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Argentine Chamber of Deputies, 1904-1955: Roll Call Records and

Member Characteristics

Principal Investigator

Peter H. Smith


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Argentine Chamber of Deputies, 1904-1955: Roll Call Records and Member Characteristics. [machine-
readable data file] / Peter H. Smith [principal investigator] / Data and Information Services Center,
University of Wisconsin-Madison [distributor].

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SESSIONS 1904-1955

Collected by Professor Peter Smith

Department of History

Deposited at
The Data and Program Library Service
University of Wisconsin-i'iadison
April 1974

First card= copy of card 1 of biography data set (type 01)

Second card = first roll call card, first year of legislative session (that is,
card type 11)
Third card= second roll call card, first year of legislative session (card type
Fourth card= first roll call card, second year of legislative session (card 21)
Fifth card= second roll call card, second vear of legislative session (card type


1904--05 Biop card, card 11, card 21

1906-07 Biog card, card 11, card 21
1908-09 Biog card, card 11, card 21
1910-11 Biog card, card 11, card 21
1912-13 Biog card, card 11, card 21
1914-15 Biog card, card 11, card 21
1916-17 Eiog card, card 11, card 21
1918-19 Biog card, card 11, card 21
1920-21 :Cio~ carcl, card 11, card 21
1922-23 Biog card, card 11, card 21
1924-25 Biog card, card 11, card 21
1926-27 Iliog card, card 11, card 21
1928--29 Bio~ card, card 11, card 21
1930 Biog card, card 11
1932-33 Biog card, card 11, card 21
1934-35 Biog card, card 11, card 21
1936-37 Bfog card, card 11, card 21
1938-39 Biog card, card 11, card 21
1940-41 Biog card, card 11, card 21
1942 Biog card, card 11
•) ')
1946-47 Biog card, card 11, card 12, card 13, card 21, card -'-~

1948-49 Biog card, card 11, card 12, card 21, card 22
1950-51 Biog cardt card 11, card :'.1, card

1952-54 Biog cart!, c.ard 11, card 21, card 31

1955 Biog card, card 11
SESSIONS 1904-1955


Cols. Variable ____ __ ----------


1-4 Personal identification number

5-6 Type of data card
11 = first roll call card, first year of session
12 = second roll call card, first year of session
13 = third roll call card, first year of session
21 = first roll call card, second year of session
22 = second roll call card, second year of session
7 Blank
8-9 Congressional year (last two digits only)
10 Status
1 = regularly elected Deputy
2 = filling out another Deputy's term
3 = delegado (appointee from federal territory, with
no voting rights in Chamber)
11-12 Province represented in this session
(see Appendix to Biography Data Set)
13-14 Political Party represented in this session
(see Appendix to Biography Data Set)
15 First roll call
16 Second roll call
17 Third roll call
(and so on, with as many columns punched as there are
roll calls, which are entered according to chronological


Position on roll calls (one roll call per column)

0 = ineligible; presiding officer or not a member
On votes for officers of Chamber:
l = eventual winner
2 = runner-up
3 = third-place candidate
4 = fourth-place candidate
5 = fifth or lower-olace candidate (original code
allowed for 6 places, but not in this particular
data set)
- !. -

7 = abstain (in this data set, winners of elections

who cast courtesy votes for other .Jeputies
have been given 7 on such roll calls)
On substantive issues:
6 = yes
7 = absta:i.n
3 = no
9 = one of at least five consecutive abstentions;
Deputy probably absent

SESSTOI; 1904-05
Column P,oll ~:all (mo/_<J._ayjvear)
15 Officership: President 4/26/04
16 Officership: President 5/02/04
17 Officership: Vice-president 5/02/04
18 Officership: Second \'ice-president 5/02/04
19 Off icersh:i.p: Comisi6n de CuentaA 5/06/04
20 l)fficership: Comisi6n de Cuentas 5/06/04
21 Officership: Comisi6n de Cucntas 5/06/04
22 Officership: Comisi6n de Cuentas 5/06/04
23 Officership: Comision de Cuentas 5/06/04
24 Officership: Comisi6n de Cuentas 5/06/04
25 Officership: President 7/13/04
26 Officership: Vice-president 7/13/04
27 0fficcrship: Second Vice-president 7/13/04
28 Designate for Presidential Succession 8/31/04


15 Officership: Provisional President 4/28/05

16 Officership: President 4/28/05
17 Officership: Vice-president 4/28/05
18 Officership: Second Vice-president 4/28/05
19 Officership: President 7/14/05
20 Officership: Vice-president 7 /H/05
21 Officership: Second Vice-president 7/14/05
22 Vote on Electoral ~eform 7/15/05
23 Designate for Presidential Succession 9/01/05

Column Eoll Call (mo/dav/vear)
15 Officership: Provisional President 4/26/06
16 Officership: President 5/08/06
17 Officership: Vice-president 5/08/06
18 Officership: Second Vice-president 5/08/06
19 Officership: Comisi6n de Cuentas 5/16/06
20 Officership: Comisi6n de Cuentas 5/16/06
21 Off :i.cership: Comision de Cuentas 5/16/06
22 Off icershiTJ: ComiRi6n de Cucntas 5/16/06
23 ('fficership: Conisi6n de Cuentas 5/16/06
24 Officership: Comision de Cuentas 5/16/06
25 nfficership: President 7/13/%
26 Officership: Vice-president 7 /13/06
27 Officership: Second Vice-president 7/13/06
28 nesignate for Presidential Succession 9/05/06
29 Approval of Election in Buenos Ai.res 9/12/06
30 Officership: President 10/24/06
31 Officership: Vice-oresident 10/24/()6
32 Officership: Second Vice-president 10/24/06


15 Officership: Provisional President 4/29/07

16 Officership: President 4/29/07
17 Officership: Vice-president 4/29/07
18 Officership: Vice-president 4/29/07
19 Officership: Second Vice-president !1/29/07
20 Officership: Comision de Cuentas 5/31/07
21 Officership: Comision de Cuentas 5/31/07
22 Officership: Comisi6n de Cuentas 5/31/07
23 Officership: Comisi6n de Cuentas 6/07/07
24 Officership: Comisi6n <le Cuentas 6/07/07
25 Officership: Comisi6n de Cuentas 6/07/07
26 Officership: Comisi6n de Cuentas 6/07/07
- 2 -

Column Roll Call (mo/day/year)
27 Officership: President 7/15/07
28 Officership: Vice-president 7/15/07
29 Officership; Second Vice-president 7/15/07
30 Designate for Presidential Succession 9/02/07
31 Intervention in Corri0.ntes 9/16/07
(Decision: to take it up in next session)
srssro:; 190;:;-09.
Column Roll Call (mo/day/vear)

15 Officership: Provisional President 5/01/08

16 Officership: President 5/07/03
17 Officership: President 5/07/08
18 Officership: Second Vice-president 5/07/08
19 Budget Bill 5/13/08
20 0fficership: Comisi~n de Cuentas 5/18/()8
21 Officership: Comision de Cnentas 5/18/fJ8
22 Officership: President 7/20/08
23 Officership: Vice-presid•'nt 7/20/08
24 Officership: Second qice-president 7/20/08
25 Designate for Presidential Succession 9/02/08

15 Officership: President 5/0.5/09

16 Officership: Vice-president 5/05/09
17 Officership: Second Vice-president 5/05/09
rn Officership: Pr~~i<lcnt 7/19/09
19 Officership: Vice-president 7/19/'1')
20 Officership: Second '!ice-president 7/19/09
21 Intervention in co'rdo:,a 8/11/00
22 ,lesi?.:nate for Presidential Successi.on 9/01/09
SESSH':·: l '.'10-11

:'."'.ol l Call
--- (mo/day/year)

15 Officership: Provisional President 4/26/10

16 0ff icership: Presi.dent 5/02/10
17 Officership: Vice-prP.sident 5/02/10
18 Officership: Second Vice-president 5/02/10
19 Officership: President 7/15/10
20 Officership: Vicc···president 7/15/10
21 Officership: Second Vi.ce-president 7/15/10
22 Designate for Presidential Succession 9/02/10


15 Officership: President 5/05/11

16 Officership: Vice-president 5/05/11
17 Officership: Second Vice-president 5/05/11
18 Officership: President 7/17 /11
19 Officership: Vice-president 7 /17 /11
20 Off ice rs hip; Second Vice-president 7/17 /11
21 Investifation of Judicial Neglip,ence 8/21/11
22 Designate for Presi.dential Succession 9/01/11
23 Designation of Interim Secretary 9/01/11
24 Opposition to Presidential Objections 9/29/11
25 Electoral Reform 11/24/11
26 Opposition to Presidential Ohjections 2/13/12
SESSION 1912-13


Column Roll Call (mo I oaylv"-':Jl_I)

15 Officership: Provisional President 5/13/12

16 Officership: President 6/03/12
17 Officership: Vice-president 6/03/12
18 Officership: Second Vice-president 6/03/12
19 Subsidy for. Independence Celebration 6/21/12
20 Officership: President 7/17/12
21 Officership: Vice-president 7/17/12
22 Officership: Second Vice-president 7/17/12
23 Taking of National Census 8/05/12
24 Desi.gnation of Representative to Snanish
Celebration 8/12/12
25 Designate for Presidential Succession 9/02/12
26 Presidential Decision to Live in San Isidro 9/10/12
27 Designation of Secretary 9/18/12
28 Administrative Jobs for Deputies 9/25/12
29 Officership: President 11/27/12
30 Officership: Vice-president 11/27 /12
31 Officership: Second Vice-president 11/27/12
32 Intervention in ~alta 3/03/13
33 Budget Bill 3/31/13


15 Officership: President 5 /02/13

16 Officership: Vice-president 5 /02/13
17 Officership: Second \'i ce-presi.dent 5 /02/13
18 Budget Bill 5 /16/13
19 Budget Bill 5 /29/13
20 Officership: President 7/16/13
21 Officership: Vice-president 7/16/13
22 Officership: Second i.:ice-prer; i,Ient 7/16/13
23 Approval of Election in P.ueno.s Aires Province 7/23/13
24 Designation of Interl!:! Secretary 7/30/13
25 Designate for Presi.dentifll Succession 9/10/13

Column o_l_l_C_n_l_l_ _ _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ _r:o__ (mo/dav/vear)

26 Opposition to Presidential Veto of

Pensions Bill 9/29/13
27 Onposition to Presidential Veto of
Pensions Bill 9/29/13
28 Interpellation on Politics in Iluenos Aires
Province 11/05/13
29 Budget rill 12/22/13
30 <::alnry for Absent :'.eputies 12/29/13
31 ?eduction in Federal f, 12/31/13
SESSION 1914-1 5

Column Roll Call (mo/ day/v£,ar)

15 Officersnlp: Prnvisional President 4/25/14

16 Approval vf Election in .3ucno.:, Aires .5/18/14
17 Officership: Ad hoc President 5/20-21/14
18 OfficersniP: President 5/22/14
19 Offict:rship: Vice-president 5/22/14
20 Officership: Second Vice-president 5/22/14
21 Officership: President 7/15/14
22 Officership: Vice-president 7 /15/14
23 Officership: Second Vice-president 7/15/14
24 Approval of Election in Jujuy 7/24/14
25 ;\pproval of Ele,:tion in Jujuy 7/24/14
26 :fonetary Pol icy 8/07/14
27 Designate for Presidential Succession 8/31/14
28 Appointment of Secretary 9/23/14
29 Reconsideration of Budget 12/01/14
30 Government Spending on Church 12/16/1,4
31 Government Spending on Church 12/21/14

15 Officership: President 5/01/15
16 Officership: Vice-president 5/01/15
17 Officership: Second Vice-president 5/01/15
18 Anti-strike Clause in Railroad Labor Law 6/21/15
19 Officership: President 7/14/15
20 Officership: Vice-president 7/14/15
21 Officership: Becond Vice-president 7/14/15
22 Officership: Second Vice-president 8/27/15
23 Designate for Presidential Succession 8/27/15
24 Officership: President 1/13/16
25 Officership: Vice-president 1/ 13/ 16
26 Budget Bill 1/26/16
SESSIO>I 1916-17

Column Roll Call _(mo/ day /vear)

15 Officership: Provisional President 4/26/16

16 Approval of Election in Buenos Aires
Province 5/19/16
17 Approval of Election :i.n .Jujuy 5/20/16
18 Officership: President 5/24/16
19 Officership: Vice-president 5/24/16
20 Officership: Second Vice-president 5/24/16
21 Officership: President 7/17/16
22 Officership: Vice-president 7 /17 /16
23 Officership: Second Vice-president 7/17/16
24 Designate for Presidential Succession 9/01/16
25 Electoral Reform in Provinces 9/26/16
26 Direct Election of Intendant (Mayor) of
Tiuenos Aires City 9/29/16
27 Vote to Summon !1inister 12/21/16
28 Support for Parochial Schools 12/26/16
29 "roce<lures for Debatinp Budret 1/15-16/17
30 :::>atent T,;:iw on ,\lcohol 1/18/17


15 Officership: President 4/26/17

16 Officership: Vice-president 4/26/17
17 Officership: Second Vice-president 4/26/17
18 Intervention in Ruenos Aires ~rovince 6/08/17
19 :{eading of documents by speakers 6/03/17
20 Intervention in Buenos Aires Province 6/08/17
21 Legalization of divorce 6/20/17
22 Officership: President 7/16/17
23 Officership: Vice-president 7/16/17
24 Officership: Second Vice-president 7/16/17
25 Credentials: Enrique '-:artinez 7/27/17
26 Sugar Tariff 8/02/17
27 Sugar Tariff 8/02/17
- 2 •.

Column :<oll Call (mo/dav/vear)

28 Su~ar Tariff 8/02/17

29 Sugar Tariff 3/03/17
30 Sugar Tariff 8/03/17
31 Information on Bankin~ Practices 8/06/17
32 Intervention in Buenos Aires Province 8/08/17
33 Lesi~nate for Presi~ential ~uccession 8/31/17
34 Investigation of Pension Policies 9/07/17
35 Intervention in Buenos Aires Province 9/07/17
36 Entrance into World War I 9/22/17
37 Diplomatic Relations with G0.rmany 9/24/17
38 :.'iplomatic Relations ~dth c;erm.any 9/24/17
39 Salary of Senators 12/20/17
40 Legal Immunity of iJeputies 1/08/18
41 Export Tax 1/08/18
42 Intervention in Buenos fires Province 1/26/18
43 Tariff Protection for Shoe Industry 1/26/18
44 Creation of Frontier Police Force 3/13/18
45 l!inimum Wage for Government T,Yorkers 3/13/18
4G Ant:i.-locust Car.ipai~n 3/13/18
47 "Agricultural ;)efense'' Item in Budget 3/13/13
SESSI()!, ln8-19


Column Roll Call (ino/day/vear)

15 Officership: Provisional President 4/10/18

16 Postponement of Judgement on Elections
in Salta 4/30/18
17 Officership: President 5/04/18
18 Officership: Vice-president 5/04/18
19 Officership: Second Vice-president 5/04/18
20 Information on Public Debt 6/19/18
21 Declaration of National Holidays
(including 14 July) 7/03/18
22 Officership: President 7/15/18
23 Officership: Vice-president 7/15/18
24 Officership: Second Vice-president 7/15/18
25 Officership: Second Vice-president 7/24/18
26 Designate for Presidenti~l Succession 8/28/18
27 Congressional Authority to Get Information
from Executive 9/13/18
28 Senate Revision of Pension Bill 9/26/18
29 Officership: President 1/08/19
30 Officership: Vice-president 1/08/19
31 Officership: Second Vice-president 1/08/19
32 State of Seige (semana ~r~gica) 1/14/19
33 Designate for Presidential Succession 1/30/19
34 Emission of Paper Currency 2/25/19
35 Strike in Port of Buenos Aires 3/20/19
36 Extension of 1918 Budget 4/09/19
37 Pensions for Railroad Workers 4/24/19
38 Tax Exemptions for Railroad Companies under
:vl'itre Law 4/25/19

15 Officership: President 4/26/19

16 Officership: Vice-president 4/26/19
17 Officership: Second Vice-president 4/26/19
18 Credentials: Federico Pinedo (h.) 6/04/19
- 2 -

Column Roll Call (mo/dav/year)

19 Congressional Attendance 7/03/19

20 Congressional Attendance 7/03/19
21 Congressional Attendance 7/03/19
22 Senate Revision of 1919 Bud~et Bill 7/04/19
23 Officership: President 7 /16/19
24 Officership: Vice-nresidcnt 7/16/19
25 Officership: Second Vice-president 7/16/19
26 :lilitary Intervention in Politics 8/07/19
27 Tax Exemptions for Pailroad CoMpanies under
:'-Titre Law 8/13/19
28 Senate Revision in }atre Law 8/13/19
29 Interr,ellation on Government Dealinps in
Gold 8/20/19
30 Grant to C1rculo ~!il.i.tar 9/12/19
31 ITandling of Census-related Hills 9/12/19
32 Postal Bureaucracy 9/17/19
33 1914 Census and electoral Pepresentation <)/18/lCJ
34 Postponement of Debate on Pensions for
Desert Campaign 9/19/19
35 Suspension of Debate on Budget 9/29/19
36 Ahuse in Pension Payment 9/30/19
37 Postponement of ;)ehate on Catarnarca
Intervention 11/04/19
38 Schedule for Takinfi up Political Issues 12/03/19
39 Political Situation in '~ndoza 12/03/19
40 Loan to Britain, T'rance, Italv (Germany
Excluded) 12/11/19
41 Postponement of Debate on European Loan 12/17/19
42 Postponement of Debate on European Loan 1/13/20
43 Closfog of Debate on European Loan 1/13/20
44 .\uthorization of Loan to Germany 1/13/20
45 P.u thori7.a t fon of Loan, hut not to Germany 1/13/20
46 Collective Responsibility for •:epayment of
fa1ropean Loan 1/13/20
47 Withdrawal of Funds from Ca_ia de Conversion
for European Crenit 1/14/20
- 3 -

~ Roll Cnll
(mo/(1 ;:i.y/vear)

48 Tax on Agricultural Products 1/14/20

49 Reconsideration of Decision to Exclude
Germany from Loan 1/14/20
50 'Homage to Jost Nestor Lencinas 1/21/20
51 Compulsory Congressional Attendance l/26/2C
52 Congressional ftttendance 1/30/20
53 Interpellation on Harrassment of
Party 2/03/20
54 Tnterpellation on Harrassment of Socialist
Party 2/03/20
55 Sugar Tariff 2/05/20
56 Resignation by Carlos A. BecJ 1+/06/20
57 Political Situation in Buenos Aires Province 4/07 /20
sr~srn:: 1nn-2.1

Column '"!oll Call (mo/day/vear)
15 Officership: Provisional President 4/06/20
16 Officership: President 4/30/20
17 Officership: Vice-president 4/30/20
18 Officership: Second Vice-president 4/30/20
19 Senate 1:)evision of Pheat Export Tax 6/08/20
20 Budget Provision for railroad Feasibility
Study 6/30/20
21 Senate Revision of Customs Tax E/30/20
22 Officership: President 7/15/20
23 Officership: Vice-president 7/15/20
24 Officership: Second Vice-president 7/15/20
25 Line of Presidentinl Succession 7/28/20
26 Line of Presidential Succession 7/28/20
27 Interpellation of Treasurv :~nister 7/29/20
28 Postponement of Debate on Rent Control 8/04/20
29 Investigation of Sugar Industry and
Government Policy 8/17/20
30 Duration of Rent Control (Two Years) 8/19/20
31 Applicability of Two-year ~ent Control
Notwithstanding Lease Provisions 8/19/20
32 Designate for Presidential fuccession 8/31/20
33 Daily Conpressional Sessions 9/07/20
34 Investi~ation of Judicial Impropriety 9/09/20
35 Report on Judicial Impropriety 9/09/20
36 Powers of Congressional Investi~ation 9/14/20
37 Jlebate on fgrarian Crisis (Instead of
Horse Racing) 9/21/20
38 Investigation of Financial Policies q/22/20
39 Presidential Veto of Cigarette Tax 9/27/20
40 Impeachment of Pederal Judge 9/28/20
41 Development Along l'ailway Lines 9/28/20
42 Senate Rejection of Public Works Bill 9/30/20
43 Presidential Objections to 3Ul for Teacher's
Pension 9/30/20
- 2 -
Column Roll Call (mo/dav/year)

44 Officership: President 1/20/21

45 Officership: Vice-president 1/20/21
46 Officership: Second Vice-president 1/20/21
47 Consideration of Resolution to Censure
Yrigoyen 1/26/21
48 Consideration of Resolution to Censure
Yrigoyen 1/27/21
49 Senate Revision of 1.fool F.xport Tax 1/27/21
50 Investigation of Political Situation in
San .Tuan 1/28/21
51 Tntervention in San Juan 2/25/21
52 ~1inimum Page for Government Employees 3/16/21
53 Suspension of Debate on Conduct of Treasury
!iinister 4/08/21
54 Debate on Conduct of Treasurv 1'i.nister 4/20/21
55 Debate on Conduct of Treasury ~linister 4/20/21
56 Approval for Conduct of Treasury Minister 4/27/21
57 Approval for Conduct of Treasury Ninister 4/27/21
58 Approval for ~fetal Export Policies 4/27/21
59 Temporary Budget Bill for : 1onth of ~-!ay 4/29/21


15 Officership: President 4/26/21

16 Officership: Vice-president 4/26/2.1
17 Officership: Second Vice-president 4/26/21
18 Interpellation on Police Action Against
~-'orkers 5/01/21
19 Consideration of Pensions 6/03/21
20 Interpellation on Interve.ntion in San Juan 6/08/21
21 Pension for Family of Deceased Deputy 6/09/21
22 Intervention in San Juan 6/23/21
23 Anti-dumping C:lause (in Anti-tru.c;t Bill)
' ·. I
24 Intervention in San Juan 7/08/21
25 Officership: President 7 /15/21
Officership: Vice-president 7/15/21
27 Officership: ~ecoad lice-president 7/15/21
- 3 -

Column ?oll Call (tno/dav/year)
28 Interpellation on '·'eat-market Policies 7/15/21
29 Interpellation on ·~at-market Policies 7 /15/21
30 Interpellation on }'o""'.lestead L,H, 7/15/21
31 Information on Financial 0 oJicies 7 /21/21
Information on rational Ru<lget ;\ccounts 8/03/21
33 ,~eading of ~-lessap:e fror.i Yri.croyen 8/03/21
34 Clos in~ :;ebate on ?,~ad in,:; nf · 'es sage fro1:1
Yrig,oyen 8/04/21
35 Investigation of Agrarian Policies 8/11/21
36 Investigation of l.grarian PoHci es 3/11/21
37 Intervention in ran Jua~ P/17/21
38 '1inirum Wage for Covernrn2nt •·r,r,loyces 8/24/21
39 ~esi~nate for rresidential Succrssion P./31/21
40 lnvestiration of Arrarian noJicies 9/06/'J.l
41 Bu<lret Bill for 1921 9/lli/21
42 Order of Business 0/2()/21
Closing of ,_;ebate on Rung-et Bill 9/20/21
44 ~·1inimum Wage for Governrient E111ployees 9/20/21
45 Information on Covernr1ent Loan frorr Banco
d e J.a ,, •"
,:ac1on 9/22/21
46 Information on (;overnr,ent Loan frorn Banco
<le la :zacio'n 9/22/21
47 Information on !,lle~ed Loan frorri US/I. 'J/27/21
48 Alleged Jr.1pro1_Jriety hy Cabinet ::embers 9/28/21
49 S0nate ~fodifications in Budget 9/30/21
50 Officership: President 1/31/22
51 Officership: Vice-president 1/31/22
52 Officership: Second Vice-president 1/31/22
53 Violation of Legal Immunity for Deputies 2/01/22
54 Investigation of Disturbances in ~anta Cruz 2/08/22
55 Compulsory Congressional Attendance 3/23/22
56 Conduct of Intervention in San Juan 4/05/22
57 Rerroval of Tax on Agricultural Fxports 4/05/22

Column - - - - - - ~to]) s_,aJ_.l_______ (mo/ dB';' /year)

15 Officership: Provisional PrPsident 4/26/22

16 Postponement of Debate on Elections in
fantiago del Estero 5/15/22
17 Officership: President 5/15/22
18 Officership: Vice-president 5/15/22
19 Officership: Second Vice-president 5/15/22
20 Officership: Presi<lcnt 7/lli/22
21 Officership: Vice-nresi<lent 7/14/22
22 Officership: Second Vice-president 7/14/22
23 Information on PetroleuJTt and Govermnent
Policy 7/19/22
24 Information on Petroleum and Government
Policy 7/20/22
25 Investigation of Sisal Industry 7/21/22
26 Information on Petroleun and Government
Policv 7/28/22
27 Construction of :)rainage System in Buenos
.Aires Citv 8/17/22
28 Construction of lJrainage System in Buenos
/ires City 8/24/22
29 Construction of Drainage System in Buenos
Aires City 8/24/22
3() ilesignate for Presidential Succession 8/31/22
31 0rde! of Business; Intervention in C~rdoha 9/01/22
32 Informatjon on Public Debt 9/13/22
33 Order of Business: Railroad Pensions 9/11/22
34 Order of Business; Violation of Parliamentary
Community 9/ll./22
35 Order of Business; Information on Public Debt 9/15/22
36 Order of Business 9/20/22.
37 Presidential ~~ssage on Divorce 9/21/22
38 Order of Business; Intervention in Cbrdoha 9/21/22
39 !,udget Bill 9/27/22
40 Officership: President 12/04/22
41 Officership: Vice-president 12/04/22
42 l)ffi.cership: Second 17 fce-president 12/04/22
43 Informacion on 'Government Policy Concerning
Gold 12/15/22
Column Roll Call (mo/day/zear)

44 Violation of Parliamentarv Innnunity 1/19/23

45 Violation of Parliamentary Immunity 1/19/23
46 Violation of Parliamentary Immunity 1/19/23
47 Budget Bill 2/01/23
48 Violation of Parliar,entary Jr.imunity 3/08/23
49 Postponement of ;)ebate. on Intervention in
C6rdoba J/09/23
50 Order of nusiness 3/15/23
51 0rder of Business; Intervention in ctrdob~ 3/15/23
52 Intervention in c6rdoba 3/15/23
53 nrder of Business 3/23/23
54 Rent Control 3/23/23
55 ConRressional Attendance 4/12/23
56 Order of Business; Cattle Crisis vs. Budget
Bill 4/16/23
57 Control of ,~at Trade li/17 /23
58 Order of Business; Cattle Crisis 4/19/23
59 Press Coverage of Tax necisions lf/'2.3/23

15 0fficership: President lf/26/23

16 Officership: Vice-president 4/26/23
17 nfficership: Second Vice-president lf/26 /23
18 [rasure of Insult froM Iiiario }e 5esiones 5/16/23
19 nn Impeachment Proceedin?,s 5/19/23
20 Consideration of Bud2et Bill 6/01/23
21 nudget for nost "'ffice 6/01/23
22 Budget lncrease Pe~ardinr Eorder wit~ Bolivia 6/06/23
23 Procedure for Dealing with Budget 6/11/23
24 ' of (!uorrnr A/14/21
25 Violation of Parliamentary Immuaity 6/22/23
26 Maintenance of nuorun G/22/23
27 - Officership: . President 7/19/23
28 Officership: Vice-president 7/19/2?
29 ·officersbip: Second Uicc-nresident 7/19/23
- 3 -

