progressions of the Good explanation complete, easily
documented? story. Explanation shows good effort. followed story. Well
shows some effort. documented and
Excellent, well
thought out
explanation shows
superior effort.

Usefulness – Project’s usefulness Project Project is focused Project is focused

is in question. Does demonstrated and informative; and very
Does your video not inform; does not development of promotes the use of informative;
stay focused on an stay focused on the computer computer promotes the use of
informative topic? topic. technology; has technology to create computer
Does it promote the problems staying the video to deliver technology to create
use of technology to focused on topic. information. the video and makes
inform the audience others want to use
about the topic? the same type of
format in delivering
information to an

Creativity & Use of elements Minimal use of Good use of Excellent sense of
Elements of Design detracts from video. design elements. graphics and/or design. Effective
– Is your video Too many or too No transitions. other design camera techniques
interesting? Did gaudy graphics; Sound is lacking or elements. Some used for the video
your choice of transitions, too inappropriate or transitions are and pictures. Video
elements such as many clips, scratchy. Some inappropriately and pictures are I
film clips, pictures, backgrounds and/or pictures or video placed. Sound focus and of good
backgrounds, and sounds detract from clips may be out of quality is OK. Video quality. Smooth
transitions enhance content. Pictures or focus or “shaky”. clips or pictures are transitions are
the project? video clips may be clear and in focus. appropriate and aid
out of focus or in delivery of the
“shaky”. presentation.

Mechanics – Did Includes five or Includes 3 – 4 Includes 2 – 3 Grammar, spelling,

you check your mare grammatical grammatical errors, grammatical errors, punctuation,
grammar and errors, misspellings, misspellings, misspellings, capitalization are
usage? Have you punctuation errors; punctuation errors; punctuation errors; correct; sources are
correctly sources are not some sources are sources are documented
documented documented. documented but not documented and correctly and
sources and obeyed correctly. correctly and copyright law has
copyright rules? copyright law has been followed.
been followed.

Oral Presentations Great difficulty Some difficulty Fairly fluid delivery. Well-rehearsed.
Skills – Did you communicating communicating Communicates ideas Voice, eye contact
respond to the ideas. Poor voice ideas. Poor voice with proper voice and pacing hold
questions by the projection; no eye projections; some projection; perhaps interest and
students and contact; no eye contact; no one mispronounced attentions of
instructor with introduction; introduction; work; made eye audience;
ease? mispronounced mispronounced a contact; introduced introduced self and
words; stopped or few words; long self and project. project. Responded
had long pauses; pauses; somewhat Respond to easily to questions.
confused. confused. questions.


Task Description: Students will work together in assigned teams to create a video project that details a specific aspect of the
course. The presentation should include appropriate photographs, video, music, graphs, and other visual aids. The final project
should be uploaded to the Class YouTube Page.

ACTIVITY Exemplary Proficient Partially Proficient Incomplete POINTS

Concept 15-20 points 10-14 points 5-9 points 0-4 points

Has a clear picture of what they Has a fairly clear picture of what Has brainstormed their Little effort has been spent on
are trying to achieve. Adequate they are trying to achieve. Can concept, but no clear focus brainstorming and refining a
description of what they are describe what they are trying to do has emerged. Goals/final concept. Unclear on the goals
trying to do and generally how overall but has trouble describing product not clearly defined. and how the project objectives
his/her work will contribute to the how his/her work will contribute to will be met.
final project. the final project.

Script/ 12-15 points 8-11 points 4-7 points 0-3 points


The storyboard illustrates the The storyboard includes thumbnail The thumbnail sketches on There is no evidence of a
video presentation structure with sketches of each video scene and the storyboard are not in storyboard or script.
thumbnail sketches of each includes text for each segment of logical sequence and do not
scene. Notes of proposed the presentation, descriptions of provide complete
transition, special effects, sound background audio for each scene, descriptions of the video
and title tracks incl: text, color, and notes about proposed shots scenes, audio background,
placement, graphics, etc. Notes and dialogue. or notes about the dialogue.
about proposed dialogue/
narration text are included.

