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Grade 9 – Week 2 – July 2021

Name ………………………………………………………… Class: 9TCN
I. Phonetic
1. A. education B. general C. extremely D. met
2. A. mathematics B. married C. tragic D. ask
3. A. determine B. together C. repeat D. report
4. A. professor B. suffering C. favourite D. terrible
5. A. develop B. private C. following D. institute
II. Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets: Past simple or past continuous
1. It (begin) began .to rain while Amanda and I (walk) were walking to school.
2. I (wash) was washing dishes when I (drop) dropped a plate and (break) broke it.
3. I (hit) hit my thumb while I (use) was using the hammer. Ouch!
4. When we fist (meet) met each other five years ago, both of us (study) were studying at university.
5. I (walk) was walking under an apple tree when an apple (fall) fell and (hit) hit me on the head.
6. After I (turn)turned all the lights off, I (leave) left the office. Then I (go) went to the city centre because I (want) wanted to
do some shopping.
7. When I (arrive)arrived at the station last Friday morning, Mary and Jack (wait)were waiting for me.
8. It was 9pm last night. My parents (watch) were watching TV, I (do) was doing my homework and my brother (read)was
reading his comic.
9. Last night, I (listen)was listening to music and (do) doing my homework when Kim (stop) stopped by.
10. While Paul (carry) was carrying brushes and paint and (climb) climbing .a ladder, a bird (fly) flew down and (sit) sat on his
head. Paul (drop) dropped the paint and (spill) it all over the ground.

III. Supply the correct form of the words in brackets

1. He’s sitting (comfort) comfortably in the big old armchair.
2. My daughter often feels (nerve) nervous when she meets (strange) strangers
3. (Surprise)Suprisingly, many teenagers said that they liked table tennis.
4. Mrs. Green can help Alice to make a good (choose) choice.
5. I’ve come to the (conclude) conclusion that no one should have a car.
6. I think astronomy is (absolute) absolutely fascinating.
7. Minh and Quang are twins, but they don’t dress (identical) identically
8. You can’t listen to the radio when you are on the (ground) ground because the signal isn’t strong enough.
9. We’ll only have real (equal) equality when women earn as much money as men.
10. It can be very difficult for prisoner when they leave prison and go back into the (communal) community
IV. Fill in the blank with a suitable word
Dear Tim,
I want to tell you about my mew life in the USA. I miss you, Jim, Peter and other member of the soccer team (1) very much. I
go to school five days (2) a week. I can’t understand the lessons very well because the teachers speak (3) very quickly. I
don’t have many friends because I’m new here.
The weather (4) is colder than in Hongkong and the food is terrible. You and I sometimes complain about the food in our
school canteen (5) but now I think it is delicious! The city is very beautiful. There are big, tall trees (6) and many lovely
flowers everywhere.
Tomorrow’s Saturday and there are (7) many activities in my school. I am going (8) to join the soccer club and the model
making club. I like to make friends with more American teenagers.
Don’t think that I am unhappy here. Something interesting happens sometimes and I feel (9) fun. At the moment, I am (10)
looking forward to seeing my family and all of you on the summer vacation
Best wishes
V. Choose the best answer
1. Frankly, I'd rather you _______ anything about it for the time being. (A. don't do B. hadn't done C. didn't do D. haven't

Grade 9 – Week 2 – July 2021
2. I was angry when you saw me because I ______ with my sister.( A. have been arguing/ B. had been arguing/ C.
argued/ D. would argue)
3. Luckily, I _______ a new pair of sunglasses as I found mine at the bottom of a bag. (A. needn't have bought/ B. needed
not to buy /C. didn't need to buy/ D. hadn't to buy )
4. _________ I'd like to help you out, I'm afraid I just haven't got any spare money at the moment. (A. Even /B. Despite/ C.
Much as/ D. Try as)
5. Hardly ________ of the paintings at the gallery were for sale (A. none/ B. few/ C. some/ D. any)
6. They attempted to __________ the painting to its original condition. (A. restore/ B. renovate/ C. repair/ D. refurbish)
7. All things_________, he is the best president we are likely to get. (A. considered/ B. thought/ C. taken/ D. added)
8. Harry:" _______" Kate: "Yes. I'd like to buy a computer." (A. Do you look for something?/ B. Good morning. Can I
help you? /C. Excuse me. Do you want to buy it?/ D. Can you help me buy something?)
9. Tom:" Would you take this along to the office for me?" Jerry:"_________" (A. Never mind/ B. Yes, with/ pleasure
C. Yes, that's right/ D. Not at all
10. Do you think Ms. Brown will __________ for Parliament in the next election? (A. run/ B. walk/ C. sit/ D. stand)
VI. Fill in each gap with one suitable preposition
1. Sidney is famous for it harbor. You should also look for the Opera house and the bridge while you are there
2. We arrived to the hotel and they provided us with a map of the area
3. When you are preparing for a holiday, pack clothes that are suitable to the .place where you are going
4. I prefer to be far from other people when I’m on holiday. I don’t like being close to crowds of tourists
5. People are now aware of the harm of smoking. A lot of us have given up smoking.
6. He is responsible for looking after visitors coming from other countries.
7. He is still a student, so he financially depends on his parents. After he graduates in university, he will look for a job.
8. Could you tell me the differences between these two pictures? - Well, I think this picture is quite similar to that
one. They are not very different from each other.