Column Roll Call (mo/day/vear)

30 Legalization of '1 ivorce 8/08/23

31 Allegations of Judicial Impropriety 8/23/23
32 Designate for Presidential ~uccession 9/06/23
33 Pensions for :r:ailroacl t'orkers 9/11/23
34 ,'pproval of Elections in San Juan 9/12/23
35 Investigation of Caja :.;aci.ono1l de .".horro
Postal 9/27/23
36 Investi~ation of Caja ,''.acional de 1\horro
Postal 9/23/23
37 C'rder of Business; Budget Hill 10/03/23
38 nrder of Business 10/04/23
39 Quorum for Dealinp wit11 Budget 10/08/23
40 Senate H.evi.sion in 1923 Budget Bill 10/08/23
41 Information on Commercial Tax Payments 10/18/23
42 Consi<leration of Petroleum Industry and
Government Policy 10/19/23
43 Grder of Business; Pensions 10/24/23
44 Senate Revision in 192.3 Buclget Bill 10/24/23
45 ~linirnum Wage for l:orkers on State-owned
Pailroads Hl/24/23
46 Consideration of Federal Court System 10/26/23
47 Order of Business; Federal Courts vs.
Intervention in Jujuy 11/07/23
48 Senate Revision in Tariff Bill 11/08/23
49 Tariff 11/08/23
50 Tariff 11/08/23
51 Sugar T~d.ff 11/15/23
52 Tariff 11/15/23
53 Tariff 11/21/23
Column 1{oll Call (mo/day/year)

15 Officership: Provisional 'President 4/10/24

16 Postponement of )ebate on Elections in
Cordoba 6/06/24
17 l'ostponement of Debate on Elections in
C6rdoba 6/06/24
18 Postponement of Debate on Electi.ons in
Mendoza 6/10/24
19 Approval of Elections in Mendoza 6/10/24
20 :;otion to Adjourn rather than Elect Officers 6/11/24
21 Officership: President 6/12/24
22 Officership: Vice-president 6/12/24
23 Officership: Second Vice-president 6/12/24
24 Officership: President 7/16/24
25 Officershin: Vice-president 7/16/24
26 Officership: Second Vice-president 7/16/24
27 Publication of Congressional Committee
'Proceedings 7/16/24
23 Order of Dusiness 7/24/24
29 Approval of r.lections in c6rdoba 7/30/24
30 Approval of Elections in Cordoha 8/06/24
31 Approval of Elections in Cordoba 8/13/24
32 Approval of Elections in cbrdoba 8/14/24
33 Aµproval of Elections in Cordoba 8/14/24
34 Order of Business; Elections in Cordoba 8/14/24
35 Approval of Elections in C~rdoba 8/14/24
36 Approval of Elections :i.n Cordoha 8/14/24
37 Approval of Elections in c6rdoha 8/14/24
38 Approval of Elections tn Cordoba 8/14/24
39 Order of Business; Investigation of Banco
Hipotecario Nacional 8/22/24
40 Designate for Presidential Succession 8/29/24
41 .A.llowing Deputy to be Rector of a Cniversity 9/16/24
42 Ppproval of Leave for ~r. Jos' Arce 9/16/24
43 Postponement of Debate on Lea~ue of T,ations 9/17/24
- 2 -
Column '.,oll Call (mo/day/year)

44 '.lembership in League of ·-;at ions 9/17 /24

45 0rder of Lusiness 9/19/24
46 C'rdcr of Dus:i.ness; ·'ent Co11trol 9/22/24
47 Consideration of 1924 Budget Bill 9/23/24
48 Intervention in ··fendnzrr Q/24/24
49 0rder of Business n/25/24
5,) Presidential 0Ljections to Srilary-nayment 11 ill 9/26/24
51 ~ocial Security ProvisioPs 9/29/24
52 <'n1cr o~ Fusiness 9/3fl/24
53 Officcr~:ip: ?resi<lent 11/21/24
54 Officership: Vice-president 11/21/24
55 Officership: Second Vice-president 11/21/24
56 J~udp;et 12/03/24
57 Tntervention in San Juan 1?./04/24
58 Spcakinr ~ime for Dorneo David ~accone, for
/,ttack on Leopoldo "elo 12/10/24
59 Accusation Against Leonoldo Melo 12/19/Zlf
60 Senate~ Hevision of Buclp;et Hill 12/19/24


15 Officership: President 5/07/25

16 Officership: Vice-president 5/07/25
17 nfficership: Second Vice-president 5/07/25
13 Alienations Regarding Labor Law 6/03/25
19 Allegations Regardinp; Labor Law 6/03/25
20 Consideration of Flections in Santiago del
Estero 6/0/f/25
21 Interpellation on Application of Labor Law 6/lA/25
22 Interriellation on Appli.cation of Labor Law 6/24/25
23 Intervention in San Juan 6/24/25
24 Order of Business 7/01/25
25 Approval of Elections in Santiago del Estero 7/03/25
26 Officership: President 7/16/25
27 Officership: Vice-president 7/16/25
28 Officership: Second Vice-president 7/16/25
29 Consideration of Social-security Law 7/22/25
- 3 -

Column Roll Call ,,(mo/day/year)
30 Acceptance of Mario Guido's Resignation as
Chamber President 8/12/25
31 Officership: President 8/20/25
32 Officership: Vice-president 8/20/25
33 Officership: Second Vice-president 8/20/25
34 lnterpellation on Elections in Mendoza 8/26/25
35 Postponement
I' ;l'N
of Debate on Resignation by
Jose A. Nunez 8/26/25
36 Consideration of Resignation by Jos~ A. Nunez 8/27/25
37 Designate for Presidential Succession 9/09/25
38 Accusation of Two Mendoza Deputies 9/16/25
39 Expulsion of Two Mendoza Deputies 9/17 /25
40 Expulsion of Mendoza Deputies 9/23/25
41 Expulsion of Individual Mendoza Deputy 9/23/25
42 Officership: President 12/09/25
43 Officership: Vice-president 12/09/25
44 Officership: Second Vice-president 12/09/25
45 Consideration of Social-security Law 1/13/26
46 Mismanagement of Caja Nacional de Ahorro
Postal 1/21/26
47 Order of Business; Social-security vs.
Budget 1/27/26
SESSION 1926-27

Column Roll Call (mo/day/year)
15 Credentials of Deputies from Cordoba 4/06/26
16 Officership: Provisional President 4/06/26
17 Postponement of Debate on Resignation by
Romeo David Saccone 6/09/26
18 Postponement of Debate on Election in Buenos
Aires Province 6/14/26
19 Approval of Election in Buenos Aires Province 6/14/26
20 Commencement of Parliamentary Deliberations 6/16/26
21 Approval of Elections in Cordoba 6/21/26
22 Procedures for Considering Electoral Cre-
dentials 6/21/26
23 Postponement of Vote on Credentials: Josl
Marfa Martinez 6/21/26
24 Postponement of Debate on Credentials: Jose
Maria Mart!nez 6/21/26
25 Approval of Elections in Jujuy 6/23/26
26 Postponement of Debate on Elections in
Mendoza 6/24/26
27 Approval of Elections in San Juan 6/24/26
28 Approval of Elections in San Juan 6/24/26
29 Officership: President 6/25/26
30 Officership: Vice-president 6/25/26
31 Officership: Second Vice-president 6/25/26
32 Committee on Voter Registration 7/14/26
33 Officership: President 7/15/26
34 Officership: Vice-president 7/15/26
35 Officership: Second Vice-president 7/15/26
36 Investigation of Naval Purchases (Two
Battleships) 7/29/26
37 Investigation of Purchases by State-owned
Railroads 7/30/26
38 Congressional Responsibility Regarding Budget 8/03/26
39 Consideration of Budget 8/03/26
40 Order of Business; Labor Bills 8/06/26
- 2 -

Column Roll Call (mo/day/year)

41 Presidential Objections to Bill to Shut

Businesses by 8 p.m. 8/06/26
42 Senate Revision of Bill on Night-time Work
in Bakeries 8/06/26
43 Senate Revision in 1926 Budget Bill 8/11/26
44 Women's Rights 8/24/26
45 Women's Rights 8/25/26
46 Women's Rights 8/25/26
47 Designate for Presidential Succession 8/31/26
48 Consideration of Pensions 9/09/26
49 Adjournment 9/15/26
50 Consideration of Labor Bill 9/15/26
51 Purchase of Armaments 9/22/26
52 Debate on Pension Bill 9/29/26
53 Debate on Pension Bill 9/29/26
54 Debate on Pension Bill 9/29/26
55 Pension for Widow of Leandro N. Alem 9/30/26
56 Officership: President 12/02/26
57 Officership: Vice-president 12/02/26
58 Officership: Second Vice-president 12/02/26
59 Interpellation Regarding Cattle Industry 12/09/26
60 Rejection of Budget for 1927 12/23/26
61 Consideration of 1927 Budget Bill 1/18/27
62 Consideration of Bill on Petroleum 1/18/27
63 Minimum Wage for Government Employees 1/18/27
64 Consideration of Increase in Military Salaries 1/18/27
65 Increase in Military Salaries 1/18/27
66 Increase in Governmental Salaries 1/18/27


15 Officership: President 5/11/27

16 Officership: Vice-president 5/11/27
17 Officership: Second Vice-president 5/11/27
18 Investigation of Police in Buenos Aires City 5/19/27
19 Delegation to International Labor Conference 6/08/27
20 Interpellation of Minister of War (on Voter
Registration;) 6/22/27
- 3 -

Column Roll. Call (mo/day/year)

21 Officership: President 7/20/27

22 Officership: Vice-president 7/20/27
23 Officership: Second Vice-president 7/20/27
24 Presidential Designation of National Anthem 7/22/27
25 Consideration of Petroleum Issue 7/28/27
26 Designate for Presidential Succession 9/01/27
27 Quorum for Debate on Petroleum 9/01/27
28 Consideration of Petroleum Issue 9/01/27
29 Nationalization of Petroleum 9/01/27
30 Nationalization of Petroleum 9/07/27
31 Nationalization of Petroleum 9/07/27
32 Nationalization of Petroleum 9/07/27
33 Investigation of Judiciary in Buenos Aires City 9/23/27
34 Order of Business; Petroleum Issue 9/27/27
35 Utilization of Profits by Yacimientos Petro-
lfferos de la Nacion (YPF) 9/28/27
36 Diplomatic Relations with Vatican 9/29-30/27
SESSION 1928-29

Column Roll Call (mo/dav/year)

15 Officership: Provisional President 5/21/28

16 Officership: President 6/11/28
17 Officership: Vice-president 6/11/28
18 Officership: 2nd Vice-president 6/11/28
19 Interpellation on Meat Trade 7/06/28
20 Resignation by Julio A. iloca, 7I 11/28
Deputy from Cordoba
21 Information on Labor Dispute 7/12/28
22 Presidential Reaction to Political 7/12/28
23 Intervention in San Juan 7I 13/28
24 Intervention in San Juan 7/18/28
25 Intervention in 11endoza 7/27 /28
26 ;·ledals for Olympic Fencing Team 8/08/28
27 Relationships with Paraguay 8/10/28
28 Investigation of Working Conditions 8/22/28
in Interior
29 Investigation of Working Conditions 8/29/28
in Interior
30 Designate for Presidential Succession 9/05/28
31 Nationalization of Petroleum 9/05/28
32 Order of Business 9/06/23
33 Order of Business 9/10/28
34 Orde::- of Business 9/13/28
35 '.fationalizatlon of Petroleum 9/17/28
36 Senate Revision on Intervention in 9/24-25/28
San Juan
37 Postponement of Debate on Codigo 9/25/28
de Comercio
38 Order of Business; Interventions 9/27/28
39 Sessions Over Weekend 9/27/28
40 Order of Business; Intervention in 9/27/28
Santa Fe
41 Order of Business; Intervention in 9/27/28
Entre R{os

Column Roll Call (mo/day/year)

42 Order of BtIBiness; Intervention in 9/27/28

43 Order of Business; Intervention in 9/27/28
San Luis
44 Closing of Debate on Resignation by 9/29-30/28
Ernesto Claros
45 Resignation by Ernesto Claros 9/29-30/28
46 Abstention by Alfredo L. Sriinetto 9/29-30/23
47 Closing of Debate on Construction of 9/29-30/28
48 Order of Business; Intervention in 9/29-30/28
Butre 1fos
49 Intervention in Ent1·e ~io:, '.) / 29-30/ 28
50 Censure of President of Chamber 9/29-'3')/28
51 Intervention i.n San J1.!a11 9/30/28


15 Officership: President 5/20/29

16 Of Eicers'liP: Vice-president 5/20/29
17 Officership: 2nd Vice-president 5/20/29
18 Interoellation on Agricultural Cri~is 6/12/29
19 Interpellation on Agricultural Crisis 6/13/29
20 Interpelln tlon on :.:duca tion Policies, 6/19/ 29
Mainly Re~arding Pri.vat0. '.~:ch0ols
21 Interpel lat.ion of '.i:r~!:Hhtry '.U nister 6/ 19/ 29
22 ~ecottsidl:ralion 1)f Proposal to Intero,~llate ri/19/29
Treasury !ilnist~r
23 Officer ship: '/ io:e-:)rP.B ident 7/17/29
24 OffL::crS:lip: ~n<l lfic,a-;:>r,~i,ident 7/17/29
25 Readin~ of AgenJa 8/16/29
26 Designate for Presidential SucC<'!SRion 9/05/29
27 Interpe.llation on Labor Poli.cies 9/05/29
28 Debate on Internellation 9/12/29
29 Interpellation Regarding ~ilitary Policies 9/13/29
and Attitudes
30 Calling of Permanent S•.!~lsion 9/18/29
31 Order of 3usiness 9/25/29
32 Quorum 11/06/29

Column '.foll Call (mo./day/year)

33 Quorum 11/06/29
34 Quorum 11/13/29
35 Adjournment 11/1:i/29
36 Recognition of Speaker 12/11/29
37 Adjournment 12/12-13/29
38 Order of Business 12/12-13/29
39 Attempt to Assassinate Yrigoyen 12/27/29
40 " de Privilegfo
Cuestion 1/15-16/30
SESSIO:-:r 1930

Column Roll Call (mo/day/year)

15 Officership: Provisional President 4/25/30

16 Credentials: Daniel Videla Dorna 6/27 I 30
17 Credentials: Daniel Videla Dorna 7/16/30
18 Credentials: Oaniel \'iJela Dorna 7/16/30
19 Approval of Elections in Corrientes 7/23/30
20 Quorum 8/06/30
21 Quorum 8/07/30
22 Approval of Elections in Mendoza 8/07/30
23 Approval of Elections in San Ju3n 8/29-30/30
24 Credentials: Carols R. Porto 8/29-30/30
25 Officership: President 9/01/30
26 Officership: Vice-president 9/01/ 30
27 Officershio: 2nd Vice-president 9/01/30
S;:3SION 1932-.!J

19 JJ.
Column (mo/ ci.ay /year)

15 /;ecess ::1rior to i.~le.;.:i:.:.:-n ,,;" ?rovLdonal. 1/20/32

16 .:;,)!1\if,..:'>'1.Cement (.if Sessiun l'rio1.· tc f:.pProv.11 1/2(1/ 32
or Credent L:d s
17 Cooonenccm~nt of Session Priur to Approval 1/2G/32
of Credentials
18 Officership: President 1/20/32
19 Officership: Vice-president 1/20/32
20 Officership: 2nd Vice-oresident 1/20/32
21 Senate Revision in :ommercial Tax Proposal 6/08/32
22 Intervention in Buenos Aires Province 7/20-21/32
23 6% Ceiling on Agricultural Loans by 7/27/32
Banco de la Naci6n
24 Senate Revision in \lunicipal ilond Issue 7/29/32
25 Political Amnesty 8/19/32
26 Presidential Veto on Porti0n of Budget 8/19/32
27 PresiJentlal Decrees on Government of 9/05/32
Buenos Aires City
28 Legal Rights of Employees 9/14/32
29 Order of Business; Debate on Sugar 9/20/32
30 Postponement of Debate on Ler,alized 9/21/32
31 Legalization of Divorce 9/23-24/32
32 Tariff Exemptions for Direcci6'n 9/29/32
Naci.onal de Vialidad
33 Labor Representation on Directorate 9/29/32
of YPF
34 Consideration of Indemnity for Job- 9/30/32
Related Injuries
35 Senate Revision of Tariff Exemptions for 9/ 30/ 32
Direccion Nacional de Vialidad
36 Postponement of Debate on YPF 9/30/32
37 Authorization for State of Seige 12/17/32
38 Consideration of Budr,et 12/21/32
39 Closing of Debate on 1933 Budget Bill 12/22-23/32
40 Recess During Debate on Budget Bill 12/22-23/32
41 Limitation of Debate on Military Budget 12/23-24/32

Column Roll Call (mo/day/year)

15 Officer3hip: President 4/26/33

16 Officership: Vice-president 4/26/33
17 Officership: 2nd Vice-president 4/26/33
18 Moratorium on Mortgages 6/22/33
19 Restriction on Speaking Time 7/07/33
20 Taxing Authority for Direccion General 7/21/33
de Obras Sanitarias
21 Taxing Authority for Direcci6n General 7/26/33
de Obras Sanitarias
22 He,rns of Corn.hat ting Uner.,ployrnent 8/09/33
23 ~ationalization of Municipal Packinghouse 8/18/33
24 Interrellation on Existence of Para- 9/12/33
military Groups
25 Order of Busine5s 9/15/33
26 Creation of New Dioceses 9/20-21/33
27 Recess in Debate on ]ew Dioceses 9/20-21/33
28 Order of Business; Creation of Xew 9/20-21/33
29 Changes in tor al 9/21-22/33
30 Senate Revisio1:. in ~:oratorium on :1ortgages 9/25/33
31 !1inimum Wage~ for r.overnment Employees 9/28-29/33
SESSION 1934-35

Column Roll Call (mo/day/year)

15 Officership: Provisional President 4/10/34

16 Credentials: Rafael N. Lencinas 4/26/34
17 Officership: President 4/27/34
18 Officership: Vice-president 4/27/34
19 Officership: Second Vice-president 4/27/34
20 Officership: Secretary 5/09/34
21 Information on State of Seige 5/09/34
22 Approval of State of Seige 7/14-15/34
23 Justice of Peace 7/18/34
24 Formulation of Commercial Code 7/18/34
25 Duty-free Passage for Vessels on Religious
Pilgrimages 7/19/34
26 Interpellation on Existence of Paramilitary
Groups 8/01/34
27 Control of Commerce in Grain 8/24/34
28 Provincial Retention of Rights to Petroleum 9/13/34
29 Order of Business; Interrogation about YPF 9/18/34
30 Loan to Local Packinghouse, 9/26-27/34
31 Power of Congressional Investigating
Committees, Especially Regarding Meat Trade 9/28/34
32 Order of Business 9/29-30/34
. 33 Loan to Local Packinghouse 9/29-30/34
34 Adjournment 9/29-30/34
35 Consideration of Pension Bill 9/29-30/34
36 Tax-sharing for Buenos Aires City 11/30/34
37 Provincial Taxes and Autonomy 12/03/34
38 10-year Duration of Tax Law 12/05/34
39 Tax on New Grape Orchards for Producing
Wine 12/06/34
40 Sales Tax 12/20/34
41 Senate Revision in Bill on Pensions 2/26/35
42 Sanitary Works 2/26/35
- 2 -


Column Roll Call (mo/day/year)

15 Officership: President 4/26/35

16 Officership: Vice-president 4/26/35
17 Officership: Second Vice-president 4/26/35
18 Consideration of Municipal Transport Bill 8/09/35
19 Tax on New Plantings of Yerba ~ 8/22/3.5
20 Information on Construction of Canals 9/24-25/35
21 Closing Debate on National Transport Bill 9/24-25/35
22 Creation of Comisi6n Nacional de Coordinaci6n
de Transportes 9/24-25/35
23 Consideration of Urban Transport Bill 9/25-26/35
24 Designate for Presidential Succession 9/27/35
25 Designate for Presidential Succession 9/27/35
SESSION 1936-37


Column Roll Call (mo/day/year)

15 Postponement of Debate on Credentials:

Emilio J. Hardoy 4/25/36
16 Officership: President 4/25/36
17 Officership: Vice-president 4/25/36
18 Officership: Second Vice-president 4/25/36
19 Approval of Elections in Buenos Aires
Province 6/17/36
20 Motion for Recess 6/17/36
21 Intervention and Elections in Santa Fe 10/30/36
22 Application of Ley de Residencia 11/04/36
23 Intensification of Anti-communist Campaign 12/09/36
24 Presidential Objections to Bill on Private
Chauffeurs 12/15/36
25 Increase in Size of Federal Court at
La Plata; Budget 12/18-19/36
26 Automobile Tax; Budget 12/29-30/36
27 Postponement of Debate on Financial Super-
vision of Autonomous Institutions 1/20/37


15 Officership: Provisional President 5/05/37

16 Officership: President 5/05/37
17 Officership: Vice-president 5/05/37
18 Officership: Second Vice-president 5/05/37
19 Wages for Government Workers 6/11/37
20 Quorum 8/04/37
21 Minimum Wage for Government Workers 1/21-22/38
SESSION 1938-39


Column Roll Call (mCJJEN.b.ean.
15 Officership: Provisional President 4/26/38
16 Procedure for Incorporation of New Deputies 4/26/38
17 Officership: President 4/26/38
18 Officership: Vice-president 4/26/38
19 Officership: Second Vice-president 4/26/38
20 Approval of Elections in Entre R!os 5/13/38
21 Consideration of Elections in Entre R{os 5/13/38
22 Publication of Letters on Miscarriage of
Justice 6/14/38
23 Approval of Elections in San Juan 6/30 -
24 Creation of Federal Police Force 7/20/38
25 Subsidy for c{rculo Hilitar 8/03/38
26 Bond Issue for Municipality of Buenos
Aires City 8/11/38
27 Reconstruction of Ferrocarril Trasandino
Argentino 8/23/38
28 Acquisition of Ferrocarril Trasandino 8/24/38
29 Acquisition of Ferrocarril Central Cbrdoba 9/01-02/38
30 Financing
Purchase of Ferrocarril Central
Cordoba 9/01-02/38
31 Treaty on Frontier with Bolivia 9/07/38
32 Banking Employees 9/14/38
33 Regulations and Financing for Middle-level
Schools 9/14/38
34 Regulations and Financing for Middle-level
Schools 9/14/38
35 Salary Payments for Deputies 9/15/38
36 Senate Revision in Bill for Water Exploration
in Catamarca 9/15/38
37 Tuberculosis Bill 9/20-21/38
38 Tuberculosis Bill 9/20-21/38
39 7% Ceiling on Mortgage Rates 9/20-21/38
40 3-year Limit on Mortgage Liability 9/20-21/38
41 Procedures for Default on Mortgage Payments 9/20-21/38
42 Consideration of Tax on Wine Production 9/22/38
43 Extension of Discussion on Anti-locust Bill 9/22/38
- 2 -

Column Roll Call (mo/day/year)

44 Consideration of Political Amnesty 9/26/38

45 Order of Business; Pensions for Police 9/27-28/38
46 Investigation of Instituto Movilizador de
Inversiones Bancarias 9/28-29/38
47 Tax on Radio Advertisements for Care of
School-age Children 9/29/38
48 Adjournment 9/30/38
49 Extension of Speaking Time 12/15/38
50 International Postal Rates 12/15/38
51 Official Welcome for Immigrants, Especially
German Jews 12/15/38
52 Consideration of Political Amnesty 12/15/38
53 Budget Bill for 1939 12/19/38
54 Creation of New Federal Courts 12/21/38
55 Salaries for Federal Judges 12/23-24/38
56 Increase in Salary for Military Doctors 12/23-24/38
57 Order of Business; Budget 12/23-24/38
58 Pensions for Police in Buenos Aires City 1/16/39
59 Adjournment; Pensions for Police 1/16/39
60 Pensions for Police in Buenos Aires City 1/17/39
61 Order of Business; Pensions for Magistrates 1/18/39
62 Order of Business; Pensions for Sailors and
Journalists 1/18/39
63 Pensions for :Magistrates and Diplomats 1/18/39
64 Presidential Veto on Portion of Budget 1/19/39


15 Officership: President 5/03/39

16 Officership: Vice-president 5/03/39
17 Officership: Second Vice-president 5/03/39
18 Order of Business; Political Amnesty 7/06/39
19 Examination of National Accounts 7/06/39
20 Spending on Official Residences and Offices 7/12/39
21 Homage to French Revolution 7/13/39
22 Archivist for Chamber of Deputies 7/14/39
23 Investigation of Political Repression in
Buenos Aires Province 8/02/39
- 3 -

Column Roll Call (mo/day/year)

24 Investigation of Political Repression in

Buenos Aires Province 8/02/39
25 Eviction of Colonists from State-owned
Land 8/03/39
26 Rural Colonization Bill 8/04/39
27 Consideration of Rural Colonization Bill 8/04/39
28 Wage Settlements for Railroad Workers 8/18/39
29 Order of Business 8/23/39
30 Wage Settlements for Railroad Workers 8/23/39
31 Wage Settlements for Railroad Workers 8/23/39
32 Colonization Scheme (including Expro-
priation) 8/24/39
33 Consideration of Violation of Parliamentary
Privilege 9/05/39
34 Consideration of Violation of Parliamentary
Privilege 9/05/39
35 Comment Regarding Parliamentary Privilege 9/05/39
36 Investigation of Violation of Parliamentary
Privilege 9/05/39
37 Order of Business; to Avoid Expression of
Anti-Nazi Sympathy 9/05/39
38 Information on Intervention in San Juan 9/08/39
39 Order of Business 9/13/39
40 Order of Business 9/13/39
41 Order of Business 9/13/39
42 Order of Business 9/14/39
43 Order of Business 9/14/39
44 Parliamentary Conduct 9/19/39
45 Declaration of Political Amnesty 9/19/39
46 Order of Business 9/21/39
47 Revenue-sharing Procedures 9/22-23/39
48 Order of Business 9/28/39
49 Order of Business 9/28/39
50 Order of Business 9/28/39
51 Order of Business 9/28/39
52 Order of Business 9/28/39
53 Order of Business 9/28/39
54 Order of Business 9/28/39
- 4 -

Column Roll Call (mo/day/year)

55 National Highway System 9/29-30/39

56 Tax on Petroleum 9/29-30/39
57 Granting of Pension, Despite Dubious
Documentation 9/29-30/39
SESSION 1940-41


Column Roll Call (mo/day/year)