Content/ 15-20 points 10-14 points 5-9 points 0-4 points


The content includes a clear Information is presented as a The content does not Content lacks a central theme,
statement of purpose or theme connected theme with accurate, present a clearly stated clear point of view and logical
and is creative, compelling and current supporting information that theme, is vague, and some sequence of information. Much
clearly written. A rich variety of contributes to understanding the of the supporting information of the supporting information is
supporting information in the project’s main idea. Details are does not seem to fit the irrelevant to the overall message.
video contributes to the logical and persuasive information main idea or appears as a The viewer is unsure what the
understanding of the project’s is effectively used. The content disconnected series of message is because there is little
main idea. Events and messages includes a clear point of view with a scenes with no unifying main persuasive information and only
are presented in a logical order. progression of ideas and idea. Includes few citations one or two facts about the topic
Includes properly cited sources. supporting information. Includes and few facts. are articulated. Information is
properly cited sources. incorrect, out of date, or
incomplete. No citations

Quality 12-15 points 8-11 points 4-7 points 0-3 points

Movie was completed and had all Movie was completed and Movie was made, but had There was no movie, or tape was
required elements. The video contained all required items. very little if any editing. totally unedited with no
was well edited and moves Editing was not done as well as it Many poor shots remain. transitions or audio support of
smoothly from scene to scene should have been. Some poor Video was very fragmented any kind.
with proper use of transitions. shots remain. Movie is still and choppy with little to no
Audio and other enhancements somewhat choppy. Audio and other audio reinforcement.
were well used. enhancements were utilized, but
not for maximum effect.

Teamwork 12-15 points 8-11 points 4-7 points 0-3 points

Student met and had discussions Students met and had discussions Only a couple of team Meetings were not held and/or
regularly. All students on the regularly. Most of the students on meetings were held. Most of some of the team members did
team contributed to the the team contributed to the the students on the team not contribute at all to the
discussion and were part of the discussion and were part of the contributed at some level, project. Low levels of respect
final project. Team members final project. Team members but a majority of the work were evident within the team.
showed respect with each other. mostly showed respect with each was done by one or two.

Timeliness 12-15 points 8-11 points 4-7 points 0-3 points

All project deadlines were met. Most project deadlines were met. Many project deadlines were Deadlines were regularly missed,
Those that were late did not have not met, resulting in some having a significant impact on
significant impact on the finished impact on the finished the final project.
project. project.

Final Score

- theory integration (praxis)

Evaluation Rubric for Video Production
Levels of Performance
Dimensions of Below Standard Satisfactory Score: Accomplished
ExcellentScore: 5
Performance Score: 1-2 3 Score: 4

Students need help

to research and Students need help
Students research Students research
write a script. The to research and
and write a independently and
storyboard does write a script. There
compelling and write a compelling
not match the final is a storyboard that
creative script. The and creative script.
production. Some is adhered to during
storyboard is The storyboard is
group members production. Most
Planning drawn carefully drawn carefully with
have roles and group members
Research, with shot set design and shot
some perform very have roles and use
Storyboarding, compositions compositions
few tasks. Some some video
and Rehearsal included. All group included. All group
video vocabulary vocabulary and
members have members define
and floor language floor language
their and use video their roles and use
is used during during rehearsals.
vocabulary and video vocabulary and
rehearsals. Students need to be
floor language floor language during
Students need to reminded to stay on
during rehearsals. rehearsals.
be reminded to task.
stay on task

Production The final The final production The final The final production
The technical production has has some technical production is free is free of technical
use of video technical errors. errors. Few of technical errors. errors. All students
equipment, One student knows students know floor Some students use know and use floor
floor language, floor language, language, only one floor language and language and how to
set design, and only one operates operates the some operate operate camera and
shot the camera. camera. Equipment camera and mic. mic. Equipment is
composition Equipment is not is not always cared Equipment is used carefully cared for,
effectively and respected, and
cared for properly. for properly. The set
usually stored always stored
It looks like no design and shot
properly. The set properly. The set
thought is put into composition
design and shot design and shot
set design or shot somewhat enhance
composition composition enhance
composition. the topic
enhance the topic. the topic.

Video uses factual,

Video uses factual
Video is confusing but confusing Video uses factual
information that is
and difficult to information. It gives information that is
compelling to watch
Content understand. Art an understanding of compelling to
and presented in a
Topic of the and/or artist is the art and artist watch. Dialogue
creative manner.
presentation discussed but not but is not gives a clear
Dialogue gives a clear
at all compelling to necessarily targeted understanding of
understanding of the
watch. for the classroom the art and artist.
art and artist.

Students select
Students select
Students select group members
group members
Students make group members based on good
based on good
poor choices for according to social working
Participation group members. desires. Some relationships. All
relationships. All
Individual and The group is unable students in the students in the
students in the group
groups work to complete the group participate group participate
participate actively
video in a timely actively. Few actively 100% of
100% of the time.
fashion students excel in the time. Most
Each student excels
the activities students excel in
in every activity
the activities

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