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The drawbacks of mobile phones, on the other hand, are also

present. To begin with, excessive phone use can lead to addiction. For
example, students frequently spend their free time on cell phones, causing
them to disregard their studies. The release of dopamine is stimulated by
social contact, according to studies. Because so many people use their
phones as social tools, they've become accustomed to checking them
frequently for the dopamine release which comes from interacting with
others on social media via any app. Second, spending the majority of
your time on your phone might lead to health problems such as neck pain
and sleep deprivation. Constant usage of mobile phones might induce
puffiness in the eyes. Excessive usage of cell phones caused most
individuals to develop vision issues. Finally, smartphones have the
potential to negatively influence your relationships with family and
friends. Using your phone excessively might cause you to become
estranged from your family and friends. There would be a lot less talking,
which might lead to depression, insomnia, and other problems... To
summarize, smartphones may be dangerous to you and everyone around
you unless you use them wisely.

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