15 Officership: Provisional President 4/26/40

16 Officership: President 4/26/40
17 Officership: Vice-president 4/26/40
18 Officership: Vice-president 4/26/40
19 Officership: Second Vice-president 4/26/40
20 Consideration of Declaring Solidarity with
Netherlands 5/29/40
21 Investigation of Anti-Argentine Activities 6/05/40
22 Prohibition of War Propaganda in Argentina 6/07-08/40
23 Declaring Internal Disturbances Illegal 6/07-08/40
24 Protection of Argentine Neutrality 6/07-08/40
25 Authorization of Measures Against War
Propaganda 6/07-08/40
26 Information on Policy for Middle-level
Schools 7/04/40
27 Consideration of Survey of Argentine
Economy 7 /11/40
28 Regulations for Diphtheria Vaccinations 7/12/40
29 Loans to Corn Producers 7/19/40
30 Changes in Parliamentary Procedure 8/01/40
31 Changes in Parliamentary Procedure 8/01/40
32 Changes in Parliamentary Procedure 8/01/40
33 Changes in Parliamentary Procedure 8/01/40
34 Changes in Parliamentary Procedure 8/01/40
35 Changes in Parliamentary Procedure 8/01/40
36 National Monument 8/14/40
37 Changes in Parliamentary Procedure 8/16/40
38 Changes in Parliamentary Procedure 8/21/40
39 Resignation of President Roberto Ortiz 8/24/40
40 Land Purchase Scandal (El Palomar) 8/29/40
41 Exonerating Minister of War from Land
Purchase Scandal (El Palomar) 9/06/40
42 Restitution of Illegally Collected Taxes 9/18/40
43 Restitution of Illegally Collected Taxes 9/19/40
- 2 -

Column Roll Call
-·--------'-...;;..;.;~.._;;.;.;.;..._ -------- (mo/day/year)

44 Permanent Session till September 30 9/20/40

45 Order of Business 9/20/40
46 Order of Business 9/24/40
47 Order of Business 9/25/40
48 Investigation of Concessions Made to CH.ADE
(Electric Power Company) 9/26-27/40
49 Investigation of Concessions Made to CHADE 9/26-27/40
50 Subsidy for Tourist Hotels in Northwest 12/04/40
51 Officership: President 1/08/41
52 Adjournment, instead of Interpellation 1/08/41
53 Political Situation in Santa Fe 1/09-10/41
54 Recess; Intervention in Santa Fe 1/16/41
55 Intervention in Santa Fe 2/06/41
56 Intervention in Santa Fe 2/12/41
57 Order of Business 3/05/41
58 Order of Business 3/05/41
59 Order of Business 3/06/41
60 Intervention in Santa Fe 3/06/41
61 Consideration of Budget Bill for 1941 3/12/41
62 Role of Congress in Declaring Presidential
Succession 3/12/41
63 Leave for Mauricio A. Questa 4/03/41
64 Emergency Relief for Corrientes and
Santa Fe 4/18/41
65 Emergency Relief for Corrientes and Santa
Santa Fe 4/18/41
66 Emergency Relief for Corrientes and
Santa Fe 4/24/41

15 Officership: President 4/26/41

16 Officership: Vice-president 4/26/41
17 Officership: Vice-president 4/26/41
18 Interpellation on Prohibition of Nazi
Propaganda 6/06/41
19 Power of Comisi~n Investigadora de
Actividades Antiargentinas 7/23/41
20 Restriction on Independent Labor (Trabajo
a Domicilio~· 7/29/41
- 3 -

Column Roll Call (mo/day/year)

21 Construction of Building for Ministry of

Agriculture in Rosario 9/03/41
22 Sellado de Actuacion 9/05/41
23 Order of Business 9/09/41
24 Charges Against Deputy Zara 9/12/41
25 Report on Anti-Argentine Activities 9/15/41
26 Report on Anti-Argentine Activities 9/15/41
27 Order of Business; Political Corruption 9/17/41
28 Consideration of Resolution on Contracts
with Electric Companies 9/23/41
29 Order of Business 9/24/41
30 Order of Business 9/24/41

Column Roll Call (tpo/day/year~
15 Officership: Provisional President 4/25/42
16 Officership: President 4/25/42
17 Officership: Vice-president 4/25/42
18 Officership: Second Vice-president 4/25/42
19 Dismissal of Stenographers from Secret Session
(on Foreign Affairs) 6/17/42
20 Dismissal of Stenographers from Secret Session
(on Foreign Affairs) 6/17/42
21 Stage of Seige 7/01/42
22 Constitutionality of Presidential Policies 7/31/42
23 Hospital Usage Tax in Buenos Aires City 8/06/42
24 Investigation on Purchase of Sunflower Seeds 8/11/42
25 Order of Business; Land Tenancy Regulations 8/14/42
26 Newspaper Report on Voting Behavior 8/27/42
27 Inheritance Tax (Status of Concubines) 9/01/42
28 Inheritance Tax (Status of Common-law 9/01/42
29 Consideration of Expulsion of Foreigners 9/02-03/42
30 Abolition of Junta Reguladora de Vinos 9/15/42
31 Parliamentary Privilege 9/22-23/42
32 Hemispheric Solidarity; Approving Pact of
Rio de Janeiro 9/29-30/42
33 Hemispheric Solidarity; Approving Pact of
Rio de Janeiro 9/29-30/42
34 Rupture of Diplomatic Relations with Axis
Powers 9/29-30/42
35 Order of Business 9/30/42
SESSION 1946-47

Column Roll Call (fflo/day/year)

Card 11 15 Officership: Provisional President 4/29/46

16 Officership: President 4/29/46
17 Officership: Vice-president 4/29/46
18 Officership: Second Vice-president 4/29/46
19 Publicity for Commercial Negotiations with
Great Britain 7/05/46
20 Deportation of University Professor 7/05/46
21 Officership: Administrative Secretary 7/17/46
22 Extension of Speaking Time (for Arturo
Frondizi) 7/17/46
23 Status of Ley de Residencia 7/17/46
24 Homage to People of Bolivia 7/25/46
25 Presidential Authority for Setting Price
Ceilings 8/02-03/46
26 Duration of Price Controls 8/02-03/46
27 Intervention in Catamarca 8/02-03/46
28 Extension of Speaking Time 8/07-08/46
29 Investigation of 1946 Campaign Expenditures 8/07-08/46
30 Postponement of Housing Evictions 8/07-08/46
31 Abolishment of Ley de Residencia 8/07-08/46
32 Data on Electricity Company (CADE) 8/07-08/46
33 Economic Expropriations 8/07-08/46
34 Alleged Insult by Opposition Deputy 8/08/46
35 Punishment for Opposition Deputy 8/08/46
36 Punishment for Opposition Deputy 8/08/46
37 Intervention in Corrientes 8/09-10/46
38 Intervention in Corrientes 8/09-10/46
39 Intervention in Corrientes 8/09-10/46
40 Motion to Take Attendance 8/16/46
41 Support for Governmental Economic Policy 8/16/46
42 Protection for Native Indians 8/22/46
43 Budget for Comision de Territorios Nacionales 8/22/46
44 Monument to Hipchito Yrigoyen 8/22/46
45 Naming Street for Hip61ito Yrigoyen 8/22/46
46 Naming Street for Hip61ito Yrigoyen 8/22/46
- 2 -

Column _______P_,o~l_l_C~a_l_l ________ (mo/dav/year)

47 Chanilier-Senate Relationship 8/23/46

48 Chamber-Senate Relationship 8/23/46
49 Information About Ilureaucrat:i.c Restr:i.ctions
on Port of Rosario 8/23/46
50 Extension of Speaking Time 8/28/46
51 Consideration of Declaration in Favor of
Constructing a Hospital in Rosario 8/28/46
52 Report on Foreign Affairs 8/28/46
53 Chamber-Senate Relationship 8/28/46
54 Report on Foreign Affairs 8/29-30/46
55 Approval for Act of Chapultepec 8/29-30/46
56 Approval for Act of Chapultepec 8/29-30/46
57 Permission to Abstain: Approval for Act of
Chapultepec 8/29-30/46
58 Approval for Act of Chapultepec 8/29-30/46
59 Approval for Act of Chapultepec 8/29-30/46
60 Approval of UN Charter 8/29-30/46
61 Approval of UN Charter 8/29-30/46
62 Reconstruction Funds for Province of
San Juan 9/04/46
63 Reduction in Land Rents 9/05/46
64 Requests for Information 9/06/46
65 Army's Role in Anti-locust Campaign 9/06/46
66 Extension of Speaking Time; Treatment of
Natives 9/12-13/46
67 Authority for Callin~ Extra Sessions 9/13/46
68 Permission for Per6n to Leave Buenos Aires 9/13/46
69 School Funds for Provinces 9/18-19/46
70 Declaration of October 17 as Holiday 9/18-19/46
71 Legal Status of Indicted Deputies 9/18-19/46
72 Report on Supreme Court 9/18-19/46
73 Impeachment of Supreme Court Members 9/18-19/46
74 Information on Acquisition of Compan{a Unibn
Telefbnica 9/20/46
75 Declaration of October 17 as Holiday 9/20/46
76 Rent-freeze Bill 9/23/46
77 Authorization for Public Works 9/24/46
78 Consideration of Rill to Abolish Ley de
Residencia 9/24/46
79 Funds for Reconstruction of San Juan 9/24/46
80 Funds for Reconstruction of San Juan 9/24/46
- 3 -

Colunm Roll Call (mo/day/year)

ard 12 15 Solidarity with Guatemala in Dispute with

Great Britain 9/25/46
16 Status of Normal Schools in C6rdoba 9/25/46
17 Alleged Mismanagement of Comision de Cultura
Nacional 9/26/46
18 Rent Protection for Sporting Clubs 9/26/46
19 Consideration of Bill to Abolish Ley de
Residencia 9/26/46
20 Exemptions from Anti-trust Provisions 9/26/46
21 Declaration of October 17 as Holiday 9/27-28/46
22 Nationalization of Telephone Company 9/27-28/46
23 Nationalization of Telephone Company 9/27-28/46
24 Worker's Compensation for Chauffeurs 9/27-28/46
25 Consideration of Bill to Abolish Ley de
Residencia 9/27-28/46
26 Declaration of October 17 as Holiday 9/29/46
27 Request for Data on Air Force 9/29/46
28 Plea for Amnesty in Spain 9/29/46
29 Plea for Amnesty in Bolivia 9/29/46
30 Cuestio'n de Privilegio; Relations with
Uruguay 10/01/46
31 Export-permit Policy 10/01/46
32 Investigation of Export-permit Practices 10/01/46
33 Investigation of Export-permit Practices 10/01/46
34 Celebration of October 17 10/01/46
35 Closure of Debate 10/01/46
36 Salary Raise for Military 10/02/46
37 Consideration of Bill to Abolish Ley de
Residencia 10/03/46
38 Consideration of Ley de Residencia 10/04/46
39 Wage Payments by Packinghouses 10/04/46
40 Closure of Debate 10/23/46
41 Consideration of Resolutions 10/24/46
42 Consideration of Resolutions 10/24/46
43 Consideration of Resolutions 10/24/46
44 Consideration of Resolutions 10/24/46
45 Closure of Debate 10/24/46
- 4 -
Column Roll Call (mo/day/year)
--- -----
46 Settlement of Strike by Packinghouse Workers 10/24/46
47 Cuesti~n de Privilegio; Function of Chamber 10/25/46
48 Salaries for Military 10/25/46
49 Salaries for Military 10/25/46
50 Salaries for Military 10/25/46
51 Authority of Parliamentary Investigating
Committees 10/30/46
52 Investigation of Alleged Judicial Abuses 10/31/46
53 Consideration of Possible Violation of Military
Secret 10/31/46
54 Investigation of Export-permit Practices 10/31/46
55 Consideration of Resolutions 11/06/46
56 Consideration of Resolutions 11/06/46
57 Criteria for Dismissing Personnel 11/07/46
58 Political Agitation in Packinghouse Union 11/07/46
59 Governarice of Packinghouse Union 11/07/46
60 Payment of Compulsory Wage Increases 11/07/46
61 Payment of Compulsory Wage Increases 11/07/46
62 Payment of Wages During Lockout 11/07/46
63 Intervention in Packinghouses 11/07/46
64 Delegation to Presidential Inauguration in
Mexico 11/13/46
65 Decoration for General Francisco Franco 11/15/46
66 Cuestion de Privilegio 11/20-21/46
67 Governmental Salary Scale 11/20-21/46
68 Wages for Domestic Service 11/20-21/46
69 Information on Agrarian Situation 11/21/46
70 Consideration of Ordinance on Taxis in Buenos
Aires City 11/21/46
71 Information on Highway Programs 11/21/46
72 Publication of Protest by Former Federal Judge 11/21/46
73 Journalism Regulations 11/22/46
74 Journalism Regulations 11/22/46
75 Journalism Regulations 11/22/46
76 Journalism Regulations 11/27 /46
77 Journalism Regulations 11/27/46
78 Railroad Workers' Wages 11/28-29/46
79 Retroactive Pay (from 7/1/46) for Railroad
Workers 11/28-29/46
80 Order of Business 11/29/46
- 5 -
Column Roll Call (mo/day/year)

":ard 13 15 Abolition of Ley de Residencia 11/29/46

16 Approval of Decree 11/29/46
17 Abolition of Ley de Residencia 12/04/46
18 Regulation of Prostitution 12/04/46
19 Extension of Speaking Time 12/05/46
20 Order of Business 12/05/46
21 Postponement of Debate 12/06/46
22 Consideration of Urban Epidemic 12/06/46
23 Order of Business 12/06/46
24 Tax-sharing Regulations 12/06/46
25 Accusations of Peronist Deputy 12/11/46
26 Public Funds for C{rculo de Aeronautica 12/11/46
27 Subsidy for Asociacion de Proprietarios de
Caminos 12/12/46
28 Closure of Debate 12/13-14/46
29 Organization of Armed Forces 12/13-14/46
30 Consejo Agrario Nacional 12/18/46
31 Government Wage Regulations 12/18/46
32 Parliamentary Recess 12/19/46
33 Military Pension Regulations 1/15/47,
34 Federal Court System 1/22/47
35 Tax Rules for Deputies 1/23/47
36 Tax Regulations 1/23/47
37 Tax-sharing Regulations 1/23/47
38 Closure of Debate; Municipal Elections 1/30/47
39 Incorporation of State Telephone Company 1/31/47
40 Consideration of Foreign Policy 2/05/47
41 Intervention in Santa Fe 2/06/47
42 Governance of Universities 2/06/47
43 Congressional Budget 2/06/47
44 Emergency Funds in Budget 2/06/47
45 Presidential Authority over Budget 2/06/47
46 Presidential Authority over Budget 2/07/47
47 Presidential Authority over Budget 2/07/47
48 Presidential Authority over Budget 2/07/47
49 Governance of Universities 2/12/47
50 Governance of Universities 2/12/47
- 6 -

Column Roll Call (mo/day/year)

51 Authority of Contadur{a General de la Naci6n 2/12/47

52 Information on Foreign Policy 2/13/47
53 Insurance for Government Personnel 2/13/47
54 Order of Business 2/13/47
55 Authority for Government Expenditures 2/13/47
56 Authority for Government Expenditures 2/13/47
57 Authority for Government Expenditures 2/13/47
58 Authority for Government Expenditures 2/13/47
59 Parliamentary Recess 2/14/47
60 3-week Congressional Recess 2/14/47
61 Homage to Deceased Deputy Ianspolsky 3/05/47
62 Consideration of Declaration 3/06/47
63 Consideration of Plan to Fix Grain Prices 3/06/47
64 Consideration of Religious Instruction Decree 3/06/47
65 Consideration of Religious Instruction Decree 3/06/47
66 Consideration of Religious Instruction Decree 3/06/47
67 Religion Instruction in Schools 3/13-14/47
68 Religion Instruction in Schools 3/13-14/47
69 Order of Business; Request for Information 3/20/47
70 Order of Business; Agrarian Demands 3/20/47
71 Customs Law 3/20/47
72 Order of Business 3/26/47
73 Order of Business 3/27/47
74 Prolongation of Session (to Approve 5-year
Plan) 3/27-28/47
75 Closure of Debate 3/27-28/47
76 Amnesty 3/27-28/47
77 Anti-usury Law 4/30/47


Card 21 15 Officership: President 4/26/47

16 Officership: Vice-president 4/26/47
17 Officership: Second Vice-president 4/26/47
18 Consideration of Bill to Abolish Ley de
Residencia 5/07/47
19 Fixed Fees for Solicitors 5/07/47
- 7 -
Column Roll Call (mo/day/vear)

20 Order of Business 5/08-09/47

21 Order of Business 5/08-09/47
22 Salaries for Judges in Interior 5/08-09/47
23 Suspension of Session 5/08-09/47.
24 Government Control Over Shares in Sociedad
~1ixta Siderurgia Argentina 5/08-09/47
25 Homage to Basque Labor Strike 6/11/47
26 Shuttinp, off Polemic on Peron 6/11/47
27 Shutting off Polemic on Perbn 6/11/47
,~ 28 Investigation of Charges on Per6n's Attack on
Deputy 6/11/47
29 Motion to Convene Committee of the Whole 6/11/47
30 Motion to Convene Committee of the Whole 6/11/47
31 Abusive Language in Parliament 6/11/47
32 Abusive Language in Parliament 6/11/47
33 Consideration of C6rdoba Intervention 6/12/47
34 Political Situation in Cbrdoba 6/12/47
35 Motion to Terminate Committee 6/12/47
36 Consideration of C6rdoba Intervention 6/18/47
37 Publication of Railroad Workers' Statement on
Cost of Living 6/19/47
38 Publication of Railroad Workers' Statement on
Ley de Residencia 6/19/47
39 Publication of Railroad Workers' Statement on
Franco Regime 6/19/47
40 Information on Government of Buenos Aires City 6/19/47
41 Consideration of Ley de Residencia 6/19/47
42 Homage to People of Paraguay 6/25-26/47
43 Homage to People of Paraguay 6/25-26/47
44 Order of Business; Debate on Foreign Policy 6/25-26/47
45 Homage to People of Paraguay 6/26-27/47
46 Extension of Speaking Time 6/26-27/47
47 Report on c6rdoba Intervention 6/26-27/47
48 Order of Business 7/02/47
49 Political Prisoners in Chile 7/02/47
50 Request for Information (Railroad Workers) 7/02/47
- 8 -

Column Roll Call (mo/day/year)
51 Request for Information 7/02/47
52 Order of Business; Commerce in Grain 7/03/47
53 Investigation of Cipriano Reyes Incident 7/04/47
54 Investigation of Reyes Incident 7/04/47
55 Order of Business; Violation of Parliamentary
Privilege 7/16/47
56 Order of Business 7/16/47
57 Amendment of Rent Control Bill 7/16/47
58 On Leaves of Absence 7/17/47
59 Order of Business 7/17/47
60 Cuestion de Privilegio 7/17/47
61 Order of Business; Regulation of Political
Parties 7/17/47
62 Request for Information; Railroads 7/23-24/47
63 Consideration of Tenant Protection (or Control
of Universities) 7/23-24/47
64 University Law 7/23-24/47
65 Renter Evictions 7/23-24/47
66 Order of Business 7/31/47
67 Order of Business 8/07-08/47
68 Information on Intervention in Universities 8/07-08/47
69 Information on Intervention in Universities 8/07-08/47
70 Sammartino-Santander Affair 8/07-08/47
71 Cuestion de Privilegio 8/07-08/47
72 Leave of Absence for Joaqu{n nfaz de Vivar 8/13/47
73 Closing Debate on Leave of Absence 8/14/47
74 Speaker's Relevance to Issue (Leave of Absence) 8/20.:.21/47
75 Leave of Absence for Joaqu!n nfaz de Vivar 8/20-21/47
76 Leave of Absence for D{az de Vivar 8/20-21/47
77 Policy on Public Land in Southern Territories 8/20-21/47
78 Order of Business 8/20-21/47
79 Consideration of Interpellation on Agrarian
Policy 8/20-21/47
80 Civil Service Pensions 8/21/47
- 9 -
Column Roll Call (mo/dav/vear)

Card 22 15 Civil Service Pensions 8/21/47

16 Civil Service Pensions 8/21/47
17 Civil Service Pensions 8/21/47
18 Civil Service Pensions 8/21/47
19 Civil Service Pensions 8/21/47
20 Civil Service Pensions 8/22/l17
21 Civil Service Pensions 8/22/47
22 Civil Service Pensions 8/22/47
23 Civil Service Pensions 8/22/47
24 Cuestion de Privilenio 8/27/47
25 Cuestion de Privilegio 8/27/47
26 On a Monument 8/27/47
27 Order of Business 8/23/47
28 Revision in Rural Labor Bill 8/28/47
29 Order of Business; Female Political Rights 9/03/47
30 Consideration of Female Suffrage 9/03/47
31 Consideration of Female Political Rights 9/03/47
32 Railroad Purchase Negotiations 9/04/47
33 Order of Business 9/04/47
34 Relevance of Speaker's Comments 9/05/47
35 Debate on Female Rights 9/09/47
36 Closure of Debate 9/09/47
37 Female Political Rights 9/09/47
38 Order of Business; Ley de Residencia 9/10-11/47
39 Order of Business; San Juan 9/11/47
40 Order of Business; Ley de Residencia 9/12/47
41 Order of Business; Pensions 9/12/47
42 Agreement wfth Bolivia 9/23/47
43 Agreement with Bolivia 9/23/47
44 Order of Business 9/24/47
45 Order of Business 9/24/47
46 Consideration of Road and Sewer Construction 9/24/47
47 Order of Business 9/24/47
48 Order of Rusiness 9/24/47
49 Order of Business 9/24/47
50 Cuestion de Privilegio 9/24/47
- 10 -

Column Roll Call (mo I dav /vear)

51 Statute on Teaching Personnel 9/24/47

52 Pension for Bank Employees 9/25/47
53 Compatability of Professorships for Deputies 9/25/47
54 Senate Revision in Bill on Governance
of Universities 9/25/47
55 Senate Revision in Rill on Governance of
Universities 9/25/47
56 Revision in Peace Treaty 9/26/47
57 Resolution on V.D. 9/26/47
58 Order of Business 9/26/47
59 Order of Business 9/26/47
60 Senate Change in University Law 9/26/47
61 Economic Faculty in Tucuman 9/26/47
62 Pensions 9/26/47
63 Alterations in Budget 9/26/47
64 Consideration of Agrarian Problerns,especially
Land Tenancy 9/26/47
65 Order of Business 9/26/47
66 Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias 9/27/47
67 Land Tenancy Law 9/27/47
68 Land Tenancy Law 9/27/47
69 Congressional Relationship to Military 9/28-29/47
70 Publication of Message from Minister of War 9/28-29/47
71 Autonomy of Congressional Committees 9/28-29/47
72 Status of Private Schoolteachers 9/28-29/47
73 Order of Business 9/28-29/47
74 Order of Business 9/28-29/47
75 Order of Business; Budget for 1948 9/28-29/47
76 Compensation for School Principals 9/28-29/47
77 Budget Bill for 1948 9/28-29/47
SESSION 1948-49

Column Roll Call (mo/day/year)

Card 11 15 Officership: Provisional President 4/26/48

16 Officership: President 4/26/48
17 Officership: Vice-president 4/26/48
18 Officership: Second Vice-president 4/26/48
19 Consideration of Rural Evictions 5/12/48
20 Order of Business; Bill on Rural Rents 5/19/48
21 Order of Business 5/19/48
22 Interpellation of Xinister of Foreign Relations 5/19/48
23 Debate on Order of San Martfn 5/19/48
24 Order of San Hartfn 5/19/48
25 Order of San Martfn 5/19/48
26 Order of San l"Iartfn 5/19/48
27 Order of San Nartfn 5/19/48
28 Postponement of Debate on Recognition of Israel 5/20/48
29 Relevance of Deputy's Remarks 5/20/48
30 Order of Business 5/20/48
31 Publication of Socialist Statement on Economic
Policy 6/02/48
32 Consideration of Female Suffrage 6/02/48
33 Islas Halvinas (Falkland Islands) 6/02/48
34 Islas Malvinas 6/02/48
35 Support for Minister of Foreign Relations 6/02/48
36 Role of Congress; Purchase of British-owned
Railroad 6/10/48
37 Statement by Virgilio Filippo 6/10/48
38 Incorporation of Deputy Rubino 6/18/48
39 Relevance of Deputy's Remarks 6/18/48
40 Adjournment; or Peron's Criticism of Political
Parties 6/23/48
41 Budget for Ministry of Foreign Affairs 6/24-25/48
42 Minimum Salary for Teachers 6/24-25/4~
43 Executive Power 6/24-25/48
44 Subsidy to Sporting Clubs 6/24-25/48
45 Alleged Unethical Conduct by Opposition Deputy 6/30/48
46 Alleged Unethical Conduct by Opposition Deputy 6/30/48
47 Agreement with Uruguay 7/02/48

Column noll Call (mo/day/y~atl

48 Censorship of Speech in Parliament 7/14/48

49 Order of Business 7/15/48
50 Suspension of Evictions 7/15/48
51 Regulation of Tenancy Evictions 7/16/48
52 Regulation of Tenancy Evictions 7/16/48
53 Regulation of Tenancy Evictions 7/16/48
54 Regulation of Tenancy Evictions 7 /16/48 ,
55 Universidad Obrera 7/21/48
56 Order of Business; Pensions for Laborers 7/22/48
57 Alleged Cnethical Conduct by Opposition Deputy 7/22/48
58 Extension of Speaking Time 8/05/48
59 Expulsion of Sammartino 8/05/48
60 Expulsion of Sammartino 8/05/48
61 Relevance of Deputy's Remarks (re SatnJT1artino) 8/05/48
62 Expulsion of Sammartino 8/05/48
63 Expulsion of Sannnartino 8/05/48
64 National Budget 8/11/48
65 National Budget 8/11/48
66 Reference to Constitution 8/13-14/48
67 Recess 8/13-14/48
68 Constitutional Reform 8/13-14/48
69 Constitutional Reform 8/13-1'•/48
70 Constitutional Procedure 8/13-14/48
71 Constitutional Reform 8/13-14/48
72 Constitutional Reform 8/13-14/48
73 Constitutional Reform 8/13-14/48
74 Constitutional Reform 8/13-14/48
75 Publication of Statement by Socialist Party 8/18/48
76 Suspension of Evictions 8/18/48
77 Suspension of Evictions 8/18/48
78 Consideration of Schoolteacher Law 8/25/48
79 RiRhts and Role of Opposition Parties 8/26/48
80 Rights and Role of Opposition Parties 8/26/48
- 3 -

Column Roll Call (mo/day/year)