VII. Correct the mistake in the sentences

1. Nam is having a medical check-up and so I am. am i
2. My brother doesn’t like durians, and I don’t like them, too. either
3. She is looking forward to go on holiday next weekend. going
4. Look! That house is on fire. I am going to call a fire brigade. the
5. After John will finish the letter, he will go to the post office. Finishes
6. His age is the same as me, and we are in the same class.
7. I have less books than my older sister does.
8. Jack is in his bedroom and he reads a very interesting comic. Is reading
9. What is the distant from your house to the city centre? distance
10.I haven’t got any plan for tonight. Perhaps I am going to hang out with my friends. Plans

VIII. Rewrite the following sentences as directed

1. When was the last time you went to the cinema?
When did you last go to the cinema ?
Alice is the most intelligent girl in my class.
No other girl is more intelligent than Alice.
2. He had an accident because he was careless.
Because of his carelessness, he had an accident
3. My friend came to my house at 8.30. I was cleaning the floor then. (when)
I was cleaning the floor at 8.30 when my friend came to my house.
4. We are not going to attend that meeting.
We have made a decision to not attend that meeting
5. Last Monday was the first time I travelled by air.
I had travelled by air the first time last Monday
6. It was such terrible weather that they had to cancel the football match
Grade 9 – Week 2 – July 2021
The weather was so terrible that they had to cancel the football match.
7. I had no intention of going to her wedding. (not)
I’m not interested in going to her wedding.
8. It is not necessary for you to learn all these new words by heart. (have)
You don’t have to learn all these new words by heart.
9. She arrived at our house in the middle of our dinner.
While we were having dinner, she arrived at our house
10. This is the most expensive shirt I have ever bought. (never)
I have never bought a shirt as expensive as this one
11. My brother started painting this picture a month ago. (for)
My brother have started painting this picture for a month.
IX. Choose the correct answer
People often say that living with teenagers is worse than living with any other age group. But is this true?
Yes, sometimes it’s really difficult living with teenagers. But it isn’t only their (old/ years/ age)1 ………., it’s also the type of
people they are. My two sons are (completion/ completely/ complete)2 ………. different. Tom’s easier to live with than
Harry. Harry’s a typical moody fifteen-year-old. He’s (a lot/ bit/ more)3 ………. noisier and more aggressive than Tom, and
he isn’t as considerate. (Because/ So/ But)4 ………. he’s much harder to live with. But Harry’s got his good side too. He’s
very bright and his exam results are always better than Tom’s.
Tom’s two years older (more/ as/ than)5 ………. Harry, so he’s more mature and (little/ few/ less)6 ………. stubborn than his
brother. He’s also a bit more patient and can be very helpful when he wants (being/ to be/ be)7 ………. . But he’s got bigger
problems at school. He’s as intelligent as Harry, but he’s much lazier and his exam results are always worse than his
brother’s. Harry wants to be a pilot when he (leaves/ will leave/ left)8 ………. school, but Tom doesn’t know what he wants to
In some ways I’m a bit more worried about Harry because he isn’t as happy as Tom. But I also worry about Tom because he
hasn’t got any plans (about/ in/ for)9 ………. his future. Yes, life is hard living with teenagers, but I (miss/ am missing/ will
miss)10………. them when they leave home.
X. Write correct sentences from the suggested words
1. Lan / learn/ English/ since/ she/ 5 years old.
Lan has learned English since she was 5 years old
2. You/ ever/ eat/ Italian restaurant/ by/ river?
Have you ever eaten in an Italian restaurant by the river?
3. How old/ Peter/ when/ he/ start/ learn/ play/ piano?
How old was Peter when he started learning how to play the piano?
4. Although/ it/ rain/ hard/ last Sunday/ they/ go/ swim.
Although it rained hard last Sunday, they still went swimming
5. Mother/ work/ Math teacher/ nearly/ 15 years.
My mother has worked as a Math teacher for nearly 15 years
6. I/ never/ meet/ her again/ since/ she/ move/ abroad/ live.
I have never meet her again since she moved aboard to live
7. Parents/ just/ return/ home/ holiday/ Hawaii.