Card 12 15 Order of Business; Subsidy for Hospitals in

Salta 8/27/48
16 Salaries for Bank Employees 8/27/48
17 Reparations for Earthquake in Salta 9/01/48
18 Interpellation of Minister of Agriculture 9/02-03/48
19 Expropriations 9/02-03/48
20 Expropriations 9/02-03/48
21 Rural Tenancy 9/03/48
22 Rural Tenancy 9/03/48
23 R.ural Tenancy 9/03/48
24 Order of Business; Information on Institute
Argentina de Promocion del Intercambio (IAPI) 9/15/48
25 Order of Business; High Cost of ·~at 9/15/48
26 Funds for Creation of New Embassies 9/16-17/48
27 Order of Business 9/16-17/48
28 Impropriety of Opposition's Behavior 9/22-23/48
29 Social Security 9/22-23/48
30 Closure of Debate 9/22-23/48
31 Adjournment 9/22-23/48
32 Order of Business 9/23-24/48
33 Order of Business 9/23-24/48
34 Approval of Political Activity by Military
Soldiers 9/23-24/48
35 Order of Business 9/24-25/48
36 Salaries for Journalists 9/25-26/48
37 Salaries for Schoolteachers 9/25-26/48
38 Salaries for Schoolteachers 9/25-26/48
39 Salaries for Schoolteachers 9/25-26/48
40 Salaries for Schoolteachers 9/25-26/48
41 Salaries for Schoolteachers 9/25-26/48
42 Order of Business 9/25-26/48
43 Resignation 9/27-28/48
44 Old-age Pensions 9/27-28/48
45 Old-age Pensions 9/27-28/48
46 Old-age Pensions 9/27-28/48
47 Order of Business 9/27-28/48
48 Order of Business 9/27-28/48
49 State to Private Hospitals 9/29-30/48
- 4 -

Column _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _R..;;;o.;;;;lc.:::l__.;;.C;:;:.a=.11~-------- (mo/day/year)

50 Sta te Aid to Private Hospitals 9/29-30/48

51 Interpellations on Purchase of British-owned
Railroads 9/29-30/48
52 Order of Business 9/29-30/48
53 Impeachment 9/29-30/48
54 Impeachment 9/29-30/48
55 Order of Business 9/30/48
56 Order of Business 9/30/48
57 Order of Business 9/30/48
58 Order of Business 9/30/48
59 Cuestion de Privilegio 9/30/48


Card 21 15 Officership: Provisional President 4/26/49

16 Officership: President 4/26/49
17 Officership: Vice-president 4/26/49
18 Officership: Second Vice-president 4/26/49
19 Charge of Corruption Against Peronists 5/11/49
20 Import Permits for 'laterials Needed To Construct
Low-cost Housing 5/13/49
21 Leave of Absence for '!auricio L. Yadarola 5/18/49
22 Postponement of Homa~e to Rebellious Laborers
in Salta 5/18/49
23 Consideration of Crisis in Cattle Industry 5/18/49
24 Diplomatic Relations with Ireland 5/18/49
25 Agreement with Hungary 5/19/49
26 Lease of Public Land for Hunic:f.pal Park 5/20/49
27 Leave of .Absence for liauricio L. Yadarola 6/01/49
28 Governance of Universidad Nacional de la Plata 6/08/49
29 tesolution on IAPI 6/09/49
30 l,CRand Labor 6/09/49
31 Cuest1.on
./ de Priv:i.le~io 6/09/49
32 Expulsion of Deputy Araya o/09/49
33 Expulsion of Deputy Araya 6/09/49
34 Expulsion of Deputy /',raya 6/09/49
35 Expulsion of Deputy Arava 6/09/49
- 5 -

Column n.oll Call (mo/day/year)

36 Consideration of Alleged Defamation by Parlia-

ment in Uruguay 6/15/49
37 Alleged Defamation by Parliament in Uruguay 6/15/49
38 Alleged Defamation by Parliament in Uruguay 6/15/49
39 Alleged Defamation by Parliament in Uruguay 6/15/49
40 Alleged Defamation by Parliament in Uruguay 6/15/49
41 Usurpation of Power by Executive :Rranch 6/22/49
42 Extension of Speaking Time 6/23-2/1/49
43 Closing Debate on Policies of TAPI 6/30/49
44 Railroad Construction 7/06-07/49
45 Speaking Time for Deputy Cattaneo 7/06-07/49
46 Closure of Debate; Structure of Executive Power 7/06-07/49
47 Confidence in Chamber President 7/06-07/49
48 Hinisterio de Asuntos l'olfticos 7 /06-07 /49
49 Composition of Committee 7/13/49
50 Authorization for Sale of Public r{eal Estate 7/14/49
51 futhorization for Sale of Public ~eal Estate 7/14/49
52 Authorization for Sale of Pul,lic '":cal Estate 7/14/49
53 Authorization for Sale of Public ~cal Estate 7/14/49
54 ,\uthorization for Sale of Public n.eal Estate 7 /1L1/49
55 Authorization for Sale of Public "ea] Estate 7/14/49
56 Boundary 0ith Bolivia 7/21/49
57 Boundary with Paraguay 7/21/49
58 Investigation of Political Torture 7/26/49
59 Investigation of Torture 7/26/49
60 Investigation of Poli.tical Torture 7/26/49
61 Extension of Speaking Time 7/26/49
62 Peron's Verbal Attack on OpposHion 7/27/49
63 Information on Funding for Electoral Cal"lpair,ns 7/28/49
64 Acceptance of T~esi'!nation by Ricardo Balh{n from
Investigating, Committee 7/28/49
65 Athletic Subsidy for Youth 7/28/49
66 Subsidy for Eva Peron Foundation 8/04/49
67 Portion of National Budget 8/10-11/49
68 Incidental }~tion 8/24-26/49
69 Nationalization of Oil (British-m-med) 8/24-26/49
70, Nationali.zation of Oil (British-owned) 8/24-26/49
- fi -

Column R,oll Call (mo/day/year)

71 :fationalization of Oil (British-owned) 8/24-26/49

72 Political Investi~ation 8/24-26/49
73 Cuesti6n de Privile~io 8/31/49
74 Order of Business 8/31/49
75 Investigation of Personal Fortunes of Deputies 8/31/49
76 Postal Service 9/07/49
77 Consideration of Bill on Governance and Role of
Banco Central 9/15-16/49
78 Governance and Role of Banco Central 9/15-16/49
79 Deposit Guarantees Through Banco Central 9/15-16/49
80 Benefits for Blind 9/23/49

Card 22 15 Urban Housing 9/26-27/49

16 Homage to San Martin 9/27/4<}
17 Homage to San ?'fartin 9/27/49
18 Alteration in Law on Job-related Accidents 9/27/49
19 Law for Bank Employees 9/27/49
20 State Control of Cinema 9/28-29/49
21 State Control of Cinema 9/28-29/49
22 State Control of Cinema 9/28-29/49
23 Consideration of Bill on Regulation of Political
Parties 9/28-29/49
24 Regulation of Political Parties 9/28-29/49
25 Regulation of Political Parties 9/28-29/49
26 Consideration of Proposal to Strip Ricardo Balbin
of Parliamentary Immunities 9/29/49
27 Closinp. Debate on Balbfn 9/29/49
28 Stripping Balb{n of Immunities 9/29/49
29 San 'lartfn Celebration 9/29/49
30 Worker Accidents Bill 9/29/49
31 IAPI 9/30/49
SESSION 1950-51
Column Roll Call (mo/day/year)

15 Officership: President 4/26/50

16 Officership: Vice-president 4/26/50
17 Officership: Second Vice-president 4/26/50
18 San '1art!n Celebration 5/17 /50
19 Publication of Speech by Peron 5/17/50
20 Order of Rusiness 6/16/50
21 Suspending Mauricio L. Yadarola from Chamber of
Deputies 6/22/50
22 Suspending Mauricio L. Yadarola 6/22/50
23 Consideration of Inter-American Security Pact 6/28/50
24 Inter-American Assistance Treaty 6/28/50
25 Support for President of Chamber 7/05/50
26 Diplomatic Relations with Libya and Syria 7/06/50
27 Elimination of Usury 7/07/50
28 Homage to People of Colombia 7/12/50
29 Subsidy for Eva Per6n Foundation 7/19/50
30 Islas Malvinas (Falkland Islands) 7/20/50
31 Islas Malvinas 7/20/50
32 Islas Malvinas 7/20/50
33 Islas Halvinas 7/20/50
34 Islas Malvinas 7/20/50
35 Islas Malvinas 7/20/50
36 Maritime Convention 7/26/50
37 Agreement with Portugal 8/03/50
38 San Martin Calendar 8/03/50
39 Diplomatic Relations with India 9/01/50
40 Diplomatic Relations with Philippines 9/01/50
41 Consideration of Bill On Treason 9/07-08/50
42 Bill on Treason 9/07-08/50
43 Tax on Betting, Proceeds for Eva Tler~n Foundation
Foundation 9/13/50
44 Order of Business 9/14-15/50
45 Legal -q_ole of Notaries (Escrihanos) 9/14-15/50
46 Social Services for Bank Employees 9/20/50
- 2 -

Column 1 {oll r.all (mo/day/vear)

47 Instituto Ganadero Arpentino 9/23-24/50

48 Public Lands Bill 9/26/50
49 Eva Per~n Foundation 9/27/50
50 Fundacion Eva Pertn 9/27/50
51 Customs Duties 9/28/50
52 Organization of r~ilitary 9/28/50
53 Budget for Distrito Federal 9/29/50
54 Order of Business 9/29/50
55 Consejo Nacional de Pesca 9/30/50
56 Resolution Against ~r~ 3/16/51
57 Expropriation of La Prensa 3/16/51
58 Expropriation of La_P~ 4/11-12/51
59 Expropriation of La P.rensa 4/11-12/51


Card 21 15 Officership: President 4/26/51

16 Officership: Vice-president 4/26/51
17 Officership: Second Vice-president 4/26/51
18 Amnesty for Violators of Law 13.010 5/17/51
19 Diplomatic Relations with Israel 5/31/51
20 Homage to Juan Peron 6/06/51
21 Consideration of Resolution to Support View
Taken by CGT at Labor Congress in Mexico
(Congreso de Representantes Obreros) 6/07/51
22 Consideration of Reforms in Codigo Hilitar 6/13/51
23 Military Tribunal 6/13/51
24 Consideration of Plan to Give Proceeds from
Fines on Bemberg Consortium to Eva Per6n
Foundation 6/14/51
25 Approval of Plan to Give Funds to Eva Per6n
Foundation 6/14/51
26 Plan for Loans to Cooperatives 6/21/51
27 Extension of Peronist Speaker's Time for Expres-
sion of "Solidaridad" with CGT Delegation in
Mexico 6/27/51
28 To Consider: October/51 as "Justicialism Month"
and October 14-20 as "Justicialism Week" 6/27/51
- 3 -
Column Roll Call (mo/ day/year)

29 Consideration of Bill on Activities Against the

State 6/28/51
30 Bills to Hamper Peronist Opposition 6/28/51
31 11
Justicialism Month" 7/04/51
32 Consideration of Electoral Reform 7/05-06/51
33 Closing Debate on Electoral Reform 7/05-06/51
34 Electoral Reform 7/05-06/51
35 Expression of Solidarity with CGT in Mexico 7/18/51
36 Expression of Solidarity with CGT in Mexico 7/18/51
37 Expression of Solidarity with CGT in Mexico 7/18/51
38 Consideration of Change in Personnel Structure
for Air Force 7/18/51
39 Organization of Air Force 7/18/51
40 Approval of 1947 Census Report on Population
Distribution 7/18/51
41 Approval of Official Version of Electoral Law
Debate in Diario de Sesiones 7/19-20/51
42 Consideration of Bill to Elevate La Pampa and
Chaco to Status of Provinces 7/19-20/51
43 La Pampa - Chaco Bill 7/19-20/51
44 La Pampa - Chaco Bill 7/19-20/51
45 La Pampa - Chaco Bill 7/19-20/51
46 Consideration of Sanitary Agreements 7/25/51
47 Sanitary Agreements 7/25/51
48 Consideration of Annual 500,000 Peso Subsidy to
Biblioteca Nacional Militar Through C{rculo
Militar 7/26/51
49 Commercial Agreement with Peru 8/01/51
50 Procedures for Statistics and Censuses 8/02/51
51 Ending State of War with Germany 8/16/51
52 Rejecting Censure by Yadarola of Supreme Court 8/16/51
53 Constribution to Eva Peron Foundation (3.5 Million
Pesos) 8/16/51
54 Homage to Reconquista 8/16/51
55 Homage to Cabildo Abierto and to the Per6ns 8/29/51
56 Extending Law 13.581 until 8/31/52 8/30/51
57 Consideration of Homage to Eva Peron for Resig-
nation of Vice-presidential Candidacy 9/06/51
- 4 -
Column Roll Call (mo/day/year)

58 Homage to Eva Peron 9/06/51

59 Consideration of Social Security Reform 9/12/51
60 Social Security Reform 9/12/51
61 Direccion General de Servicios Sociales para el
Personal de Seguros, Reaseguros, Capitalizaci6n
y Ahorro 9/12/51
62 Consideration of Changes in Tax Law 9/19/51
63 Tax Law 9/19/51
64 Tax Law 9/20/51
65 Tax Law 9/20/51
66 Raise in Salaries for Public Personnel 9/20/51
67 Proposal to Invite Ministro de Transportes to
Discuss Sale of Corporacion de Transportes de la
Ciudad de Buenos Aires 9/26/51
68 Closing Debate on Corporacion de Transportes 9/26/51
69 Relevance of Deputy's Remarks 9/27/51
70 Order of Business 9/28/51
71 Approval of Per~n's Declaration of State of
Internal War 9/28/51
72 Approval of Perbn's Declaration of State of
Internal War 9/28/51
73 Approval of Per6n 's Declaration of State of
Internal War 9/28/51
74 Pension Plan 9/28/51
75 Reorganization of Armed Forces 9/28/51
76 Pensions for Liberal Professions 9/29/51
77 Budget for Chamber of Deputies 9/29/51
78 Budget of Universidad de Tucum£n 9/29/51
79 Budget for Chamber of Deputies 9/30/51
80 Note Regarding Marini 9/30/51

Card 22 15 Relevance of Deputy's Remarks 10/11/51

16 Leave for Peron 10/11/51
17 Leave for Peron 10/11/51
18 Change in Military Code 10/16/51
19 Peace Treaty with Japan 12/27/51
20 Resolution Against Deputies, Allegedly for
Implication in Event.s of 28 September 12/29/51
SESSION 1952-1954

-- ------ Roll Call
--- (mo/day/year)

15 Officership: Provisional President 4/25/52

16 Officership: President 4/25/52
17 Officership: Vice-president 4/25/52
18 Officership: Second Vice-president 4/25/52
19 Proposal t<;, Have Session of 7/May in Homage
to the Perons 5/05/52
20 Declaration that Peron be Libertador de la ,
RepJ°blica, Eva be Jefa Espiritual de la Nacion
(on Evita's Birthday) 5/07/52
21 Approval of Bill on Ministerial Organization 6/02/52
22 Monument to Eva Peron 6/26/52
23 Dissolution of Bemberg Beer Interests 6/27/52
24 Dissolution of Bemberg Beer Interests 6/27/52
25 Dissolution of Bemberg Beer Interests 6/27/52
26 Reorganization of Armed Forces 7/02/52
27 Military Revisions 7/03/52
28 Adoption of La Razon de mi Vida as Required
Textbook 7/16/52
29 Anti-contraband Bill 7/18/52
30 Mourning for Eva Peron 7/28/52
31 Diplomatic Relations with Japan 8/27/52
32 Diplomatic Relations with Japan 8/27/52
33 Extension of Rental Law (13.581) 8/28/52
34 Bill to Give Eva Per6n Foundation 3 Million
Pesos for Youth Sports Program 9/10/52
35 Land Grant for Eva Peron Foundation 9/17/52
36 Solidarity with Argentine Delegation at Organi-
zaci6n Internacional del Trabajo (ILO) Meeting 9/18/52
37 Creation of Instituto Nacional de Carnes 9/23/52
38 Proposal for Cadastral Survey 9/27/52
39 Sale of Real Estate to Sporting Clubs 9/27/52
40 Budget for Distrito Federal 9/28-29/52
41 Police Code 9/29-30/52
42 Ratification of Executive Decrees Lowering
Prices 9/30/52
43 Approval of 5-year Plan 12/19/52
44 Consideration of Leave for Peron to go to Chile 2/04/53
- 2 -

Column Roll Call (mo/day/vear)
45 Permission for Peron to go to Chile 2/04/53
46 Solidarity with Chile 3/11-12/53


15 Officership: Provisional President 4/25/53

16 Officership: President 4/25/53
17 Officership: Vice-president 4/25/53
18 Officership: Second Vice-president 4/25/53
19 Officership: Secretary 5/20/53
20 Expropriation of Jockey Club 5/21/53
21 Diplomatic Relations with Austria 6/25/53
22 Recognition of South Pole Expedition 7/22/53
23 Life Insurance Policies 8/05/53
24 Rules for Foreign Investment 8/13/53
25 Diplomatic Relations with Egypt 8/20/53
26 Constribution of 3 Million Pesos to Eva Peron
Foundation 8/26/53
27 Entertainment Regulations 8/27/53
28 Life Insurance Policies 9/03/53
29 Permission for Government Official to Accept
Legion of Honor from France 9/10/53
30 Social Security Regulations 9/17-18/53
31 Road Construction 9/23/53
32 Labor Agreements 9/24-25/53
33 Control of Radio Transmissions 9/24-25/53
34 Housing Sales 9/28/53
35 Pension Payments 9/29/53
36 Monument for Painter P{o Collivadino 9/29/53
37 Tax Reform 9/30/53
38 Urban Hiring Contracts 9/30/53
39 Elevating Misiones to Status of Province 12/04/53
40 Artistic Medals 12/09/53
41 Elevating Misiones to Status of Province 12/10/53
42 Political Amnestv Bill 12/15/53
43 Political Amnesty Bill 12/15/53
44 Governance of Universities 12/18/53
- 3 -
Column Roll Call (mo/day/year)

15 Officership: President 4/28/54

16 Officership: Vice-president 4/28/54
17 Officership: Second Vice-president 4/28/54
18 Spoils of Paraguayan War 5/05/54
19 Spoils of Paraguayan War 5/05/54
20 Spoils of Paraguayan \far 5/05/54
21 Homage to President of Libya 5/19/54
22 Cultural Agreement with Libya 5/19/54
23 Cultural Agreement with Libya 5/19/54
24 Anti-mange Measures 6/02/54
25 Consideration of Resolutions of Guatemalan
Intervention 6/24-25/54
26 Consideration of Resolution on Guatemala 6/24-25/54
27 Resolution on Guatemala 6/24-25/54
28 Bill on Fundacitn Evita 6/24-25/54
29 Aeronautics Code 7/15/54
30 Organic Law for Territories 7/28/54
31 Consideration of Bill to Expropriate Bemberg
Holdings 7/29/54
32 Expropriation of Bemberg Holdings 7/29/54
33 Consideration of Copyright Law 8/04/54
34 Copyright Law 8/04/54
35 Resolution to Adhere to Interparliamentary
Union (Geneva) 8/05/54
36 Consideration of Subsidy to Sporting Club 8/11/54
37 Subsidy to Sporting Club 8/11/54
38 Diplomatic Relations with Netherlands 8/12/54
39 Ratification of International Labor Agreement
(ILO) 8/19/54
40 Cultural Agreement with Israel 9/02/54
41 Monument to Gabino Ezeiza 9/02/54
42 Violation of Parliamentary Privilege 9/16-17/54
43 Expropriation Law 9/24/54
44 Property Registration 9/28-29/54
45 Housing Tenancy Bill 9/28-29/54
- 4 -
Column Roll Call (mo/day/year)

46 Legal Rights of Illegitimate Children 9/29-30/54

47 Social Welfare Bill for Railroad Workers 9/30/54
48 Agrarian Colonization Bill 12/10/54
49 Legal Code for Minors 12/13-14/54
50 Budget for Distrito Federal 12/16/54
51 Social Security for Rural Laborers 12/21/54

Column Roll Call (mo/day/year)
15 Officership: Provisional President 4/26/55
16 Officership: President 4/26/55
17 Officership: Vice-president 4/26/55
18 Officership: Second Vice-president 4/26/55
19 Expulsion of Deputy Carena 5/12/55
20 Religious Instruction in Schools 5/13/55
21 Possible Constitutional Reform 5/19/55
22 Provincialization of Territories 6/10/55
23 Censure of Opposition for Alleged Anti-
patriotism 6/13/55
24 Suppression of Attempted Coup 6/23/55
25 Officership: President 7/27/55
26 Officership: Second Vice-president 7/27/55
27 Tax Relief for Landowners 8/03/55
28 Statute for Domestic Labor 9/08/55


_])eek No. Column No. Variable Description

1-4 Identification Number (see Appendix )
5 Blank (or digit 9 if person's name did not appear on the
original master list in which case data may be incomplete)
6-12 Surname,in alphabetical characters (if incomplete an asterisk
appears in column 12)
13-14 First province represented in chamber in or after 1904
~ee code for provinces)
15 Blank, or if more than one province represented:
1 = more than one, but in the same geographical region
2 =indifferent regions
3 = changed between city and province of Buenos Aires
16-17 Type of data card
01 = personal biography
02 = political career (essentially a continuation of
card 01,when there was more information than could
fit on card 01)
18 Card number (this may be blank)
19 Sex
1 = male
2 = female
20-22 Year of birth (last three digits only; 999 if unknown)
23-24 Place of birth, by province (see code for provinces; 99 if
25 Place of birth, by city
1 = provincial capital
2 = outside provincial capital
3 = city of nuenos Aires
4 = born abroad
9 = unknown
26-27 Year of death (last two digits; 99 if unknown)

28 Highest level of education
1 = primary school
2 = secondary
- 2 -

.!Ck No. Column No. Variable Description

3 = commercial or technical
4 • seminary
5 = normal
6 • military academy
7 = preparatory
8 = university (or its equivalent)
9 = unknown
29 University attended
0 = none
1 • Universidad de Buenos Aires
2 = other Argentine university
3 = foreign university
4 = Buenos Aires plus foreign
5 = other Argentine plus foreign
9 = unknown
30-32 Year of graduation (last three digits only; 000 if not
applicable; 999 if unknown; for those graduating from both
Argentine and foreign universities give data for the
Argentine one)

33 Ordering of occupational data
0 = none required
1 = chronological
2 = by importance
3 = uncertain, no indication
34-35 Occupation Ill
see Occupations code; 99 if unknown
36-37 Occupation 112
38-39 Occupation 113
40-41 Occupation #4
42 Number publications within professional field
0 = none listed
1 through 7 • actual number
8 = 8 or more
9 = some, but number unknown
43 Number publications outside professional field (same code
as previous item)
- 3 -

.:!Ck No. Column No • Variable Description


44 Jose Luis de Imaz
0 = no judgment
1 = clase alta
2 • clase media
3 = clase popular
45 Miguel d'Ursi Borbon (same code as above)
46 Diego Herrera Vegas (same code as above)
41 Peter Smith (see Appendix on "Identifying Argentine
'Aristocrats'" in forthcoming book)
0 = no judgment
1 = definite aristocrat
2 = possible aristocrat
3 = non-aristocrat


48 1897 membership list
0 = not listed
1 = listed as member
2 = family name listed
3 = family name listed, but extremely common*
4 = one of two family names listed, or family name
listed in double surname
5 = as above, but name extremely common*
49 1918 (same as in column 48)
50 1932 (same as in column 48)
51 1939 (same as in column 48)
52 1943 (same as in column 48)
53 1948 (same as in column 48)
54 1954 (same as in column 48)

55-56 Affiliation with Jockey Club
00 = never listed
11 = life member

*See Appendix for list of names judged to be "extremely common" and

therefore of dubious significance.
- 4 -

.::k No. Column No • Variable Description

12.., active member

13 = first honorary member (under Article 19), then
life member
14.., first honorary member, then active member
21 • honorary member with family name on membership list
22 = honorary member with family name on membership list,
but name extremely common
23 a honorary member with, or of two family names listed,
or family name listed in double surname
24 = as above, but family name extremely common
25 = honorary member only
31 = family name on membership list
32 • family name on membership list, but name extremely
33.., one of two family names listed, or family name
listed in double surname
34 = as above, but name extremely common
57-59 Year joined or year first listed, if active or life member
(000 if not applicable)
60 Affiliation with Uni6n Industrial
0 .. not listed
1 .. Comisi6n Directiva
2 = committee for one of the secciones
3 = member (socio)
4 = family name listed (in any of categories 1 through 3)
5 • family name listed, but extremely common
6 = one of two family names listed, or family name
listed in double surname
7 = as above, but name extremely common
8.., honorary member
61-62 First year listed (last two digits only, as all data refer
to period 1904-55; 00 if not applicable, 99 if "various")

63 Reliability of given sequence in political career
0 = not applicable; no information on activity outside
of Chamber of Deputies
1 = extremely reliable; starting dates known for all
political positions
- 5 -

Oeck No. Column No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _v_a_r_i_able Description

2 = fairly reliable; most dates unknown, or sequence

implied in sources
3 = unreliable; no objective criterion available for
establishing sequence
64 Total number of known political positions (actual number,
9 meaning 9 or more; a digit of 3 or higher indicates that
one continuation card follows; a zero indicates that there
are two continuation cards)
65-66 First political position (see Political Office code)
67-69 Year started first position (last three digits only; 999
if unknown)
70 Number of years in. first position
0 = less than one year
1 through 7 = actual number
8 = 8 or more
9 = unknwon
71-72 Party affiliation while in first position (see Political
Party code; 99 if unknown)
73-74 Second political position (00 if not applicable)
75-77 Year started second position (last two digits only; 000 if
not applicable; 999 if unknown)
78 Number years in second position (0 if not applicable or
less than one year; rest of code as above)
79-80 Party affiliation while in second position (00 if not
applicable; rest of code as above)


1-4 Identification number
5-6 Type of data card (02)
7 Card number

8-9 Third political position
10-12 Year started third position
13 Number years in third position
14-15 Party affiliation while in third position
16-17 Fourth political position
18-20 Year started fourth position
- 6 -

eek No. Column No. Variable Description

21 Number years in fourth position

22-23 Party affiliation while in fourth position
ff And so on, until all data are coded

00 = outside Argentina

City .Qf Buenos Aires

11 = City of Buenos Aires (Capital Federal)

21 = Province of Buenos Aires

22 = Corrientes
23 = Entre R!os
24 = Santa Fe

Old Northwest
31 = Catamarca
32 = Jujuy
33 = La Rioja
34 = Salta
35 = TucumJn

~ 2f Interior
41 = Comodoro Rivadavia
42 = Cordoba
43 = Chubut
44 = Eva Peron
45 = Formosa
46 = Mendoza
47 = Misiones
48 =Neuquen
Argentine Codebook

49 = Presidente Peron

50 = R:l'.o Negro

51 = Santa Cruz

52 = San Juan

53 = San Luis

54 = Santiago del Estero

55 = Tierra del Fuego

99 = unknown

Laborers, Clerks, and Miscellany

10 = urban laborer, occupation unknown

11 = tramway worker (tranviario)

12 = railroad worker

13 = union leader

14 = telephone worker

15 = mechanic

16 = tailor

18 = turner, lathe operator (tornero)

19 = mattress maker (colchonero)

20 = brewer (cervecero)

21 = sanitation worker

22 = packinghouse worker

23 = public employee (empleado publico)

30 = skilled laborer, occupation unknown (empleado)

31 = bricklayer

32 = surveyor

33 = traveling salesman (viajante comercial)

34 = accountant

35 = commercial employee
36 = taxi driver or chauffeur

37 = livestock merchant (abastecedor de hacienda)

38 = foreman, manager (gerente t~cnico)

39 = clerk (including escribano or notary public)

Occupations - 2

Civil Service, Government, Politics

40 = government worker or bureaucrat, position unknown

(funcionario, oficial del- gobierno)

41 = diplomat
43 = politician (politico)

44 = public attorney (procurador judicial)

Liberal Professions

50 = professional man, occupation unknown

51 = lawyer

52 = doctor

53 = engineer

54 =schoolteacher (maestro, docente)

55 = university professor

56 = journalist or writer

57 = publisher (director de periodico)

58 = architect

59 = priest

Landowners, Farmers, Etc.

60 = landowner (terrateniente), occupation unknown

61 = hacendado, ganadero, estanciero (criador or invernador)

62 = farmer (agricultor)

63 = vintner (grapegrower, bodeguero)

64 = sugar-cane grower (can'ero, azucarero)

65 = colonizer (colonizador)
66 = agronomist (ingeniero agronomo)
67 = veterinarian
Occupations - 3


70 = businessman (empresario, etc.), no further information

71 = industrialist

72 = banker

73 = merchant ( comerciante)

74 = auctioneer (martillero)

75 = financier (financista, rentista)

76 = hotelkeeper
77 = sugar mill owner

78 = realtor (propietario)


80 = military man, branch and rank unknown

81 = army officer, rank unknown
82 = army General

83 = army Coronel or Tte. Coronel

84 = army Major

85 = naval officer, rank unknown

86 = navy Admiral


87 = naturalist
88 = physicist

89 = numismatist
90 = chemist
91 = philosopher

92 = economist

93 = sociologist

94 = scientist (field unspecified)

Occupations - 4

95 = dentist
96 = historian
97 = meteorologist
98 = literary critic


99 = unknown

National Executive

01 = President

02 = Vice-President

11 = Cabinet member

12 = Subsecretario

13 = head of Departamento (including census bureau)

14 = on directorate of central agency (e.g., Banco de la Nacion)

15 = on national committee, commission, or council

16 = other appointment, bureaucrat, or funcionario (including

federal district attorney)

17 = Interventor (or territorial governor)

18 = consultant or legal representative

19 = high military command

National Legislature

20 = Senator
21 = Senator and Senate officer

22 = Deputy

23 = Deputy and Chamber officer

24 = delegado (to Chamber)

25 = Senate functionary or bureaucrat

26 = Chamber functionary or bureaucrat

Provincial Executive

30 = Governor (either constitutional or interim)

31 = Vice-Governor

32 = Secretario or Ministro
33 = head of Departarnento (including Policia)
Offices - ,2

34 = on directorate of provincial agency

35 = on provincial committee or commission

36 = other appointment, bureaucrat, or funcionario

37 = consultant or legal representative

38 = Subsecretario

Provincial Legislature

40 = Senator

41 = Senator and Senate officer

42 = Deputy

43 = Deputy and Cbamber officer

44 = delegado

45 = Senate functionary or bureaucrat

46 = Chamber functionary or bureaucrat

47 = diputado constituyente

City of Buenos Aires

50 = Intendente

51 = Secretario (member of executive board)

52 = Concejo Deliberante

53 = member and officer of Concejo Deliberante

54 = on special committee or commission

55 = other appointment, bureaucrat, or funcionario

56 = consultant or legal representative

57 = Jefe de Policia

58 = head of municipal agency

Offices - 3

County Government
49 = county-level Jefe de Policia

59 = concejal de partido

Other Municipal Government (or Departamento)

60 = Intendente Municipal

61 = member of executive board

62 = Concejo Municipal

63 = member and officer of Concejo Municipal

64 = on special committee or connnission
65 = other appointment, bureaucrat, or funcionario
67 = Jefe or Intendente de Policia

68 = on directorate of public service board (e.g., ports,


69 = deputy to municipal constitutional convention


70 = Justice of Supreme Court

71 = federal Judge

72 = provincial Judge

73 = local judge (or justice of the peace)

74 = legal clerk or functionary

75 = member of special legal bench

76 = member of special jury

77 = provincial district attorney or "public defender"

78 = local district attorney or public defender

79 = federal attorney
Offices - 4

Diplomatic Corps

80 = major ambassadorial post: Brazil, Chile, United States,

England, France, Italy, Germany, United Nations

81 = minor ambassadorial post: any other

82 = member of embassy staff (including military attache)

83 = special diplomatic mission

84 = unspecified ambassadorial post

Political Party

90 = head of national committee

91 = member of national connnittee

92 = provincial jefe politico
93 = local jefe politico
94 = active, but position unspecified


95 ='technical adviser

96 = presidential aide

Traditional Oligarchic Parties

01 = Partido Autonomista Nacional (PAN)

02 = Oficial

03 = Unido

04 = Uni~n Popular
05 = Uni.on Nacional

06 = Roquista

07 = Autonomista

08 = Unic5'n c{vica

09 = Constitucionalista

10 = Anticonstitucionalista
11 = Oposicion

12 = Junta de N. P.

13 = Situacionista

National Conservative Parties

15 = Conservador
16 = Democrata Nacional

17 = Oficialis ta

18 = Concordancia
19 = Concordancia Civica

Local Conservative Parties

20 = Autonomista Gubernista

21 = Liberal

22 = Liberal Gubernista

23 = Popular
Parties - 2

24 = Deniocrata

25 = Uni~n, Comercio y Producci6n

26 = Provincial

27 = Uni6n Provincial

28 = Defensa Provincial

29 = Unibn Democratica

30 = Coalicia'n

31 = Concentraci6n Conservadora
32 = Concentracion Civica

33 = Concentracion Popular

34 = Popular, Comercio e Industria y Liberal

35 = Coalici~n Liberal Autonomista

36 = Frente Unico

37 = Principista

38 = Autonomista y Liberal Acuerdista

Progressive Parties

41 = Liga del Sur

42 = Partido Dem6crata Progresista (PDP)

43 - Agrario

44 = Alianza Demtcrata-Socialista

Radical Parties
51 = Union Civica Radical (UCR)

52 = UCR Tradicional

531= Union Civica Radical Antipersonalista (UCRAP)

54 = UCR Concurrencista

55 = Radical Disidente
Parties - 3

56 = Radical Azul

57 = Radical 0ficialista

58 = Radical Blanco

59 = Radical Situacionista

60 = Radical Negro

61 = Radical Intransigente

62 = UCR Bloquista

63 = UCR Unificada

64 = UCR Federalista

65 = UCR Junta Reorganizadora Nacional

66 = UCR Independiente

67 = UCR Lencinista

68 = UCR de San Juan

69 = UCR De Santa Fe
70 = UCR de Tucuman

71 = UCR Intransigente

72 = UCR del Pueblo

75 = Coalicitn Radical-Democrata
76 = Union ---
Democratica (of the year 1946)

Socialist Parties

81 = Socialista
82 = Socialista Independiente

Peronist Parties

91 = Peronista

Independent Parties

95 = Independiente (orientation varies)

QQ "' 11n1'-nnr,1n

The following names have been judged as extremely "common" --

and therefore of very limited value in tracing kinship ties to member-
ship in associational organizations -- because of their frequent
appearance within the Argentine Chamber of Deputies or, more generally,
within Hispanic culture:















5 The digit 9 means that the individual was not included in most
of the search for biographical information, particularly re-
garding social status, and should probably be excluded from
any analysis of variables relevant to such matters.

23-24 Where birthplace is listed as simply "Buenos Aires" the code

refers to the City of Buenos Aires, as distinct from the

28 All people known to have been lawyers, doctors, professors, and

engineers are assumed to have had a university education.

34-41 Categories for occupations are often ambiguous and sometimes

overlap. It is particularly possible that "clerk" or "notary
public" (code= 39) and "government worker" (code= 40) and
"public attorney" (code= 44) refer to the same position. Coding
of occupations was done without regard to membership in the
Sociedad Rural or the Union Industrial, though one can safely
assume that all club members were, respectively, stockmen or

42-43 Of necessity, the distinction between publications ''within" and

"outside" the professional field is frequently arbitrary.

44-47 Judgments by Imaz, D'Ursi Borb6n, and Herrera Vegas made during
extended interviews in September 1969. My own judgment repre-
sents composite criteria, under which a Deputy became a "definite
aristocrat" if: (a) two of the other judges placed him in the
aristocracy; (b) he joined either the Jockey Club or the Sociedad
Rural Argentina as a regular member prior to 1945, at which time
both organizations appear to have started relaxing standards for
admission -- as suggested by sharp increases in total membership;
or (c) one other judge placed him in the aristocracy and he
joined the Jockey or the Sociedad Rural after 1945. A man be-
came a "possible aristocrat" if, at the minimum, only one of the
other· judges placed him in the aristocracy. All others were
classified as "non-aristocrats," including those who accepted
honorary membership in the Jockey during their tenure in the
Chamber of Deputies and some who, throu~h similar surnames, ap-
pear to have had kinship ties with members of the Jockey or the

63ff Data refer to political offices held, and do not include un-
successful candidacies.
Notes - 2

Coding involved a good deal of impressionistic discretion,

and sources were often ambiguous. Judiciary posts were
often confusing, as were positions in the political party:
in some cases it is not even clear if the office of "jefe
pol{tico" (code= 92 or 93) referred to a partisan position
or a joh in somt public bureaucracy.

Party affiliation coded only when precisely known in connection

with the office held (for example: if a man was known to be a
Radical Deputy in 1920-24, Governor of a province in 1924-28,
and a Radical Deputy in 1928-30, political party would be coded
as "unknown" during his gubernatorial reGime; the very great
probability that he was a Radical at that time can be easily
established by scanning).
Acosta• common name
First -1-
Year in

/ " . .,
Aba1qs, ·.:cnJam1.n

SF 12
- - ..
- ---. -·~
l • lI ··-1 ..
~balos, Jose Grccorio Steo 26 000':l.
Abalos, Prospero$ - oo~
Aco5ta, Abel Ca.t 22
··-- _O00":f_ ----· - ---·-
Aco~t.a, Edua.rdo 08 000!'°
- ----·- -----· ---·- .
'Acosta, Guillerrr.o ER 3l. co<>'
Acosta, Juan P. Corr 16 oco?
.- --·--··
Acosta, Policarpo PteP 53 ooof .
"' Aurelio
Acuna, s. Cat 38 Cod/ -~-·

Acuna, Judith Elida Corr ___

52 ,_0010
Acuna, Pedro Iena.cio Cat . no
-- -001/
- - ---~. ·-· -~-·----
Achtval, ·Luis Cord OS COJ).

Ac :>, Esteban P. SL 2li co,~

Aces ta, Enri:que CF 20 0()/f
Ago t..::, Luis f3sAs 10 001$'

At:uero, Santos SL 32 00/ (,,

Aguero, Tcodomiro
de la Luz Cat 52 0011

Aguero Vera, J. Zacar{~s LR 20 OotS

Acuiar, Henoch D.
Aguilar de I-;edina,
-38 0011

Generosa Domitila Sal 52 c,o~

Aguilera, Arr,trico Cord 36 t>o,-1

Aguinaea, Carlos E. Men 42 Oo~':).. .

Aguirre, Diocenes Nen 14 C0:1.3
Aguirre, Jose Urbano SF 26 e>o:i'I

A&--rre, Rafael M. }:en 14 •OOl.f ' ' ' • '

Aeuirre c'~T.a~a, J ose,, Cord JO CO;»(.

Aguirrez,1.bala, !{iguel •
A. S. ER 30 COl.t
First -2-
Year in
Province ChWJ_lber
-------ID# ..

Agulla, Ju~n Carlos Cord 36 't»).-i ! l I

Ahunada, Luis Alberto · Cat 32 00:)..Cf

Ahurnada, R, c. Cat 26 ClO.iD

A;, Ricardo --·R.~'-- .
Albani, Eur,cnio Cl" · 24 003,)-
--- --
Albarcllos, Juan BsAs 52
Alb1rracin, lclinario SJ
-22 0033 ..

--- --·
Albarr.ic1n, SJ 12 Ot::;3~
Alb,~rrac{n, Francisco L. CF 20 oo3<a
Alharrac:fo Godoy, Joree !~en 40
Albortelli, Pedro A. F.
BsAs 54 oo~i

ilbrieu, Oscar E.
Alcorta, v{ctor Stgo
-- oo-;c,
.~4 004() .
02 Oo'lt
Aldao, Ricardo SF 14 00~')...-

Aldaz~bal, :t-:~ximo BsAs 24 ro1f 3 ··-·-. . -·-·

Alr.mfn, Eur;enio SF 20 00'-lti
Alende, Oscar Eduardo BsAs 52 oos.,.r
Alfaro, Manuel L'R 30 00'1~
Alfonso, Felipe S. CF 22 Q)Lf '7
Alonso, Alfredo J. Cord 32 004! - .
Alonso, Jose CF 52 C,()50

Alonso, Alfredo Mis 55

00 ""
Aloy, Antonia Corr 55 OOS'1
Alsina, Juan Jose BsAs 36 Oo$'l...

Alsina, Marcos Sal 08 (Y)/3

A ,rado, :ifanuel Ramon Sal 22 00~'/
Alvarado, !-~anuel R~mulo BsAs 24 oosr I> • ~ t • l
Alvaredo de Blanco
Silvia, Obdulia PteP 53 005"

Alvarez= common name

First -3-
Year in
Province ·--·
Chamber ID.i ····-·
.. ··--~---· ----
\) varcz, Antenor Stio 04 , DOI'/ ' ' t •I +
Al\rarez, Arturo R.
Tue 28 ooJJ
--. -- ---· I
:\lvarez, Ncntor CF /16 ((){'f
·-·~- ·-·--- t
t~lvarcz, Jo:,~ Luis
CF 24
°"° ---- I
Alvarez, ~rose }'.anucl Cord 96 00'11
Alvarez, J\~an Danit.,l Tue h6 OOC,l-
Alvarez, !·~a f:dalcna BsAs 52 00'13
Alvarez Colod-rero, Carlos Cor r 36 ~'t
Alvarez ;J:iycs, Justo Corr 22 cx,fot'
, ~
Alvarez Perez, Vicente BsAs 46 C)Oi:,1
Alvnre7. Perey.ra, lfanucl CF h6 Q)"(,
Al· ·ez Vocos, Enrique Cord 1.i6 IX>C.-9 •
---- -·-···--- ·-·

Alvear, P..:.rcelo 'I'. de CF 12 -~!!j__

Alvina, l·iiguel W. Juj 08 odlo

Allende, Lui::; 1'!. Cord 08 Q)?f

- . ·---·---
Allievi de Golletti,
Celia Cord ss Oo"I~
Allperin, Samuel BsAs 36 Co'73
Allub, Rosendo Stgo 46 OO'Pf
Amadeo y Videla, Daniel BsAs 24 007!'
Amadeo y Videla (h.),
Daniel · BsAs 36 OO'H,
A.~adey, Pedro M. Corr 40 C077
Amado, Isaias R. BsAs 22 01.fl~
Amaya, Alfredo ?fon 06 oo7'f
Am "'
:do, Cesareo Bs[\.s 02 0080
Ameri, Rogelio L. BsAs 34 0081 .

Amoedo, Aurelio F. BsAs 28 t»i1. ~ t ~

, ... t
, First -4-
Year in
Province ,Chnmber IDfl
, ,
Amucha::;tegm., Jose 1

Anastasi, Leonidas

CF .

20 °'''

Anchorena, Joaquin S. rle CF 08 008(, ..

,I ....
Anchorena, Tomas rJ. de CF 10 o,8<.,
Anderson de Lopc_z
· Rouillion, Enriqt:.eta
Luc{a-:.. Neu 55 oc,87
Andrcis, ?ernnndo de CF 20 0081
Andreotti, Antonio CF 46 oa8,
Andreozzi, ?·':anuel Tue 42 ()090
Anello, Arturo SF J.8 IJD9 I.

Annunzinta, Carmelo SF 55 OtR'-

Ai.-1uin, Ireneo de Cord 16 ~f3
Ante1o, Jose N. SF 32 ooq~
Antc:lo, Mario SF 30 txlll'
Antille, Armando G. SF 22 o~9,
Antilla, Di6genes C. SF 28 Odl'l .
Antoni, Jose B. Tue 26 oo1i
Aparicio, N6stor !. BsAs 30 O<l'lf
,I ,I
Aragon, Jose Maria SF 22 Oloo
Aramburu, Juan B. BsAs 18 OIOJ

Arana, Eduardo BsAs 20 Ola;,..

Arancibia Rodr{guez,
Alberto SL 12 0103

Aranda, Macedonio Sal 18 Olo'f

Ar " ~z. Ernesto J. 0105
A.. _z, Ernesto }1. Sal )t:. 0 I o(ip
Araoz, Eudoro D. Tue 28 0,01
Araoz, Ignacio l). r 1() A
Araoz, Jose Ignacio Tue j~

Araoz, Jos~ Luis Tue 20 • C,110 ' I>

First -,~
Year in
Province Chamber
- ID#
, 'I
Araoz, }~ir,uel A.
Tue 0111 •L
Araoz, ~icardo E. Sal 46 0Jll..,

Araujo, Eduardo CF 36 011'3

Araya, Acustfn SF 26 0114

Araya, Perfecto SF
. 14 011,J

Araya, Rogelio SF 12 Ollfo

Arballo, Raul F. Cor r 30 Ofl9


Arbcletche, Anibal P. CF 36 ou&
Arce, Jone DsAs 12 OU'f
, . 46 -
Arevalo Cabeza, Jabcl SJ 0l~O,
Argana, Jose M. CF 46 e:,,~,
A, -
naraz; Nanuel Stgo
00 01)-~

Argerich, J;an Antonio CF 98 QI~~

. ,,
Artonz, Joaquin SF J2 01>-¥
Arguello Lencinas,
Rosario Cord 28 eJl)-,J
Argumedo, Celfa Men 52 ~/~'1,

Arias, Absalon . Stgo 08 o,~,.,
Arias, Jesus Pablo CF 52 01).8
. '

Arias, Jose SF h6 o rlfl
Arias, Jose Inocencio 3sAs 88 0130
Arias Uriburu, Juan Sal 38 (>/31

Arizaga, Domingo A. CF 30 01.3':)..

Arnedo, Rodolfo Steo 20 0133

Arr~ldi, Adolfo BsAs 34 013'!
A1 ......a_go. Alberto C. 01.35'
Artus1, A.~brosio A. ER .)U DJ3ic>

Arraga, A~tonio CF 12 Ol3f/ .

Arrieta, Herminio Juj 34 0131 ~
First -o-
Year in
Province Chamber IDII

Arroyabe, Vicente Juj 30 Q/ 3'1 I ! • I

Astesiano, Carrnelo I. ER 26 Ol'IO

Astorr,ano, Jose CF 48 0141

Astrada, Carlos Alfredo Cor d 28 · 0/4)-

Astra<la, :-~anuel J. Cord 96 0143_
Astudillo, Eulalia SL 04 Ol'l'f-

Atala, Luis Cord 48 ol'f.f

Atencio, Juan J. BsA s 12 01'ft,

Atencio, Juan V. ER ·16 o,~7 -

Aubone, Guillermo SJ · 04 Ol't8
Avellaneda, M~rco
Aurelio BsA s 10 01'1?
. / .
Av~_laneda, N'icolas A. BsAs 14 01~0
Avellaneda (h.), Nicolls BsA s 42 o,s,

Avellaneda, Simtn Cat 30 ()/.{),,-
Ayala Lopez Torres,
Francisco Corr 46 o,s:s
Ayarragaray, Lucas ER 91 015'1
Ayerbe, Lazaro Balbino BsAs 46 o,ts
B~ez, Ricardo Men 30 Ol,fl,:,

Bagnasco., Vicente BsAs 46 OJf?

Baigorri, .
Jose" ;B~ 0/S't
Balbi, Aimar A. BsAs !)t:: o,s,
!3albi, Angel B. ER 30 01'10 .{n, Ricardo BsAs 46 Ollof .
9alestra, Juan Corr 88 OH,)-

Bt ~ino Arana, Oscar

Adolfo* TdF 55 Olb3

:Sarbich, . M. Jose BsAs 22 OJb'j

Barcelo, Alberto BsAs 16 01&5
Barco, Jer6n~~o del Cord 02
. • OI(,' • t
First· -1-
Year in
'Frovince Chamber IDII
!Jard, Leopoldo CF 22 011,7
BarJ, Alberto de .9sA s 20 (Jt(/}
Barraquero, Jul ian Men 93 016'1 .
:Sarrau, Jose CF 38 0l'10
Barraza, Napoleon Stg0 00 01'7 I

Barraza, Pedro S. Ste 0 88 Ol?l-

. Barreiro, Carmelo SF 46 01']3·
Barrera, Nlctar A.* Rio N 52 Ol'l'f ·
Barrera Cordon, Juan SJ 06 on<.
Barrera ~icholson,
Antonio CF 20 (J/7'1

Barrera, Roberto SJ 14 01'1S

F 4
eto, Etelvina I

Concepci~n* Fonn 55 orrt

Barrionuevo, Gerardo Steo 36 0111
Barrionuevo, Teodulfo A. Cat L2 0180

Barros, Alberto Tue 40 o,B I

Bas, Arturo M. Cord 1~ o,i~
Basavilbaso, Carlos CF 10 Oif3
Basualdo, Honorio SJ 34 o,tL/-
Baulina, Ancel V~ Cord 46 018{
Bausch, Daniel LR 22 0/8(,
Bavio, Ernesto F. Sal 30 ()Ji?
Becerra, Bernardo BsAs 32 o,g9
Becerra (h.), Eugenio A. BsAs 32 0t'i'f
Bp-·,, Carlos A. CF 18 01<10 .
Beguiristain, Manuel BsAs 20 OJ'f I
" E.
Beguiristain, Raul :SSAs 55 Ol'll-r
Beirb, Angel Francisco CF 38 Ot'l.3 ~
First -8-
Year in
Province Chamber ID#
• , ..., .
Bc1:r0, r ranc1sc o CF 18 Ol'l'f- ~ ~
Corr 04 OlfS' .
Bel'i.zle, Ricardo Cord 24 Ol'r<o
Belnico.ff, }ianuel CF 52 01"7

Bcltr!n, DfT.aso L. Stg 0 08 Ol'li

B~ltrln, Ramtn A~ Corr 12 o,er,
Belt.r'n Neirot.., Santiago Stg0 28 Ol-oo

Boncgas, Pedro }!en 12 Ol-01

3encgas, Tiburcio CF 34 0'-0.-

Bengolea, Abel BsA s 10 Ol.03

Bcm.tez, Antonio J. CF 46 ()).Olf,-

42 O.l.o.{
Be ·"'"·di, Francisco A. BsAs

Bercetche_., Pedro BsAo .12 0,.0~

Beretta, Eduardo CF 46 Ol.Oi

aergalli, H&ctor CF 26 O~o5/
Serh-6, nart!n S. Tue 16 OJ.of:/

3eristain, Francisco SF 38 0)../0

3ermudez., Manuel A. Corr 18 Ol.ll

3ernfrdez, Manuel CF 48

3ertini, Amadeo SF 46 02.13

3ertotto, Jos~ Guillermo SF 24 o;,,,'j

3ertozzi, Francisco ER 40 OJ.15'
. ~
3erro, Luis Maria BsAs h2 o.t, (.

ierrondo, Adeodato I. SL 00 o~,7

,err..,.ldo, Valent{n Cat 18 o~,s
esasso, Domingo BsAs 32 OJJ1
:esasso., 1-ianuel V. BsAs 34 Ol.20 ~ • r
First -9-
Year in
Province Chamber ID#

Scschim;ky, Grer;orio ?'.. CF 30 0i1~, • •

Biancofiorc, Rafael SF 32 OJ.~

Bidceain, Oscar R. BsA s 48 Oc1~3

Bidetain, ?cdro CF 26 O~J.~

3inaghi, Ambro5io CF 28 ~-f

Biondi, Josefa SF 52 O.;t.;, G,

Blasi, Hfctor A. BsA 5 52 ~d1

Boatt:i., Ernesto C. BsA 5 24 Oil,j_

Bobbio, Luis F. Cor r 42 ~:.11

Boero, Albino SF 36 c,;,30

Boglio1o, Rtmulo CF . 32 o~a,

Boix, Jacinto CF 30 0.2Jl-

Be ; tre, Manuel Corr 14 ¢.;}33

Bonazzola_., Carlos F.
Bonaz~ola., Romeo E.
SF 46
-28- ~3'1- ·--

Bonetti, Marta Julia Mis 55 0;>3'

Bonifacio, Benjamfn CF 16 ~31

Bonifacio, Enriqlile CF 10 Od39
Bonino, Alberto c. SF 48 Od3,
Borda, Josi Antonio Corr 40 OJ'fO
Borda., Julio C. Cora' 14 ~If-,
5ordabehere., Enzo SF 22 O.?~:l--

Bores, Silvano Tue 78 OJ'l3

Sosano Ansaldo, Daniel SF 32 .oJY.f '

Bosco, xl~irno Alejandro CF 55 C:J'f.(

Botinelli (or Bottinelli),

Juan B, CF 22 C.'.J. "I(.,

Boullhesen, Pedro A. Tue 55 O:l'f7 '

First -10-
Year in
Provi~ce Chamber ID#

Boullosa, r-~nilio N. CF 46 O~'f-f l i

Bouc:;.,.;.et, Arturo Cord 08 o.i·'t-,
3raga, Juan Carlo3 ER 46 o.ifo
Bravo, Mario CF 10 Od.5/
Br6ard, Eugenio Corr 08 0.1!~
. . ,
Brigada de Gomez,.
· Josefa Dominea SF 52 0~(3

B~iuolo, YJ.guel CF 32 OJ.''/

Br~zucla, Juan Francisco Cord 52 OJ{{
Brizuela y Doria, Ramon LR 26 o~Si,
Bruchou, Eduardo Corr 32 0.,.57
Bruenerotto, Juan N.D. SF 46 0058
Bri1 -'1 1 Domingo Tue 48 ~'I
Buir!, Dernetrio CF 32 0.:11,0
Buitrago, Pedro Juj 34 __
Bunge, Augusto CF 16 o.-u.~
Bus~nichc, Julio A. SF 36 ~(o.3
Busaniche, Julio J. SF 46
Busignani, 1,:ario Juj J8 OJt.,(
. ,I

Bussalleu de Cibran,
Naria Rosa BsAs 55 O~(a(.