My parents have just returned home from their holiday vacation in Hawaii
8. I/ not/ have/ appointment/ dentist/ since/ last August.
I haven’t had an appointment from a dentist since last August
9. While/ she/ go/ work/ yesterday/ meet/ old friend.
While she was going to work yesterday, she met an old friend
10. Train/ already/ leave/ when/ we/ get/ station/ yesterday.
The train had already left when we got to the station yesterday
Grade 9 – Week 2 – July 2021
11. Parents/ want/ her/ get/ good job/ when/ she/ leave/ university.
Her parents want her to get a good job when she leaves university
12. You/ met/ Jack/ since/ move/ another country?
Have you ever met Jack since he moved to another country?
XI. Read the following passage and choose the best answer.
Before the invention of plastic: Before plastic, the only materials that could be molded into different shapes were clay and
glass. However, both of these materials are heavy and break easily. This is why plastic was a big improvement.
Today, plastic is used in almost everything, from shopping bags and bottles to chairs and cars. Plastic has conquered the
world. But do you know how it was first made?
1862 - Parkesine
The first man-made plastic was created by Alexander Parkes, who introduced it at the 1862 Great International Exhibition in
London. It was called Parkesine, and it was made from plant materials. Once heated, it could be molded, and it held its
shape when cooled. Also, it could be made colored or transparent. However, it was too expensive to produce for common
1866 - Celluloid
In the 19th century, billiards was so popular that a lot of elephants were being killed for their ivory, which was used to make
billiard balls. So, people tried to find a substitute. A U.S. billiard ball company offered a prize of $10,000 to the person who
could design the best substitute for natural ivory. In 1866, John Wesley Hyatt created Celluloid while trying to win the prize.
Although he failed to win, Celluloid was later used to make many products, including false teeth, piano keys, and ping pong
1909 - Bakelite
Leo Baekeland created Bakelite in 1909. Made entirely of artificial materials, it was the first true plastic. It was inexpensive,
and it kept its shape when heated. Soon, it was being used in many things, including electrical products and jewelry. Since
then, many other plastics have been developed.
Today - Petroleum
Today, most plastics are produced from non-natural materials made from petroleum. They are light, flexible, strong, and
cheap. Despite all these advantages, there is one problem: plastic waste breaks down slowly and toxic chemicals can leak
from it. Therefore, people are trying to develop less harmful plastics.
1. What is the main idea of this passage?
A. Plastic is harmful to many plants and crops.
B. New materials are currently being created to replace plastic.
C. Plastic was originally invented as a substitute for petroleum.
D. Plastic has been developed and improved over a long period of time.
2. Which item was NOT made with Celluloid?
A. ping pong balls B. billiard balls C. false teeth D. piano keys
3. Which was an advantage of Bakelite?
A. It broke down very slowly. B. It didn’t contain any chemicals.
C. It could be used to store petroleum. D. It could be heated without changing shape.
4. What can be inferred about Parkesine?
A. It wasn’t as strong as ivory. B. It could not be seen through.
C. It cost more to make than Bakelite. D. It was named after a billiard ball company.
5. Which can replace the word “produce” in line 8?
A. discover B. analyze B. introduce D. manufacture

6. Complete the summary with the words from the box.

expensive petroleum unfortunately products Parkesine environment Celluloid artificial substitute invented
Plastic is used to make many (1) products today. The first man-made plastic, called (2) Parkesine , was created from plant
material in 1862. However, it was too (3) expensive to make. In 1866, John Wesley Hyatt invented (4) Celluloid He was
trying to find a(n) (5) substitude for ivory, which was used to make billiard balls. Bakelite was (6) invented in 1909. It was
the first plastic to be made entirely from (7) artificial materials. Today, most plastic is made from (8) petroleum (9).
Unfortunately, this is bad for the (10) environment. Therefore, people are still looking for alternatives.

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