Bustillo (h.), Jos'

Mar{a Bs!s 28 OJ.io7
Bustos Fierro,
Raul Cord 46 0Jfo9
Butterfield, Humberto Men 48 Ocl~<f
Buyin, Marcelino CF 32 o~?o
Cal lero, Ricardo SF 14 0J71
Cabanillas, Jost A. Stgo 12 o;.7~
Cabral, Hu.~berto Cord 38 'O:J.73 I
First -11-
Year in
Province Chamber ID#
Ca ... al, Jose A. <!
40 IOd1f "'
,I .
Cabrera, Anibal Men 18 oa7~.
Cabrera, Enrique 3sAs 18 OJ7f.
Caceres, F.nrique J. Stgo 24 02.71 ..
Caceres, Lorenzo 3h Ol7i
Caceres, Manuel C. Stgo 18 ()~?,
Caceres, ~:anuel E. Stgo h2 t,J9o ..
Caffern~a, Juan F. Cord 12 o~e,.
Caegiano, Luis Carlos BsAa 40 o~8'J.-
Cagnoni, Pedro CF 28 0.26·3
Calca,f~no, Alfredo D. BsAs 46 OJit_
Calderon, Carlos t'l:i t"I"-
Calderon, Casiano .ra uo ();l1J (o .

Cal~ 0
ron, Osvaldo N. ER 32 <J;1B?
Calvento, Nariano G. ER 26 O:J.98
Calvetti, Froilln A. Juj 2.6 . ()~81
Calvo, Nicolas A. CF 08 O~'Jo
:::alle, Jorge Men 26 CQ'II
Gamano, Keli tbn Tue 13 . 0 .t. 'I 'l-
~amara, Guillermo F. SF 46 OJ.'/ 3
,, "
a,Jampano, Guillermo M. BsAs 52 t>:l'f "f
JaT.pora, Hector J • BsAs 46 DJ'f~
~ampos, Manuel J. CF 92 O;J'f f.
:amus, Eloy Prospero SJ 46 O:J'/7

anale, Pedro BsAs 22

andia, Cornelio Corr 34 oi,~
and. i, Alberto M. CF 46 03ao.
. andioti, Marcial R. SF 08 dJo,
,, Jose"
ane, BsAs 48 • 03oi.-- •
First -12-
Year in
Province Chamber ID#

Cantilo, Josi Luis CF 12 0303 • l

Cant&'n, Eliseo Tue 88 03o'f
Canton, Zoilo CF 06 0301

CF 52 oaotr
Cantore, Luis
Capdcvila, Alberto CF
-98 03o1
Capellini," Luis . Cord 38 0308
Capurro, Juan J.• CF 20 ll3o1
Caracoche., Pedro BsAs 18 0310.
Carballido, Dorindo CF 52 0311
Carballido., Juan BsAs 86 031-:1--
Cv.rballo, Raul CF 24 03-t 3


Carbo, Alejandro ER 98
C;;.. JO, Ro:neo 22 03,{'
Carbone, Luis A.. 22 03 /(,,
- ..

c!rcano, 1-'iguol Angel Cord .30 <,3,7

cfrcano, Ram6°n J. Cord 84 03tl
Cardarelli, Emilio SF 20 D3Jf .
Carena, Ezio Armando Cord 52 03).-0
Carena., Roberto Adolfo Cord 55 03>1
Carles, Carlos CF 06 0 3l.-lr-
Carles, Manuel SF 98 03.:,..3
Carol., Absalon Stgo 20 ()3:>-'t
Carosini, Alberto H. ER 18 D3~{
,, ;t
Carus, Agustin J. BsAs . 32 D3.l-l.
ca~~anza, Clodomiro E. Cord 40 03-:,..7
.Carranza, Emilio BsAs 90 o3l..S ..

Carranza, y,·enceslao C. Cord 16 03;i..1

Carrasco., Alejandro M•. SF 16 £)330

First Castro• common name -13-
Year in
Province Chamber ID#

" N L con~
.,, 'd as IR 98 fJ33/ t

Carreras, Ernesto A. SF 48 033~

Carreras, Ernesto L.
de las BsAs 32 033'3
Carrera3, Jose
Carril, Alejandro J. del Tue
-3202 033'f-


Carril, Emilio Donato (133'-

del BsAs 46
Car.rizo, F'rancisco
Isidro Stgo 52 0337
, .
Casal, Raul M. Cord '46 0339
Casfs, Josl o. CF 18 0331
Casas ~oblega, Armando Cat ..46 03'fo
Casiello, Francisco SF 42 03'fl
Castacnino, Htctor ER 52 03'fl-
Castaneda Ve~a, Francisco Stg0 Q6 ()3'13
Castellanos, Joaqm'.'n Bs/.s 00 D3'fw/-
Castellanos, Jose D. CF 24 0341-!
Castex, Eduardo BsAs 08 03'1 t, .
Castex, Ireneo Mario BsAs 'J6 0317
Castiglioni, Eduardo Stgo 32 IJ3'tB
Castillo, Rafacl Cat 90 03't'f.
Castineiras, Alejandro CF 32 03{0
'"'astro, And
" . Cord 86 (>3$/ ;,

:astro, Felit:e BsAs 32 03.()..

:astro, Javier Cat 06 035'3 ~

'~as' , Juan B. Stgo 24 43S'I

~astro, Orlando BsAs 52 0~5
.~astro Frediani, Manuel
L. BsAs 38 c35,
;asuccio, Maria Elena BsAs 52. · 035'1 '
First -14-
Year in
Province Chamber ID#
Catalan, Diego L:\ 42 0358 •
Catalan, E~ilio Tue 22 o3S'tt
Cattlneo, Atilio E. CF 48 03,0
·- -
Caviglia de nocykens,
}!ar!a Carlllen ER 52 03~1

Ceballos, Atanasio BsA s 90 03'1l.-

Ceballos, P. Cord 20 03C,'3
Ceballos, Rodolfo Juj 22 03(il
Celesia, Er~esto H. CF 12 03C,(

Centeno, Dionisio Cor d 24 031,"

Cepeda, Juan SF 16 03/,,7
Cernadas, Pedro M. CF 02 03(,,8
C .eros, Carlos E. BsA s 36 03'11
Claros, Ernesto Juj 22 0310
Clement, Fernando Abel SF 52 0311
Cleve, Ernesto BsA s 46 /J37a...
Cobelli, Francisco SF 52 037'3
Coca, Joaquin CF 24 037'1-

Colina, F~lix M. de la LR 16 03?.!'

Colom, Eduardo CF 46 ()¥/,.'
Colombres, Carlos G. SF 32 0~}7

Comaleras, Esteban N. ER 98 031i

Conforti, Carlos SJ 10 037'1
Conte Grand, Jose Amadeo SJ 48 {)3fo

Contreras, Jose Evaristo Sal 55 031>/.

Coatte, Adolfo Corr 96 038 :.>.
Contte, Jose A. Corr 26 o39S
Cooke, John William CF 46 C>39t ~ ~ ~ ~
First -15-
Year in
Province Chamber ID/I

Cooke, Juan I~ 9sA s 38 03B5

I •
Cordero, Ft.l.ix o. Stg0 02 038(,
-08 ·
Cordero, Fcr-nando !JsA s 0~1
Cordero, Octavio Stg0 16 o3R9
c6rdoba de la Fuente,
Y.arfa R. · . -Cat 55 032,
Cordova, J. Salvador BsA s 46
Co~·nejo, Abraham Sa,l
-06 03'10

Cornejo, Juan E. Xen 55 ~3fl.

Cornejo, Julio Sal 16 b3'f J
Cornejo Arias, Victor Sal 32 t,3fy
Cornejo Linares, Juan
Carlos Dionisio Sal 55 {)3'1 {
Co ... ,et, Pedr.o Leon Tue 16 03'"'
..Cor.ominas, Ricardo .P. LR .26 f>3f7
Corominas Segura,
Rodolfo Men 32 {)31i
Coronado, Miguel SF 12 031'f
Coron~do, ?edro J. ER 98 o~oo
Coronel, Carlos Stg0 . 32 O'fol
Cort6s Arteaga, Alberto BsAs 32 O~o :J.

Cortfnez, Domingo SJ 00 o1o3

Corvalan, Luciano R. Stgo : 16 O'lo'f-
Corvalan, Santiago E. Stgo 16 o"lo(
Correa, Francisco E. SF 14 O"toC.
Correa, Guillermo Cat 04 0'107
Co1 a, Jos6 A. SJ 08 0"108
Correa, Pedro E•. 06109
Correa Arce, Oscar SJ 4~ O'IIO .,

Cossio, Xanuel Tue 40 • o'f-1 I • • lo • •

First -16-
Year in
Province Chamber ID#

Cossio, Pedro Tue 28 o~,a. • • •

Costa, Ignacio J. SF . 24 0"113
Costa, Joaqu{n CF 28 O'l 1'f -
Costa, Julio A. CF 8'>,. 0'11.f
Cos ta., Har!a Ntlida 3sAs 55 0"41 lo

Costa re'ndez, Nicanor

Cor d 30 0'117.
Costanti, Gerardo SF 20 ()'f 18 .
. Coulin, Roque F. · Sr' 28 O"ll'f .

Courel, Carlos D. Cor d 32 o~~o-

Crcmonte, Pedro A. Corr 40 01.f-;)..I

Crespo, Carr.ielo -F. rn · 90 O'l.2-

Crer,po, Procoro ER 10 Otl:i.,
CrLstobo, Gumersindo BsA s 20 O'tl.Lf
Cri tt.o, Yiiguel T.uc 34 o'li! ·
Crouzcilles, Juan Carlos SF 02 0.,_J. '-
Cruz Pais, Juan-
" Leoncio
Cuello, Jesus Cor d ,, 0"1~7

" Orlando H..

Cufre, BsA s 4~ ()qJ.,'
Culaciati, Miguel J. SF 22 {)'/ 3t>
Cuminetti Correa,
Alcides D. SF 46 O'f3I
Cuneo, Francisco CF 14 O'l3l.
Cfuleo, Ra~ B. BsAs 42 ()'/33
Cupri, Alejandro CF 55 1>'+3'/-
Curchod, Amado J. Cord 46 o'l3S
Cursack, ~oberto Enrique BsAs 48 O1'3<.
Ch~.up, Hugo del Valle Juj 52 o'f31
Chiodi, Armando V. SF 40 {)'f3~

Chiossone, Gabriel Stgo 26 ~ 0~31 • •

First · · -17-
Year in
Province C'hamh...,.- TnJI

Dacu.~da, Aneclica E. Corr 52 O'l'(O

Da.~onte Taborda, Raul CF 38 OltJ.i I

!):ineri, Luis M. ffi 18 O'l'I~

D'Anna, Pablo s. SF 32 o~-3

Dantas, JulioS. 82 O'l'l't

Da Rocha, Alejandro J. CF 52 O'l'I $'

Da Rocha, Arturo Cord 32

"""' I,, .
Davel, Ricardo J. BsAs 18 o'l'l7
n,vila, An!bal J. Corr .48 01.f 6'1
n;vila, Y.iguel v. BsAs . 26 04¥1
n!vila San Rom,n,
Florencio LR 22 O'tiO-

Day. Enriq1.:.e L. Men 08 0"$'1

Jose Karia

Sal 30 04fJ..

Decker, Rodolfo A. CF 46 o"IS'~

Degano, Alfredo P. Stgo 34 O'"if'f

Degliuom.ini de.Parodi.,
Delia Delfina CF 52 O'/~S'
Degree£., Juan Rarrion SF 46 01-ff'lo
Deheza, Eduardo c;,-, ::,-..,
Deimundo., Antonio J. c. :9sAs !>G O"ISI
Delacroix (h.), Agust!n SF 40 041$'1
Jel Carril, Luis Eduardo Tue 55 O'l"o
Jelcasse., Carlos CF 04 O'l(,,I
Jella Latta., Jeronimo BsAs 34 O'llo:l..

Jellepiane, Luis CF 46 <>'Ir.~ •

., 52
)el Rio, Arturo R. Tue O'Holf
:Jemar"ni, Alfredo !lsAs 94 O"l&tf'

:Jemar!a ( h. ) , Mariano BsAs 00 0'1'-f. .

Je Miguel., Benito BsAs 24 O~t-7

D!az •-common name
First Dom!nguez • common name -18-
Year in
Province Chamber IDII

De Prisco, Guillermo CF 48 O'l/a • •

Devoto Acost~, Alcib{ades Corr 38 O'lfof
D!az, Carlos A. BsAs 48 oll-10
Diaz, Manuel M. SF 46 0'17/
n!az, Nieuel P. Tue 24 0'+72-
D1a_z, Rat..,
l.l.J. BsAs 30 0'113
Diaz Colodrero, Justo Corr 46 0417«#,
n{az de Vivar, Joaqu!n Corr 46 041'1!
n!az de Vivar, Justo Corr 26 o i./1 '-
Diaz de Vivar, Pedro Corr
nfaz de Vivar, Corr 04 0'111
Di 9ernardo, Almerindo
D. BsAs 52 047?
Dickmann, Adolfo CF 22 O'fi.o
Diclanann, Enrique CF 14 0'18 1
Dietrich, Rodolfo A. SF 40 O'lfi
Di Genaro, Uicol!s A. SL 40 0'113.
Diskin, David BsAs 52 O'f-8"(·

Di Tella, Felipe CF 30 O"IS {

D1 Jorge, Luis SF 52 t,'1-8b
~ .
Dominguez, Carlos
Ju.aquin Tue 52 O'f-87
Dom:foiSuez, r:6lida
Antonia CF 55 0'-188
Dom!nauez, Roberto Cord · 52 O'lj1
Dom{nguez, Rodolfo S. SF 02 Otf'f O

Do~ .nard, Lui~ M. BsAs 06 04-'I I

Drago, Luis Maria BsAs 02 O'l'f~
Drake, Dorotea BsAs 40 OAl't3 I I

First -19-
Year in
Province Chamber ID#

Dri, Roberto ER 46 0 'l~'t '

Duf:,:,.u, Juan Adolfo Men 46 O"lfS

Duffy, Eduardo N. Cord 16 O'f-'tt. -

Duhau, Luis BsAs 32 ot,1
" J.
D~ssaut, Ruben Cord 20 0 Cffi

Dussaut, Santiago
Eberle, Enrique
Stgo 38
-52 o'f,f
Echague., Alfredo BsAs 08 OS'o/ ./
Echcgaray Fr!as, Arturo Stgo 26 t,f01.

Elordi, Eduardo Tue 02 OS"o3 ./

Emparanza., Francisco BsAs 22. ofo'f
r ea., Fenn!n BsAs 26 oSo{
Errecart, Juan A. BsAs 20 OS"o(,

Erro, Saturnine s. Corr 48 oro7

Escalera, Facundo Cord 34 ofol
Escard6 de Colombo
Barrera, Paulina* Chu 52 O!o?
Escobar., Adri~n c. BsAs 08 oJ',o v
Espejo, Juana Alicia CF 52 0$'1 I

Espil., Alberto BsAs 32 (){,~

Estrada, Angel C. SL 48 o~,3
Estrada, Carlos de CF 10
o.f, 'I .,,
Estrella, Juan SJ 42 os-,t
Etchebarne, Conrado M. ER 40 ot,~
FL~hecopar., Evaristo Tue 10 01,1 J
Echegaray, Augusto SJ 12 OS"1f
Etcheverry, Angel BsAs 10 0611 .,/

Etcheverry, v!ctor D. 28 o..<10

F.vto. Francisco F. BsAs 36 o.f~ I ~ ' . '

First Fernandez• C0111nlOn name -20-
Year in
Province Chamber ID#
F.:.dul, Esthor· TdF 52 OS1'2,. ' •
Fajre, Jost denito Tue 46 6.>'1.-~

F~rizan:,, !-!ar!'a Anc:11ca

Romana CF 55 O~i-'I-

Fassi, Santiago C. CF 38 o.n. .f

Fazio Rojas, Lorenzo Stgo 36 o.(1, Ii,

Fedeli Soria, Rosa Cat 55 OJ).,7

Fefnandcz, :-,aJtasar ~- ER 46 Ml.i
Fernandez, Damian
., Cord 28 M1-f
Fernandez, Daniel Cord 20 D!10
Fernandez, E:cpedito Corr 52 OS3 I

Fernandez, !-!ernan s. SL 46 C.s'3'l.-
F andez, Jacinto CF 18 of33
Fernandez, Pedro R. Corr 80 0!3 f-
Ferm.cola, Elena* His ·52 o!3.5
Ferrando, Hanuel P. BsAs 46 Of3(..

Ferrari, Gustavo Cat 94 o.ra7

Ferrarotti, Gabino · SF 30 Of3H
Ferraroti, Juan Luis SF 18 osa,
Ferrer, Gaspar Cord 92 of'to

Ferrer, Modesto BsAs 46 OS'l-1

Ferrer Zanchi, Alfredo

G. CF 52 O(lf-)...

Ferreyra, Andr6s CF 18 ()J"'t 3

Ferreyra, Antenor R. Stgo 32 (:).J£f,'f-

Ff ~yra vfzquez, Jos6

R. Cord 40 ol'f-.f*

Ferri, Jorge SF 24 oS'+<..

Fiasche, Antonio CF 55 of4l
Figueroa, Alberto F. Cat 26 'OS'f-t
-· - - -·--
First -21-
Year in
Province Chamber ID#

Figueroa, Gonzalo Cord 04 o.h·1 •

Ficueroa, Julio A. Cat 38
Filippo, Yirc; N. CF 48 OfS't

Fiorillo, Jua.n : · -
Francisco SF 24 ().{.(,-_

F1eming, Santiago S al 04 O.f.('3

Flores, Francisca A. BsAs 52 o.fl't

Flores de Quinteros, OS'J'J

c~~ila sJ 55
Fonrouge., Guillenno CF 24
Fonrouge, Jes~ BsAs 98 O!.f7 ,

Fonseca., Tiburcio Corr 02 0!{8

Fontana., Alfredo CF 52 C>S-.{1

Forteza, Eduardo Julio BsAs 48 o.{1,0

Fox., ·pedro A. CF 20 .. o.r~,

Fraga, Rosendo }1. SF 10 0/6)...

Francioni., Isaac SF 20 O.!b3

Fregossi, Luis J. BsAs 46 O.fb'j

Frers., Emilio BsAs 12 o~-.(
Fresco (h.), Manuel A. BsAs 30 o.n."
Freyre., Rodolfo SF 06 OJ'~7

Fr!as, Wenceslao L~ . 06 OSbi . '

Fr!as Silva, Jose TuC 08 O.ft:>1 •·

Frtas Silva., Raul TuC 32 DJ70

Frigione, Rodolfo IDS'1I
Frondizi, Arturo CF 46 O.f7)...

f ~oni, Juan Jos: CF 20 oS73

Frugoni Zabala, Domingo SF 14 ~7'f
FUI1es, Linder SL 12 0{7.{"

Funes, Lucio Me n 12 ot-rlt:. • •

First Garc!a • common name -22-
Year in
Province Chamber ID#

Gaeta de Iturbe, Dora

Ha tilde CF 52 or17
GaGo, Bernardo 9s As 52 M7S
Galatoire, Adolfo J. Co rd 42 t,J7'1 -
Galiano, Jos~ SF 02 o.f8o
Oaligniana Segura,
Carlos Men 06 cs,,
Gal{ndez, Francisco R. Ca t 16 O(! ,-:.

Galvagni, Saverio M. Bs As 46 oJl 3

Gallardo, Alejandro Co rd 28 O,.{S't

Gallardo, r--:anuel Stco 20 o.r8.(

Galleeos Noyano, Carlos :Vien 18- o!i c..
Gallina, Cristobal E. ER 02 oSB'1
Ga~lo, Ezequiel Sal 88 Of8S
Gallo, Luis !{. SF 52 0.!11
Gallo, Vicente C. CF 12 ol?o
Gancedo (h.), Alejandro Stg0 22 O.f'll

Gandolla, Arturo SF 12 DJi'l-

Ganza, Marcelino· BsA s 32 M9'3
Garaguso, Bernardino
Hip6lito CF 46 O!'~'f-
Garat, Damifn P. Ill 18 c,.{qf

Garay, Marcelino s. ER 46 ofqb

. ,I .
Garayalde, Jose M. ER. ·22 05'11
Garc!a, Antonio P. L.'ll 08 ot'iS
Garcia, Juan c. BsA s 52 o{tff

s 92 0'100 1

Garc1a, Xanuel CF 46 .Obo/.

Garc!a, Teofilo ER Bo °'1-0\.. •

First -23-
Year in
Province Chamber IDII

Garc{a de Costamar,na,
Elena Lidia SF 55 0&03 ~

,' I I
G~rc1a Gonzalez, Jose SF 90 Okie>'t
Garc!a Gorostiaga, Raul
Stgo 3h 0601'
Garc{a Quiroga, Alejandro SL L6 Oho(,
Garcia Tunon, Eduardo BsAs 22 01,07
- ..
Oarc{a Vieyra, Gregorio SF 04 OfooB

Garona, Juan·A. BsAs 38 O&t,lf

Garzon, Eleazar Cord 94 0&10
Garzon, J?~lix T. Cord lh 0£, II

Garralda, Juan BsAs 26 Oil,/)...

Garrido, Federico 1. Corr 06 ~1'3 ,.

l:l~ Allen.~e, Juan E.
L"o SL 16 01i,1f
Gashu, AnGcl Kiyoshi BsAs 55 o,,r
Gatica, Tebfilo I. SL 16 O&I (o
Gatti, J. Agustin SF 24 01Pt7
Gerickc, Carlos Gustavo BsAs 46 01o,a
Ghioldi, Americo CF 32 o,,,
Gianola, Jorge N. BsAs 52 0/o).O

Giavedoni, Atilio
Gibert, Pedro F.
BsAs 18
°'~'Ob l. ')...

Gigena, Alejandro H•. Cord 26 Olt l.. '?,

Gijena, Aureliano SJ 02 Ob)...'f-
Gil, Xart:fo Cord 26 Ob'l-.(

Gi 1 ~ Mat!as CF 20 O~l.h

Gil Flood, Mario BsAs 48 Obl. 7

Angel M. CF 14 o,l-3
Gimenez Beltran, Damaso Stgo 90 Oial.1

• • • • • • •
Gomez• common name
1st Gonz,lez • common name ..24..
Year in
Province Chamber ID#
., .
Gimenez Varf:,as, Francisco Men 16 Ob3o •
Giufra, Eduardo F. CF 26 Of,, 3 ,

Giusti, Roberto F. CF 20 (Jl:,'3),..

Gno:?cco, Nanuel 1',. BsAs 2h o,s,

., ..
Gobello, Jose. BsAs 52 bfo34
Godfrid, ,Tuan SF 34 Ob'3J

Godoy, Manuel J. SJ 04 01:,'3(,,

Godoy, Ra61 Men 32 01;,37

Goenaga, Pedro BsAs 08 01i,33_·

Goitia, Carlos Inocencio Corr 52 04>3~

. .,
Gomez, Carlos F. SF 98 Ob'fo

C ~z., He-rnfn F. Corr 32 Oi>'fl

Gomez, J. kn tenor SF 28 01,'f)...

Gomez., Jose R. Corr 94 06'1-'3

Gomez, Hanuel Vicente Sal 52 01,'f-'/-

Gomez Grandioli,
Clemente SF JB Ol,'+7
,, u ,
Gomez ..enriquez,
Samuel Juj 30 Oi:,'/-3
, ,
Gomez Pal.~es, Oscar Cord 28 Ob'f- ~
, ,
Gomez Rincon, Abel Sal 34 Oi>.fo
Gomez., Severo A. SF 42 Ot.ct-f
Gomez., Victor }!. SF 24 0""1'6 .
Gomis, Pedro A. J. BsAs 52 Dl,!1

Gannet, Xanuel 3. BsAs 90 04,i"\;. .

L..... zalez, Antonio F. CF 52 06/''3
Gonzalez, Benjam{n S. Corr 32 ()1,{'f
Gonzalez, Elpidio Cord 16 ou.r I

., ..
Gonzalez, Enrique BsAs 26 Ob,n, , • •
First -25-
Year in
Province Chamber ID#
Gon1.alN~, ~rori J\nion·i o Cor r lfl • Ofo.f7
Gonznlez, Julio V. CF 40 Obi'B
. , ,
Gonzalez, Nicolas
... '1 cz, Santos
-5290 0'-1'1
Gonzalez, Valent{n I".en 32 ObC, I
Gonzalez., Ventura
, -
-52 O'-~l-

Gonzale~ Bonarino,
Carlos BsA s 10 Olob '3

Gonzalez Donarino,
Manuel · BsA s . 02 O~h'f _
., ,
Gonzalez Cnlderon, . 06 o,,r
Juan A. ER
, . ,
Gonzalez Funes, Tomas Men 46 01:,i-C,

G ~~lcz Guerrico,
}!anue l.. BsAs 32 0,,7
. , ,
Gonzalez Ira~ain., Hector CF 20 01,'18
Gonzalez Ira.main, Julio CF 42 0,1;1
Gonzalez Haceda (or
Maseda), Hanuel CF 32 01>70

Gonzalez Perez, Daniel . Juj 12 Ob1/

Gonz~lez Zi~.mennan,
20 0'1\.-
Amancio SF
Gord, Blas BsAs 24 01:,13

Gortari, Francisco BsAs 28 Clo'l'f

Gouchon, Emilio CF 96 °'1/' .
·aoyeneche, Arturo CF 16 0b7G,
Goyr, Emil!o 0~"1'1
Grafiena (or Graffigna),
Santiago SJ 34 o1.,7J ~-\
G:.. ..ajo, n.odolfo Tue 52 0<..11
Grandoli, Miguel SF Ob Dt-CO
Grandoli, Octavio SF 04 Ob¥ I
Grana Etcheverry,
Manuel Cord 46 'Oi>8 t.. ' I
,, -26- .
Gutierrez• common name
Year in
Province Chamber ID#
Grasni, A.lfr'Jdo SF 36 , Ot,13 . t· t

arau,. J
ose, ••1·'h ·. 3sAs 20 o,J'I
Greca, Alcides · SF 26 OUS' -
Gren!, Pe~C.
Sal L2 obit-
Grisol{a, oo'ftni.l'rlo J. CF 28 01>l7
Gri.sol{a, Luis Bs
As .30 0639
Oro, Carlos PteP 53 o,~1
Groppo, Pedro Bs As 32 Ob1D

Gschwi:1d 1 Otto SF 22 0611

Guardo, Ricardo c. CF 46 OE>'h..

Guasch Ltcuizam6n1
Fell.pc Sal 08 0&1'3

Oua~tavino, Julio a. Corr 30 Oi,ff

Oubcrvi:ll.e, Mario Arnaldo Stgos~ 01.<f .{

Guerci, Luis BsA s 20 OE>U,
Guerci, Jose, Maria BsA s J8 Ob'J7
Guer_rero, Jose R~faol SJ ~o O&'fl
Guevara, Pedro A. Men 02 o,,,
Guglialmelli, Aquiles
M. BsA s 32 0'100

Guido., Mario ?1. BsA s 20 0101

Guido Lavalle, Ricardo BsA s 06 070'}..

Guillot, C~sar Joaqu:(n CF 46 010'3

Guillot, V1ctor Juan CF 26 010+

Gr ~ldes (h.), Carlos 3sA s 3t 010.(

Guti:rrez, Carlos Ciro SJ 26 O'lol.

Gu ti:rrez, J os: Nada CF 28 0101
Gutilrrez, Jos: Marfa Men 38 o,ol • • • I
Hernandez·• common name -27-
Year in
Province Chamber IDII

Guticrrc1., ::arciso G. SL 04 ~ {Ylt,1

" p • I"
uµz:::an .. ocriguez,
Se3undo Cat 30 0110
Guzzo, DoMingo A. CF 28
Haramboure, Horacio BsA s 48
- 0"71/

() 71 ">-

Hardoy, EirLilio ·Julio BsA s 36 0713

Harispe, Albino H. ER. 32 o,d

Hechem., Ren~ · ··. RioN 55 071J-

Hermida., Antonio BsA s 52 0711.

Hernandez, 3clisario ER 26 0?11
Hernandez, Clodomiro SF 36 tnl9
Hernandez., Dio~enes 0 SF 16 01,1
He.i.·nandez, 1,:anuel Stg0 12, D'7l-D
Hernandez, Mart{n 06
Hernandez, Saba

0'1').. I

Hernandez, Victoria Ste0 38 C1l--3

Herraiz, Pascu~l Men 24 0'7)..1

Herrera, Bruno J. Cor d 32 O'O..{

Hiriart, Juan C. CF 26 ()7l./o

/ ,,
Hoffman, Jose Maria SF 30 ()7).,7

Horne, Bernardino C. ER 36 07l.i

. /
Ianspolski, Angel SsA s 46 07}.1
"/~ ~
Ioanez., Juan Jose Cat 92 0730 ..

Ibareuren., Prudencio M. BsA 5 48 0131

I r' "'lamco,
/ . Humberto SF 52 0731-
Iearzabal, Eloy J. de Cord 12 0133
Illanes, J. Eloy Cor d 36 073 'f-

Illia, Arturo U. Cord 48 013.{ • ' ' '

First -28-
Year in
Province Chamber ID#

Inda, Rt:.f i:io BsA s 32 073(.

Infante, Faustino SF 38 0737

Incara.~o, Vicente SF 26 0138

Inieo Cnrrera, Htctor CF 42 073?

Iribarren, Guillermo IR 42 tn'fo

Iribarne 1 Alberto CF 32 01'1-I

Irigoyen, Carlos ER 38 tt1'1-')..

Iri_goyen, Ignacio BsA s 04 07't3

Irigoyen, Ma;tin ~- 0'7'1"4
Iriondo, Jose !-:aria de CF UO 07'1-l' ..

Iriondo, rlanuel M. de CF 04 07'H,

. d0
I r1on ,rl ,._
,\CSvOr de SF 16 071-7

Iriondo, Urqano de CF 34 07'/-i

h vs, Juan Cord h2 01'1-1
Isn~rdt, A?'turo BsAs 18 tn{o

Iturbe, ?'.iguel Juj 14 01!"1

Iturbe, Octavio Juj 04 O,.!).. .

~turraspe Cabot, 07[3
Federico Cord 24
Iturraspe, Carlos O?['t-
Alberto de BsA5 46
Iturraspe, Ignacio B. SF 24 07.f[

Izurieta Fourquet,
I 01(~
Agustin Men 38
Jaramillo, Jos~ Maria LR 12 07/7
Jardel, Enrique C. Men 34 0111
JaureguiberriJ, Luis ER 26 01£1
,:,k ~ ez, Ernesto Stgo 14 o,,o
CF 36 07bl
Jofre, Hernan R. Cord 46 lo 0'71,L- ' ~
First -29-
Year in
Province Chamber iD#
Juarez CeL~an, Xicucl A. Cord 26 101h3 I

Justo, .~~dres CF 42 0'7o"t

Justo, Juan Bautista CF 12 au,r

Kaiser, Ju~n o. Bs As 36 (f'/1:,(.,,

Kees, -Gaspar Bs As 46 C'7t, 1

Klix L6pez, Guillermo BsAs 46 0163

Ko~n, Guillermo Bs As .34 0,1,,

I,abanca, Enrique V. Me n ,2 0110
Labayen, Juan ER 36 07'1/
. -··
Lacasa, Pastor 3snIS 08 tt17l-
,, .
Lafcrrere, Gregorio de BsA s 9'8 077:J
. , -
LP-~marsino, AnGel M. BsA s 26 0'77'/-.

Lagos, Joaqu{n SF 20 IJ11f

Lagos, Lauro CF ·12 O"l?lt,

Lagos, Ovidio A. SF 98 0'117

,., ,
Lagrana, Hector D. ER 48 0111

Lamas, Luis . SF Oh CY1'7f

Lamesa, Juan B.
Landaburu, Laureano
-2032 01a,.
Lanfossi, Adolfo BsA s 52 o1Bl-
Lannes, Hector L.
BsA s 52 07i3
. ..
" Adolfo
Lanus., LR 38 D1i'f
Lanus, Roberto m 30 01st
Lanusse, Antonio CF 02 01lr.:, -

Lr ::>, Ricardo BsA s 46 01B7

Lasciar, Guillermo F. 3sA s 46 tf/83
Lassaga., Calixto SF 10 •trlif ~
~ I
First -30-
Year in
Provine e r1, ........ T'fllJl

Latella Frias, Do~ato Cord 52 011P ~

Latorre, Aniceto sal Oh 01'1 I

Laurenccna, Hic;uel K. ER 86 019)....

Lavia, Ludovico CF h8 0113

. , J uan 'D;;)•
L av:i.e, Bs As 10 O'T'l'f

La~o, Plt~ido C.- SF 26 0,1!'

Le 3reton, Tomas CF 14 0'1'1 I.

Ledesma, Pelayo SF 04 0'711 .,

. '
Leguizamon, Ar t uro ER 18 01,1
Leguiza~tn, Delfin G. Sal 12 01,,
LeguizamcSn, Luis ER 82 0800
Lehmann, GuillerMo SF 18 0801

i.. _va, tuc1.ano SF is 08o'l-

Leloir, Alejandro H. Bs As 48 o&o'3
Lema, !·:anuel E. TuC 48 o!o+
Lencinas, Jose t.. I'S(. (o
Lencinas, Carlos
Men 20 080{
. washing ton
Lencinas, Jos~ Hipolito Me n 20 o9of.,

Lencinas, Jose Nestor Men 16 0807

Lencinas, Rafael Nestor ?-len 26 oao8
, ,
. '
Leon, Haydee Candelaria 3s As 55 o~o,
Letamendi (h.), Balbino Bs As 46 ci10
Lezica, Faustino M. Bs As 04 0H11
Lezica Alvear, Florencio CF 38 oln...
Liceaga, Felix J. CF 46 oR,3
eaga, Fermfu M. s 24 08,f
Liceaga, Jos~ V. BsAs 55 08 ,.r
Liliedal, Augusto H. BsA s 42 0811c, ~

, .
First Lopez• common name -31-
Year in
Provine e Chamber TD/I
Lillia, Fernando C. Bs As 24 0817 I,

Lima, Vicente Solano 3s As 32 0813

Linares, Luis Sal . 12 D81i •·

Livingston, Roberto
Lobos, Roberto N. 3s As Lt;~ o,~,

Loguercio, Dante N. Bs As 52 081 'l-

Lonc!n, Enrique Bs As 36 og2.'?>

L6pez, Alcides s. SF 26 ,a ..+·
Lopez Anaut, Pedro CF 20 083+,
Lopez Buchardo, Juan
Cecilio BsA s 14 083.{

Lbpez, Cecilio BsAs· 06- 081-f..

, ,
Lopez G~rcia, F~ancisco Tue 36 o83io
1, _ .:z, Gerardo Cord 52 o8l.C..

.L6pez, Hector .S. SF 20 Oln.7

Lopez, Noe BsA s 52 Oh-'f
Lopez, Lucile B. ER 18 082.S
Lope~ Nanan, Julio Tue 08 cB31
Lbp ez, Mariano E. m 06 oiao
Lopez Xerino, Ismael BsA s 36 O~gt
Lopez, Pablo Cor d 52 IJA3 I
Lopez, Pedro Celestino Cor r 10 OJJ31..
L6pez, Pl~cido Guillermo Ju j 52 IJ833
Lopez Serrot, Oscar CF 46 0831
Loredo, Jose BsAs 32 o3'fo
Lousteau Bidaut, Pedro Cor d 22 c,a,.,.,
Loyarte, R~T.on G. BsAs 32 09'#-l- -

Loza, Kariano I. Corr 10 t/!,'-/-3

Lozano, Antonio CF 20 08'+-'/- ~ lo ~ ~
First -32-
Year in
Province r'h--1-.-- TT\JJ

Lubary, Ju.'.'\n J. Corr 86 o8'f.(' . ~

Lucero, Amador Tue 02 ~8'tio
Lucero, Jose Ra~l SL . .ss 0841 ..
Lucini, Raul Felipe Cord 48 08£#3
Lugones Vieyra, Rainerio Stgo 14 OJ&fj
Lujan, Abdon P. LR 32 t>8.fb

Luna, Anselmo Stgo 42 titr, ·

Luna, Natal Ltt 64 o8fl.-

Luna, Pedro Antonio Stgo 52 of/3

Luna, Pelagio,B. os~._.
Luque, Tomas J. Cord Y4 08.f( .
Luro, Peoro o. CF 98 08!~
T ""o, Santiago BsAs 86 o8{1
Llobet, Jose I. SF 92 t,~(g.

Lloveras, Ventura SJ 22 03f1

Llugdar, Elias N. Stgo 42 ~a""
Macabate, :Manuel E. m 52 o2,-a
Xaciel, Antonio · BsAs 28 081:,)-

Macri, Ana Carmen CF 52 c?8h 3

Machado, Angel Cord 98 oi1,+
Machar go 1 Alfredo F. CF 49 ()8l,{

MacKay, Luis ER 46 08bG,

Maestro, Jos6 Angel Tue 52 D8b1

Maglione, Francisco I. ER 32 08b8
Magris, Amleto Cord 32 081»9
idana, Julian Cord 16 0870
Maineri, D. Jacinto BsAs 46 ci71
Maino, Alejandro BsAs 38 ofl'l.-
Maldonado Lara, Jose
Maria Cord 49 0813 ~ ~
• ~ ~
Martinez• common name ..33 .. ,
Year in
~rovi nee Chamber Tnll

}~alecck, Jes~ Enrique Cord 46 oB'T*f ~

}:anncorda, Cnrlos CF
-3232 081ft,
Y.ancini, Rafael SF .
Mandrioni, H~~berto .si\s
B 55 081;
Manguel, Pablo BsAs- 55 cg1a ·
l·!a'ntaras, };am;el J. SF 40 081,
. Manubens Calvet,
Rceinaldo Cord 40 0880
'ti ,,
•. arco, Celestino I • 14 0881
Marci, Cipriano F. ER 24 08&1- ·
Xarco, Teodoro E. ER 52 o883

?~archini, Emilio ER 14 oaat

riategui, Aneel S. ER 46 098[.
Ifarini, !ngel C. SF 48 D88<o ..
Marino, Fortunato TuC 12 0881
Marino, Ram6n* Form 52 lJ833 ·
Mariotti, Jos6 D. TuC 42 IJ381
Marotta, Jose CF °46 og'fo
,, .,
Marquez, Alvaro Cerr 14 08</1
Martella, Julio·c. BsAs 32 08'1.,_
Martinez; Benigno Cerr 06 o81'3
Martinez, Benigno F. Cerr 36 oi1f
Martinez, 3enito E. BsAs 38 08'1.('.
Martinez 1 Darwin
BsAs 52 08'1(,
Martinez, Enrique Cord 18 oH'i7
1,cirt:foez, Erasmo Corr 32 osia
Martinez, Francisco v. ER 24 oi11
· Mart:i'.nez, Gregorio N. Co rd 36 oqotl •
First -34-
Year in
Province Ch ambe r ID#

Nart:foez, Jos6 :kriberto Cord 20 OCf O I ~ ~

~:artfue~, Jose ?-:aria Cord 18 0101...

}:art:i'.n!'z, Juan A. BsAs 02 0,0'3

,, Corr 02 ~,04
!~artinez, Juan E.
,, BsAs 92 o,ot
?-~art:i.nez, Julian
Martinez, Xanuel Tue 02 O'lo(,

Marti'nez, ?-!anuel Tue 36 0'1D1.

Xart{nez, :Miguel Angel SF 55 0108.
,, ,,
Martinez, Raul V. Cord 28 O'fo1
Hart-fnez Guerrero,
Guiller~o BsAs 28 0'110
Hart{nez Luque, Enrique Cord 46' 0~11

•'-' ~.,
~inez Ruf'
Antonio CF 02 Clf t)-.

}!art:ir.ez Zuv:ir{a,
3ustavo SF 16 Of 1'3·

Massa, Arturo H. BsAs 12 o~,'f

:Massoni, Jos~ s. · 3sAs 20 oq,r

Mattis, Eduardo EvaP 53 O'l lio

Mattos, Luis Maria SF 32 (Y/17

Maxi t, Ricardo $. ER 42 0911

Mayo, Ramon BsAs 32 elf ,1

Maza, Deodoro Cat 08 Oh.o

Maza, Isidro D. Men· 28 O'h.J

Nazo, Gabriel del BsAs 46 01,-1,..

}. .oe, Armando Corr 30 oq~3
Meabe, Raimundo R. Corr 24 O'h.. 'f
?-!edina, Justo G. ER .38 O'h....(

• • • • • • •
First . -35-
Year in
Province Chamber ID#

1-!edina, Rob~~:::-to Daniel Tue 55 {11)

, .
Medus, Alberto J. BsAs 28 O'h.;

Melo, Carlos F. CF 16 O'i'l..l

Xolo, Leoroldo ER 14 c,q)-1

I·:cna, Prospero Tue 94 oq30 '
1-icndez Calzada, Joaquin ?~en
. .,
38 o,s,
Mendez Casariego,
· Alberto ER 06 0'13~

Y.endez, Pedro G. Tue 04 0133

Hendiota, Clorinda- SF . 26 O'l 3 ii-
Hendiondo, F. Daniel Corr 46 o~s.(
}'.endoza Padilla, Higuel Tue 30 013"
h .;ader, Emir E. BsAs 40 0131
Xercado., An:;el E. Cat 14 Of38
Merlo, Patrocinio· Men 52 O'l31
Messina, Bernardo R. A. eF 52 oq~o
Messina, Humberto CF 46 09"41
Mossone, Ricardo M. Sal j~ oqt ,_ .
Meyer, Oscar c. SF 22 O'l4'3

Neyer Pellegrini, ..
Carlos CF 02 O'ltt

Miel Asqu{a, Angel J. CF 48 l1l+.[

Miguel de Tub{o, Josefa EvaP 53 O'/'H,
Miguez, Edgardo J. BsAs 20 O'l'l-7
Mihura, Emilio ER 14 O'/~
Mihura, Enrique F. ER 28 Of'+1
M: :ra, Francisco ER 30 09{0

Milbere, Juan Carlos BsAs 42 Oi.(t

•• inones, Alejandro
3sAs 20 . {)({! l- • • •
i •
1st· Molina• common name .-36-
Year in
Province Chamber ID#

Xiranda G~llino, A.
Eduardo Corr h2 01{1 •
}~i t.rc, Emilio :3 sAs 96 oq.(4
· Nohando, An:i'.'bal E\\locio CF 26 O'li.(
Mohando, Eduardo Corr 04 O'l!(,

Mola, }'.ar:fo del Carmen Cord 55 0'1[1

Holina, Emiliano BsA.s .08 O<i-!I
}:olina, Xa:-doqueo Cord 10 · o'll1

l~olina, Pedro C. Cord 12 091,0

l<oUna, Serapio Cor~ · 32 oq, I

lfolina, v{ctor M. CF 88 OClbl..

Kolinas, Luciano F. SF 20 dlb3

. J1inari, p~ego Luis CF 24 oqb'f.
Molinari, Alfredo J. 0 'f'-S'
}1onjard:i.n, Federico F. BsAs 4tj D9blo
l'.onsalve, Carlos BsAs 04 01111
Montagna, Ca~los P. CF 38 oqbA
Nontana, Agapito* RioN 52 Oib1
. ~
}!ontcnegro, Neptali R. TuC 06 0110
}:on tes, Abel SF 49 011,
1-:ontes, Jos~ Antonio SF 16 ocrn. .
lfontes, Juan }lanuel Cord 48 tfl13

Montes de 0ca, Carlos. Stgo 46 0,11-
Montes de 0ca, Manuel A. CF 10 of;f '

Monteverde, Luis BsAs 24 df1io

:M'ontiel, Alcides
Esteban Bs As 46 oq11

Moray Araujo, Xanuel Corr 12 {117 J

?-!oral, Ernesto :r-~. del Tu C 20 0,1,
Morales, Juan ER 55 098o
Moyano • common name
FirRt Moreno• connnon name -37-
Year in
Province Chamber ID/I

" G::rei;orio E.
!·!o:ran, :rn 14 oqg, •
lfore:1.ra, Alejandro E. rn. 22 09'8l-

Horeno, Alberto BsAs 26 o'IB3 ..

Moreno, Francisco P. CF 10 oU'f

~~oreno., J ~ Alejandro BsAs 16 bf/If'
Moreno, Jose Luis 1en
M 46 O'f81
Moreno Bianchetti de
I·:oyano, Blanca
Azucena EvaP 55 Ofh-
V Julio del C. LR 20 ~1B',
Moreno, Pedro Antonio Cord 22 O'I EB
. Moreno, Ricardo A. CF 38 O'f8tJ
:v --eno ( h.), Rodolfo BsAs 16 t/11"
l<oreno, Silverio Cord 52 o'fq,
Moreschi, Humberto P. Iv~en 52 oq~3

Moret, Carlos H. CF 32 091'1-

Morrogh Bernard, Juan F. m 32 0'/1{
!f:osca, Enrique M. SF 16 o'lqto
Mossct Iturraspe, 1-:a,rio SF 32 0'111
Motta Pini, Jose Cesar CF 55 0193-
Mouchet, Enrique CF 32 oiqq
~ouesca, Eduardo ER 18 lcco
Novsichoff, Bernardo Cord 34 loo,
?·1oya, Isaac Donaldo TUC 52 /001-

:Moyano, Enrique F. CF 28 /C1?>3

/, Ferm{n
B~As 04 1004

?-:oyano, Francisco J.
1'; 10 /D1).!'

Noyano, Juan Ar;ustin

Men 26 I/JO t,,

lfoyano, SJ OB IC!tb 7 ~

. ,,.,
Nunez• common name
1st -38-
Year in
P.rovince Chamber ID#

~'.oyano, Rodolfo Cord 32 /oc3 •

1-!oyano, Vir~ilio Cord 06

Hugica, Adolfo BsAs. 02 '"°"

/010 -
Hui;ica, Adolfo CF 38 IOI/
l-':ujica; Rodolfo CF h6 /on...
?•:ur:.iaeurria, Julio W. SF 36 /013.
XUhiz, Francisco J. ~.en 20 /o r'f.
Musacchio, !'1iguel BsAs .52 /011'
}1uzi o, Agust:fo S. CF 20 lt>ll,

Ka6n, Romulo S. BsAs 02 lo ,7

Navello, Miguel V. BsAs 32· foi a
N"''·rell, Claudio s. SF 24· 10,1
Nigro, Juan BsAs 32 Jol.c
Noble, Andre's J. Cord 30 /ol../
Noble, Julio A. SF 32 /0).).. .

Noble, Roberto J. CF 30 /0'). 3·

Noel, Carles H. CF 36 /OJ.I/- .

Noel, Mart:!n BsAs ,38 Jo-,,.{

Norieea, Jos6 V. BsAs 20 /ol.-L,

Noriega, .Juan J ~ SF 46 /()l,,. 7

Noriega, Ntstor SF 14 Joi8

Nougues, Ambrosio A. T'UC 14 Jo).~

Novellino, Francisco m 48 l0'30

NudelMan, Santiago I. CF 52 /o3 I

: ?Z, Jose A. Men 22 /03)-..

Nunez, Pedro R. 3 sAs 20 /IJ33
Nunez, Rafael Cord 18 /tJ3'f •
First -39-
Year in
Province Chamber ID#

Cbe:i.d, Lcon.~.r-do Corel 46 103{

Ocarr.po, Enrique Cat 34 Jo31.
Oddonc, Jacinto CF 24 JCT/
0 1 Farrell, Ju:i.n A. BsAs 18 lo3g

0 1Farrcll, Santiago G. BsAs 96 I03'f . .

Ola.echea. y Alcorta, ..
Pt~dro Stgo 08 Jo'fo, Ezequiel S. de BsAs 22 lo'l-1

Oliber,'.n SF LO /O'f)..

Oliva, Noises J. Sal . 18 ,~4-3

Oliver, ~duardo E. BsAs 08 /o'f'f
Oliver, Francisco J. CF 04 la+{ . .

O.ivera, 3elisario SL 08 /o'H,

Olivera, Guil.lemo P. Stgo 08 lo'/'I
Olmedo, Agu~du '0 ""
Olmedo Cortes, Luis Men ~4 lofo
Olmedo, Jose Miguel Cord 78 lo'lq
Olmos, Amado BsAs 55 /o.f I

Olmos, Demidio A. de Cord 88 /t>J-,_

Olmos, Jose T. BsAs 20 /0.(3 _

Onsari, Fabian BsAs 38 /(){61

Ordonez, Manuel s. Cord 12 10.rr
Ordonez Pardal, Pedro A. Cord 52 Iott-
O'Reilly, Guillermo R. BsAs 20 /0[7
Origone, Nicolls 10~1
Orlandi, Romulo E. BsAs 52 lot'/
r ·a, Adolfo F. CF 02 10,0 .,.

Orono, Nicasio SF 62 /0/., I


Orozco, }1odesto V. C.-i;,• 46 /01,)- ~

Ortega, Rufino }1cn 28 I
/Ob?; ~

lat Ortiz • common name -40-

Year in
Provinee ('h,:omho ... Tnlf

Orteen, Victori~o SJ 03 10,'f Ir

Ort.ii., Alejandro D. Cord 08 Jor.{

Ortiz., Ignacio Sal 86 10,t. ..

Ortiz, Robcrt.o }: • CF 20 10,1
Ortiz P.asualdo, Srunuel BsAs 32
Ortiz de Rozas., Juan M. BsAs 06 '°''
Ortiz de Sosa Vivns,
Don:in~a Isidora Stgo 52 /o1o

Ortiz de zt.ra te, Hicuel CF 28 l01/

Orz~bal., 1fa:riano SF 06 l011-

Osella ?•:~~oz, Enrique SF 52 /073

Osinalde, Rafael ER. 46 lo'7"1
( res Soler., lfanuel E. BsAs 38 101.r

Osorio, Miguel

Otam€ndi, Jost A. BsAs

- 36

Otero, Pedro Ramon CF 52 1018
Ottoncllo., Benito J. BsAs 46 /071
Ovejero., Angel M. Sal 90 108 0
Oyhanarte, Horacio B. BsAs 14 /08,
Oyhanarte, Raul F. BsAs 20 lo!~
Pachano, Felix A. BsAs · 26 loB3
Padilla, Eduardo TuC 18 loS&.I
Padilla, Ernesto E. TUC 02 toB{

Padilia, }1iguel M. TuC 06 108(.

Padilla, Tiburcio CF
. 34 I 687
} • ...lZ, Jos~ E. LR 18. ton
Paeano, David J. SF 38 .I oi'f
Pages, Pedro T. BsAs 16 1010
• • • • • • • •
First -41-
Year in
Provine e Chamber ID//

Pa{z, ,Tuan C. rn 14 /o't, ~ ~

Palac!n, Jos: Men 32 IO'fl....

?alac1.n, '1-1anuel CF 32 10'13

Palacm, Pedro 3s As 32 lo'l'f
. ,
Pa;:i.acio, _Benjam1.n Co rd 32 l~'I!'
Palacio, Ernesto· CF 46 Io, I,,

?ala.cios, Alfredo L. CF 04 11:,,1

Palacios, Jorge A. SF 40 /of a
Palero Infante, Rub~n Mc n 40 /off
Palisn ::-:ugica, Arturo Ju j 32 II Oo
~ ,
Palrnciro, Jose Bs As. 32 1/(J" '
Palu:.ibo, Jose n. Stgo 30 IIO'l..

Pallanza, Adolfo SF 52 1103

Pandolfo, Pio SF 38 /10'/
Pardo de Lavanchy,
Alr.elia }~aria 51" 55 I/OJ
Parcra Denis, Sa~uel ER 94 110,
Parera, Faustino M. ER 94 1/0t,

Parera, Gregorio SF 32 ,, 07
Parera, Ram'on A. Corr 88 110R
Parino, Ed.~undo Cor d 52 1110

Parodi, Misa.el J. ER 26 I JI I
Parodi, Silvio E. BsA s 20 I 11 l.
Parol:!:n., Orlando L.* _ SC 52 II I 3

Parry, Roberto{_) BsAs 20 lll't-.

Pa.cry, Roberto .5-{.Bsl\.s 48
Pascarelli, }~iguel BsA s 32 /11/"
Pasquali, Juan Domingo CF 48 Ill (.
First Paz= conunon name -42-
Year in
Provi nee Chamber IDII
. . J ose~-PD sal 46
Pasqu1n1., .• • 1111 "
Pas tor, Hicuel B. sL 12 1119
sL '.
Pastor, Rc.:,rnalrlo A.
Patron Costa.s, Nestor


Paul, Luis ?•:ar{a ER 55 II~ I I ..

Paz, Alberto J. sF 20 II )-l..-
Paz, Alfredo C. BsAs 08 11:,..3

Paz, Eduardo Tu C lh II;)."/

?az, Eduardo TUC ·38 '/1')..j

Paz, Edvino Alfredo ER . 52 JJ).l, .

Paz, ?fanuel TuC Oh /1)..-,,

I I 'l-8
Paz Posse,. Ra.'llon D. TUC 38
Pe1..-.,, Jose" .. CF 38 JJ),1

Peiretti do Carol,
Francisca Catalina S tgo ·55 //30

Pellegrini, Carlos BsAs 72 /13/

Pellerano, Jorge s. sAs 52 113 l..

Peltier, J. Luciano Men 40 It '33

Peluffo, Luis CF 04 l13t
Pena, Josi CF 24 IJ3r'
Penna, Jose Lucas Tue 30 /13l,
Penna, Jose }I. Bs As 10 1131
'O ,v
.. ena, Ernesto s. Co rd 36 II~
Pena, Nanuel Cord 10 /131
cna, Solano Tue 22 II 1.10
.. p{. ., Vicente Cord 96 11'1 I
•'O ena
- ~l
.... s 0..1..a.'10
., Tu C 46 I/Cl'J-.

Pera; Celestino L. Co rd 04 I ~
• • •
ll'f 3 j
Perez• common name
First -43-
Year in
Pr·ovince Chamber ID/I

Pera, Julian V. SF 06 II 'I'/· • '

Peralta, Anr,cl F.."lriquc I"'!;'
V• 52 1/i.(J'
Perea, Pedro J. Stgo 46
Pereira, Clodomoro Tue 32
Perette, Carlos H. ER 52 li~B
Pereyra, Lui.::; Alberto Cord 48 114?
Pereyra Iraola, Leonardo BsAs 14 lt{o.
Pereyra Rozas, Ricardo :SsAs 20 11{1
Perez, Deolindo SL 36 /I(~
Perez, Enrique S. BsAs 02 1'53
Perez, Felipe s. Tue · 30 IIS'I-
P z, Inocencio A. BsAs 26 , ,s!'
Pe .. ez, Jose C. , , rt11
, · 1· ,. J ,
Pcrez ·1art1.n, ose SF 48 /11..tJ
Perez, Pedro J •. Juj 10 11n
Perez de la Torre,
Horacio BsAs 46 ,,s1
Pcrez Leiros,
. " F rancisco
. CF 24 llf'f
Ptrez Otero, Tito V. CF 52 116 I
P~rez Virasoro,
Evaristo Corr 10 "")...
. ,,
Per:i.cas, Luis
. Stgo 52 11,3
Perkins, Jorie Walter CF 40 ,,,4.
Perrupato, Alfredo I. Men 30 llt,{
Pesenti, Victor R. SF 12 /11,,.
Petruzzi, Miguel BsAs 46 111,7
p\. _ :otti, Juan B. Sal 26 . .
Pfleger, Jos~ E. CF 34 /l(if
Piaeeio, Juan Jose BsAs 52 1110
Picerno, Jose E. BsAs 52 /171 ~
First -44-
Year in
Province Chamber I)lJL

P:icdrabuc1i;... , Car,7:e:o P. St' 36 J /17).... ~ ~ ~

---- r----·----

Pierotti, SF· 48 1173

Piet1·~r.era, 3runo J. 3st~s 32 111'-f
?inasco, So.n tiaeo SF Oh 111{

Pinedo, Federico
Pinedo (h.), Fedc~ico
19 ,, 77
____ ,.

-·- I ----
Pinedo, Viariano A. BsAs oh 1111 -
Pinto ( h. ) , !·'.n.nuel CF 22 ,,..,,
--·-· .
Pintos, BsAs 20
I, B"
P1.nero, Antonio F. CF . 06 //8,
- ·-
Piovano, 1-fafalda steo 52 118')..
. ;' J oso, l'lar1.a
" /
P,,,ue, Cord 28 116'3
-ii6 ,,gq
PirarJ., Antonio S. SF
Pita., Carlos A. S1'' .3h 118(
Pitt, Juan Carlos Cord 04 /IBt. --·
Pizarro, "es t or A •
··" Cord 36 1181
Pizarro Cres?o, Carlos Cord l~O IJ',.J
Poblet Vicela, Arturo BsAs 40 /lif
Podesta, Pedro CF 26 I /'lo
Poggi, Juan F. CF 24 11'1 I
Polizzi, Junn Cord 46 1111-
Polo, Anter.or..:· Form 52 llf3
Pomar, Gre[;orio CF 46 I ,,1,.,_
Pomponio, Vicente E. SF 32
:e, Anr;el L. SF 46 """
?once, Carles Men 04 I 1'17
Ponferrada, Felipe Cat 42 1118
Pontieri, Silverio BsAs 46 I ll/f • • •
First -45-
Year in
Prov inclL.Clla,mho..-
~ ,
Porta, Viet.or ~~. Cord 28 /';J..oo


Porto, Carl9s R. l:l.O I

Pos.aca, Jose B. Cord 52 '

Posse:, Ju.1n Tue 02 U-o3

-, Zulema N. BsAs 52 f J.o'f,
P1~ad~re; C:lrlos 11,. BsA.s 16 ll-OS

BnAs 2h /lO Ci,

Prat Guy., Fernando de Tue

36 /lo,

Presacco (or Pressacco),

Juan P. Co:r;-d 32 IJ.o~
Presta, Jose BsA.s 52 1:,.oq

PtestE, Pascual N. H. BsAs ...52 ll.lo

(Prigioni,_ Rodolfo R.) SF 30

see u571 ·
I .1, Ancel E. Juj 16 l'l--11

Pueyrred~r., Carlos A. BJJ\S 32 /)/;).... I

Pueyrred6n, Horacio
Honorio BsAs 46 12., 3
Que.llet., Emilio Men 20 IJ.l'f
,,. ,,- .
Questa, Mauricio A. SF 40
Quevedo., Jose
c. BsAs 52 ri,1,,

Quintana, Fenel6n 34
Quinteros., Eduardo F.

- 20
Quiroga, Ftlix SL .32 ,,., '
Quiroea, Marcial v. SJ 18 l.ll.o

Quiroga, Hodesto SL 28 IJ.l. I

QuirGs., Henninio J. ER 20 /.l.).)....

R '.nal., Francisco CF 48 J;i~3

, ER 32 ')_:), 'f
Radio, Pedro

Raffo de la 1eta,
Julio Cesar Men 18 J).).$' ~ ~ ~ ~
First -46-
Year in
Prpvince Chamber ID#

Raimondi, Silvio Stgo 40 /l.l..t- i

Ramiconi, Luis CF 34 /J..:l-,
Rarr.!rez, A:nr,deo SF 2£l /1i8

Rrunirez ( h.), Eanuel BsAs 34 IJ.:>.'f

Rana, Eduardo Antonio BsAs 46 /).30

::tapallini, }~art:fn BsAs 24 IJ. '3 I

Ravienani, Er-ii.lio CF 36 ll3l.-

Reales, Alberto H. BsAs 40 ll.3'3
Rcbaudi Basavilbaso,
Oscar A. Juj .. L2 /J.3'f
P.edoni, Aeusti'.n ER 14 /131'
Rl el, }!art:Cn F.R 14 /J.3G,

Remedi, Juan F. Cord 24 l.l31

Remis, Guillermo Tue 30 ll3f
Remonda Mincrand,
Federico SF 18 IJ.31
~ .
Repetto, Agustin SF 3'4 JJ.'/o

Repe t to, Nicola's CF 10 /l-t/'

Revilla, Enrique BsAs 08 I). 'I-:,_

Revol, Pedro CF 24 /J...4./3

Reyes, Cipriano BsAs 46 l;,.'l'f
Reyna, Rodolfo SF 38 12'1!'
Reynes, Leandro R. CF 46 J:i.'/f.o .
Ricagno, Roberto BsAs 46 /J_ '1-7 .
Ri ;ra, :Mariano H.
de la BsAs 04 /.).'fl •

Rinaldi, Luis SF 52 /l..¥'(

RL~cci, Roberto J. Men 22 /l--{<J ~
B.odr{guez • commo~ name -47-:"
. Year in
Province Chamber ID#
Rios, Oct~vio A.* Mis 52 l»J l ~

Ri.i, rrancl:,co Anibal BsAs 14 I~:,...

Rl.• V:\S, ~'). BsAs ..
r f' .l.X
-98 l:>.S?J

Rivero, Julio C. Corr 10 ,~1

Robin Castro, Nnpolebn Cat 18 l.l.-55
Robirosa, Antonio BsAs 04 JJ-5~

Roca (h.), Julio A. Cord 04 l'J.S/

R~cmnora, Alberto L. BsAs 52 1j..f8

Rocca, Luis J. CF 12 /25'9

Rocca, Manuel CF 22 /2..(.0

Rocha, V. BsAs 38 /)..' I

Roche, Lui::; Armando SF 48 1:i,~

Rodas, Alejandro SJ 04 I J..'1 '3
~ I
Rodeyro, Jose Leon CF 20. /l,i., 'f
Rodr1guez, Alfredo BsAs 16 /l.t,S'
Rodr{guez, Calb:to A • SF 20 /l. (,,,I,.
Rodrieuez, c~rlos J. Cord 16 l;J.h7
Rodriguez, Celina E. BsAs 52 /J.&,8
Rodr{euez, Jorge Raul SF 16 ll.lo~
Rodriguez, ¥.anuel BsAs 46 /J..7o
' ., ., .
Roar:..guez, i,:anuel Felix SL 52 )27/
Rodriguez, Nerio }I• . Tue 46 /171...
Rodr1.euez Araya, Acustin SF 40 /273
., '
Rodriguez Arayc>., Hanuel SF 42 /l.7't
R< {guez de Copa, Seferi na
del C. Sal 52 /2..7.J
Rodr!guez de la Torre, Rau1 I .1.1 CO
Rodriguez Gallardo, A.* CR.iv 52 /2. 77

Rodriguez Jurado,
Benigno SL 92 l:J.7i • •
p,..~ ... .( ,,. .. o.,. rl,:, M~,-t-ine.z Pavva..
First -48-
Year in
Prov in ce ChAmber ID#

Rodr{r,ucz ?into,
Dominco SJ 32 l'J.7'/
, /
Rodricucz Saa, Ricardo SL, 40 12.Bo
Ro,;as, Absalon Stgo 46 J281
Rojas, 3uillenr.o Corr 14 ,~al,..
Rojas, KRrcos E. Stgo 32 r,i3
Rojas, Nerio CF
-28lv. 12.&'f
Rolando, F~lix r. CF /261'
Roldtn (h.), ?elisario CF 02 /;l,it.
r: 1 on,
/ BsAs 12
.io Avelino 1287
Romero, Juli.m 9sAs 02 1287$
Romero, Luciano Corr 24 1.:>.Bf
Re,· 'ro Day, Franck Men 22 Ji'fo ..
- 11.,, -
Rophille~ Carlos F. CF
Rosales, Carlos Ernesto SF 55 /.)..'b--
Rosito, H. Oscar CF 40 /2,f?,
Rossi, Jose Corr 46 /:,.,et'/,-
Rothe, Guillermo Cord 12 1.i'tS
P"tt·Jer, r.nr1que
.,o - . I• BsAs 42 Jl,1fo
Rauco Oliv~, Jose CF 30 ll.'11
,, ~

Rouges, Leon Tue 18 JJ.9i

Rouggier, Valerio s. BsAs h6 Jl..11
.Rozas, Jos' Ernesto 3sAs 34 1300
Rubilar, ?rancisco ¥.en 16 1301
Rubino, Sydney Nicolas SF 46 /3/J l-
Ru, Ricardo BsAs 48 /3o3
Rueda, Pablo Cord 24 /'3o4- •
Ruggieri, Silvio L. CF ,32 J3o5 • • • '
~uiz • common name -49-
Year in
Provinc.e Chamber Tn#

•~ - ~ . . ,
• ).,J...1..1
,l.1' BsAs 06 l130 8 i l I I
Ruiz, !·'..::un:el s. Stgo 22 /30G,
SJ 34 /301
..~ u1.z
. (',u1.nazu,
·""' ; J ac:i.n..,o
... BsAs 32 l3o1
Ruiz Huidobro, Pedro Tue .. 06 /310

Ruiz i·:oreno, Isidoro Cord 08 1311 .

Rumbo, Eduardo I. CF 46 /31~

s!a, Alberto Men 36 /313

Saavedra La.-nas, CDrlos CF' 08 13-1¥
. 13,f'
Saccone, Romeo David SF 18
,, .
Saenz, M,.Lrio CF 36 13",
SP~ 0 nz Pent, Roque - CF 06 1s,1 .
Saggese, Aneel SF 32 131B
Saguicr, Fernando CF .12 131?
Sainz, ~tctor Agustin CF 52 }

Salaber, Carr.,en BsAs 52 13;. t

Salab6rry, Domineo E. BsAs 16 l!l-l.-
Salas, Jose ~aquel Tue 32 13-;,..?,
Salas Chaves, Nicanor BsAs 42 13':J.'f
Salas Oroiro, ~Iicasio Cord 14 13:,.!"
Salcedo, Saturnina BsAs 26 /3):4,
,,, Adolfo BsAs 04 13).7
, , /
o6 /3).J
Salva, Jose Maria ER

Salvatierra, "Nicanor Stgo 10 /3),1

S o, Hilario F. 3sAs 52 J33o
Sa.,-:martino, Zrn3sto E. ER 36 1331 ·
Sam-,,erio, Jose M. 133.7.. •
Sancerni J:L~enez,
Julil°n · CF 38 l333 ~
, -50-
1st Sanchez• common name
Year in
}.doJ.f O n. Corr 28 133"t·
~ t

Carlos A. BsAs 24 tl3s'

"' .
S ancnez, ~n e d :-o Cord 48 1i3t,
sfnchez ;de Bustamante,
Teofilo Juj 02 1117
I ; (
Sanchez El~a, Ancel BsA.s 22 133B
s,nchez Loria, Tue 24 /33f
Sc1nchez Soron<lo,
1-:at!as G. BsAs 18 I 3'/o

Sa'°~ch~z Viamonte,
Carlos C!i' hO 13'1 I ..

S anc v::i.amon t e, Ju1io

, h ez .•. BsAs 98 13'1 )...
San Martin, Pedro J.* Neu 52 1343
S;,- r:ill[n, Ricardo
Antonio Sal 46 l3'1f·
San Ron~ de Fallbtico,
Soledad Cord 55 · 13'1-s"
Santa ?-:az·ia, Arturo BsAs 20 l.3'/-1.,
San t,an;ar:ina, Antonio BsAs 08 /3'!7
Sant~nder, Silvano ER 40 1349
SantillcG-i, Enrique Tue 32 l3'19
; ;
Santillan, Jose D. Stgo 12 /3{'()
Santill,n, Zenon J. TUC 78 IS{t
Santucho, Oscar D. Core. 52 13!~
Saporiti, L~is Corr 48 13~3
Saravia, David Sal 14 /!S'd/-
; ,,
Saravia, Jose :Maria Sal 34 /3!~
S, ria, Pablo sal. 22 /35""
Saravia, Teodoro Sotero J uj 46 13!?
Sarniento, Manuel Juj 46 1'3(1 } t
• •
First -51-
Year in
Province Chamber ID#

Sa1·mien to, ;.:nrian~ CR.iv 55 Jg.(, ~

Sarrat, Rodolfo?. T3sAs 26 I 3',.0
Sarr,rntc, Jo:,o Hcibcrto Tue h6 134.1 .
Sastre, Ancel SF 02 /9(,,').
Scandone, 2duardo
Ernesto CF 52 /34,3

Sca·rabino, Francisco SF l~O /3(,f

Schapira, Luis osfas Juj 55 134{

Sc;hlo Lastra, Dionisio BsAs 32 13"1 (.

Seeber, Carlos }:anuel BsAs 48 131.1 ·

Segu{, Francisco BsAs 90 ,a,8.
. ;
Selen, Nicolas
" CF 28 19,, ..

SF 32 1370 ·
Sc:n.prti:'1, Jose a. BsAs 12 1371
Serna, Ezequiel de la BsAs 98: l1'Jl..~
Serrano, Ar.a Rosa CF 55 1'373
Serrcy, Carlos Sal 10 13'7¥-,
Sibilnt Fern~ndez,
Kanuel Stgo 02 131('
Siboldi, Acust{n ER 52 137<..
Sieef, Eliseo ?'.ariO* Chu 55 1'37')
Sierra, 3crnardo CF · 30 /378
Silva, Juan Jost Corr 00 l'i11
Silva, Lucio, E. IJS'O
Silvestre, Adolfo J.3. B~sAs iltl 1331
Silveti, Luis F. ¥.en 14 /38l-
Sim6n Padri!s., Juan TUC 32 !313 -

Siri, E:iilio P·. Bs .{s 24 131'4-

Siri, Obdulio F. CF 22 13'.{'

s{vori, Alberto
Dolorino Bs As 55 /31'1 • "
First -52-
. Year in
Province Chamber ID#
Sobral, Cord 46 I /337 I ~

Sob~al, Edu~rdo G. ER 10 1383
Sola, Fern?..r:do .9sAs 48' ,aa,
Sola, Juan E. 3sAs 36 l3'1o ,.

sAs 36 ,ac,,
Solanet, BsAs ISfl-
30 ..___
Solanct, Pedro BsAs 16 1313
S~lari, Benjfu~{n T. Corr 16 13'1'/-·

Solari, Felipe C. Corr 22 /~ll(

Solari, J~an Antonio CF 32 I~(.

Solari, Justino I. Corr · 10 13'17

, .
f ~dari, Arqullnedes A.E. CF 36 13'19
Soldati, Alberto L. de TUC 98 I 3'l't
Soler, Jaime E. SF 42. J"foo
Soler y Urquiza,
Justo J. ER. 22 1'101

SoI!s, Rogelio J. Bs"AS 26 l'-16'l..-

Somorrostro de Salva-
tierra, Elisa J. Stgo 55 1'h,3

Soneyra, Elisardo CF• 48 l'lb'f-

Sorgentini, !fario
Alberto Bs As 46 II.It,{'

Soria, Benito Co rd 36 J'lt,'4

Soria, Luis?. Stgo 28 l"'lo7
Sorrentino de Santirso,
Rosa Adela · LR 55 /6./1)1

.a, Leopoldo Co.rr 16 /'101

Sosa Carreras, 3elindo SL 08 l'-/10
Soto, Pedro Numa Co rr 36 ,..,.,, • It
First -53-
Year in
Province Chamber ID#

Sp3chessi, Xodcsto A.E. Cord 52 ll'-lrl.. I

Speroni, Daniel C. Corr J2 1'113
Spinctto, Alfredo L. CF 22 I 'I-IL/
Stanchir.a, Carr.ilo F. CF ho l'IIS'
Stegagnini, Luis - ,.,,"'
Stinco, Luis A. S.,.. h9 I 'I 11
Suaraz, _Lt.Jis F. ,.,,"
Subiza, Pa.:,cual BsAs 2lt I "I 11
Sullivan, Guillermo CF 24 t'f~e
S~san, Joso
c. SF 36 ,.,~,
Sussini, !·:icuel Corr 24 J'-/;).l-
Sustaita. Seeber, Hector BS.!1.S 46 /</l.3
Taboada, Dibgenes SL 20
Taboada, Gaspar TUC 26 l'/lS
'l'a0oada ifora, Cipriano

Taborda, Victoria
SL 32
Manuel Cord 55 ll/').7
Talens, Daniel CF 28 I'll.I
Ta.~borini, Jos~ Pascual· CF 18 l'f:>-'I .
Tapia, Nu.111a BsAs 36 l'f3~
Teisaire ( h.), E_duardo sF 38 1'13/
Tejada, Beato M. l'i3.2..
Tejadfl, M. U. l"f33
Tejada, R. Washington sJ 40 J'-13'1
Tenreyro, E:nerio ER 10 1'/a(
Terfn, Julio M. TUC 06 l'f3t-
Terrosa, J.uan s.
:;' 06 l'f37
Tesorieri, Jost V. CF 46 l'l-38
Tr- er, J ose.;v.
••• ER 22 11./3'1
Tierney, Juan P. SJ 20 J'/'fo
Tilli, Pedro Bs As 48
, '"'"' ~ •
First -54-
Year in
Province Chamber ID#
'l'of.:;.nclli., Cre·stc p teP 53 ' 1'1'1.,. ~ ~ ~

Toledo., Antonio B. TUC . 22 1'1'1-3

s. 24 -
Tolosa, Ed~tmdo
,, . .
·.o:anas1.., ,,.:i.c11or10. ",.••

Bsli.s 46
Tomaso, Antonio de CF 14 1"1-°t/(,
Tomaszewski., Eduardo H. CF
. 20 /i/1f7
Toretta., Santia~o D. SF 30 J'l'-18 .
Tornquist., Ernesto CF 06 I'll/,
Toro, Ricardo S tgo 46 /'/JO
Torterola de Roselli.,
Isabel Antonia SF . 5.2 l'fl(1

Torre, Juan de la Men 46 I tf f:)..

!, Lisandro de la SF 12 14.(3

Torrent, ~uan Fr9:11cisco Carr 26 l'IS''f
,,, ,. J'ft'.J' .
Tourres., Leon P. SJ 32
Trebino, Natalia Cord 49 ..
Tressens., Alfredo Corr 28 11/[1
Trianes., Francisco J. Men 28 /'I-fl
Trucco, Romulo B. CF 22 Jl/-f'f
Turano, Francisco A. CF 40 l'lfoo .
Ugarte., J•:arcelino Bs As 92
Ulloa, Jose Nanuel Men 52 '"''
Uranga, Raul
Urdapilleta, Oscar C.

Co rr 46
ur-iburu (h.)., Francisco BsAs
· Uriburu., Francisco M. Sa1

Ur:i."b uru., Jose,. F"1·

e ix Sa1 10 1'1,1
Uriburu, P{o Sa1 02 •
'"' '
~ ~
First -55-
Year in
Province Chamber IDII
Uri en, Er.:-iq WJ "_,esar
> BsAs 38 ~ l'lllf ~ ~ t

Urquiz::i., Alfrc<lo de BsAs 02 1'110 ·

Urtiaga t3ilbao, }:ateo
de Cord 48 1'1'11

usandivaras, Aeustfn Sal 16 l'11>-- ..

Uttin~er, Ctll'los A. Tue 18 1'113 ,'

.., . J ,
Vaca ,;arvaJa, esus Cord 16 JL/7"/
Valdez, Celestino Tue 46 /41.f
~aldcz, Francizco G. SF 12 li/11.
Vale~a, Antonio - I "f '7'7
Valle, Dclfor del BsAs · 94 J'/.18 .·
Vallejo, Luis Alberto L~ . 34 l'1-11
Van Gcldercn, ?'.anuel Tue 06
Va'""l.SCO, Julio A. Corr 40
l'/9 I .
Vnrca, Isidoro Cord 48 J~8l-
Varela, Horacio c. BsAs .02 l'/33
, B3AS 24
Vazquez, Juan C.1rlos l"18'1-
Vazquez Cuestas, Eudoro Cord 40 t'l-8.('
Varela Ortiz, Rufino Cord 84 1'18'4
Vedia, Mariano de CF 96 l'181
Vega, Abraham de la
Vega, Carlos A. de la

Cat 10 ''"'
!'11'1 ·,

Vega, Edberto de la Stgo 30 l'l'/o

Vega, Jose N. BsAs 08 l'f'//
v&1ez, Francisco M. Sal 38 J'l'll-
Velloso Colofubres,
Manuel SF 46 l'f'l3
Vera, Oetaviano s. Tue 18 l'l'l'I-
Verduea, Jose M. BsAs 22 1"1-'fl' •

Vergara, Cat 46 J'l'f f,

t •
First -56-
Year in
Province Chamber ID#
,. ~t 10 l
Ver;;ara, Tor.,n.s A. l'ff? I • ~
,re--,-ara BsAs 18
'i ~.., , ~.,alr·nt1.'......

"'AS 40 '"''
Vernazza, Juan J. Co rd 03 l.ftJo

Veyga, Tomas de CF 14 /SOI .

Vicchi, Adolfo A. He n 32 1¥o')..
Victoria de Ariani,
Elena~i- SC 55 1J"o3

Victo:-ica, ·Benjam{n CF 1856'f

Bs A"'...
Victorica 1oca, Julio
. 42 1io!".
Vidal, Juan R.. Co rr 08 IIO(o
Vidal Baigorri, Jose Bs As 32 1So7
VL .. .ct, Roberto SJ 16 tSo'i
Vidcla, Hor-acio SJ 16 /.$()~
Videla, Rodolfo G. SF ~
)4 ,s,o
Videla Dorna, Daniel Bs As 30 /[11.

Videla Rojas, Abraha.~

Serapio SJ 26 IIl:t..

Vieyra Latorre, ?edro Co rd 04 IS-13

Vignart, Uberto F. BsAs 32 ISl'f .
Vilchez, Mart:fn SL 36 ,.r,~
Vilcrt La !{adrid, Juan Bs As 38 ,,,,
Villacorta, Luis Ren~ TuC 48 ,s,7 .
Villafane, Benja7.fn Juj 20 /$ti
·,• 1.· 1-..La f ane,
""' J ose' ~-
' 46 I! 1'1
Vi. . !·:aciel, Otilia TuC 52 ,.ru
Villanueva, Joaquin Me n 96 IS'~I

Villarreal, Pedro ER 52 l.!'~l.-
Villarrool, Agustin J. Cor d 18 IS~3 • ~
First -st-
Year in
Province Chamber ID#

Villarruel, ~forberto G. SF 28 i ,~~'(

Vi'has, ,Uberto 3 sAs
. 26 ,s~
Vionnet, aodolfo L. sF 32 JS~.
Visca, Jost Zrlilio BsAs 46 /S':J..1
Vischi, -~lbi:io T UC· 46 IS:J.R .
. .
Vi~o, ' 1
J ose, c,e Cord lh IS~'f
Vitolo, Alfredo R. M.en 48 1130
Vivanco, Ponciano Cord 96 1.531
Vizcaya, Lila :'anny M,en 55 l5S;)....
'I?cos o··~ncnez,
" Car1 os sF 04 /$33
War:ie, Eugenio sF 34 IS3'1
Wr - '-.her, Adolfo Cat 22 1535
Weid.."Tlann, Rodolfo A. sF 52 Jf3(,

Witcomb, Alejt.ndro BsAs 40· 1!37

Yadarola, l'fauricio L. Cord
-- ._

48 1..(3j
Yo£ra, Jose Cord 00 isai .
Yold_e, Lauro A. s tgo 18 /!"'It,
Yrigoyen, 1{artfn J. CF 28 IS''f 1
Zabala, Alberto J uj 06· 15''1~
Zaccagnini, Antonio CF 14 II'I-?>
Zalazar Altumira,
Benjam!n J uj 32 JS''I'/-
Zalazar, Jos& Nar{a Cord 16 J.{41-.(
Zambrano, David
Za...-·•dio, Juan Carlos BsAs

Zanoni, Pedro?. s tgo 46 1$46 ..

Zara, Edmundo Leopoldo n 38 J.f'f-f.'

Zarazaea, }:arcial J. · Co rd 30 ,
First -58-
Year in
Province Chamber ID#
r-,,. .."'~"'-: t...-,J• .,Lo,
6-'~"" .. ....
"'• :::-., ."'/.,
t11 ... C? 55 16£1 I

Zaval~, Gilbarto SL 28 l5S>-

Cord h8 JS33,

Zav,1).a O,tiz, Too'::>aldo Cord 35 ISS'f

Za.val(a Gtiz:::in, ..Ubt)rto Tue 11. ,·

Z;..v;:,. 1) ~, J or.e/ ",· .:-.ria
SF 14 15.!(p.

Zavalla, Justo Pastor SJ

-30 l5I7
Zav~lla, Leonidas E:{ 98 IS".(8.
Zcbrllos, Estanislao s. CF 80 IS!'. -
Zerda, .Justiniano de la steo 32 ISloo
Zcreea, Oreste A. Cord 52 JS'61
Bs/"i.s 30 ISfo"l..
Cord 46 /5(,,3
Zunino, Marcelo A. SJ 38 1.S-lo'f
ZuructJ., To;r,as CF 24 l!lo(

Albrieu, Oscar E. LR 46 003~

Goyri, E:nilio ?·~. Ef{ 22 Ofo77
:todriguez de la 'I'orre,

Te.iada, 13eato Kieuel·

Tejada, }':ar{c:.. Urbelina SJ 52
Astrada, Julio l5<oS
P 1mente, Teofilo
- ,sc;to

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